China Economy Threat or Not?????

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• The GDP of China is around $7.916 trillion, second to USA where the GDP of India
is estimated as $1.209 trillion which makes it the twelfth-largest economy in the

• In China, People living under below poverty line is around 10 percent where as in
India, its around 22 percent by end 2010.

• China’s per capita income is around $6000 ranked 69th in the world where as India’s
per capita income (nominal) is $1016, ranked  142th  in the world, while its per
capita (PPP) of US$2,762 is ranked 129th.
• For India
• Chinese domestic market, which is estimated to be four times the size of India’s. Also,
with China becoming a part of the WTO

• Important aspect is the growing purchasing power of the China’s 1.3 billion people which
in turn is creating a strong massive base to build domestic technology companies

For China
• China is already facing criticism about the Tibet issue.
• Google’s Scam at china alarmed the other giants as well

• The Indian IT firms have established bases in Japan (the list includes the likes of Wipro,
Infosys and TCS and L&T Information Technology), it remains a tough market to crack.

• Since China is a natural trading partner for Japan, it makes more sense for Indian
companies to set up base in China by following a strategy of partnerships with local
players who have knowledge and expertise about local markets

• The hardware angle

• Most of the very few manufacturing facilities in India today deal merely in assembling,
and unless they replicate the Chinese model of hardware development, the MAIT-E&Y
estimate of $62 billion by 2010 in hardware will only remain a pipe dream.

• India Toiling hard to Achieve its Vision 2020 .

India a vibrant democracy with more than 100 crores of people need not be cowed
down in fear from its northern neighbour.

Together We Can….n Together We are Making the


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