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Good Citizenship Value and Youth Moral

Recovery Program for Nation Building

According to Commissioner Teresita D. Baltazar “Good

governance is not enough to let us work on being good
citizens. Lets us translate the good citizenship values derived
from the Preamble of the Philippine Constitution into concrete
action in order to build our nation” (Modules on Good
Citizenship Values, 2004).

She maintains that, “If we have to build a better nation

we have to demand from ourselves, each of us to be a good
citizen that is value-based and values-driven. Let’s not leave
our future in the hands of our leaders alone. If we cannot find
heroes among our leaders, let us find them among the ordinary
people, who will build our nation by heroic act of being good
citizens all the days of their lives by living the Philippine
Constitution which contains a provision which has a direct and
indirect bearing upon the development of strong and sound
nationalism among our people. By living according to good
citizenship values, we can derive from the Preamble of our

Senator Leticia R. Shahani (1993) asserts that there is a

need to change structures and to change people. She explains
that, “Building a people means eliminating our weaknesses
and developing our strengths and this starts with analysis,
understanding and appreciation of these strengths and
weaknesses… we must change. And understanding oneself is
the first step.”

To give the strengths and weaknesses of a Filipino, she

proposes the following goals for change:

 Develop in the Filipino a sense of patriotism and

nation pride. A genuine love, appreciation and
commitment to the Philippines and Filipino things.
 Develop a sense of the common good, the ability
to look beyond selfish interest, a sense of justice and
sense of outrage at its violation.
 Develop value and habits of discipline and hard
work, self-reflection and analysis, along with the
internalization of spiritual values.

Preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution

“We the Sovereign Filipino people imploring the aid of

Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society and
establish a Government that Shall embody or ideal and
aspirations, promote the common patrimony, and secure to
ourselves and posterity the blessing of independence and
democracy under the rule of law and regime of truth, justice,
freedom, love, equality and peace, do ordain and promulgate
the constitution.”
A. The Good Citizenship Values Cluster (Based on the 1987
Philippine Constitution, taken from the Modules on Good
Citizenship Value. The Institution Building Team, 2004)

A. Pagkamaka-Diyos
1. Faith in the Almighty
2. Respect for Life
3. Order
4. Work
5. Concern for the Family and Future Generations

B. Pagkamaka-Tao
1. Love
2. Freedom
3. Peace
4. Truth
5. Justice

C. Pagkamaka-Bayan
1. Unity
2. Equality
3. Respect for Law and Government
4. Patriotism
5. Promotion of the Common Good

D. Pagkamaka-Kalikasan
Concern for the Environment

II. The Good Citizenship Values and Its Learning Outputs

(Models on Good Citizenship Values, 2004)

A. Faith in the Almighty

Jesus said to them, “Have faith in God. Whatever says to

the mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown to the sea,’ and
does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he
says will happen, it shall be done for him” (Mark 11:22-

Learning Outputs
 To enable the students to recognize their unique
Faith in God a Filipino
 To affirm the students unique gift and illustrate to
them how they can continue to live a life of faith in

B. Respect for Life

“Life is raw material. We are sculpting our existence into

something beautiful, or debase it into ugliness. It’s in
our hands” – (Cathy Better).

Learning Outputs
 To enable students to realize the relevance of
human dignity in their lives
 To inspire students to be stewards of life

C. Order

“Order is the sanity of the mind, the health of the body,

the peace for the City, the security of the State. As the
beams of the house, as the bones of the body, so is
order to all things,” – (Southey)

Learning Outputs
 To identify the significance of the value of order in
the lives of the students and in nation-building
 To apply orderliness in health of body and mind of
the people for unity and peace of the community

D. Work

“If a man will not work, he shall not eat.” – (2

Thassloman 3:10)

“Give fish to a man and he will have food to eat a day;

Teach him how to fish and he shall have food to eat
throughout his lifetime.” – (Confucius)

Learning Outputs
 To appreciate the value of work
 To identify the significant of work and labor I one’s

E. Concern for the Family and Future Generations

“When His parents saw Him, they were astonished, and

his mother said to him, ‘Son, why have you done this to
us? Your Father and I have been looking for you with
great anxiety….” He went down with them to Nazareth
and was obedient to them; and His mother kept all these
things in her heart.” (Matthew 19:4-7)

Learning Outputs
 To have a deeper appreciation of value of family
 To assess their own family values

F. Love

“Love is patient…. It never fails, its eternal…. There are

faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is love.”
(1 Corinthians 13)

Learning Output
 To illustrate the real essence of love and how can
truly be applied

G. Freedom

“Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in

having the right to do what we ought.” – (Pope John Paul

Learning Output
 To raise the interest and appreciation of the value of
freedom in our life

H. Peace

“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men

of goodwill” – (Luke 2:14)

Learning Output
 To identify ways by which the people can promote
the value of peace in their homes, workplace,
communities and country

I. Truth

“The truth can be hidden for a time but it cannot be

overcome” – (St. Augustine)

“If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true, do not say

it” – (Marcus Aurelius)

Learning Output
 To highlight the basic importance of truth in one’s
life, its role in national development and in building
a more just and humane society

J. Justice

“You, Lord, are just in all your ways, faithful in all your
works” – (Psalm 145:17)

“Treat others the way you want to have them treat you”
– (Matthew 7:12)

Learning Output
 To identify the relevant social issues that highlight
the value of justice

K. Unity

“Behold now good and pleasant it is for brethren to

dwell together in unity.” – (Psalms 133)

“Let’s work together to attain the common good for our

community people…” (SJ Lee, 2004)
Learning Outputs
 To realize the importance of the value of unity
nation building and progress

 To identify relevant implications when value of unity

is either present or absent in the community

L. Equality

“That all men are created equal; that they are endowed
by their creator with inalienable rights…” (Thomas

Learning Output
 To identify the relevance and implications of the
value of equality

M. Respect for Law and Governance

“The law is not meant to curtail freedom; it is meant to

ensure that every citizen acts responsibly while
exercising his freedom.” (TIBI, 2004)

Learning Output
 To develop a sense of appreciation of law and

N. Patriotism

“The Filipino is worth dying for.” – (Sen. Benigno

Aquino, Jr.)

“Patriotism is not a short outburst of emotions, but a

lifetime of dedication.” (AR Stevenson)

Learning Outputs
 To appreciate the value of patriotism in the light of
our being Filipino
 To identify concrete ways wherein the citizen may
practice his sense of patriotism on a daily basis

O. Promotion of the Common Good

“Common good is a substantial and extremely fertile

estate, no crowding or diminishment as it is shared with
others.” – (St. Augustine)

Learning Outputs
 To identify ways by which the participants will be
able to promote the common good
 To awaken interest in the promotion and protection
of the interests of the common good
P. Concern for the Environment

“For 200 years we’ve been conquering nature. Now

we’re beating it to death.” (MacMillan)

“And now, we have to do something… to save our only

Planet Earth… before it’s too late! – (Serge J. Lee, 2004)

Learning Outputs
 To save our environment and nature relative to its
present state of degradation
 To identify concrete ways of caring for the
environment on a daily basis

III. Nationalism and National Pride

A. Nationalism is a patriotic feeling of love for one’s own country

or a strong deep-seated attachment to one’s native land. It is an
attitude of mind that values and places the welfare of the country
over that of all others. It is a “dynamic Filipinism.” Nationalism is not
developed, nor does it come through by accident or change. It is fed
and nourished systematically over a period of time.

B. National Pride

All of us must be proud of being a Filipino. As a good

citizen every Filipino should know the different national
symbols and their meanings. The national symbols of
our country are:

1. The Filipino Flag

2. The Philippine National Anthem
3. The Sampaguita – National Flower
4. The Narr Tree – National Tree
5. The Kundiman – National Song
6. The Nipa Hut
7. The Barong Tagalog for men
The Balintawak for women
8. The National Seal of the Philippines Republic
9. The National Hero – Dr. Jose Rizal
10. Tinikling, Cariňosa, Pandanggo sa Ilaw – The Filipino Folk
11. The Patriotic Pledge – Ang Panatang Makabayan

C. Teaching of Nationalism

To carry out the program of Teaching Nationalism, the

following practical activities should be undertaken.

1. Use classroom decorations to include picture of Filipino great

men, local historical scenes, and inspiring quotation by Filipino
2. Establish a Filipiniana Section in the Library
3. Establish a Social Science Museum to exhibit relics, documents
with cultural and historical values
4. Require extensive use of Filipino hymns and folk songs
5. Use native materials for classroom instruction/use
6. Study biographies of great Filipinos
7. Commemorate historical events of national importance
8. Celebrate special days – (e.g. National Heroes Day, Flag Day,
Independence Day, etc.)
9. Organize educational field trips to places of national interest
Manila and outside
10. Visit beautiful spots in the Philippines
11. Organize pageant presentations on Filipino talents
12. Organize educational exhibit of Philippines products

IV. Contents and Meaning of Filipino Nationalism (Gregorio C.


A. The History Service of Nationalism

Nationalism is the cementing principle that unites the

people of a nation, in order to realize an ideal that
become national with respect and dignity it deserves
among other nations.

B. The Development of Filipino Nationalism

The lack of national sentiments was the cause of all the

failures of the sporadic revolts in the Philippines from
1565 to 1872.

The Execution for Burgos, Gomez and Zamora in 1872

and Jose Rizal in 1890 emotionally united the people
due to their national demand for reform. The Katipunan
with Bonifacio as leader initiated the uprising
movement. The Philippine Revolution under Aguinaldo
with its adoption 0f the Filipino Flag and the singing of
National Anthem and promulgation of the Malolos
Constitution completed the needed symbols
that expressed our national sentiments, the elements
that bind and unite the Philippines to develop the
Filipino Nationalism.

C. The Program of the Filipino Nationalism

The program of Filipino nationalism has been to forge

instruments that would liberate and completely
emancipate Filipino in all aspects of the National life.


Patriotism refers to love for or devotion to one’s country.

The Filipino Civic code was formulated to ensure the
patriotism can be developed in oneself and practice by all.
The Filipino Civic Code


1. Faith in Divine Providence

Guides the destinations of people and nations

2. Patriotism
Love of country

3. Love of Fellowmen
Love of fellowmen as brothers/sisters or companion
in life’s journey

4. Respect for Parents and Elders

Honor to parents through grateful and dutiful
service to them

5. Reverence for heroes

Veneration of the memories of the nation’s heroes


1. Honor
Value your honor as you value your life.

2. Devotion to Truth
Be truthful and honest in thought and in action.

3. Fortitude
Bear suffering with fortitude

4. Self-Reliance
Have confidence in yourself and in your own

5. Humanity
Be humble. Acknowledge your own shortcomings; no
human being is perfect.

6. Self-control
Temper your will and curb your passions. Long life,
peace, and happiness are the fruits of moderation
and self-control.

7. Frugality
Live within your means and save part of your
earnings for the rainy days. Avoid extravagance,
pretense, and dissipation.

8. Purposeful Living
Ever keep in mind an honorable purpose.
9. Perseverance
Be persistent in whatever things of good report you
may wish to do.

10. Punctuality
Do your work on time; leaving nothing undone that
you can do today. Be punctuality.

11. Cleanliness
Keep your body clean and your clothes neat at home
and other surroundings. Cleanliness is essential to
good health and community welfare.

12. Appreciation of the Beautiful

Learn to appreciate he beauty in nature and in art.


1. Industry
Be industrious and do your work well.

2. Interest for Law and Authority

Develop your faculties through study without
departing from the path of virtue.

3. Respect for Law and Authority

Respect the law and duly constituted authorities for
peace, morality or progress of community.

4. Sense of Duty and Responsibility

Contribute to the common good as a matter of civic

5. Justice and Righteousness

Strive to be fair and just in your dealings with

6. Tolerance
Be tolerance of the ways, beliefs, and opinions of

7. Civic Courage
Be vigilant against oppression or injustice in any

8. Judicious Imitation
Improve yourself through the judicious imitation of
good customs and practices.

9. Sportsmanship
Observe the rules of sportsmanship in any contest or

10. Good Breeding

Treat everybody, high and low, with courtesy.

The Human Acts, Integrity, Discipline and Hard Work

1. A human act is an act which proceeds from the deliberate free

will of man. It is any sort of activity, internal or external, bodily or
spiritually performed by a human being. Human acts refer to only
those acts that proceed form a deliberate and freely willing human

2. Integrity is a firm adherence to a code of moral and values; its

quality or state of being is complete or undivided and honest.

3. Discipline is the orderly or regular pattern of behavior in

accordance with a self-imposed rule or self rule and with the rules of
organization. It is a training or experience that corrects, molds,
strengthens or perfects especially the mental faculties or moral
character in order to acquire some corrected knowledge or skill.

4. Hard work is a need to work with utmost effort or energy, that

of being industrious, working with endurance based on the human
ability and capacity to work deliberately in many sort of activities.

Duties and Rights of the Filipino People necessary to property

control the human acts.

A. Duties of the People

The people of our Republic must understand that they have

certain duties or obligation to perform. These duties are the
price of freedom and of the rights which we enjoy.

The following are the duties of our people to the state:

1. to vote honesty and wisely

2. to obey the laws of the land
3. to respect public authority
4. to be loyal to the Republic
5. to defined the Motherland
6. to pay taxes to the government
7. to take active interest in local, national affairs

B. Rights

The following are the various classes of rights that a citizen

of a democratic state must enjoy.

1. Natural Rights – Rights conferred upon to human being by God

– this cannot be taken from the person.

Example: the rights to life, to love and to mercy

2. Civil Rights – Rights granted by the state for promotion of
common welfare of individual citizen.

Example: right of life, to own property, to marry, to

enter into any contracts, to seek justice in the courts.

3. Political Rights – Rights conferred by the state to the people by

the state to the people so that they may participate in government.

Example: right to citizenship, suffrage, freedom of

speech, freedom of press, to petition the government for
redress of grievances.

4. Constitutional Rights – Rights recognized and protected by the

constitution and part of the fundamental law of the land.

Example: freedom of religion, freedom of speech to

choose one’s residence, freedom from slavery.

5. Statutory Rights – Rights conferred by statutes or law

promulgated by law making body and can be abolished by the same

Example: right to inherit property, minimum wage to go

on strike for higher wage and better working conditions
Sport and Recreation

If you are an observer, watching a spot may be lot fun. If

you are a parent and it is your child out their hitting the ball or
making the basket, you may be excited, but there will be a
dose of terror mixed with that “fun”.

Every sport is governed by guidelines, and although

primarily only officials and coaches should own them, it would
be beneficial to understand the pitfalls or team sports.

A. The young Athlete’s Bill of Rights

1. The right to have the opportunity to participate in sports

regardless of one’s ability level
2. The right to participate at a level commensurate with the
child’s development level.
3. The right to have qualified adult leadership
4. The right to participate in a safe and healthy environment
5. The right to each child share leadership and decision-making
6. The right to play as a child and not as an adult
7. The right to proper preparation for participation in sport
8. The right to equal opportunity to strive for success
9. The right to be treated with the dignity by all involed
10. The right to have fun through sport

B. Just for Fun

Physical activity or “play” is a primitive drive that we all

possess and when fulfilled lead to sensations of vitality and
exhilaration. The sensation of “letting go” and exerting
your muscles or a steady three-mile run can all provide
exciting moments of physical joy and makes you feel young
and energetic.

All areas of the sport and recreation industry are becoming

more popular nowadays. Enrollment in local health clubs
which emphasize weight lifting, calisthenics, aerobics and
even ballroom dancing is popular. Significantly, a year ago,
people were eager to; spend time and money to participate
in the activities on a regular basis.

The Filipino is currently experiencing an unprecedented

obsession with physical fitness. This interest has definitely
passed the “fad” stage and is, evidenced by staggering
growth in all areas of sport and recreation.

Exercise and sports can provide a unique opportunity for

finding achievement and reward. It improves mental fitness
by helping people cope with stress in their lives.

A good exercise program may revolve around just one

sport, or it may include two or three sports used on
different days or at different times of the year. Some
people even enjoy mixing sports during each session – for
example, jumping rope for minutes, then running for 10
minute followed by 10minutes of swimming.

C. An exercise program utilizing two, three or even four different

sports is acceptable, but advances on one sport do not mean you are
ready for automatic progression in another sport.

1. Running is a sport where doing too much too soon will cause
injury and keep you form becoming a real runner. It is common to
feel energetic at the start of a run and to want to burst into high
gear. Running is an excellent sport for the heart, but it has a
negative effect on flexibility. You can get additional relief from
muscle tightness by repeating the warm-up routine after each run.

2. Swimming is a unique sport that has advantage and

disadvantages compared to running. It provides optional
cardiovascular and weight control benefits without risk leg injury. It
is the perfect substitute activity for otherwise land-bound athletes
recovering from hip, knee and ankle problems. Breaststroke,
backstroke, butterfly and freestyle are the acceptable swimming
strokes for the Progression Program. Proper swimming technique is a
must for fitness development as well as sport enjoyment.

3. Walking is the number one sport for convenience because it

fits nicely into the normal daily routine. A trip to the market, doing
noontime errands, or just walking around the Barangay will all
provide good exercise and it has a low calorie cost. It is always an
excellent exercise for weight control but the low intensity offers no
cardiovascular stimulus for those already in good condition.

D. Discontinuous Sports

Most game sports such as basketball, volleyball, and tennis

are discontinuous sports. During the play, the intensity of
exercise varies: one moment you are sprinting for the ball,
the next moment you are standing still. The fitness benefit
from these on-off style of exercise are not comparable to
those of continuous sports.

Fitness is not guaranteed just because you play a

recommended sport. You must put enough effort into it,
and sustained effort generally requires at least a minimal
amount of skill. Basic instructions should be the first step in
an exercise program using a discontinuous sport. While you
are developing your skill, use one of the continuous sports,
like running or walking for fitness.

E. Organizing a Sport Tournament in the Community

There is a lot of fun in organizing and sponsoring a sports

competition at eh Barangay level of the community.
Coordination with the Barangay Chairperson must be
properly negotiated and established. Organizing the
Basketball Team for Out-of-School Youth, and a Volleyball
Team for the female out-of-school youth and adults is not
so difficult since there are existing teams already organized
in the community.

Sponsoring agencies should be tapped for possible financial

assistance to subsidize the players’ uniforms. Sports
objectives, rules and regulations for the participants must
be ensured to establish camaraderie among the Barangay
participants and the organizers of the “parlaro”. CWTS
student as organizer are expected to do all the best of the
community sport participants. Harmonious relationships
should be observed in order to effectively implement the
projects. Among the may types of Sports and Recreations
that can be effectively organized by the CWTS students in
the community are basketball, volleyball, marathon,
swimming, running, walking, etc. physical exercise of all
kinds including “palaro” can motivate the youth and adults
to develop their physical and mental health.

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