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Predisposing Factors: •Precipitating Factors:

Age ETIOLOGY: Unknown •Exposure to radiation and certain

•Having a sibling with leukemia
Race Somatic mutations in the DNA
•HTLV-1 virus
Family History
Activate oncogene/ deactivate tumor •Genetic abnormalities
suppressor gene • Chromosomal Translocations
s/sx: 5/31/09 ; 7/31/09
-bone pain
-joint pain Malignant transformation of
lymphoid stem cells
Decreased Lymphocytes

Uncontrolled proliferation of Immunosupression

lymphoblast in the bone marrow s/sx:
Decreased production of normal -fever, chills
blood cells
Lymphoblast replace the normal
marrow elements

Decreased Platelets
Decreased Erythroctytes
s/sx: s/sx:
-presence of petechia Bleeding, decreased clotting
-bruising -fatigue
Spillage of lymphoblast into the -increased heart rate
bloodstream -diziness

Organ Infiltration
CNS Liver and Spleen Lymph nodes

Renal Failure
Leukocyte cells impairs the
Splenomegaly Hepatomegaly lymphadenopathy
circulation of CSF

s/sx: s/sx:
-waste products and - Pain in the left -nausea Erosion of node into a
potassium level increases Increased intracranial pressure upper abdomen -vomiting bronchus/trachea
-back pain - Pain in the right
-feeling of fullness upper abdomen
Cardiac arrest -headache Hypoxemia
-nausea and vomiting
-seizure Severe hypoxia
Late signs:
-bradycardia Extra cells causes the liver/spleen
-lowered level of consciousness to rupture
-decreased motor response to command
-decreased sensory response to pain
-alteration of pupil size and reactivity Bleeding
- decerebrate/decorticate posturing
-Cheyne-Stokes respirations Hypovolemia
Hypovolemic shock

Progress to coma

Pathophysiology of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

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