Immediate Final Order

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STATE OF FLORIDA OFFICE OF FINANCIAL REGULATION STATE OF FLORIDA, OFFICE OF FINANCIAL REGULATION, Petitioner, Administrative Proceeding Nos. 2877 -F-8/10 ¥ 2877a-F-8/10 MULLIS FAMILY ENTERPRISES LLC b/s HOPE FINANCIAL GROUP LLC and JIMMY J. MULLIS, individually and d/b/a HOPE FINANCIAL GROUP, Respondents. ee IMMEDIATE FINAL ORDER TO: MULLIS FAMILY ENTERPRISES LLC d/b/a HOPE FINANCIAL GROUP LLC c/o Jimmy J. Mullis, Managing Member and Registered Agent 251 College Drive ‘Orange Park, Florida 32065 JIMMY J. MULLIS d/b/a HOPE FINANCIAL GROUP 251 College Drive Orange Park, Florida 32065 AUTHORITY ‘The State of Florida, Office of Financial Regulation (“Office”), being authorized and directed to administer and enforce Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, governing Mortgage Brokerage and Mortgage Lending in the State of Florida, and the Commissioner of the Office having found that an immediate and serious danger to the public welfare requires an immediate final order due to the unlawful activities of Respondent MULLIS FAMILY ENTERPRISES LLC d/b/a HOPE FINANCIAL GROUP LLC and Resporident JIMMY J. MULLIS d/b/a HOPE FINANCIAL GROUP (collectively “Respondents”, hereby issues and serves this IMMEDIATE FINAL ORDER TO CEASE AND DESIST pursuant to Sections 494.0014(1) and 120.569(2)(n), Florida Statutes, The Respondents and all persons acting in concert or cooperation with Respondents shall immediately Cease and Desist all continuing violations of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, as detailed herein. Pursuant to Section 120.569(2)(n), Florida Statutes, this Order is based on the findings of fact set forth below and is EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. EINDINGS OF FACT 1. The Office is the state agency responsible for the administration and enforcement of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes. 2, The Office obtained information prompting an examination into whether the Respondents were acting 2s unlicensed loan originators, mortgage brokers, and/or mortgage brokerage businesses and providing loan modification services in violation of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes. 3. The Office has jurisdiction in this matter and over the Respondents as the examination disclosed that the Respondents were acting as unlicensed loan originators, mortgage brokers, and/or mortgage brokerage businesses and providing loan modification services in the state of Florida, 4, Respondent MULLIS FAMILY ENTERPRISES LLC is a Florida limited liability company with a principal address of 9526 Argyle Forest Boulevard, Suite B2 #429, Jacksonville, Florida 32222. Its prinéipal place of business is located at 251 College Drive, ‘Orange Park, Florida 32065. Itregistered with the Florida Secretary of State and operates ‘under the fictitious name of HOPE FINANCIAL GROUP LLC. * Throughout this Immediate Final Order “HFG” or “HOPE FINANCIAL GROUP” are used to refer to the collective business owned or controlled by Jimmy J. Mullis. 2 5. HG is not presently licensed and at all times material to this action was not licensed by the Office pursuant to Chapter 494, Florida Statutes. (See Exhibit 4.) 6. Respondent JIMMY J. MULLIS a/k/a Jay Mullis is an individual who resides in Orange Park, Clay County, Florida, JIMMY J, MULLIS is managing member and registered agent of MULLIS FAMILY ENTERPRISES, LLC. JIMMY J. MULLIS also individually registered with the Florida Secretary of State and operates under the fictitious name of HOPE FINANCIAL GROUP. 7. Atal times material to this action, JIMMY J. MULLIS was not licensed as a mortgage broker or mortgage brokerage business pursuant to Chapter 494, Florida Statues. (See Exhibit B.) Unlawful Activities Indicating Immediate Danger 8 Pursuant to Section 494,0012, Florida Statutes, the Office conducted an ‘examination to determine whether there was unlicensed activity and whether any such activity was in compliance with other operational requirements imposed by Section 494,00296, Florida Statutes, 9. The Office discovered that the Respondents maintained internet websites of www,91 [ and that solicited Florida borrowers with existing mortgage loans to utilize HOPE FINANCIAL GROUP to perform oan modification services. (See Composite Exhibit C.) 10, The websites provide: Let us negotiate with your lender: ‘We work with many lenders on a daily basis and have built solid relationships with them. Therefore, they are very receptive to our proposals. Regardless of your delinquency, HFG may be able to qualify you for as little as $25,000.00, or up to as much as $617,000.00, in loan modifications based on your free consultation with our company. Loan Modification: Our staff of EXPERT consultants in loss mitigation programs can modlty your existing loan ‘We will use our outstanding reputation to negotiate with your lender to get your loan in good standing again. 11. The Office further discovered that the Respondents solicited loan modification customers through a substantial number of direct mailings to consumers throughout the United States. 12. Such mailings claimed, for example: Your home located at {address} has been PRE-APPROVED for a loan modification. This PRE-APPROVAL will allow our firm to take advantage of programs that your mortgage company has tried to keep secret for years. Hope Financial Group has complete access to these programs and can help you save your largest investment, Your Home, by reducing your Principal Balance of S{purported balance) and your current house payment of S{purported payment] by up to 61% and putting you back in control of your financial future, 13, Asaresult of its direct mail solicitation, such as that generally described above, to a Pennsylvania resident, the Pennsylvania Department of Banking entered an Order on or about July 21, 2010 wherein it found that Hope Financial Group LLC had engaged in unlicensed mortgage loan activity and ordered HFG cease and desist from unlicensed sctivity in Pennsylvania and to provide certain information. (See Exhibit D.) 14, Respondents have failed to comply with material terms of the Pennsylvania Order. (See Exhibit E,) Examination of Books and Records 15, Pursuant to its regulatory responsibilities, on or about Friday, August 6, 2010, the Office attempted to conduct an examination at HFG's principal address, as reported in its Articles of Organization. The location was a UPS Store. Later that same day, the Office attempted to conduct an examination at HIFG’s address, as reported in its Registration of Fictitious Name, which appeared to be Respondent's principal place of business. The location was bustling with activity. (See Exhibit F.) 16. Respondent JIMMY J. MULLIS met with Office examiners briefly at this time. He claimed that he did not conduct loan modifications for Florida customers. He further indicated that he had just retumed from vacation and was in the process of terminating a number of people. The examiners agreed to return on Monday, at which point they were promised access to Respondents books and records for the purpose of conducting an examination. (See Exhibit F.) 17. Onorabout August 9, 2010, the Office retumed to the principal place of business at the agreed time to conduct an examination of Respondents’ business activities to determine whether Respondents were acting as unlicensed loan originators, mortgage brokers, and/or mortgage brokerage businesses and providing loan modification services and ‘whether such activities continued in violation of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes. (See Exhibit F) 18 During the Office’s examination Respondents provided documents to the Office demonstrating loan modification services were being provided by Respondents and that ‘numerous payments had been made to the company regarding these services. Many files appeared incomplete or lacked substantial information. (See Exhibit F.) 19. During the course of the on-site examination, the Office also issued and served a subpoena duces tecum for additional information from Respondents. While Office examiners were still at Respondents’ business location, Respondents provided the Office with a USB Flash Drive, which purportedly contained electronic copies of Respondents’ loan modification files. Other requested documents have not been provided, despite an extension of the original production deadline to August 25, 2010, (See Exhibit F.) 20, During the course of the on-site examination, Respondent JIMMY J. MULLIS also provided a notarized, written statement to the Office indicating that “As of January 1, 2010 to August 9, 2010, Mullis Family Enterprises has never done loan modifications for residence of the State of Florida and has no intention of ever doing so. We do not do loan modification in the states of California, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, and Pennsylvania as well.” (See Exhibits F & G.) 21, Based upon its review, the Office determined that Respondents had at least 233 Joan modification files it is either currently processing or which were in process between January 1, 2010 and August 9, 2010. Of those, and despite Respondents’ claims to the contrary, the Office has identified at least ten (10) loan modification files associated with Florida consumers. (See Exhibit F.) 22, Respondents provided examiners of the Office with HFG's Working Agreement, which HFG requires contracting clients to enter into and which requires clients to pay a specified sum, generally between $1,195 and $1,795, prior to completion of a loan modification. (See Exhibit H.) 23, Clients were permitted to pay the full charge or agree on installment terms. Respondents authorized clients to pay by bank wire, bank counter deposit, online transfer for Bank of America customers, credit card or Pay Pal. (See Exhibit H.) 24, The Office has determined that numerous individuals have paid fees to HFG between January 1, 2010 and August 9, 2010, in advance of obtaining any loan modification. Such payments specifically included those from at least seven (7) Florida customers. (See Exhibit F.) 25. During the Office's visits, the Respondents were advised by Office staff of the licensing requirements of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, which include the obligation for a business entity providing loan modification services to be licensed pursuant to Chapter 494, Florida Statutes and the statutory prohibition against receiving or collecting payment for Joan modification services before obtaining an actual loan modification. (See Exhibit F.) 26. Respondents continue to advertise and solicit new business at its websites and have not updated the websites to reflect that Respondents have stopped accepting new business for loan modifications. (See Exhibit F.) ications: Ind Al 27. Following the real estate collapse and the liquidity crisis in 2007 and 2008, a foreclosure relief and mortgage modification industry developed in the United States. Itis reported that thousands of borrowers have been victimized by this new industry. 28, 1 2008, the Florida Rescue Fraud Prevention Act was enacted, which was codified at Section 501.1377, Florida Statutes. The Legislature found that “...homeowners ‘who are in default on their mortgages, in foreclosure, or at risk of losing their homes due to nonpayment of taxes may be vulnerable to fraud, deception, and unfair dealings with foreclosure-rescue consultants or equity purchasers.” The Act provided for a prohibition on the collection of upfront payments or advance fees in connection with foreclosure related rescue services. The Act also required a written agreement between a foreclosure rescue consultant and the homeowner. The agreement has to include a 3 day right of cancellation ‘and contain other disclosures that inform the homeowner about their options. 29. 12009, Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, was amended to further address transactions involving loan modifications. Section 494.001(3), Florida Statutes, was, amended to include loan modification activities inthe definition of “act as a mortgage broker.” The amended definition includes the following: “...negotiating or offering to negotiate the terms or conditions of a new or existing mortgage loan on behalf of a borrower or lender”. 30. Also in 2009, Section 494,00296, Florida Statutes, was enacted, which specifically addressed “Loan Modifications.” Section 494,00296, Florida Statutes, was effective January 1, 2010, and provided various consumer protections, rights and remedies. Protection of the Public Heal! 31. Section 494,00296(1), Florida Statutes, was designed to protect the public health, safety, and welfare by setting forth prohibited practices, such as collecting fees prior to the ‘completion of the modification services, and then only if the services provide a material benefit to the borrower. This section also was designed to protect the public welfare in that participants must now be licensed, which insures that each individual and entity through which an individual acts to offer or provide loan modification services has successfully passed a background check, has demonstrated knowledge of the mortgage industry by possing a pre-licensure test, and has posted a surety bond. None of these consumer protections are provided when individuals and entities act without a license. 32, Homeowners in need of a loan modification are facing the loss of their most important possession, their homes, as well as possible financial catastrophe. Any ‘modification that is handled dishonestly or incompetently can jeopardize the entire financial future of the homeowner and the loss of the family home. Such will also only add to the backlog of foreclosures on the market. Each circumstance poses a significant threat to the public health, safety, and welfare. 33, ‘qualified to operate in this field, and therefore is relied upon by those facing foreclosure, ‘An individual or entity that falsely holds itself out to the public as authorized and poses an immediate danger to the pubic health, safety, and welfare. 34, Florida Statutes, and has jurisdiction over Respondents and this matter pursuant to Section CONCLUSIONS OF LAW ‘The Office is responsible for the administration and enforcement of Chapter 494, 494,0011(1), Florida Statutes. 38. 36. follows: 37. 38. Section 494.0014, Florida Statutes, provides in relevant part: (1) The Office hes the power to issue and serve upon any person an order to cease and desist and o take corrective action whenever it has reason to believe the person is violating, has violated, or is about to violate any provision of ss. 494.001-494.007 Section 494.001 (3), Florida Statutes, defines “Act as a mortgage Broker” as “Act as a mortgage broker” means, for compensation or gain, or in the expectation of compensation or gain, directly or indirectly...negotiating or offering to negotiate the terms or conditions of a new or existing mortgage loan on behalf of a borrower or lender... Section 494.0025, Florida Statutes, provides in relevant part: Itis unlawful for any person: @) To act as a mortgage broker in this state without a current, active license issued by the office pursuant to ss, 494.003 — 494.0043. ‘Section 494.00296(1), Florida Statutes, provides in relevant part: PROHIBITED ACTS. - When offering or providing loan modification services, a mortgage broker, mortgage brokerage business, mortgage lender, or correspondent mortgage lender licensed, or required to be licensed, under ss. 494.001-494-0077 may not: (©) Solicit, charge, receive, or attempt to collect or secure payment, directly or indirectly, for loan modification services. A fee may be charged only if the loan modification results in a material benefit to the borrower. The commission may adopt rules to provide guidance on what constitutes a material benefit to the borrower. 39, Section 494.0041(1), Florida Statutes, provides: (1) Whenever the office finds a person in violation of an act specified in subsection (2), it may enter an order imposing one or more of the following penalties against that person: (@) Revocation of a license or registration. (b) Suspension of a license or registration, subject to reinstatement upon satisfying all reasonable conditions that the office specifies. (©) Placement of the licensee or applicant on probation for a period of time and subject to all reasonable conditions that the office specifies. (@) Issuance of a reprimand, (© Imposition of a fine in an amount not exceeding $5,000 for each count or separate offense. (f) Denial of a license or registration. 40. Section 494.0041(2), Florida Statutes, provides: (2) Each of the following acts constitutes a ground for which the disciplinary actions specified in subsection (1) may be taken: (& Acting as a mortgage broker or mortgage brokerage business without a current, active license issued under ss. 494.003 — 494.0043, sees (©) Failure to comply with, or violations of, any other provision of ss. 494,001-494.0077. 41, Based upon the foregoing Statement of Facts, the Office has determined as a ‘matter of law that Respondents have committed the following violations of law: 10 8, By negotiating the terms or conditions of an existing mortgage loan on behalf of a borrower, in the expectation of compensation, HOPE FINANCIAL GROUP acted as a mortgage brokerage business in the State of Florida without a current, active license issued by the Office, in violation of Section 494.0041(2)(k), Florida Statutes. b. By directly and/or indirectly negotiating the terms or conditions of an existing ‘mortgage loan on behalf of a borrower, for compensation, Respondent JIMMY J, MULLIS acted as a mortgage broker and/or mortgage brokerage business in the State of Florida without a current active license issued by the Office, in violation of Section 494.0041(2)(k), Florida Statutes. ¢. By receiving a fee on or after January 1, 2010 for loan modification services before completing or performing all services included in the agreement for loan modification services, Respondents committed a prohibited act in violation of sections 494,00296(1(c) and 494.0041(2)(p), Florida Statutes, Pursuant to Sections 494,0014(1) and 494.0041(1), there is a basis to order the Respondents to cease and desist further violations of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, and to impose other enumerated penalties on the Respondents through an administrative complaint procedure governed by Section 120.569, Florida Statutes. Such provides a respondent the opportunity to request an administrative hearing within 21 days of receipt of the administrative complaint, The Commissioner of the Office of Financial Regulation finds that such penalties do not timely serve to halt the ongoing violations by the Respondents’ continued solicitation of customers, Section 120.569(2)(n), Florida Statutes provides as follows: (n) Ifan agency head finds that an immediate danger to the public health, safety, or welfare requires and immediate final order, it shall recite with particularity the facts underlying such findings in the final order, which shall be appealable or enjoinable from the date entered. 45. Pursuant to Section 120.569(2)(n), Florida Statutes, the Commissioner finds that itis necessary to take emergency and immediate action against Respondents to avoid irreparable harm to Florida consumers resulting from Respondents’ ongoing unlicensed processing activities related to those files itis currently working, to prevent Respondents from soliciting any new borrowers, and to prevent Respondents from taking fees from any new or current clients unless and until they have obtained licensure. 46, Section 494.0018, Florida Statutes, provides: (1) Whoever knowingly violates. any provision of s. 494,0041(2)(e), (B, oF (g); o s. 494.0025(1), (2), (3), (4), or (5), except as provided in subscetion (2) of this section, is guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083 or s. 775.084, Each such violation constitutes a separate offense. 47. By continuing to solicit through the website and direct mailings for loan modification services following the Office’s visit, the Respondents violated Section 494,0025(3), Florida Statutes, by knowingly acting as a mortgage broker without a license. 48, Section 494,0018(1), Florida Statutes, provides that a person who knowingly violates Section 494.0025(3), Florida Statutes, is guilty of a felony. 49. When the Legislature enacts penal statutes, it does so under the State's police power, which is limited to protection of the public's health, safety and welfare. Pursuant to ‘Section 120.569(2)(a), Florida Statutes, the Commissioner finds that the Respondents’ ‘ongoing felony activity constitutes a continuing and immediate danger to the public’s health, safety and welfare. 2 50, Having found the existence of an immediate danger, the Commissioner of the Office finds that it is necessary to prevent Respondents from soliciting any new borrowers and to prevent Respondents from taking fees from any new or current clients unless and until they have obtained licensure, 51, Inthe instant case, the facts, as recited with particularity above, demonstrate that Respondents’ activities are likely to continue and that this order is necessary to stop any future violations. Procedural Safeguards 52. This Immediate Final Order is narrowly tailored to correct the ongoing harm. The Order merely requires the Respondents to immediately refrain from engaging in activity that requires licensure until they have obtained such licensure, 53, The issuance of this Immediate Final Order and the procedural safeguards set forth herein and detailed in the attached Notice of Rights and Right to Judicial Review are concluded to be fair under the circumstances du to the harm that is being suffered by Florida consumers. To the extent each Respondent disagrees with the Findings of Fact, each Respondent is entitled to an emergency hearing presided over by an Administrative Law Judge appointed by the Division of Administrative Hearings. To the extent that each Respondent disputes the Conclusions of Law or the Commissioner's authority to issue this, Order, the Order is immediately appealable and enjoinable from the date of its issuance. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 120.68, Florida Statutes, Respondents are free to seck a stay of this Order from the Office or from the appropriate District Court of Appeal. Accordingly, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: a. The Respondents and all persons acting in concert or cooperation with Respondents shall immediately CEASE AND DESIST from performing, 13 directly or indirectly, any end all loan modification services until Respondents are appropriately licensed pursuant to Chapter 494, Florida Statutes. . The Respondents and all persons acting in concert or cooperation with Respondents shall immediately CEASE AND DESIST from entering written agreements for loan modification services, or otherwise contracting with new borrowers, and from accepting any payments, charges or fees to perform, directly or indirectly, for any loan modification services until Respondents are appropriately licensed pursuant to Chapter 494, Florida Statutes. ‘The Respondents and all persons acting in concert or cooperation with Respondents shall immediately CEASE AND DESIST from soliciting, offering or advertising, directly or indirectly, the Respondents’ availability to provide loan modification services to borrowers, including but not limited to the use of any advertising, signage, brochure or website to solicit borrowers, ‘until HFG is appropriately licensed pursuant to Chapter 494, Florida Statutes. Respondents shall refund eny payments, charges or fees collected from cach borrower for loan modification services that were collected on or after January 1, 2010, while HFG was not appropriately licensed pursuant to Chapter 494, Florida Statutes. . Respondents shall refund any payments, charges or fees collected from each borrower for loan modification services that were collected on or after January 1, 2010, that were collected pursuant to a loan modification agreement that ‘was not in compliance with Section 494.00296(2), Florida Statutes. Respondent shall provide a written report to the Office, care of Elizabeth L. Peters, Area Financial Manager, 921 N. Davis Street, Building B - Suite 225, “4 Jacksonville, Florida 32209, within fifteen (15) days of this Order, which includes the borrower's name, address, telephone number and the amount refunded to each borrower, in compliance with paragraphs (4) and (¢) above, Respondents shall not collect any payments, charges or fees from each borrower who had contracted with HFG for loan modification services on or before December 31, 2009, until all ofthe following conditions are satisfied: i, Respondents are appropriately licensed pursuant to Chapter 494, Florida Statutes; ii, Upon obtaining an appropriate license, HFG and the borrower enter {nto a loan modification agreement that is in compliance with Section 494.00296(2), Florida Statutes; iii, Upon obtaining an appropriate license, HFG completes and performs all loan modification services included in the loan modification agreement; and, iv. The loan modification results in a material benefit to the borrower, Respondents shall return all loan modification files that require HFG to perform additional loan modification services to each borrower within ten (10) days of this Order, Respondents shall provide a written report to the Office, care of Elizabeth L. Peters, Area Financial Manager, 921 N. Davis Street, Building B ~ Suite 225, Jacksonville, Florida 32209, within fifteen (15) days of this Order identifying the following: i, All borrower files that Respondents have returned to borrowers to include each borrower's name, address, and phone number as well as a narrative description of the status of the loan modification, a copy of Is the loan modification agreement or agreements for each borrower, and the amount and date that payments, charges and fees were collected or received from each borrower. ii, All borrower files that Respondents have retained to include each borrower's name, address, and phone number as well as a narrative description of the status ofthe loan modification, a copy of the loan modification agreement or agreements for each borrower, and the amount and date of payments, charges and fees collected or received from each borrower to date, DONE AND ORDERED at Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this f= day of 2010. Nerao tos |OMAS CARDWELL, Commi Office of Financial Regulation er CE. AND RIGHT TO JUDI REVIEW NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the foregoing Immediate Final Order is entered pursuant to sections 120.569(2)(n), Florida Statutes, and accordingly is effective immediately ‘and appealable or enjoinable from the date rendered. Judicial review may be obtained in accordance with section 120.68, Florida Statutes, as set forth below. Respondent may apply to the Office for a stay of this Order or, in proceeding for judicial review under section 120.68, Florida Statutes, request supersedeas from the Court. Notice is provided, however, that the Office will oppose supersedeas in this matter under the provisions of section 120.68(3), Florida Statutes. Judicial review of this Order under section 120.68, Florida Statutes, may be sought within thirty (30) days of its rendition in accordance with rule 9.110, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, by filing an original Notice of Appeal with the Agency Clerk, Office of Financial Regulation Legal Services Office, Suite 118, Fletcher Building, 200 B. Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0379 or Agency Clerk, Office of Financial Regulation Legal Services Office, P.O. Box 8050, Tallahassee, Florida 32314-8050 and a copy accompanied by filing fees prescribed by Section 35.22, Florida Statutes, with the District Court of Appeal, First District, 301 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, Tallahassee, FL 32399-1850, or with the district court of appeal in the appellate district where the party resides. The Notice of Appeal must be filed ‘within 30 days of rendition of the Order to be reviewed. Respondents are also advised that they may request an expedited administrative hearing to be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Requests for such a hearing must specifically state that the Respondents are seeking ” and expedited hearing and must comply with the provisions of Rules 28-106.501, 28-106.104(2), and Rule 28-106.2015, Florida Administrative Code, and must be filed with: ‘Agency Clerk OR Agency Clerk Office of Financial Regulation Office of Financial Regulation Suite 118, The Fletcher Building P.O. Box 8050 200 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32314-8050 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0379 Phone: (850) 410-9896 Phone: (850) 410-9896 Fax: (850) 410-9645 Fax: (850) 410-9645 within twenty-one (21) days after Respondents receive a copy of this Immediate Final Order. Failure to respond within twenty-one days of receipt this Immediate Final Order to Cease and Desist shall be deemed to be a waiver all rights to an expedited hearing. Should Respondents request such a hearing, Respondents will have the right to be represented by counsel or other ‘qualified representative; to offer testimony, either written or oral; to call and cross-examine ‘witnesses; and to have subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum issued on Respondents behalf. Pursuant to Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, you are advised that mediation is not available. Please be governed accordingly. FLORIDA OFFICE OF N [re prorest | ARGULATE wWEaTiONTE | b> J. THOMAS CARDWELL (COMMISSIONER. PH0s (850)410-9895 « Fax (850)410.9914 Matuse ADonEss: 200 ET TALLAMASSEE, FL 32309 Vist us on the web a * Tol Free: (800) 248-3792 CERTIFICATE NO. August 23. 2010 CERTIFICATE 1, the undersigned, Custodian of the Records, State of Florida, Office of Financial Regulation, do hereby certify That under the provisions of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, the Office of Financial Regulation issues all licenses to do business in the State of Florida as a mortgage broker, mortgage brokerage business, mortgage lender and correspondent mortgage lender. A diligent search of the records of the Office reveals that it has no record of licensure, under the provision of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, for the following entity: Mullis Family Enterprises LLC bia Hope Financial Group and/or Hope Financial Group, LLC IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, | hereto subscribe my name and affix the seal of my office, to this Certificate, No. 10-F-257, at Tallahassee, the day and year first above written. Office of Financial Regulation FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMISSION CHARUE.CRIST —BILLMCCOLLUNY sures Hanes aRonson ‘Governor ‘ATTORNEY cmepemancin — Consassionen or EXHIBIT A GENERAL ‘OFFICER on OFRI: A J, THOMAS CARDWELL ‘COMMISSIONER, one (850)410-9895 « Fax (850}410-9014 Maite ADORESS: 20 ET TALLAMASSEE,FL32309 Viet us on the web: 0 * Tol Free: (00) 848.3792 CERTIFICATE NO. 16-F-258 August 23, 2010 CERTIFICATE L, the undersigned, Custodian of the Records, State of Florida, Office of Financial Regulation, do hereby certify: That under the provisions of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, the Office of Financial Regulation issues all licenses to do business in the State of Florida as a mortgage broker, mortgage brokerage business, mortgage lender and correspondent mortgage lender. A diligent search of the records of the Office reveals that it has no record of licensure, under the provision of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, for the following person: Jimmy J. Mullis IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, | hereto subscribe my name and affix the seal of at Tallahassee, the day and year first above Aide Office of Financial Regulation my office, to this Certificate, No. 10-F~ FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMISSION CHARLIE CRIST SILL MccOLLUM ALEX SINK CHARLES BRONSON EXHIBIT B ‘GOVERNOR ‘ATTORNEY CHEF FNANCIA. “COMMISSIONER OF ‘GENERAL ‘OFFICER “AGRICULTURE Hope Financial Group Lic., in Conjunction With Consumer Budgeting Solutions Inc., Saving Homes & Dreams Across America aboutus It’s official!!! Contact Us After several months of negotiations we finally got it done. We are proud to announce we are Privacy & Secunty teaming up with the Premier Debt Management Company in the country. Bob Hancher has a ‘working knowledge in every facet of the Lending, Mortgage Broker, and Bank Lending segments Employment of the Industry. He has a history and reputation for taking on challenges and getting the job Fag done. Bob Hancher and his company “ Consumer Budgeting Solutions, inc” will be a very welcome Mosifcation Process team member of Good Hope Financial, Inc... Payment HAM STOP FORECLOSURE TODAY! President Obama Has Spoken And With His “HAMP Program” We Can Help!!!! Welcome to Hope Financial Group. We are a financial firm formed to bridge the gap between creditors, mortgage lenders, and collection agencies with homeowners wanting seek out assistance in taking corrective measures to improve their debt problems. We offer programs that can reduce interest rates too as low as 2%, reduce your mortgage payment by as much as 61% and improve credit ratings as well as provide our consumers with financial training with educational materials to help combat the many pitfalls of consumer finances. Please explore our website to learn more about our company and the programs that we offer. Hope Financtat group has built an honorable reputation in the mortgage industry proving to be a strong and effective company who fights for our clients. We may be able to assist you, but you must act now. We help over 94% of the homeowners that call, and if we do not have a program to suit your needs, we will point you in the right direction. Call our highly trained staff TODAY! Find out your rights before you lose them! Beware Of Scams!, BEWARE of companies who: Require payment up front, without any prior pre-qualification. Accept ONLY credit cards or money order. PROMISE any result. Do not offer any form of money back guarantee. Let us negotiate with your lender ‘We work with many lenders on a daily basis and have built solid relationships with them. om ‘Therefore, they are very receptive to our proposals. Regardless of your delinquency, HFG may be HIBIT C able to qualify you for as litle as $25,000.00, or up to as much as $617,000.00, in loan ‘modifications based on your free consultation with our company. Loan Modification: Cur staff of EXPERT consultants in loss mitigation programs can modify your existing loan. We will ‘use our outstanding reputation to negotiate with your lender to get your loan in good standing ‘again. This can be accomplished through a separate payment plan for your delinquency or even. by adding the delinquency to the end of your loan. Sometimes we can even re-amortize your loan and lower your monthly payment! Itall starts with your FREE Consultation with us. Call us toll free at 1.800.409.4233 n= Add Mi ch Engine Submis: All rights reserved. Hope Financial Group 2010 Powered by ‘Microsoft Office Live | Create a free websiy About Us Contact Us Privacy & Secutty Employment Fao Modifeaton Process Payment KAMP Hope Financial Group Lic., in Conjunction With Consumer Budgeting Solutions Inc., Saving Homes & Dreams Across America About Us Hope Financial Group is helping save homes and dreams across America. With over 40 years in the banking and finance industry we have the knowledge and experience to help millions of Americans that have fallen behind on the mortgage. Our Staff Customer testimonials | would like to thank you for all your help and support. HFG has shown our family, with HFG's assistance we were able to not only keep our home out of foreclosure but also lower our monthly payment $483.00 a month, ‘Thank You So Much & God Bless. N. Riles, Detroit MI (Our family can rest our heads knowing that we Our staff is comprised of individuals with education ‘are not going fo lose ‘our home and you focused on underwriting, loan modifications, mitigation, Trortgage loan processing, mortgage law, accounting, Suen aserao financial analysis and financial planning. Our customer for anjthing more service team Is dedicated to saving your home and your Thank you for dreams. everything you are a blessing ‘The Minter Family ‘Somewhere in GA All rights reserved. Hope Financial Group 2010 Powered by [3 Microsoft Office Live | Create-a free websity About Us Contact Us Prvacy & Secunty Employment Fao Modification Process Payment HAM Hope Financial Group Lic., in Conjunction With Consumer Budgeting Solutions Inc., Saving Homes & Dreams Across America Contact Us Please leave as much information about your situtation in the message area. (# months behind, monthly mortgage payment amount, mortgage company, are you in foreclosure) * First name (required). * Last name (required): + E-mail address (required): Phone number: [ + Message (required) T | want to receive newsletters, updates. and special offers Hope Financial Group, Lic 9526 Argyle Forest Blvd Suite 82 # 429 Jacksonville, FL 32222 4-888-638-1116 Toll Free Customer Service 1-800-409-4233 Toll Free Sales 1-800-830-0799 Toll Free Fax All rights reserved. Hope Financial Group 2010 Submit owered by ‘Sk Microsoft Office Live | Createa free websio Hope Financial Group LIc., in Conjunction With Consumer Budgeting Solutions Inc., Saving Homes & Dreams Across America Legal information About Us neue Hope Financial Group (HFG) is not affiliated with any goverment Privacy & Security agencies. HFG is committed to protecting any personal information that you may provide to us. n particular, we believe it is important for you to know Employment how we treat information about you that we may receive from this Web a site. Moaifcation Process Information Collected Payment In general, you can visit this Web site without telling us who HaMP you are or revealing any information about yourself. Our web servers collect the domain names, not the e-mail addresses, of visitors. In addition, there are portions of this Web site where we may need to collect personal information from you for a specific purpose, such as to provide you with certain information you request. The information collected from you may include your name, address, telephone, fax number, or e- ‘mail address. For electronic access to annual reports and proxy statements, we collect your tax identification number to verify your shareholder status. For our supplier diversity site, we necessarily collect information about gender and ethnicity, such as whether your business is female-owned. This Web site is not intended for persons under 13 years of age. We do not knowingly solicit or cotlect personal information from or about children, and we do not knowingly market our products or services to children, Use of Collected information Domain name information that we collect is not used to personally identify you and instead is aggregated to measure the number of visits, average time spent on the site, pages viewed, etc. We use this information to measure the use of our site and to improve the content of our site. ‘When other information fs collected from you, such as your name and e-mail address, we generally let you know at the time of collection how we will use the personal information. Usually, we use the personal information you provide only to respond to your inquiry or to process your request (such as to receive electronic annual reports or to be added to our supplier diversity database). This information may be shared with other HFG businesses, but only if necessary to fulfill your request or for related purposes. We may share the personal information you provide with other ‘companies we have hired to provide services for us. These ‘companies - our vendors - are contractually bound to use personal information we share with them ony to perform the services we have hired them to provide. We do not share, sel, or lease personal information about you to any third-parties for their marketing use. We will release information about you if you direct us to do so, if we are required by law to 00 $0, or in ‘other legally limited circumstances (for example, to protect your account from fraud). If you register with one of HFG's business units online, they may use this information to provide you with custom information about HFG's offerings in support of your business needs. You should review the privacy policy associated with that HFG business’ Web site for further information about that HFG business’ privacy practices. For example, a technology called cookies may be used to provide you with tailored information. A cookie is a tiny element of data that a Web site can send to your browser, which may then be stored (on your hard drive so we can recognize you when you return. You may set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie. Links to Other Sites HFG's Web site may contain links to other sites such as HFG distributors and sales affiliates. While we try to link only to sites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the content, security, or privacy practices employed by other sites. Security of Collected Information ‘We maintain strict physical, electronic, and administrative safeguards to protect your personal information from unauthorized or inappropriate access. We restrict access to information about you to those HFG workers who need to know the information to respond to your inquiry or request. Workers who misuse personal information are subject to disciplinary action. Access to Collected Information You may review and update the information that you provide to us through this Web site by contacting us as described below. Contacting Us If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please use the Contact Us page. We welcome your questions and suggestions about our privacy policy. Changes to this Policy Please check this privacy policy periodically to inform yourself of any change. Although we reserve the right to modify or ‘supplement this privacy policy, we will provide notice to you ‘on this Web site of any major changes for at least 30 days following the change. 1.800.409.4233 All rights reserved. Hope Financial Group 2010 Poweredby ‘Tatcrosoft Ofce Live | Create a free. webs About Us Contact Us Privacy & Secunty Employment FAQ Modification Process Payment HAMP Hope Financial Group Lic., in Conjunction With Consumer Budgeting Solutions Inc., Saving Homes & Dreams Across America EmpLoyMENT OpporTuUNITIES Financial Analyst Prepare qualitative and quantitative analysis of portfolio investments. Research and report economic studies relating to market trends both stock and bond markets. Requirements: Bachelors of Finance Financial Planners Gather all relative financial data of client. Prepare a cost analysis that incorporates investments, project savings, and proposed budgets while recognizing long term and short term goals. Requirements: Current Certificate Underwriting ‘Audit and review all submitted documents, perform risk assessment studies. Verify and confirm loan qualifications under specified guidelines for approval. Requirements: 2 yrs Underwriting Experience Loan Officer Provide customer support throughout the loan process by realizing and ‘communicating with the client the financial gains available. Requirements: 2 yrs Prior Experience Quality Control Auditors Verifies that all loans meet state and federal guidelines and ensures that all agreements stipulated within the loan are adhered to. Requirements: tyr Prior Experience Desk Clerks Provide basic clerical duties for the staff to facilitate the timely and efficient processing of loans. Requirements: 1 yr Prior Experience All rights reserved. Hope Financial Group 2010 About Us Contact Us Privacy & Secunty Employment Faq Modification Process Payment HAMP Hope Financial Group Llc., in Conjunction With Consumer Budgeting Solutions Inc., Saving Homes & Dreams Across America Loan Modification Frequently Asked Questions A Loan Modification is a permanent change in one or more of the terms of a mortgagor's loan, allows the loan to be reinstated, and results ina payment the mortgagor can afford. Question 4: In utilizing the Loan Modification option to bring an asset current, can the mortgagee include all fees and corporate advances? Answer: Mortgage Letter 2008-21 states in part: Legal fees and related foreclosure costs for work actually completed and applicable to the current default episode may be capitalized into the modified principal balance. Question 2: May a mortgagee perform an interior inspection of the property if they have concerns about property condition? ‘Answer: Yes, the mortgagee may conduct any review it deems necessary to verify that the property has no physical conditions which adversely impact the mortgagor's continued ability to support the modified mortgage payment. Question 3: Can a mortgagee include late charges in the Loan Modification? Answer: Mortgage Letter 2008-21 states that accrued late charges should be waived by the mortgagee at the time of the Loan Modification. Question 4: When utilizing a Loan Modification option, can a mortgagee capitalize an escrow advance for Homeowner's Association fees? Answer: HUD Handbook 4330.1 REV-5, Paragraph 2-1, Section B, Escrow Obligations states: Mortgages must also escrow funds for those items which, if not paid, would create liens on the property positioned ahead of the FHA-insured mortgage. Question 5: Is there a new basis interest rate which mortgages may assess when completing a Loan Modification? Answer: Yes, Mortgagee Letter 2008-21 states that the new basis interest rate Is 200 points above the monthly average yield on U.S. ‘Treasury Securities, adjusted to a constant maturity of 10 years. Question 6: Will HUD subordinate a Partial Claim, should a mortgagor subsequently default and qualify for a Loan Modification? Answer: If a mortgagor subsequently defaults and qualifies for a Loan Modification, HUD will subordinate the Partial Claim. Question 7: Are mortgagees required to perform an escrow analysis when completing a Loan Modification? Answer: Yes, mortgages are to perform a retroactive escrow analysis at the time the Loan Modification to ensure that the delinquent payments being capitalized reflect the actual escrow requirements required for those months capitalized. Question 8: Is the mortgagor eligible for the upfront premium refund at payoff of a modified loan? ‘Answer: It depends upon when the closing date occurred. For assets closed: After July 1, 1991 but before January 1, 2001, the 7-year unearned premium refund schedule shown in Mortgage Letter 1994-1 remains in effect, On or after January 1, 2001 that are subsequently refinanced, the 5- year refund schedule shown in the attachment of Mortgagee Letter 2000-46 applies, or On or after December 8, 2004, refunds of upfront MIP are eliminated except, when the mortgagor refinances to another FHA insured mortgage. The refund schedule attached to Mortgagee Letter 2005-03 has been modified to a 3-year period. Question 9: Can a mortgagee qualify an asset for the Loan Modification option when the mortgagor is unemployed, the spouse is employed, but the spouse name is not on the mortgage? Answer: Based upon this scenario, the mortgagee should conduct a financial review of the household income and expenses to determine if surplus income is sufficient to meet the new modified mortgage payment, but insufficient to pay back the arrearage. Once this process has been completed the mortgagee should then consult with their legal counsel to determine if the asset is eligible for a Loan Modification since the spouse is not on the original mortgage. CContent current as of August 29, 2008 All rights reserved. Hope Financial Group 2010 werd by ‘Sa Microsoft ¢ About Us Contact Us Privacy & Securty Employment Fag Modification Process Payment HAMP Hope Financial Group Lic., in Conjunction With Consumer Budgeting Solutions Inc., Saving Homes & Dreams Across America The Simple Process First, after your online submission, one of our specialists will contact you and obtain an application that includes basic information on the property, loan(s), and the borrower(s) situation. This is then reviewed by our approval department for pre-qualification. This service is free, has no obligation to the applicant, and will help to determine ifthe borrower(s) are suitable candidates for loan modification. The pre-qualification process takes 2-24 hours, Second, If the applicant(s) are pre-qualified, we then forward and request from the borrower(s) the required documentation to begin the loan modification process. This includes: a hardship letter, HFG authorization forms, HFG contract, copies of the borrower(s) financial documents, form of payment, and other required documents given the borrowers unique situation ‘Third, after the borrower(s) documentation and payment has been received our mitigators will review, package, and submit the application to the lender along with the supporting evidence in the matter. Our mitigators provide the lender with a detailed report that will summarize to the lender what the borrower(s) can afford and what they stand to lose in the event of a foreclosure, This process usually takes 6 to 12 weeks to complete and differs for each situation. During this ‘negotiation process, our mitigators negotiate with the lenders loss mitigation department in order to obtain the best, more affordable terms for the borrower(s). Borrower(s) may be required to provide further information or documentation as requested by the lender and our mitigators in order to support their situation. Laslly, ifthe lender and mitigator have settled on better, proposed loan terms, the new loan modification agreement is complete and will be forwarded to the borrower(s). If our mitigators are tunable to negotiate better terms for the borrower(s), we then issue a refund back to the borrower less actual time invested multiplied by $150.00 per hour, but not to exceed the flat amount set forth above. Remember: ¢ NO CREDIT CHECK ‘© Our goal is to help qualified homeowners keep their home ‘© Our success rate is outstanding and above 94% ‘© Some loans are modified to fixed rates under 4.5% and lenders continue to be more creative given the current financial crisis. ‘* For 1/4 of the traditional cost of a refinance you have the ability to modify your loan into better terms. ‘« There are many unscrupulous loan modification companies out there, make sure you ‘work directly with attorneys. ¢ We offer a FREE PRE-QUALIFY, ‘¢ We offer a money back guarantee, We are able offer this without hesitation because of our extremely high success rate on accepted applications. ‘« Allstates encounter different laws and regulations; we have attomeys that can help in all 50 states. APPLY NOW All rights reserved. Hope Financial Group 2010 Home About Us Contact Us Prvacy & Security Employment FAQ Modification Process Payment Han Hope Financial Group LIc., in Conjunction With Consumer Budgeting Solutions Inc., Saving Homes & Dreams Across America CLICK ON THE PAY NOW LINK BELOW TO MAKE PAYMENT To start using Green E-Check on your website or for you business click the link below. All rights reserved. Hope Financial Group 2010 wore by ‘Microsoft Office Live | Createa free west About Us Contact Us Prvacy & Security Employment FAQ Modification Process Payment HAMP Hope Financial Group Lic., in Conjunction With Consumer Budgeting Solutions Inc., Saving Homes & Dreams Across America Home Affordable Modification Program: Overview ‘The Home Affordable Modification Program is designed to help as many as 3 to 4 million financially struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure by modifying loans to a level that is affordable for borrowers now and sustainable over the long term. The program provides clear and consistent loan modification guidelines that the entire mortgage industry can use. Borrower eligibility is based on meeting specific criteria including: 41) borrower is delinquent on their mortgage or faces imminent risk of default 2) property is occupied as borrower's primary residence 3) mortgage was originated on or before Jan. 1, 2009 and unpaid principal balance must be no greater than $729,750 for one-unit properties. ‘After determining a borrower's eligibility, a servicer will take a series of steps to adjust the monthly ‘mortgage payment to 31% of a borrowers total pretax monthly income: ‘First, reduce the interest rate to as low as 2%, ‘Next, ifnecessary, extend the loan term to 40 years, ‘Finally, if necessary, forbear (defer) a portion of the principal until the loan is paid off and waive interest on the deferred amount. ‘The Home Affordable Modification Program includes incentives for borrowers, servicers and investors. All rights reserved. Hope Financial Group 2010 Powered iy ‘Si Mirosoft Office Live | Create a free websi Moneay, August 23, Home About Us Contact Us ‘Modification Process Payment =—-H.A.M.P. ‘You are here: Home Register PROTECTING JNVESTMENTS~ {ror ronzcvosune Tovar! President Obama Has Spoken And With His "HAMP Program” We Can Help!!! Welcome to Hope Financial Group. We are a financial firm formed to bridge the gap between creditors, mortgage lenders, ar collection agencies with homeowners wanting seek out assistance in taking corrective measures to improve their debt proble We offer programs that can reduce interest rates too as low as 2%, reduce your mortgage payment by as much as 61% and improve credit ratings as well as provide our consumers with financial training with educational materials to help combat the many pitfalls of consumer finances. Please explore our website to learn more about our company and the programs that offer. the mortgage industry proving to be a strong and effective compar but you must act now. We help over 94% of the homeowners ‘we will point you in the right direction. Call our highly trainec Hope Financial group has built an honorable reputation in who fights for our clients. We may be able to assist you, that call, and if we do not have a program to sult your needs, staff TODAY! Find out your rights before you lose them! TRAE TUES 4 uta Ru) ULCERS Require payment up front, without any prior pre-qualification. Accept ONLY credit cards or money order, PROMISE any result. 10 not offer any form of money back guarantee. flerus necorsare wins your tenDen ie wo with many lenders ona daly bass and have Bus relationships wit them, Therefore hey ae very receptive We work with many landers on 2 dally basls a a te to shy you fran Iie bs $25/000.0, or op os much So Ree aed on Yau ree consultation with ou compeny. flow moorrzcarron Our sta of EXPERT consultants in loss mitigation programs can meaify your existing loan. We wil use our outstanding aoe ot erate mth Your lender to et your oer In good standing agen, Tis can be accompisnea rough 2 separa are eo ar calnauency or even by sacng te deingueney tote end of Your lean, Sometimes we cn even Fe an ee and lowes your monty payment Ta sats with your FREE Consutaton with Us. all us tll fee at 1.800.409.4233 " (Cetcoces es ‘ea Copyright 2010 by Hy Hope + Privacy Statement | Terms Of Use Monday, August 23, 2010 Home You are here: About Us » Privacy & Security About UsContact Us Modification Process Payment H.A.M. Legal Information Hope Financial Group (HFG) is not SAP RUGAS tp committed to protecting any personal Information that you may provide to us. In particular, we treat information about you that we may recelve from this Web site. Information Collected I: 1n general, you can visit this Web site ‘without telling us who you are or revealing any Information about yourself. Our web servers collect the | domain names, not the e-mail addresses, of visitors. In addition, there are portions of this Web site where we may need to collect personal J information from you for a speci purpose, such as to provide you with certain information you request. The Information collected from you may include your fname, address, telephone, fax number, or e-mail address. For electronic access to ‘annual reports and proxy statements, we collect your tax identification number to Verify your shareholder status. For our supplier diversity site, we necessarily collect information about gender and ethnicity, such as whether your business is female- owned. ‘This Web site is not intended for persons under 13 years of age. We do not knowingly solicit or collect personal information from or about children, and we do not knowingly market our products or services to children, Use of Collected Information Domain name information that we collect Is not used to personally identify you and instead Is aggregated to measure the number of visits, average time spent on the site, pages viewed, ete, We use this Information to measure the use of our site and to Improve the content of our site. When other information Is collected from you, such as your name and e-mail address, we generally let you know at the time of collection how we will use the personal information. Usually, we use the personal Information you provide only to respond to Your Inquiry or to process your request (such as to receive electronic annual reports Or to be added to our supplier diversity database). This information may be shared with other HFG businesses, but only if necessary to full your request or for related Purposes. We may share the personal information you provide with other companies we have hired to provide services for us. These companies - our venders - are contractually Register afflated with any goverment agencies, HFG is believe it Is Important for you to know how we oan bound to use personal information we share with them only to perform the services we have hired them to provide. We do nat share, sell, or lease personal information ‘bout you to any third-parties for thelr marketing use. We will rerease informavion ‘bout you if you direct us to do so, if we are required by law to do so, or in other Iegally limited circumstances (for example, to protect your account from fraud). If you register with one of HFG's business units online, they may use this information to provide you with custom information about HFG's offerings in support of your business needs. You should review the privacy policy associated with that HFG business’ Web site for further Information about that HFG business’ privacy practices. For example, a technolagy called cookies may be used to provide you with tallored Information. A cookie is a tiny element of data that a Web site can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your hard drive so we can recognize you when you return. You may set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie. Links to Other Sites HFG's Web site may contain links to other sites such as HFG distributors and sales afflates. While we try to link only to sites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the content, security, or privacy practices employed by other sites. Security of Collected Information We maintain strict physical, electronic, and administrative safeguards to protect your personal information from unauthorized or inappropriate access. We restrict access to Information about you to those HFG workers who need to know the information to respond to your inquiry or request. Workers who misuse personal information are subject to disciplinary action. ‘Access to Collected Information ‘You may review and update the Information that you provide to us through this Web site by contacting us as described below. Contacting Us If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please use the Contact Us page. We welcome your questions and suggestions about our privacy policy. Changes to this Policy Please check this privacy policy periodically to inform yourself of any change. Although ‘we reserve the right to modify or supplement this privacy policy, we will provide notice to you on this Web site of any major changes for at least 30 days following the change. 1,800.409.4233, Privacy Statement | Terms Of Use Copyright 2010 by My Hope Group Monday, August 23, 2010 Home About Us Contact Us Modification Process Payment =—_HA.M. You are here: About Us » Sample Client t Page Register Login q . 7 Ghads PHoelete _ o. Synchronize Files Folders: [aces File System =\eueeerae eae Boe ud Snacon Files: Refresh. Copy Files 23 Move Files ff, Upload _$& Delete Files File Name Date size |_fiename Et [Habout-us.png 6/14/2010 7:58:41 AMA 151,646 japply-Now-SKINNY Jpg 6/11/2010 10:23:30 PM_A_27,827 go 509) 6/11/2010 10:50:03 PM _A_22,990 [Zlemployment-Opportunities.png___6/14/2010 8:43:55 AM _A 260,205 Zlemployment-Opportunities2.png 6/14/2010 9:47:17 AM__A 190,862 [ 6/14/2010 8:56:51 AM _ A 127,393, 3] Frame-Contact-Us.png) 6/11/2010 1:48:22 PM _A 234,800 Banaroee $09 6/8/2010 10:03:33 AM__A__20,083, |B] Home-Page-2.p0g 6/11/2010 10:31:26 PM _A_20,363, Stock 000001084155xSmalljpg 6/11/2010 1:30:40 PM_A 135,762 Prwvacy Statement | Terms Of Use Copyright 2010 by My Hope Group Monday, August Home About Us Contact Us._-—«‘Modification Process Payment = H.A.M. Register bout Us» Employment Tan) ooo) an olla opportunite Financial Analyst Prepare qualitative and quantitative analysis of portfolio investments. Research and report economic studies relating market trends both stock and bond markets. Requirements: Bachelors of Finance Financial Planners Gather all relative financial data of client. Prepare a cost analysis that incorporates investments, project savings, and proposed budgets while recognizing long term and short term goals. Requirements: Current Certificate Underwriting ‘Audit and review all submitted documents, perform risk assessment studies. Verify and confirm loan qualifications un specified guidelines for approval. Requirements: 2 yrs Underwriting Experience Loan Officer Provide customer support throughout the loan process by realizing and communicating with the client the financial gi available. Requirements: 2 yrs Prior Experience Quality Control Auditors Verifies that all loans meet state and federal guidelines and ensures that all agreements stipulated within the loan an adhered to. Requirements: 1yr Prior Experience Desk Clerks Provide basic clerical duties for the staff to facilitate the timely and efficient processing of loans. Requirements: 1 yr Prior Experience Copyright 2010 by My H Privacy Statement | Terms Of Use Monday, August ¢ Home AboutUs Contact Us Modification Process. Payment = H.A.M.P. ‘You are here: About Us » F.A.Q. Register Frequently ASK Questions Loan Modification ‘A Loan Modification is a permanent change in one or more of the terms of a mortgagor's loan, allows the loan to be reinstated, and results In a payment the mortgagor can afford. Question 1: In utilizing the Loan Modification option to bring an asset current, can the mortgagee include all fees and corporate advances? Answer: Mortgagee Letter 2008-21 states in part: Legal fees and related foreclosure costs for work actually completed and applicable to the current default episode may be capitalized into the modified principal balance. Question 2: May a mortgagee perform an interior inspection of the property if they have concerns about property condition? ‘Answer: Yes, the mortgagee may conduct any review it deems necessary to verify that the property has no physical conditions which adversely impact the mortgagor's continued ability to support the modified mortgage payment. Question 3: Can a mortgagee include late charges in the Loan Modification? ‘Answer: Mortgage Letter 2008-21 states that accrued late charges should bbe waived by the mortgagee at the time of the Loan Modification. Question 4: When utilizing a Loan Modification option, can a mortgagee capitalize an escrow advance for Homeowner's Association fees? Answer: HUD Handbook 4330.1 REV-5, Paragraph 2-1, Section B, Escrow Obligations states: Mortgagees must also escrow funds for those items which, if not paid, would create liens on the property positioned ahead of the FHA- insured mortgage. Question 5: Ts there a new basis interest rate which mortgagees may assess when completing a Loan Modification? Answer: Yes, Mortgage Letter 2008-21 states that the new basis interest rate is 200 points above the monthly average yield on U.S. Treasury Securities, adjusted to a constant maturity of 10 years. Question 6: Will HUD subordinate a Partial Claim, should a mortgagor subsequently default and qualify for a Loan Modification? “Answer: If a mortgagor subsequently defaults and qualifies for a Loan Modification, HUD will subordinate the Partial Claim. Question 7: Are mortgagees required to perform an escrow analysis when completing a Loan Modification? Answer: Yes, mortgages are to perform a retroactive escrow analysis at the time the Loan Modification to ensure that the delinquent payments being capitalized refiect the actual escrow requirements required for those months capitalized. Question 8: Is the mortgagor eligible for the upfront premium refund at payoff of a modified loan? ‘Answer: It depends upon when the closing date occurred. For assets closed: After July 1, 1991 but before January 1, 2001, the 7-year unearned premium refund schedule shown in Mortgage Letter 1994-1 remains in effect, (On or after January 1, 2001 that are subsequently refinanced, the S-year refund schedule shown in the attachment of Mortgagee Letter 2000-46 applies, o (On or after December 8, 2004, refunds of upfront MIP are eliminated except, when the mortgagor refinances to another FHA insured mortgage. The refund schedule attached to Mortgage Letter 2005-03 has been modified to a 3-year period. Question 9: Can a mortgagee qualify an asset for the Loan Modification option when the mortgagor is unemployed, the spouse is employed, but the spouse name is not on the mortgage? Answer: Based upon this scenario, the mortgagee should conduct a financial review of the household income and expenses to determine if surplus income is sufficient to meet the new modified mortgage payment, but insufficient to pay back the arrearage. Once this process has been completed the mortgagee Should then consult with their legal counsel to determine if the asset is eligible for a Loan Modification since the spouse is not on the original mortgage. Content current as of August 29, 2008 Privacy Statement | Terms Of Use Copyright 2010 by My Ho Home AboutUs Contact Us_-——Modification Process \ privacy & Security ‘dele Cent Poge Empidynent ‘You are here: Contact US contact us vtest: vias “How can we best serve you?: Submit acy Statement | Terms Of Use Monday, August 23, 2010 Payment —-H.A.M.P. Register Login Hope Financial Group, Lie 9526 Argyle Forest Bivd Sulte 82 # 429 Jacksonville, FL 32222 1-888-638-1116 Toll Free Customer Service 1-800-409-4233, Toll Free Sales 1-800-830-0799 Toll Free Fax ‘Copyright 2010 by My Hope Group Monday, August 23, 2010, Home About UsContact Us Modification Process Payment H.AM.P. You are here: Hodieton cess neater Loin imple Process _ First, after your online submission, one of ‘our specialists will contact you and obtain | an application that includes basic information on the property, loan(s), and the borrower(s) situation. This is then reviewed by our approval department for pre-qualification. This service is free, has ‘90 obligation to the applicant, and will help to determine if the borrower(s) are suitable candidates for loan modification. The pre-qualfication process takes 2-24 hours. Second, If the applicant(s) are pre- qualified, we then forward and request from the borrower(s) the required documentation to begin the loan modification process. This includes: a } hardship letter, HFG authorization forms, HFG contract, copies of the TT secre borrower(s) financial documents, form of payment, and other required documents given the borrowers unique situation. 1 Third, after the borrower(s) documentation and payment has been received our mitigators will review, package, and submit the application to the lender along with the supporting evidence in the matter. Our mitigators provide the Tender with 2 detailed report that will summarize to the lender what the borrower(s) can afford and what they stand to lose in the event of 2 foreclosure. This process usually takes 6 to 12 weeks to complete and differs for each situation, During this negotiation process, our mitigators negotiate with the lenders loss mitigation department in order to obtain the best, more affordable terms for the borrower(s). Borrower(s) may be required to provide further information or documentation as requested by the lender and our mitigators in order to support their situation. Lastly, if the lender and mitigator have settled on better, proposed loan terms, the new loan modification agreement is complete and will be forwarded to the borrower(s). If our mitigators are unable to negotiate better terms for the borrower(s), we then issue a refund back to the borrower less actual time Invested multiplied by $150.00 per hour, but not to exceed the flat amount set forth above. Remember: NO CREDIT CHECK © Our goal is to help qualified homeowners keep their home ‘Our success rate is outstanding and above 94% ‘Some loans are modified to fixed rates under 4,5% and lenders continue to be more creative given the current financial crisis. For 1/4 of the traditional cost of a refinance you have the ability to modify your loan into better terms. @ There are many unscrupulous loan modification companies out there, make sure you work directly with attorneys. |] We offer a FREE PRE-QUALIFY. of our extremely high success rate on accepted applications. We offer a money back guarantee. We are able offer this without hesitation because All states encounter different laws and regulations; we have attorneys that can help in all 50 states. Privacy Statement | Terms Of Use Ce aaCR my online form Copyright 2010 by My Hope Group Monday, August 23, 2010 Home About Us Contact Us_—Modification Process. Payment = H.A.M.P. You are here: Payment Register Login fav onune Privacy Statement | Terms Of Use ‘copyright 2010 by My Hope Group FILED COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF BANKING O10 JUL 21 PH 154 S00 oT PRT OF BAN 7 ADEPT OF Be COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA =: Docket No. : 10. Enea : DEPARTMENT OF BANKING, BUREAU . OF COMPLIANCE, INVESTIGATION AND LICENSING, v. HOPE FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL AND HEARING ‘You, Hope Financial Group, LLC, have the right to appeal the attached Order within 10 days of the date of service. See 1 Pa. Code § 35.20. ‘The date of service is the date the Order is deposited in the mail or delivered to you in person, as the case may be, as set forth in 1 Pa. Code § 33.34, Ifyou appeal the Order, you also have a right to a hearing. To file an appeal and request a Hearing on the Order, you must file a petition with the Secretary of Banking within 10 days.of the date of service. 1 Pe. Code § 35.20. The petition ust be in vaiting, state clearly and concisely your grounds of interest in the subject matter, the facts you rely upon, the law you rely upon, and the relief you seek. See 1 Pa. Code § 35.17 Please deliver your petition to: Linnea Freeberg, Docket Cleck Office of Executive Deputy Secretary Pennsylvania Department of Banking ITN, Second Street, Suite 1300 Harrisburg, PA 1710! ‘The petition must be received by the Docket Clerk within the aforementioned 10 day deadline. If the Docket Clerk does not receive your petition on time, your right to a hearing will ‘be waived and the Order will be deemed final. Ifyou choose to file a petition challenging the Order, please send an additional copy to: Lauren Sassani, Assistant Counsel Pennsylvania Department of Banking ITN. Second Street, Suite 1300 Harrisburg, PA 17101 EXHIBIT D Once you file your petition appealing the Order and requesting # hearing, you will be notified of the hearing date, time, place, the person who will preside et your hearing, and any other pertinent information, ‘You have the right to be represented by an attomey. Corporations may be required to be represented by an attorney. ‘The hearing and all ther procedural matters will be govemed by the Pennsylvania ‘Administrative Agency Law, 2 Pa. CS. §§ 501-508, 701-704, and the General Rules of ‘Administrative Practice and Procedure, ! Pa. Code §§ 31.1-35.251, FILED COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA : DEPARTMENT OF BANKING ‘nyo JUL 21 PATS er ne puyemin Fi Pron COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA =: Docket No. : 10, \OISe_cenr-orD) DEPARTMENT OF BANKING, BUREAU: OF COMPLIANCE, INVESTIGATION AND LICENSING, ¥. HOPE FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC. ne ORDER WHEREAS, the Department of Banking (the “Department") is the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's administrative agency authorized and empowered to administer and enforce the 4 Mortgage Licensing Act, 7 Pa. C.S. § 6101 et sea ‘WHEREAS, the Bureau of Compliance, Investigation and Licensing (the “Bureau”) is primarily responsible for adminisering and enforeing the Mortgage Licensing Act for the Department; and : "WHEREAS, 7 Pa. CS. § 6101 et seq. was amended on August 5, 2009, by Act 31 of 2009, H.B. 1654 (P-N. 2448); and WHEREAS, in or around May 2010, the Bureau became aware that Hope Financial Group, LLC (“Hope Financial Group") sent a mail solicitation to an individual located in Scranton, Pennsylvania regarding mortgage loan modifications. A redacted copy of the mail . solicitation is attached as Exhibit A. WHEREAS, the Mortgage Licensing Act applies. to any mortgage loan that is “(i) negotiated, offered or otherwise transacted within this Commonwealth, in whole or in part, whether by the ultimate lender or any other person; (ii) made or executed within this Commonwealth; ot (ii) notwithstanding the place of execution, secured by real property located in this Commonwealth.” 7 Pa, C.S. § 6135(1) (emphasis edded); and WHEREAS, Section 6102 of the Mortgage Licensing Act defines “mortgage loan business” as “[i]he business of advertising, causing to be advertised, soliciting, negotiating or rranging in the ordinary course of business or offering to make or making mortgage loans.” 7 Pa. CS. § 6102; and WHEREAS, Section 6102 of the Mortgage Licensing Act defines a “first mortgage Joan” as a loan which is “(1) made primarily for personal, family or household use; and (2) secured by any first lien mortgage, deed of trust, or equivalent consensual security interest on @ welling or on residential real estate.” 7 Pa. C.S. § 6102; and WHEREAS, Section 6102 of the Mortgage Licensing Act defines a “secondaty. smorigage loan” as “(I) made primarily for person, family or household use; and (2) secured by any secondary lien mortgage, deed of trust, or equivalent consensual security interest on & dwelling or on residential real estate.” 7 Pa. C.S. § 6102; end “WHEREAS, Section 6102 of the Mortgage Licensing Act defines a “mortgage loan"’as “{a] frst or secondary mortgage loan, or both, as the context may require.” 7 Pa. C'S. § 6102; and WHEREAS, Section 6102 of the Mortgage Licensing Act defines “mortgage originator” as “{a}n individual [Who] takes @ mortgage loan application or offers or negotiates terms of a mortgage loan for compensation or gain.” 7 Pa. C-S. § 6102; and WHEREAS, Section 6111(e) of the Mortgage Licensing Act provides that “. . . no person shall engage in the mortgage loan business in this Commonwealth without being licensed as a riortgage broker, mortgage lender, mortgage loan correspondent or mortgage otiginator as provided under this chapter. A mortgage originator may not engage in the mortgage loan business unless the mortgage originator is employed and supervised by a licensed mortgage broker, mortgage lender or mortgage loan correspondent...” 7 Pa. CS. § 6111(a); and WHEREAS, by advertising the loan modification business through a direct mail solicitation to @ Pennsyivaiie consumer, Hope Financial Group is actively engaged in, and holding itself out as being engaged in, the mortgage loan business in Pennsylvania; and WHEREAS, Hope Financial Group does not meet any of the exceptions to licensure it Sections 6111(6) and 6112 of the Mortgage Licensing Act. See 7 Pa C.S, §§ 6111(b), 6112; and WHEREAS, Hope Financial Group is not licensed to engage in the mortgage loan ‘business in Pennsylvania; and : WHEREAS, Hope Financial Group has violated the Mortgage Licensing Act by engaging in the mortgage loan business in Pennsylvania without a license; and “WHEREAS, Section 6138(2)(4) of the Mortgage Licensing Act provides the Department swith authority to issue orders as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the mortgage loan ‘business and the enforcement ofthe Mortgage Licensing Act. 7 Pa. C.S. § 6138(a)(4); and WHEREAS, Section 6140(a) of the Mortgage Licensing Act provides, in relevant part that “[a} person subject to the provisions of this chapter an not licensed by the department who violates any provision of this chapter or who commits any action which would subject a license to suspension, revocation or nonrenewal under section 6139 (relating to suspension, revocation or refusal) may be fined by the department up to $10,000"for each offense.” 7 Pa. CS. § 6140(@); and AND NOW, THEREFORE, since Hope Financial Group has violated the Mortgage Licensing Act, the Bureau, pursuant to its authority referenced above, hereby imposes the following Order: 1. Loan Origination. Upon the effective date of this Order, Hope Financial Group and any and all officers, members, managers, employees, independent contractors or agents of Hope Financial Group shall cease and desist from engaging in the mortgage loan business. subject to the Mortgage Licensing Act, including, but not limited to, advertising (including website advertising and direct mailings), accepting applications and negotiating mortgage loans and mortgage loan modifications in Peonsylvania or to Pennsylvania consumers, unless and util such time that Hope Financial Group and all loan originators, es defined by the Mortgage Licensing Act, are licensed by the Department pursuant tothe Mortgage Licensing Act. 2, Pipeline Report. Upon thie effective date of this Order, Hope Financial Group shall provide a list of consumers ‘that Hope Financial Group has worked with in order to negotiate mortgage loen ‘modifications (the “Pipeline Report”). ‘The Pipeline Report shall include, but is not limited to: 2. The names, addresses and phone numbers of Pennsylvania consumers that have responded to Hope Financial Groups advertisements or that Hope Financial Group has as clients; and bb. The amount of fees collected from the Pennsylvania consumers; and c. The current rate, term and payment of the Pennsylvania consumers’ loans; and 4. The proposed rate,.term and payment of the loans subsequent to the loan modifications; and e. The current status and/or resolution of the loan modifications. The list shall be'sent to John Talalai, Administrator, Compliance Division, at, by 5:00 PM eastern time onthe effective date of this Order. 3. Advertisin a. Upon the effective date of this Order, Hope Financial Group shall provide @ List of any websites or copies of any other advertising that Hope Financial Group utilizes, or has utilized, to solieit Pennsylvania consumers. The information shell be sent to John Talal, ‘Advainisrator, Compliance Division, at, by 5:00 PM easter time on the effective date of this Order. - bb. Upon the effective date of this Order, Hope Financial Group shell provide @ List ofthe Pennsylvania consumers who were sent the mail solicitation attached as Exhibit A. 4. Contact Information. Upon the effective date of this Order, Hope Financial Group ahall provide a list ofall owners, officers and employees of Hope Financial Group. The list shall include the name, address telephone number and position ofthese individuals. The snformation shall be sent to John Talalai, Administrator, Compliance Division, #t, by 5:00 PM easter time onthe effective date ofthis Order. 5, Non:prohibited Conduct. Nothing in this Order shall prevent Hope Financial Group from negotiating loan modifications for consumers listed on the Pipeline Report provided the consumer wants Hope Financial Group to proceed on his/her behalf 6. . Reservation of Rights. ‘Nothing in this Order shall prevent the Bureau from taking any further administrative action as deemed necessary including, but not limited to, imposing fines pursuant to Section 6140(a) or (b) of the Mortgage Licensing Act or seeking restitution for ‘consumers pursuant to section’6138(a)(6)- ITIS SO ORDERED. ia Départment of Banking, Bureau of Compliance, Investigation and Licensing 2/15 2010 (Date) Exhibit A NOTICE OF POTENTION CANCELATION OF FORECLOSURE YOUR IMMEDIATE PARTICIPATION IS REQUIRED ACCESS NUMBER: 2790 ‘GALL NOW TO SEE IF YOUR’ LIENHOLDER 'S UNDER INVESTIGATION FOR PREDATORY LENDING ANG FEDERAL DISCLOSURE VIOLATIONS. OUR REVIEW OF INFORMATION INDIGATES Te SeNPING SE AVIGTIM OF ONE OF THE ABOVE INFRACTIONS AND I 1S POSSIBLE THAT YOUR LOAN IS INVALID. Redacted Hope Financial Group has assisted thousands of Americans in thei fight to save thelr homes stom high terest aes, predator landing and foeciosure de to nancial arden More fought ‘ror Wi miions of dorsi laws, miigations ond lon modlfeations for mes us ke Yous one he new i passe by tne Obata adminisvaon. your nome ale at Redacted ae SReAPPROVED fra loan mediation This PRE-APPROVAL wil ellow ou frm wo we ‘as peer of programs that Ur mariage compary has treo keep sarot ory, Nope aeventate coup es compete ancees to ese programe and can tie you save Yu! rest Investment, Your Home, by reducing your Principal Balanoe of $ 445726 and your ourrent house payment of $2790 by up to 61% and putting you beck In ‘control of your financial future, We have reviewed your mortgage documents. 2nd withthe new ws that went into affect up ‘and, 2009 ne fol tats ou responsPly to offer you ou sexperts In ging your morgage company on your enatt. ‘YOU MAY QUALIFY TO PARTICIPATEIIN MITIGATION AGAINST YOUR LENDER. 'AS PART OF THE MITIGATION, HOMEOWNERS CAN BE ELIGIBLE TO: } REDUCE THEIR MONTHLY MORTGAGE PAYMENTS > STOP ANY FORECLOSURES > ELIMINATE ANY INCREASE IN MORTGAGE PAYMENTS. > REDUCE YOUR LOAN BALANCES. > RECEIVE FINANCIAL COMPENSATION This will be our FINAL ATTEMPT to make contact! Fine to part is vr ite. 170 QUALIFY FOR PARTIIPATION PLEASE CALL ao $-800409-4233 soe Monday ~Friday between the hours of @ AM. to7 P.M. EST PROGRAM IS VERY LIMITED TO A SPECIFIC NUMBER OF CASES AND STATUTES OF UMITATIONS THUS 1S NOT BANARLPTE ‘You Wil NOT HAVE TO SELL YOUR HOME! "YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO MOVE! Redacted ‘CONTACT US TO PROTECT YOUR LEGAL RIGHTSIIE le er ting to coll jebt ws i viene Frenial Group independent ofthe lienholder ax well as the Lust. Hope Financial Group provides: ‘documentation investigation services: ‘and processing for atiorneys. YOU ARE NOT UNDER INVESTIGATION BY HFG! ‘YOU WILL NEVER BE UNDER INVESTIGATION BY HFG! ‘ONLY YOUR LENDER SUNDER INVESTIGATION!“ ei Group LU, 9526 Agte Fores iv Ste 2 #429, Jenene lode 3272 Tal res (00) 49-4259 Fir COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA FILED DEPARTMENT OF BANKING 210 JUL21 PH I: Sh Ee COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA: Docket No. : 10 OVS VENER HIN DEPARTMENT OF BANKING, BUREAU OF COMPLIANCE, INVESTIGATION AND LICENSING, v HOPE FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Thereby certify thet I have this day served a copy ofthe foregoing Order upon the parties below, who constinte the only parties of record in this proceeding, in accordance with the requirements of 1 Pa. Code §§ 33.35, 33.36 end 33.37: BY CERTIFIED AND FIRST CLASS MATL Hope Financial Group, LLC 9526 Argyle Forest Blvd. Suite B2 #429 Jacksonville, FL 32222 Dated this A \F aay oF uy, 2010. Tauren A. Sassani ‘Assistant Counsel ‘Attorney LD. # 203016 FOR: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Banking 17 North Second Street, Suite 1300 Harrisburg, PA 17101 (717) 787-1471 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Department of Banking AFFIDAVIT 1. My name is John Talalei and I am a Compliance Administrator for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Deparment of Banking's Bureau: of Compliance, Investigation and Licensing (“Bureau”). 2. As part of my job responsibilities for the Bureau, I am respoasible for administering and enforcing the Mortgage Licensing Act, 7 Pa. C:S. § 6101 ef sey. for the Department. 3. Tn or around May 2010, the Bureau became aware that Hope Financial Group, LLC had sent a direct snail solicitation to 2 Pennsylvania consumer advertising its mortgage loan modificatica business. 4. OnJuly 21, 2010, the Bureau issued an order against Hope Financial Group, LLC pursuant to its authority in Section 6138(a)(4) of the Mortgage Licensing Act, 7 Pa CS. § 6138(a)(4), at Docket No. 100156(ENF-ORD), for engaging in the mortgage loan business in Pennsylvania without a license. 5. The July 21, 2010 Order required Hope Financial Group, LLC to (a) cease and desist engs sing in the mortgage loan business in Pennsylvania without a license; (b) provide a list of all Pennsylvania consumers that the company had worked with; (c) provide copies of any other adveitising; and (4) provide a list of the owners, officers and employees of the cc mpany. 6. The Bureau sent the July 21, 2010 Order by certified and first class mail to 9526 Argyle Forest Blvd., Suite B2 #429, Jacksonville, FL 32222. 7. According to the United States Postal Service Track & Confirm records, Hope Financial, LLC received and signed the certified mail receipt for the July 21, 2010 Order on On July 24, 2010. 8, The General Rules of Administrative Practice and Procedure and the Notice of Right to Appeal and Hearing attached to the July 21, 2010 Order required Hope Financial, LLC to file a petition for appeal on or around August 1, 2010. 9. Hope Financial, LLC has not filed « petition for appeal and has not requested an extension 126 days to complete, or longer. Most cases are compisted fess than 30 days. AlShough, we shave experienced cases that have ter. more than two years for lender to complete However, this type of delay im completion time is a very rare occarrence, Client understands if their current financial situation changes they are to inferm the loss mitigation specialist handling their case fle immediately and provide any new documen’s requested, Client understands they are to keep in constant contact with our office. Many situations may arise, such as, important questions or information may need to be addressed by client fb our office and/or lender, investor and any government agency involved in reviewing their loss mitigation consideration. Your input may play an important role in approval in certain situations. Pages Hone Financial Groun Department of Loss Mitigation ce ye aay other document casepskso and peter f andes the Hope Finazcial Group. terminate our assisting ¥ of anyone ofthese provisions could result ithe loss of cur hereto foreclosure Print Nee QD Signnze te Priot Name Page 9 NOTICE AMMEN 22 derstand that the tend _ investor, government agency, foreclosure. QED 215erszznd that Hope Financial Group is « private, for prodt Fiorica business aod is not efBliated rie any government organization. Signature Date Print Name $$$ Hope Financial Group Department of Loss Mitigation Citent agress to and We may be able to assist you in saving possible loss mitigation cpa G Usted below, please provi information. Because & A. LOAN MODIFICATION (Available ona lender and/or investor approval) (Recast for HFG) If you heve incurced @ long t= ‘can assist in supplying the eppropriae infornetion to res 42 modify the term(s) of your mortgege and this ‘aad peyments, There are costs end fees associated wih ¥ Sonsible for. All propery taxes must be curt or you mus te participating in an approved payment plan with your taxing authority to be eli Trotification. Any additional liens or mortgagees must agree to be subordinsts to the fist Trorigege. All request ere subject to you: inveswor's approval. Azy fees owed to the agent. ieee. ander andior investor will be deducted st closing of the initial approval and a> B. VALOAN MODIFICATION/REFUNDING (evatiable for VA loans cnly) (Need at least 30 days to process) A refunding is whea the VA buys your Joan fom the loen holder. Refnding may give VA the flexibility to consider options to help you seve Yyour horse that your current loan holder either could nos or would not consider. ‘When the VA refunds a loan under 38 U.S.C. 36.4318, the delinquency is added to the principal Palance and the loaa is r2-emoctized. Your new loan will be non-transferable without prior approval from the Secretary. Tf your inwrest rate was lowered and an assumption is eebroved, the interest ate wil be adjusted back to the previous rate. Any fees owed tothe tyeat, VA, loan servicer, and/or investor will be deducted et closing ofthe initial approval and are non-refundable, Page 11 E, PARTIAL CLAIM (HFG merigazes REPAYNENT FLAN Hf you have incurred a sheet te 4 your lean. ts vo ot mnths past due, your agent wil also consider the possiblity of submitting a requester a payment plan to the guarantor, insurer lean servicer and/or investor fer approval Only after reviewing your financial situation will this option be considered. All clients aust be able to show that they can afford this plan in order to be submitted to your lean invasion inscrer and/or guarantor. Any fees owed tothe agent loan serie, itl ke daduetad at closing of the initial approval and special forbearance fs designed © provide you with mote celle than is posible with a regular repayment plan. Tyvicel app allowing for a 22 to 18 month tod are sonzeteacable, 1 ioars) The agent may assist in requesting a pastial claim if you qualify. Eligibility if loans is 120 to 365 days past due. A parda! claim is a subordinate mortgage (2 moctgags} between you and the Secretary of Housing Urben Development. The pardal claim ote will commence payment at Sty date of the frst mortgage and camry no intarest and wil include the past due paymen’s due on the loan. The partial ca'm will consist of only 12 months of pest due peyments. Any fees owed t the agent loan service: invesios, insurer and/or gu sted at closing of the inital exproval and are non-refundable, Page 12 Hope Financial Group Department of Loss Mitigation Dawe ne PeintName Page 13 Department of Loss Mitigation Hone Financial Gr Death of my S; eusines: Q Damage to Property Other (Please Specify ——: ngnature Page 14 Authorization Form This form will serve to acknowledge that the captioned mortgagor has astherized our firm, EFG or Hope Financial Group to act in their behalf to reselve taeir mortgage problems. This is in accordance Title 24 of the CFR 203-500 (HTD). Mortgagor Jay Mullis ‘Alan Laforge Jenny Mumma Sheena Mullis Cindy Gause Jessica Manni: METHODS FOR SUBMITTING A DEPOSIT re receipt with your nazte must be forwarded wr bank charges a $10 wire fee forall bank 1 BANK WIRE- Money can be wired directly to HFG. A copy of the ‘To HEG to varify funds. This can be done via fax 2: 1-800-830-0799. Please n: wire transactions. The bank wize information needed is as follews: Bank Counter Deposit and make you paymer: through th ‘olved Som the bank. The Accum information needed is 25 Customers ONLY ~ Mensy san be sansferred directly ine Traasfer For Bank of Am! ir Bank of America customer, log into your online Baxk of America account and goto the TRANSFERS tb, verify your account NTS inZormaticn. Please there is NO CEARGE and you get INSTANT CREDIT: and then enter the below in the RECIPIEN ‘Transfer Recipient's Zip Code Credit Cards Payments- Hope Financial Group excepts AMERICAN EXPRESS, MASTER CARD, VISA, DISCOVER aad DEBIT CARDS Via WESTERN UNION. Your azcount wili be instantly credited when payment is mace rac ‘han having to walt for eedit eard processing ora eheck to clear. There is NO CHARGE fer this service. Pay Pal: if you have a Py Pal account you may use this option to make payment in the emount of SS in ‘exchange for Loss Mitigation Services. Send Pay Pal payments to RELIEFDESK@ONEBOX.COM Deposit Amount $EBSY Phone Number: [Fax Number Reversals, Chargeback’s, Clains, Returned Payment Fee's: IMM cxcderstand that in the event ‘that may E-Check er credit card payment is retumed for NSF or any other reason, there will be a $50.00 ened payment fee charged to my account and is payable immediately or if agreed by Hope Financial 1p it earywitl be che-zed on my next scheduled payment When you make a paymant, you ze Kable to Hope Financial Group for the fll ammount of the payment plus any Fees if the payment is later invalidated for any reason. This meams that, in addition to any othe: Labi you will be responsible fer the ameunt the payment, plus the applicable Fees if you lose a Claim: or a Chargeback, or if there is a Reversal of the payment. You ages to allow Hope Financial Group to recover any amcunts due te Hope Financial Group by debiting your Balance. If there are insufticient fends in your Balance ta cover your Lizbility, you agree to burse Hope Financial Group through other mears within 30 days of the payment reversal date, I swear and attest that all the above payment information is true and correct; furthermore agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement and guarantee not to file any reversals, chargeback or claims files against this payment. ¢/e] 5 rrqwer Signature Date Co-Borrower Signature Date Page {8 Ege MOM GAion Deposii voreaus = CHARGED” ™NO ADVANCE You have paid $350.00 of your _ $1185.60 deposit. st payments will be mi matting de: ing de: Chase tit) Gu 3i 1 sain2s $422.60 i i | Szi028) : 7 $244.25} i | 821125) I / 30.00 + mitigation preparation. d with modificat Deposit monies are assigned to cover costs associ Deposit monies are distributed upon satisfactory completion of modification. 400% Satisfaction Guaranteed dlefie jorrower Signature Date Co-Borrower Signature Date Page 19

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