Homosexuality and Hinduism

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Homosexuality and Hinduism

Currently, the issue of homosexuality within Hinduism is controversial, especially amongst Hindus in
countries where homosexuality is generally accepted. Hindu views of homosexuality are varying and
diverse, in part because the accepted Hindu religious texts do not explicitly mention homosexuality.

Homosexuality is also a complex matter in Hinduism because of the many types of religious life. In general,
"twice-born" Hindus are prohibited from homosexual acts (maithunam pumsi), such as
in Manusmrti 11:174, which mentions both men and women.

On the other hand, the famous Kama Sutra states that homosexual sex "is to be engaged in and enjoyed
for its own sake as one of the arts." In general, then, the Hindu evaluation of homosexuality depends
heavily on the context.

Homosexuality has an ancient history in India. Ancient texts like Rig Veda (which dates back around 1500
BC), sculptures and vestiges depict sexual acts between women as revelations of a feminine world where
sexuality was based on pleasure and fertility.

There are great differences amongst Hindus as to whether homosexuality is acceptable behavior. The
debate takes place against the background of Hinduism's teachings on love, sex, and marriage, which
might be summarized as follows:

 In Hinduism, love is regarded as an eternal force. It is seen as devotion between two people,
whether romantic or platonic. Hindus believe love and devotion are important in attaining Moksha
or Liberation from the cycle of rebirths.
 Erotic desire or Kama in Hinduism was deemed as one of the most legitimate pleasures on earth
(thus accounting for the vast numbers of erotic treatises, poetry and sensuous sculptures of
ancient India). This however did not mean that lascivious behavior was promoted. Premarital sex
in Hinduism is frowned upon and extramarital sex is prohibited. Sex was promoted within the
context of a loving couple - usually heterosexual. On the other hand extremely ascetic schools of
thought would have viewed sex as a distraction from the pursuit of Moksha.

Marriage in Hinduism is said to fulfill three functions: Prajaa, Dharma, and Rati. In marriage, Prajaa is
progeny for perpetuation of one's family, Dharma is fulfillment of responsibilities, and Rati is companionship
as friends and mutual pleasure as lovers. These three functions are given in the Dharma Shastras, books
that are not considered to be religiously binding within Hinduism.

In Hinduism many of the divinities are androgynous and some change gender to participate in homoerotic
behavior. In the popular Hindu epic Mahabharata, a transgender character named Sikhandin plays a pivotal
role (5.191-5).

In modern India transgendered men known as Hijras have sex with men. They religiously identify as a
separate third sex, with many undergoing ritual castration. In Hindu thought a man who penetrates a Hijra
is not defined as gay. And in the Kama Sutra sex acts involving homosexuality are regarded in some
castes permissible while not in other castes.

Opposing Hindu Viewpoints on Homosexuality

Most of the debate on homosexuality within Hinduism is centered on these three teachings, and how
proponents and opponents of homosexuality interpret these teachings.

Opponents of homosexuality argue that:

 Romantic love is only natural between a man and a woman, and it is impossible for two men or two
women to experience the same form of love.
 Since romantic love is only possible between a man and a woman, sex between two men or two
women can only be the product of lust, and lust is wrong; therefore homosexual activities are
 One of the three functions of marriage is Prajaa, the progeny for perpetuation of one's family. A
homosexual couple cannot procreate, and thus cannot be married.
 Premarital and extramarital sex are wrong, and because homosexuals cannot marry, they should
not engage in sexual relationships.

Proponents of homosexuality argue:

 Nowhere in the Hindu sacred texts is romantic love excluded to all but a man and woman, so there
are no religious grounds to make a statement to the contrary.
 Since homosexuals can experience romantic love, homosexual sexual relationships are not all the
product of lust.
 The three functions of marriage are given in the Dharma Shastras, books that are not binding to
Hindus, and thus Prajaa is not a determining factor in Hindu marriages. Even if the three functions
of marriage were binding in terms of marriages, Prajaa may be interpreted in a number of ways
that do not involve procreation at all. Thus homosexuals should be allowed to marry.
 Sexual expression within a loving relationship is encouraged by Hinduism because it is not an
expression of lust, but an expression of love and devotion to each others' happiness. Therefore,
homosexuals in loving relationships (i.e. marriage) should be allowed to express their love

The Srimad Bhagavatam Debate

Within the Srimad Bhagavatam there are a few lines (Canto 3, Ch.20 Text 23, 24 & 26) that describe
Brahma's creation of a group of demons that became obsessed with sex and demanded sex from him, but
then he became frightened and ran away from them. Opponents of homosexuality believe this proves that
homosexual behaviour is lustful and evil. Proponents of homosexuality argue that the demons were the
children of Brahma, and that this story teaches that incest is lustful and evil (compare to the story of

Ref : http://www.religionfacts.com/homosexuality/hinduism.htm

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