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Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Thermodynamics and Fluids

Mid-term Test Rules and Procedures

• The mid-term test will be held on Friday, February 12, 2010 between 4:10pm and
6:00pm. You should come in earlier.
• You are allowed to bring 1) the official textbook, 2) one legal sized (8 ½” x 14”) paper
for formulas (NO solved problem is allowed in any shape or form) and it can be double
sided, 3) a calculator (cell phone/PDA/computer/etc are NOT allowed), 4) some
stationary (pencil, ruler, eraser, etc.) All other electronic devices and personal belongings
MUST be stowed away in front of the classroom.
• Photocopied version of the course textbook may have to be inspected ahead of time.
Please send me email at least two days before the mid-term for confirmation.
• Once you are in the classroom, 1) there shall be absolutely no talking and
communicating, 2) you will be randomly assigned seat by the TAs, 3) you shall sit down
in the assigned seat and wait until you are notified by the TAs to start the test at 4:10pm.
You are not allowed to open/read/start your test until the TAs say so. (Do NOT touch the
test and leave it faced down on the desk!) Failure to follow any of these instructions will
receive a “zero” mark for this test automatically!
• Tests for Sections 4 and 7 will be held in room KHE216. Tests for Sections 5 and 6 will
be held in room KHE323. (You are not allowed to write your test in the room that is not
assigned to you! Please check you section from the BB.)
• All solutions should be done on the test provided. You may use both sides of the paper if
you need to.
• Topic Coverage and What You Can Expect:
o Four problem type questions (no multiple choice).
o Questions from any part of the Fluids course covered during the lectures,
assignments, and labs.
o Questions using SI units (ignore British/US units).
• Good luck!

MEC309 – Basic Thermodynamics Winter 2009 Page 1/1

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