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Appendix A Raw data types

DETAIL type: 1 length: 64

Start location Size Description Variable declaration ,

0 8 Recordheader + 2 bytes char[8] :

8 32 Job description char[32] j

40 16 Surveyor char[ 16] i~
56 8 Instrument id char[8] ~ ,

DATE type: 4 length: 32 \

. ;i

Start location Size Description Variable declaration 1

0 8 Record header + 2 bytes char[8] ~

8 8 Date char[8] f

16 8 Time char[8] .I

24 8 Not used char[8]

OCC PT type: 7 length: 16

Start location Size Description Variable declaration

0 6 Record header char[6]
6 2 Point no, int
8 4 Instrument height float
12 2 Point code int
14 2 Not used char[2]

XYZ type: 8 length: 32

Start location Size Description Variable declaration

0 6 Record header char[6]
6 2 Point no. int
8 8 " X double float
16 8 Y double float
24 8 Z double float

Library reference 875

BKB type: 9 length: 32

Start location Size Description Variable declaration

0 6 Record header char[6]
6 2 Point no. int
S S Back bearing double
16 S Initial backsight angle double
24 S Not used char[S]

SS type: 12 (OCh) length: 16

Start location Size Description Variable declaration

0 6 Record header char[6]
6 2 Point no. int
S 4 Target height float
12 2 Point code int
14 2 Not used char[2]

HV type: 13 (ODh) length: 32

Start location Size Description Variable declaration

0 S Record header + 2 bytes char[S]
S S Horizontal angle double
16 S Vertical angle double
24 S Not used char[S]

HVD type: 14 (OEh) length: 32

Start location Size Description Variable declaration

0 S Record header + 2 bytes char[S]
S S Horizontal angle double
16 S" Vertical angle double
24 S " Slope distance double

HDVD type: 15 (OFh) length: 32

Start location Size Description Variable declaration

0 S Record header + 2 bytes char[S]
S S Horizontal angle double
16 S Horizontal distance double
24 S Vertical distance double

Library reference 876

ATMOS type: 16 (10h) length: 32

Start location Size Description Variable declaration

0 8 Record header + 2 bytes char[8]
8 8 Temperature char[8]
16 8 Pressure char[8]
24 8 Not used char[8]

OFFSET type: 17 (11 h) length: 32 J

Start location Size Description Variable declaration 'f:
0 6 Recordheader char[6] i,

6 2 Point no. int

8 4 Radial offset float
12 4 Tangential offset float
16 4 Vertical offset float
20 12 Not used char[12]

NOTE type: 18 (12h) length: 80

Start location Size Description Variable declaration

0 8 Record header + 2 bytes char[8]
8 72 Note char[72]

CONTROL type: 19 (1 3h) length: 16 t


Start location Size Description Variable declaration

0 6 Record header char[6]
6 2 Point no. int I

8 2 Control code int

10 2 Stringnumber2 + pcode2 int
12 4 Not used char[4]
" ;
BSL (face) type: 20 (14h) length: 16

Start location Size Description Variable declaration

0 6 Record header char[6]
6 2 Point no. int
8 8 Not used char[8]

, !

Library reference 877

BSR type: 21 (15h) length: 16

Start location Size Description Variable declaration

0 6 Record header char[6]
6 2 Point no. int
8 8 Not used char[8]

FSR type: 22 (16h) length: 16

Start location Size Description Variable declaration

0 6 Record header char[6]
6 2 Point no. int
8 4 Target height float
12 2 Point code int
12 2 Not used char[2]

FSL type: 23 (1 7h) length: 16

Start location Size Description Variable declaration

0 6 Record header char[6]
6 2 Point no. int
8 4 Target height float
12 2 Point code int
12 2 Not used char[2]

MLM type: 26 (1Ah) length:48

Start location Size Description Variable declaration

0 6 Record header char[6]
6 2 Point no. from int
8 2 Point no. to int
10 8 delta Hd double
18 8 ,~ delta Vd double
26 8 delta Sd double
34 14 Not used char[14]

Library reference 878

PTL_OFF type: 27 (1Bh) length: 32

Start location Size Description Variable declaration

0 6 Record header char[6]
6 2 Point no. int
8 4 Radial offset float
12 4 Tangential offset float
16 4 Vertical offset float
20 12 Not used char[ 12]

RES_OBS type: 28 (1 Bh) length: 16

Start location Size Description Variable declaration

0 6 Record header char[6]
6 2 Point no. int
8 4 Target height float
12 2 No. of measurements int
14 2 Not used char[2]

Library reference 879

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