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Course contents

UNIT 1: Basic concepts of Strategic management

Phases in Strategic management, Benefits , Three levels of Strategy, Characteristics,
objectives and strategies – Mission, Vision, Social responsibilities and management

UNIT 2: Environmental Scanning and Industry Analysis : Identifying external

environmental variables, factors , Porter’s approach to industry analyses ,
forecasting , global issues for the 21st century.

UNIT 3: Internal Scanning and industry Analysis :

A resource – based approach to organizational analysis – resources to gain
competitive edge , determining the sustainability of an advantage , Value chain
analyses – industry value , corporate value , Scanning functional resources – basic
organizational structures, corporate culture .

UNIT 4: Strategy Formulation:

Situational analysis: SWOT , reviews , TOWS matrix, Business strategies – Porter’s
Corporate analysis: corporate strategy, directional strategy, portfolio analysis – BCG
growth – share Matrix, GE business screen.

UNIT 5: Strategy Implementation:

Organizing for Action : Strategy Implementation, Staffing and directing ,leading,
evaluation and control , measuring performance.

Reference Books :

J.David Hunger and Thomas L. Wheelen , Strategic Management , Addison Wesley

John A. Pearce II and Richard B. Robinson, Jr., Strategic Management , A.I.T.B.S
Publishers & Distributors.
Competitive Strategy : M.E. Porter

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