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a aries agro limited Date:

M/s. _

Dear Mr.

We have pleasure in informing you that we are offering ARIES WELCOME GATE to all our
prestigious dealers of Nasik Region who will accomplish business of RS.3/- Lakhs & above
exclusively for products of Aries Agro Limited for the Financial Year 2010-11.

The Welcome Gate will be installed in front of the Dealer's Shop(s) and will also mention the
Dealer's Name on it in the local language.

Name of Dealers Shop in Devanagiri Script:

Terms and Conditions:

1) Dealers has to fulfill the commitment of business of RS.3/- Lakhs in the FY 2010-11, with
full payment and no overdue outstanding.
2) Dealers have to retain and maintain the Welcome Gate for 1 year from the date of
installation. Incase Dealers dismantle the Welcome Gate before the completion of the
stipulated period the cost of the Welcome Gate will be recovered from the Dealer's
scheme benefits/eligibilities
3) The Welcome Gate is the property of Aries Agro Limited and therefore it is not allowed to
stick any posters/advt. material on this Gate or deface or damage the same.

Thanking you, Accepted the terms & conditions mentioned above

Cordially yours, Name of the Dealer:

For Aries Agro Limited
Signature of the Authorised Signatory:

Stamp of the Dealer

Dr. Rahul~andani
Executive Director
Name of Aries Sales Representative



Regd. Office. Aries House. Plot No. 24. Deonar. Govandi East. Mumbai 400043. Phone: + 91 2225564052/53 Fax: + 91 2225564054.2557 1711

Website Email ariesagrocij.ariesagrocom AN ISO 9001 COMPANY' Quality Management System: ISO 9001: 2000 Certified

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