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• f!u_gugt 2. 1993

Wolumt 2. }'tumbtt'S

8e.rvi,ng the UeaLs of the Rostcructun novement

In this Issue: Pa2 e

Questions and Comments........... 1 - 5

F.U .. D.O.S.I...................................... 5·7

Quest£ons Gntl Comments •.•

In the reader's letter, last month, the statement was made that, "You haven't made the issues clear enough. " Therefore, in the spirit of clarifying the issues we will be dedicating this month and succeeding month's Chronicles to this end. As our method of accomplishing this goal, we will be answering a number of thoughtful, incisive questions and sharing comments that we have received. We will also continue reporting additional concerns of interest.

First, allow me answer a question that was asked most recently.. "Do we print letters with out permission?" The answer is no. The "occupation forces" camped at Rosicrucian Park have persistently acted in the rudest manner, to say the least. Therefore, we do not release any specific information about our readers. We keep our files absolutely private and we only print the names of individuals when it is indicated for us to do so. We often learn about individual incidents within AMORe and at the Park from several sources. Therefore, if something that we discuss sounds familiar to you, it is because we have received corroborating information from a number of sources and we are drawing from all of them.

Overall, from the information that we have received, we know that most of the current and past members of AMORe are extraordinarily upset and saddened concerning the current situation among AMORC's staff and at the Park. Our sources indicate that over 90% of the members have left AMORe worldwide.

Overwhelmingly, the reasons given for their leaving are the same ones that we are revealing here in the Rosicrucian Chronicles. There are now considerably less than 10,000 in AMORe. All of the tens of thousands who have left AMORe, worldwide, have not seen incorrectly. All of those currently running AMORC have broken faith with the members, the Masters and the True Order Rosae Crucis.

A number of individuals have written to us, noting that the reliability of both AMORC's and the Park's management continues to be nearly non-existent. When letters are sent, they go unanswered and when calls are placed to the Park they are treated rudely, are given the run around and/or hung up on. Quite a number of

members have related to us their sad tales of the shabby treatment that they have received at the hands of their "brothers and sisters" at the Park.

Some of our readers have missed the early issues of the Chronicles and therefore they missed the early statements of who we are and what our purposes are. Therefore. at our readers' request. I will take this opportunity to restate and expand upon those aspects this month and succeeding months.

"Who are you? I would like to know more about you." We are, all of us, long time active Rosicrucians, who have also successfully filled a nun:ber of roles throughout the Order. For example, my family has been active among the Fraternal Orders for many generations, and myself in AMORe for more than twenty-five years. Curt Warren's family has also been active for generations. His grandparents served with H. Spenser Lewis, his father's and his uncle's ashes rest under the roses on either side of the front door of the Supreme Temple, etc. Because of the above, our comments concerning the current situation sometimes sound ironic or challenging. We are, all of us, feeling the pain of the betrayal of all of those who have gone before us in the Great Work and at the hands of these impostors. Those who have betrayed us and legacy of the Ancients', deserve to be challenged, and challenged more than we have to date.

"Do you have any problems with the Rosicrucian teachings, doctrines and principles?" Not in the least. The very opposite it true. We have only the highest regard and respect for the Rosicrucian Teachings and we are trying to prevent their destruction by these self-serving and generally unqualified individuals. Otherwise, we would not be putting forth the resources, time and effort necessary to inform Rosicrucians everywhere. We receive no remuneration for our efforts. On the contrary, every month we spend much more than we receive in order to keep everyone informed.

Questions .•. Continues on Page 2

The next newsletter will be published on September 2, 1993. To receive your copy, please send a self addressed stamped envelope (or Preferably Stamps) to the following address:

Rosicrucian Chronicles

P.O. Box 111891 Campbell, CA 95011-1891, USA

Page 2

"Do you think they ['the Rosicrucian teachings .. .', etc.] should be revised?" We are all in favor of updating the Monographs' data, examples, experiments and allegories into current language and to reflect the state of late twentieth century science. The Monographs have been revised at different times and reflect the state of this century's science at the time that they were revised. Therefore, over all, the monographs give an uneven reflection of the current state of knowledge. The next statement cannot be stressed strongly enough. None of the current officers in question is even remotely qualified to embark upon such a project. None have degrees of any kind. most are school drop outs, are painfully ignorant of the current and near future state of knowledge and they have grossly overstated all of their qualifications.

"Why did Raymond Bernard form his own organization?" While Ralph Lewis was still alive, and after he had discovered that he was nor to be chosen as Imperator, Raymond Bernard invented CIRCES "out of thin air" and then announced it from the East of the Supreme Temple. He had done so, despite the fact that Mr. Lewis had expressly forbidden such an action. Raymond Bernard ignored Ralph Lewis and continued regardless of the negative effect it has had upon AMORC. This is just one more among many incidents where the Bernards have defied the Imperator to the detriment of the Order. He has done so for personal aggrandizement, personal enrichment and a vindictive attempt to destroy the Work of AMORe and the Lewis'.

"Why did Onslow Wilson leave?" Dr.

Wilson was forced out by slander and other ill treatment at the hands of Gary Stewart, at the behest of Christian Bernard, Burnam Schaa, and the other impostors in order to add credibility to CIRCES and to continue tearing away at San Jose. Dr. Wilson was unaware of the manipulations. of course.

10sierueian Qtbron felts

Serving the Ideals of the Rosicrucian Movement

The Rosicrucian Chronicles is published monthly by the following Rosicrucians:

Susanne N. Mohs, F.R.C.

Nancy Ste.Vigne-Warren, F.R.C.

Kenneth A. Thompson, F.R.e.

Curt Warren, F.R.C.

Any opinion expressed in this newsletter is that of the individual author, who is solely responsible for the content and views herein.

Letters, Articles and Donations can be mailed to:

Rosicrucian Chronicles

P.O. Box 111891 Campbell, CA 95011-1891, USA

' you for your suppol"tl ©R+C Chronicles 1993

• f

"Do you think that AMORe should be only an American affair?" No, definitely not.> AMORe belongs to all peoples and all nations. But, the current individuals running AMORe, representing several nati?na~ities and regardless of their nationality, ~e destroying ~t. They are doing all that they can to dismantle Rosicrucian Park, which has been built primarily by American members since 1927. In 1915, 1934 and 1939, H. Spenser Lewis did not drain the Rose-Croix of Europe in order to build AMORe. In 1946, after so much had been destroyed in World War II, Ralph Lewis did not take unfair advantage of Europe an~ dismantle their organizations or attempt to absorb their resources. On the contrary, the Americans helped the rest of the world to rebuild and asked for nothing in return.

The Bernards and their minions, on the other hand, are attempting to dismantle, to sell and to plunder all that has been built by the members here in America and to put the funds into their own pockets. But, they are attempting to do the same in every country and to place as much of AMORe's worldwide assets into their own pockets as they are able. What they cannot take. they are trying to destroy. The results of all of their actions to date, clearly show that this has been their plan all along to end up with as much as possible and to leave the world, especially America. with as little as possible.

The idea to mortgage the Park and to send $3.5 million to Spain and then to France, was not Gary's Stewart's, it was Christian & Raymond Bernard's. Burnam Schau's, Irving Soderlund's, etc. and they are attempting to do it again. Our sources in the real estate industry indicate that Rosicrucian Park is again on the market and for sale.

Please remember that none of the lawyers and few of the current Park staff are members of AMORe, or members of any other fraternal organization and never have been. Please, also remember that the total salary expenses continue to increase while most of the member staff has been fired.

Please also note that Ms. Knutsen recently indicated that her mother had been a member since the 1940's. The implication was that she had been active all of that time. The truth is that she has been inactive most of that time.

Kristie's mother had begun back in the 40's, but had only received monographs during a few short spurts that add up to a total of about five out of the implied 45 years. In addition. the indications are that she has not

. even studied the few that she has received. Another fundamental misrepresentation on Kristie's part.

Both Kristie and her mother have had their monographs on hold and have not paid dues in years. Sandra Huff has also had her monographs on hold for years and has often been heard, in a bragging tone of voice, that she hasn't studied one monograph in years.

Questions ... Continues on Page 3

Page 3

As you can see, the few officers that have claimed to be Rosicrucians, are only giving "lip service" to such a claim. In truth, these individuals represent some of that small portion of AMORC that are the poorest of students and are not Rosicrucians at all.

The previous Constitution required that the officers be active members. The current officers simply are not.

Please, also note that Dr. Doss, Dr. La Cava, Dr. Taliaferro, Dr. Wilson and many others are definitely D.21 among those who are causing the problems. Their names are being misused by the impostors in the hope of stealing some credibility for themselves.

"What is the cost of running AMORC and where does our money go?". Our sources indicate that the cost of the Monographs runs between eleven cents ($0.11) and nineteen cents ($0.19), averaging fifteen cents ($0.15) each, plus postage. At four monographs per month, that totals to between five dollars and twenty eight cents ($5.28) and nine dollars and twelve cents ($9.12), averaging seven dollars and twenty cents ($7.20) plus postage per year (Or about 3.89% of your dues).

Those currently at the Park claim that the monographs cost between twenty nine cents ($0.29) and thirty seven cents ($0.37), averaging thirty three cents ($0.33) each, plus postage. At four monographs per month, that totals to between thirteen dollars and ninety two cents ($13.92) and seventeen dollars and seventy six cents ($17.76),averaging fifteen dollars and eighty four cents ($15.84) plus postage per year.

Yearly dues are now one hundred and eighty five dollars ($185.00) per year, up from one hundred and thirty five dollars ($135.00) per year. An increase of over 37%. Please note that Monograph costs have not increased.

To be gracious, we will give them the benefit of the doubt and use the higher figures. $15.84 still only represents approximately 8.56% of your dues. $185.00 minus $15.84 equals $169.16 that is not going toward you, the member.

It However one completes the calculations, less than 10% goes toward the member. What happens to the other more than 90% of my dues?"

According to the minutes of the Supreme Grand Lodge, Ralph Lewis paid himself less than $40,000 a year at the end of a productive and illustrious more than 50 year career.

At the beginning of their less than illustrious careers, all of the current officers in question are paid more than Ralph Lewis ever received. Our French sources indicate that Christian Bernard pays himself more than $200,000 a year and our Park sources . indicate that Kristie Knutsen, John Hinton, George Salerno and the other non-member officers are paid more than twice what Ralph Lewis and the previous

SGL received; and more than three times what the previous Grand Masters had received. These individuals are obviously very impressed with themselves.

A copy of a Digest article from 1980 was recently sent to us. In it Mr. Lewis discusses how AMORe funds are managed and spent. The article indicates that "No officers of the Order+Supreme or Grand Lodge officers--receive, beyond a modest salary, any b~:)fluses, monetary gifts, real property, or any other kind of emolument from the Order."

As you can see the current salaries are anything but modest. Moreover, in the past three years most of the s~aff has been fired and yet total salaries continues to nse.

The current Affiliated Body Handbook states that a body m.J.W. secure its insurance from the GL and D.Q ~ dsk. Our sources indicate that this is because the officers are receiving "bonuses" from this source.

According to the figures of the English Grand Master, the EGL "chief financial officer", and the treasurer of the Supreme Grand Lodge, every month between $30,000 and $100,000 has gone to the lawyers. That represents between 30% and 70% of your dues plus funds from reserves. This is their fee for helping to turn AMORC into Bernard, Inc.

In addition, the SOL and the Park still refuses to publish audited financial reports. We have seen the documents and the bills. The little that has been released to date is both fiction and fantasy.

There are several large donations that have never appeared on the financial reports. There is some property in the city of Morgan Hill that was sold in 1991 for over $700,000, a property in San Francisco that was ~so sold and a large bequest that was collected early. It IS calculated that approximately $1.3 million was received in 1991 alone by the EGL. that has never been reflected on any financial reports. Our sources indicate that similar amounts went unreported both last year and this. A number of documents also indicate that much of that money is leaving the country .

In every way, AMORC has become the Bernard's personal corporation. In no way is it being operated as a non-profit organization. He has recently claimed to the Americans that the SGL was moved to Canada, yet it is still registered in California and not in Canada.

A number of people have called and written to us concerning the next information. The Park has announced that the name Rosicrucian is to be dropped from the Museum and Planetarium. Member donations,

. alone, built both. For many years both were free to the public, all of the costs being born by the membership. Our sources indicate that the new "director" has never been a member and has no museum experience. Just as the "personnel director" has never been a member and has never been a personnel director and the "director of finance" has never before been a member and has no

Questions ... Continues on Page 4

Page 4

experience in finance. Kristie and Sandra have had no previous experience in any of the roles that they have had at the Park. This also shows that these individuals are so alien to the Rosicrucian Order and its principles that they are thoroughly uncomfortable to even have the name Rosicrucian near them.

"Recently I was given a copy of the March issue of the Rosicrucian Chronicles. In it Ken speaks of changes in the legal status of AMORe. This, I would like to know more about! Where does this information come from and why aren't the members being told? .•. It appears to be true that the members are not being given all the facts, let alone the truth. What is happening with the Constitution?"

The changes in the legal status were discussed in the last two issues and illustrated with a copy of the current Articles of Incorporation, which makes the changes clear. The information comes from the California Secretary of State's office. All of the information in the Chronicles comes from official documents and corroborated first hand accounts. The members are not being told, in fact the changes are being kept secret from the members because the current officers are attempting to seize and liquidate the bank accounts and properties of the Lodges, worldwide, before the members realize what is happening and stop them. All that the Lodge members need to do, in order to stop them, is to refuse to give them the money and it cannot be taken. The OL can threaten to pull their charter. but the SOL and OL's have given up the authority to grant charters. The OL can try to demand their materials, but AMORC has lost all of its copyrights. All of the Monographs, all of the materials are in the public domain. The board and the lawyers accomplished that "feat" about the same time that they changed the rest of AMORe into Bernard. Inc.

The Constitution has also been changed. The lawyers received more than $200,000 for that project and it turns out that they copied the new Constitution. almost verbatim, from a previous Constitution and from $29.95 book on non-profit organizations. The changes in the Constitution haven't really mattered. The current officers in question have repeatedly violated the previous Constitution and neither the EOL nor the SOL have shown the least compunction to follow this one either.

Comments ...

"The July issue was so good Thanks for keeping us informed."

"I am quite impressed with the Chronicles and am . enclosing some stamps to insure continued reception."

"I am thankful that you have had the courage to face our "situation" squarely."

"I am hoping that as more and more of the truth becomes known to a wider public, that we may some. day be able to return to the Path!"

. "Thank you for. all the work you are doing to enhghten former faithful & long time AMORC members."

"Although the "Chronicles" are painful to read it is important to keep informed, It

"I have always been a walking question mark and you can realize how happy I was when I was privileged enough to get my hands on one of your Chronicles. Well I was about the happiest person in the world."

l;Iow long have you been printing these Chronicles? I want them all, all of the back issues and all of the immediate issues."

"I'm glad that fraters and sorors of conscience have a forum to share their concerns about the unfolding developments in the Rosicrucian Order. II

"I hope I will be forgiven if I find a grim satisf~ction in the financial irregularities in AMORC, the doubling of dues for AMORC members, and Christian Bernard's new "President for Life" status. These developments reveal the moral bankruptcy of the coup plot ... "

'~Thank you very much for sending the R+C Chromcles. I appreciate your work and dedication."

"Rosicrucians are taught early in the teachings to be "walking question marks", yet those who questioned the circumstances of the usurpation of the AMORe Imperatorship have been summarily excommugicated

from AMORC." . ... ~

"The Eggregore of the Rosicrucian Light yet exists and it is the responsibility of each Rosicrucian to find it in their meditations and personal quest"

"I pray that the editors of the Rosicrucian Chronicles will see fit to share this knowledge. In sincere hope that the Rosicrucian fraters and sorors can once again be untied in knowledge of light, life and love ... "

"Received your Jan. edition of the R+C Chronicles yesterday. As always, I enjoyed reading them, but the decline of AMORC fills me with sadness, as there is no solution in sight. The letter from the frater in Canada struck a chord within me, as I had been thinking along those same lines."

In addition to the above, we have received many and various expressions equivalent to: 'Here are more stamps, please keep the R+C Chronicles coming.' and 'Enclosed you will find a donation for you to continue your good work.' 'Please add Frater so and so to your mailing list. I am sure he will want to donate as welL', etc.

Questions ... Continues on Page 5

Page 5

If I am interested in your nussron, so let me know how I can help." "What can I do to help?"

This question has been asked often and it has generated a great deal of thought

There are several answers: 1) Continue your Studies, of course, as the God of your Heart inspires you. 2) If you are still receiving Monographs, keep them safe for the succeeding generations. The Bernards, the Schaas and the others on the board have changed AMORC's legal status and have thereby negated their legal right to demand the return of any materials (neither the Monographs nor the Affiliated Body Handbooks nor any other materials need to be returned). Remember that the lawyers have said that "the members have no more rights than a subscriber to a magazine." Once you purchase a magazine the publisher can not demand that you return it. 3) Please make the address and copies of the Chronicles available to anyone who is interested. If you are active in a Lodge or Chapter. please, discretely, make copies of the Chronicles available to those who wish them. 4) Otherwise, continue more than ever, to be walking question marks and S) continue on your Mystic Path as you are guided by the Master within.

. ~dditionally, it would be most appreciated at this

time, If you could send us some small donation to help cover the printing and postage costs for those of our readers who cannot afford anything. Some of our volunteers have born a larger portion of the costs than others. It is time to share the burden.

F. U.1J.O.$. t. anti Our Pr£nc£p£es •••

In a previous issue a portion of the proceedings of the July 22, 1946 meeting of the F.U.D.O.S.1. was shared with you. There are some additional portions that are particularly relevant to the subject of this issue.


"Present were: The V... 111... Imperator SAR HIERONYMUS. Imperator for Europe; the V~. Ill-, Imperator, SAR V ALIDIV AR, Imperator of AMORC for North and South America; the V.'. Ill:. Grand Chancellor, SAR ELGIM. and the V:. Ill:. Assistant Grand Chancellor, SAR AGNI; the Grand Treasurer. SAR KRYPTOS; the V:. Ill-. Members of the Supreme Council of the F.U.D.O.SJ.: Sar Puritia, Sar Marnes, Sar Gregorious, Sar Renatus, Sar Akhnaton, Sar Placidus, Sar Emilius ... Sar Yesir, Sar lohannes, Sar Am-On-Ra, Sar Emmanuel; SAR LEUKOS ... "

"The funeral eulogium of the V t; Dl:. deceased B:.

Sar AUGUSTINUS, Imperator; Sar LILIUM. Grand Master of the Order du Lys et de l'Aigle; Sar AEQUAES ROSAE CARITATIS, Sar PASCAL, Sar LUDOVICUS, was followed by a ritualistic prayer to their beloved memories. "

"F.U.D.O.S.I. World Conclave"

. "Sunday, the 21st of July, 1946, marked an epoch

10 the worldly History of Initiation. rr

.. "It was indeed at this moment that the regular Initiates of the European and American continents gathering in a solemn Congress after seven years of separation, of war and of dire trials, were at last able to ce~e~rate together the joys of brotherly union and the privileges of the closest collaboration between all the authentic Initiatic Orders."

"The dreadful war which we have just passed through kept the Orders and Societies from all active work or cooperation ever since 1939, and it is only after overcorrnng most unusual obstacles and difficulties, and through secret means, that some contact was maintained between America and Europe during the long hard years of the human upheaval and of the enslaving of Europe."

"But, in spite of the cruel persecutions, of arrests, of the Gestapo's questionings, of the police raids and searches, the sacred and initiatique work never stopped B:"d th~ flambeau regularly passed from hand to hand, at nmes 10 most unexpected and inaccessible places. such as church towers and ancient crypts."

"It was, therefore, with great ioy that, thanks to the valuable frendship between allthe leaders of the Federation, the various Orders were able to meet again in a fraternal gathering and to organize their work."

"Sar Hieronymus' Opening Address" "Message of the Imperator of Europe"

"In opening this Convention which, once more brings together the Representatives of all the Initiatiqu~ Orders of the world .. J want to express my fraternal greetings and bid welcome to all the Initiates of all the Orders, .and I pray the Almighty to grant his blessings unto this Assembly and to spread on all of us His profound Wisdom and Cosmic Light."

"As far back as 1934, it was in view of this impending calamity already threatening Humankind [W.W.II] that the Leaders of our Orders had deemed it absolutely necessary to constitute again a select body of Initiates, like unto those of ancient times, to combat materialism and selfishness in all their manifestations ... "

.. "At that time a new war was imperiling the world

again, and if the danger has been removed it is through the spiritual intervention of the R+C, which has been able to win this sublime grace from the Sovereign Master of all things."

1=".u.tJ.O.$. t .... Continues on Page 6

Page 6

"In fact, war, as yet, is not finished; we are having the same trials, passing hard experiences just as during the war, and it is perhaps the most difficult period of human history. It is in such hours of darkness, of crises, that the Divine Intelligence and Will has trusted unto to His select ones, His prophets or His Magi the mission of showing the way of salvation to men, and of lighting up again on the Holy Mountain the resplendent flame of the Holy Spirit. .. "

"It is to accomplish this great work that we want to prepare, with the Imperator for America, a plan of spiritual action for the spreading of Light into the old world ... "

"The R+C is not .a religion ••• it is a great Brotherhood of Love and Spiritual science ... In its unfoldment it is free from political conventions and strife, but it offers to the great universality of nations a deep reason of reconciliation. In this feeling of brotherhood and in this spiritual uplifting, in this progressive development lies the principle of its exoteric action."

"In such an upset period, when the selfishness of individuals, of nations and of races is increasing more and more, at this crucial point in a cycle of civilization, to save mankind from the abyss of barbarism, of brutality and of frightful cruelty to which it is rushing madly, noble and generous souls are greatly needed, that they may be infused with the true wisdom and science ... capable of facing martyrdom fearlessly and to suffer it for the triumph of the sacred mission to which they have pledged themselves."

"Against the new storm that is preparing itself in the dark horizon of a social world always stressed with demoniacal forces, we must compose our utmost strength for the realization of a great ... Initiatique Ideal made of Goodness, of Beauty and eternal Science, Wisdom and Justice."

"We carry on this sublime Tradition ... with the help of the Invisible Powers of Light, delving deeper and deeper into the wonderful secrets which we have inherited from the Great Masters of Illumination of ancient times who have preceded us on the way of Illumination ... toward the effulgent Light of the Holy Spirit ... "

"The Aims and Purposes of the F.U.D.O.S.I."

"Some persons. whose minds have not as yet received sufficient light, have been wondering why it was necessary to gather in a Universal Federation the initiatique Orders and Societies, which, in their own field of work, enjoy the most absolute and complete freedom and perfect autonomy and independence. To this query we may reply that, more that in anything else. it is in the Initiatique work that the greatest vigilance is indispensable and that a strict and active international discipline must be exercised."

"We must acknowledge. and regret, that their exist many false prophets and a number of so-called Initiates . who use, for selfish and tyrannical purposes of domination, the pretext of initiation to thrust themselves on, and exploit, the gullible and sincere persons. It was high time to warn the public against these false leaders and against noxious doctrines which they taught to trusting souls."

"In each country, each authentic and regular Order knows its imitators and such false prophets. It was necessary to watch these clandestine movements. to expose these impostors or instruments of hidden and unavowed forces, in all countries, wherever they be operating, and thus avoid any confusion between the regular and authentic Orders and false organizations that are harmful or that give teachings that have nothing to do with the Universal Tradition and Esotericism,"

"This immense work which was intended to protect the Orders against their inner and outer enemies has been successfully carried on by the F.U.D.D.S.1. and is now going on."

A.rtt.cles of 'Lncorporatwn ...

An excerpt from the Supreme Grand Lodge Articles of T ncorporation dated 1976:



"SECOND: That the purposes for which said corporation is formed are as follows:"

"(a) To teach, foster and perpetuate the traditional principles and laws of the Ancient Rosaecrucians, to wit, to expound an educational system of metaphysical and physical philosophy intended to awake the dormant and latent faculties of the individual whereby he may utilize to a better advantage his natural talents and lead a happier and more useful life; to accomplish this through a method of personal instruction and guidance wherein the member is taught the significance and application of cosmic and natural laws. uniting into one livable philosophy, metaphysical idealism and such practical sciences as physics, chemistry, biology, physiology and psychology;"

"(b) To foster the spirit of brotherhood and fellowship among men, particularly among its members;"

"(c) To retain and maintain fraternal and spiritual relations with the duly constituted Supreme Bodies of the "Order Rosea Crucis" throughout the world; II

.Art£C!es ••• Continues on Page 7

Page 7

~ "(d) To establish and maintain subordinate lodges

throughout its territorial jurisdiction and in accordance with the provisions of its constitution, charge and collect such dues and fix such qualifications as a prerequisite for membership as the board of directors from time to time may deem meet and proper for the best interests of the Order."

"THIRD: that the place where the principal business of said corporation is to be transacted and where its college or seminary is to be conducted in the City of San Jose, County of Santa Clara. State of California. "

"FOURTH: That the term for which said corporation is to exist is perpetual. II

For a complete copy of the original Articles of Incorporation or the original Constitution please send $5.00 each to cover printing costs.

Our I'r£nc£p£es ...

The comment was made that some of our readers do not know what we stand for or what our principles are.

Our principles are the same as the above statements of the F.V.D.O.S.1. and the true Supreme Grand Lodge.

Allow me to quote from H. Spenser Lewis. 1934: " ... Some publishers who have a large quantity of unsold books on hand which discerning readers have already discovered to be worthless have thought that through personal inducements they could secure my recommendation and unload these books upon our members. I have rejected a thousand such propositions ... for I want to continue deserving the opinion which our members now have ... this shows what a power there is in our organization and while it might be a power that could be wrongly used for a brief period by wrongly taking advantage of the faith of our members, such a thing would soon annihilate itself and the great power residing in the cooperative action of our members would be lost ... The faith of our members in the integrity of the Supreme Grand Lodge and its officers today is like that which the members have had in their superior officers in all ages of the past and it is the one thing that has made the Rosicrucian Order the oldest continuous society of fraternal activity and spiritual unfoldment known to man and we mean to maintain this regardless of any sacrifices that must be made or any personal inconveniences that come in our path."

"Fraternally, "

"H. Spenser Lewis"

• •

Next. allow me to quote from Ralph M. Lewis:

"The Imperator's principle responsibility is to the Order as alYh2k.; never just a segment of it"

"Creatiyity in the office of the Imperator concerns at all times the new and the modem. and how it can be applied to the benefit of the Order. Yet such activity must never destroy or diminish the spirit of the Order. The Order's rituals and ceremonies must be continued. but never attaching themselves to any formal sects and patterned thereafter."

"AMORC also is not just another school. We could perhaps enlarge the Order's membership by deletion of its mystical spirit, its ceremonies and rituals. But the Order, then, would have died, and whoever was the cause of such would be its assassin."

"AMORC will rise and fall with the varying economic and political changes throughout the world, since it is worldwide in extent. But it is our duty, as Rosicrucians. to give it immortality ... be always reminded of a phrase written by Dr. H. Spenser Lewis, my beloved father, in his last Will and Testament published in the September 1939 issue of the Rosicrucian Piiest, in referring to the obligations of officers:"

"'And may nothing ever tempt them to break faith or yield one iota. nor give tribute to the enemies of Light, but be ready at all times, as I have been, to sacrifice all, even life itself, to defend the Rosy Cross, its true traditions and purposes. So Mote It Be!"'

"I thank each of you for the support which you have given me, your devotion and evident loyalty. May you ever be guided by the God of your Heart! So Mote It Be!"

"Ralph M. Lewis, IMPERATOR" "September 30. 1985"

As you can see from the above. there are no Rosicrucians currently running AMORe. Those that are running AMORC are not using its resources for the Great Work. They are absorbing its resources for their own personal enrichment. only. In every way have they broken faith with the members and are the assassins of the Order. They are among the enemies of Light. It is for these reasons that the Great Fraternity has with drawn all support from AMORC.

What are our aims and principles? They are the same as the Ancient and Sacred Traditions of the Great . Fraternity. In the words of the V ... Ill:. SAR ALDEN, . SAR HIERONYMUS and SAR VALIDIVAR, Imperators, and the other V:. Ill:. B:. of the Great Initiatic Orders, the Rosicrucian Order is not a religion, it is a Qrw University of Adepts, who are trained to carryon the Great Work and pledged to spread the Light.

Fraternall y,

SAR BOOID NAGA Sovereign Director Supreme Council

I j;,pttmb,t' 2. Hl 93

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SeTvi..n9 the tdeaLs 0 f the Rosicrucian rtovement

In this Issue:

Letters, Questions and Comments

from Our Readers 1 • 7

Letters ...

"Dear Chronicles:"

"The August '93' issue was superb. Those who have not received all of the Chronicles feel lost when trying to read an occasional copy. I suggest that you enclose a copy of the August issue when ever you receive a new name for your mailing list."

"The present conditions with in Amore greatly sadden me. But the lessons predict today's problems. Apparently. H.S. Lewis was aware of the future dangers to Amore. In the twelfth degree, monograph 43, he says, "We also know that if anything were to affect the integrity, soundness, and the very life and activity of the AMORe today or tomorrow, in three days the members of the Hierarchy of the higher Degrees, could reestablish and rebuild the entire Order again; and I know that each of you would willingly and gladly give your utmost of time, service, or whatever you could give to reestablish the organization. tI

"For the last several years the few with in the Order that have developed sufficiently to contact the . Masters, have received warnings. The Brotherhood did not sanction the quality of seminars. monthly messages, the items that Amore was selling or the leadership's

actions. When the leadership was told that they were taking the Order in the wrong direction their response was anger. Yes, there are afew true initiates with in the Rosicrucian Order today. We mean, of course, those that have been initiated by the C.W.B .. Not the home or temple initiations."

"An example of a poor seminar is one in which the Grand Master stands before the membership and states that every new experience is an initiation. This woman obviously neither understands the Rosicrucian teachings nor has she read the higher monographs. No one who has received an initiation from the hands of the Masters could make such a ridiculous statement."

"Except for a monthly message written by Dr.

Doss, I cannot think of an original message. of good quality, given during the last several years. One that stands out clearly in my mind said that the entire purpose of the Rosicrucian studies was to overcome fear. Once that was accomplished mastership was at hand. Again the author does not understand the PATII. Anyone who has studied the Masters comes away awed by their far sight. judgment, discrimination, knowledge, compassion, power. humility and of course their fearlessness."

The next newsletter will be published on October 2, 1993. To receive your copy. please send a self .. addressed stamped envelope (or Preferably Stamps) to the following address:

Rosicrucian Chronicles

P.O. Box 111891 CamJ!bell, CA 95011-1891, USA

Letters ..• Continues on Page 2

Page 2

"There are many individuals without any sense of fear who reside within prison. A cursory look at the Rosicrucian teachings points to the chemical marriaie and initiation as two major goals."

"Crystal balls, tarot cards, computerized I Ching are sold by Amore. In the twelfth degree, monograph 65, H.S. Lewis explained that the crystal balls could be useful to the developed. But there were more efficient means available to Rosicrucians. Then he explained that it would be a mistake for Amore to ever promote their use. Has the present leadership read their monographs or do they simply believe they are in error?"

"I must point out that the Masters originated the Tarot as a memory aid for very complex and subconscious ideas. There is only one authentic tarot deck. For it to be of use you must study it's symbolism for years. We are selling several decks and for what purpose. fortune telling Of inner development."

~ogictuc ian Qtbton iclts

Servinj!: the Ideals of the Rosicrucian Movement

The Rosicrucian Chronicles is published monthly


Kenneth A. Thompson, FRe

Any opinion expressed in this newsletter is that of the individual author, who is solely responsible for the content and views herein.

Please make out all donations to:

Rosicrucian Chronicles

Letters, Articles and Donations can be mailed to:

Rosicrucian Chronicles

P.O. Box 111891

Campbell, CA 95011-1891, USA

Tna.n~ you jar your supportl © R+C Chronicles 1993 All Rights Reserved


September 2, 1993 .

"It is time for the hierarchy to unite and defend the work of those who have gone before us. "

"Frater from Maryland"

"Enclosed find my personal check for $25.00 to assist you in your efforts. I have been receiving the "Rosicrucian Chronicles" for many months. I, too. have been extremely disturbed for a long time with what appears to be a greedy power struggle among the Administrative Officers of the Supreme and English Grand Lodges."

"Keep up the good work. Let those of us who are concerned and interested need to know exactly what is going on, since. obviously. we cannot depend on Christian Bernard and Kristie Knutsen to be honest with the membership."

"I am sure that the other members are interested in who "SAR BODHI NAGA" is and what he. the Great Fraternity. and the members who are faithful to the Rosicrucian teachings can do to ensure AMORC. as it is now, dies a quick and timely death."

"Concerned Soror"

Comments •••

"Just received the last issue of the R.C.C. Glad you finally spelled everything out. Unfortunately, I have had to resign ... The situation at G.L. is very sad. Please continue to keep us posted."

"Please send me the "Rosicrucian Chronicles". I am a member of the Rosicrucian Order and I'm very sad to hear what's going on with AMORC.1t

"Your August issue was one of your very best.

Find enclosed a check so that your efforts may be continued. "

Comments ••• Continues on Page 3

Page 3

"Please accept these stamps to go toward future mailings and please keep up the good work! You have helped keep me inspired thru this regrettable situation."

"Today the mail brought a sickening pack of weekly lessons from AMORe."

"Any of us who remember looking forward to our bi-monthly lessons can imagine how impersonal this has become."

"I just don't feel comfortable aiding and abetting the corruption that has obviously taken place in our beloved Order. I've been reluctant up to now to break my ties. but perhaps they are already broken from the other end."

"Thank you so much for doing the job and keeping us informed."

"Enclosed find my check as a donation to the Chronicles. Keep going! Keep printing!"

"Keep up the good work!"

"We miss you all; we are very happy about your Works, however. Thanks for the continued great work you're doing."

"It is with great pleasure that I write to congratulate you on your publication which I recently read for the first time. It is indeed a fine one! One that fills a void where existed before only darkness and falsehood. All the best and may Light, Life and Love be with you."

"Keep up your work of informing us all."

"I was introduced to your publication from a friend. Please add me to your mailing list"

September 2, 1993

"If I were not a Life Member, I would resign from the Order."

"We old time members are shocked by what AMORC is doing."

"Recent monographs that I've received show a profound ignorance of Rosicrucianism. "

"I want to thank you for this great service that you are doing for us members."

"If it were not for the Chronicles we would not know any thing that has been happening. Keep up the good works."

"A friend just told me about the RC Chronicles - I would be very grateful to receive them."

"Thank you for your efforts in bringing information to the general membership about conditions at the higher levels of authority."

"Very good job - too bad it has to be done. "

"I'm not mad now - Just disgusted."

"It's just a sham and a shell over there. " [at Rosicrucian Park].

"Thanks so much! You are doing wonderful work"

"Thanks for the efforts to deconfuse"

Letters ... Continues on Page 4

Page 4

"Respected Fraters & Sorors: Here are stamps to keep the 'Chronicles' coming. You are doing a real service to Rosicrucians everywhere by your information. "

"It is so sad to hear and read about these happenings in the place which is so dear to the hearts of us Rosicrucians"

"I have let my membership expire over a year ago as I could not support an organization that had thrown all R+C principles to the wind and is now embarked on a self- destruct course - how sad."

Letters ...

The next letters and comments are concerned with an unresolved issue that continues to confuse and misinform the members. Therefore many members continue to be misguided and misdirected.

"To the Editors of the Rosicrucian Chronicles"

"These comments are of course an expression of my personal opinion which I hope will be considered by all present and former AMORC members."

"I am currently, and I intend to continue to be a member of AMORe as the organization with which I am personally affiliated in doing the work of the Cosmic order."

"This is a call to UNITY on the part of all the people who claim to be on the path of the Rose Cross. Enough of the arguments and the power plays, WE as Rosicrucians have work to do on this plane and it is time to get on with it."

September 2, 1993

"The Lewis father/son team, along with the myriad of leaders. under them made significant progress in their time. Their accomplishments are praiseworthy but neither one is available to "sign the checks" we must stand behind a leader in this physical world."

"My loyalty applies to the organization that has helped me so much over the years. unless of course, it becomes irrevocably so arrogant as to continue a policy that dissent must be repressed and the official interpretation of the cosmic laws are all that can be tolerated (as was directly stated by Christian Bernard in his inaugural address in San Jose)."

"Isn't experience the only true teacher?"

"The position of Imperator, in addition to the role of administrator, is in itself an Initiation for the individual who has been called and who has accepted the task. This person is. after ali. a human who ~ may someday gain enlightenment, just like the potential that is in all the rest of us."

"From this point of view a person can look at all the turmoil that has occurred since the transition of Ralph Lewis and see that WE have all (including Christian Bernard, etc.) participated in an educational process. I submit that the outcome of all the fiery stress that has been involved will be an individual who is appropriately prepared to lead AMORe through the next couple of decades."

"As I understand it, Gary Stewart was selected by Ralph Lewis for the office of Imperator. In a cosmic sense Gary may have been a part of the educational process for the next Imperator, 0 R he may be appropriate for the office itself."

Letters ... Continues on Page 5

, '

.... ~ , ..

Page 5

"The Appropriate forum for that decision is in a traditional Tribunal, not in legal courts which deal with the physical worlds corporate structure and which must remain distant from ideologies and institutions, our MAJOR concern."

"In the last few years I have been a participant in a number of activities in the region and have been observing all the events as much as practical in my own hectic life. I speak as an individual who knows quite well the effectiveness of the Cosmic at instilling the virtue of the humility in one of us lowly humans."

"1 spoke with Gary Stewart shortly after his installation and at that time pledged to him my support for the "Good of the Order"."

"Recently I was led to Gary Stewart in person again in those obtuse ways that Rosicrucians would know about and was given another opportunity to observe and converse with him."

"It now seems time to act."

"In my opinion, Gary Stewart has learned tremendously from his experiences, and has successfully negotiated the personal trials which will qualify him as Imperator. At the very least he should be the one "passing the torch" to his successor."

"I personally urge all past members of AMORC to reaffiliate themselves and join in a unified voice and spirit with present members."

"Please do not weaken the structure more than it already is by witholding your physical support. but instead direct your thoughts (and if necessary attorneys hired by legitimate member groups) POINTEDLY to the goal of putting AMORC on track with the legacy that

September 2, 1993

was built through the efforts of the Lewis family and on to the necessary activities of the next 25 years."

"Perhaps we could start with a fair tribunal hearing for Gary Stewart."

"That would be an excellent start on which to build cooperation among all Rosicrucians on the path. Then, having acted with appropriate concern for traditions, WE can move on to the necessary work in the world and cosmos."

"Thank you for your time and attention in hearing my opinion."

Frater from California

The above letter comes from one of our several readers who are operating under the false impression that Gary Stewart was "Ralph Lewis' hand-picked successor as Imperator of AMORe". This rumor seems to have been generated and spread by Gary Stewart himself.

We, at the Chronicles, have had access to all of the relevant files and records and nowhere do the records indicate that Ralph Lewis chose Gary Stewart, no where.

Quite the contrary and more importantly, the records show that the Bernards, and others, had attempted several deceptions in the attempt to trick Mr. Lewis into choosing Gary or one of their minions. They also show that Mr. .Lewis had refused to be manipulated and did not name any of the then current "Board" members as his successor.

Comments ... Continues on Page 6

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Page 6

Please remember from a previous issue, that, except for Cecile Poole and Orval Graves, none of the then or current "Board" has been granted the highest Martinist authority from Mr. Lewis.

In addition, it is our understanding that Gary Stewart, and others in key positions of responsibility, were informed on several occasions that action needed to be taken in order to secure AMORC's copyrights. Because that actions were not taken, he and the others caused the monograph copyrights to be "lost".

Immediately after Gary Stewart was removed, he began forming A.R.C., O.M.C.E. and T.M.D. in America. In order to do so , he apparently used Official AMORC mailing lists, contrary to the promise of privacy previously given to the membership.

He then began reprinting the AMORe and TMO monographs under A.R.C and T.M.D. in America. He has done so knowing that he is responsible for failing to protect AMORe's best interests.

Gary's groups also began soliciting donations using a wide range of questionable practices. His literature also professed strongly that the funds and energies would be used to fight the actions of Christian Bernard, the "Grand Masters" and the rest of the "Board". Bur, the fact is that Gary Stewart has focused most of the funds and energies toward starting and expanding his own organizations. He has ended the fight against the usurpers after putting forth only a token resistance. He has abandoned the AMORC members. After he and the "Board" had signed court documents ending all lawsuites, A.R.C. "asked" Gary Stewart to be their Imperator.

Additionally, while Gary was Imperator of Amore, it became necessary to confirm AMORC's registration under section 501 C(lO) as a fraternal organization.

~ , I "

September 2, 1993

As in the case of the copyrights, he was informed in plenty of time to take the appropriate action. Also, as in the case of the copyrights, not only did he fail to take the appropriate action, but he prevented others from doing so as well.

We are now informed that A.R.C. is registered under section 501 C(lO) as a fraternity.

It is interesting to note that the current "Board" did not bring up any of these issues during the trial to remove Gary. It is also interesting to note that the current "Board" was also informed concerning these issues and yet it has also failed to protect the copyrights or correct the registration. and has also prevented others from doing so.

The question of a Tribunal has been broached by more than one of our readers. In most cases the concerned reader, was certain that C. Bernard and the "Board had removed O. Stewart improperly. Those readers are correct. The "Board" acted contrary to the then Constitution in every way.

It is also interesting to note that the members and the public were being told that Gary was being removed for embezzlement. but that the only argument made to the court and premise under which he was finally removed. was that a "Board" may remove any member at any time for no reason at all. Which they did.

. Unfortunately, as we can see from the above there were enough instances of questionable actions, that he could have been removed for cause.

It was suggested to us that we should discuss the issue of an open Tribunal with Gary directly. So, we did. He

Letters ... Continues on Page 7

Page 7

did not answer us directly, but his organization indicated that Gary Stewart and the Board of his own organization intends to hold their own private tribunal.

The call to unity is certainly appropriate. The call for continued support for AMORe is understandable. Unfortunately, at this time it may be misdirected. But, as has been pointed out before, it is for each Student to study the issues and allow their Inner Self to indicate the Path best for them. It must also be noted that the current members have no voice.

Whether Gary Stewart "has sucessfully negotiated the personal trials which will qualify him as Imperator" remains to be seen.

One thing is certain, there has been no attempt to replace the millions of dollars that his actions have cost the AMORe or in any way repair the damage. Again he has apparently abandoned the AMORe members.

Letters ••.

"I hope this letter finds you in good health, and under the terrible circumstances. in relative happiness."

"The ROSICRUCIAN CHRONICLES have kept me and many members of my Lodge informed of the sad state of our Order which was caused by those who have egos larger than the state of California."

"I am distressed at the Nazi-like actions of the Imperator, Grand Master, and others who care only for personal power and financial gain. AMORC, under their leadership, has become another cult beset with organizational abuse and havoc."

"My decision to leave AMORC .. .is certain."

September 2, 1993

"I am deeply sorry for the countless members who will undoubtedly be hurt by this power play. May they find another path to lead to the Greater Light-surely the Light will no longer be reflected by AMORe unless there is a major house cleaning."

"Thank you (and the staff) for "doing something."

"Please feel free to use this letter in total or in part if you so wish. I have no fear of the tyrants and will in any way try to stop this insidious destruction of an excellent Order."

"Best regards ... and keep up the fine effort of the CHRONICLES. Let us pray that some of this "light" will dispell the "darkness" of those who have caused this incident."

"In L. V .X. tt

"'Ne would like to receive a copy of the Rosicrucian Chronicles each month. We have been members of AMORe for nearly 48 years and feel deeply about the happenings since Ralph Lewis transition. II

"We appreciate learning about what has been happening behind the scenes."

Many of our readers have asked for reprints of past issues. There are 5 issues in Volume 1, 1992 and there are 9 issues, with this one, in Volume 2, 1993. If you would like copies any of our issues please send us your address, the requested issue number(s) and one dollar each to cover to cost of printing and postage to:

Rosicrucian Chronicles PO Box 111891

Campbell, CA 95011-1891

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