D'Alessandro - Elephant

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Voted against

Health Care Reform1

Keeps voting to spend

billions on war, not
jobs at home2

Opposes a woman’s
right to choose3

It’s about time we had a

real Democrat in Congress,
Not Stephen Lynch.
Check the facts: 1. HR 3590 3/21/10 2. HJ Res 114 10/11/02; HR 1591, 4/25/07; HR 1105 2/25/09 3. www.ProChoiceAmerica.org
We finally have a choice -
Mac D’Alessandro for Congress
Stephen Lynch sided with Republicans over Us.
Lynch sided with Republicans and insurance companies over the working families of our district when
he voted against health care reform. He opposes a women’s right to choose. And he keeps voting to spend
billions on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, instead of putting that money to use creating jobs here at home.

Mac D’Alessandro is a real Democrat. And a great leader.

When Stephen Lynch sold us out on health care, ignoring the need for new jobs, Mac had enough.
Mac has long been a community leader and advocate for new jobs with higher wages for working
people. And now he’s running against Lynch because we need a Congressman who will fight for our jobs
and our health, not one who sides with the Republicans and big insurance.

Join Mac D’Alessandro’s campaign to:

l   Jump start job creation by investing in renewable
energy and focusing on small business expansion.
l   Defend health care reform against Republican efforts
to repeal it.
l   Bring our troops home as soon and as safely as possible
so we can focus on rebuilding our own economy.
l   Protect a woman’s right to choose.

Unlike Lynch, Mac is:

- Focused on jobs, not war
- For health care reform
- 100% pro-choice

Tuesday, September 14th – www.Mac4Congress2010.com
Paid for by the Committee to Elect MacDonald D’Alessandro

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