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!il iI • of!

.. .. .. • .' .. '. .' .. .. 4 4 .. .. • !III .. ~ • .' '. • .. '. 4 4 .. .' • '. !III !II! V

Foreword to the re.der

i II>!I!I.'.' •• '. I! ' 4 4 .. 4 4 ~ ~ ~!Ii. iii iII .. .,; ' ~ ' ~ .. ~ ~ ill ~ .


• •

.. .. .. • " " !Ii !t • '" II> .. • .' .. • • .' .. • '. • .. • 4 .. .. .. .. !II • .. Ii iI Ii iii • • • .. .. ill .. .. .' • '. • .. .. 4 .. .. !II .. .. • .. .. ~ .. iii .. .. .' .. • • ..

Hiltor)' of 't.JDT1 ~ + ~ ~ .. + • ~ • !t !Ii " " • !Ii .. • .' .' • • .. '. '. .. .. 4 .. 4 4 !I • !I !I I! • Ii • .. ill .. .. .. .. • .. .. • .. .. • .. 4 4 !t .. .. .. .. .. .. !Ii .. it. • '. .. iii .. .,X

H· ." fSEAL

iltary 0 " .

• • .. • • " " " " .. • • • .. .. .. .. .. .. .' .. .. .' '. .' .. .. .. .. !II !II !II ~ ~ • ill • • • • .. .. ill .. .. .' • .. • • .. ~ ~ .. • .. .. .' • .. iii • • it. ~, ~ ~





~ .,~" •••••• iii it..~ it.,~ 'Ii ~ + ~"!II



Communications ~ ..

~ " i !t • .. .' .' .' .. '.' 4 4 • • • • ~ • !II! •

• • • !Ii .. !t • .. '. • .. .. • .. • • II> !III • • • .' '. '. .. of! .. .. • '. n .. 'l,

,8.. EIee'tr:onics. ~ ~ . .. .. . . . . . " " " . . " .. .. .. .. .' .. .. .. .' .' .. '. .. !II • !II iii ~ iii • ill • ill ill .. • .. • • .' '. • iii •• ~ • • • ill • .. it. • • '. '. • • .. .. a nr.i

4.. Di'in.g~ .. . . ..

I~ ~ •

~ . ~ .

• • !Ii • !Ii ~ !I !i; ,~ •• ~ !I " •• of! ,I! ••• ' of! V .. l

,6,. First Aid. . .

r. ~I !!

!I'll! I!if! + " !t " .. 4" .. !t!li .

... VI·1

'1.. Intelligence. . ..

~ • ~ + + • +

.. + " •

!t • ~ if! ~ • t! • • • " • If! !II .. .. • '. • '. '. 4 .. If! 4 .. • .. .. .' .. '. '. .. .. if .. • •

VlI .. l

8 M nd Cc

~, I "ap an, . .ompaBB,. ; '" ~

... ..

.. 4 ...... !II! " • .. .. • .' '. ' ....... !II • !II iI Ii ill iii ......... ' .... '. !II ... !Ii ill • it. ill • .. • • I. ~ • • • i YD.I-l

.; ... !! ii, Ii

~ ~ ~ . . .. . .

• •

of! ..... ' • of! IX",l

in Survival

!III !t .' .. • • '. '. .. .. .. '. .. .. .. .. .. .. !II !II • ~ ~ iii • ill .. • • •

. ~ ~ ~ .. .. .. . .


•• !Ii.!I".II, .... 4 ... 4 ... II> ••• "., ..... ~IIi ..... ~ .

11.. Swimmer Delivery Vehicles

'. .. .. ~ ~ iI ~ ill ill • .. .' ~I • • Ii ,~ ~

• •

.. " • • " I! • 'I! •• .. .. • II! " • .. • • • '. .. .. .. .. .. • • !II XI·1

12,; W uponl ••..

• • • • .. '. .. 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 !II iii !II iii Ii Ii ill .. .. • • '.' .. ~ ~ ~ + .. + ~ • .. .. .. .. ~ !t I! .' 4 .. II! • II! !II! " !Ii .. • .' • .. .. ~ • .. .. • ..

1.3.. MiaceUaneoul a,perations and 'Techniques ....

.. !t " .. .. • • .. .. iii ti .. .. .. .. XlII .. l..

,Appendix 'I • Selected Weights and Measurements., . . '. '. ~ .. .. • . + ~ • • • • .. .. • • .. .. .. .. " " • .. • • • • .. .. .. .. .' • ~ • .. • ~ .1,

Ap'pe'ndix: II • Tecbniq u,es of Instructing .. .. .. .. .. .. .. i' • '~ • • ~ • • " ~ • • • " • • ." • • • .. .. • .. • " .. .. • • • • .. .. .. .. .' • .. .. • • ~ .. 1,

• • •

.. .. .. .. .. .' .' .. '. .. .. ~ ~ it. • .. .. • • ~ + + ~ I~

Appendix IV - Seab81 Checldist

.' .' .' .. '. .. .. 4 .. • !II • it. • ill • .' .' '. ~ '~ ~ ~ .. + .. • • + !Ii ~

.. 'II II 4 ~ .. II! " • .. ~ • • .. .. • .' .. 4 .. .. .. .. .. ..3

Appendix V '", Warbag Checklist .. ' .' '. '. ' ....... ~

• +. ..

.. .. • !II! • .. .. .. •• • .. 4 • 4 .. • .. .. .. .. • • .' • ill ~ .' .' ~ ~ .. ~3

Appen,dix VI .. , UD'r /SEAL R-eq,uaJilieations .. ~ .. .. .. .. ., . . , '" ~ • • " ~ • . .. . " . • . '. '. .. .. .. .. .. .. .' .' .. .. . .. . .. ~ • .. .. .. .. .. ~3

Appendix VB • References ....

.. .. .. .' • .' .. !II !II ti • • • • ill • .. ~,

II ljl II! .. t! .. II!

• • " • • " .. .. '. • .. .. !II !'II .. .. • .. • • .' • !II iI .. .' • • ill it. ,. ..4

A d .. vn I

' ppen'lll .. " .

.. Diving Tables ..

.. .. .. • '. • ~ !II ~ + + .. + .. i + i ~ • • .. • 4 .. 4 .. iI ~ Ii Ii .. .. .' .' • '. • • ~ + .. • + ~ ill .. ~ ~ .. • •. 4 iI ........ ' ..... ~

!II •• ~ ••• ~iII~l!i ill!~'!i

4 • .. •

.. • " • !t • • .. '. .. .. .. iI .. ~ • ill • • .. iI

~ .. +

~ If !f '~ .. i .. • '. ... i .. i· 4 .. + " • .' .. 25

Credits. • .. + + .. ~ •

~ ,~ ~ .. .. • • " ~ .. • .. .. .. • .. • .. !II .. ~ • iii • ill • .' ~ .' ,~ .. :. .. • ~ .. • .. • • .. .. .. .. !II ~ .. ill • • • • • ill '. !II + ill .' •

~ + ~ ~ .' .' ~30


.. .... -

A publication is of value insofar 88 it i. malnt,ained curren,t and bfo~t1v.. The Special War-fare Training Handbook must ref'lett all DeW developments aDd current procedure. in the Special Warfare fi.ld.

All lnd1vidual.I!I and ,aetlvltiea enlaged in Special Warfare are authorized and requ.sted to ,ubmit conltractive cr!tlellm and improve.ent of the aanual dl'rect to 'the

Chief of Ra:val Technical Training (N4 3,8) Naval Air Sta tion Memphis (7 S) Mill11lSton. Tenn. ,38054

".,cord of Chanlas


Clla",. No.

Date of Chan,.

By Whoa Rnt,ered

Date Kntered


'1M ""I"',P""." a' chi! 1I'IVI!l 1I:PK:t&1 Wadan 'l1'a:lDilil 'laalbock an *

to p!rWldIi ...... on, 0 ....... , ... 'E'Mdr nt .. rtIOM ' •• tten of :a.por_ao. to ..... n of ~'n.Ii tel" :-.lttt_ ''-_,"

'IG ~.. tlilOl'lll.ti01L "'lplu.l '1:1 vni... of :BII. ,,*,,-, _,.aJiI'n,. _ dIi ...... a:t to •• Ie. h!liIaWlUM ..... ,,:&.,..t.

"0 ...... ' •• <Ii _!b'Mo'k "tRWn. 101' I .. tnacit_:n ~t:laa Iu'lc tJo.'~C.1' ~ollt:t_""" '-t.nio.. (IUD/I·) ~ ia ~uac:t:&QIl ;d,tb ct.. u .. , •• ..,. DlY.:tMc til liiio& 1 (a\'1dIt t~·'U) iI! m.olltiOB Matrh-t.h ~ OJ :14: 1:1::) •• ad _,.1_"u,1t7 'u.HWt. .'. -.c .... " ..

t:o )'I'n'to pi.4ailce to~ of I.ff. nlipoDl,:lti;l. fOl" • ..,I,.,,_..t of W'I' i ,I,~, •• _II II, liD'

_bit- 'p!iT.ODII lat .... t :111 'lm'·Ii, aftd t'''''t 'lrQl .. 'Rt"ill, th .... 1 "'cI.1 liId."" ~dt, ..

So .be

• -rr.,1nlDl 1I.ulbaok 1. not lftteMI,. to ..,lu. 01' 11\1""", !lplC!Uh: 'N<IIGlUn.,. tI\Ic:~ •• 11lit.", ,iI~ .DIl 1m ,Appendb 'II. kt '!'.thlllI!' to lii.,l_t c'~ .tId t'- tot.1t:bv q.ful i'a1! __ tl_ :nl"", ... ~ It(I lIDt/lUL ct4ft-=l.cJat.

I.. O. ND.IIOI 1 JamaI'J" 1"'.


loroe Ii.ClOII p.n'l:IaDIIl Ii:re t:r. tn.1i ... wrfilC:. ",oM I.U -~t:Ii'ln." Und..rvat:.:t Iq. c:1il'nl i..'PPoiIrra'tWii (ICU~) *W1 ... ~, 1n~1.tabl. boat bandl.r.I, aQd

,.~ .. ,dwt1et... kttl.l ton IKon pe:u,onn.l ,. AU"" illllill -. .,!u;filC. ..,~ ,.,.d. :&d ilitli'bl.. bail"": iiimd.l.t.'. I nd a t'" ftUiiib.,. an i:,n1Md .iI KUlA, .-1._". a.n.~ .. 'U.)I':II botb. I01:'c. lind .,tt.l ton "con ~r.l!oaa..l. c:c:nf!aI!f;!I;; rec;:CIQIIiII a. ilin_rill 'r:Qlll'l, ;tQ ¥ill qt,' I iii

.d •••

~!'iS'1f; ~_'~""sa 1"2.1" The prlTTlli~ m,h-

.ton ~r ~ • tY NCCIlM ~ .... nc. _!lilt elM Nne. of

'th. lin. f ~ 'I;~' 6:\ f iii tlla. ;;1.1"" (21 0,' ;!(.pU) to e:hI :hip "~R lII"III'i"lt ~ a pt"GiIP"'; t:,av. "_c:b.~ ''Cl ... ~ft,e.,tt ,cnld :llle lwM t.'hI rt.cwa 1 of '!ftt;i'Ii-mt,li. g~ .ti.i~&l .. ~l •• :~ 1Ihlell .... i b. r~"",a t;a f'q,U 1 .. tat. t'ht *'"'.,,_, ef lalld.i. .nd ."'PP1,. cnifi't t;iiI ~'ke

lINtie'llo..ocl.. .aU-lon_1 rl .. : : till, - _II: - a -, 1---011.. ,Nil -'. 1

_ .... _ __ _ _ 'Iii P _ ry _ ". ..c: ~ I!f; ~

1 ocatfoa:~ _niDi and - i ... l'OY .... t; •• tau1 t •• Ii ... :lUD.C. ~ .ad. :ptMr1.I!II, of 'buC!b. 'illt.lliaeac.' fo!' (:41!t ~ ACUltcloati 1 (.HClllld.l')I') i!!",.bll.'itt.. illic lUille! IIJIIM c:l"il:n:~.. 1;:0 I;'q 10 '.'I;b.c- il;1,II".,~ 1 .. a41q -nil!! !E'e~ e~ e.1I! ...... tt ,aDd III.n's. tJ .• ii; .lIIi .... rtu;lr' O~ 'r.'t;Y"aI" pn.1::rat1aa for tl'll. 'JIUl'pctl. oS! ,u.e1.1 t1~ a1;:'l;caI;LQ _pta.1t lib!,. or 1M ~ (n.ta 1111 t.ion. '"

'rom h .. t"t :lMt IIt.U. of pnp .... Clan r. lin ,I tmp'M,b t 0Iii I, l .... illl. ,....,. ... 1 .:ll ita.., Ut',lilil!l:l,loIition. ill" NIIu:l:'I'6d to o'bta:tn iiM.'n :l1tM;. till-- 1~t:1.oa on, tbtI propGlM lad illl a..... ......... •• dq.r't", t... :f'lnal 4111, ,1M It\oun ,...e .. ,i.... th. t.llilil.,. t ~ .'PM! tilill :1.:1_, OI"Ili-nt •• t::lona aN HI"

.,.'Ii1I:l......._~ to -""'-'cnr. iIII """'_1Ii--'t . , , - W

"I. ~ - P"'I'~" - rr-'" ~ _ IIfi!; 'nil :r.,,~ ... HIIM,_

IR4 ot~ .. · ",,'lat.. ~iI,ki:! 'Mi'.:-l1'!. "c"..,..q PMe Uni U 1l1Ii11l t1~tll!f' iDMIol ithm If .... , .,... lpecU tc 'l!!r1 •• 1ou of 'tbal. oqan ion. aN outl i~, :in thi! tilll t~.... par.'.q:r,.pb.;

:HI"t":lftt __ Jlic_Oi'm.1.,HC:. 1Jt'I:tt. •• , )$I dDt .. ~-, nil! U .. nM Un",. lin dtvtd;& tnto two t,.,.. ~

"" ,,~. "l".CIiU,1I1 •• IIIM. !C~, (1'1IH'Ce :a.con) ill nil II tt. '11_ .:.... ... miii..a 1. _.... ""~ (-.- t.·Ii'·-l II· ,

_ _ ~ _ _ __ _...". .... ., _ _ ... G'II

iPI.lton) • Intl'll 'ore. n.d &.ccall_ ".(IN, .'I'e

t. "k_, vitb nconn.'i. unc. or t'tli. l,.,ftiI_ a~, t '." ~:L_l 'ba11copt.T J'Uidol~HI., ~ ~ r~ a.1C.(IQ TuN .n 'int:roduc.d chnd •• tllMil, illto h landttll -hi 'prl,1:)t to H·'HClUI'!I' ,01' pl'iOT' to

~- - ,n..__,,;._ .... ' ... ,., iii f·aur .. ,,,,,.n .. - - iib-.-. --. ' ..

. J' • ....- .. - ......- - - -- •• --. .. --iIJ 'PH

yidli :tnt,.ll :lall\C,* id<mlillllit :hm illl"t:Ctl., t(l! ~ ..

tq ron. ~nd.Z' iii lattlil:ton a..-. r,j:i!l \M" '0",. "eN .II,IUn. !!TIll,)' 'b. tntl'Oduc" 'Hr~:~ - 6T _fl[__ ii .. 1Iw~ ~ ~Qp.Pt iq. iI. ph to.. 01' "'CMI·

,.n ilil '. "It tt.1l i on l.cM ilillll:"'--iI!'. i - j;, - 1 ~ Ii ,",,- im'"'

~ __"'!I! . l'I ..... ;!; ",'!I'~ ..

f!ll-l'll"aliUoa t,.,-r ita ""'" pion tGu.1l11' htte H,on (W _11,.r ta... 0i"piII:t.llt1i1i&:. aillil rliU,.. ~l" .. 1'1 u'_' lwl i.~opt.n UHI 1. 'i," _HI" ",Md.. f.-r .aa.tllt,'.

TJI)f ~,f.QIUMIl an q_til,l it li1d ,. i!:',II-c..hut1I1t" aill.

ICtI!BA dlvan;ll ead nbb.:t' bo .. t b.'nellll!"I,. n.,. liN,

,1,1 HI t~1I illed in. 'tu f 011 ovinl d.'1 i •• ry .-nd iNtrtil""1 CHha.tqlll •••

(i) Kip 'pad '",rlll(l. Crd't (2) ~ tt,t~ ~ettcopte~. (!.) III uhll "t"1n.

",,) Pol racb.ut.

U) OYftlliDd

Wh.n. Ui'I' nl:)~ll:r dou M t pnIO •• d 1,,.1114_9 fl'o. tu: b:llb, .. tilr f!IIiI"f'k. :l"t .... pati •• ,I. a Umlt_, ,~,pli'b'llU:'1 :etn" !p.4!Mtratt;.qn i~to the intlll':!.,.n4 ,to"r' t'h. 'PUt!'pOIlIli of Neou.a l:a .. ncllll 1iI!~ ~ilPbl:U:;1~ :f" :hl... 'It

... utl'Mi opM". t:loDl :llll tb. b :l6t.-r-'hllddl iI!i:a:"." ~ 11;.1" .... :btU tty of VDr' to. .uPPOE't the. ot'nlli~ illlMI.t.a of t ... '''v,1i1 ~ ut WIIdll'rll; cGlII!II'Iunity U,. 'bill prori.ilad.,

-It 1111 -&L -a.. 'l'1li;;- Ii .•• ;I! ..... t _,II •.. ,t

.- .....~.. - • ~~;r "-a-pp.u. 0 CUIIQ'UC.

~.. a .,.ct. of '"iCtal W. rfli~e t plM (ntell ii_C.. coll.ctioa.", i'nft l.tnt:l«lll .. !I!! :ntl':u:ian Ill!! .,_11::.. "nidi Otblil" f'OEM of c llllHll, .. t'tn. opilra t tont . 'nIiiiY .l.o 'bIi.. .CHlI. to' • wida 'YI!!.!':t.t,. of Nldl)LiI!'CiI!i. to .IIPplit"C:

ii::~ :l~ :1II'Ii\l'.l 'pMnl WI'rla IN ftI!I,.:lOM.. -

,A, UIJir 111 i:np~ ,r:d_ 1 S oftker. 11M, 100 .... 1 i ated.... .i,,1.1I. 1nt,i) • -.rat'..... t .. Ii___ .nIl '

:II _ - .. _ _ _ ... ,................ ill

"'dql.Mrt.l'e pLatoon.. • t.IN in; 111 c1I'piII'bl,. 'I),' "'Pep . • !1 iiilei' ,1111 .. " :tnt .. ~.l t... 'I)t' .. .hlili!ltli.,

A trD'I' 1i1!i iIi,llo dil.:la.4 i!.D"tO 4.,.,.:-e..ata til) flleU iUtl tN. opM"etloon. .Dd a~lm:i: .~r,.rC:tve nquiNMIIIUl ..

1\\:1:" 'orpn:i,u,t:to:n I. dAII11Q11 tllCi _. foU .• _ ~

1iIu_ ~'.._..-..~- -ITlmt :rJg

.ADa 11.JI,~~~~&am. iI:IFII.M.I." 'Ag <V

'I':h1., bri., .. UI_t'J QUt.11M:I tM h:tlltoi')i't .1 ..... lion. and. (:u:n:-ent, PHI...... af tJndM'V[U!M Dt-oll.t ion ...... ..I ailmed ta t... AUa.;tle A'niJ P,II-e U:l.e Amp:hi .... twll "oE'ee ...

P,or ,r.::.!lllim't't ... ; !JNIIj. baWl! dU(I'IlJ1 Md, til. iPotI11 .... b:t lity Cif ul1nl h'1'_~J; fOT" pu.~".I· Clf "1". 1"11 tN, ... t'1 Y iIZIl:IQt'b. of WC!lrld: ill!r '1:1, t.b.t pontbt 'Ut, !II :t; ... ~u.l" .ben :It.lU.lii cu.verti, ,U,ot1;q;

Ilj,d:;II!.~lIl'bl., ~lcbill'i"io .... l!I, HI .. D to- cI ·mllt .ink

.,11 :l,N Ml4i tef.'f'''ltMEIi .. 'h.i:ppina t: ..,U 1 ~ In

due t:l. .. r ~l :I..b. i Japan .... t hf;!.lll;l"n .. I\d. .... 11 tfln. Ml"t.. tii ... n - .-pl oyi I'll .:t.aU",r ~tt<:.I.

On ~r aD, 1 !M2., tu, tk1;t t.t!d Stll t.1!iI ib!l,'" e... pi! i.nfuUy ... _ itilli -of thil n ... d for ~ .::.b. 'Ii: 1IW1#1- 'I!!ftt. , Ot!. tbat ""1" durl..,. tb. .'mpb1l!;'a4;l' 1."""'I,i. of eM .J1lp&'nel .. ~!M:ld :1liblE14 ,Q'l 'I'.N... .."pd.,.

I t~ik.. A ~-td rillllill!' i:!1I.\:l1l iId. the M1iTiM·-ll..d.n l&n~lrit 1C.r. .. It ·t.o .• tCip f .. ·t" off .. bon, .fwe,fns. tatr toO Wia.1 ,,~l lnmcl'i"aIi ya:rd. to' i:kII bti:l.Q.b. To tM 'hu'll11,.-lad.en tftvlllihliril IUb.!t.qU diiP:!:M dOftii ,and 'fto(l;l.. b4llc:ii:.. rlill .. Ii lliQIIIT bu.ll" U: < Hundnut, ~r<!'WIl.d..

To. provid. b .. tur pr.- •••• 'UI t l!l.,-dN8".phlc iill.f'i:llr.'1l'L11 t iEm • lind :to d.en'lQl :it I,ll 'buch aha tol.c 1... MiI.·VY Co. t 0.01 i,ti,Em U ... ttll _N f~d.

'Tb. flrlt ltIivy Camb&t DIaoU,t.:to:n 'UI'IU: ,.E"iI~l "" .1i1i~:fed from, ."V'Y CCli!i.Ut't'uc~lm\ kt ....

toll lien. .nd. It .. Yy /Marin. 5C: OIJitand IIlui' 'iDlulllt •• n. ,All .,r. in NII,1Id ph.yllie.lil CQC.d:1U,on aad badpnIIYi~1 ~I~ _,.~.. 1'hay CA_ 'to;...tur' at '(It't "l,rc.. "lorIM II in the.' .... ro!.y· 1.<lilm'l4iT of 1943 ..

An p'hya 1G&1 t:l;:'.l ntl:ll 1H"'OiP".~ 'ft. d·I:tt.1 ... dl, "pp.«:t;',an!tly ba •• d gn .... he tUO\"'1 thA t .. _n iii c.!IIl'piibl. '9f .'b0'LiL't 'i.Q tti!JIlil .. I .. fit.. ph,)"a1ciiill out .... put .,1 hi ·u~l1y. 't~.nt.,

n.!I01;l,tllMll 'lifQT'~ ttlill ~Ii ... d md ."anl" .. •·

ilt:ti c:: • :M;i thad. VIIN: ui"lQpM ~ Oi:' d-.o U.'h:lL'II. thilli tY,E14 o,"t:lie L.. ..cted. II t Na~a!!r ,. '~l Iq. "'lI!h1,tU ... prt)'b'Lema ,c.aa"ue.:t.d, in t.'" .!:!;au a0.4 ·iII.ll t~ ... tlClf' tlll.f.l,uui ,IWI. Oi! Pl Q~td.a ;p.1"CI d u £111:1. Ii .,. d,.10 of -on; .... , .t b~ wi 1;h D..Jd" nhliu.Uan,". .'n., bO,I't 11. b.fiII. buliltil &r cth.:rw.t,iII!iIi ~

The ;li"ildUi.:t.1I o.f th,. iic'h(iol we. ·Drp~h.d Into "'.11,. 69fUl'i N'liv,' C01abat .DiImoli tioa ~i t .. I

.nd a larK_ n~!iIi't: Villiro. •• nt tc ",!.1M. t.o .loi~ tht l"m1'a4:tn:;. toOr'C. tfli tha wi~·t.T of 1'944.

ND M. tMHl '~ ... ttl,. ,,'hi t tuy wt" (tT' ""I t 'to 4.0 vi tb 't~.. Only .. :ftv _ny willi.' af ba:l.. I,nipp" "NUIld. to Y&:t.'i,oOQ. illit;.t ton. a:ndi 1:I;ii1'1'1\1 lIJ..IIK 'III.-r.1.y for ".tc:he. 11M, ..... I"d duty •• A tbe7 flir!o*]." I, &bl. t~ a.,tl. dGwD fer tTAin~ a~ i~.IOB 'l"·u. .. :r. ... h. AdicU.d,~l. aum .. A ,.iclulilCl "'P fl'Oll'i. Cl'tbilr ~nd,1 to Iwl1 th. ual t., •. Dt! ,t:hculh plr ..... Y·:!(N.i.y vntr-ail'l4,d.! thililtil ... 'WI.n f'1t.t.d 1ntD iM .t ... n lin~ ~ olll~r unit •.

TM I. 1II!In '11l11r, ICIQZ' -odliMI iI'iIG •• to!£'. .'Ilea ne iI.aulllt of h.onor bi .. tOWl4 "';peG t'~ vill. 'he a.ctI •• 1 •• i lbliy "Ut .,b,ay. 'M, .... "ll1e. ift .. n~'k o:f b:l._toI'71• Idlantlllill,.

The I ~ of tu "'It":ica'd b .. c.... .,t IOrilllD4y, Uul;; 1If!d o.b.I. U;I botli'" ~.C:Ol'd.d, iLl dilC;1i11 .M ,i. IIY. i 1.-,\1;1. 'Iii '.in)' eOu.ftlili •• ,

Tb.e *Y1 eo.Mot ~ll. it 10n U",:( t. IMa d.U not.

QIlttc.i:p&ce iIIll)' n1_1 .. :. for 'tM ;C.l •• ra~. HI- to

'b. t.o.nduc: t.d at ·LowU,d. ,. 'I'b.II)I' won illP~td I hQ_d", uan. U, Ai ! :I.(b.t11t1 .u.I:t l:i' wit'h ,:t.W .. ~. "cd, lQQ1. .tliX::kl •• ~ -11'0 tllP~t;Ri. A pNt"iI;1i:[V. IIiiII .,lr,; c:oveNd thtl bu'. ,. E't.I of t...... fac. i, tid. Ilin •• :l.flI -.t tc:t.patlonuf ... :1·pr.II.,. of ''''lItIi,r' ....

'I'NI 1nv.,II't;m t OR. ViI' _t .M _.11 :le'k "'tar 'I;Q two da'J liel.,. ~ eM 'E"C!Ulb. cb.itlGet.. ....'My n .. l!'." til. 'balch,- tM pAl:kltnil.,. ~I'd..ait __ l:U'tlllia an lChMu.l., il:iut the c t.oud I,. .U... _. it lmpo •• :l'b1.,iI .for P.'lll~ ilcIC.1Iil'at"l,. t,o bit t .... -...y Iit.r"m\S pola-t ••

'I'hti: c.~. Hili r'.!ilet'YU .vt.11.b1. ... It; OrKba ar14 i1!!llMld:La t.1:y reph.c:.d \.0.... • t b.,..r.4ad 'tNfllkil>t'''.

..... thil bOiliu a.e.-nd. thIi *ch t.)Je __, ft,r,o· ..... n

to f .. U. Within II!I:tTNCU tu' 'II!iII,~.r 'I!!II_I d..'b.r'iI aM 'WNck_ ,;nft ~ & ... d 1MI1lIi1 ... 1 l't loa ua:i. 1::, _9 rip.,dl oQU t III tq:.t.bI.r.. Am ..... mpl. o.f tb. dhcClUl"""' iIIl.i" lOiII ••• :h!J t'hi. 1I-'Ha\rt' 'p.riod __ t:1q 'IU:t, tbat aut ('.I'f 110M 20-30 Qlpld.'btoa.. unl:. 1Ib.:ieb Will" to p",.

"'Ii:ppo't't.lq; fiN '- onl.)!, tou~ "~II in .ction. TbIi

~U.tton ~ P:ra<:Hi!M ~t;"1 to Ht u'P

eM rj:..... .at t'hli y. .,.lp..ld I!IIP lpot,. 'lb.-r''tI _II ~ I'MU:.r. ,~ tb.a vid. ..M r i.'Ld, liM .. _II; WO'L"''kt:4l "I thouih trl; II'to:rw; on L,y :I. .... t .. ,., o~t ra iE'll t.:~ ..... .~'f'.ipa4! 1. .e 'Ttl iii d.'h Q-qan 1 •• d liifl.d. ... p 1 .• c: M :l I'll 1111 - t:1')" wr. , •• ·U. I:b.l hr .. 'kIM .~ gf' CN" G~'ue.l .. ~ tUr .. n tripp:l~ OV'ilr tu d!.tIi:!~ U . .., cord. 11..... 'laid oO'Iiit: b.t1M. -",~o t.... III ,o...r

ph,cli" ~.It" ,. t~ 1M~ ttliilli purph '1M! mi'q fb;"oN I and. loQlliLr' pt.wt:y.i:o 'nllc. 'unftU", witb. tt' C:!I:'t:~blat .-,.lo.J!I)UI. n.. lta,,), ~a t :IliIao11 tb l.g.'.... at UUh .. re 30i ~ !lnd at: - CiMM about 6O .. 1Qtil 1:I.", *n oveE' ... ll ... ,,,.11;' ..... of 41'1. ..a 10.1t: :Ln it_ .. - .illult.

Th. hrw.l..-or .. of tb1.1 .1p'U'tCUlit ,1St,. ... :r-. .h:tpp.cL to tbl: hit:U lil; 'to fon t_ ~ 1.... of dIe INI,t lor,q ",t'nI fo,,*, 'l'U, Md Mt, u.tili,."

tlwl'l" .wi. t.n:t!lIIiTlI im ":tap. but 1IIIiiU't! l'Iot to & .0. 1'b.ti '1 •• 1I0Il.. of llO'E'UMy iiIiIl'e 11,,1111:111 tc) the &'llpbt'biCQ )'tOhl- of It'" "II.c:lf 1e IIII.mod... alld thilli 'ballte uct:tc:. "til d...,.loptd ~bat .tnt IIrt the b .. tli fOT~'" t:lo:M I PI:'OC!M..uN' 'tcday.

'!lull;.pt 'of t'b.t 6-D!II.n MI.''''Y ea.bat 1IM;o1 U: 'on iUnU.. ft. c:MTi.iIl' to _Ju,'u. • .truc tuir. r:tf. Und.r_tilZO ~:Ut,IOn ..... t ·t.OIMl..-lt.lq of 100 .. lIad

13 offi,clI!rf1 'two O't"iih.... of ni.!l:.h. ~i." II 'DDt t I &DC!l (a tuft, .!IV.n 1 of che.. "111,:1. t. c'_'1'1..s IIquili4- :rtn'I1.

1 •• :110 tn.:tfiitD& ... .,till conlhGtM lie '..n

P i.ft." 'lCl,rtp" follD1!11i4 ~ 1I:l. ...... ·,of &!ilY:tla* t:r.'nt1ll at Milui:l 1la1N:U, wldc'h **_ " .. U;I~

,. ~ .of ad"allC. (If.roe t i;(lon ••

'ftLe .:t •• taa. b.c::"" 1It. ... lId&:rdlaM! ~ ~ ...... UII"

u •• lt, • 1 I. II D.C, lit,.1ai1 un the _m£. O~ ... - l'q of D-h, .iau '.2:" CD-4) followa 'by fI ~l t.U.oa

c: 1 .. :r...u 011 1 .. 1. or on D-1iI,. at ·iSlWii pnc, • .tloii Ii-~If. 'Uad.r .wort t NIl tb.a bOllbIi~U. arliN,·" _.. &'nII t_ I, b ... "on 4.. ~ lind .tra:U,1II t th. "PO!.. (A.t.~k '.n~l :b!I,U,ro,.rll. lIII.t:r!llJ'.:r 'KOE:'tll c!lilml.~tMi to

f lilt ... :tac tf'0OP canian). (':1Ift'J'1111 fGl,li" f&1I1;: 1&'I!I4i'lII c.uft, waul • .,.... la tbtoqh t.u h ... "" .h1'p.I' t.o wtt.1d. .ily~l, .i 1.. <d _ *1I;h.. ftiI;-e tbil,. wouU! liowZ'

tlw II' 'bi;tllllt. wi tb t'U t.... I,boaL"il ~ d~lII'. It.

• .". _" rul:!b.r boat ww\d 1M .. lona t'M pO'tt.

• idl. oil! .u!\ LCfI.. '!hi: Let'I'-. w-..14 .,... 11'11 to .. 1111,It.M. ~ 1000 ,..... f~c. t ... )P(I.h,t ~lI!PII:lat .. bowlna ilia 'h_, .'tNwIi tu' p .... l.l. HC.qt thl t. of tlW of'ice'E:' 1111111 c: __ ,-".. lac.b LCPJ woutd tb,o; wrn tt;, .t:"~~Ir • • :td. to tM _Cl'" ,1M G __ CI! tbil .,l ..... h ~ .,...'H:1 '.1 to 'tb. HIICih. 'thIi ~II would _U., n.F illlltiO it..hI: nlbb.!' boa t.Ii ..... ib1 ~ ulll,. ~ .1p&ll.d" :roll iato

tu ... 'tilT" 0fIi tM N .:tlll, of th. Len. n.a Ii

' u::r1nl of 1I'OUI' b. d~d.~ At cu.t 1" ......

*'lr -c'a..,. bo'b'bt. ,d .. we.n umtOtie.!lb'l. fl"Cliilil t ....

b •• ell. On AcI~ '.!I&M. .. ... iClC!lill to 1iWt.... wou.l.d. tl!l!U: .0000d:tnp .u N~ .. 11 ~ __ l;.r d-ta fol' h:tll ~ ClPIUI.t upon 'hi. p-l .... t:l.e .. 1 ai". ...... tb • .nt'll to EU' .Iw.:t. lui.d, 'bMn c.ompl.tK. t'h. ",1...,.. iiliQUliS iilii.,. ... bllek li:lliit t.e II'" &ftc! f~ atul!tMr l:l._ ,f'OI" ,.ien, ~ ''Ilw, Len 1tCUld. tbn 1IliIk. i til ~ '.. WO'r'tI, the __ 19"-1_ :kol. r)t t'" .... A'" 1 oop b.1.d out by ,II _D ill the autritl" ~ ••• I:' bD&t I iliiM kina nuq, 1rrt:a· tb, !:u~l" b-ot. t by. tM ...-n!t.ula ol It.... "pM4'q boat.

.... " tl\t tnt.ll.11nu ptur.d fNillll t 1' ..... , ....

• "110 •• i •• Son 'had. b.. ;.auQl ,.ted ill" d,l _:l.lII.t,.d.

the IwI... 'WWl. 1:11. e ... t lata tb. ..t·l!r •• b.~on *

!t.,o ~~k.Ii t" dllllOt:tt:l,_ .:t •• :tilZl~ ...,. .... ",. l!Ilulp'" ._.. ,1'lX1i. Ii." -:r!c.w' 'bw,01,1 or 4i111lCl :tt:t1Wii ptc'lq, _ul d b.. throw. OV4Ir :t~ iliIClY.-nn w:tth t'hll iIW:I._!lll'1I '" .... 011· tN f laab .... r. .. •• tp" 'l'C) c.&ny N11.. of ,ilht«M.t :l.ft.1: ~Dr... ('Dd •••• Kplottv. CDr' iLl~ -bleb. RtC!Mt:b,n !tr,.".l.a lit II ."... ~ f Qt;IIi!' ,, f· .. t. PIlI'" .H,oncI.) • 'rIMy wou I..d Hit-UN t'bli C,!'::JN a t, ~ tad. 9f tu b ... eh ,!I-ad IUAN1l it. toO tbll othe iMd.. Mi .. ~l. tIM! otblrl wou.1d, t 1. th4t:r p.t.CIk. to tbil olio. t.I.:;l,. aq,d tNil. •• cun ~. to ,tu ''*It:CIil&rt;lq Cion! wtth .. i.,t.. ~ •. The lnte~o~cttDi .. tnl~ •• ~ld ~~ .~ 4ra ... d, out to ••. To 't...... tb.y 'WOIojld. Ii ttl!eh. .1 r •• 4, pr.". ...... f.·u". .I·...-b,l'i •• , _c_,tod.d .and .n~tillS.. ..... tb.t, ..u-Z'II b Ii! .:1. thil~ It.... ,...... pull..~.. would JNl1

't" U·lb.t.n u.pon 1,:laM}.. fro. •• , &iI' iMft m. to.

••• fg:c- pick-lip.. 'I'M; ll,:taht!lZ' would e:lIi, t;l.. fl,ll •• ; till. 1I'OU I,d bum f DE:' d. .'lllQUII.t o.f· ·!ltnut.. foil" Wh:l.e.:'h :i. t. ",." cut ani! :l.1~1 t. u.. _11 'b l.&.tt,.. .p,p -I.t it'MI .... TM d.II t.on.I tin; ,C.oM. Uptci lI.xl: to tu ~Ii., wou l.d 'H ut ... oluri.a In tu.m ~ tile Uf.!'tolllcn VOti1d. H trl.'n-.l tte4 t'M b-Hc:h. .I ncI .. !::'ound t,o • t t tM ~cu ill iii fnli:tl~ o:f

.. • ilClCiilll, t .... 4.t~tlnl tbl! .n.tire n .• ld tn , __ lll-r-ae .bOot.

'I'b. -J'()E"i ty of UD'I' !leU; .... 1 ty oc.c\i~:t:'lId 'in 1I;:h4 rfle if .. :I.e. 'I'hu UI'" 1n -c:cmJ\IlI(l.l;.!oa -I t'h the 4~tlll&nd bopp1f1iin

c •• piII 'I" I 'lllhl·d\ 'Rol'" 1n eu f .. J.d y tt."l'ui.:rdllild. tMhntqU. d.,cij:'lbtd: .bon.. Hlabl., d.Y1Iilaptd _t:'had.I .-4e OM H .f! f _"PORi, .. Ad fl'~ t'h.lI MOt.'iIMMy llip.ra U:MI. lInell tb. end, of 't~ wit", h •• "... ....n oa1)' libwt \.2". 2·8 oit' 19' 'h... Vti"11 ftQlilii 'ld!ilit I Io~o 'Ii 1'.1l.ltu, "lpAft I 1'ift:l."a ~ Gu..... t :i.",,!I,&1. ,IQ L.,.t. Gu.l fill. l'IfOJiea:jo .nel !' :i.da Ok:lfti1..... _ thll

.nlll af tM vaT' thR. "'EC"e 34 Tullilll in Cl:XIIIiI.t •• 'foa j

_bout 3'00 -.n tft .11~

In 1946, til. 34· tM_ w·n: c:~1~_ tnto 1& 1 .... _ li."" for "'11'0..... of a.ob 11lAtion. 'i' of


Uft. t CO'Nl .:no.. And f.e .... u ... !'. ..tOE'M in .. 1' ..

bertH... 1M n •• I'Yt.·t. W'nt lNIc:k 'hOlM to t.'het.z:- (::1.' 11. ...

tan ac-tlqlli~ '(:1M "M Uv •• ~ ~tUr. vtlA Int. til:! diuttel MIl .. "hi" ill'lIIII .. ta·1t; len.. "II tllt1'i' 1"div!ilNli.l 'r'II t.. u11" If Dr . "h"r~l fot" f:lv. ,rtaQcili.n ,..'Qi "ti.:i.'nM. rith. t'Itr.'M til.... :1.11 t'hil 'PI.c:if·1.:. 'l •• 1t il'uli ltiWlil Iii t_· Atll.ntk.

bttll e ... l1.. um ia.tID 0(I11III.-1; .,iIi la.. Ia Sip t".1" 1 "0 ~ tIM' too'k pI-r.-t It. tlui b:1.l: alilp".1'b1i1nl111 lillidinJ, .iI t. IIl.c:b.Oin t ,cU·t't:tq tM u:rbc1" j f1'X1q buoy. ,!Xl .ilU 11011'

... "iIi "'IiI"'.'-' TO(:M, cCClIi.:t4:iGall.y .ns-,tna tu anUI'J !U d~. qu... rt.ra lila ~,. iI:IIIIQ t.-r:r-t "ta·-ry ~ 1.0.1:_ 411- _1IId.d :lrAoY ... tfoni .nd :I..,-roY:i. ... t:lOD. fcY" lIVM'j'l'bClld,."

In ... ddttioa. to dw pri. .. :ry job of b ... ch ZllIC:ocn ... t .... nc:.,. liD'!' n.-pcIG4H by c.oaduc tin,a DRY ft ilb.-t d.eIIol i t:l.«1. ",41 ..... ·I .... t .__,. "bd:"_. ni h •• ,. t~an.lill. Ilin4 I il!!lii 1 ill I" t.q,HII.. tw! .1toO iP,:rOQd. lliWiLluabl.. ... 'hwa~ .:1.111"-

.". ... n :1.111 t:M 'N4i t-r:l.c:ted. .. ttrr. o.f tlull XoRall!l. _r-' 'Po-n .. ad d",.:r." UDT ... ift a, hi" ab-r.-t •• i MrLl.U,

,.,.a- t~b. & GbaMel t l ..... d.1&y ali tl'UC'" to:" to· .. m,on." .Ii. tN,),' f~ ·tUIl.

uttloUq 'UM 'ftiDI a'j; ~I"" ~l"t"'b I .:nd ~. l!:'.cl:IGI!illl tH. 11ft.dq ibyeb .at l..c.a, UDT ad .. bi' ~.d. lit, tkt •• Ill' o.cto'MT toO tM .... ·t c.~.It. tl) tlclt1 .. tba

loO) t Cl\11'1 it &-.pQ. • By. 17 :ti1o')V.... 1950 tM 1,00 .:1:1_

Df .;. -..101 ". ~ ol_Nt! ~ ''_N:tt Uq T ... OWl to .. h

it. of hlAl r.eoaftilbpac. (.'neG eM. ~:l~' Bekl. Thh d.aD. ~ I."""t __ ·~-l~ 1I'.t tih. ,a Hta,C!.l\Ml\t of tb. 4l11t IDy..Il MiI.:r:be.. tll:tl!:' ,,-Mle 'hl t and. ~'n It~lkeo1 I lm. dI .• t ~tl~o.d activ:lty .Ilona t~ nort~_,.Uim ~oa.t, •

0... 11 1fi.W.eE:' 1'9.50 the Chim... Ca.un1I1t. '.tilrUi tM !, luir11..... t' .... lt" 1. DTH' "e.T'G"e t:be !:Iord.1:" ~ T"OtIIi t he lin e. tu\I. Z'Y o·f Mli!:!iC'h,u:' til • .10 b.p.n iii

,. •. p'hl H ia, to _I" ~ vb.tcb, .. ·:fur· tn:i.t; till Ttvtlr ... lOT U~ M. tTOCp.,V.. to into a ~l.llYe tu·l_te. TIM rd.plO')'lHllt ,o,f 1) .1 .. ·lire!!]p. f •• wnd ,lLZI.phl'bl0u.,· opa:rat lou ill. rw.n.. .IJ~". tilu! VD'l1l I,M'N; ;f :laliiuq; ... 1"'.1"1'11 1 ... 'W-T i .. 1 t·.rat·i'n, blili~ ... la.:L.tnt.:l.v. r"'Gonn&U_~", 'beblM f:rwndly UD •• • nd Il! lli drop. b·.hJ.'IJd U.. ..., .. ',iiI H.~, (D en. OC:C:""'.or!I. b.ove'MT~ Wb11·. hw.-yiq .. b .. c:b ISO _1 •• ."tb 01 t'he f:ro:nll; Uue t UD1' (In Il'Uffeud cfliliu.llil U •• f ~ 1'.1:ppo: .. dly ~ ~lftiU1 ~ U v.. • UD'I' QI'I 1111. tl'Iit'llili t~'". -of duty i'n I.oU& lhid:nll It:h. ~U.c't t :rop t.iAI :lb!l!:;lI.ll!h ~twI!iI1I trip.. D.Jtdnl on. <luck T'ID"tii.'U.oa a &luc~t. tack part in .ii, • ...,.·tc .. dM nii:r,JI'ii'I.&.1I!iI,"II~' tE:'II:la:tq, ..u1'1:t.,. .:,.o'olkic t:4d tn A'LlI\Ii. t And '.ptMHr· 19S.2. 'IIIIlth IAn :lt1.cM·1... bl"M ud ~ l:an.oM II.:AI Hrvlft.1 ... till:r: •. eu~

.u tlln" tb .1p,l ...... '!:!If tlI. •• m.llt ie. .!.n 1.9S3, ,..(I.!t.tme ~.r ... thn. W9 'N-JiUii!id fulU:1.m •• , On '.b .. Nary ·6, 19S4, UDT OD 'WIlli mil.tanl.t" UDT azv.D • &.t or. t. ttII. 1-' t fe:r' ... 'WiIi1 t'a ~ tQci:li:" in l.,t4I!!b.~ th., iretut'Md. tc AlUkia lor .. ~l'Y""ptn:bll:t!' tr,U'nl. • ••• :ton d.trl!ctH liP 1Mt j)gc:~l\ H.I ~ -nd Koilu'k 11,- 1 ... ndl.. w. .. c.Pillo.... tu 1ut Ii 1.. • fu n. UM' _I to

H' .tllt :l.iJiUidi 111. tu ,ar laat. pri{llZ" t-D 't'" V.i.tnAI oonflict.,

n. .t.i"tl't •• tc d.cblo.a to -iWacu.l·t. it'h. T .un l.ll.'nd. by the KlirUoalll1at Ch1"1" 10 r,,"Nary 19" iii ......... UM ~ 1'.-11 hr u,k ot ebln:tna •• t. pa ..... !'or tb, a.phj'10\li. tNIWlpt).rt inllp &lllllrad by t'M

V ~ ,~ 'II'ftiilth. 11 .. t t q4, tb.., dllli'lliOli.l. tOl'tU,i" c&rt;1~!1 ..... w..mittolll.1I 1 ... 1: l" Cib.:l:a... cQ_lil,U

iIiIkt 111M Qf tb.RI., Aft.e p;.bimt .. fl'Otll 'tM ".1" liiat ~

' .. Mr., c:I,f TN. It.IYltl 'PI",", II 'Yli:t)l' act:l ..... ~oli!!i 111 .,,,,rvQ'ina IJIW L :lD, .1tt. a",:r-:lnl t... 1'I,UI:I!'I.II;t" of I 9SS.

Iio .... ~ 1956 '''w t'he "'-'tt tNt .. .eallliill:»1 .... d d.e.,c .... - .. nt of tltDT a.1M .. fIId IJ'M' fVlLV) Md. a ;miq.... tra 1fttill 4- •• awt on tb.ll P,lipwlli CliIM l'JI ou.t::U:I..:lat: iI~~k .'t,·

l • ..,k. •• tho!!lI. 195'1 wa. .. 1MJ.1'J .,...'1" fo:!:' mn IL.IVU' ...... ,..I'IlO'i'R'lal 'teH).'k 'tt_ r:4.f 1.1!:"'0Wi con t ci.eIIIol 1 t ion .. at ~~y Illlnd to p,.~t1eipat. ~~ Marl.x an the , •• ll1u of. I.",. 1 :In tb. *.,:1..:1... I..lau. ~ ,",liaRd 1.. t

• natb... tlD!' c..eaehMn.t w. ."Ppd in DIN 'Linll r'.auppl, OpftaUMIi.,.. OpM-t,tlul'l ~ WIl .. tM de.11.M,UaQ It,... 1..~ ... cd.; c_tMd MWI,l .'114 .,.U'btOUI _~r'I, ol ilr=..d foZ'elll, of t.h. Unl * sU'~.1I aM t.... l.ep.l\lol:l.e ,ot. It" PbU :lpp l1'i" I Mld. :11'11 April Qt 1'''-. mn ILIYIB'. w..,t!'ac •• t ... w;; ..... t jlb-1E11- ,ed. lJIJII' 1WII.VI':I ~'I:d 'bouD4 VI.t·hc 4.tile"hmlmt t'n ,.TtU :I •• U_ 'II 1:b.Ii ~:h.. ilI!cut. t:brH, -..ontb 1,u.1" un1ta ~ .. 'he · .. NId fOJ"G.N ""1'. iI. t.l"te.d bliu.u •• of eM :a..b&non (:;:rti Ie • Ie ilOO'ftU" bI.di t.... Ktd .. lal! ~ II :ltu.-'U(IQ coot,. D.U· I tbJln, flit, C~u.t Ch:t.M.I. ~;i;:ra-nt of tb .. 'kt':l,on&\lIt 'Ch1MII" · ,of! It-... (~O}I') .. ~ "-·t.". Qt.iJeld), tb. U.. I.. ' .... th rl." CGa: .. r.'E'I_ on tb4 .cnil, , c:.a'"Tinl out ~ 9ai~ 't&t •• f~i.~ ,oli01 Oblilat1o.a of

d.IIf .d:l~1 'l'lrlWlil'h In s.pc;_u HI;$!, T.-. 1LM'IIf~. 'illtatJ.!lIIiIc d.tJMblw:nil:., "'11 .l._nt of U.. ,S.. a\lppDrt, ,...1''' Ud .,.t.t Iflo t.'h. joint U 4 S i' Ch:UJat l-.d:(q - ax.q:l •• i LAlm ROt 10. liou.t.b4rn 'l'. i .. n ~

....... ~ f~ tiM a~. me:ntiOtUlld Op4iPt.:iOlll. 1sl

· ... 1c::'h lJM' •• f 111,1-r.M I t'b. tiUm ha. Nil'&1. d" b ...

c::,Ii n_ 'U.~ t.(Ii ptlrfon VII:t":lou.a i;yPM of ".I.II:iI~ ... Ho!t'e nlicntl1 " ..... ha ..... Wiq._ ,f,,, Ji.-o1:lti_ .-adl

01" daY't", work 1a conn!lIC;!I:,1_aQ _tb &ird!.., •• pl'oj.ccill to

• H~1i. -ncS n.cOYtlnr of d'l'OlllQiq, v:lc! tiM, 1011t lIa.cbo:r't .1l4 • .,.." q o,.dmaU:l .:tI'CNft wbtch i::1',.ilh.M. in tbt ..... .ll,IO mt bIi... .... "".)1' -jill tile ilr ... , r;.f P\"lbl:tc 'i'1IlIi'Uon. t c:~11:tq ft1i:h _n.,. "4 ...... t. " botb ClIv.:lc UIIi p~t.,."t. at"c:IU,. to-. ~atl'.ttaQt. ~ , •• "le ... iii t-aktrl (:·oll.ctlvt,l,. J .ft nDt. '. ptlCellCiiiliill" Cia, paPVt wt dw, fttVII:rcul.... Ulp juat:U,. t.he contl.mH!d ,utlt .... 1,.. 4.1:". gf t,mIIIII., pia"H tb.n. ~a. by pu-"-lu ttcia 1NIr .. · I'IU t of ... -1 il purpGMful UEli1,t 'I,ICh 4.. UD'I'. um tl'oud,l,. cont:tb... to ....... 1~ to tNd.:I. t t,onl lIiIIlt:; .. b ... lll~ - l.Q • ti_ 01 pa,ril and n.d !by it. ,.'Nftt-·pr .... "MII.ot:' .. ~

UIT hal .L.o ~ :' lA N~ of d 1 1;_ Mercu1'J't 'hIIlni~, lIil4 .11 0 1:.".(1. 1I'hot.. ., ... t~,. hal ..". bti.. ~o.t btC:Ii ... H of the tMft i-

e.:I .. " of a tmr NC'O'MtY HQ:+ a.l_tH. •

Itr't; 'in fc:lC' II L.o:jt 4 I!IIIiOatba 'p:t'tor t'o liD1 .p.c.' ll.un~ ;0 'l'IM., an. tbI ! l:t!'l!iIt: t-o MVII ph.y!ll,ed coilt"e t oac. tb. a.t:r,OIUiIit.:I .'Hi 'back aq ... r.tb"

'l'U lut: CCIIio.t ID·I ... Gpllrat. £1' ~ .lUll! fa.Maa.

II. Wl:1i't. Coaat ibut tN, .. -nil Of 1"Wponil tbU ttY 'COIf'U'II th tIIdlt.R'&I'I.alll c.-tibb"'illl .~., .Ad .... 11 dil'" tac~. to. tbil A.reti.(!.. Diipl,o~iI lin uilulil11 _dil .... 1'kH an .tdp. ct tlwI. 4 •• 1 u.y.d Itt)rog i vbJ.~ An LI~....... tift ~." LPI !' .• , ~ a_t:lMl. tMy fl, till i1hpl~.

1ft.n. ~_ 1ID'I' Pl.tooal a,~ ..,1'01_ in tbl HilIIJ.:I.oo ~ .. ~ tUp c~t tn 1111,. w.ltlh 01.11'" lonli. AU-nUil: '"'-tJ On;.tQ.t.Ht.loa III U •• -:tfII t'bll I~. of .lIp "'"v., .~,i_ ..... 1'" aiiib.t IIMlk II.tueu an. liM'"'''' IAII fl •• t '111'.:£.t" .000'nUt... c:t:t .. llibj,'"I:t: ,..11- ~.t.u, billiCib. Neon't pl;Nc:lw.t.'l uwII W21d.q :JatDti:r on &lliph!bt·ou. i..m:lna.. T~ ... cfth ..

1;;I ..... u,. I ... t lI:lIt to ntH mcwntba. (l!f~:rH, 1111 ~ IIMI M fllft _t ... lr'IiM:t,.. '"I "II, u4 ""'lin .1 ... 'but t.. 11'9:1_" to ~ thil ~111!l.N" out of

'I'Iw CI.I!':tb'bllLlI ·a.Nh.. ".9 :l1l.on;i!H'1 '··4 _at ... ,lIlId pravUe .In .-.u.t trJi'lliU. .. rill. .1 t'h. 'M,~r :h cPJ'.ul Cll .. r lind _ra,. .. iM: >IIWI,l~ UQII. oj! n.., ... .d.-lIt :1.1 pll"t of t'hill end," I. .. it ... Ni t.~ .~ olll (OpM'iIi'i: 1-..1 ''·":In... l,gpHtl_ .. ,. ~1.TU provl.d.. .an OUtilUnditnl, oppoE'tuii!IIi'ey 1ft tM :lDd:t\l't .. <ilKI 'Pla'~ tlO tnttl ...... '!mit (.U to t_ Uirn.:lD .• 1.oo1.6W!,lt lIo&it. :h bI.DdJ I., .. _t'lIt ... II.c. bAM., Vi .... 't u.. tela 1.. th. :II e....... to't" iB.hQdl dac HUt· 1Ii!!4 b.ydl'"Oln'P"i~ 1l1Ui","'.,

1'I.w. M!!;:t: te d.t.duallfttll .aA II_II ~ 3-4 ... t and th .. uawn L nvi ·~rt '~0v1"11 -.eb t!ll.i.IIIl.... 1" 1::.... ...·rt of 1". bl"'lIttflll li.iIQ;b IU,E"INJ. liilrr'bol" el ...... .me.. ID.. 1c:,. d_U;U-...

'lb. __ I 1I!bMI. not •• ,10,." 1 op.rU:, fro. :MI 1" 'tic I'lo"",lda.. .:11 t 'COt!lt __ '. "'v.. btl... tl..k.., wi tl! 'Prqy:t,d~ nCOYIr1 e:nn ,IEI_ Spac. Ibot •.

Wi" the "4 I .. :llWD.1HMftt in Ylet:Jlq tl'Dr , ... 11i di.,l.,.d t"-l..;- c-.. t ..... tl... 'or the ftE'lit t1li!li .·1D.C. IoIrM l:iD't. qatn JiUl"tM "*,,lQ7'inl U IlIi!; .. tl.:-. un:it.. ". ~ .,o.r..t of t :loa. •• iIUb.:lc ."1 .... p!;)"b:m.:s.,c_ of lid UpptAM. • 'hPdq,u&n:,n tor 1I~;PPO:l"t dlitllle __ e .. t ull kt.. Iii 1l~iII1iI'. ' t •• k. lMI~ .. :tft~. ,of OPH"l!t~ 1 , ... '01,..,t aM. tn i .. l'lII·

at .. e .. tae- ...... t.... Dat.. hiiv~ .... .,10,-" •• t'bII

... eb .~:tI"'IIC. ~ .. NEk,H Oa ad 4PD _til:b. WI" part of' t'M h~'~ a., I 0J*l I ... nppHt of PI'

... t Qp4Ip:tI!I!IM. 'h.auPad. of .tl.. ii' bue.b ~ R~)'." by 1Wi...-r lind f.t'homlit.1r Ir_onn.. hit. •

Cbarl .. :I,. o:pu'.t.a. fX"C18 tb. 11.. hnll and UII ~ I ..... f iL •• t "typ •• ubMri ...... ,. ".Il~h ..n; -laud. to c;a"" gm''' II on cz:dY..t 111 •• 1_.:. "eOiUl t:l Wlin ,1i::iiliIIi-

d.w:: hd III two cI'U~ h'nIat _aa...... On. _. to bottbiili

tM "'t and lock eM ~ _t. 1M. "'111ft

wou 1 ill, • .,.rl·.c. by ~a; •. fn.e "'Clint t:rn tlIi ... '(lOt

,_,th _. I'll to caapl,.t. tbll ~. TN otlwl"

_~bo-d u.. .._. .. tao put 1U ~ '. 0lIl .lE lI:rul

lNiYi!l • n'b di, out 1't'Ol.l u.nd.~ ttt.. JI. • UDt p.:r-... .QQIIM!Il .... 1~ ' .... 11. to l:Wr n:coa:.. ·li:rM~ .lftt-RY' .il,. ,d 'Mac:b .... 'II~, .u P.t of :tt ,at: n·1pt... ht. 1"'1 Un WII liil:ilrUCIMid. lot ea .. n .... :In DiIL_",. 'ftl_i" _. baH of .,.Nt:l.<iQ;e :f'OT ·tIU ••. - ~t wtLtcb COD,_"d ~k.r \iowtDlI *0 N"

'!:I;~'I ' ... Hid. I 1114 ... k-I. foE' ... ( ... 11:: " "CN'"

I! t:t1!n'i) of tb4 dtphyRi ,"'1 J:.cou, ltft1"1 ... I."" .., ... _",1_ Qit&II-.nta, bat .. '-lint uwI lObo W9I __ bill"bd. i"it t1M _'hl'blOUil •• clJ Gr;q UliG) .. ". tJIid~ p:rt'!!l!li11' 1- _. to. .1I.:i.t ~ t ..... :tb:loul ~t:!l. ..

by "(loan tiD!! ~ltt1_ -~~ lith .1,' tll

_N &t!blcf .... d to ... f'N'r'tfit '&rouP... '- c h!II

opu, .. tkIiWI rilltb. t'u tiVM!' h ~1 blat, II'iUI. :ill _,

u .... patroll •• t,lIto· tlIit. ,' •• ",1.84 ' •• ".'11 a ... 'I,t.M.e 'h ....

UDI'''. !I\I'I'1I!i "nM ~I, aM. ,.or ••• :l OM'l'l,. ':l.1II! tu:l.ll' _n,,' ,."T"a O'~ n:l..e..c... Thti ... r ,anlll 1MtltMi. U.", 'b,' UDf :tn 1I1I,,on of tb.:tr .. :l •• 1oft Mve ~ flW!! loal.. \OI:It.I to aopbl.t ie-ted: dOI_ et'rGLlit . "'Vi,. Itit'i fT'Cll'll ~p'l", ft~ ... t.baa~. I;Q '.ll~ 'Dy '_rachutl ~ !''t'OfIII' d.,troy:lq. _e.... lelOn:II;¢,- 1:.. •• ! "ttL ~1I:lt. to eM ,.r'fonMlI!J.l. 'PI",I tic .. 10· .'1." of ~.,..,.,..

UD'I' t. tn.l,. 1dtb her W'Ii:lt t 110M! d thli .YJ" I.' .1 t'u ~t MU ~ Hcondi to 1XmII. II

Atl ~. 01 tM lJDir/l_ ~ .. "'~W at" ,.,. tol' M.,. Nl_iI tu.t, ~1 vtq ~ 'u,ndt.:i,. o-f' ,. __ 1 i'Um. iI!!ftd P'- "clute j!l'llllptna.,

"'- ,tJDI!f,IIAt. __ ~Uotm h· "- ."IIN! _'. tMt, 10, •• '11 M,"Nl '"~l t ,!IIiIItiI~t'M: 'u.t.'I;' 'MWIi "'1':1.11':1.o .... E'.)I. to th. MWi I 11:1.. aIM'- liM. tM 1U' •• tl'rl!ilt flflro ••

At prtl .... t. t:_rtI a~ 'id'LT.M 1,IDI' '-_ .nrJi two ,lui.· ~ b ,_.t"'an,, tm'! tea. 21 -!HI 'ML ''h ..

I an ••• ,.,__. 'to ~"'''';I' XI .... 1 ,,1a1, I!io...-., ____

-.....- ---. Clillo _ --P._

.nd UPI''__ II .... 1Z nil "'1 '-- 1 a •• aj Ii ..... till Q:I.lllndlft ",'N1 "",,{.1 WiI'rf.... GI"Oli'(ii o..~

to .-1.', iii tmrr/'''' _ft to.s.)!, 'I!MII,. Mft .. tlt, ef to latif'll;. (I""t.C:iiII" liM! ...... 1 tilt" .... uadlt'l~ lb. .... tIN II!Ii:lq II' 'U'Pt,i'l!iI, 'ritt!: 1lM' iiI'Ie:: tr.ti'lltftll

.a In.t q I' 11;, CCltIn... Dw tNlnl.... iltliRIi wit ...

fwil!" ..,_,d.., ,gf 1: ....,. .... , - ,- -. - 'It .. ·"-1· .- ....

, , _...... .......,..~, __ ':II :ruN.. P ' .... - ~.,~ .... ;I,TI'!II;II

RHII!Ii ~ Itt" ..... :Ii iIIIftd nabiM'r' bClil U ...

1h. ;1,t'1:" _'II:: '(MM IV1Ii tim w..Ic) ;:1.. • C:'lMUl.';'

tty, ii.·.t oj!! • -.JI, ........ ~, ..- .. ",1· Ii -..ill ...., t· t t·· boo

_ _ . _ .. ~ II IIIIU'J_. 'IIY! """,,1. 011 ,nul.

•••• Y'orklaa in _11 'U!I,:l'u. 'bolt CNWlili urod . .-r .... - 11 It" 'II __ -C, (I~I,CA::IM ,.,nd w:t tb, oal., mr:lIlI' .. l .1 • .,. ... _1IIttrt C:_UiCl,t. :ta1d... Ht.'bU,.bIi. C!m!p HCUide, q&:lftlit !holt'li. 1. f'ot ... ,. ...... ...... 111, co.pKit::ly. 'NCII' qa_t otM~ lIoat, <;In.. '. I. pti't'fonN in .lIInd:li ....-rf. iliiiI It.-vy fIlWl,.. At: ,t'M ... d !:!If • ...k ..... 1rtMa-t Ita, I.t.... tlle .,11 '-CiCli'lf1'-n.. 1I • ..:: .... ,n' 101:' tM IUcCII.llfu,l caapi_tOIl of III'. .... ,,'_ -"

a ~I!N. t;. lib ta t'f.'-am.t1ll ..... tbl oPlint lCilllll .... 1 .. 'r0iL-t6t.

Llu... 'in tb.ll CI.our.. 't:. ,t:u4:~It:. ,. n' ,HInt to

"III CI.-.c. 'I.'l .... d. "'!I. tllllt" ,r&ettet t'llll!i:lr *W1 ..... U:tiamt,1! _ii(, 1 tn, ; IDIOl11:: 10.., Mi •• I!! lind coapl.a " "!lh,· of! 10lIl __ vltlt tN n._l .... \I"", .. clt.~ of foUir 'tC[II 1:hI: mt\, ....

b" lit. dl")J _,,~ tw ,uC't:l-t; lit'll! MU,'tG1;illil _1:.r ..


3~ hlf .. C;on,t:l: In.1II Uadft'Willl t.'I:' ".It t'hi,._ ""·P'"

P'" r..tul (.em .... ):

4,. R .. nd .. b.eld • (111 ii/I:" And Uin~t¥iII '1:i: .... ::tlc:1i It:i;:1)1!i1i .. 'Irt,....'I;i,.

". Und*""'! UI" ""._1" p~p!;1Ill hm un1'~11 hand ..

Una ,~t'OIII on., to' ,~OQt' :!DtIR, to be Qed, ,II!! ~ ilU:ft,. G. ~, It: ,t,O IJllb .. q:iliCi, ;IIubmat"l_ ••

6. "IlirlO1lI tna or 'P'I! ! I;II!I.'" :i!!Of.' l..nd 11M wter ju.p ••

1,. I:l'Id :l,vid.l,1a 1. iIwl-n.i,r Mu,l'P"i111lll't 111.elKt.;

,Mil Uli. (f;~ 1ar., TAu;:k f,..-.; ~:i.q ... ..:: iI;:~' I' 'Nbbll!i1" booti •• :jI UI.W". (:r;N I IihA>llli, " •• Iou. t." ••

of f.'c:.iIlI!kl,j Wl"lilt ,Q~ •• , ",,:LI,t, up-ttl, P..,.-li'j ~i'I- 4.~t.r. 'wn lit wa tdli 'I lead 1 (n. for U! Idftl .GUN! :Lnlil t .~d 'lNiri ou. c:,.,.. lid (1 ... -1 t t lCi1:l.1 .R«I, b.rd'E'OJ~.pb,lc ',.,.r al"t: illl pi" a-f tb:U i::I""lf'!;lr!.£ '~:i.od! '!'i!bt(lh la.t. ~ty-~h ... v..kiI.

UDT url.,1 Ion. :tn. raeM,t 'f'" r.'11 hlive tM h~diedi t,c:. ct.mol :(:tiOllI :l~ tiM "N'tt(!, .. nd ;Ii I:U~~ut nIIooveE')' la HL. ' • ..:If'lCi ~ K~r, t.... pr."ill'lllrJ' t.J!J;rr IIItll,I't,~ nII:~

IMI tli. m. p_I' To cun andi 'I::,l .. ,~ ~-li4ll~ "lIe"•• In p~'1"1! tton to'f.' tIuI, U'!pbt..,loul h!nditae.

The UD'I'i, ,iii ~ !L:IM"!r tb. ,Ii,dm!nl. t;;1v,. il:nCl ,op.nt1oall ,c.oatt:'ol of the: NI:p.CU",. iniJh.o!l;:'l! Wi! T'!illn· Group.!i' nc. t '~ iI. •• ~d ~(!I .'noth.II't:'"IIi,t;tcnll ~a..gtld..-r fg'r" ;!Iip.d,lI ~ 'liil.k, ,lin(! ~ •• t'onl .. "'*- Ili:M :i.n, of COIfiIII!IIM fgr m:rr - ,iii 1,. iIIh.O'IfI:!, al; fol10'!Q111

CIJilCU.tr1'/PAC:ft.T <Qr. .. .1 U onIi 1 (loa'trol)

',IiIk rOTC. C:Qmn&n4.:r

(XMFHllUaR'l'nAC 00«Iwu.tft /pAC

UD'l' 11 i 12 j 13/21

UD'l' !SJ.U, uv..cHHIHT ('lAP: POICI -....n:)

On 1 JaB'U.I ~ 1962: j! Ji'n.d,d_t ifonn.dy C.OIIIatl ..

.1 :l.oo"d I:II.L ,... .. ~ I.I.AL 'he 'I'Y). ."", IML

(I .... A.:I.:t'~ :Wn.d.) T...,. 1. -Ii •• '" Jl, •• e t"CttClil.1. ~:Lt. COM!I •• Ir::rntd. to ·1::I:and:uc.t :11"111 "_Ul wart." r aM .,.t of tu:t 't' ~ at'. fo~ 'UDl' ,.!E'.O'IrHl 1I:tt:h .aIIII ot tllel!l! cOlli... dtnc tl,. fE'_ t.I:ui 11m", ,,"'In;:I.·1Ii1 Cl....... Qa,c. a.·.laud it:;1:) t ..... IUL 'hail, It_'ro 'IIi.v.Clit!_ i.1I ua,eeqvwtionll _rfllrt cont.lmI.. in ........ 10\1111 "! waVY:l '",riM 11M M-r ton. "boolli la-

d \'IId:tna a.t .. ,.ill1" 'C". t.T'II':lntna ~e..di h 1uItIJ •• 'by t-" IIAL "1:'." to l11'li.,,", ".,' .1'. tn.tMd to til. "'h •• t ,,1".. !prlo:r to b.1111 SIAL T..-. .. r·_ ora.a01".t.. t-rat...-d:l! >lind .. ui..... 1:10 (liClQduct ..... e.:<mvnt 10lIl .. 1. 1II.rfili'tw iii oCMmt.~",,",fl'lii. aad IZlb.n ... ~ •. t.I.'r!I. Q:pII:r-.t100. 1n '!TII·to1l!;::C:q a~ II .1Id 1"1Y1lrl1l. _yt~.t;.; tid, I :l.nc1....... "111;:. i. 'not'" to the .j!!,ollowtna ~ ~'l:lt:l.OM,. :tm:.1.1l;s_e. col I.-

1: laa. ... tE'i!l:tntna .md. .1Ii~"l.q r!E':t.Nll y .. ry lind pu"ntU:tII'l:'J fOl'\C.llIi in tli. ,.~t on Ia.vd Splela 1 w..~f·."" ltli; p&H1.iCI;Ilii1:.:-, SIAL IMbIl a:f'lll t:ulr.d wi~ ma,( etta clipl:lliU t. ty t·(II:J.

L Be,t.ray .1'1", .hlpp:ll'II.t lwi'i'f::lor f;!IeUit::le:l1 ·bort4 •••• 'NIHway. U ....... IIMotbllr lu'dh~'au In ... :t1t1M Ii:rlll.. :lad n •• ri.... .mrltlOlltIMIi:II til .

.2 • l'Ofll tr'a1;. "lItt/oT' .., t.ltne:. .I-tl:ll p.I!::'.::'U bll * ..... dil~:iII al!i.d. • .CI .. ,...·.

.3 ~ C~(It. :r.coana1!1lianeil iii P"·.U l .• n" ~ aM -otur tnt_U la .. e •. ,

·4 ~ Aouo-.pll1ll 1:frnl1:;·td1 ~tH- :lI3.llU~' d'Yle &C~1aa tlll'k. ""':te'h ,,·r. nilrmilll11 to c:ovnillt'-IMrTU 1. optIn t:tm'ii!ii;' 'PO." 1!P:l.l let.. 1'0.-

(rl· ... i~hl ... 1 .. '1 illd: t .1-.. ta ry' ci'YU :In •• rq

I;ctivlti'l: t boat ~tion., "111·\11 'lTl&itrt nu t .lad

b •• :l.e .hi:;l·1t loli. (IIf t'g indtlnouII 'jIoap.ll .. t:tot.4

~.. Orpi.\l •• i CI;''' In. .. •• lIt ~ .",d, .IillYJ,. W Unit.1!! "It iii tU:il Alli. ..Nt o·u..·1;' fr:l.ndly 1IIi111U,t7 01' ptralldl'U:Ii:ry fOTe .. 11\ tit. eOd •• u:rt Gf .ny· of the iIII!'bOY'tl: tlllkli.

With th. ·hen.llb'S U. ,~ il'l¥Olv.-nt in. t_'t:tc <4 VIU'~.IIII, it ft. tlMt: n. l:plClul ... t.._ u·.t·ntn;a of SIW. p 1.t."XIM t. 0PIIZ'tit. i'D d . ....: .... :l.M a.... ..., :r,P411y illIlap'i!lIbtillll 'tao e~ TD4.,.:e,.0I'i of

":(1 ru-pt Ina t'h. 1"nt:.~kt::l.OII. o,aNItl ........ of V:I..t Cons 1M ltOl"th ,,'btu.... ..".,.. ba,Md :1.111 tiM ... kt IJpI:doll Z&n" '!hit!:' 'N.lult!ll 1M'N. lliiff:lii:",. til ..

pr .. Uv·. to 'WI1"Z'I!.rU!, tb ••• plo,_,nt of :fou:l!' ·ad:dtt ...

t OC1.Iil pl .. ~1 to '1.tMiII.~1'vo ·of ·thlll411 ... ~ 11;;'0

10 to If'hiI ... <1M: ·to Mllh '!buy ~ .md. ..not1\4r to Mr ..... Tb.o. .'!h.t •• 1.:\e.A&14I,1 tft till. ,1& e_1tMftt ... r4 ......... , .. Ju . .t :l.UM by '11'1 'i'1i1:l' of ·tbl: r_.ttl! .I,'I'IIt .• Md ..". thll

n ht ~ 'PI" t GOal t .... ".i:1.i.11)1' ""n it..... ,i.. of ~h. \mita 1D¥Dloqd ..... eoaIiU.r ... ~ 1h ••• ,1U:oanl eoa. ...

.c:: .... tl"l!tlld. _1· ... t,. <Ia t:lll't ... :lq in).t .. Del. lI~idl, t)'p. opt'f'&tlm:.1 :In .rd. _11 ·b .. .c't f1'.- tb. _,,, ri"II;;'I. 'Wh_n vlet Coni ~ '~b r.1 y and cauld .,.,. ritb t.,....nity.

IrtOZ' toCOII!IIIitilDilftt.l. 1ft 'Yi ... t:na. t .111&, 'M PiI!",", t1cr'pa~ ,~ ih. ~" CT:I.,d,1I ~ 1'M,2 aft4 the Do1!da.te .. n ..,..'bU.c l!!iii I.MS.; :It. n.... .... t'h. tN.:lfIiliIC IIIrM fM" lUI. 'I"WO'. ...:lch .pllif,.!Mnt. to

Gn .. a, "u:rM, ~ ltd,. aDd :tNfii:, to p!:'C1Glpate :l.D

, .. ft.:i.,.. .1M MI"'I'.. ~ • ..-.1"11 .. ttMW!! .C'~1. " ... ·pon.II.~. ltmd. to. Uia. iI;~"~' JIImI.l. Rl'f..Irr., c~ hit; ....,'ct· .... ~ lua,f·1.:n .pPM't, "11;1-" .. ad ....... ion. a~ ,.... filli11 "'NCllDit::I.·DI·~ .1IIiOIII: ol:i~.,

..... b.Ne II U,I... :bt v,.~ ITft !hot"E' ~ :QAC, JWO d.,lopK ,101 tOilIU t'h_"". to .44 'to thou of 11M. 0lII :hi! c.b. taM. .ffoft :ln~~t'i'7·. T.b ~.c 'Y.t .. ......... ~1in"IU!Id. ItCII ·ClTHk aM. ~a_ tlM ca"" of In.t1'UCtoH fO.'l' t'h. ·a .... -r ,.. .. oaa.l. lIw.t t'M end. at· t'be vt.tD.:l1l .n·ort I 11M. ''hIIi. '1'10 I. III iCO:rp. ot ".11.-·U''iI tud opeoltoZ'. 1Itlo.. ~.10l'T .aQ4 pot.llt :1..1. 1,1 I6CCi'Id ta· 1II)U.

On t .... M ... £on. t ..... """ .1 ..... 't ..... 14 u.ully u.. .. !I:: ."Ai. _"ct by _.11 enf"t. vl:i.111;b .. ~. u.1'U 1 .~. II_ lIIi~d ~ lAt..,., • ..-c: 1,1 111 d __ l ...

'Opi:od !bllh .;.... ... nppon: c:nft ftrt· ~lG, ••

"lid. ilqul''''_' f'!D~ II". ... •. n 1 fon:.. • dllW:lopalIIiInt g., .. .,.1,. U.,. u.lan_d .and "II i." ••. _·t fo.Il:' niPpon: of h.& ap.~" t:ton. ~ .'fftO'n;I t~ .....

.... • D •• d to __ laa;a·_' .1DIl l..,....~ tUM :ttl t

l.n .. t.rlpMi' .. .:14 ~·h ... -powiE'" •. n. a q.~".~ ~_ .. :l.M ~ All Clf thM. f.Oili;a:II:r.· •• EL. d._iii to "Ii ... - ... t11111 :ln .. • .... 1 to ·pzogp.d.,. la •• !rt ~ _U,'oIC t I' IiUppDrI:: "M P!E'otMt __ pt!:t ...... l ~ 'IMI .. I. ... t.u~ • 1_. ltD lb. d; ... l~t o~· tI:wi I'M n;pport cnl t. lHth ·tli4 tt .. vl41:' fl.:rapo.wer, .IM- ". _n.uv.nb:l.1.::lty of eli... :n.u.. iJU-pPOI't (In:h.. gil ..... 1 t:t.. 1D.C'iI~d

f:tilm Viet. c.w ".'h V!tr41 ..... '.n.t :1.1111,. nGc_cI ~

.... ~~.s. MR 101" .t .. iliiippl;l~~. :la lilLt. '~966 .,. .• _t bJ t.. 1d.,nl,. ,1I1I:U'lMl ~lq... !lit. COIJIblnat .. ion of' :MU (INt IuppDZ't. lJ:fttt )lta·it• ('twb.,'L •• ppon ~)'I! ..... d.t b.U.coptM" .. lr .1oipp,ottt IIInd tbI! ·d:1Z'.ct ." Uoa. .IJAI., ,1.~ 1... to .. t u. b.... c.l1ed: t'h. t11u.t hc1tq: ... 11 C;;l.oI.1,. (I.oorcd:l.NI ttaa .,l.w1.V,II ••.

II~ NT .IINt •• 11&1. Qf:'·lul.::'.-tn-CUq, .. VII!!!'. alli1. i;c) caun! on Ira'pt,d;ll idIRt·:l.ft .uPPI:iI't;.

DtI.ple. IIOIH :l.fill t 1!11 pr.t-.",. i:rli 19&6 :(ft up, a ~. at ~t'on. (AO ~ II) au •• .CanAN: ~a t:tt'll :;'t'eICl.dl,ln.1 C.IOI" .1) for :QAi.. ., .... II 1_ ill I·Ut "li1UQIUi OfI·.r-li t:l~. ttli- count·l'1 du.t"lq 1911 ~ ,abl. to ama •• a ~t ·l~~ •• tve record. 'II<he.J Cl!pCL;a",d or' Id It.d 'numH'Cllii:l n.t ~:Ii .'Ad ,I.:ma «II"' •• ~ lMi be tib lnc1.1 ..... u;n;l.. -ad. 0 ~ 8,. .~or.c:.. Qf1 MItch .:I..lii,on.j lirut p:t' :l.av'IIluilb'l. 1il.t;.1.U ... .'","" ,. .u t.lie,tll gf "':Ia)' tTOCp. and IUPP1; moV._t •...

tIui ..,.1:'.1 !II!J. ... :l.4CL of HAL 'h.Iia "... follOMd. d\!.rlq 1967 t altho. It ..... ~ ... ,~1y. a,-ndH.. '\1 .iI.:rP c.0I!I'MI~£'. ' .. n. to b,u'r- g,f 1tb4 •• U lo.nt n....1,. o'bt&l* by .IIi.t , .... iIiQ~ r-tq,.. ....

'inIII~ q"l~ f·oE' :.... p 1. ~-oon.. "Ii II I:', • .u:l t j IIAL ,.. .. iIi ~pcII!I'!I;1" A\'I:tborili!lt1onl _" :t·nG'AllIlM. t·,.. _ff'ltt ~1.1 lIuV·:l.K ..,.l~ii~ ·I)f tilt JI4!",.o.u.l.. IUL p.I''' l>01'lI'i.l _lorR to ~tiIi,. iIb.Irtq 1'6" wn ~~

t'h. opAN1!1i12ul ClClllltZ'-ol of c:on-iiO"l!::' Kaval 1'0'1"U1:

Yi.tnI •.

D.U c1'iaInt QcI,11 &p4i'u terd! otH!liql,. in t'M

-.m, ill! It :!IIPII{!'hil,. ~ -conduet. 1.111 .mbu.~. t 1 h;t:-,,1r1J!: pD.t a,.r~tl~., dt~lnl opep.tion.· .ad ~~onnall.~c. iNlt~h +

:I! t,e. tt.O'n tiM Iii bad bilen ~ rorFi 1ii·.,'lfIa all ilid! rn.a".l C~U, t in Phuq Xtfl,'tI; Pi'CV1nCii. Aa"'N I"lit of th.l iii m't,1II Ian.. fo .. n" '!IC .,N ilA wt th onil p~b.a'bl.. &111.0 nuiiltl1:'i'ule '~'Poo.lI JiM I'(iclc.t:. wtlrili!i ;::4!'P'1C'Li.nd ~

In DiIii~iI~ 1'1506, S:u:r. "e,ffi .... ;r-.o:na.l P!I M: te: I ... p .. t:l:ns in ~.I",n ion !~Ti,lI.t(ln~! ~ 'hill" ":pt'ured .III! qiu.nUty of v~ d~~t I • ~~1.", J'iIlnu:.:ry 1961 ~ tlM t ~.'!'.t 't'r'l:IlI.l1i,t.£~. e~' tYlii do !'::U1I'IIInt.ll WiIIr. .lIiInt to inut H" ..... CiIiII ,IIII'M 0I'iiIiI1'!Iti'QI'j" 1 !iiint u of SIAL tlliin 'ONI ~ Itmon,& Gthllii-r' point,1I ot VJll!lJ.4: tal. u· .. n.c:t:''1pt.:jI and! M!bll.quiln.t •• l:"in 1 p'hQti:ll.~N.Y. lir1:c.'I.1.(l"Ui(l tbill t vC: ,,,,,n·t 1 n.. -..n:( tI veU 'uti t h: ii\i 't'IWlilllnJU. ~.T.'. Itt lM't,,:t" _11. 111 t'h" i D'Ll lih.r-Il .*ct Ion of th.. Rung iShi t Sp.~-

a i Zenlili; '1'0- 'hI 1 t t'h':[,,, V,I11IJ,.I'b·1. l,W\'ce of' n.uppl y ~

nAL t.iIllIIi ClKl (!.tmd.u~t._, .Ai 'HI.. ,Id ll;ioo:rd1nlit"d ,~lttioo 1'1 Ui. 1!C\ th4: ~M loeoll tti4 ""II, 'ttIiIiII", 1di. Hr .. · C<ri'p'!,iltilly 1~C:eI!"~ Lll , Thil 'U.. S ~ ~:rtfl.)" "4,, I.(I~" in o!I:l"P 1" t.~ (!CiI!lU~ t'hi ii.. ~ M. tnl,(! 1;.1 0 I'!, ililui 'bHfl. 1;1) c.o.pht:" that ve lJIiLl Ii Iii. 1n tot.. 4ii~ vIU". fQl~c!IIII4.. t~ -=.""'01 totL8 dl.t.lM .. :. ee ;i)'ttlil'r' vt 1101,.. t~ 'l!bUI!tL fH:~ wU'r',

In Mlt'c'h", tht' •• IML a"tu.1!I on tnt,.ll1zpe. 'f ~ ,I 'rIC ,4.1111(:;1;01"" or 1101 CbIIn'tlo. d:1 .GIJ!V.t'~, II

VoC nIp-on tactDt"Y.. In tbl ,., •• en t.bil t _u.tory ltv. vc an 'kllll"d, and d. .1,1f!p6'nli p 'l1(li" th-il II c, ... tory 'it Iillf n:r" d. ,trOY.rli.. ,;'1..0 e .. pt:I>Ii~.di ""r.

... acrtt!ld pn.m1 ttl:inli tool. '" IT ... n, and roc:kAllC 1'!i(l'ldli + Cont'inu l:na, It. Pill! 't;:rol til. IIAL 'h.1'III dh~ eO'lo"t"d 'tWO !L:Il'Iul:",lr'OUnd "mil cae'h.l, ld lL 1 hil t.M: laut" V'C ~ iN.,. 'POTtY' '1I'I;:tt.llili.:II lil.orttid. IIIfPPQn ...

oIl!1<i!, ~'l:tt.lon 1JIII'LiL l'piHOt WI! nil c:apt.u:r'l:(l" A HIIVj' QPI:ril t.1rt1 II i;:.be4u t e '!ifIi 1 fM1rrt4lltwid 'by ,.11 uti ch .. II'n&nt. d.Y-rin; A'P~~ 1 and !'II;-'. ~t.l. cont,t,ftUi1.1r1i dlr-iliC't O'r'.nifiYi! 'Dp.~a t:l,~., :lilA!. paT 10'MIi1!1 ,.rfO!'fl'lH nl;1m.1:"OU I bl i:I,lii.t1;ns jobl to .1'1, rlVilrl: IIndi be1.lf.Utili diI'*JIiI'E' pilnllt:n,~lD!\ ot U. S,. M"lI. 1. c;:r.:r It" ft. iIUL diivta; e .. p"" I l1t)' w:t I ,lIIItllO f!!:'lq.u"~:t:l:.Y ut:U 1:1.4 :1'n tb.iI cl .. n~ of foullilil! .,en.,1 .~~ • .-v_N 1 tiN I tn thll ,!:,.~ry o.f bod:te. ,.n~ ' ..... port, 101 t I'n down .. · .d1 11\ i 'E'C!,I:".dt: '.

iDu.-riL'l,l on. of 'th... 41l'III011.1; ion N id iI. .II $W,. l!\ol;ppoH -crdt ,j ..m f 1. i-n ... h:lon,! II S'U.L <1"..01 t,!;,1 DII!I, !t:.lim 'KII U -':;en uM.4I!t' tt. .... vy oBI 'Llt 0 mil tic "nit i!j,ritiunk ,... poi\.II It"., In th. .ftili\:! f t N f'lstrt ttLt'lIIIiI SEAL p .. t',.Itm"".1 "'1"iiIiI ~.", .!lin" • l/'li1'tnar.UiI Off:1. c..!' on 'bC'iIlll'N,

WI.II! !ol::t.lllilir:l, ~ rt'ril WoIII,j QiIi .... rtul ... ,l1!.!ipp~.M!II

.Mi SIALI _nit. .::m 1;:0 .-uc.~:IIif"ol,111 "til tM 1r

.. I,lii1in"d 1'1'11;1 iiltoo i a.r:ld'f,t:tO<M 11., i!I! C.c;l)UfLt In. ,for, fl!)lI.It' VC' k;L\ al'ld the Q,I!I ptu:r. Q~ • iii ~'. qUlifi t tty a·f ''Ie .u:ppl.1 ill, oIInd d'll~u"",nt .. , ~ lNndT.'CId !:I,nd it ix.t,y vC

Wlpoi!!Ic1;::I ''IN" .t 1 jjo allu. in.1I 'ill!. '. fiillU.l t of t"l. OpI!i-a t t onl • Di,I!'t: ina '~'reh,t MTTi1l;.1 ,ShaT'p, Adll'it 1:"fI,1.

WIIi r.'r1, .. nd GeM\"1I '1 W.ltlllll'r~Un& vi ii1i'1t.~ D.tAlI c'h.1INt:rtt ~1:1! pti!l;:'1 Io')TIoIiIi 1 iy' to .. K'pt"iIi.1I thlililt't" c:ona:t"1 tiJ.hI t1 gnl on & l~b, '~11 dona"

Dudtll tl'l.. .oI.¢,nnd lti. if of i96S 1 t,l;IqW ...-phi,:, i. ..... pili Qed 'Ol:!i t~ ,., PttOt'r' .... + tlU' I 0111"41 II ~d H'c,ot'lNI I l.aM. 1J:~it.ii. of If.'1d t;,etllQU" p.rojl.omlid Who ha.... eM fjd,'IT\IIi r'l '1M. •• :taa Q,:I! ,gIIltb.!C"l.... i;ntilll tl."c!. ~ 1::1Jf ~.:r. ot 'tlw VI.:I: Cmi.i :ltl.f't"l!1 .t:rUCit!iJ~ .nri n!l'bt:r-.iJi I h':[,ns th.m wiIn&v'.r po •• U:.l. +", 1I1I.I!i::C4.".. '" lUi ttilid f rOlii t'hh plE'OJr'.IIiIII •

'Du:d!f18 .\:P'[' 1 1 • !M!N' type nf l,«! lnil!!:. 'poll; 'IJ1'.r~' loti on Qf _ttindlld d~"it.1on viii. in.t.1I;ut-ad '. - Coa.t: 10- !L:Iwil :iill,U,"V.:n bnc. O'r (!.CI,rt&in W&t:"li'nnI YI!!I Wi!. u.,1JId todilter!D!:ne .ny Pl't l;.'IlIIr"n1l .gf VO I'llil ,u'Pp1 Y in t:b. Ii rlWl " Tb:r.. po.tiJ WK., .j,e II: Iva tila fot' iiI! 1 ~ al I t:V1iIifiI 441)" iii ~ 't;lt1'11il onli:;. lall tn prov'ins 1:;u iIlaillpt .... 1 11 ty :of sw.. t'IM'in;ll it iIII,ll1O 'P'1"(I,,,..4 .. i!iIW-. il;:iIlp&b n tty ta, .cond'llC,t :,:.c.onnd,.,an~. :m:!:.. iii 100" OV'il'r iI;ittiinodlilido 'piIi!ti bdl. 'l)'f

11;.1.. wi t;'hout .,"u'pptu·t;

0P4:f'~t1nil IML, pi .. t;o.o(J,1 d~~t"S thili lilillt ha U! (IIf t 968 'l:i:oot In.Ii.IH to un t,'k. ,iiI!fiibiJiilb "I tb • ~._nda:rd IlAt OpiW. t lon:i QI!I'!IV.r. 1I!I'P"·e 1.11 1 optl:r~:t Ion. '" I. 'I,.,. capt-..:r. ,j)f 110 iIlnd 'VC O.'I::Ii'\IAJ'.. kid, h;CN~,.ild ':t'n f!.',IlI'I-' 'bllii't", ;and! 1'hoYIId. 'tM 1M:i1lt: .'P'.Gtl.eull r n·l!i.i! 1 t. , ~iI:.'t.1:' .p.'P'lai!l;.!il t:i on ,of ... ",,'.':t, 11:b iii Int.n. IS,.rl,.c. ...,rvK tIQ- b rlq, iIIbO'Li.'!C tb.... chl'nle. + n. 'r'.,u 1 U fat' l!Ua iiI,iP hi, ~i;l1II f f t,r1I'It4 th.. n.l!f. U:l.ty f Dr mA 1tl:t:.A ilt'l:lns ~,,,-I".jjj Uonal 'S1i.L I!.!nit!!ll in'-e(l~'l't'l'y.

ht4fl1i l\piI ,amlJlJi.lhi .A:n.d. HcoN'l.ii I, "nc,1II pat'tol i W~ e~,4uC!t.d d.'LiL~1i1i. JUM. Support C.N f It of ,.11 t,"~1 and .h1p. nre utUi.ll!d ,f,f)T' :In •• ~t:!(tCh

In 1 ~9 SIAL TiI!!Iil.m 'ota. I'IMII 1 tit. t~ild tbt".e dil:u el\'miltlit. i'n-'~Quntry: OoU t 11:I:"IVg !1M I<:ho.. Dluc:h- 1II.~1i: Golf ri I ilil'Llf t*it, to tl'li. Nilv.ll 9iJPPOT't Ac;t Iv'! ty lIi:hb ~'1, .nd ~t:,"tai:n.d: 0Pilro,1I Uon.1. C-CintroL of! t'hnil OAL !plA t'll(l~ ~ Two ot1:i. .. l" ph:toon. 1:,lfU'ill" :0.'till ehlnil!!it 'Gc:U '1M" :A. iii ian !I 4 to'u,'l S~T'V.I l'liIIm:,iI Po"" (CTf In). The dti'tl!l,c'hrlltint vail: &1,,0 '*liIgFnitltiililli by 'tw ph toefl, I i,~ 1ii1.t. 1969 ..

DIoI~ Ins .hIly a:rul ,;luIUIi!i t ,SIAl. lIIq'Wllc!l. 1I!I1 t t b'18 in !llIlMn:n 'hid .c,,:!:otmC" ',i)r fttaaI'OQ1I '\lie UJ. ilnd. Oft I:)IM; Q.Qci!I!,.1on tb. C!;I;p,tU't". of ten pmmdi. .of i:bI 1I'IO,'t 'yiilpble document I C:&'Ptu~.d to thili t ~ t.. 'In,, Aunl

"-t '. nu. t,o tilw i!:!4IIivy fiN pOWililr Df tba SI.\,t IliqUl.d. ~

otWi' 'P't'tIib 1"t!',; _II ,ancountlH1lid ~ thll ,,~u.b.d VC •• I!I'!"

'plinill _I'r. of;.-n 'bi!lii,na, 1Mdv.:r'C.n t.1y i-unK 'try mJit' I:NIi f:hilll ..

])IIi ''P'tU tb. :t:ner ... 11"1 'Vi.l;"iIl'mi,za t ion of t'hl: nu 'prQ8.'f'n, it. Contt'mL'R 1.:(1- 'b. Qi:I" of t,h. iMOIit ou t,,. I tandtlt'll .~C!.ee.... o~ t~""';II! r. iftl.'h II\:! r,::.c.... lUI! iI ~fttn l:IoHn tuu<l dfuni,. t,{Io tN' 1ii1i11,di!lt".lhi:p I:nd. p~Q!f e.1I100. l11im. o'f t'hl! oU toe.r "!n..1i en 1 t..t.di ~

,iII!ht :£.:Iorl ,t a 'YilT)" 11II"}1 p1!!I,rel:ffitag,,, of tlit' Ci:Uril P\"OiI\"I.m,

ltt;h 1!PfI"'" IO,ltem W'n!lI.1"1 W-ilr. In,tToduc!ld 'iiliJir.''"' i'. Sept •• :,: .n4 Oct·o'bw- ta·t" I:I:U lcllc ot.c:ov.ry (lit. II~bu.b!l4 M"'PIn'lI.. Vi th O!;It,ltllnd t!l'l8 .ucce ••• !1 b. i .... pm.:t:'H f ~ ,_""eh "d,.litonl. 81M.. 'ril-lm In 'llite

1 '96 7 ' to CoMill'I;tHti!ll' III'!Or" - ilini-i ~1IiI on 't'h.rn eo 1I11!t.~"'~et. VC .. n4 .u.pply ~,tII.

!'W.. T. ... m ONI (;:oiil.t ln1;1Jed to I'N'II d~l' irl! 1970" SIAL til.m ON! 'p.r. cm.-M 1 ".p l.Qyd t.-D lliilii .com'b!l t Zotiil:ll b'Pl,ib l::i~ 'D:f Vi,,:truUIII, _u PI!:rt of -on. Cif fouT' 1fIAL, <I"Ii:!llie~t.1 = :Oi!lltlic:hm.nt. Co'l.! j, DlIt .. (:t.!lII4init. ,tUVD, _·tlii1i:h'niililnt. Ir::.ho-, ilndi :DIt.c'h!ll .. ~t tt,lIrI'iiI. ~. PAL TilI.m TWO plfl'tOC!lnl Wl:'. c.o.n.'trrQ 11.111 by 'IU. :D,.t!le1'm'ltnt AI,"","i1l1: 1 Ma,. But Tui'!f! ON!! Cttnt INJ.d ti~tMlli". opII",tton. wi th It,1 dt net a,t MIl phtaon, v'r;,ll. 'b,,::L"":~"1I to D'_''' It. ,trl. an !I4\1'1,loir.)' <:11,..01 t,. vltb both ", I. .. .. Ii i.tKI ""'-fM,l1I f~:re. I.. 'In Jlia.'i.:ia'roy .. SIAL :lCI'Uad, tl"M PiIiItu:,btlent Golf at Nhll Ie • U'IH ,out ,of .,1r1h 'lhu)" tQT.' OP'et'.Uoae 1.11,:!.nll!it • ~ 'lie Ion it-

'Diiiuct'lmnt. Br",,'vO; 'f'4,III;II {M'd. " ... ClII'r thiilil OpM"1 Uon .. , ,Ii 1 e.ontr'(ll of C'01IImI.,d .. l'· U.. I ~ .,U:i. u.ry A. I tl,Uinee C'cmCI'I • .,(I,! vt.!t.on.m t •.•• IITiI!Ii in diNct IU:P'POI't of tltli Pr.'ovinc:Ui,l """onnabuncil 'Unit :F'NI:r..t. ,.IUI)" c. .. ti!i c,~t, !t'iiI.'vo ,in liM with t'he C!oaU:n~ {"'S, V1..-='nl.1i'i tlil U CIa of' U,. "'.~ .·f:to:tt wili iii d l'I!,:tllibll.blid in !!'iI!I.l'elli+

Dliita~1\t h!bo cClallietiid ;of two 1 .... 1DI:' piil:ty orf:i,c.iI~" oiNt cOCitl'ihI" it. 'W(tn Ii..d.'vlll",," :tnd.linwil flll'.onn.l 11'1; tlM con~,t, of !lip_iII 1 .. ,.:-hl' .. ·• 'ia. tbil cauni;e:rtnI1,l'!:'SUti)l' .rrY:t!ClCm!l!lrLt.

'D4t.1,clwiIiiiit S lillir:i!'-iiI 'R. IIIIIQr. t'g M'!!It'ntllt.I'.I!! Un an. Opeil:' .. t:l.onil'L CoiIJriIad. <Of OJ!! If :lcil;\" ... :tn--~l;:',le t .".1 I!Ipect-l Wl!rhZ-iI G:'t:'ou,., ''II'Iiltna .. , - :!i1'~ 'ptIr.onul &~ tli,!!!Ik4Jd, w:[:th i!;T,'. in(q .nil!! .,diY i.ifill, V':llltnamlill!i!il SIAL 'ham 'P",IiIQ!Ui"l (~ .. ttn 'hi Mutill MI ...... !) "e plitt of t'hil V:l .. tUliti: z.I ii,ion hOITiI.i!lli~

... ..

DlJit":!,na, 1910 1£1111 t~ of ,I:&\L tel,'1TIi Opel.'ilUOM bi-ili::CIlIiit:;~ red;'L:I'c,,(I, .,1 t"'. Vtil't,M!IJ'i:I:lt lon p,-r-Q,liit' .. :m '_~nd.d ,I,n!! 'South Y:f,.Ii;nii.,... :f.~.:1 bejliil:D, ,1,1I11Ul'1'!'" l~ .. l!, I,Tler bu~ of IIpu:,h I _r,h" apil;Tl.l::(.onl!!l,. SIAL OpCI'N'C:::tGaa 1 pl .. tOonl I' II et:tna: «1; l'nt,.lL 1 :llilillnc. frot!!!! n-r:loi;;ill, a,Dur'~" ~ pillI!::'U,i,;!it:,p.te~ :l,Q. tJ.. IlbH" a,t.iOCl, of t! pt":l:lotlAll'rll !;If wi" ,f'~ tb. "iet COllI. Oc!, IliNiln:ibt;ir 22,~ f 1 ft." SIAi.I and D:l'l'lillit."n Vt.t .. EUi,Ift1I.. ml1 t,t tiRilllllln bro'ke into .. VC roN cihp lind, :'l;)iIibi:'t Ii ~ inf.!, !-g, bill,ttl.. "i tb. 'tu c.;~ pardlll 'fItLo 'WIrll iUM 111 :forc.d to :U" it_ 11I,'",iII ,I l ........ :tn.; _hi!=ld tben'! nlMtti,KL c"pt:iV!lI, ,,:nd •• 11 a~t. ..

of '~:Ponll ana lupp~'i .... + All of th. POW I" ""'"

i'DlIth V 1.,'tnI!lftII;l.. and .evef,',d 'hi !I ~, Cllpt :i.ViIIi tDt' C!iVM' fw'f' YU,r!l. 'ftd,_ 'b~Q1,;tJbt tM :iru::'N:II,.:i.q C01'Icent'r'. t:iOI:'L on ~ '~,ili't 1~. aM 'll'!ill!:'Hd, "'In :tac'I"M ..... e" e,eeh 1 :lo,t:lon of! 'O'poAHt':lcn!l 'tlit:hilllr.- i::'han '. ~ft 1ft '~:b. madu. ,ope~lndl of conauct:t~ ~i •• ton~,

Atli0 tUl' n!l,iDilI f',o.!t t~ dA!C:niiII.. of 41utl t I.e"'" t:!on jut !ilitil. ien. WI II t,M :In.c:N'4!1i1 1n 'Ii:,b. ~ af rn:~.iI:l.;:m1 liIwn,tft, 11ALI, 'iiiQ!J,ld plt"t:1C:1p!lt. In " pr1"r11elpd.1J' iiild:v:l,..iQ'~' l'1:I'hll. 'Wlthtn t'IM dl net

,II c::t:1gtn,' p1."~~ 'I;.bli,' ilabi::iiilll!i' :tiN ,1::ilil!l.d.ii!:rCl :SIAL ~iI!lilt:lONi; twlNYilr ~ I:P.~:t!ll, ,optN'1:1OBJ InCrltli ~lid ~n ~I:" iliiM .hO'Q~ Ii p'eG~c!!.I,llil:T' nn'ttl: ..

SM[., ',iun 'hili aii::(;CM.intii!!ld :I! GE~ '80 VCi xu. (Gem" f iE'!T1llld, 'by bod, (:,ou,nt); and e ...... :t:' 3'00 VC prtil:!.iblli m. A'i.I);Io ttw nli.lTTlbii':-,1 of detl,t'nHl! lind! 'Ie cliptli.lrild fil. 'it' U,t •• d. ~'hB t'M.:IO"bilr r.fleet4d III KIA ~ ... ro,\'" tba:l,~ , .. ~JlII'I'j' iI.rv:tCilii in-,e,ou .. :t:'Q':Ii 1L\t. '1:'eiQ'j OKI hae NH:1Wid. two Pn:lUM'liU .. l !Or. It C t1iililllt to'"., I' OCIe .!lvy Unit ~~ U.on .liLd ,~ "'r1~cl'rlouil 'Urdt >CO!'l'Im.Hilit :lCE'l:" IIAL TMI!i'I pt;H!)tI"nid, b.". ~iIIiCillii"illidi D'MI Mi.dili'1 Clf HonDr:' I two II.vy Citl'IilIlI, •• iii 42 ,:s:n,"ilE' ,~tfl'N:II 402 Bronte. S't:Irh '~ 1. .. 10'11. G:'

Mer:! t t ,'''':Z 1M", c::'~a. t:l.oft ~d!ll... and 5;1 H • ...". Ac'htt,.,..",.~,t, Mtd.'b ,I d,TIIQ.t a 1: 1 of tb... foir. YfI,lOl".

'l'hI: "roo...... \"iI.-..:l t. U'U! IIlurN. i!MmH .~. Iym .. be1.1(:: of tbl: sa l1antl')I' .aM ;QO,UNlIIi af tll. TIiIJi'i of II:AL l'iI!!Ili'DI 011 ,jil!d, 'I'W() ,""I) .tll t:nc ly iIi:M profil.lltoa ... • 11',,, p;I:l'fom 'tM :mi,,,, :lonll tM t ,at-hilt'. paaot ..

1 .. '2

I - ,3

I .. 6

: . ·1




. ~

1 .. 1






:"-.' I .: .l'

. I


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I' :

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1.1i! .j

• (0 :

. ~

.•. 1':1

•• ~... ",' 'I

. .. I I~ •




Th!l} t pe:r.50n~ CO.2 inflatable boat (oom.monly .re-foerroo i\'!~ Infl8t.!:!lI::Jie Bool!l't S·maU~ "ISS"} Wei6 -dGaigned. and procured by the; U. S. Navy ·iild3 en e:mof<ge'r.J,'cy 11f·8'" boo t, for :5i ea go:l.1'Ii9 ·",~.S s>S]:$ • S·.incEt It e hfi~roduotlion and ,'t.ion into tho Navy's Utlder~ wa t.e.r' Demolition Tea m it eas been l.rt.Hlzeo f·or variO!J Ei .~ urf'a C<f'i ill !j·e'S • It eel n a los 0 be- r~·~~~di with ,~, p~ t~,·= chute a·n·d orClli9P,j}d f[OJrll i3I n i!lilitcra it J or {wirth. iT.I inQI v.a'.I:'iI€1i moOd 1Uc filUons) ls uoohed i}i1:d. recovered. from t ne d.eo II;: of a i§ iUcme·:r9l€·d :s ybm·ori:n.e ; Tr:H;''! 1M C·;Jlfi earrv 7 men and 1 it) 0 ij lbs of eq lJi.ipme'iIlt •

f[[lEFUltL $1"OCK NU,..8E R ~ H 5 l' 9"0 .. 294 -2300










Th.; Pnv.nt",. 8.Uve!it!lflicoe. :IIIhould be followed w.n.n U.ilmQ the ms:

1. 'N eVM dra·g the boat.. Hel!lld or hand ~rry mfJ'thod .hoo!d be 1J!u!ld.

2 ~ Keep lIIir v~.Lvl tmad. llJ~t¢f!.ted with heavy g',rPi·E!·.

J. NEV~ll tOW' Of pun IDS \1.1 inq ue -up Une· on top· ,cf main tube i Ue;e- tow'1ng brldl. ONLY for 'lOW':linQ ·f

4. WASH compie'tfJ lBS with tta Btl. watM eI ftlir e.acb til. III 0$ • REMOVE floor mat ·upo.n wi!I.h- 1119. TM j will ke.e'p the rubber' piltlihl.e. • POW'dlel" wj;th t,e.lclJm or SC$p-st.or1ie when. boat, •

5... Keep IBS in. cl!llr:tyh19 ea..,. when.v .. pQill~b]~. ,6. While u.rli·m; b~t for rlllictMUoMl div..... extrfifi'i$ Q~re s.hould be .x·tJr·al.e.d wuh n,NM eqUiPment., NEVER ~l.¢e Ipiney lobllte1.'1 in Ie S unle.·1 f'Or the tubber ~t lI,urfll(:1 iii: :prov~ded.

?" When t0Y.!'1.n.; IBS .b.e.hind LeSR Of ottler' .hlia.h sp!l!l~d pQ!'Ner beaU;", be lure to plac:e re'lfi.~cfcem.ent lin •• .from the ,~ort ·and 'lbd, .id. to'lH in; bddll. II OM tln.i" itQ.' the' ,aft ... ~ Oli

ri~ ji: nNf motor m,ount. TM .• owUl dlltrfb'!.llt,ti nua· towblQ .train. to f'our :rather thli.n two pOInt ...

8 . NEVIER stOW' IBS in cUreet :nn:d.i.;ht _ and nev··tir sta;el!:: OV$f three· Mijln.


'T'here iI!I:r-!!l tw'o rn.tlhods foOl' patchU'~ tb. IBS: 'The:RE,MA Vulc.eni.zinu. Mesthod. Bnd the· Stand.6rd. P~i'tohin .. Method. u s1M the ISS Pititchinq rep' ~r mi!ltcia l. ,U~plied Wltlt th,. bMt. The· REMA Vy,,roing ·m·ettlo.d·:

(U :oef.l~to rss a IJ ~e·ed.d tor :patctiU:n; ..

(2:) Clean '·U!rfi!lce wit,h nand rough1n; tQQl,. qrlt ,*'2 wl!!llte:rp:roof :IU!I ndPb. per, or w.n btu:sb .•

(3·) Wipe iitA!:II lQ .be patched c.lN.rl w~th III CI'm,p!d II Uql,lld buffel' ~ "Gro:ll ,~I rubber' .crubber ~ methyl chlor·oform ~ Of caroon tatr,l!II(:hlotide.


EMf.. iAl: PA I R 'UMP' POCKET "0' C- Y L I uil\E i!II CAA'RY I NG

KIT PO.ClE f SNALL BU'LMH!£;f\D '"'2 I - [ Jft'. -" PUMP' LARGE HANDLE,



. 2' iMAM I f'OLD

IB-"8"· -, • - fl ;to 'hl" b" .... - '11'

, _ . -J In --' sa 80811 am,a .

(4I} A,pply twe, C!1Jilt,. of II REMA jl cold vWC6ni :1-' Ht;' fl uicl p AUow fiTllt coat to ;dry tl!icroughly before "pplytng ,.cOM, 'CCllJt,.

(5) RmWii protective COV6r on Ii R!EMA TIP 'r.op II vu!ot:nil:tng patch and apply OV.r pr.piliiriid f!l!!l'PI:L:r ,Iud.,ce' ~ 'NOTE: Apply th.t. patc:h immediately :a I loon '. I tl1itt "ecoM eMt.

eX !~ RE:M:A II c:old vu.1ca:ni,linQ. fluid .1:1, dry"

(A .. ,JL')OI'II lUll the fluid 1. not mClky 10 thli toueb) ~

(6) Roll patch with rePltr roller until vulee! nt~,in; ta'ke. pl!11i~,

(7) Allow to dry a-v.nJght b.fora tnJm:Ung IRS.

b , :Standl!lM patchin; Metbod=

(H, t:z,} , (al e..,.: ai: i!!Q:MAiI!, patahir19 :r.patr.

above ..

(.iii'''' ,..., - _..I d Ji~ ~' .. - -Ot" I. "'D'I

.. '11" .... u.t: iIlllQ :rou;n 0,1. c:::atnetill! ~L ' H·' '~,. c:_' -

back Ntcm nUII,tadllli,!! (Thl .. paton .haWd

OV' .. l. p the war '01' hol. by two, lru::rhel on all lidel).

{:sl Apply thre. coe'U: of neoprene CO'Iment., .allowi~ each COlt, to dry thofoug l11'y bdor. iii pplylng n..xt"

(6) !Remmilli '~""hue gaU:l.i& c:1Qth ca<:!:itil'g! from

j. HO'WND'jj bael<; pat-e~, ,e,r,J4 ,i!iJ)P1 y pet(!h to.

re1)iII1I" area~, Thi, lSi ho-uld be, done apPfOX.

fi ve mi nutea ('In s h-adil!id. or (:Oiij,I!I,t'ed i!Ii 1.18 a) "~ter the third c'oat of :ne(J,:prerU~ -cement has ~i!i n a~,pli iIIId ,

(:7') Roll wah rener go'lI!! ttl rJ1~ eut i!II U 'trllllpped iI!Ii r pockets ~ N01"E: If' patc,hll'L{J m,;!!Iwr.l,e.l doe!; not -e.db&,r& to the bMt, :r19mO'!"l'e patch and apply i!IIn addi tional coat of Cem8TL t , AllC'W oement to' dry 6Ppr-ox. th~!I!I m.hji;i:t~$ b&fo.r8 applyi n;g patch.

(8) Ap,pl Y Wii!1ght ,to.. j')-I!Itc't- illIrea eI,nd ~110W' 'tl;t. cit'i oVII!!t'nl'iil'bt b8 fare in (laU;n~' .

'W' •• O·· D· --:-·0- .... 0- R

&._-' . :, ~ . ........" ~,.' '-".&'-._ ... ",

!hlliili' Cl"rt~rd Mctru de siiQ n,ed for ij &8 with t hI!I!I lOS ":!Ii a '1 • 5 :HiP (at 4 a 00, RPM)" M~n~aUy s uuted, IiliUent :rJJ1.lifLin;' mot-or'. It is rE!'liabl,e ,tml'y'

w Min. ear'l!u;li ,f,Ot" prope:rl y'.


a . St4rtln.'~

Ul In.itl!.llll rip cOfd wit.b ClUp on air inl .. t v;a!v'. i!l!M, ,exhwlt vel ve .'

1 , .. 3,

~2) Qpen eever drain,. until 'enclo;u'Uf,e iii,;e.d, •

l3,~ O:pen frent ,I!IIClCe.l1l door (to vent 'Ob!IoUne \l'8po1'S and prevent explosion) '.

{4:~' Mmov'e' dummy fue,l eQm:u:.r;to.:' and ,ins t,eJl fu.,e l hOI,e. from filla 1 'tank .•

(:5) Dep,r. s.:a pres sun.tauon button On fuel t,I!U'I.k; s:e'Veral til rn,e Ei1. 'Be :Sure ;'I!II,I, UIH.I:ujIl cap i I!I. tirght .

< 6} De'~r'II!II!I' g'l!I! i!H)l1ne vel!le Uclder ~

<') :PuU oot -choke bu:twl1. if' en;1ne. i& eeld, (,an ;Set hil!i:nd throttle to I! Ii tilU~,1'I PCl1 tlon ..

(91) P!J.U .t,rtLnq eord uu en,gine e;t,i!lHrt,1!! and Flush dho.~~ bun-on in ,

llO) iReplolioe farn ~,rd &fJci:iI rio,1i! door. 'b. Running

( 1) :Be fm,e U 1,1rii; tha: ,motor' ,o-n ,e!rt las. be lUre ~ iii Un. t.1!I ~u!!.ehli;!ld ~twee'n the eno1ne' ,and tbe- bo!!t. .

(2) ThiS eili.g~rJe ~,~ deli!,igned 'to wlth8tilll.nd, eemple'le' -Eiubme:rSllon In water .for! li'Jort: ,periods of time, (1 0 .s ee , 8IPp:ro,K,.) .l ~ rIp ootd i~, pul = le.d befOt"e sUbmersi.oi:'i, Tfi4!J· :&ng~ n~ ~,ltO'!J}d .s tart U PiOn t"t!'ht$ us.UaUQn" PfQ.Vided tnal seaLe ere :I: nt;m,c:t and: btJive bee'n properly

rn,ai t"1't:!I1I."Jed. Imnled tate) y aU~r st!l:rU,[l9 you should ,ob.s e:rv,e ilII stre41:f.1 ol cooling' w ate r' ooming out li. S rt'lo!!l H bolei betwEliern the cover dr!ln o!!Ino exh~UI$t vetve i Sa SURE hoie 15 e i ear , Thi s motor shOtL]d not Ott Qpar!tad

.!!It 1O'W RPM I Ei r due 'to' .9 pec.lal die'sl; rlI fe ature iii. :u h ~,S ~ d.evi<ce t,o CQ:i\trr.ol mini mum speed.

{3:~ Mo'V,e ~ear.5l M ft ~e.''IJ er at 1ow,er en91.l:'iIii! s;peeds .,


If p.oe$~bi,e, when ;aeCio.H1:t\g- erL9,ine. dll!l~ort.nel;t {'Us I hO'1il e w hi 1e e ~g:1n!i;l' is NnrJJ n9 and !!.U(r~r the en; ~ ine to aQTI.sum.1!I ~n re rnillii nin,; tue 1.

Ru,n '~mgHle ~rI f:re9,h 'Water aft,er use. if ,po:ufble . Oc'C~Sl oillall Y' ,;:re.!!i.!H!!I the' tWQ zert f1 uifl:q$ tecated. 001'11 end .of ,sh1 ft 1:e''IJ'8f !!I haft i ,!!lind the .! t,e.r:bOb!rQ; !!i,idle 1)( $W i ve 1 ;br'6oke t • AI §Q. r elean "nO. Q11 '!:Ii~,! th:rotUe

$ll.illl ftiS, pi V'O't$ .:Into. U nk~;e i!I. 'OJ 1 l~tc.he 51 on. m&r door

iSh~ft, on air inlet 'V,I!Ii]ve .!!!:r1Id exh,1!IIust valV'-!I. Check

,oil level ,i,n lower unu try rerne'Ving' !lorew 0.'111 port 5Iid,e J l u ~ ~ aooV',e prope 11et r mark edJ "PILL W~[TH BYlDOID

,OU~. ,~9iOW). II' ,Of '·OIt LEVEL". 'OJ,~ level iii boule. bi!! JUe-d tOo the I,crew hole" (NOTE~ Re'rn,oval.of tb!i!l lower $Cj"~ w U l. drarn t.he JOWI!H' un! t . Oeo;!! ~ ion.!lll y th1 s i i!I de iii trabl'il!l 'to. ,chack foOl' an amu hU,on (w!!!Ite.r i t"J '001 ~,.I . II iSin emu1sion 1,$ det.ecte<d" 10'lHef .H2Ii!ii, 115, defective' .!!inti 'Wi U I niH:lwre i m medl .!lite feiPlaaeme nt •

1 ,,.. 4.

aPEP'T~NG RANGE - 3500_!O 4500 ~PM

BORE ~ 2 1/8 X 1 3~ STROKE

TYPE .. 2 CYCLE 'lTER~AT£ rl~ING ,PIit,OPEL.L,[R ,~ ,BII D I A ~ X S'lil! P ~ TCH 2 StAGE I GN , T I ON .. ,F I. Y,,"'HE f: t. MA.GNE TO





F UIE I.. TYIP E: -WI1 ~ T ~ GllS, P ~ E,F E P R'E 0 OIR R f>[~Ul..AQ (~O ETHYL)

o H. TV'PE ~ 10 GRAJlE: AU'"j\'OMOf ~ VE J A'VO lID LOW p~tCEO (ML' OILS

" .,

, .


~ .

'''1.1 •

. ' .

. . . . .

~ .



. I I:. ~ I


t •

,. .. :




. ~ .

Alwe y:s. 011 thtOll:t 18 Unk ag'l;! ~ her .£i iii!! I.twate.r u se '. NEVER lay engine on. port stde , or fue:'D COl'UI.,ection may be broker.. off '. Set if U"I,g 1 r.J{1: on re i!ll" hai1dlllo .

FOIl' .re plaee men.t of s he.a.r pj n On ptopel1s r remOve :nibbe:r prope Ue'r 'cap, cotte r &;I',~ n and &;IT'Ope 1 ~ er . One'~elg'hth incb br~u.ifi:q rOO .i:'f:I.I!iIK·(!! s an fie c{!;pt,sble sni!li![lil" i=Jlln.. Do n.o.t 1o,J.$e 8.teel she·;;!!! ptrll!;l _ Exc:eUhl'8 !I!Il'II!jJifiEl'!l!!~,ge wi 11 resu it .if proPe ~ Ie r feu Is , w:l. tb o!!I $we i III bear' pin,

By f~r the gre ate s t d,l!Iimage sustemed b·l' outboi!lird.$ during uor operations: are~ watei:' hi. 'tne '9..;1:5- o,Une, .lmptope,i" f!i.!,e~,~to-oU rstre '!,no. :rCiygtl handUn'\ll pr.i!lotl¢es. Ie e~peeiaUy co!!I'UUOI,H!- when ! g,I!JISQ'U ne. is from drums on 'boo~rd s hi ps , StI!cliJ f~c i.I i ti!9'$ ilfe a p..rimEl' I!;i ouJ'C!9 0 r w,a!ter • Ali so r 92,5'0 oil he!i. a tendency toO lou.1 :s p-ai1o:: p}uqs w nen. u$ed. ~ n outooard. ,en,Olne6· •

If en9ine rrdss,es or' bas lo.s:s .of' powe:r, check .9 park p lU:t!i!:S fo.r fou ling r e laen i!!ind rega.p to • 0:3 '0 in.

:If C !If'OOretOf 15 e ~ting 1 a not correct. lid I'till: t H ~.s loHO'W So: 'iN an ,engine n.rrmtno in fOJ:'W'8 I'd ga,e.t PQ$j Uon. turn large butt(HI1 needle j E! ~ on oearbW"fl tot" 'lJ.n:tU rna Kim1 rn, 'RPM 1 ~ re&'ched. wJ th .!!about 1/2. to 3/4 full thro~OEt posluon, Turning ,courrte r clcckwiae enrleha s i:i.I.ixture- ;!lind viCE!' Y·!lUo!Ii. The.1i! m . .mUer '!JPP41lf needle jet ,i.e for low :5l peed '·r,aUo;n. Hand throttlia mu e.'~ be :i.r.I the slow po.sa1on, Ad j tis t .ow ;5 P.e ed. j,et in the s,

It! an~err a$ hig'n s ~eed j et , (NOTE.: Sfi"l!id41 de M9f1.

fe ature 9, w lU ,prevent tht s. mode! from I"UlI'Ulinq below 9'DO RPM"$. A$ ollI, result •. proper .adJu!t-lnO&l'it of lOW' s-pee-d jet i is d1fHclJ U) .

All other troubles or ·ad,j !Jstrnenl.51 will re-qui!r8 the d i a as; a e m.bly- ,oJ the unt t. i!!Ind are b8y'ono the Sc.ope o,:t,

t hi is Mand b.QM. :ReIer to ,I OP!l!!ir'~tiOJjj ~nd Mo!I!J.n:tErn~noC!e Ha nd l>ook. M,ooe 1 :2 87 A-19 5 9. :H31 - 5 o 1'·,.

1 .. 5,

DIE l.ANDING CItAl"E', P,EUOmu:L~ LWltCH (:Len) KK l.l ':

THJ[S HCmlPICATl'ON OF TH!, Lcn HAS A I:nWIR ,:u;~ Am) )lORE !'lDW:l-GE U!A 'tR.iIiJ' DiE, MK ... , 'II'I1V!VD t THE :HI: 1 I I S lOT. ~PfED po. L,IFIINS

in' watEL Uf DAVI'i'5" AlID T~E HULL WILL ,MOT F.'IT IN S'f~, ;SHlPMdD SKIDS;o 1m!: HULL 0'11' -tHE, 'HI{ ,n, 'IS OOHSnt,rC.. - 0" LAHlHAm FIBERGlAsS ,AND ruSTIC !II MID IS US1[L''!{ MAIH1'AI~'bl ..

13 fei!lrt:

Cln-a ,300HP G'ray 'Marin. diesel engine 11 !<riB ..

Th". i:llraf it h 'iUii!ldi by !!!! "'Ll .. .d, 10-1" i 'Oiin-I: i~, ,liM! _1ii'"-ilC:-

[ t:too ,. Thi II ,!l;::l'",1f I: ill! .. 1110 cat 1..d '1.Iip.0I1 t,o r.nd4!r- fir.., .l1Ippo1"t .iln !i!Ulil'hid.. l,t.!iii i Ii!li .Q_!II IIp •• d! ,I.~. ilpp ~ 1,c.ib 1 'II! irll ,II 't,' ~:VH'i~ ,en'"

\!' il"Mllm.nt,.,

6 ,r.t!lt:

r.uu.rl:' ,; I POWER:



1.1'11. tu 1c!1iI't~ What,!" 'lbJ:I cl"',d,t t. '''''iI'~ ~ !I I!q~, f Q~ Pu Tp(t,l" (Ii' in,.ilH:1-~ lind Qlt:raet1on. 'Wh.n call..1i ~'P'XI' tM, (!:rd t 'i'i\l1 &1.01 ,d: .. llVj~"

, ,~t"' ,'!LL:P'POl"t., fiot.Ilh ,ill :liiitidy 1111'1111""'1 tM. eraf i: i,l, dilo iII'ill t • • ff.~ttv. In • riY.Fl~ _ft'Ytt'Vfi~'t "'


4Q UP O'1:Iitaollird o~ POWIlk=

85 liP OY:tlb-N~dl _t.or. I

(v.~l •• with pgw.r.-) I SPEED!

4Doo ('Nt), i'OOD (d.ry).

~ Gi .. t, p .. r Ih.oIlT'

NAVSlII,PS 2~a ... 529- ... l (l'n.pll(: 'tor's, 'h;and ... be;ok, £:4):: bO-at.B and. ~.11 ~,r4f t)



: W1. .... ,,_

. _ !!:!Qn& I

2 I 32' m"

45 Ku4i I 30. Ku. (wt) 12,695

(d ry,) 8,,'000

":5IIl ,In,. N:I,.,.


'lb. 'M.d.u!'- UtI.. Jup~~t, Craft ~.. lar-pT t~ 'til. stA.!. _t~, 1,.'1"1.'1"- it ~. ith. CliP""

til 11 t.-t,' of CIiE'l'1t:na, ;I. SUJ,.. pl .... ICOOC\", I tI 1 (,ttt (h'.'t t. ~u it., "...fu.l 1~ ;I :rl".l!'1n. !li'W'1't'"<la~l!IIit •


'B,olch thtI 'TRtI'MPT .-.nd OIHIY c:l ... ''ti'l. ,ar ......... 111 i,n 'ptciili WI,rhl'i'1!I ~U rm. fo:r:o th., "",1"poe.. ~f i,fill!!iiJt't t:-MII .... <1 _t~IiC:'" 1;.1 (MI, o-,t .. lH1rJl:a.L f1&tDGlil.4

t'tiIiIIi 'P11' 'I '. ..,..d M'IId, h!l&yY 1I1'11'!.'~t b.ali. Hillin 1>niJil::rump!::iIIIl 11-1 ~ t i", .l,Ipport C!,nr. II: tift ~J' .'iIi -,,,'a,UOCii

80 fl:l:t

two J U IIJI 'Gr.-y MIlri'Mll CDACtn; D:L-Mlf!l;l iliiq11iJi

:l o~ r ~ 1,2 nlhtod.. 6200 HP




~O [(moo, kU.:I

4S ~. q:x. ,]6 I!tit. Ch:ii: 30, tou (aU 10 !;'DU (d:r)l') ,i!i60 Kit. Xil ...


.2 otf. 12 d.1::I.:IlI:illirl

4" Ka. ilUU:4 36 Ki'I .. eN:! 90, t,I;).ft!l ('!He) '1.5 ton. (,6-r,') 8613 b. MllM

Thlli C !l"aft 1. it m~t:U!l. :Lel'i • ~ It ~ 1. uNd to b.u,!u:!Ih ,lind,

"e~,.z:o !WI ...


'mE GIA'YI.Wl 1:1 orncULt .. ,AB... rH.tB:oiUi wurOI 8H1l't 'iHI Gti.T,~ WAS q...'ITl'1D 196,., to 111111 AD H£I:I 67 'fI.OOP1 AID CAUY Tin.. PlftlE1if :DiCUJDlBG ~IKG ~ 0., 8D'f'.S

"1III'j"v~ _.

'IOIPIDD 1'UIIS i 1-2li. 'tliCb:l 6 fO:nf.I:r.di TOIJiEDO tu~,U;m 8 .. 21 in.. Ii ,6 fo'~.r.d

,2 ,.ft taft,

,]. d.1 .. al.. KlDl _IHBs.~

4500 ..

20 In,,. (IIUl'f.c:.) SP!ID ~

1 J h~ (091111'.",,0

8., (' o.ff ~ "I '.... ) COKP1.;mt:DlT~'Q ton. ('.tad.l'd)_ DlaPlAC:D:lIIT~ 3650 ~ (.Yb..-rpd.

61 (7 off. 60 _ .• )

:!OO(l' UP

.12 h~

200 toIIIiI (d",.) 420 ~ (wt)


:I - Ii

,], dt_ill 4SIl0 liP

rs b. ClIllrt.uJ

U 1Ii'"~ (.-·-"L....~!"-I_*")

~ N •.• " u_ ..

8l (I off ~'ll' ,., _~ ,)

.2100 tOM .~I:':f~ 2100 toa :luhllilfl'l,ild

11 ,. ,% 11 - Z


11 - 3

p. aoworcos. AND ,RQS 1GB!

II - s


II • 6

• ..,1101. ANrINHA 'THBQ8Y

a .. 'h"I'OS' .. ....... '

It it 5

11 - 7

11, • 1






A,alun. the .nemy f,_ rn.onltortn.q all radio tren,.. iI:I1a 5iOl'\, ,.

THlNI t.fonl you .pilat into II. nd10 iI Oroaniz. your thou;hl' and ti'IID them alCftidy and d1.tLnotly to faCUitate DCC",U.ate receptiOn at Che otMr end.

Keep me, I i!ltge I: bd.t and caaC1 •• i" gett:big ,acfO.!ll:ll tile COlUPlew th.ouqht you Wil nt te tre n • .cnlt to the rec.tvlng e.n.d.

Mak. aun that the r'KIe:t.virllJ radlo OPerator ell.dy 'IIIla,,'tlool yaur me •• age l:Iefqrw. ycu ate.ure tra.n.8mi ",ton •

Know and make u... of the pltonetL~ a1;m abet when r.~cl by d •• te)('l of the lI'WlI.l9t ,Of tren.mi"idOll.

xnow and ule only "Un1t radio ,c'aU .t,o;n,.

U pOlillbl., wrtte- cut .)1 :lUllaq4,1 lent and r6Ceived.

Know applic6bl. aumentioat:l,an table., and bow

1:0 '1.1'" them.

Bend on 1 Y all fa. t •• you can reee1 v ••


Do nOt walt" tbnt! by tran.rn1ttinfl lenqthy ram:DU.nq ml,. ,i~;., ..

Do not, u. ... plr.crull name. or 'unit d •• i;nat1on. •. DO not conduct UiMlte •• a ilry teat CO'LU'litl r. .:Ie" chan,g •• of re&dabHUy. or r;,th.r tuttie thlt .wodd' Wind 'to c}utt.r 'Up the· net.

po f\O't Jb\k .. u.thOf.t&ed CleU ''''In.ii with actual wt d •• i.'~nl!lrt:1on ••

Do not, U •• prot'an. l-.n;uaqe.


t.lTTER ,A









"" L

M N o p


" S

T LJ y

W X Y :t




PROMU.M C' I AT ,;. ON ilL 'AI-I






1"10 TELL



~o YEM IIER' OSS tilt


f(£H IECf( ROllI M.t: QH $~r AUf A!AH lANG GO




ZOO ... 00







It - 2


A "ptGwOl'd ~i 1. ,. word or '.IU g~p ·of word. which !have, been d'111Qri:ated iii I:tari.dard-· .lled meud:n;-. WM'.n. both I.nd.r and Nlcelv., uncl.rltlM proword i'Ulan.!n;i: I a ril.d1o voie. m ... ·~. CiIIII be • hQr'tilll:rU!lI(! CiCn,il!icht1lllbly" ,",;jj; PIOI~ :Ii.. an .tibJetillitJ.On. fot " proword j uNd wh~ lilt. •• ndin; mar •• Clod. 'IX II .m.llih.o ... :In. ,order to k •• ·:p tta .ea •• __ .. ,ahort , ... po. i:ibh ~

PlQWQp.DJ 'VIm .aI. "II DKiIHWIKi Q" A .Mlllllil


t,J,Hd when. bligit.l'Llnr; ;Ii miilsliGg. tQi d,CitewM! if IIta1ion called ,M g.iUn; 1,. trt.:ndl Y Q,r,.



Sltt:NO £ Un:t:D

".""m. normal tranfmi .-.len • tSUence can he lUted onhr, by thti Itat10n Impol:tn.g it Of' by .eli h1qlwr authority., wnen, an iIIIuth.ntkla .. uoa iI,.ltt!m Ii in forc::. j Iron.mi •• ion llfti:nq ~I U.tening,1I Iii la:noe :~, .. t be .U.'lhant.ll;il~.d) •

THIS 18,


Tbi .. tran.lrn:li, •• ion i. from in. .t.Uon who ... , d.., .. igrL~t.lo:n lmm.di,l!IIt.el y foUQwIi.

'n. identity 01 ,he Itation w,i th whom I em .attempt.i.nQ to e st.abU th. COInlmrnicaUoo tl unknown.

'The potU .. of t'n. me •• ap to wMeh I hG''Ile ... f .. renc. i.. au t~t

w'hJQll fo:1JQw, 4


,An. .ttQr hili: be.n medAl' in th1' tren. mi. ,:Lon., !r, ... ion wU! CtIXlUn .... wtUi (hI" 1.11t w,O'fd ~cUy tranlmitt.ed •


".. ,iUklnl.H d.&ign,.auon la1rntdllfltely fe.l:lowi:ng ,.re trom the colt-Qtt". c .. n.


Thl' m •• I". Clonte1n., tM rLumbi!;r of ;r~p. indiC' .. ted by 'the numeral following: ~


1 .m N~M 'tn.nI-m1 .Ilon ~ p.onton in,<U.cI.t.&d ~ :1 ,h.U ,"it ,tb. Il.xt wOld p'horuIitlc.Ul'.


ThIi addre II •• cSelt,;nauoni ,imm.clla'ely following are 6ddr6lled for\atlcm, 4


'1'.r'u1·mJt 'thi I ""!lV- to eU Mldre, ••••• Of to the ,acld:.'1 d.'l~nattonl immediate1v fOUC1Mlnt.

Thill whigh i' .... dJ.wly' tonowl .i, t~ or d.~tllM .g~p of tb. mel lat. I·



II. - 3


~ '¥mmN



I hlHby indiClate the le.l)aration at tM ,.xc from athlr PQI'UonI 01 the li'U' •• aqe ..


TM. uanam.t ... lcm 1. hl error. Dil1'*farc1 It.. (Th.t. PlCWOJd .·1I .. U not !)e uld to CI~ MY ' ..... that. ~iI t..n COl!IlPltItely tr.o;.mt'~ Mel 101' 'wbl.Q.h rece,lpt Or;M'iH.proltn.t bat .~n r,

Station. (1,II11.d u.. not to ,lnawer thi ii Clan ~ receipt for tlUl 1M! •• j or otberwi •• to lflnlmtt 11l CotlMOt:lon. with th1 .. trfn\.m~ I&lOn, (Wh..,... tht .. Prcw,0r4 tl .mplc~d, the b"M,.fmJ"dcn .hall be wltn tq jm:JW'Qn:I OUT).

C·l!llrry Q\lt th.e pUrPort of the m ••• a" Of. &.19n-al to w'bi;ch lhl., e.p~e •• (To be uud cal)!, with the .xecuttve method •. )


AcUon on tn,. m .... ~ Of Iler·naJ wlUoh !,OUCIIW.I i.e to :be ·cati"1edi OUt UpOn reeeJpt 01' the ,proword! ~ EX EOUTE .. II (1'0 be uHd only with tM executive melbQd) •



Thi.. i. thtli .and of m.y tt, ... ion. end :no anlWe, It n.Qwrad ~ (SJne. OVE'R end OUT nave oppo. ... i W 1M!· •. nln;,I., tbey" n.v ... u • .:t. t.o;


Nil i .. lht!ll .nd af my ttani:ml· •• ion end .a HI IPotI .... i. n.~ ..... an' .. Go ahead i tran Imi t •



~'SU..ntl" lpoken three tim •• -an .... Ceo. TraIl.mi..alex. lm:madJ.-'ly.1II S!lenC!e wUI bI matntam-d I.mW.1;n.ItruoWid to re.'UZIIAI t. Traa .. II1I.lcna llilpgfing .. U.~ ailet'iCl ~ be ~t:Icudld.

V •. rlfy .ntire m .... age {or :por.t1on :llt.d1catildJ with u.. od4tnator and .e.n.cI oomKJt vent·on. (ToO bIi ~ o.dy .at tM dtlClNtton of 011 by It. aMreoilM to whloh ·th. qI.Le.'U.oIlR .... ,fII ••• , d.1NCted. t)






I VENTY Ths.t whtch. follow. heil b..1i VoIIr.lll,d at your Nqu,e.t ud 1. repe"t.e<t. (iro be, u.rtd ·onl y ..... , ... ~ y to VElUPY) ,





Red:u,ae -peed ,C):f tran..mi".ion •



. .

l have reo.l vild ~r EIl ••• ag,· f 'Uncler.tand it uw:l will -COlnpl y • (TO" til" only by lb. .delre.,e&. S,lnc. th. m ... tnq of t.·u prorw-o.l"d R()G.l!R ,_ i:nC!llDCled b'I. that of wn..cO... tb. two proword .. aNi nWlli~ u;.~ ~ ,.the'" .,


---- --_.

II - 4


,ggwolD PIlOJIA!T









T:h4II on., who 'lXigi.rHllte. III melu ;loge I

The Od01netor 01 thh meilll ilJaq·e i 10 lru:Ua iIIIt8d by thllll ;add~.I!I:!!Ii tmlMldi ate! y followU"Q'.

Th,. ,.,ddnll: •• H{.) whc:IIII! d.,I, IS) immed1etll!iily fCillow ;!Ire to tak. action em thi t me i!. i!I ,e_,ge •

~.d..nell!ll PlASH '. (Re aerved for h:d t1.a!J enemy con.tagt rtIIpo.rt i!. Qr a .mOl"gen,ey ope raU'C'nolllll Combd1: tr,l!IIfUc) •

Precedence OPERATIONAL IMM ED'IATE., (R8 i!l1I!I.rved f'or Important 1AC'l'fCU m!l!l':I i!~;fii,1!I P!I!Ift.!::lnlfLi:l to th$ Op$l;:!1UOll i:n PW9R Iii,;i ) •

Pr,BCM4IIrlica PRIORITY ~ (b'served for lmpO':i1:altt mea lij:·ilIl'1,e ii which must h '"''114!1 .". ........... d,.......... ..... •. , . - ··tt ... !I-_ ~f-l )

..... . . ~>I!""""": .... ~~ ... ""' ;",,,,'Elf ~y"' .. rLl!;I ~ Ilh 'C' ..

In. -..n_Cilonal IftO ...


A .. -

S -iii. '. '. t ... !P. ... ~

D "' ••

[ .

F" !II 'I

G .

H .4'1 I

~ "II .,

,J .. !l!1I!!!!'"

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L ......

M "',. N -,

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p ., •• I,

Q ~ III!!!! ~I ~

R 1-"

S , ....

T ..

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V ••• -

.. I ....

X .. ~+1111!1

Y - ...

Z .

PER I CD (.) .," I' .....

COMMA ,(.) "' • ..

EI.IOR •• ., 4 ., I .

~ NT(I:F!OGA lOlty .. ~ • ' • ., I

, 2

l 1 ,


10 II!I_."'-II!II

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II ••••

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--- .... iii

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iii. 41,," ..


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II ' ... S

*1'I:rr .' 11:1 (:It --tnc IU'.

--fOC '.,.

*,E4.5'''~ 17*

"'-.A.I.I'nG-4,. .,.c, 14.

..,. ... ,.

Ail ,I."tun. h ... cOaChlll!ll,to'E' w .r.~ of II;.IIitii MKt9ni 'GC' rilid.SU" ('t~"'~}01' ~_t ..

(","M'.) "'*,. 'I'M .~_n. Qr .. nM.

.VI ~n1II""tt.-l, '117 Ii .... ., ..... ... .art.tll'

l .... tb ad C",T'nIR. fl,..,. hi" hit 'rl-nlt ...... '11_..... .. '~- -, .... iNI· .. -l·- -. H' d .... 11 _" 1- .. ~

....... _ ...... _ "I!II' <11_ .... -""" . i. .. _ _ _. . __

,PH to t_ ' t'lI; 01 ~ .. t ,alU'II, 'liNd ftiilitli ' .......

tM half __ h., "iii,'." ~ ~"

"... + !~!MG.CI'1 M .... 1M_~

.Aa ~ _, " _.I~ ".~ '(d!4 erpt:lMl

.pM"IIU .. ~t:l6B) .!,t;Mr bJ adj1l.U f'N-

~, to ,_'tdIi ~ ut.eaAIi l1li1' .'IIC'" 1 ~ to

_Hlli- $Ii :f!'QiII--rt

r'Ot' ,II .tnlPl: wtR _~ ... pt4, '.'"- -.M "'11:: ... '",. \"tIC,,"- ::la ~ .. 111..... ,..,. ~!tC'allil" it'D

t.Q "1Iii~,IItIiM. -

1."._1 .. CIIII!, I._Ii. an tMl~. Ud,t:i_l _11::... :la!a..Uoa. :I .... 10011 .. 1

• .. '!tw !,ill' 01· iiUff..-C _-=--. wi1 i _,.. &bl. ,au t:1II! .... ~l'" ......... ':tOil ,INaU'r' cl:l_nc .. ,~

•• AD iI'tII~ ... n".tu n4io _'..... i'11C9 .,... ... ~ _ ..... o! liaM.

Itt. ,iliA ,&nli_ t. & 1iOIII"~ OT II .,!It .. of .~tqn, ,_ nil,tlltiQl (t.....ut ... ) ~ ... ~

Cleft!,... (r-=-:t,riql "!lH _W,.

,c.. .. tnan:l •• :Io!IIi 0' .-.1.0 .. ' ..... ~ .pAM 1. ~11" .... Pftp .... tloD~

iI + C! .. ~ NII,_:lNII for ...... hl it:ND_ .. :lGiD ;

(1) !'n:lYlldtMr

(1) !MU.t..daa 14 .. (3) I'NDnIlt"t:lq IlataaU

(4) A .d,- i:~ .. toll ",to ....

,".It'd , .. ," ... ' .,'.n)

(,) .tII;_c.-

(61" ,Ad" .. innnC.I:l_ LiM

(7) .. -=-' .... "u.~

f.. cto,. - ..,.c- ......... of .' ...... IIi: .... ., .... wt of tM ''''1''."

,I. tNt_,' ... .,., .... of .,c=LU "c' MCI·!,d' 'I' ... ,.alill

(J) Dl-..n. - .. tllau. .... ~14. (IBI'

(I) .... '" ou .nt'lea qol.. OUl

Q)' Itpu.rta. ,_ trill_ qc:1 .. ( .. ,)

(" hft ta '.' GOt, t,,"Ulloa Qot.. (III&)

iii .. r.q....., ~

Ducri',ttHi 'hiQ' LIN



..... -'up,

VI 'C.rI; ._.

.,.1" I.iIh ...... 1' 1U.P

:l ~ ......... "-tt'

tl) ft4. 4'tHal'tb ., • PtIJ:L~ ..... ' 1'11,,"." " II ••• ~ ............ tlLI, 1.., .. ell t. IIDt __ .... U. 01 wn.t rt_!.IIi: :hi it ~

.._..,. l!'1fIII!'

III ..

D ,.

till' ..


..1 ... JCIlU .10.,....

JDO to :KIOCIIII ,:I c. 30_ JOg,." _ 'to, .:JiOCO.U

, to 30 III 10'.,....

(I:) 1M 11 _ 9aa :l. eM _lIJthllC

q ..... !t 1.... ... r,OI' ...... :1. '" &11

.. -=-~.

ell .... ~ G_ ......... _...c " _,

(a) .,. .!IIla,".. tM '*'*l-cY till! _. ~c, Ii..t - .. - _oIL 1-~,.

--.. ......... _11- ..... _ .. _

{,,. ., ",J~.'t:t8:1 tb, 1 .. " 'of .. • Bt .... win to n:lli _ liwn :i!:N4~ ~

j ~ ' ... 14· ... 68 + flNlll~ .. u=" 111 tbIi h:llbC .f ..... '~



P-Ba\116. 9

'flM ft.pp. n_·, I. liK JM t.nrliK.1\P1U' of ",-.:y 11ld.tM N_; tell .ff.l;ct.... "UP :t.iI j. ... 4 1i:)I oqI" h"".,l.'I" tM'Nin aNI 8 • 1 'M .r ':l.:J'ht IDYll!' t l.t .'tD\1IR4 i!(1" .. 10.1". n •• ":t 1. IiPllilk pl'aOf 'lllli.C.1" IU,h.t .. ' .... kII 4. S 1" '. 0" 2:00 pGiI.lbl. chl,N'itih, .~. l"ilQ."" d_ ~.l. 111'. 'P",Mt: &nr4 'tUm" in.lld. tilt: ...... i'n- IIPWiit ~ ''I'IuI. iII.t i. ~ r-Mlu-.c:r II;!I,. i: 'bot. ri'Cb liN PIC..J S, AI"lC,.. n, UJ'VIC--4t. '!hI:.,..1" ;lupp 11 U iii d" .;.11 (.1-1' ... ; vl~" oil, 1 if. of ."''I''!U;:lMt.l.,. .0 1I,fN1"ot •

blR .. I :rr.q~,. ..... 1 • '1. o· ,-, ... 9'5· Mil

!!'JhanMl. ~ :loo

"NqUDil::J .plc '01 : '0 ICKI ,... O"i:'PU' t "f,.,.... 800' XN

WI:H1ft'I w/lN!ttM"J I !Ii lb ... ti/~ 'WlttMTi ':Is lb •.•

4dfI.t:ct .... l 11dol'W!tioa ... 10'11._ ~

• • iii.tjol" 1'''1'''=,.


iIIiI • cad I .. It~ckll .

. Ii.. ea,.b.:I:! .. :lt.... IIa:l t..taI,u tI,Gna

b.. Ifl.1ib poot .. tal' ... 2: '. 'rnM.:t ,.~


b. r-.r CNtp.Li.

(1) :1.50 'l1li •. 100 ...,

'8., ~"""D; tildes. :I.. Jnq!Mtl4.,

. ..

&. 41.0 ,- JI." MIl

-ell 'w.

b.. "'*tl~, C",.1: ('bl! I.~,. (1) .. nlle-I,S

(2) ABltlC-71

(3) U/VIG.t6


b.. S I. r" .. ndom pH· ••. t clann.ll

(1 J l:nq , .. mel.. nlCO'F.ded 1M W.

t L) J-.:';o,,1;II1. to i.~~" tn

b·.. I DI HI.'XlI!INiiI iilf f.e;tliN1 1"6Q.

(1) ' ot iii lal\t. (2.) Over" t loa t Ir'O'md

(:3) 0li'M" .. tel"

6.. p~ SuWly (Ill tt.TY J '.. Dry c.l1 '1-2:8-.1

(% > 40 ltiM1:u. ltf ... tal to , r.d.le

c.. St.p. of "l'CIc..tuZ'!

1. ,...ably of I:'

b."' Z ~ ap...;oil c;1on

a, Tu.m tILl! Ulxt·.ooC-'la.t!' f .. ;t~ kno'b ~(II 1ft.

II. 1II.p dZOJ aDd d ua

b. tp01 ttftili!lili 1, Vltll •. 11 :&,c!(MIlI. !~ kl;t.r:r

.. . S"'(rA 111 8001 pi-c..

3 ~ WI t"1'p1'QO.f1 .. ,

.IIJ • ~. ,.,,1.i. ...... l.


f""- AM/Pitt .. ~ I I, .' UHf rid I 0 L3i1d ~ I n ly rOt lI~nl:l to .. 1 1" ~t\1 ~II;; Ion. It I, 1I41iry H~t w.l;ht (Wl ~ 0 l"bl.) l1li" r ng I t ,.n 1 ... 1 r.d le for g'rGuP'\dI tl"'QClPlo to (:.II r't)I' l:n, !th. II. i Ii 0fI. • _ nick. ilc;;k f'r._. Tne

Qj»r .. t 11'11511 ,.. .. n;g. of ,AH/lPIU::,- ~ 1 1a l' I n. of :II' gnt ill .... d for 'Vol 01: tr .. n:l"~:ls I' onl on I,l"~ The I.t con. i' I 11 ,of

• ..-e.ulnrltr...,sndtt.r (rf-69,S):Io .i'! .,t.nn_ (AS .. UtO,,") I hiilt'l.d :llllit {Iit-,,) 'I NcIc:lilCk fr'... ~!:II " b .. ,t tilli r I ilia (11-, .ljjSl}~

","E,e I F I (AT IONS;

Hod,~ l .. fI 01'4 ... M

ft~ ~". 225 to ,399 .. :9 HH.Z. 'Op-l!rat I nlijl Ch.nn. l:l - 1750'1 Sp,..c.f ng - .y. rtf lOO KHZ 'Op.!I"at I iI"I'IiI loIng4 - 'L t n. of II., t P~r ClII,I tfjll,rt .. 3, W'l't U

P~r ~~II,I" ~"t .. ~\ \'o,lu Dt Duty '~y";.I" .. O~:to. 9 !'iII~ -'lIi.1 'W·.I gin - liO 1, bl wlb.t t. ry

10 lb. wio b.U.ry

P lE$E.rfTAl ION .oF' nUE Nt/vRc .. ,46 TWC WA'f Me I 0 TIU:PHOHI

'The Nl/VItC II ,. two trlill')f r,. 10 t.I.51I1Cf11. ..t w I ttl

,. fl'll:Xt ,*"", ...... il. of 'tC ",I 1 iii' .nd '. .:1' feet 1 '!.'Ilili wcrk I ~ r.1!tQII: 0" 15- JO liii01 l.1 '. PClWlle .. ,ed b)I' • ,2" 'VIDe bHt b.t t.ry. l t :n.. iI f .-.q'U4Incy r,.... of 30 '"t to 7,5-.!lS ,He, ~ n hID b.ndl • Th. M/VflC-46 Ill.. 92D pCI II b ~ '" ch ... n.1.. Th.

f t'.IiI""";'Y Edu l .. d,CIft 1:1 1 n rK!CIt!l., Th. rad 1 0 'ilt h ..

1 ti I PHiwr .nG I OIU 1'1'11 th. lI.t .l'1Id QUit I. It, whtI,.. t~

h •• dl.t _1:1 h.n.dIli ke c.'I b., GOnMlc"d.


",. 'that UiIP In tiif'lfllrlil t;"'. NUY!U: .. "" h, to tWI'"fl: tt'lle Iq ue.1 G.h :I11III1 t,ch to 1:n& OW pOt f t 1 01"1'. '~f .. e;rilt I nji !Ander..b GQf!Iol C ~Oft. \~rn thtl I, I p,e Md ten to 0" .. Th!ili I~d '"1iI' l:i to tillm th. pG!!II." IW I t,Gb 11;0. !.OW.

The" .1 I CI'WI! tM! oI!q!l.!l 1..-.,1; to 'WIi ..... il,ililI ; for CIfiI. "I nuu befo~ .ttemptl~~ to tr.nlmlt.

Ofic.e tn II 1:1 don. t~ .'...... ..~ t~ 1. p 1.cad In tn. ON poll e 1 an. AdJ UI,t tt. vo'I~, !I,';ofldt,rgl IIInt I •!illt'OUnd 01"100 1:1. l.. lIud fib 1 •• _ I f .;q,iijlt.l dI! It us.d tu'!,,1'Ii ,q~.l ch $WI tch to ... 1M AII/VAC-" II now tUMid to 'tM dill $ I ... d chinn. ~ by "I ... It •• '.c:t 'I ng tht! 'llrape;r band t A lOr II. ,Inc! tMt'IJ ti;,ll'f!! 1 Ii'! I t~ ftC tun. _.. I« tune 10 th. dtil I I"tIId f~:I!aiIi(l,ey IPP"'" an tn. dIIlnn. I iii hd •

QC,u I' "HI ttl. Cili 11 I nd I cator "or • v I' 1, ... '1 l"cI f Cit I on of' .no i nCOl1\I ,t'I'S! !Ii ~ "nil I, I f' ~. 'Illht ~ r td-. _d tht

....... 1 en- !MIll I tth ..... ~ bcUl, 0f!I.. ~ t In .:JC.'bIi rrMi1 'p •• g r

I.. 1I.·.cIi1 tl.IiI!',f'I; the' .,..Iwr .w1 tch off" Now COftn,c:t ttl. III~ GJII"Opt1one to II;hili ... t .. J Kk,.. Wh.1i a h 1 gh ,,_r OIoI' 1. i'M!Wi I red tW1'"fI1 th. pGWI! r 1.1 td'1, to. HI.. I f

th. r. 1:1 " 1,01:i of pG8" to the M/YI!:C"W, th III "*y " the ~lu1t ~f' • tripped ~lrcult br •• k.r. To ~.It~ turn to l!~. MSn position, .,d bildt 1;0 .~"" ....... d pt!iJIIIMr ou'tput.. 1 f tn., 0;.( reo .. I II: b rukli,,. t r I PI .,g.1 n If-r.r .......

• iltt 11i'8 It O'ru •• I the r. I.. .' short M-d th. I.t rllMliiIl

.. I nt.en .. nli;:li.,

Add I t I an .. 1 I' !'lifo,..., ~on on th. AM/Yflt .. ,46 .. follCl'llI

A.. AN/Yilt..... H_nG.1 nun..

I , Th. M/VI\C-'" 1'1 • ~'''V riMII I 0 te1e-

:l. ".n~ I.. "'0 "I 1.1 (Mld-->

s" l'II4In,. II 25·30 ml' I... (.,ff.~t I ..... ) •

It ill "

.II! " POIIIHI.-.d by 1,'" VOC ~on ,bon tero; •

.!i~ F'.-.qHrllqr ".1";;- 30 Me-1S.'S M-C In two,

i. !J213 pH .. I:b 1. ,mantl.l ...

7. F .-.quency Hodu I.t, I 01'1 """.eI I n; IIIOdu ~

8. ;';.eI 10 fl.. . ,..kt.r .,;c:; lot" I n ' •• t •

9. Hilndmlk. ilnd ~.t can b. oonnaet.d.

I,. M!VRC-"" op. rllt r ng CGf'iI tro 1 :I ~

I. , ... eI SWI'tchi ..

•• SII1.Qt..; r.-qUllncy b.lnd tA.} 30 Me-52. 'S He .nd <I) S'-1:5 ~'5 ,HC.

2.. He: Tun.

a. run" 1 n 1 He .. up. ... 1 nd f eflt-.-d on

,. K(: 'T~n.

'.'. T'!I.;Inu' n SO KC SUPI _ 'I nd ~ uhd an


... P' ... r hI tch

., T'LIi1'fl1i eq!U l.-.n ten.

b. S.I Kt I .1 th.r 1. 0,,. h! I gh pc:IWt!T outpwt we th • MI!Ii III. 0' ] w.t b an LO .nd • 1111 n f IMIiI!II of !S .... t t!i an ,. l. (55 waUl av.r'II,. M)I; I",.)

c. INo.Ur ht:.t :I.:ts tn. Co I !I'"eU 1 t br ..... r

5.. Squ.'cn,.

•• .... Squ. I ch OM -0" .1 1-'1 ,,... hi 1Mlllf.rllte4 no I... whu not reCOil I v I iii9.

(Il N .. Sq~lch CoIn ooly hot bl"Obl'l ""'''1'11 tr..,.illt t t t ng .,tat I 0", 1:1 tr-.s.l ttl nl • t S;C cpt

.. I'''~.

b. 0 ~ d IqHI c:tI 0" "OFf .1 n.tM UnwtintH

nell II. 'wi"!..., not 'r.c.1 v r ng.

(1)- 0 l d Sq ... 1 ell ON-OfF CI~ H. b I'Gkilin .htn InV .1,"_1 ft with iI"Iol •• ~

6. SpUH r :Sw I' t~.

•• TIII,,.n. tM ,bu II t-I., :i"_'M r on and -off ~ 1,. Vol_ knob.

.... to~trol. Il.IidlG 1.-w.1 I,. .. ,. ......... d

I. Llght. hl'tGh.

... Ltghtl dl.1 0' wn,1nt '.~ __ M ... d -CoIl) hull GII,tor. c. U L I ~t ..

b", L r,ghu fIiiIIhM' • :II gn.1 II, Act; I W;d 'f

11 ght I" I tdl Is on .nd _q_ 1 ch .. Ud'" 10 f n .U.J'It·r Old 011' Ntw Sq_lch ..

'''' HI_ JICk.I~ btnu'iltntt II:/W and 141"-.

100; Antun.. ,Cant rv 1 r Oft 1:1 for the GOntro1 cabl. to th., _nt'ftn. mltchfng unit tor ~t~~ I fit th. IInt.MII to th. p rop!I r 'apIIl"llt r nl f,.".Wllncr ~'I'~ t fllntml t,t • .d: ..

11. An il;un" ~~"t f g;l ..

•• lh. ~b 1. ~n!'ll f It. f... th. .nt.MiII to th. rlld f; II) t r.,tI.:S I;t. r lind r,c.lY'* I' ~"t;;:t!i h.n ..

1:1. X .. _,. 110 fol"' HCU .... tr .. :I.l ... ,on .. II!!! J .. not u,.1i f rII ~r .Y" tMl", but tn. A,p l'1l.;I$ It ,. h"iIy' b. 'i1 p1.ce or ttl. ru'10 wl11 M,t '.".0 h.on I I;: tr-",I.Uw1 U receive).

1 • "rUm II:iQI Olr :p~ I t lOQ.~

1.. It Dpilllt' .. 1:;1..... un~ 'bla>ii:k -O'Lil;t c:CllId 1 UCIAIi

tu,m t. ... li.libt _itch tu 01'1'.

3. 'him POVII:t' nit.elI. to' LOW; AllOW' the:

,"ulpllilnil:. to 'III'&l;"a-Up fQl; 0JIi. mlrw.t. b.l"Dr. 'i;nn!lll1 t-

t1n&~ -

,4 • Turn tb. ..p."kilt" Mli,t'c.b to OJ.

,. ~ oiUj Uil t. the 'YQiII,)llH (!1O",t.r'(i 1 ~U 1 b.(:'k. ..

,round, 'n01 •• , I, Qlirdi.,

6.. If ,.qlillliih::b. 111 'I:JI.I!d., tou.n'Ii lq'u,doQl\ to OH~ Tum t:ht! AN /V 111 C 0.45- to t..... ,4.!lt:r.d! cun""


I, ~ Tu.:m th,a 'bIJM __ wit cb to .A. !I)'I" II!.,

'b. 'Tb.m tb. Me t.UM: .,ndi KC t'U.'m .. 01 tM d.lli,Nd ft'1iII!Iiu.l'LCY ilpp"" i''II QD t'h. r.Ju.nn.l (It. 1 •

8 • Ob .... r"Q '~Q CiI: 11 lnCl1e:I:'toJ" f,or' a 'Vi.",il.1- ind.:L::~tl,on O,:t "'R in!C:UUIi111j. .. 1_g-nIl :l f it'h. 1 :tib~ pU,(:lI; ,ill Ol!i ad liqu !illiloQ1\ .-wi.te:h i:l OR.

'51 • 1 t Ii.'n ilx:t.l'1I61 liip" kI:1' 1.. 'u .. di ~ t1.:Iim the .P"~ .witch 'to OFF.

lO~ C;:onniIiC II:: '!Iiero-pbOM ee tb. r.t'l"IInMlltt,


1.1. w:h.o h:lab, pr::rw.t'" Ci:ltput. til :tiliq IiIlud!, tum ~r ~i~ch, tD Kl+

1.2: ~ A, eQ'IIIP1.t. 1 a.. of' 'power t,;a t:'h. IdtiYRC"

46 :iUl1 rill iilU! 1 t fi'"<lill .. tl'":Lp:pd ~11'C:1;I1C; b'1.' .. 'kIii". To toe•• e, tum the: ICIII'r. :pO" it iOCl., thin bllck to l..O D1' HI.

I! '. If 'tM It 1, 'brllllklir tL"i pi, .. ,ain -li,1I! Iter ;f.,I.'1:: I Mll:nt.n .. nc.lI i. ~"lIJ.l"1iI ~

:D~ tuotni d.. &ntiinml

1 . IhM:ti"ic .. l 1~ Ma.fiUlil

ill • It.J.CTIlICAL.." tun:ina t.he :r.d:io Ht.l 1 t 1,i;Jb:!1iIII! t 1 1::1111 Y t,..m.. t~ 4nt~. tLo I;:q praptllr fT." q'Uien~1 th'l'CMII-h thli .n t.6nM, oQlibl" ~

b . MNUAi. - On lint.lilt" bUl!lii ~pllll' ti1m freq,l,IilMY r.'-q. tad ic:. t,O!!:'" eo. a. i'Ad t. Aquae)' ran,. ~

1 • HI. a ¢ 1 .. 1:1. i' 1 ifl,t'~f".. C!.lotti. tlO nll!lW& dUIii':'.. dirt.. .,Ut;uroil .~ K;T1I Ii. II Iii ft'cai tba: ,&ntilinnli., an'" taDn.. lUI t,Qh:tng, 'lini e , f ~t panill coat 1"0111 of tu e __ 'ponent 111M, !l1J!r:ii Oi lIoQ< If olliioQ ...... 1.')I':jI 1NI t ttNli e lotb wi t'h: 'CIMD iD&: CcltpOuDd (llldll'L"I.l Stoc;lt N!:Ii ~ 7930- ,].9",.'!J:54l} and vi,. tbl: pa:r.tI: then, wt p. III:ltb I; ~ l .. n dry doth.

,2: • All e~:t:J"l)l k.nQb. .tLol,lla 1I'('.i'rk, noot"t)' t .bwl r1 M e :lIM Qii tb.. ,.baft;~, -lind. lib roN tdo nl)t b:, .. d. ". !alP" t lIo,t.eN\IJ" i 1t1 •• 11 .. nd. !r.'I:Itn1lnl; ''PAT." f Dr rIll-t, .Iliad C'OrT'Ol Ion +

4 ~ In'"(lt tOI:" 1a.. krllDb .. t .... u,-c:h4., I' i,'l:Dnu'ol!l ... :lfldicato'f"- :i_l,iII, .. nd. connllc:to\'"ll;

5; Cllifln ,th. 'li:MDUl di.'1. il.1:Id: MIN: pI !It ... .ltk .. cl .. nt .oft cloth.

BDl;h •• 11:: •• ~ .hoOrt 'r"III~. Mill frllq u.nC!.y CW' ~ nti tr:-lin.elli'Vllro. 1:lIiu. !II 1",. m.-n"·pI!il:,'k, pot",ta'bl.'~ TlMy fHIIIrm.t: i;,1iC --'J" \1'0:[.11::. c~nl-c::a t la..... til. i:Y'-:3.8! pOlllitiit." p1ua.

'N t,t.TY all ova :z 0 bcM.J.1'. of PRl-:l~ Op.Ht-:t,on .'nil 30 ~!!:"II ot 'P.c-'77 0".1"11 t:l._. H.-t09 on ••• l...-nt Mnd ... tll! .. r. 1.Ii.'" an botb ~ th.N: &" Pr"O'I,I"i-I :lll:in. f,ol:' .. mtc:ro. pbMLt md h .. d".it 'DI" Htemll il'llll:i11fl.-r/ .. y.-' ta.

p'k(: -lS"'!E-77 -!Ft, w,ith N,t til'!')!' ': 2;2; 1 b!l. nC-Z,5!PRC-71 Hlp!: ",s.'th-aut 2,0 :t bo ...


'l'QH •• It. op.n't. on tw l'fttl;WIiIil-C,. Hild. ]0- SJ MliIL'ut'tI ,a~r,i "j. .. 16 _I;!lMrU.. Th:l..;I; 1 ion il!!Qr:' 9ZQ po •• :tbl-. ehlinne1. with. baml w:l.d.'''' ;lDci. iilt.r-,!::,MallliI'l .fI.C: tq. d SO Icii ~'h.l-~ '. hy -..0 t'NDIIIi:l.t, 1'.1 ..... to rile.1ft. a.c:ord IIPIP,roxl .. t. iho..n·.. of b .. c;c..r, 1.liill •• Cb.I.nti Ilta'ndiILTd .. d.t,. p:r.1P.1:IiCio:n,.


.~ Jlt!I\ ,d,r".-..nt:ii for '~ ... 2 So .al\d, '1(:-,17 l~ c.pllbilit.i.~ of 'IC-~l

.. ~ Ixp l.d,ft it". Cilpli.b U'U: 1". ~ t • :2 + 'CilllpI'bll'f.'U". Clf 11':1(: ~'7 7

" .. I.'xpll,in the (:apab:Uit i.. BlMout .. !b • :b.pld:n -wby tb. J!iIC- 77 ill Mt.U:l" tban t'hll PltC- 2 5 i

oC • J'llC-77 t. D' -38 p ..... ~ :plu, __ ~u:ry 20 ~:rl for PJ;C .. ;Z" I 30 f Qi~ Pac: .. 11.

j ~ "rl~~t!pl... Q,f ~U,"m a . $kot'"t "OS'. i

"b., Xill-n-p;aoC:'k portlbl ...

C!. + lr«t"'Ia<!Y ~~al:.d. (lH) tran,,-

C.1 Qr' HI' "CW) ~

d . "!Vel, '.Y vc lc,* .c~,ic .. tion ...

1 • J.ii"t tsty 10iiil't .. l1. It 111:111 ~, tY;MI ...... 386 t Z. 5 ;1M 12.5 ¥i)lu~

a . Inu"ll a 'bI tt.ll:r-y iEl. I! il'1:C'-:2:~. 'b. lin.t.a II a htU1')' .. _-77.

Z • Ant,mM! In, t .. I 1 .. tion

,a.. i..n~ A!.891. ., fit.. tapli v/:l!l.xi'bl,1I

b ~ AntiIII"nDI AT-nU. -6 IIiC.Uon 'Whi.p wI rlltd wpport AI- 5 ~l ~

oQ + Ant~, t lG:n~ ~ .oun"1i !o"I" 'v:ae~4'. d. I. toniC Uni t.lPIII ,.fLt. liI-I.:rbd in f~lIq.


J; J!I~c'k pIi¢!k i:n .. t.I! Ill! t.iOIt

Ii ~ DtIInI.'m .. tr. ~II p"t"-OC_'I,l,'N:.

4 ~ .tee.ncr)' in.tal I,. t:[oa

I.. lIandlliU type 11.- UI'~ OM .. l ..... nt, b., M:LC:l'copbl)"nllll "ftd b .. d.HU.

e ~ littund .pPuu .. "d iII"mfIH1 lii:t •• ,

l. eh.iilrl:iuillII! ,lind h,"-'Lli .. ~ha

1:. • l'lIqlWtld, •• , 111 and. l.r.:rw I./T lO-53 II;:

(1.0) "'t ']·,76 lC (Ki) i20 'li:Maa.ll pol.ib1 ••

b ~ land 'Widt.h ani! Bp.Ii(! t nt SO KC ~

e. 1111 ec i;1l1i cUlIn.l. .nd b.iIInd., ~

iii. '"' .. tt.i.'n, Cbarm.h.

II~ "r1trwi.r)I' .. ad ,_~~ry fNqU-«l;c.,~

2:. ,epllutina :£i'roe,lIdu't"u

- • Tl.'LTTllq oem -nd ." t Uq frlliiu".",c;:y,

b., tilY bCIi - tr .... nni t./r.l.u.. to ue.l'V •• , (I, ~ I\!aI:I d oa

(1) 00

(2) .Iq'Ll.dch!o ItC (,3) kt r"Mm t (4) tl,t..

d~ W£O ~","l:; •

t 1)" 1II·le: - ~--'t. (It f-""""_ . )

~, ·0" .... - .. .• ...... '" I;)'f'.

(2.) .lqu.h,b a..clh!ll

j. S.cul'ift;l -p1"Cc.H'U!NtI

' •• ' 'l\im oO,U, IN". ,corm.c:,Ud, or '-:-",N:


""10 •• t AlltIe-4" It! • c_,I,.t. poI" ~lP fNltQIIiICI1 (U) l~l.DIitl_ .,."t.... tu- nd:IIIJ Nt

PJiwt,d •• · vol",' 'c.oril:~ _ft' (eN) a.a4 fHIII~," .lille .,taa ".11.1 •. r.t,.) t:nn_h",t_ am n ...

'"'tWI l"a4:lb Nt _, .... \'i1Mdl in po:put.l.:I

.elc: 1.. t :lad. :It.IIUw 11,,,1 lu til .. ~ 1a I!::NI pcrtt ..

&'bl.. .ute'l. .... f:lud tea t.ton .,.,Ut:&ilIHl.4 11'1,

.' !POi"ti11I:ti. •• 'pp'1:1e.d_. tb. cOlipl.t. .. ilt .... t laB

be pililiC1cUl b1 t.wo .

"thai .' "*'111 ~ ii) Nt ca .. cr·;, 7OO/t1lC .. 41

. Oi" ~lttil1llk

'letal _,,'Ma 10 p~t

./0' 1e't*='"'1 I' 'JG pOdil,

..... Ift

liDo Mot t CIIi Ii'h ,tb. "'nt.~ 4'111 d!nl, t'NR :l". 10lIl lilt"

tuailll, I • ...,.N biim. "7 H,'U.1.'t:! tlue to U VG,ltap

ndio f~'MDCI :i •• ~

t. :Do ftOt ~t. (lW..'" 01" vot-=. ~""'M.:lII'iorI lIOn! thlQJ •• .1 .. 11:;1 "t of .....,. 10 lit b:lp ptlI"INl'.

4t: 1_ pow .. + '0 1iat .. e .... 2 I!daut.. ~t ",f ""'E'1 Ll. "-11M &1',' ftO It.teatl_ on. l'.c.,'I'i.:m1

is. Do M,t ltJ • .,. ,4Ul, 1 !pt. MI at .. tIM ,.,. • .,1 If 'M' 'M_ 'bI"" umtld 1 ...

~ ~ ~.p. c'" ltt.'fI .... 1D1,tIIl-. ,.... aufI:t,. tutu4 ,o,n' .iI .. o'b ... "po •• 1111 I. to 'cwa ..... ,...r I'

I.. Itcorcl IIppntlil tt .. · tTl' 'II •• 011 blClk of' balt~!I it ~ t_nllMl ,I ••

II • C1, .. ~ 1!D4! l;a'bda:ilc. b 1 VI,t."nottnl

),," 1I.'(t U,N

"0 •••


~~_794n'ItC-14 'tRIJtICfiVp

'1M llT-1'9.4/l'1C-14 ,.,t hi .. l S VII It t t. it;b ... ! f'1IIi!:tu!p!CJ' vcic. ot' e:od. tr.n.IC:.:1. Wit'.. lit opil~.'t:.. Q" 11ql .. I :ld.wod.. ''t:''I'tI,l.~'' raq. t. f'rOll 2, MIII.,g,'rt. to 11. 999 ..... lHl:r'l;. .1 th t len o.h. E't:I .p.,ein8 illb1Ct'tlo "UI It f.~uency Ccmp.t.t;,lbh. 'ldt:h "MnJl;C -, '1 ItNm,cil1~r. I&q_ t. terrI t,n 1 '1m,lt .• d .1c:h • ncml,i~ 1 Jnund, .... "HI' rani. of 2:'50 mil .... , Sky-w&V11

p rvpaaa !UCla lI;j.fI, a.eeed •• '11411rt'IJ 'IlY:mil:r.d -Ue... UIi!lliIli lI:l.cnpbon./hM d: .... t. II. Tnnl ... n e. U •• " :aAlo' t • .2 v« 1 t ti'.:lckl .... C.dt~ call ••

.III • itT· 794 tPKC-14

(1.) If. and II, Mod. t. b~ Cal.. Cy ~41l80

(1) Mold. 70 ... + 8A·,:)O e • Dry 0 .. 11 Pl.c.~

U ') '110 1 dl.. 2 ... U .. lB·~

oil. lag Acc ... 0;['1 II" CV'-863'PIC-7~ (1) ~ao/U Mlc~~pb~

(1) 'H.ldHt. 1:t",140fij

(3-) x.,. It'(~ ~,U

(4) Antmml.u 1188.,

(5 ) Antenrtoa III t Mi. ... j U

(a) 2 .... ch to·r ,.:kIl.Jbl .. t t lQn& 'I!I!I"I'

(6' Kunnlna Ipar.~ (II) '·u ...

(7) Wi:n An!C .• M,.

(a) Co'Unt.l:"p-Dt •• ' OT l.d tn (8.) Ri:rp. 11.11 11:hi ("Ii

(II) U..d ,tQ buu i I AnUnn.

u.. .U;h b_Cli •• e, bne to. fl •• r- ... t ... ~'r ... I It"''' t.t:i 100 lOll. Itb.n to. 10 lQtZ aM f 1 MIl Y to".lIt 1 KHZ wb :1..1 t,h,1Di 1 i.'l'rL1 t 13f f. ~u.nll;:y ""_'£"a t:l. on • ..... nt.a... ~.t b. .dJu to d6.1 nd f r.tqjljl."ey. ral!l.p .. p"... button to tl.'l 11;. O'b.$i'V~ .tafl:dii :r'i:!, ... f..tlJl" PE"Ii:,.; c.lll!iltlDn ••

_tlht wl.t!t\ bat.clil")!' 1.. 32 I 'bl ..

WI! libt wi t:'hout 'ba t,tIi,1:"1 t.. 28 ll.b ••

2 • iUMr C!ifi!ll!.Pi;)Min t. I ill. ~ Mount. MT·)5.13

( 1 ) Mo' f 1M' Ant.1t.m'I6

b. A'I- .. ';'5'"''

.c l) A,'~tM!:ria:k lot:

e.. "1:t:.~, Cblli'r'I. C".III'bl:..

d. CaM,. 1.111 ,aM )' CX-1l468/11 (l) ~e)" Co~d

1 . 'I'!!:'.r1IIClei'lfll:t"

II • .,leu u:p rllc5iQ ,. igJ'lillll ~ tU,'fn. tUIJIi im; 0 voi(!. ~t" OW'.,

b +. 'Ptek. u~ NICCl!l aT C:W .nd, tu.Tn. the Inlt:D 'N(l10 • i;;nlli. 7


a. 1""' t13 11.999 MHl. b.. M" (.'S~) +

e . P~liIIu~y coepa t :I.b:ll 1 t'j (1 ) .... N/fI'IC .. 41

1. Coat ['131., i&1:'I.d lNI Le.!iI tOTII!I! :

a. Mt. TUTU!

(1) Adj"lilia t .. Coup 1811" CiI,aC! It(lol''

, b. Aftt Loa-"

(1) Mju.t: Antenna Gou-pllllir- Inr.HCit!)!'

e. Of!'-On .. "T\\".

(1) :iii I !lir.::,t IiIt<iI u 1rikl P'I:IncUell

d .' Ii' GII1:n

(\.) ,.\.d.ju. t teQ.el V4!T" GI. in • ~ f.,,:II; Hoi UII

(1) 'l\.iM.1 fur Clt'ii:lLi1t to o!p*r.tUna, :fT"U"'~)' ,

~. <:hrrUy

(1) ie~.1v.~ lTeq~.ncy ~ilrni.r tlJlninl

a. '~Ib to ~al1bE'.t.

(1) Set .y~tb4.i.e~ to coineid. w1 t;'h fT!lq_ Ue.U;iY •

h, 1 m

(0 lel.ct. tr.q, :tn 1'00 QlZ.

2. A,'nt,~

Q., I.-c::. i YCIIII and .... (1. T".lid te .. f,.nllt:lll ..

s. IIIt,lt,oI:TY (JI.XM-lS6)

II .. 1 .:2 YO I. t ni;i'C,ka1. c..1it f. ... iii +

1;.. Cllp"bU.1 t t.. .1'1~ L-lt'!l'd;,t.-I t.1'iX\1

1. +. IIq_ u 1:pMn~

a. J:S .. ' lb •.

h,<, SplUih pl"oof ... t.I!II-=' t.1pileMlI,

2: • tranim::l ... '!~ ". 1It (SII).

b + POWilit' G'U-tlNt: 1 ~ WI t,t. •• e . Ten,. t.n 1 1mlt1na;.

". .ill.n ••

a • Croliifiidi .... ,"' •. - 2: S .11.,

'b • ,lkjIiNIVclll - ,1""1'l1li1 bundi-r.1l mU ••

,,'tit, ..
~ . 100 ~Z
(1) SoIl • ..;::u ft'iMI'Lli!BK:Y 1ft 100 rJI:
.. t.p.
j.~ IO m;
(1) SIii 1. c.'t, fr~~cy 1ft to mz
.Up ..
k. l DIZ
(l) S'I!III_t. fnqu.aey iQ 1 dZ,
Itepo AI • ctt-nr\4i 1.

A.. :2; .. 000 t.o 17.m ~, (1) 1 KHZ Iple'la.

6.. POWft" 8Y.pp11 ("Bilt.t.ry)

.. • Dry Cold 1 (M-30)

(1) 10. p_~ bltt.~, ~ck.

(2) Onilli ii,n~ iI. "d f vol tI pi r cid 1 5 (3) 14 &~" A MU'rI.

(4) T..-ml'nat YQltl,l_ p.r !)lc1r. + 150.

t~ "nt

(l ) ~c:ep,t' .ntalnl, vi:!:_

•. Op.~,.c:tq

.. • I.CI:,.;lnl" (llt ... 194/PIC-74)

(i) II.ttl,eb. nt~ .atII"U;na 'IJ-rolck.1: ..

U:} 11'l1lu:L 1 -..lp iIIiaC;.nn- .iD4 &dlju .. t to "_ind fnq'lillPiCY 'N .....

(3) .6ttlleb 1, .. d, vir-e :I!'~.iWI'i, liIl\:I.p, anlt-lInnl to I!'rcn't p .. ael IIJII'tennl tenillnil.

(4) eor.a.c t ...... '1; 'C;a .:ttbl. pan.l or oI!IucUO juik.

(S) h t f r"Ol!Lt 'I,nllll 1 lid: t to 'KIll t 100 ~ '.t.ctor knob. tD •• - IIt"N.d f~'~I;""'~

(6) 'l'um oft-on .. tmt.. 1Iv1,!.4" it.q 0lIl pD;IIit1~.

(',,, Set D .. iii t.o .... .nd .dj" .. t ,...'k ... 0:1 .. b .. ,~d 11'11 .... diMt ~

(a) Julj:l;I.t .lDt.mll lo.d aM. t .....

·~UM cDl'litrol :f OT .. _ DOt "

:in 'h •• d .. t.

(" Pn I. :in II!: 1.-r1,f'/pu..... l:o Clall- 1:I:t .. 1;. ~ .ad .. '!!jut .10, IME II ~,~O ... ~ 1. he-rd in b •• d •• t. (10) .. 1.... l:M: 1I:I1.l"il,/pu.b. to lI!i:!lll.b:rat. kaob -mel '!t't! .. 1i thll poiD't .. .z:o to .:ld.c.l ••

('11) •• e: II' Ilfin. cODl;: rool fCil:l:' •• vt. • ." vul... of :r.c.:i'!Hld 111&n&1.

(12) M,JUA t c;:UT1f', 15ft" H t'hat "q'MIlitJ' Qt r.iI;I1;vwd .11M·I. ,aN na W'P 1 ..

(13) (11ft) MDr!h "'''II !Ii OII..Oft hn. ,witch to 1:'- tun. "" t Ii.l on .M i'lIt_ fo:r tvn. ,ill tht ........ c 0;

U4J A1 ~."".l,. &d~.t gteInM tiift.I .fttlI .r.t..... 19&. 1mo'N _tU

.. _x. 1'61&11\1 t. a~IIII~" QtII q. t.ana .. ~~

(1' J .. 1"H on·Om tUM kIIab .ad.

• 11_ to q,,~t'n to liM 01' pod ..


(1,1$) ,..... ~1'Oph_ ht toIt ...

lip". 'i'!"ectl, tate .tc~~ ••

S. 1'Jpe1l of Mt~ •• ... 'Whip' Ant ......

(l ).YOY1d_d wf:tb. .et.

b. Dipol. !!aut to· fnq"""CJ

c: ~ lriwu1:.. ~ "M ,,,n WIll.. to,ld.d D:lflCl!l. d. ~ 'lop'ina 1.0IIII wi H V1 'lll "ft_tot' or

e au at iI rpo 11. ~

'EmIli! Ig ... .ANrll-t

TbI U!p:'.-il· Me 1. • ;:rylltlll GaGt"11" be 1 .. It .auftQ,j b.llb fnlq~" .&ODU;I'tU._ _..,. "'1K'II:l,y.~ ..

1-t. 1I!!'I'Ii!i4 ... IIt~ 1' .... 11, lYOll ~7 ... '7 ..... b.~u. :In 'Ufo (!!b.ann*h . 1t; l!i!a" l:'eII.i.... Mtb. vole. .ad ~ iIiI_l ... If 1It.:t.lConn'* II!!'~ 'Ml .. t tun 1.· iittl. r.tftp-

Ii ton I but in aft}!' c;:1II,. 'I'iI",*. 1. 1,... tbm .. .:t: I ••

'!'hill AM.I.H-4 .. t til • hand b.ld, tNIIi_ tt .. tb t: O-I!! .1Ind both "'tell ani!!! ~ opl.. hi 11-.ttilC! 'by 1'- of .llbt. _"lit; t wttb 1I"1:C.r, 2 lb.. '.. wi ~(Nt N1;ter)l' V. 1 b ••

Cb.,nnllli I prMU. wnc:l.lua fI'OW'IIiI:' 'IIlI11. Qlaaul n -pnvU.. III liht; .... 1::' ,0; 'CbI!nn.t I.. 'I'M ~.(:.:l...r' antllftM ... "t; not '" at"aUd" l;!IJ t... MINt ."iII • itt'.M.U antll1'D\a ..... , Itt: til"" a'bo1lt .,. ... ~. ~N to dl~_i;:lon o.f nc:.~,'qr ..


A.a1Io.w 'NI tt.~. !IIIib.I:a aot 1ft ,.... Avoid pt ..

U.., Wlidn'l,li", D,to the W91'b ..

• dd.tttOCWll. 'iftlo."l'tiM 1 ••. 11 f(ll1lOW!lI

11 .. 11

A. a.,.'llltl •• .nd Lt.ic.,iun.


1. "'H:tvtQl"" * .. 41.. AM""'" .... ..'-t MIIIlt"

".. C'-Q.hl caatn 11.d (1M., V (ew)

c. "o.IVII. "'e. ...... 1tO.._. ,1 ... 1:1

til.. . 47'·· ~n ... 2 c:l.luID.l. -

•• L:t.:tt.edi I!'ft.:tn U· aqt ul, .. t

f.. Lt..'~MI ~f 1 ... *" 1 ... , ...

I. ,,"1UI.itt_ •• t 1 1U.:to d/i'1'I ... 4 •• "1M 1Ml.

li.", ! e:M-.1

e. ,"B_.C.

(1) ton.

(2) Vaic.,on

cl. LIM of .tp.t "'II" 11111'.1:.1_ ('U· I.ocI.t:ton.'" t.:u'.ln

I.. MI.JH '-n.

1. -.c. , "laI, .K a,,'" tn ..... 'U:t£na •• t II.. • ... ,..,..

b. ~_:ttt;.~

II '" "a.iWl~ I-naN a, • •• , "'C,

... IU,_ Mm, •• f .. _Iii .......

... latt.1'7 'iii'" I. .IT .... 'h.. Ai itar Iflt """0&"" :t. ...t:!U~1t.I •

(1) "~105/u"II~' (I) Ml"m/u " ....

C:.. IJinE'tl! 1 0pBi!1:.i_

1 .. ', 'fNnnttU:r p!'O'I'lAt. _l~~ t •• 01' vaiG •• ~l. oa 2 a~l ••

.~ c:II.MHl 1 pl'M'WU ..... POWI' ..

b~ Cb&_1 II ,""",14.. 1:1.' • .-1' at. __ I",

I. ~

&~ ...... 11 ... '."" "4 .AS-I Ht-',W.4

c.. "M1.'N'I!' ...... _t. ao-t _ ..1'CHIII.d. to _I_It.,

4, lMp ~ ••• u "D~ ""io.l ..

•• "II e t. ..... U .GUoa.III •• , d ..... , ..... 1. ~rd dirac t1a.1l of :r1IC.tQt.

l~ lat.t..,.

".. • ...... b-tt.:rt.·1 .... not 1111 ... ,..

:z • '"lit. 'I ,;....... h'lt' .IIN'TM t ..-n ticaa

"~o~ o,.tNt:lft.

i. W.tarprooft~

;I.. Awid _htun .ail _, •• potIIllibLil.

f t r (.' 1" Ii 0 - .~

111 • 2 Ill·· 5

ANlPQC - 1 (Uftt)


tIl ~ 1


- 'Nj=-CiirC-1

(V"1''*iCL) ,,' , ' " '"

'I':b4 U'l'1L i I • dlr.r1C!. d •• 1pe4 to .llow

• ilw.1..-r- to COIIDVnU.t,1IIi vU.h .. 1U'b .. rr:i.n.. ill .ut'f&C!IIi 'Ol'dtt .en" III.notlwi,T ~I". WhU,. U41:LfII. tI1'IL .. u ...... ~! .. .tdillllill~ un ~~ili1Y. ¥o:l,e:,. Ii:.NI1_b liClqI. hut if ...

III to. tr>lu'II:l t V(iloe. * 'hili Wilt 'bll " .. rUnt 411 :iP\i.ll '.e,..,11e. 'WIth • 'lll.te"oI:Ipbcmll ('"'lll£fil .:l(:'Nfb.CL\.i~') i'.nliillch,d

t'iI 11;. ~ II_eve" t b ~:n tr-MIri t voiC!,. nil., on t'h. l:ul'fl.C,1Ii vlthobt :Ii 1unl: .:Lc'mp~. (,by ' ... nl of .. .1,11''''

f .e. 1IkI"):phonili:) ;

In lin)' .Vilnt! ''_ C:lla. Ii Iva,.. tnn .. :Lt !lDd pte.i.".,

• ".--.4'_ t...... ,..a.. •• 'i.~Z' -~,~ 01'" on tM, .--.tac.

_" .. ,..... ~ __ ,_ .....' " , , " ,u, ,,_ •

Tb,iI: tq toall (!.QI. b. ....1.111 .:ttM:y •• a, 'VIiI!: tor {t:o

411,11 ,ru_l"'" ~ Qlot"~ _1'_1'" to fllNli tlUll ... 11.1'"):.;

(Jr .., .,.in of :pol hive eOl!!lllamlutiClII:I.I (U :I cod.

'hall b •• , ,:rev1w,-1I, ,q:r .. dI 'ilpan).

~ Ill'll f;Q!U."f' -J ~ eotiipon_t:. to t-.. 'U1IL,i

I. u:l......-r-Tn'n .. lII,t,t4T • Mtc: iE'opbon. (:LuQI Or' illU,t'fil.CiI)" '11l1iid .... t, !ldd '!:r ... ihn:::iillrtl , n. U'audullZ.I" output '_,l;,tllm 11 in the forti of ,. d11'«: t,toaal b.aiiili il:ppra:1- milrul'y lQO.d. I'n 'If'1.-ttb.~ 1'o .. n U.I. or It. d1 ~,Uon ... .. l n.pon ... , 'iil:ii. !I:,HiO.ciu.c;.-.:- ' .... lIt Ib4 :point.1II ill! II .,

!1 •• bl1abt~ d1ri1~tly .e' the other .t.t1on~ To b. u.d OiZinll1:ir.i:.t:loM 111 i:,~ '~",1'!.dI,:I,II;::.,l" :til potntd ,RII;: dw OC:,H'n floor ~ n.. .. u:L~ .. 1 II •• .k:i.p nob.. :In t'''' :fAqU.,c.y 'Nat.: of I. J lind 1.2 .. Q l:.C wi.t'h ;6 11:l!lU.d: 4ean. of -tina .C!.cunc:,. ..


1'bI:N ilZ'. 1H'IH;Y"4111 ,.~

:lDYOlv.t, 1ft pNparinl uta. lot" open Ii! :l~,'I' 'TiM, '01 ...

lCIIIII t fft 0I"der'; I,

Op4'n thl 0111. Ie : Tc do th:l:ll~, !!,'~. tlui: l'io'l!l! .. down 'mit lOCI; I: .. d, :111 t,'he i;l;.nt:iIl" of th. PIi""_1. by tl,lml .. (!:lI)UII..t.r-c loe'IcwtI,IIi., '" 518 llH:~ lIiiIock_ wr...,e'h, .h(Mht hi \1:'''' taT' tbt. pur-po.... '_ •• IWII t" flat _ ... :1" lOCI tad, "ill_til t_ lIIQ1C!l ... ~ ~u,t. ad.. tu 1 .. 1 'Ina ollill;p c 1 .. 1" of thll 'pa1'l.1 "t;ud <be c; .. n'ul Co iII'ftIold tbn-d d...... to tU • tud.) Hill !I t EM _. 1t;1_ :t-Qtiltiili the tu~'t:lcm .. ttGb f~ It,. ga'U:Z' po.:L t:Lon to

lW'nd t 'It·: ct .. r·...... til. - tiC..... ;, .. k~ ,'10.- ~

_ "" ..... _ ""."" __ ~ ","CIC ~q .c! __ II;I, ....

TM 1.111. lin. el,gp ",J now 'b. I1ft._d fr.. of itb. .,.t:.t iii" fill!'!" ... th. cabl. c.onMCton 11'1 t 1 iP4I:tmi.t..

11'1 - :2

* s .. iCC ~ F IC:A.nCU'!~S

WI"I.OI'1' (ill Ca\UYX. (:1.0) * 13 POUlrII» t 2, ,01. :Ua: n. (:idYl. c;qJ) t U,S.,' CTllle ~U4'i nP. Di1S:t101t

voml:j: AMtL.11!UDI NCIIOt.A.TID (AM). 11-":


'JOd:t COHl'J'.vrr ;AI'IPL;I'rViCI 'COlII1'AlIf '~0IMC'f 10UlfD 'itA'll.,

niQ'U1NC'I ,R,UG.I:j:

VOidt. T~~ MID "::,"10. 8",3 TO 12: I:C",

'I'0Il !I: tltAMSlGlIl'otiI! I, ,. ,I 1tC,.

JllAUMJM ONUnM, :ppm ~ 2,00 rJ.ft MiIDS (mmD. ~ SOMa OOllD1tlCJ1')'~

SWDIIU TO' ,I'W'DICD (Dl'II:BC'flOML) l '" 000 U~ I'WUtCD TO MI+ID (CIOJUIIlC'l'I'OBM.) JOO , .... ItlVId'I 1'0 RtALL c:urr (,IO!\T MOD U/lQG" 1)

3 ,000 'i\';I ",000 YAm. -

:IWDICII to IUUiI:ltG1ID ~d (.J'I' iIC:I'JYtI WI'N ~ A:lJ.Utll ... "'/~ TIiNm'l'Til:' 1,,0 j.ODO lAlDi

Iowa IlMLY;

1 u.,~ IAn.1DS ( .... 112./V MDC1JI1' CILL)

1 I •. C M:ri'dY PACIt UA ... !fIllU' 14l'D1t PACI) WIlli ft.urt!!fG Wlft ,1:Ift .., lA'I"I"IlIU t 'iIII .:wl'~ MDrl' .00:!tD OPIM.'II, roJ IIX 1lC!UII (!IiI1 :II IUID ClI' A lNrlO (fI' 'unmn:., iP.Q1,I. T1HD U LOIC U 'I'JrUII .. ' MnTlIC) ..

1D'IJtIIre1l: M\PIKU'I 928S:Z

Do not atl.ernpt to wltM:r.-w tlw cable c:orm:.ectou thz'"...' O\iOih the I.altn.g clamp ~ ••

"'ext j roll 'the rubber boo't down appzuximately ,1 1/2 1Mb.,. ~ IIInd 'UM G ;lcrewdtiver to :r'~ 1M: two retatnJ.nq .ClIWWII 011 'the ald •• of the p]..a,n.1c ces. 11Mr. Then .UM thll ,.'HCltrontC. a ••• rn'bi y out of th ... ca •• llMlr., ",. a p:rec Ituik'mii;ry me.lure, be Clertain that the pane..! pQYI.r .wlwh 18 in the OFF pOlI!Iii'lion whUe hl.toUlng '~ttllri ••.

In.tAU b.nittll!l';rte.: "" A~· Batten.,; f(emoy. th.

'!II At! bl,nery C'OnnA! plat. by ul'I,acteWlnq the retain .... in; ;iicr>vw.. lnurt two ott All batq,n ... ne-q.u". (-) end fir,t. _ lntc' the bole. l)tOY1ded,~ belM ~lN'tdn. thet tlWy are firmly aea:.d agaln..t the .,t4IiUQn&llt,y con:tac:tll!li 1'0" coated In lb. opp,oai,te lide 01 the ch •• .aJ.. IMPORTANT NOT&: PolAr:tty rnu.t be ob"erv.d. Thoe , .. ~ tJ:" .end. of tlte batt.ert •• '(center po .. t) &lire ifilerted fint • The betted!'. are of 'the :tnercu.ry type. Uri11kt'i LE CLANCHE. type I the cu.talde battery c:a •• i. pC.ltlV6. The po,i t.lY411 tann:Ln...l .. of the b.ttenel filM mark '"' ad with a plu. (+) attn "n.d. mu.t be pc:iUt1Oned at t'lle OPfn«i ,.nd of 'the' 1fI,A;1II batte'ry matner.

Thtl COl'U1eCt:oi' plate InGY norw be f,a.ltened flml v in 'pU~ to .1I.ure good .l!1;C1tr.1oc81. 'Contact.. Do not overt.lqhtBTIi the. ratain.1n.; SCI"MV.

:B AND C Battery' Pack.: .mow tha two .c::,teW I: loc~d on Ole of' 'Ol. rub'ber auahioned ,cover :plate and remCV8 the cover plate,. Hold the- unU. to .Jac:h a 'IjIIf,II!IIY •• to avoid pl8Ci Itgl "umeetli".Gry .tr.aln' on the 000- lbCt p$.n., of thll pluog ... ln. U,n.!t:.. RamoY'. th. protective tape froln, tt.. II iii and CII!'billiry Pl!lclr.: Clcn.nealcrr .oek.t ad tn.en the battery connector plu'g' fun y into the


battery P60k loclI;.t ~ PoiUtlon the batt.ty pack ln ita Clhu-II:lilli COI'tp~n.t diNCl!'tl y N~:n ... t, tM CI~.,r pl.,.t. aupport brGOt" j withdrawmg; pc ••• battery ce'blti to tM QP:pCHI1'tai .ide of tlw cover plate :I!IUpport br6CIk.-t. RI,pll.Q. tU Clover pl.~ ~ being: oertaln that. the 'batt.ry JH'C!k and p.lut~in unJ,t. 11- wlth!n the cute:r 111;11 of the coyer plate.

8aaJ the 0 ••• ; :Inl6rt ~ .~c1mnJc. • •• embl y ,in 't't.. cu,. It.'naIr end J9pllllCil the' two retaining :se.nw •• "fen, rollblg the rubber boot :bB.Ck. into pli!lO! j m.ak.e

a ~h .XU'llnat:lcm of 't:he mba:r :boot lip and the COfI'eI pand1nq paul gI"CI(fV. for the priUiflln.<:!. af .aiLY Iani:l;n ma.tter,. Both .... dac •• m.u lot be "~n1p!U.l.o~;lly clean. ,.\ tott .... bri..tlMl brulh or c:bemoi. 1:11 recom.,ndecl fOf 'tbi s purpoe... 'ftw •• al.inq clamp mel' tb.eo, be replaced t C!blietvlfl·9 tbe 1S61H ptKAutLon. prevlou e,1}1 outilned.

The bcld-dOl'Nn nu,t ,.hculd be finnl.y tightened with ... oeket wrench .' No .xcelll. 1.v.r6qe .hould be applied 'to lb. wnI!nch j' ,riIJ,nc •• xCJeI!,81vJII ti;htlllll:nin; 01 tM hold'-d,own nut, may m Iowt in .ertOUD mecMlinJo.i!i!l ,injury to the uru t •

Beforilll placing the :r&Ce1Ver-ttaf!ilmUter into, ... .r-' vice f,Of the U:r'111t time" l t i. ImpOrtant to check. the ti9btn .... of 'the twO' <:!,a'ble !lntr~. pa.CI~ln9 oIjIlancl nut ...... ,:Lng " 0.' tillble nc.t wrench,.. as n-peated ilhoek and vt:bretJ.on ciuri,ng lihlinnent cou.ld oottC.ivably ClMU: •• enoll.. loolenin9 + TI'HII p:!IC):i'no; qli!lIIld nul. I'h.culcl b" tlqht.:nlid to, ap,l)l'oxhnately the SaM degree .a. th. hold-dow:n rtut.. Har. ilIiIa..Ln .xt:: •• lIoi ve UljjJbtentn'Q' t. ...... ~c ••• iIIl)I' a.nd i,n extte:me ce:a8:11 mi!l!,y dam" awe the ci! ,~.e..(!Ik:.t wUhin th. packing: 1111&00 a'ierobly due to .'XCIi'It- I'tel sure d"evelopad. by thilll pillic'klng Qland • NOTE:: Th. p4mll i!6tk1nQ' 91~nd fU,U:., ~re not 'neee I. artl V U.;hWiN!ui flu.b tbe ,rn.lrl'~ce of th!! e able 91illlnd bodie, •

Install tlHi 'T'rilln.duout: To do this", allOY!!' tM

C illIL!le to hang fn. for III mom&nt to nnnove any tvli ISt:a CIT kink.. To e:n:JUZ1II .!; lIati.lfac:tory wat.r ,ee!l the .n9&~1n.g lutfacel' o.f tn;ell cabll1l11 (:ICM8a:lcr.ll mu,st be .::::lean end fJ'MI of foi'X'Gi.rjD matti!lr ~ 1M rri!l!!\:lu~uC!&.r cable connector illli tn •• n:!Id Into the two eon.teet tre.tuld'l,licer entry (:,abl. c:onMCtor .. xtendtn~ 'from the ,receivllK''' -::ran.lmitter uni't and. the twOo eonnec:tors PUll ned t1Qhtb' t09.ther.. The pefiph-erv of eAeh c!IIl:Ile cen:n.etor contalilil a ,ulilul :tubb~n" mot:1.iber~oe t¢ ,i!liS S1!!it tn ,;!ill;n1ru;: the pin. and r.eo.ptacl.. of 1M m,nt1n~ eormeetofs; + The ceble connectors .are by simply 9r'i:II:I:pinq t'h.1II ,connector bodie" and pu.1Ung ape-'ft",

in.tall 1M HeNSel: The he&dlioat edblo ~ilu,em-' !lilY ttU1'tdnatli .. in .a t'hlre. contact oCOMlltCtor wbich mlltea to the co.,.. ,pondtnQ three' (!Q1Uact audio e"t.ry cable (' .xtei'idl1l9 ftom, the 1"$C61 "I.ft'-t:r~rUJ mutill" Uir.dt ~ OonIHlCtion 111 millJle Ob.ietvinq the a ii"me' ,PNcauuon oulllnll!ld under T',dut:l.r· In:n "ll.i:lltion .

In,&tall th. Surface Microphone: The Sul'felce microphone shOuld .be checked for t1qhtn •• I, of W I!IIwr

:EiI Ii!! al al,Hmbl1 ... :pr1,W" to InJUal us.. Tbll!l' e!lh];e: p.ackin; gland nut ntU.I,t, 'be ughtened to :~rod'Uce adequate prII! on. the;h'iq eland qtQm:met. '. The mQ\l,th .. pifl!..::e hWllno aer!ll s nO'U,ld be, maJd,rnlum hand -u.;ht

III - 3

tQ • I!: 1000,nl.. IU-Action, Th. a1c:l"OP~ .hoaU '" t.n~U.4 (lI"nl!'u.lly to .. ftIU tnju.1'J' it'D eM, 'r;.lib'" U'G •• n IIlI tb.- WUt.tM. ..,.f'~~ 'I'M:.te. 'N, .... ca'bl .. ~to'l" _t... ritls. twit Coa.t"Cll: Clonn'lt:tlJnl

.. t .... t;q f,.. the b.ud,lIIit Iilbl,. 111111 .. 1, I 'lQId n.. ~ec:ti~ 1. _ta :111 tM .a .. Mftl'lllllt .... t'hat :nc." ~dlll!d fer t:ha t"''',ft"dI,lCU' bUll 1;: .. 1 1 .. Uan.

b."",ll the L'ImI lUl;:~: 'ftuII lm111 .ICl'L"O"" ,boil. Ib.~lcl :b,. tn.tll U 14 !by l .. IHt I.. t_ .~ ..

til t..... :ho 1. in It" f,u.apl .. t.. In •• " tt.t ... _l;:1li1 bou.t. -of tu tWJ .1,e'f'~pbOM th~'h 11:''Mol.. 1:1'1 tbI:;p"(i It .nil t~ht .... Dlit .autt,.. Toto .;Iii" Mt: 1;(11 ,.ppl',. :tOIlll pn.lun an t... I~t

or the 11..&11.. .Ul b. Lock th. !Nt trttb

tlll.t ... t le~. n. 1 Icrap'hon. _, 'ba ... td wit.

1'R1 full t!l~"'k t,," "r ICU:IA of .Utw'r t'ft. ~ or cl ••• d circ~it t~~ ~ t~ fact ,1 .. 1t, I~ tlwI 101M aDd tt .1 tb lill., of tg lUI.

lit e l'opkaQ ...

bcm ~uip-.nt: !he 'IiCI\1I1~1ft~ h.. 'bMa iI •• I .... _. fOl' lftiltaU.t:loft* •• outtln.d III, ItoN tonat ... ,.1' ..... JIb,.. but it: lneorpor_t.1I .utl Ic len.~ t l_l ... 'bl'i'tt" teo .,. rmt clevl .. t!OII!I ..... d •• lnd t!lil AI't t ..... (:OIIfort of 'Ell. tMtv;t ~ t 0P'I',."(;I" ':

1'0: ~'fl: Dcm tM .... lIo "'.1 t t .ad 'by ...

IDf tM :mo.unttaa 01 tp.;II tl\ti reu!nl"-lina_l;. It • e ua1t CIa tho. iNh. lot 1inJt' zotpt ld;p. Mount u.. tran.dUClir on ~ b-f 1:, .u. II!' the .,.1 t t NUtMi to pc:tD~ I ... t .. ,'lr..ctJ._ nq~t't' •• to p...... t'~ .q.1Nat b... pati:.rn (... o,eN t:lfm) • ..,.. t. 1lI,'rfli-=- .ta.t'~. f:roa ,.out' u.e'k \r i'tll .'tn,. ,w.. Ju.t t~ ~4 •• t to fit ca.f~rtably. on ~~' ~I rit'h 'th. cl.b'l. .Et .... d 1 .. 4_ :to ,our rtJbt ..

'01" .. urol .. c. ,"' ... ,"'. : The ,"'lIIt,....t -1 "'. ope~.. i:w h'om , ... 11 e.r&h ul1aa tM I'''. ta.U,l.lll'tl_

11l1li .,.Clln •• hr _ri.llllOCl.' M1iIIieT .. _!It .. ,acepUoa

of 'tlll. ,raMdtllCiI'. rOl" Q!ioi. n t:loa fTN! 11 cult

tile tl"lID IIIdUc.~ 1..!ld fro. 1;.,. tu !'

~ Int c:l tp 111114. .' the .... 14 in tile ",tel' at" ."1" ,...Id by U., (lilbl. .ClGoN:lfW to "- "':lNd kpltUron. len" iIIi,.:r.ticn '1'1a 101111.~ *ip. Who ••

I r'Mbo.IIII rod. "Ill DOt PlizoKt .. u.beartUa of tlli! tl',gl'" fIa:~r I tIM t"QI .... CI .. " at .... lon c.lbol. C:X,.,3'l,nqO .. l M, iii. ·cuad. 'ib.e MoI;hantcal Io;.ktna """a.,1 0l'Il tM tr.B~~.r .. ~.1oa cabl •• b~ld be I~urwd, to ~ '",~.d\i-=:." u):l. ~o ,""*It 'PO •• tllit. 'lall' 01 tilt, ,,"te ••

"01' 'Ii.. .:l1:b. "'ll 'ae .... ); * 1M ""i,.at ., 'q u , ••• .ttb • (ltvlae _.~ U'I4 t. I... •

I .......... t" iI. _"ctft.. .f'~ .u.'ff,ae: •• , ~t •• Itb. tbe eqept 1011 01 t'h. tii.C'E'Opkcftt. 'Bli:'iI tM lUl!l ,iii", c~~ h'lI,I"tttut"for tM n:ffac. 1iItcl"~ anI il 1fta~11.d tn 'thll f.Q .... k.


1I1.lIIiu .. l o..::'k t C'Mc:k rub .... r- hd61~ .ad ubI.. to _hrll 1:b.I t tb4!H .IIIIA :no CIlolU 01" b:r-t&'k. thll t. .1.'IIIt: ~:u.Ji." 1.aMlt, ~ ~... ..uJ~nt :h _b_.d ..

Op.f- .. tlonal Ch.eil!,'k,; !ILl op.zo.&t:I,OfII of tlla ... u1" .. ~ .. hOllU; bti C.l'.IIIt:'ked h lin .:t"" d 1_ • .,,1_1: 1'1101.. 1 .... 1 "fwa tlMll lIW:l~r llni:lln tM .. t.r.

III • 4

fbi. fQ 110'Wiaa ,,~II4ur.., lL. ~"'1;_1D,4e.1

(1) 'oIIClI:l'V. - 'tUm t'M "'\iI1~t 01. .,e n ta='b 1:..... CI'n!ldu.cler :r .. e. t -ad. 1 I. 'tea. i'Ot' .. n.ti.. aotu 1ft t'h. hudMi:.

(2:) 1'NtII1al t (Va'icl!!) -, tum the 'IIu1,._t .. I bold, t.... fllolllCit!on 8V1cob. 1':(N1')I' t" IHl'I' lUI.Sc;1osh .lIId talk 1 lit: 0 tlIi. .(eNpbOM. !'hili trai'll~ .. r .'hou.li1 _1t .. I to ttlC: u,IIlat.llillbl. ..C(~ .. l ..

(3) IbiI.:lftl; 'rem. - tun It"" .. \d,pM'Rt Olt , -nd '1101. 'th f~Uoa IWt'ta. f 'nl,. if! In' po.,lt 10lIl.", 'ftw tna,4wJ.. ilhoiil,d .. I't • .t .. d, 9. Z ](C: toa ••

(4' A '""b.,,, check 1IIi!IIIIJ' b. _de 'by t •• ttna t" ~"t, ~ tlGft 'ri.tlll .. V£'Opet"l,. t!olCU! tloeltlt: trnt.. 'lUI tb. two UTa I " ri'Ch to It' tNnlclu.c.r". ..bout: ''h~ t;ru:iM •• PIIY'ii In the .1r .nd (:~IIU,C.'t. tl'Oiil an. to th. O'tbI~.


Aftw t'IIit. :hii... b..... l'n .. t.IIll.d aM t.U (I~'" P"OlI"l:'l,.' OODn"~" t tM li!lq1.:lil,.ent t. p'h1c.d Iil. 1lipv..t:l,Oft 'b, .... t of t'b. ON.orJ _t.el!;. .lft;ctOft of I:ke tn. of opU1. U-on I. '.fI, by- tb. f\1GC UOft nltell. ftI.,t tbtH (1Im1t'it 1cQ. ,eont.:rol\.d bJ" EI\.. n1te'h "'AI "UiII:l11l ~ t ~c:.:tv. t .... d tr. .. NliIIi't; tIw ClOT'N:IIIIpca4IItn,a 8ir,U:(!ih, .,0.. u: Ion. 4.N iIiIi't'Qd II ~ J 4ft. XMl't I :N1IpIIC U'W'4lt,. !b.IiIII fUHt£o.a .. 1 i:c;!b I.

"E':tIIt 101'" 'to H tu.~ to :It. e w:r 1_; t1N.I

W equl'_m ~ t':l0ftl 6Q'r-lly • :fR.t..,... '1'0.

cp..-r-t.. tII4 ...... :(,.. ... 1:: ail .. ' t'N ..... lI1ttlll" ~.H 0IIII, toll ... !

To tft.i'ltld t hH:lfII ton.Ii ;t hi.. thIi '-.aDC Ii:: ;loa .1t,dI: ,"un1, ;ta, liM C01:iIM..I' ... et~Ii::IirlH (B'r) '"''1011.. Wlch tbII f"Me::loft lwi ub in th 'R poI,ltha~ • ..u.:l~t ttlaM*,t .... tu6J hi,- .. ,,1'1I;!wd. teDt for u.. I'n .tp Illftt or •• !Ii uv" .. ttoul It .. IDOn '. .. t.... t .. fUl1Cl tiOI! .. U:ch t_d111'1:.1, f,ollnt'lll c_'1Ilt1D!1'11 of tny., ... Ion ..

oro NC.lfti TMI .. t win N.¢4Jq tnll ...... £o:nl ~~.T t~ f~t:lOQ ...ttek 11 ID t~ I pOilttl*".

To tN" .. :lt 'N,le. t 1!o1' tunc,t1Cl\n ntt9 ..-cu. .. l,. til tb. cloc1cwt .. tIM11') po.tt1oa; un, l'nt,1) 'lb. ,uerophona. .. .,..kt.... lato _, '.lc'I"CphI:tH

(r.uq Ql" lut'fac:*.. .11"" lip to t·CM,iCb. tha -cnp~ a".ttuH Iljktt,. Do a;Ot; :P\J.b. tM .tl;;topbon. t~'tly ... W t IKNltltt •• tid. rill ,t.tort 1'P"*b f.n~l1i,,1. )u it,. hl1t11Pia:1 c~l.t!OI\ ~,f c.:r.n .. t •• :toa I, .. - 1..... t... f'IN: t;t,_ n!tek 1_4111 till,.

1f :pro 1 0lIl&.. 1:r4n_ .. :ln or Wi". Of' .... hII ~ u Nll.d~ J ... ...tub lOCI,); .ec:t.Ift:iu I I, 'Ptav:lde4 ~ ..... lelL, .... -.."'" ~ v11 t :r.Ui 1. dI.e ".me;ct'Oll II'd:h ... 1.6 dtM1- :DaT 0.:' 'IT po"" :lOll. '0 ...... 1I:be n:t~h l.oc::'k, it ::I. a.c ..... -r, It:(.I tuHl 'to fu:rH; tkm .ritelL :full, h tU, ••• {:red ~.,:lt:loa u.4 tbla nU. tbII ..-tUb 104.: ub t vh.tcb 81:.... w.-r en .... at thI .... 11... c: 1..,. uatU the Mtllk l~~ 111tO po.ttha. .. ,.. , .. _ UOIR "ttCl" I. ~ 'bold::lq tb. n:ltll;:h 'u1lI.l. f:t1'lillr 1111 t... po.1t'- 1n 1IitII:Ub It M,. .... loe'''. FI~ .. 1q t~. nit,U, 3:.OCIk to ~ ~ri U. ,. .... 1., _fur .tdeb tkt fUM-t1on ni,td\ M,

b. "1 .... 1iI.. ""t •• 1q; t.M fua.c::ti,_ ntu:" b,. a.P"III.lq t. Iri tc~ 10Clk t.t:b w1'tbout 'hold!.,. 'Me:), _ t'he ,f1tHt~,QII, nt.~ch. ' ......... 1. viii ltli".. U8IMiI:I ...... '1'7' ...r 011 t'h.. I"UbHI' witeh 1.. C(lQl" * ft:tell la t.,

_ .. _ J- ...... ,1....... ""ill ill' ffku ~a of tL- ._ 1

-T -".-l"1li _ ... _, _ _ __ ,. .... _,.,1 _~ ". ...... I .. ~

~ lin in QD t-u battllrot.. 'IJhea 1ft tM JMl'r 0'1"

111' po.:tt1oM f.\"' Me.... tba lit"&:l.1'I ~ :(.n the :I JIO'l '

U ... ,. hr ... hIu. 'bli.lli:tll'E")' 1 U. t -votd. proloClCld tnn ..

'.haicm -..::.-pt ""'ft fttIC ...... r-y.

la oFUr to oOU.Z'YII 'batt.t."i.II., lr.-.ap ~ .. 1 tc::l'II off .... u.l~t :Wi rllllillIi: 1.., ..... +

MAtM1'IMA'MCI .,r tu 'UN t tb.ll 1Iil1ltP*efilt .. "'ilNlld. ~ II:; t. .. n.d I' dri.d i Iliad ""tl,jm." to ,tM t.flftll:tt. CII ... rOE:' _tllad.dI ,.,nod OIf .tO~"I. t (6M .,..k 01' 101'llillr) t'" ba1:1:.,r". '~ldi 1:141 ~Mi h~loa th. n· e.:t""r- t"N .... t~.-r; .. ~ .. t~r.6 ,I.,!l."


U~t." e~ :L~tln $.11 • !f,1iC! e.di by the: !,oll-wtfll, tl;!t.torl 1Ih1 c.b. .... " c. .. u.... .. rMua.t:~ tn .~ ... i... I'll,.... 01" in qual i ty or .peecb. NpHduc: 1!1~ i

:a.v.1:'"Nra I: t. C!n t In und!l'nNI t4:r cOII'IaUn iCI!'t ion t "f't:\iI.~:rl.t_ ~13 h' d':i. II II .. bollow .. ound ,IUGb •• pnllhcH .". tal1l::l.q into .D, -vt, Nrnl or an .,. ~1 a~IiOl:rt ... ~ 0..1' loaI, roa.e." ~ O"r' M"rti lII,i, ..

t:tftC t _kG.. ca. .lOfIIiIIt'iau bll ..... ", "".~NUOG

w1 U !H .. t oft.R btl tounil 1n iIb& 11,ov .. t.:, ..... t' ,tIM 'I;lClli.t: t 01'" l'R tbe rie:lnlt.,. o~ libll'fl' ~N cu.n' Wiri .... U,iItI... • .fft:C,i;, can •• ;:rIi.Q.d to nl t ip'lL. 'patlui 'of tun.l ... ioa. of II ,ltaMl :tn _tilt', .~"h ,II, It:bt d.h·~t. p.,tb .t.lMl p'1u, 1,1.111'''11· ""dcll ... N ro.n.c:::ctdi f"f'Oiili t.'h. "lId .. c:. "w t... 1i6i1!!_~

Ito .... * • itIC. ~ 1MI~:tpwnt ~.t'Y.. OIIImUI NC-

i;.1aaa.ll,.. 1;0 ... 1;lAi1:"l!i:iI"t." _tat. it rill ph:k, u" .any local I,. pHdu,t-M, DO::L.... If tb. In.1. or .ay loed Mi.. 11 IrKtel' tMIIi, tbat of I..,. i~mI!l,", iii li'fti.l, vo:tCII (!:OMUft:tu t.:ton wi n ut; bill :t-.l "lIbl. ,. Mo .. t. 0' tM Mi.. ta, tbe ... t.1'" wi 1, 1. 'b. e.rut.. by KNWi .. till .. kiI.. of .wi... ..h:L,. :La tb. i.alMllltat. .,.:te.:tn:tt.."

'" , •• ca:md .. ry .oure. -o:f nol,. tN. n ... t'"by IIh 1pll eilIrI. " trll.ctd to ~:[ l1a r1.. .rut oVlubot:NI d hCMt'JiIi ••

'tMT!lii:l Cond.:I;,t iall" ~ The obt .. :l:nlib 1 • -ran.. of

thil ilq,U':Lp.nt tlnl b. oOflidd .. rabl, .. ffeCLt.1It ")1' val':l .. .. Uon. in .. t.r t.1I'II!p.:r" tul'e • !'. ....... of "til" .00. to ..... tk1'"at.l1"h ..... r-. t:;~ .... Itg,H' aNd lli1int. wll1 c.lU;I. 'btcd laa of t'h. .10M Z' bum r •• ul; t~ 'lo.. 1" ~"na"" c:.on.t.Il't ..,. t." t4'III:p.~a tun: wi t'h V":I;"1 iq, d"foI I;:h '111'111 nor.& 11)1' pr-06uc:. be.!t ",u1 t, l:n .CH:LiL r c;O'maIn 1e;. Ii; Ir;:;n.

'roFClI,'l'II.P"hy t Ito: 'Th. pr •• !Inc.. ot CO'I'"& l 'nilfl M' T(.I(;'1u 1 ;II. wll ... the ,"l!Mr,.l e-onti t :l(:lll=!. Ql th. ,OC_ii. kt,~ ~l" cau... "pp~c lli.b l. ~u.c t 1011 In Ith. qWII H 1:1 of Yo ;h:.. .,,:t"-niliild •• :lon &.I" "t!'JI riflil-c t,lia. -="h- 04101 ~ loI-rt. _..... lloIic::b '... I'll.:!!!", ,11 lylq 11'1. tu :p.- tb of <:~-.uni(: .. ci.on ~ tI'IIIY 10m, lin o'bl't&-c l. .ufft ... e i.nt to, •• Z'iwil.l"1 litapllli!" tha d:l! .eUvU!l... ot t'ha !IIl\lipMnt ~

:I u tt.~1:nll Wbllft Ii IiOUfl.d. V.V. ""eM" .. r.-

I:l.CIt .. 'buJ:I.d1i.1'It tn f 1:)!I:'.:lF IIIIiII t t..r t "1Xb. '" _,

'.d, or- "1i:1m&1 1 11. , i,t, Illic(H,m,i; .:t.. 'tiIIn)' 11 1'1iIII-

:f le-e U"I .u'r:l!'. e,.. . M.l.l tipl. r- .. :!! IlIeU,olul and or ... :f"Ni(: U~ "I' • .lUl e , .,b.",l"pUoa 100,1... *-l"4I""", li.nd. .t f:l.{: lnt t1'&nl!'lnl .... 1an to ,o:i.'tIit.1I b.yOild t1\u 'f"II8:i·OtL i. _0 ,g:t:r_ly dU Uc:ul. e •

Corne: U V"iI X. ... :Lil'II .. 1 ''I'hIi: !iIi:U.1C. t. -of th,. 1 i'llit,· &tlDft* ou~llaed .. bov. e&n &.ne~ .. lly b. miftlml."d ~, ••• nUnt 'by c,"r"ful II. tt~U o-n '1:;1'0:1 thli pf\O"p!ilir- iII!MIIdli" od of Ul.,.'hcn. pl"ciC: ..... ur.. Th. ..i.i1":!!!"C:" 11'11.<: rophcne dUM,Ilod, be hilld wl th th. I t-Pli JUI t t(ll~'h:las t:tt. trlXlt of t"h& 'IIIl:c ~Ioo". _:p.rt'llr'., 1'h. QP.:r. it.or .. hm.l.l d

'k •• p tlM: 1'II.o:1,a~ i.e. lub. t:.'n!t.1,III:l1 y in II, vllrt.1<:al poll1t.1 i:Ia .~'d. t-lk ill!! .. 10lilid. -c 1. III T '11'01 C!. '11'1 t'hQ1,l t

.. 'hD'LIlii 1"3. h .... T.n •• 1 at it,b. t yp. of :!IIi..;: ra:p'haM

i.l;1I1i!1d lit. b l~o_'rtli.n t 'ta • pp,'k .. 1 0'IJ'1 Y j paU,1 i~ .0-' ~t, .. rri I r .. .f u-r- ... c~ ¥O"I'd ~ The a:p.r .. tDr l!!lho-uld. _"pM. :t.. ...11 t ~:Ln& 1 "l:Clnii!cntnt.. .uen .... "t" .. lI:Id IIG" .. nd ...-phil hi. w1 tb II d:i "UC'LC t. hl.;II fill ,I:i. b 11&'nt., lu(!h "I i~.I11 1 ItJII" .'nd IiZI!. 'Wb.fL t.'ha I1IC\I& t 1(1n PilI"'" 111.1 t. ... 1 il:.Q DlNII,ni. til~ .~l a !I!II'k. .'I,I'.~ .t r l)'l'"t, t,o, POI t .. t i-I)ft Itll. tNMduc:: .. r "Ii &~iC.\l.r'. .. iI: pD.!J1 hI" ta ,Q;btli tn gpt.:lMi. 4:l,\"iiliC:: t 100Dill .f 1I!.e; t 1"V.mI •••

TbI ut.(!i' .... 1'-,..1. .,.t IiMI tql'-ll 1 .. a, ~l_.11 •• 1f-i:!iltltII1n.d "hand. 'blld,; I'CIMI'.. n...t. ha.. two .od.. of ~p.:t:'11 ticm I IIACftYr 1It.tltlWl~.. It. ii;M:r ~. c-n b. ..lH t.d .. t q,,' tt_ by tb. C!t'IIIi1"l.toi"; 1ty 1"01!1;i;1;-'1; 'I;:" .alh •• 1.'::1:~t" I"i tcb-.. In t.b. uACTIV'liIi -.011., tbll •• t tr'lJInaadt... oil ;lound pul ... ~h NU-kt,. fT~ 1'n t.11. "..WrIInll Hl:un.. to tMi a01li ~ .. 'l'M ,iC!oitrt" cI.t"li:til 1:*, nltUn:illl .eholli. .tiM :tnd.1.G .. t... to, th. op.:ra to\" ,th. .... ' •• 11""1 t .. ~ (to .a.t p:ten.t) tiM type. of obJ.ct. nf111ctlfta t,h. • ClUDd.

J:.ViGI; i.. ind1catK by .. co.bilUlt :Lon of thll li'1 tel'll of 't::b. 1;:",... .lind th. P"II :It't<tn of tu Ian,.

111 .. ,

M,teh. T1wi i1w1't!C.b ruu fO\lr pD;Ilt. :ton .. I UOJ1P1! II' '~l:Oi~, "150", ilnd ~'12,crl!. l'h. ~tor'I'~! 'PCI".1t.1on tU1:'n,

tb.4I .. u. "tpmllM: eQmp L. tilll Y ot f , th. :t\U1:iib.~.. 1nd 1c:oI t. t"hili .. z1.... r,.ngllii (in Y-IIi:nlt) at whl0h t~. .On&! r 'W111. ,. t..c: t. .a t.I f1AIIIt. .. t: thill. t Ii 11:11: Una . _ II1nl!1U1T1 :NI11.I1111 -Ii t. 'lilhl ch .Q"" 'C' wi II d..tee: It. .. t:.JI ra. tilt that •• t .. t 1.1 't:'M nn;t, 1 owli:r' ~ db 1.. , .. t t,:tq. ,of t.h.tI kn,a4l' ""t t'~b, 7'0'1'" .K.Q'Iplll! w1 t.'h thil nna.- ni;t.c:b on th.

!I 6-t) It Y-III:r"d. po.IIition ~ t.h. 0p.n tol),:r wlll h ... f' .c'-no... f:r~ ,0) J.e: U b.twiilliilin 6(1 y. rd. and. .20 y. r4. f r-o. ti'_. Nt • '1M :pitlC:b of t'b.. KM 1iid-i,c::& E;illiif wMr. th. o"bJ"c:: Ii; h b,,'tN.iI!!I iI:.M;.. ~ " .. n.... (A. hlab, p ltc.h lebo tnd.l.QoI u. th&'c 'Ch. obJ .~t. b n ... r t... ~t .. r- 1 t_u

[)If 't"h.4., .. , ... llte.tu 'whUe .. la-.T p:itc:~, •• that t'M O'bj!ilct t. ne"nlT t,M 1~~ U,d,tll of the. ~ana. ••• lectld.}

, iiItA:RI NG t. 1.ndte I t,.!! 'by th. d,1 '"~t! on in wtltc:h 't"h. "on.Y' i. potnt.iII at t'l\e, tl ... 10M echo t'ee-..YiI ... A _ snil/l!t to(! 'co,..,.,. t I 'Provtded to, ,a ,., hot. t'h. 13""It 1:Iot" tn thi., ph. Iii of , itl O.'n.

IDJDrn'ICATION of 'th.l! ob J IIi!: t ~.tum :l.n. the .ch,o un b. dat:e!l:"Tl!tned Ito .01fIIi _t"r!.t 'by :l.1'It:.!"p'(".tatl,~ or t.h. .c:bo. 'Po:r n,.lI'Ipl .. " •• & ..... 111 p't:'c~;c." .. iPuiI&Y .. c.ho. "IiIhU .... l8Qo't"ed mill:. 'Pl;"(lduc..iI iii ~'tMt" ct. ...... 'I:III.';M",

.fll C:;[ ont 'i,;l1I" c,t the .1It. i til tbl .... C1IVI: ma-d!e 01 opera ,t ton ~u I H.. ~~n.:1.d l:i"ab1. til:"" :hU!tIS • h'lt:" Ie .. CU'l'"aq d ~nd. ,1!I:r •• t.1 y upon ,th.. .,,&11.*1 t :tan 01 tM ~ho.1 'by the aPer'. to 1". .

In th. LI!TJN .od .. of t~ ~.r.tfan, tb. ~n4 t'i'ilfI.llliltt.:t .~'tton of t.hl: 100'IIII1"'" tum.d! i)tf + !'kli ni~,d'Ver- .e(!.t;iQn of the 10CI1i!'" e an Urn.... t<> .op.a1"1i t. and ~.c.1v., .WM tilV., at fl"lt.q! cf b.Men )'0 and 40 thw •• lId eye 1.,. eKe) 'PII!" IlKoiid ~ Th:i: •

• "UM. wtd.el:\. :till <of t:CQ M3n f·r'4<1,~.l'ICY to b. 'h .. ~di

by th.. un. i,~.1td ~n "I", 1;1 nann.,11'Y .,1 t t,.do fl"'-

.. bMeor\ 1)1" _l"Q" !lih.1ch :n.,. b .... n ph.c.a. in tbt .. ~ n .. ",by. 'fbll't"'e:i:. rI:O 'lUi).' ·to d.t'iI~:1:n. tM 't"&n." to

• b"c'i>n~ Only tu b .. ar1:na e"n 'btl dilt.rmi'n.d.. V',E'- 10\1_ 1:" ... ef 'lllllrull b •• '::Of\I aN u ... d b1 'UDf. 7'" model 606 lII&Thr- Ib"lii.e~n flilnufac:ti!J,Y-.III, by '

1:111C: t r'an"1e :til b.. I.~ ])1. {. !l)nlllli of the lIOn, 'POP. uh:r. Thil 'boHcOfli tr.~'I.1t •• ouMl ilt. 31 xc .M

hu beEl; -picl::,1Id up with the A'H/i'Q.fiI-l' at ;',.1\1 •• I:Ip t.i;]' 2 [)OO ),;IN •.

lNmu IATI',IR1!.&

(1 ) 'laC-II tbl wit: 'Nfl'k tlOl:" dO1ft'! an • n I-t .~t·'h-c. ..,,,it 1 cO.1m th41 Wi ril lIieU,Y.:l.q t!.Ut Imt:i: 1 _'" 1'lpMt''' t. Ire. of tu (;f!ln:t&.t 1"4iflllc£a:t •• I_bly, {2) 'i'JIlttlltl.y 1 U't; t:'h. Mild .ph.or. c," at t.'hII t'.f l.c'ite-y- .,1 lOIbl',.

(3) ~~ t.h4: bI t UI'E"f roliU 1nel; ,C..ovII:r.' oInd t.n,~ un, th. b&t't.f'i"l. !A .. 30, lin &40:!tQ<l'dancli .tt.l'!. tM d'!., r-"'m •

(4) In.IM"t th. !A-sa't.'1 .... in the I"*C'*PtI,c 1 ~ on t'. b&~e.:r.y 'box.

(,:5) ,!iI"CUIN' t'h4 J;.l:tt.-ry tao.: <C9.Yilr 'in pIa c •• ("I) Co.,1I: ttl. qu •. " dna w.tth .n "ppr"~r:t.tll UUcone 1i:NII ..... eormpouM I pillr MIL~I""8UO~

('J) P 1 .. -c. 'the ..... i,l:purll MoC k into. pe.' t 10lIl on tbl r'.Uecto:t' ' b.t:na .u!"1t tbt: ,.-..;£!:l" pi .. (1) tI, .. 11£1141(1 ft. _1I!,iq Mlol-.

(8) h fa!"e ,t t8h,e:.ntn; tu ".eu~inl .ins Mt. b. I ... n t:bJI t .. 11 qu Id tirtg:ll I "I pt'll'p.rl,y .... tedi.~ lubd<: .. t.lllilrl ,.nd, tM t t:h4I .. .a,l!""l 11J riac: .. , AN nut ob.~ru~t.d i~ any ~y.

(9-)- Tilhtan .,:In, nut, I'M l:1.q tbl HH.C! t'M"" .'nd 'hpl!l., toallth.!".

(lQ) ~ tn~tRl1 t.b8 campa •• 111umtn.t!on bAttHY l' Y"tmoYe it hit f W T .e~ whlc:h ... cur. t:"h. M t'l::h •• III-.bly eo t~ c~ •• ~lln8.

( 11 ) In. till t'h. cCnIf:!. ill U 1 uililn. tt m N tt,.ry with tn. .. (.\ftrt,,'t" ,.l.c:trod,. tac.h.:! O'I,1t" In t:'h. cavity 'ot til. b... C,I;'!IaJMa." ., • ..-'bl y 1

(12) _. tnltit 1. t t'ha ,cemp., I :i 11 ,.Inat t on nitl:!,b illl ... 'bly mlllldni c .. rUi., t:h.,t t'hl n,ltcl1 l:!Ql'nt.,c:t,1 il1;'tI n(lit di .. tQ-rt-.d and ..,111 aak. PIC"O'pIl-r e<OftU,ci;.

111 - ,

CIII!I .... ~\

, _"!':-r--".'.: I

.... __ oIi" '. "I

-' ... Ii'll.... 'I'~',' , I

,COM:IOC'r ..... orDAfJQNL 'tIlT;

(1 ) ~t .tt'h.r pII 11' of t... .. dllet.. to lib b .. 4- .let t"M.,u!I!:l. at tb. a... D:f! t..... 1Iq'lOllpaat ..

(2) Po:I:I.UciQ 11k Opt~.rto'I"'" ..... ,.. !toBt;r'Q:l to tha 2:0 'yd i po.t t ton ..

(l) 'hC:I tbe AmYI-UI,'!'IM "',uk ':I.~ 1iiul ..... un :po.I:I. t ian.

(II) H.ol Ltq e.... 6q u,lpMnt b,. 'tQ ... 1u "' J "{NC t l:he "fhle: 1;.Ci-l" t<N.I:f'IIlj: a fl .. t (p;:,.e enibl,. _~al1 ::I.e) Ye£'t:l.c.!ll .uI'"fllice a,p.p~_t.11 l' l!Ht ~!:I..t&nt.

(5) If t .... ""'t'pMilLt i. opeZ"IIt:i.1'I& OOnN.U,· • ..,. arne! t.1 accu:ratel1 'pDU!!'t-K &'t tb. nfl.C.tlq wd.c., .. ~ .c:b.a tOM .Ul b4i, MAr. :La. tb. 'MaUlt ~ 11 no. .Qb4 e~.. 11 b.M'td, ".tum tl\t ,.t tOo t"hll: It 1"h6p tor r.,.:l.y..

e PI .... ,.... I'NStIUC'fIONS

ACT1V' )t)ld

(1) OUl!c:k a i 1. ... 1 .. , .. ", the .'~E':ltll .1.., mat flOr' t f.1l'lt.,.. I •

(:l) In.,ull b:4i&Ult. t~ c::a~nII c:.tliWl ..

(3) _c:: ACrlVl-l..l1TIN .. 11:.;'h 1n AC'nV1 POltt,! .. (full., e.oua.tlllli:t!'--c::,lo<:wt •• , ..

_ ....... 111

(4)., hlmu!!:t.le 1q'IJI!'pC-Ilint, 'Hlw ,ilUi'",'a'c. •• (') ht J,MfG"W-YDe ",teb. lit '20 y,.:rd ...

(6) Adj,u. t IN'CW1I41N' c'Dntrool f'n~ .d,:l 'blll blicl!::l,~'n •

0) S.t lAiCl-1D' poll t 1: ioa lit 110 yoilrr-d. pOI: ~ tta.n. (8,) D:t!l::'.c:t eh. "MIlK! t.~,fI4. " 1~1!1;..1bll. iP1ro!!ll,lCIma 'CI!bJ.ct (b •• t t" ... ultl' it.r. obtiltn.d .IUL .u.nle ,u.t'facil rlll'let! .,ion.). Adj,ul:t; C».IN c.ont~l if ot:' c_f,Qrtoilllt.l. l:l.-

t.~1;n. 1.v.I., -

(9) hi,m'dl tMi U Z"1.t M,t t~ tu ,I!IICI' ••••

:la. 'P:I. t.c'h oil! tbl I •• r"~ '1:,00.. -

(10) 'Wtin tM t:MII •• »r~C!.tt.1 :tt. lORn fitch (.pp.t"Ii)]ti_t.b 2'!5IO c.p.l. !I'W1't:c::li t_ :RA:NC;I .. U.cb to t.. 60 ,.n pOI 1 tt01'l Iliad Mt. t"Mt (ta. pitch of thl •• II.l'(;11 ~iWII 1,ft(:!E"UI ,.. ( :2: 500 i:! pI-) •

(11) lo,ll,i)'V 'tiM pt"O~n :tii. (9) abcVli .nd! .,-ttcb 1:,0 EM, 2.0 ,.,.~d pod U Oft ..... '" tMliIlil N.lCl.M. low,u: "itoh.. .. ht'tMr.' "-1.'!9I11'11: wt 11 tlt'kii !t;ba d1 HE:' d1'1'\te t ly to t_ eI,ran.


(I) 1111111"'. tl:lj;t tlt. I: 11" opilt·U lDI ._.~ ".'~on tr,q.' neT" :I. Ii ':I", ~'h. o"_rat loaa 1, .. nli.

U;) :p. h.~. ~I-·DS .tech in ttL. 1'20 1tiri 1''''''1,. pOI,:I:t 1~.

(,:n 'PI ac:e Oio':IIf e;oot1"O 1. in mII-xi'liN1l C 1 oc~wt,.. fhtp", .Iii t VQilUM). pa. I t'lon ~

(4) Plio'C., mod. .4i,llll;i t,o\"" nit(!.h :hl. LIS!D pOlitt;1-M. (S) tlllw 'IJ.'P • "tillllld)" POll it :ton :1M h,o,'tdi::t:lq tlllllil .1It. 1.,vel, cnd\l~t I .1_ 360 d •• r. ..... rell af eM: ill". ~!E'_ YQI.Il:' po.ii.t':ton ~ ,e,OOI,U,'Rt1.y ~ut1ftll t .... ,~ •• l.e .... tot" Ivl!licl\ b. tn.~ t1iil .. 'Xi... 'l;;t,1I1I pt:tl U ion aad:

'tb4 ACftVI 'POI tt I,M!.. (N1!I·t* =: bti e;1.z;'.filll:l Mit ~I) t"um

tb. ..:I:tell .0 !;II'F iIIl ,to pi.clI the •• 1; la, t'ba A'all'l, I!IODIl'"

(6) 'Whn YO'U .... :r the ""'c::an lIiaMII' ad!ji.i.t tM GAIl contrQ 1, uncU II c,om!'ore.tbl.1I 1l:L.I 1.",.1 :I.. l'_chM ..

rDl') D;til:n:l,u Jt'M d11'IIet:t,on f'ra. whf,cl\ 'tJM!: .... ;;ca 1. .... .. 9 1101 t, e 1."1'1,. iwi'. In, elu. Ii iii ~ 1:.:1- ,JUI ti11'II til. "Uf' COG'trot ai, nt.f:1I ••• 11" rIOt" <:_'01'1: iliad (! I-rib. a I ,.011 ,appl"l:)II(:1!!. tb. bIi.colI ..

_.'_. __

III .. 1


I J .~ -'

Att.'I" lIIII.Jcb li,IiJ. ~ £1'10111111 t'h. ",III~,iPMlnt vi,t,n d ... n. h' •• h H t.1I£' ,.'nd .. 1 i ,ow it t'6 dry thorournl y b.,o,« ,,l::01:'l;nl :1 t .'

tt th4 1.1: 'hi ino!p1u'!i ti,v. ~ t~.t; ... 11" faW 'b. 'li.t.r1 ••• 1,1! ~ .ft.'!' iii kt.t4:r:'j c.b.n,_ 1 1 t 1. It 111 i'nDp .. rlil U 'YtIII I' ~~~K th. ~&tt. .. ry to tn.~r. th&t they a~. e'Lu I" ..1M a:,. _!klt1a. 'POI U;; h'. C:oQ.fI;tl,C, t. ch • .c:k 't'M cJtJnt.liet .-p:t":[;ns" (lfI, t'h. t:,WQ IA- ~8· p..,.i la'ht bil." iltp"11! •• The'," of 'to tend 4:.0 ull'rt too i j t U iIII p~."" u.rti, 0(1, ,tQ wt·t.rhlli; lift..r. tlUi • n hall b ... n "1·!!Itmbtd. If t:hi,1 I .. N to· btl, t.hI p:,ob bm t nll!rt .1 ilht pnl.""r" mi, to.I,. (: J)fjjtae t 1fPi'"inii' b.tal'4i :In.t,, 1.1 b'll 'L;h" b .. t t..~I ... 't bet. u r-.fui mirC to .p:IIT'1; too !!Web P!'IIIiUU\.!t'tIII +

If till. , •• t; fiN.d.. I ny .I!rv:l d.n, 0 th!l!lIF th,.!:!. '.'teT)" ehar.t&-iiI or b •• aUrt :t:'!liph c. .... rtt, gnly • qWi 11~ f i.1It p.r'lon ill .d 1 ow.d t;Q ".:rvt C II it.


Wf:t GHT ~ I N A I A' 22 POU'ND S

SUBME ReG! 0 - as PO(J'NO (POI I T I VE B!UO'f-

AN'C'f) --


ACT r Vf' ~ 5,0 T'O 90 K'C (I N CONE gO )I,IOl)


OPE A'AT I N·G ,'EHP[ R'A'rURE. RANGE:' .3 20, TO r .2 20 r

MAX ,. .. U,,", OPE.RAT lNG OEptH r 20D FEET

PowtR $UPPt. V J





HIGH Mll·t.

111 ... q

, .. !

'" I' 1 "I

'IV ... 2

IV - 3

'IV - 4

IV - 5

IV ,_ 6 IV • 8 I'V - 13 IV • 20

IV - 29

IV _ 36 IV _, 37

IV _ 38

IV - 41

IV • 46 IV ~ 41

'IV - 48

I'V .. 51 IV _, 57

IV ,_ 61











O:""'G- .... -'_"~·R 'pT~ . W'\ I. 8In I. I\IU'I~.JI D. _' . WI ........







IV - 1



. . ..

" •••• • • •• ,: ",. .' I •

':.~"~.' .' :. . .' ..... .. ,: ... ,~ ... :.;' .·.·:r :i;~>~:>_~·,:·.:·: .:_> ... : ..... ' .

Tb e divi n9 ~I'O¢ed'!lre.i .!lind :!I~!(lty p·rec8.utlons outlined in thi! eh~p.ter 8.rfi· Q"lI!Inenlil 1 n fUUU re , .!lind ~:i:'!!!1 net iTlitBnd~d 1 n ;:Iny CAse to :i'Uper-' cede specif.t¢ 1n:iltructloni5. Procedure-a ~11d. B~f.ty prec,e:ut1on:il ere wrItten wah ~d mlnI urillitive dlV!I!I19 J n mind + It mu.! t be- remem be red tha.t w hi 1. .i. i tuatiens requl:tL!1 stri-ct adheMnee to s8fety P;rEi\lc8IJtion$ j tl1 e com.b! t operillition w U 11 in tTlQS t C&lif!l iii to be

10 pIli ~d by ell r" J w 1 th tbe 9e-neral requirements kept

i!Ii s gl,ticle 11 ne s +

........... ~ -~. ~

·~·IV-I"G O:S;»_R.~'r'.O~

T'his saetton i~ des1g'ned to cover J in. ,51 eq!.l~nce r the .8. t.!ll.t".idard, prec adu re:$ ,,-nd

,S i!lf~ty pree i!nJ.Uon:s for an a"V~;ri!ge dive.

GEN E:RAL: C heck bottle pre S sure befo'r,e rernovin; .from dil ving locke r. N'o di veil will De .made unl •• s th. minimum bottle pre 5 sura hm y brel!llt hi Old med,ium) u ,l500pel for the hrst dive '. All SCU'S.A ti!u'Ik& will M g'lll!iJ ged! ;:lind re ;uIaton te sted it'lim.edi ilIItel y prter to. u8e by tne persOrl s'WilT.lm;L['j~ the -t!!ql,d.prnen.t •

ENTERING. SWIMMING AND nrvlN'G: NQ d~ver shall en tl!!lr_ the' w a:te r \liEU ~ he h.!!l.s, bll!!i!,fu:;:heckeiafid. ~ be&n told to do so by tJ:le dl vino .§,!,J.Q>e:rvl :lor • Aliw~YI antar the w~teT feet tiut. hoJd1n9 onto the f.ace m~ak. It b$~ble to spU ,inte th.s f!lcem.a~k arid then waiih it out to preven.t f09q'r1:~. E·nter. the wAter well BWay from any proj eCt10n s , exh~u I ts , i t'!Itake $ ~ etc. r !I1"d ,8ilways on thEro .5IuT,fllee- f¢·t 4 few m.ome·nt;e in .order to eeeus rem the ttod y to the W Ilter • All SCU BA. tillinks. will be put to use with the ree19rve voI!Iilve (if' dV.!.ll.a:bJe} up. Dtv$[.i ihould. surfae,e immt!d1ately whe·n the M$la!V~· 'I,1'l!IIlve U activllltedi or when, qall p!'11!1 s-' IilJfe drops be,low ,ZOO :p~;L • 'W'hlcbe.v.eI cccurs ftrat.

taci"l man 1 $ l-e I pon:lliib!e for e nec1c,l r.i9 hJ Ii ib~dd v :both Prior to ;:lind a.ftl!!lr entering thll!l W!lle r .for POS se I ~ "ton ft,nd ptOperr operl!ltton of equipment. It lS .eiapeCl.!1i- 1 y lmpotte nt to check for 1,'Jn.s 01 Ie i!IIk.a once 1n U1:11!1 'W .!Iter. and to C uBfuUy "W'e:tQ,h the buddy d.urlnq descent for ~i"Ly i'rJ.i:IIU"'-lnctlOfi. Buddies· WiU m,alnt.e1n

6. elo.l e watc h On 8o!.ch othe:r ~t all Ume 10. ~nd will never und er til 11 Y ct rcu:r11.1l8n.ces del1ber!l t& ly be-come .! •

De:loClltnd i!!I i!iI Ii.lOW 1 yo 68 pea lilble t,o avoid squee.Z19S; 8ttempt tQ ilay aheadi c·f the. prellun; and do. not ,force the ear s,

Alw lilY';! w,Uc h YQu,r :buddy and boI!!I pre p8red. to a e,Ult him or to. walt fer him.. Neyer ru,eh cr force;' do net hold the Millith Qf!I the w I!IIY dow n ~

NEVER OVER-SWIM m,E ~ QUIPM ENT. Thi it i iii partlcula:rly. trnportMt in eJo'i! ed: and e.e ml-e los.ed equ1,pme.nt... but cln a) 9-0 be of impon8noll!l tn .cllr

SC U EI.A. e !ipeciaU y it. you ,I!I~ fon::~,n9 your budd'),' to. &t:.u9Qle to :keep UP.

On rhs bolt.torn ~ do :not :IIi epat""t!i!l' from :buddy. If Y,CM,l become ae:par8.led j st<C)p, Jook. " lhrle·n. ba.n; bottle Wi th you.r knife to. .8.)ert huddy. and lmmedi~re-l y' ~u.rfillice . 1! hf: is; .!.'tot ~lre~dy en the ,.;lJrli!llC~ I banlJl the "bettle:lli

QIIiI in Andi lnfmm the Diving- SUpe:rvi 8cr. Do not at'te.mpt to ,tay down lind. find e. 101ft. buddy.

Think calmly, t'htnk, ahe'ad j re act in i!!I .0 i!JIl m mennor ,.,r 110M the ;I'U:r'ile or att-empt t.o jerk. oI!Iiway '(rom ~ '.!lIp Or ot'ber ;lea 'QrQ'Ntb. •

Know whE!!l'1 your bottom time .t!l up~ Burfa.c:e- then.

Corn .• 'l:J'p HY!.t'r'I.edii9tely upon .!..otiv-auon (l,f relerv.. :00- not a.ue m pt tc !iKip breAthe- te 1:n.C,[1~';:IIie- QIiJ C'·.!.UiQn • 1M 51 fOrms. batd ha'bali whlc·b ,Catn be fatal with. closed ilIInd ,liIemi-clo:s ad uni tli ..

A.~c e nd !illow 1 'Y. ma:Klmum I)f. ISO" per minu.te.

F'OUQVI.' your' bubble i!i •

ere i!JIth tlor.t'l1,aJ 1 y at ilIIll t:i me.!!l r e :!!-peei" lb whe n .$seanOinq. Rel~x and oenaarve On the IH.Hfllce.



Buddie ~ ilIIre required. i!lrtd bud,d y II rHUS i!i nOll,lld be f as tene-o. to. the W'r.1.s't in ,fJuen a manner that tbey cen-

IV - 2

no t. I!l:t,p of f . LiM, 11118n.1. fOT th. 'bud'dy 1 in. .tu::.uJ.d b. ImwtI 'by &1.1. .w1~:t. .rui .:r. ... follow .. ~

1 W.II= 01(

2 Wp I Sto'P'

, eq": 'UU:ACI

'NO U .. ~ ;I"l~l .hGu.lcl .ve:r bll 1!11\Or.-d: 1 .... I' U OM. tul liholild. lb. aaMhil'.d 'Wi ~h t:1l. liP. tq 'I f 1.1 th. :e •• e (I t (laD. b. aM ,fo1" .It.bllr- q'l,ii!!ll" tl!CIC- fI" ~lIqr):I' _ eb. ,''lOP aU. :!lURl"AC:I!: .. ilfii.h 1 • .:1,.1 it. bill followtid. ~ :l.&:c.-l,.. .'rId, wt t""u t queilt t.on.

(~) Y~lliDg fDr help.

(.c:.) WaV1.q bD'th .. ma OV~ t"'", 'h.,,4 <CI'~ '~';I'avin!

Cutil ,Ill',r;t it ,that: U, .i 1 thli t 111 fr~).

(d) A :&.m;r1.1I!i8 of llihort b la,ii U DR thll!l 'Illlill tie., b:cept, hi, m _:rililliU:;Y;. 1,;1;1,. tM h .. 11 8i:f!:n.:Ll-= s tH'f .:nII t 'pal. tow,lTd bCl''' t (do not ,.,.,,,. th. am}. NilVlir !:[Ll. Iii II t ion -II; buddy 'j I!I 5ixnill 't:o ii,'I,litfaei C t:'tu,rml::l up 1 t:hrc,a tap. (I r tu,a,a).

Any b041 t in th. II:I!'CII lI'hIl1.1 I'C!IlMd!iatd 'f 'P'roea~

t:c, d 1 va-r &1 "'.filii!!: th!l!l i!I!IIl!rgen~,. IIl:(1i!l'.lal t tltl:!!1 ,,{gn.d

.. h U ... lljoloillY.a uk. p'rilced.tiliCe; OO",,*Y th. hilt 1 ill :lanai

no mat,U!1:' t.i.::.~ e.);,Q!!I!Ie 'the 'h.lUf!.R 'P"-l'lIiIonnel My b ••

plypt;;o !1rnw..:II,

iii. .ai3'aN dlVlq 1iI:lI .... l" "' out-l:LMId lit'!, the.

U. S '. ....,. IU.,,1..... Kuw,&Ji, .illlc:t:L:m i~.q ~ 1 ~l h. __ •• :rItq,UiM. 'I'M: •• t important 0l'Ii1M t which ahoulli bill -.malll_ in tM, ' t !Ii" ti'I.. c'lo.iIIIId u. t nst'Opl~ .:Lan Ii; th.iIII; th_uMlIII up IrS'lJ'llJ'i.Cl:" .,Ip t u4

tIM. polnt1q , .. :Lp to 1n.d1e.til an .r-... of Ie!,!! ty ( •• 8 .. ,I r ••• ". t out 0 f .i:r * n1f!li fOUil.d t .tc it) • l'Q. buddy 1:1..n. ..tlM-lli .hould &l",.,.,.iI 'b. IIU'.U-.d

~OT' II.. im4.~ ,=.o.TLdi tiiCInii ,!){ POOr' .t.. .. :lJr..1U,t1., nw, c.a.m alH 'b. d" U "'~Q!I .. t.pu"lll ~

tn ... t*i'Ki.t:rd m:rr 1i1I11tt."1J I'tl!!l:nllill ~.t: b,1I II1II_ oaly ::t .. D 'bonai!:l.ds ..... ri .. nc;1... 'Th." •• bouM b-i: In-' c: luCid :t'n iIY'IiEY hTiillllina IiInI:1 .it. &II! tou,ov" ,:

'(iI) L:L!lhtlq, of th. *-13,,!!.

lll'n,llCnNC :nor.:[ THE DIVE

Tru! ilia I: :I!II t!l!!lP 'tD h. t.&'kl!n ;Ii if tl!r rll .... erll l!l!!li!.ve

tha wa t.t' t:l!l ill IChot'ou!(I:'h ~hkk c f thillir clOnd 1 t ion: by 'eM: '!::O r'p1l1N:i.\/d iY ina .upllnilo r'. )lax E: 11 II '!::hilll(:;k ttl!. d:f. V4T!I to a:.'temin. MY' .quipnilin t IUl fun~ .. tlon. A!Ay !Ultunc u"i:m !Jhoul d b" i'!ml'!e d. ill tilly l'iIII~~M .. nd. I'~ot' !:;!IId to t'h!l!l D1 yirtg LocHr upDn :t'etil,1T~. Equ:l:p:rII1m~ ;iihould b!l;!l waBhil!id, b,:roKen duWlt I .. nd r,"tu-raed t..d1al;.ly' upon :t:'1IIit.1.l:rn to t:hII diVinll!: 1.c,ck.T. lI.:!;'eu.~own ~~e_dur,.8 C~S OUtlinad in the .actlons on 0P~I c.lNoiI'd ~ .n.d .n1~c: 101 e;.d ,I:: i Y'..::u i Ii: SCUBA} wi 1.1 b!l!!l prl!-' ci:l4J.y' fo. UOWIId ~

'ft.iIII tH;Yiq Dll!!lpll!lttl!lnt I. ' •• 'pGQ.ttbl. for 'IIIIIU,Tinl tha t Tilqu •• tll4 IIiIIq'i.l;l"..._t t. r,Md,. 1::£11 80 llli;t th. .pHi Uilr:5l tiu if liYiIIfL

.... U'I,d, ... t p:rioE' M ~lc:.. nw. d"plit tmn t w:Lll (!U:.cli:. tb. 'lIqutpunt ClY;t, to' thilll, i'D.diridi.i.l:i11 plni on t.n Ill" .... c:'tI!.c):; :I.e back il\ .t.t .. 't' it h ... billb ~ly clunK a:adi 'br,lIIikd ~. 'ft1,. D:"l Viq, Dlipli:rt:llai1t h - &1.,;. t-"pc!I!M1bl. ~ar ;6 Math. Nqual. ..ali ~Ui",~., 0 r .:::rllilnlnal _ l. u ... ru.l 'III pnridia,a iDI,onu. i!::o th. Ole: u to 'hill ~(:IM.el. I. ClaiNIb 11 i,tillil.. tlYii

Dep ... tRIIt :i. .tE':l.etly "'ida it:y.!:i'v.: lind. w:l..ll no t, pin or Gqani:llil uy 0'P'Ha.uou.

,C.l , Hiilklll 'pr-w:L1!I 10D8 fD'" D';:lIIi'CI t:t:I.'t"ou@;n .. pp:ropirio.lCilli iIIIx.t.:riliill !;:.Mnn .. h 01" I;hrol;,l~h 'ChArI :U,I':i!i!'C L:i.;lIIut.,.il,t :i f 'CilaTn boat iI! .'r. to bill iJ .. ed.

(b) :40 ti,!y th!l rl n t l.1i1uten.llit GI t oCIIny ,a4d,,1 tiXii"nl O'+' ~u.t 'PlI4a t: tbillit mli.y b,1! ,[,lI!q~l~ed,.

Cc) E:nltU:t:'1IIi tUlip t~,01!!1 CDlllllpl'liiSlIOir W'.I!I tch 'I t:n...,. C:"';!rmb.T y,u(:h j and. the. OM S.n,io'r Du tf O~ ~ :E.c .. :r U'iIIi ng,I;;:friM ot th. time. and 'PaTtieul .. t'1J Clf tlwi operation. l(d) I.nlil,l~~ tMt lid.!IIu.te TII~:L~ ... l peJ'.onnill and aq!LI.I'P"nt'l inc.ludi!'Lj th. (roT Divina ,i&'r:8- f¢r' f:r-,Iotl UliQU:t U'tIin:tn't !IN: 'PTcwvid.d ..

(.) N~jl'Ufy ~op1 ~ .. l etnmaIiMILIL if the Qpe~.t.!olll

i.. elo:lilllT 1:0 II. fl:1iWL...lJDT I'i!comprlillsio.n {:h.iablll:t:' ..

(f) ,.\TrilTliji!l; ~c:r land u'lIn"port&t ion 'thrw.a,h

t:h.. C~ .nd for ~Cll!llUn.ic .. tionll eI:IIutP4n t throup tnll n .tLaP. (a) *'Iu:ipan t (h)

IntClTMCI :lti 1 ...

(1). Prep.'t'e ~ :pTCilien't: .. full UDT br:Lef! IDI tG .U -pll"UC;lpl!l;t:l'n1 "r.acM.I 1 lnel udt:q, r.pte"u.tilt:LvtI. of th .. , 'DiId:1~lil d~'~_D,t 1 im~ t erl!!!Volll illlIII.1; ~tlu!,T ~~~~I:ina p.rsc~n.l.

(j ) !nilUire t.hat l!IIIin imuftl, 0Pllira.t ion .. l :c'lIqui'r!li.1II'!1t..ii fot' p .. ;rllOJ'lnill ~ "Q!'!ip.1'Qf!. t ." a !,I 't:l lned, .beI .. and .'P-tC in 't:1iDi l'.aull1i !t:lo-nll b..-VtI 'b .. .-n ClJiapl'lClt w:Lth.

('Ie.) !nSI,;L:liCt thAt U. S. N&vy ,01 Y':E.~a Mi:n,1,iIfll i s .. c;~

tL:!l:'b1!l i. 1 and , .. 1 t C:J,lJ'~"Q.t l'b,h «+!d ~e ~I);I" t lind 'Rut.. 10 f thilll Road: haw b.rn (:.'hllllil:::k .. d "or co:tapU.~t.iIII. (1 ) E""u". t all .q;ut''PMAt hill, "'.en .:tlned for t ~ It .. !!, "M pT(:l'P"r ly p~epal"d.

(.) MIIti... O'tfl' &11 rill~'pot\:I,:t.bil i t,y (,or th. op.~.tie~l ... ueQ ... aDd .at.ty.

Ho'tH'y tittil !01v:in& Locklair of all d:ivin! rilr;j_1.i.1.'f'1MI •

Aa.ian 'P'BHCMiIII] ;lnd im:1'Ll.r.. i:hlll th.,. d • •• far in advancilll of th. 09*y .. t1on ,&.-~D •• -


'tbllli Of'! l"~ :La. C .... t'8,.. '111«)1' D:r MY fLOt,

b. • D1riq S"'Plin' t ..,,_ -t"'in. qul:Lft..d. b Mt nK-".ill'tiy li:b. iP.I:; .. 't'Vi.I:ilt" 011. tlls diiv •• hll o~ .. ntlill.. H. .bou14 1011 d t tiui dd .nd ~l-adp

0" 'h:L. d.1:rilli nplln:Llot' 1ft ,.l&DAins thllli tiY-II., ~ ba "R&U n.pon.1'b:Ll:tty ~or th.. Op.roliltt.. t ..... it " "t c.. • alii II lit ill 1, U ... III u.d .houldl not _t.m' .... t:R ri tb. tb. otl .... :'1" .wl"'E:'II '. HII uy" ~ I' ... tM 1a.:i U.l 1it;.'911 :;0 ".~iQ d"l:Itb lind: otlw.r c.ftClt tkma. KII' .bould. ~uc:,t, th.iIII: bTlillifina ,~

~... '" "bMk-nt n4 AWn!. 0 If! .11 ilq;l.iii ~t.

to boa!iItd. a.:I. :r •• p01Ii~lbi. fOl" .:1.,1 :po.t. and, pr .... I:IipiR.ttoAl H'pOI"t. wi tb t~1i a.c,.,UOIl1 gf thli Dt ylq tot ..

'lila .pK:LUe ,1aJm:tn. Haj!liaMtll!1 11 t~.1i or tl:I..

Ute aq .. folhwl:

ltltPhlt. H.lII'n 1 ~ Off::t·HI' ill. ct!.I.q.e 1!I'M&t _.. ", lih .. t: tb. dl¥':l.q "".rtatn·t btl. 'ti6tD la.f~ MIff Ict·-.U, "".!lid of U. ~ FO,.rl, pI'.,..;:' the·

1IIiI,,Ii·plJlMit = ". ' ...,.. e &11110 _ 'Pl",.pand to '1I~11 nc:l\

lwlp to thl &ipai't:'M'nt .. ..,. .. Hql!i:lUt,. t 1'he ElI:t.a,E~ .t t'h th. boat: ... ta.·. leek. ·.tU 1 .... &11.,.

'M tb.6 .Ii" •• tbat 1id:tlI the ".t", "p&~t_Qt. ~ pnittal * two 4Q'., lu:llt:lui :I., ".1ro.hl... 1or:I •. t ....... ppol't ...... 11,. ~\'II:tn ... !!'II;[ ... :l.,.. of ~ ... ,.. a,o·Uc. "0'1" it. 'b-Nt... Cb.:i.t. ill" .'bat labl. iI.iillt ... t 'be

1iI1:;:U1 • .., t:~ boat .. u.tpOE't. althou.1h 411!'iH:t ~Da'tKt ta _:tubb .Q.d 1ft ... 11 ClUI .. thIII .·Olt .... i.n .boulill ·b. 'pHII_t .at .. U br1.f1~.1

?riOT .UfiCl ... Uca. · .. 1Ii ahoo be .... tD tH -'i.&1 • .,.,arl;lll!llat !o.r &ft"--. __ t. t·_ • 1D000000 ... tII ( ....

T'Ii!Iu.lnil) ad :Ia oriH' E.CI ... tu C ...... K nldf. It U .11.0. .a .bOd. la. to .u..c;k wl'tb tM ~"OI'" Hl:Ch. GI' d.i9:tq Up,I.'r'blitlllt. ·to _u,. ttuat hH'tGt ... t &f:1"

:t. _u1a.}.. lit l:lie ..... t that tbe UDr c,"''''./4oc IE ~ :1. _t .. yaU.a'-... tM:; ~ to d..e 41". ilMuU ~ pt·tO'!' D.GrUfi41.tkR. ~. lout1 ... .nu

AD.J ,Au.. AS 1 ",l:ll A1'I lUi. II'omI .MaY •. 1 h.t.:toaII @"" l,"!ltion. til It" U .. S + aft. g~ COUL\tl'ltiI

••• .V"I'P' ~ M-OIO-401 t liM: 0994 .... CHn..iaOU:. 1Ih lc:h 1e th. !dlnetOl"J o.f -r'ld~ I~b&.ed 1I)r-",M~.k

· ..... H.

ht ~ 1m :Dle.Co &'**:11 In cue Gif ctI4 .b.~ 01. 0, OM Mtd1ul Qff:lC!ftt tile fl'l'1rt locatton. 1:0 tT'1 " -ph"'1 I.., uu. of. liii ..... emc, .. · 'WI 01' C:CINrUJ .. mDl* .TP.iil t~Hlt. ~ the co.iIIIDiI. hit., off te.:r ••

lrillf·:I.rIp ... t ·b. t.14 :l.a .1 t a&IIU i DO _t t .. bo.w ~1'J' h'. :1.1'114 tlq pe.on:ntIl ."..1" t:C) b •• 'II tbtI iill .... t:lon In tU It.I3dar4, f~t lIhau:ld b. ~~ • .,,, with ., .. £al ..,.....:1. !:lin the prw.l1 ina COllI· Utinll &M .p.M:t:fi.a Gf tba o.ptlntlonto

rr. ... pot'ut:l._ '·crt the op .... t km ClaD. ..... 11,. N pt"<I9tdU. at ",l.t:i ... I1y ,lu'''t not Ie. 'b1 01. CMAA o.f tM ·h.-I M'III........ :l, K!!IN .,"U1. typtl of c.t1,l.ipMnt

(e .1 '" bu... ern... 1~ hoy) til requ.1.nd t Iii" Tr'&DII'" patCcI.UOIi. Wit 'N.,. . IIll1~ o! ... ,. j • nottel = dlne in- four •• :I.. ,",_ab·1,.. for tf tlw. L""UI •• td n-ar.lfII01:!'ut1<iD ....... t.o. H ptlW'i. .... 'by tb .. fn. ott.. tbUli tba:il!' J!;III!III. .. :l:c,l"!!1 eM ea. .. !! .~. c'baq.. ....lDI-t.

• ,tu..~ .

TbIi k¥a1 IaIt..on w.r,..... Dt.:l.q Bi.q4i I _leb. _t "- uUll11~ 10l".&M _UfUt trdai,. .... 1bw14 h ... _liebl. tot .......... :toa ,dt_ .. it o'bt.~

................ t.. __ t IU - ·t.

_._..... ~ ppor ..

la ei!Sd:tt~., t" ..., ..... .ft'HIII_C • .ut iII.1 .. be .... iiiit' u_ It" U. 41i1~·" t .. thI 111.. Ca.1 t ~ nllNe Gi' "'&1 .MPwtbtGQ.I ,_. t'l ttl. CrMk ,_

-"'::'h :t.u.. ~ .. tc:~).' !hi. iIhould ba d.aM at I .... t

OM _t 1ft • ., ..... ~

;Dfvn., SU' •• VISOI

'!hI Dl."I'lq lup.l"d .. OI" 1. in full opwatloal.l a __ tI'"Ol (If" ·th. .,... Hi. n.poulb:ll1 ti .• , .. ou.1::t1mi4

. I .... U~ 1. '.1. i of tM l1Y1aa Ml.Qull ... __ t.d. ' _'till .. .1011_.

. 'I'M D:t'l'~ ...,........O't h tbe _III :la i_!·.

c:ufI. Gt! d:lriaa opm-a.t1·_t 11 •. , •• ltber· t'U Dt'l':lDa Offic:.. CIit" lilt. .,..:tft" 1'.,.....~1W'.. .

'Iha Dtn.. 1 ... ,...-1"", M. _,lAIit.a _&hi:JrI.~ .... fall n.pou:tbiUty t. tlul IQ:Oa.6lilt of opeHt1ou ..

.. :11 U 'In tun l'upou1b1.. to hI.. tor N'n'T.

hII _t ~r IIIdHiou .. c_,l.telt .. PM ...

,t-'l. ..aaO'E'4t.. t.6 ~ pnl'-''AtT pl ... I,,.· .ft4I brief· lfta ..

~ .... 1 ftIi4I.ti.oa8= tlbiI Did ... ","iiilR'

DCXI 10'1' ana '1ft .• '.-J btl '1-...1 pM t I,. 48 'E" II1ft'f.c:.,., .~ JIO'lt'bltl ~. ". " lu.U nt'fu. eQIIII ~ ti:l, CI~ ad M __ .• :t ,*", .., of t'hl

r.aut1 .. du,d .. '1IIif! '. ~ QI" .. tt .. I1:..,....

•• • Di~11I 1upKori. 0 I'" • eb :· "I. totlowlDa I

c..) fl_ tba opC'&ttoa. II!:OIIfLlta11 .. pH.l'bl ••.

(b) art., t ... · .tftn ftfllJ &:Ii """JA ~ .

((1,) Take ~. 1 ~ " 'tiO'D. , ..... t fer ..

~· .. 1· .. t4" ......... ·... '

~ • . ~~~ .. t

(4) · .. ,....1 •• ad d.f:l'Mt. all 'Mo ••.• of c.'H lilt ... • 1111 opR'&tloiM.

C.) .... 'world.l:II w:t t'b a.., qpt,..... n:l"f-. e ... !do _t _tel' ·pc'iMlM.llJ'. iDto iIIa;r pM.e. of tb.Iii O""1:til'll-......,t to man tIw.i pC'ila'N

.-.dl pH tett .. t~til.Glla" to •. 1Yt1 ",1!'.Cio.'U I or to ba·Ddle mel: ....... ,.

(f: At4 t'IM ·offiHZ' :Iii ~,. Gf tb. ~UOl'i :ilL t'h. Id;&md.., ply... aiuI _"'1'.. iIl'!..t e:U.llt .. l"I. 'I'ap lIii.l: tOi!ll an GaII;P U.4 w1lh ~

Ca) ~t iIll ;U'y · eft ••

Oi} ~ that .11 b .. 0, 1:'"'I;i""

",Uoi.'PM1't 'II'1tb. .~ ·b..rCIJI:. ,depaTt:tna ~ .tq;,- UM"

(U ~t 1at.:,,*1 ... , , .. I.e: mlo a'baab wi tb th, C:ei . '" u... ·.d otbiB' ."UiIU om thI _t ..

(j) ~iO t pn-4:ln :1"'_d._ o! nab 41",. (He .Din .. ~'1I)r I" ahag'lL "",:f~ U .• t.·J)J .... '$at ~ pUN e.".1: _tuat 1'11.,.t.tOIlll aDd lilt" tb. _t.IiI' hi ..

pthll .. ·* ~ tU.t .... 11. llil." J!·u.ll'F· uad4:I' ....

ltad ... 1. _t!C"l,lclU_ 'bmn 1M _ta .

t:Iie _tv ..

(Ic.) ,·nl O\iC .11 applleab,lfI ld.,....t!oa oa m. :r:wp 4:lriJot; 101 • It tM .c.-.t Cb.eCIk witt. 4i¥ll1:'. far 41IIIil:t.i:t.,..,t, ... thnm.t:lOD. at th.tJ .e_·1

(1) CotIpI.~ the .-otb D1V(. 'Lol 111 tbtna 24 twa .ftv c:,.,·l.tlon of tbe: lII(v •. 1

(.) Iupuori.. ...aml... aDd el..,i.llI Gf .:;Iul,. -.t~ _un it t.. pn., u.UitdQM .... "I'.d.

(D.) ~ o0l91atl. cbea • .tu.d •. !mJ' 41rilll _r"" paaJ 4uri,.. t:I:W opE .. tiCID. I" "'1'. eb&t pI"QptIl" ac:t~ ,. u.ta aDCl .~l:.I ~.

(0) 'bliltti that .n '''.!t1" pncb·tloat .. TM.ta Iutl'Uet~, ·Rd o~ plrll;l.aat .... Iilh fotlow4 .. '

Din ... ....-nhGn ... q,Ml1:u'ed 011 I« the ·t_

iD .i.dI. tkJ ... ....sill J \:I!po1II ",Mil·'" ~ c \IIa

:tw\Iu&I'I n.. 1ft ~ ..... t:h tM fttiIiI' '!Cd t. i true: ...

"""":,,,,~1U.'HI .u t~ div.rli 'bMifL q'loM.llUild to tb • .s.pth Qf t.'M j o'b?

~~1)cJ not f Q'~e or. \iT" iIiiII .. n to cit.. l:f li. botiAiilJlilltl dil.:1it".. to 'Iii ac.'U.ilid. ~ If bi. 'I" •• II:OM ~ 01' vi.b:tae to b. ac .... H do aot .. ppu:r to b. .iIlf f 'Or ,"»rop0'"" 1'"iat. • it 111 k.t te u:k. ...6min1 .. tT .. t:l". ,action., 1R'B2JBI.

'Ha. iI;"M "1l1,~~ TQU, Int 1IIIld. to u,I'iIi 'b.!Ia e.1,tu


_Ad .. dopt.d fo~ H&V, ~ •• ?

_ .... .....JbI ... ' ". )'0\1 1M p.c,t.iIi the ~o tI.t"radn • tIi&t 11; hi in 'LlI •• :bl", c:;oo.dlll;.iDlI1

_--:Da yeN 'hayti .'11 .d",~tiili filPp 1:; ef .... d Iii,. .nil"bU..?

Win' WlltfG DIVINe OfIlAt1Ofia

_ &." aU, .itil:lT't:.!J!I b;'n _d. t.'D pqV'Wftt: tbli d1V.r. lrn blj.C--na 'f 0'Lli1 ini ml It" 'b"ttd1

~~ILii" CU;9i1iir. b.iIft :tnl true tild lD.(I,t to cU t ;ulf 1 tn •• ~1I!I.t i1 t'My 'hav. '!!!Ad,. eill't.1:n o,t 'tM J".Il'pc •• · :f~i''' 1drl,-c~

't y .'r. bU.. ~."l'

~ 1I tU, d:!vtnl ~.t maQr.d. 1ft th4II .ali't .,dv6i1ta.-

!.ou'! POll it Ian to '1:11.1[.'1.1.1.. iliff oO-I"t b:J ,thill, ":l""1"1 to

'l"Uch t l,1' WCll"k 1

__ ~ yw d:ll,play:lnl tli!l P'rop.1" :I ip"'11 ALIA.


rla., ..

~~_,'U cUv1.1!I1 1;n t 1aDa 1 ' .... t.T.~, .:tt:"'H cf to1 lM'ina hc·:l.t. liN, eornc t :

'''l'' t ... k" ...... p •• , ... ·T.d, bd 1 + IIIht t. lit t~. :red ball. .p&e.d 6 fM,t, iIiiIIp&:r't ..

'IEllttI,matiQ'nR l d:l vi..., he :tat I: ~. p.nn.~t I6'UIi

AJ:ItII1tlS1lAnoJI ABD PlNmlla

........ ~' ... WI ')pC\! not:l if :l,*" .11 :lni:'*L"-Ii.tlid, 114: t :lV1 t i •• th. t d1v1.... IIiIpel'at:tcme a~e :ttl! ,"oa~ •• 'f

_I. t'h.4I, typtl of ,fla:!:, ':rOD 'h..v. 1::.bQHn to \Ii.. -.4 ... iI<I:'U!lt.. .&1. :I!!'ot' th. job1'

. . . 1:. tIM l"!tC:ottpN I,.:lon ..::hamb.r rMiIi"l" lot" u... or . ~ ~ you not if:ted "'. 'n •• ~1I.t. -(!.OI!IIII!IIRM, lwIv:l:na on. tblt yeu, lilliliiy nililKL :it 1

~--:1taYil '~ mIi d'1iIi provU 1,00 't,D Dbu In -.4:1.(::.1 "11- .• htaalC. i'n UN of _!ili:rgM'L(:Y?

_ ...... 11.. ;!II t t.m.t •• p.T b.n nuU.d .nd: dHili b. un ..;nd h:11i wt-i.. and '" ilpm!il :l..1IIU :U:.:l.el?

_III .ill copy o:!! thilli dllliii:Cln:prt •• ,d,.ail tiII,hl.. "'vii 1 tli'bl.'f

11.". the d':l.v.E'e 'bUft tMrq'hl'), k:l.Ii!M ,ilrnd. Wl... a-U"- .. ~U:nd .11i. 1;,0 'b" .. !I·heel .. nd 'hCl!lf?

_R.... III 1 .. d 1 :l,n. or f,. t'hOl'l'ltlt!ili:t." mM!,luNmlilifiC: Dl ti:h4 Ciepth CII,f "'11:4.:- b •• n m-1!4 l'

_~t:f e~Clue.t:t'nl .. ..IIl~ch t 'hil,W )Iou ,g'h!l'Uetiid IIll1 othlililr :(A •• ,n.. lHd~ put't1,. 1:'" !II 1ve:l:'!1 cI,~ t

_.....-U' d ivi'nll on a .h:li.p" 'h1'ViIi 1Cjj1 :tnt ~ It'h. duilCY q1n •• r .. nd 'A(!.t ".d .. n a(!,'k,nQIIIIIl ~ltt 1

__ it div1 nK .. Ir-DUM 1:b. in.l:l1 of .. 1!!I~'_rin. t ••• you 'nOt ,if i.d t'hilll duty e:ff:1c:.r not to '~N t:iIi bgw 'Pi"D •• ~ .. ten plaMe t venti. .ound h_d.., ,O~ pro" l"iI:ll .. ~. ?


___ Hav. 10U 'thl. tall rJf t'~ d.:l .... r. you l'ntilEld t,Q \11. p'IfII 'boa _.a.inn and, f (lund to .. ill; ifhe ptLy, i ~ 1 ,I ta~ rd. tot' u.,p .M d:l,,:lrll .:l thin tli.. I:;~l"r.-nt ea1.a4a,r Y" ~ f

_~a..". -11 of Y;OUI" .... bil.n tl"lI:l1Mid to u... thil .'Uiq...... Y'OU bv. .el-1:<: t.d 1

___ ___;"'Do YDU hllve ~.on to .up.C!.t t'hl pby,.:l ul 'I:XC\d :lt11i11n of ;aRt of :JOUr 'lllMli1' CQQ .. 1d.iI;' tt!4 ,f'Ollov.llflill

.. Do:not d,f,,,,., Ii Min :If hil h Ii'Uffilrln,a It"-!a:I ;I

iC.alci. t 1 :t,n'l;.tl t t h i O'r "'1" tl"<lUb 1. '.

_ Do 'not: ,di1.. ,. 'IIIIi'n 'llfM :1:" 'aU·red t'f'(ll!l! l .. ek of

.1..., o:t!i p~iw,. p'hy .. ~1i 1 iI:I''!' ..,.t.~ 1 .tr .. i:n,. __ ,l.:f you .. ,at t:i:b.I'I. t... pbyjItc-illl conii 11;1011. of .. my

1M n t ._.v. b:hJ! ~t to -..d:lea 1 -o:l!!'U<:-*I' 11M 'biIii p:ld.a b)' lIi ... dnc •.

....... ~b 1 .. .tandb:J d1 ...... r bM;n d,. 1 ii,nli t"d ;and 11. biIII i •• d)' to nt.1:" tbtl w.,t.E' 1t1 I, 1:iidn,:lWlViiil ef t':!!. .. ?

It wridna In.1d. ... W1"lIIid;, b..tve ,."u l:tIiI.dil "1"1'<. -_-.I1-.t-. for on. div.1" to tlitndi t'b. UD" of' the di'!l,l'.~ vcZ:'k:t ... , :~;nri,r;t. 'I!:'om. tbe 'poi Dt of .ntry 1

_____ :It ..... 1n1 apl.Q.~"." ~ '_"V1ll )'~ 'PUg .... Ur'CI!IlI: tD P'NY."1: .' c::hiLq:. b.,1ns •• t gil lIhiIn ,a d1;Y",r U in 1:"

wt.:r? .

U,.", tb. i!ull dMP .... dI:1 v:L1nJ outfi:t wb«i. '~.:tns "llictric pD'II'tIr l'DE' und..rIAlil::illlr veldlq .qr ~~t,t 1"1.

:ilJMIie1l ': II!! iIiiIIl1 (:&... 'th da,tb of d\iiIi ... t.l"

..nd thll c:,.U U QD of tM .d:l".1" '" iJflid .• ll,. 11L'L N"N. to f .. t:il~.).. tlMn t'h. '._~lIIt of wr!k t(l b. d,IiJIi.lll ,I lib 11 dec;lII:rm.1I4 1:hiI _.ouo'!; Q:f ... i-. t.b.,., d1\rlilii'

:l,1 ,tOo ,."aDd iOn tb.. bo ttc..

. )"W _ill., .one tOl" dIi.eQ'!llfT'IIII,:l.1nI t:b •

t i011. ~ I'n ,addt t:lc:ln t t'hly .. n ,q_ ... a l:ll i.d oa1,. fot" tb. iIq ulp1i~t 1'0 v'h1elt they an iLl, "ad,. qU>lll.1f :l.d., .. 1!I.d, .. y bti :tiiq,'Ll:irlid, t-lill Uk. "Ti~:I.(I :requa 1 if :l.iC" ti.crn (!OI.U.'I:!liIi and :tiIII .. t: Ii, •

• y ,Ii 1 ¥t 11M 11 rts,. h 'If:! 11 .nt:.~ th,. "tieronl,. i'n cu. 0'.£ an a.c,tlJ;I1 , ... r,I!I:~iC,y, • if Qrd.'I,r~lIIi 'by

t'hili :D,f,,,':l'ilI 8'Ll:pI::AfllllCll'. ~ li.t&l1d'1ng by for' .. .":1-'1"-

file.. tlitndll!id d:l"... '1ft tb.-ou t, a 'b1.Idd.,. J b. Ibg:uldi .. ho '111ft .. tadinl, 1 tn. IIV.U abl. il!Of' hil own UI,. ... " ... Cl~:(~e4 ..

$' ... DIY OIV'Ei1 A .'tlilHlby d1yeT :1". n-

'!:l u1",di Oft .Ii 11 Gpen U,oa. • 1liI .b.ou,ld bil ~:ua 1 :i.,' 1,.d iii, .. 11 t1,.1 of .ul~!Ii. t.O b. u •• d (Ia 'thll d:l".. 11., vi 11 'b. c,OiII'Ipl. til,ly d.'Ni.: •• d, c: .... c:;Q,cI. m,lt,,~ and 'f'Pdy to ,0 .. t .. 11 tl_. on tb. Ki!ii'I.. 11. 1;11..,..11)1' ..,11 1 not, MV,. ICUIA all hi. bac1tt 'b1.:it rill .. 1",,1; ..... ". U. witbta ~'Ui-~'k aM ... ,. 'E'Pch,; he wi. 11 .1.-1. u.. Qpiilfti cir(!'I1ilt eq'l;!;ipMnt:l! ue.Ft ~ the ,lit!",. 11 d •• p!lE' tun 130 f t,.. I:b.... tb« l«il IIhD'LlU 'b. 'WI;td I p:r.f.,


A CD~~ 11 ~~.~ Q" -11 t~l~~ ~ dlv ••• n4 'i ... 4y:l.abl., OR all ~th~. I •• ~14 tIol; eat.E' the va t.r~, but .b.ouldi ,IUi:KI by en t;ht!, lu\"'I..c. .:i. ~'h 11:1. ..1:1 te.l, kit .. nd n ..... c:(tatot' 'r-e-.dy ..

11 b :l. p"1I.iliot, ht iiI' I:I;~!,II;: C; .. pA-Cli 1v. ,liM

:POll t.,41'Y. !!IiId:I_ IAlpectlon.

l'i - ,

~ opea Gt~i~ ~. ~b' 1":11; .cO"nn.'1C11 of iIIl1 ,tJllil' mil .-c:u .... " for only 11ft ',en:M'lit fir tl,. ,IIY,IIu.iII'blll !br!Ut1t1q _!IIi,. :111 ut:ll ', • .t., !tie-'lL" of 1;:11.11, .1Od "btcolU:l.. o! tb. li1iq. 111!!C!IQa,t of

'i... •. ~'",~ .... ..,.:II 1'.. ..·i,t·..... ...... t"~ "'n.~... 111ft..... -1:1:" -iii.

IrI,IgIg J:.... ..11a; ... II...u. .,~' . P.JII! ... ,~.... ~ ~II"'..... . "",.., .... -

ClNlOt btl 'U.H ht' a~ , __ ! _n iHi~ YiIiIC)' i.

'n.e-. ..... ~y ~ 1i:I'~ ""'_ 'ltDrld,ftI, n.!lT ilcou.tic:.l1., .ctt·,

Y .. t~ ._111::.1 ltic,nl:. Tb.~r ,l!'b .. TY 'UiI.. i.. t_ ct"... 1.iI!

f t-t,;I! .' , ,d, . 'Ii.._. ........., ..i_L t·: '1- ~:t 130t

01'" , •. ~ n .. !!II lilli. .. .. !ri!=IHI!_.' n .. , -:r.Q. ~, ". '

ht 'to t'h. ~"M.",".I_ .u.~c -of .:.i"""'1_ .~ot'I,. "yond t.t· "d'\IP'tb.. .~1 tJ, ~ c,I~1 t Cl1,,,,.. n--~!,I,'tf_, .n- ..... 1)o· .'h:oa,U not h ~ t"~ 'YbIIn ac.O'I!I'Ipw lIi~' d'1WiI ... n . rM!!ulm 'I t'. 'U't'It :Pivhll; liirp 'wttb 'ttl (jill .... lili.:r' ,il'ibLiUi '" -oft tM 1IiIl!.... .. ..

• ¥.i'U.'bh.

• ope e ~T"e\l:lt: fOOl.\, '01 t ,Hi ..,. filJlmhlulid 'by iWI,'RllJ:I, .. dod. on ~ UM' .AIIOW;lM. Ltlt h Tq\'Il.tocrt .and crt tm!H' 1,11 .... 1)" i 'lCIW '",.Cl{1 ffbc:u !ii'tOI!.l

PO 14.2:210 .. 541 ... 7'')'91 ~ Tht." ,I: 1 In .. tlc .. n,.ct

!!!!!~.l &eiltiMi!i 1M :IOD !,I". vltb :non COlut'iill! !!I'I( ...... t

.aM, Ci:em.lequ.,U, 1;11 ..,.l.c .... t -pan_ .,1:". t.,~ ,.

Z' .. u.i.:Uf:L_" ,only f~ Ifh.ip- til~c. ot: .. uol c..nur. ~elull':!II!:''bu1'l *,.lVoin,tll. I...q '" .'E-I for ,..IrU

. t~ .··""t;il:,.···, .... -...,1: Ie -r"U ~ ..... ~.'Io!o!li"'"~ ' ......... _. ,r-

. !'M 'linn 11 -..m.afiletund 'by 'U. I. Dfft1!'. ..oa

'iltlJ ,.... ~ 1l", If,; -"ua ·Mln.. rllJUl.toT ,'I4d 1;;,1)

.', i" .i!Wi.,' ~- '~, "1 .' ····'RCI: d. of •..

W 11 :n!',.~, ~IUI """' t.t, ... .1'1. eoc..... .." . ~

iJlu.tnu :mill ."c'h. 'bill .. !!!II.i_t, i1it;.'f'IUII! vol U1M of 12' C'Ghie :lli!., lIIIa 'O."'!tI- t,Q 3000 ,":i., tbt; ,.,un.M.,. iI!Ioiltt.ltI!I '~""h'l' 1 TO cub:!c f •• t 01 .1'1'_ .at.: ~ Mltlbl:. ,"'_, c'haqlil' t.. 90 fIiOUlJdj- ~ 'hclmk.1 tt.~1

3i111L -- ...... __ .".iIi .. _... ~.._ t"it·· li:;ruCi:i. .

. ~ .. '-"'!1ii_,; 'N"~. n pl.";' !!" ' .. uu III!L,a.t_nc. . .. 11 . . _ ~

aM. PI fit nu.-'llben 4 • Til,., U'. ,I.. ltiv.ra COlI.., 'xli u

,;.__.. _. .......u'III'IP· ...... .: ,. Bit. ..... t

.pp:rU'l'WU,! ... .......', . -lllil'l!"" . ~" oj!; , •

Of I lA, .NII ,.aciDUIIS

ft., "011__ hi, ill 'l :ht of f"QUt_ ~_"A1I 'til .. f~n .... !b7 .-i!!h

... .it ......... oiI!' ;!loG 1 ............. iLA: l,d ... · 1,H~.·" ~ air •

....... 'II!. PZi'&;QI; '!r. _r~.."WI' -.. """"!I! ""'''''''1

,J«Wn:l :In 'Ill nA ~ .:'tii.til • 'ill" ,t. Cob,J'Yi'tI!,tt ..

wi tk ~,:t ft,¢. p.r.o<I""". &itl tft.. "'. '. t1idt .. ~dutl co ......

CiI) I... ltottl. (lUIlf ... ·PNi'_H,~ i;oo, ,.tt ~ M&1C:t •• U :24'0 p.t .. )

('b) iC'III!e;'k th.t .1'1 bo-ttl. It'totlp' I!IL'tI e_,liliit,ti ,1UIdi t'hl! t ,q~hk nt.,M "DIll' 'r-!1I,' .N ,n.· , Int.

,(d heli: .... ~. H1 .. fol" ,... • .,.nttlllll "M'.iI!!~ .. t .. r ,kt:t"'"t., U: _ill Nt.WE'll 1.1:, ~ !iu '_...,' poi :l,tte,. 11d1ip ,,",ell.foci" "'" .. "'

nat; U' t" k~U. "ill c1Ia nth t... w·

_ ....... ".1.,. u." it, 11111 1IOW .. "~

cb.qil.. .YOQ '.boul' 'but' ~_ .1t 1I!Iq1l&U, ••• ,

(4) Cb4ck "",l.'~ lot' 1 •• kt, by 1N!u l!-SAI lt Oft 'bOt,I:;.1. ' .. aUoid.: tum'i'Dl .t. on.. 'bloc:k- .. 'ina ftr.'. t iabal .. tion thn. __ Utl,o:n 'boll ••

tilll"''io. Eo ~ .' .iililili .' _ y&lv.· 1""';"k f'um ott

_ ..... nM,IIo, :t.0I". ~_ ".:r . _. .

.fit"; ~k off ~ ... ",. 11.1 \'" 111 obtl!:tnM IIft • .:- ,".Il'Li~. iii I"aIiWIid tun Iii :tndl!CIu lawi of .1cMr • 1 .. " :l~ itA lin.. !lilt, II. laQ4i1' lIi. p •. a .... 1)1',. .

When Joadit'J.g bottle,s en trucks , enllure they liIr'6 $- t.Qod 'up liIg'.!!Iln iH the cab I ,i:md th~,t 'the mi!l:ni rdld::$ .are fl.Qt bilfnged in any W i!iiY • Man.ito,ld $- i!lfe 'COI"L.liNcted of br~gs and can ,be very easily d.!!m~Q'edi. &.,!;~ecJ.lII11y on 'tn& te Serve end.

Wh.en rett..!.rnh:l'li) ~q!,J.1P!ti ani. 'the £'oUowln9 proce'" dure will be !,!,.jed.:

(1). W'~sh bottles and regulator tho.roughlY: ~- 6i.U:'$ tha,t hO$es e:nd mOl!lthFlieee lIIM t hiOf'O!.lgMy' rtfl:&ed eU '. Do ,not ;et OW'" t!i!lr In the h , p., ~ ill ;sembi y' or on the

!:IiI t6f, • TId is een be i:ivmd!l!ld by lellvinq the l8guli!IJlt.Of

on the bottle 'W'nl1e wa.ehJ,rlg ltl, by :keeping .a ling-,el"

over the fUt8:r r Qr 'by re., the d_".t eOVer. U 'the dust C OO!l!lt Is '1oiIIie,d j 8!t'!.:el.i:re that its I· 0'" :ring' is 1n. plee e +

(~) !n!iur,e tha,t equIpment, hi, drIp-dried bBfore returning' t t to the l()Ci<er.

rna same Pl"ocedure I!IIPPU. i!l to the caN and h.i!liMling- 0(' a.i:ng:le hoae :r'8.9,ul.eton, + SUSHIPS has not ,approved the ". ill II oJ a~nQ'~e h05e :re9uliltMiIS fOf Q'tmeral divinq • Therefore ~ the1'f U!!III is restricted to' nooJr.a !1g;EI j BDV Ope.rilllUo..n,I!, ,r .and other s;li,zed 'Work te. IJ" .. f1!i1U'onaut re.',CU6) '.'Qle- hOfil:e re~ul.l!l,t,crl neld

by the teams \I,ary III troade name.. as none .:Ire obtai,ned, throu'ii'b supply ehannil!ll.l!l •

Open ,Clwu.1 t Mqu!etors are ilII,Ei! ill;'n.ed to tndlv,ldUi!lls h)r hygienic :rEI,ft..ona. in accordance with BUM &bIN ST Ei.U 0' .. 1 serle,s. T~1,~ In,trUctio.n d,Q coMains in a.UUction a, • R.e ijj1'L111I:!1to:r.!l wUl ge:ner~Uy be thorolil,~:hly' over'no!liuled Y4!1i6rl y ~ i!nd ii' ,a, n!l!lClel.. ary . 'M,mlnten anca. On the 'oot,Ue:l!l :linol.ude;!; ti$'st (to 5000 psi.) aUer bV'>8 ".f.(!Ie,l"e of O"en!IIUQ'n ond every 1hril!l'!II! yei!tr,~ t~ereafte:r r and an annual intl!,mal in,spec:Uon U'j !!CC,otd ance wIth BU SHIPS lettEl,t 993".,6 s:anal 639.0-1-49 of 15 M.mrcn 19S3.


(a) Never cb.ftl1jfEl the- !lPPDIII,hI,8 with oxygen. (b) l.lwe:ys charqe the appuetus with C.llltlUI, ~it from a kn.()!Nn .Ii O\Iro. ~

(c) C,h.atQe the cyU ndill'ri!I to the full pr,e .Iure raUn; .

{d} GI!lU~ the e,yUfider F8;1l1ure immediatal'y' before i!l dIve ,

(el Dc, .n@t, dive WIthout ~n adeq:uatei ilIIi,r H!'I&NI!!I m.ehM1s.m.



LEAkY BO'l"r.'LE MANIFOL't):: Be,'t ~oUc..d by buddy on ln1t1el WJ,te.f' check~ .urface if ~;' it mtfiOi"~ p.rmJ.iI!Ii'ble' to Uaa' for .ehort a.h..Uow dives wbn no deC!Qmpr:e iUi ion iii J'8qu~:red.,

TAXING m WATER: Leak in In.take hQle Of exhllU.l ""1,,, .. :not w~tet ... tiqlit, aUr.:rw':I.1'l.4 water' to, en:tltr th.rcM,l>Qh Ilde of mO!Jth •. petmi ... lble.. to ,coI'\Un,ue fo.r .hort ,s,h.Uow' dives if the amount ,U :not .uffldent t.o. CiIW lie :ti, of ilhe wI! •

HARD TO iREATHi::' Ui!I dl.p.hram 11 not WII!I,n cBet. or IwlMiita,1' li11 ine~,p.eri'i!noed ~ Surface. Th1:& may. QiIiI' ~, indlciIlt10n thet the bottle.. are empty~

.rlIICti v ate re 8119 tv. ,end :IUU'facil!!'.

:tMPOSS,ISU TO EXaW:: E~u't vi!llv. ~n.tnUfid b,c'kwvds I Or flapper valve .tWl!k shut, Exh~l@" 'forcfblv te try' to un.IioUok flapper v!llilve: if i,m,~OiIJ lii~~e f'PliXhllllli tb:rwg:n n'O'.I ill! ~ i!!IInd sudaoe., 1MB. may aLso lndi(l ata. a rea trieUon in the exh~laUion hese ,

IMPOSSIBLE TO ,INHALE: N.r not turtled On. hose :r-elitrlctlon in inhalation hip-sa: in:hllilr.Uon valve in: b;l!lckw ,M,d:!li + SurftLoIJifJ..

,cyI,I..,,_,d._::r- "'Sr .. I.: ... e .. __ elt ... bl¥

P~ ~~" r"" r ' " I

I'..e B. ' ......J.. . I

-, I l '<J) I, . "

-. , '~,


1~ NUT :2 ~ CA.P


-4 • S.UD! I.IVE:R s. WASKER








16.,., SAF'!'l1r P'LUG 11. SAnTY DISC


:2 0 '. N.tPf'U:, AND ,DISC ASSEMSLY 21. STIM


26,. SP,IUNG

I,V ,_ 7

,3,7. ,CAP ,28. NUT 29. 80M

IIOIAUST'IOH r:JJ! 'U!!; AI~ _~l:

.utlli 111& 00'1: of .. i r ':1:.- not. •. ..!rl·~. II! i·tg"t 1m'! un 1 ~.Ii tb.. .t T'f'4!'U f'U'. iTl:t!c.h.,f.i. h.m btl. Iii n.d to fuin: t:d: on., Bv~ 11'1. t;hi!ll 1;:111 "ill! j 1;."'. iM'nlll.iI in

b~.1 t.M ne. ~.,II! t iii'lt",I'!ICIiIi f't:' tg:t:' to I;l:~pl.t.. llixbii.u:iiU on of ~h. all" Itl~ly ·~rn. ~~. d1v.~.

~. m.TlloIII'tITiIn.! l'iU;::[PoIIIl'l,c .. · ~~OAM nat , Qptm U'iI! • t I" n ... tv. .....Ii; 1 VII! ;lind • t:.II rt th. lI.,Je",,:t.

I f ~ IIii ins t'hii >!itI' h ... 'i'VtI v.a Iv·. do". nat ""tOT'1!lI! ·111 'rL~'l b'U.-tht.f!oI .UW1'f. lI!ut'f~CIiIIi 1m ...

.. ril1.11i It 1811',... Du~hlg; ... !.':! ~t 't'h. y"du(:'Han in WI !!: .• ~

pf"iIl .... '!.i!n 'P·t'VYfde. .III t ll1i!101118t: is .mill 11. IImount o:l!'

:I ~ It $.OO,D 1 il11" ~ti;l-IIi." tliili fU ll:.l~~ 1.. m.{!M!d.t!.IIl.

CQiI;'I.UflUil to b:r- ... tb!l 1'IQ'hM 11 y i:lu:"guil!Laut. • I'· e .-nt'l it pa."tbl... If' M't:ll .'hal·. ,eo~t :lnil,;i.OUllly t·ftf\Q.'i,;i.a.ho.iJ.t '"

ysr;Y:J'O-R I.&\d A·tl.

. ~iC'at..(I 'by ld.I·.~ •. 'II~. whir. M't Ii!! iJ:1II.·. ,tIP

l .. 'k 'Ii)r MT· ••• 'hO. d.,!MIg·.,d.. ''1,;I.E''l'ilC:.. 11.11:" llil"'k f'r'O!'!'i

bilt.wMl'L T'_ul.l.tor .• ·nd m.:rtff·ol.a ;·Oi~ I"fn;. worn o.f.'

T.I~l .• tl)r' it'i!ot pt"cplil-rl Y ;I ttl Ii.: 'hll!u:i.. 1.·'tt:lJIftIPt t:Q

lIt:r.1i :i.gbte.n ·"Iu'll. t(ml"~ iI!.i:i:-t ill! c.!I U ll.!ik t. b.. 1iI: •

~:1j·t.n ·U!iiCUB. PROCBDl11t1.1

Tbii gMliilrl1 prCHl~'I1" f a~ .o-pen ,e.if'ocii,j.:l till to gll!!t. ~h.1n;d tbl 'lite t ii" ~ -.qU!lIii:t1i ·ht. luqll or I.ut ·to :ht-rc4j· h.;i:i'i'i t.o. .;1ItlMi 1 ... , at:r. i-Aht..n 'hI. out "M.

I,!:: .rt him ·to t.b. I!I.!I.I;'il!.liOCil ~ If t:h i. iil!l 411 t·t:t.¢ ul t. i drop hI. ",,·~.fI;'ht II ,111M oiic1:UI.t:" h b H.f·.jllc·k.t U

MC .. !lI:II'",.. U not. ..1 :t"N4y dQI'L. t lit: tlY''' It., hit.

1:. U:.llllc::k .• t: on the if1.:u:h e. ~ tMin ".w'.. h.i.. ·~tb ...

p·t~. .lind :h.c,·iI.I!Q iii k, call fo,[" ttill1l:P, .nd if pa •• 1bl.

and, !:I .. e •• 180 '!'Y II tt.., t·o a;dllit!=l t I till" ilQQth ·to 1!!eY:Eh :rillY-Ie t t .. t ion wb:U.- wt. U;,in& far t.bil 'bciill;'t.

IV • ~



IV - ,

--' r

.... r.

... .r.',

PIIItttC'1IDN w. "'L'~ 10. :5


''''''. ... un.~ A1OIS

, ... ,,' .".. ..,' 1

M ':11111 Iii. Iii I

11··,·,· .. ,-:'

:IT, ,'

•...... ,., ..

f1 .


Q ~





HOSt .".,.." AND HOCl«AH AnACMMefT.

.- --
i_!~Oe;f! St,otk NQ, DtKrintioo
I '
1 ]OlO ... S7
lGOO...o3 Vokt Settw
2 HKMl-M Yoke
~ 1010-1.3 P101!!1ttioli Cap and Card
'1 ItXJ:l-22 Cjrcl~p
8 1(0) ... ,38 , f~ Illf Sintenld
9 lOOO-t3 !~ril"il Biack
10 1000-24 S~ril\l I
11 1000 ... 31 Sn1 A:ssem~y
12 1000-21 H.p Pressllr, Nml'
13 1(Q]-20 H'~1h 'PrIlSU'I' V,.~1jI1 Ccnnplttt
14 B2]O-D3 :
or "
1000-,13 Gnket ,I
lS UkJJ-Z5 Pin
16 10-27 Pin Suf"rt
17 1~-34· Gaskl'
]8 UQl-29 Di_Iv,aam ~t P.
19 e,ZLO-Ql
lOOQ.-U Gasket
! 20 1000-]9 Spril'll Pad
, 21 looo...Q$ S:pt~ I'll R11~ nef
22 1000--40 Spri Itl.
, 23 lLtJO-QS Ad,jll'SU "I Screw
2-4 1000-15 CI'ip '7)
25 lOOO ... 2S Top 80l ASMIlb'l.,.
26 1Ooo-l4 Rilll&
21 10Cl0-l7 ml~hr"!111 L.'P. Neoprene
26 ]000-30 BottoII'! Boil:
i 29 1010 ... U, Dilli i"l valva
30 1«U-Q9' "MIt
31 8450-03
lo8i-1'9 Wnl1ir
32 t01O-QS Hol1tl $ l10e !
33 ]010-04 Selt H'
14 1'010...Q& ani,1'l1
35 lOlO-G7 kuit Holdt!r and Disc Au .. bl, ,
36 a34O-03 $etn
31 10lQ~" Lock s.wppctt R',
,", ., ~
18 1010-02 L gd Suppert L. ,
39 !OiO-oa Body
: I,() 10,10....09 Cap ~Dt Hockil:! 'Outlet
U U28-D2 Mouthpj,ICI T .. ~ BilCk I'
I ,~2 11OB~ Rubber Va~1jIe rn Ie
i 43 1108-03 Vil'lil Dise ~pon
, ,~( 1123-01 Clall'1p 1~3/4t., Blick
: ~5 ll28-08 fteo~rlf1e HOst. Black
46 l123-.06 Clall1P J.,.]I 4'" t BI,ltk I
. . --- rv .. 1(:


=---_ ... 1 R---- ........ -r-

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.... -'-.~I

. 1 I-U

2 10.:'-7.04

" 10:17-01

-4 1,'070-01

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I 10'''.,,30'


uj . 1031' ZI

11 101' 1,'

12 101 ,,... 1D

1) 104'~22

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11.6 104' .... 04

17 10..048

l' 12:00-14


20 t049 ... :l0

12 _ 1330...Q3

U 10'8-64

14 . :lo.,'-U

Z;. . 10)8 .. 07'


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IcnIIiI le'ul'ln,r. .'" DI.!Phnp

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1IMIi1iM,_ lIdI.w.t'. ItriI1l

D:llii • .. t.I. t-n.1" 0,'_

"ppl. jI linin 'Ib'.t bM,Ult

'0"" MDut.b:plee.·.

c;tlilll.,.~ :MCNthp i._ ,.trap

ex t«::»' __ D C:K:R.C,VIT

• 'fM prl-mlll!'Y II:dY."hl,.a iIIt clolHid,

circuli: "g:t~t liN t'M t; it: 1. .qJu:l.t.. can q 1.liUl '.ed .ffectin1,. QQ 10tl81 ,Ibli: 11,.,. __ iii t.

bal-d til 4i.t.c t ~ t. ~l'p 1 of ,.1. .mt ,t. colder-. t.t.I. to Wi!lir'.' t~ 0.1' t1uil Iii. .d':lll C!l1Il b. 'I,It:t ...

1 ' •• d .:Mi tbe •• 1, can'UIIp.lioa, ':I.. ,dllp.n"t onl"

on to'h. il'Dr'k rat,. ~ DOt Qa, "p~"" ot •• dvl.rQlt ... p., :tn· (I hUM _t,'h I1m:tt&ticm. (0Zft.1'! 'UOIN!I n:tr .. ly 1;o~dc at two .. mo.pkt .... ) l ti'l. ..U,CiliICJ of 'tM b~&~Ia& ~'I: ~ ••• 1t.t.j G.~e 1ft b*"dl~nI .. nd CRMfIOrt t~1 of t.... eqUilLPfI*\t. T'hII ImIrjC'JO '-I y:t:nl .._", :lpl'fiilftt :l.I ".~pild II. !I 1 :lllll!::; to ~eftH vorl: :H.i. 1:':1.1" kN ~ lib4U'id. 'b. .,valll.1II ... tbI Dbi'll!!!:' il' to 'CO2 '~ii~p '~lult1n. ,~ 02 poil.<II'II:lna., The .ppan.tu,l, l,.d. ltllel r oc.l1_tl)' to tJIII ilM/ot n •• l: .,t uc:lit op.r,l'!t:loa.,.

_ .... 0.

n. IP.dJl:IO)I OlOl! .. d,

c:l t",C:U:1it 0.."- 1 ... d\lna .ApPIII:'.tUI;o hll:ltat.'M:h .. :.:r.',.noed to. Ii" t~ ,1a:i'E':lon. ftl 'b1 and

p'M ... d, Into tt... U .. S. ..", on 01l' .beNt Juati. t 963 ..

It H:il'liIC.d tM' Getlnln IU:"'- ~n L.T LUND n ~ 'IIb:tc:h twill 1'n t:~!TI! £'a, t.~ 1 till ll.n. _d. "IIItLI POI .ad 101.. h "''r'laa il a r.c t:l:(!ula t blfi; ..I:.lo •• d cbcu:h:. • .. lflXlata:lnililli OQ'Ien bre.,tl'l;tn" .·PPJIFa tu, •

It 'ba" .. 12. 7 ~ub'lc :e'oc~ Cj~9 .. 6 l:tt,:t:'IIiI) aun4ud 0Ey-

•• a c)'l ind .. t" nleb. CiI'n b.. C:Mrt:" to 2000 p. t, .tnd.

• CyUMl"1 u 1 £; .. ~i.tI.r wM,ch, ,.,U,l 'hold I.ppt'OJ:I .. t.l y 6 pound. o·f 'ban 1.,... I I; hiI, ;II u •• r.ul ,ib.I'Nt'ion or llU) .1m!!t •• " !Iq can.:t.t4U\, 1 :t'f. :L, 1')'0. III:lDU,t: ••• Otht-r 'IIIiIIIj 01" CompOMi:il:1I iElCi! lua: tbl "'.. IlUpP 1)' eentE'Ol un:tt C .. t.t v'" lW1:J wbt;,c::b iC II A, b. 1.1: ~O' p:rO'Y'tde II. ClonIItllnt "lav Qil 0 to 3 .. ' Utt"Ul.l~te, II 'by,-

p •• 1 val", ... tcb pHiil1t;;,1!i " .. ,. ,..:1. toO ,,_. iii. d:t~ect lif' :1;.:",:.0 tha ! b~tb':ll!ll 'bq I. tva, bTu ttli':ln,a 'MI.

C .. c'h .. f;t~ a • 1 it" C!iplCl':I. t:vl att.cMd. to ... !I:L,p~ .,...... "it .tt'h UJlmOfi .... ' •• , ... t.en4!i.".1 • ~1 ... t.Qf.' p~ •• et, to If-iN! ,.1 .ndl ,I. ~tbp:t.c:. ..... ~1,. rltt.t;cl. .tth, ftoa .... tu.f'I'II Wit",.. and iii Z ... y (off lbi,) 'lflii I ". i '1M 'c:.Mp,llIt"l, ....... ;.1'. unt,! "'PI .~t 3!

p.~ QU,t or. Rt'r (tnc1.Uodl:lI\l, NN 1 )"III.) j I1Id it ap~, ... 'n_t;t"IIUy 'buOY.lllt UII!I"~t6T'. ,,~ un:l,t t. (lIi.Tn.d _..,. r Itf '!hA,50.5-0,5')-2461 * anil 1;1 c,c:wat.d 1IIi lilltn4t'lon look 'lL\VIH.1'. 09'''31 ... 001·4000,

~ ' 01 I~.nuht", biln 1,.. , at ~~u:lnd ..". .. ,..1

ap tl.11 II.IPPor't (hwp, Pac 111. t!t'r\leti:~ 9940. I •

I.V - 13

··1 11~·"1'":-


"'!' 1·1.

. ~ ..

I .

. ..


~lHJ~ ·rlJ:IlTkE1M.c~ CIUilSTnl .ASSE:.I1B,LY i(;OKPLJ!TJl:

1'1,11 - 1'-

~ .


.. .. . .. ::-..... ~

.::._.. 1 ... -:

• ';-i:.q ... ,-= ....... ..:.-; I, .. . '~.1.~ .. ' - .. , ........ ~;-. .. " ~:':

"1.1,: .. L ~ "I i ._ ":

, .' ~ j -:

.. '

, . ,




r. '" .. ,:I~ I . ,

.. ~'::I'} .I' •• .:,:

_.. !


., .

DB.Rs0ll q~TOJ. , ·Y'O"li ~RSON MXTERIMt:; Ii: ·i:I.Y-·P,ASS. VALV~

AS Sl!l DQ..Y

''lU 'NbNatkiaa qc:l,. ...,. d\- a:d t 111 tn u.. '1 ...... f'o'll .' ~ ""- i- ........ '; 41-

.. ._ _.. _ _ _allli~ ,...., _ ... , ..... ~

tb. dt".r I:'.e.twil •••. (U. ' fl'_ ~ •. tt!l.lbt: ... li.'"" bft.tbinl bq_ 'tb.roup t;~, nlbt,""Mfti! tuht.,.. lind '~'ht, cr!'Ii!Ii~'" 'l .... 1..t'toa ".'1,,",, 0I:i: __ llltton, ,n'hll., ,I-. (.,.. ,~,t.,tQ!'_ ~11'1"bqn di_t,.,. ff'oOi'l'! d\tii III .... ) 1:., - ~''''d, ~ -1 ... .,._ -.-'II'IIIii :I. ..... ' ..'til. •

-.. P"'-""-'-",110 'I!';f: ~ ~_ _. Y _ '"A--liI!!! _ "" on

val vi: f.::-_ ,.,11111'111 Mek ltrto tb .. , :rtlht ... l\a1IIiI bi911'thifll 'Na. t ·'10, iJNi •• ili f~OII!Ii tb. 1!'ftOIj.t.l!i .. pt.ce ~ • ..mbly ~Ih'~ OQ'~y .Kh.tation

v. :lViI" -n4 tb~ tb!l ldt·_'u1ild 't. ... bti ta, thll l.f tMi3I", bYli&t:~l:na 'baa.. jQ i t,- _!l~. tb. t !1ft l:JIoN tho. :lna ", .. lViii, t'll •• 1" it •• cl:l;IP,t,IIiI01!!I , ... f:c'~ 't ..... t.e t i:n'< .. t'ht.,. bq j el!g. iq, tlov 1,ftit-ii!' t'Q "''bIorpi;,lC1fl e.n:l.t.".. ""'-n, t'M canon !I!Ii!!OII:fdllli ::t." ~~. Gaa v:tt.ih:lll fh. c:.~:tl1:._:r I ,"!)W' f't'M: of -i!! .. 'Fb<In. d'iO:lt:l..u.

1111,1 - til d:tlilll.l .. cild into t'I\. '!"1....... ,,---:- ... ,i;,~. ....a

"Ii 'I" . _ ""'!II ~"""'~.-I

lIb_" tt :1,. 'oin" with ~ now .~N 1.h'!!::. fTOll!: t .... G..,..ii ..::.:;1' lind Nmd.n. 'wt.:l.l, tb. __ t. '!lilY h ..

II! :lon,,,, "-:tli d, T'(I U:U:,.ibN. t'htna .Yilt.. .:l.Blhi:l.lI!II1i i"t'; bNi.tb:lDI, OJr. ajlij!!antu.t .... c!-.,.n .1 ill. '. ~. 1ii. al."" ... O'H'I"<"p.:r •• ,.~ ", .. 1.,. U i:.h!. ca-p lO·f tb.a can I- 1t1lY' nlcil'L '1. ' til" ••. .. L, • ..._ • L.. i - .

- . '," ...."'..........,,.. ~

~M con Mi,.,.,"

.... PlIIliI

I '!IiIo~ .,.i .iIIi" '!!II!

Tn .... ,.OD, 1. a Y'IIl,l."bl!l '.pp',z:''' WI R" q",:I. 'Fl. 011:1.,. ,.-rt~~, No t'ntenllM.", I: t ~1." II. fh~l,. ~ I .. Md .ft!l ... It'lii dlq aM. "'" l.rl)l' :la:I,.ctM, .

'IV' - 1.

~ VIIllit w1.. (liCiu .. :(:n. tha by ,.... i,'"~ I; f!'It!UI":tna:

.... l"~ ''lb. 1ft.t.r:i. ... 'Yd •• b •• Ii "' fr_ 0 to " t.PM

..... lC1k co .... be "d.}u.hod .".. ~. dt;v.:E' bllf·r:n". g,t' ,lhllriat th. d:tw.. .tome .. raoa OKJ"'" bat.t.lllll· 111'1\'. aq'ioii:i:,'P'P"Il Wit" 'I:'.II.I"'!N; ••• lIn·t_ while HN iiI". nDt; ~

CAlfIl'dI a.. .. I!III.:!: '.I'·lod :let·l1:; t~ 11'1"H' C::iliU,n .. :r lbould b. ~ fl"Oi!l 1::hi (:M,IItN' .... ·11 for- ol •• n:tl'll .... t".JlHt:t_. Till I'.~ tfh. t'"MI" Clild.t.r.. . •• - t-liClb t!M .1I.t.c:-toa qu Ick-!i::~t ,U,ttt'n,1 alili lIOn

'I'lq f·1'M t:'h. e;.,d.t .. ,aM .11 •• · tiM tnne •• 1 i ... t, WlUiIi t t bal 'H,n et,lIMd.. E' ... ·:ln •• rt ~. c.n Iiital' :l"o ita aat.~ IM11,. mak:tftill, ,Ul"'. tt t. 'P1"'~1.,. -it,ned., .nd pz'''. Urnl., .nto ,.1.e... (1'IMre a... I!W Ootnltl II! pat'ndt"" !IM'l"kiD&. - 'to out.,.. .Mll. "Tid ian.r Clint'tlll'" fo~ ••• , .1:l.D~t,)

WIti!I;A'l'lotr'l 10 l'Ui'b!!r{c:.t.:I,on of ... td pa!E'tl of

tt... IlpplftU:;UIIJ; ."01.I1d1 IHi ~,.."". If c.;C1no.l·(.OI'I. ee '"

.ur. 011, th~ II'; "na* >of the t 1tUnal... C! 1, .... tu.

d tb. .. U,". ril" ~!Ib. ..rD:rr. ""'oil ... bly t t.II'kII U'N to blow ·C.Oi'TOl ton iI\l,:t oft wi th OU-hH eOlllpt"iIi ••• 4 IIl't or (ItQ&_.

'ft.A fol1a.1nt t. .. 1111t at .PPI!:'I:)'Y_ lub .. ·r-U"K. rn. ."VIlIIPIIiOTI 9230 of 11 rill 1.9'h

I. .. IilllClic;i1i:r.bcm Gin' .... • /1 2' .. '''''

,I. D.o*U, .. ·"

I. ,. II U.OI"O·!.1oii'b. ~ .... '/1 0 .. 1. )52

3. :irljil;lIc.

.. /'1 I·J 1,\ - GI" •••

. ,. ~'i"lubtl

P/B Iv4rl~b. 811

oIJn t1M U04i E':tql 'ifIll~'h ·.U·.a:t •• &1. OQ I!:ba f IMq:la... i!:iO'!iI,._tI.. i.t ·t. ..111·i.'1. to u,,' • _'U I!"nt ·gf ,iUc"',"" lubZ':t~:i'IIe: ('.uc:b a. I:Iwnr 'Comq 14 .~_p~).

MMLYMI t. I&l'II.l:!fM I.. mil II U'_.iilri COl .'b,GI'i,*t p".crlb.d fol' U •• 'Ift elM ..... lid. '.1"" eto.. C:t.rc: ... :l1t .''1':1.. .. ui,.. .... e, In oIoUO.~. wi t'h M'rICr l'lIWGItlfPM:tMI't '94Q. 1.. Il'lInliila'i" iii.

O'ppI:I •• di to p.:l t.t- type -'1 t 1:1. 'UI"~ drliftlll .. 1" laZ'd y.dIl i. C!·i,')ft.1d.Z'·.d to lia,Y4I IINMl'Oua .. dYllftta..,. ~ .• I:' eM H11.t .. ·cyp. ,. Iuclll a ... t 'lon ... Gn(.tel" t:t.... ITWitel"' abllOt"_t q~.1 :U::l6a, "_'III'" 1... d .... t ~ !1M- pl"Cllp'r ~c llitul"tl... ..:rc:. ,of

.... pp1J' • .n. rsI .n ... 1011 ..... 1

kZ't·lii1'Ii: Udi"m!iidtl .. ·l.ti'l'l'" VI' I Cl'lIn·d~l ar t 'I IN (3i,·i D.)

'II "O;·Qal·!461 lauft:tl or :..,,1, J

w .... · 'up"I., .\IMc:1

ihlen.. ",loU.;,.l ",p1,. Cia-tel" ")nl A'll't'ftu.· I.~d !·ftk· I·U"",:. J-rot*;lyn. •• forte t 1232


,I ... S y'ItUCnOMS

hi). 'Dr.,,,, r:I.:li,p.I tH """. t, fftlill! I"u!it i •• It. all

_t,li'b&t,; mev' 'b;i;II::!cp!.slt (: liN.!.". _ _ ""'

(b) t'ht:I!rooujt .. l y 1LUpet uai t ,(III:' CI •• , t t""i"iI t a~ 'Dt'h.l" ,,"'il.ual d.tKt .. " Ch.c:'k 'b~ ~[..... ba .... '

m(N:~. ";! ~.'. ~'~r" _t,t" . __

-=-:::,C'· -liRA rum:1!Syiii_ ,,:it't ,-

(d) A. •• ~l. moutbp i.e •• nt~ t .".ur1l'1:1 11:, t {n'h. t..l't :lOD aon- AW." li'li lvt: it on ItGH! III iillil ~ :Ln ..

:It.l1 -MI, _ltWI,,_ __ __ _ - -_

{.) Ch.e", ... t'hpi~. un:tt tOI" "iIY ino-'lI;liln, 'POI i tt~ l t •• e:; fa't" tn'halat iOlll .and ubill.tlaa 1.,.11:" I,tnteb 'hD... .nd 'in .. p.ct for.' ,:hlhol". and t:au:!liI.1w e to.c:k:1iiI

,. r:l.ll (!anbt.i ri1:li "r,d ymti, ~,n tM rol .. l,owtq ml!l!nM:E":::

Ul Hold' U.'r1I1y.. (P-~.'.Tllbl:r:la.a 'bYI kb .. d. ~ntH mMI-"n"1c.l dlev:!,e-ll i )

(:2) 'P1,1I(l4 i~f' can :i..t.:£, IIcr. ... n 1111 C_fI!:[,.1: .. E" i!JII'U:::Ia it'h-:U na, • :tu ~ '"

(l) Pl.(!. ~1 •• ~1~ r1n, or o~r barrt.r tn • 'P'O.'tti~ tD ~il'nt li.ft t yn'IoI f1:'Ol!'l nt.T"i"l tlM •• '1:1'. "'1:V4I.n t'M- :inn.!' .. ad ~t.e'I:" C!* .NiI 11.iI.,

(4) P1:W.t" Il"laulllT" "r .. ll.,,_ 1'i11t:ii:! t'h. c .. n~ .. t.l" _i,lil ho1 dins t:..... 'C!CMlt!l 1".,. a~ti'Nt.l "I .ilbt irI:d'LM liimv. c,lIn 1.~ c,.a:lna" '!hi. ..llowl IIny u:'- 9 •• (kJ:u. ~:o "liC.,..

U) Tap t'h. !UI[\ht*1" wt,tb t.... he,l 'ot tfq twl)d Uilt'tl)' ar,t ...... cb twQ :pound. o.f hral,"_' ... 'II ... .a.c!dl.d • Tnt II ..,:tI1 • .ttl. the ~ra 1,)!'!III itL ttL! Itlltil'1- IIt.l". P111. to wi tld.,fL onti-,tULl~t'h 1Be"" of top or' :lnn.1:" C::linl.~!IIi't" :lMII.

(6) 'L4Iilv& bottoli!! 'two inc.... of Ia.:rlil,.. III prlt:iIZL b.e. u.a of ILtu:It .n4 df,lIe4i td:.

b .. nh;~.

___ . -- Ir:li.rt ""!In .114 If,!rlna ~om'b inlit:f~ t .ria T ·h.'c. ~ CI .. ni, .. T' - ,D't!' 'f"

(1) '.I't I"I!luhtO'f' ;~ •• .-un'~ 1 :l.1 t.. 6.7 to, 'Wi p!1i (~ .... l.tgl" :lb.oul-d N Ht to 1",»1.,. O1Cypa ilit '1S

pili opt :I.'!U!) .. _ _ """""_ _ _ _

(111)- Attach .. It 'ho ••• aM C:fIniI,..c~:i.OiIi"~ .;101.

CI:r& 'in. 1 , 4.,.. 1 "II t _ .

1Ii,1U.-ri »(jiI~. 'it"l ':l. :1,,,, "lac. on BuiIHl'l! :I! :It ..

'UII!! l..f_. . . eo .

lnipM til :lilt'" fill"· ,,: •• -. phell I'll iEL watn ~ tel t fOT' l •• u ~ ... t.1'" o.t ,c:-n itt." "l •• if

.... 1 q aql,l ._._ d1.D~ t _..

T •••

. I,. bl.c'kp!,r;:, •

- - 'FH.42LZL

, I

1\1' - il


AI.'''. l'u:q. b.fDr. IInt.:E'tn, the 'Wll'till'" 'in OJ'HE' to p".~t 1:\ypo:K.i-.. Pu.q.:L'_, .:i.11 b. ..oe_-

pi t... 111iIIU 1 t"l'I« 'by all w1 ... :r.. ~ tM -di.ncti_ of ~'h. B:Lvin, Ihptlnr:t.. Or' t .. 'nd 'iI:.'ha tollOW'" tq proc.4u-r1ll will b. ..,,).rld tv t

.I.ny 'U:iIn!I that I;,~ puri. 1. b:rOM ... ,I it ill l..u.

A11'Y1 to .,t.d$. ,~i" ..... in.

'Tum on 02; t-um oti .... "t.r-:tlll YoI-l," i Ti".. "I.\d d:CIa f,lIC_ iII'I ... k,~

~'"" :tni::ll.litbp1.:. ".1.. to bail; kM tMi I.nd, ~ .11 air /ox)"I.n :in .iI,ppa :t.t-u. ~

1I'i 11 bti.. 1M h'I lIy-,..-I ill; 'b<r..,tb. -'1'4 1 .... 1- .&"11 4Uii'1p~ 1I,..t p-T(Iill; ... ,. :2 '_9 UN.,

r:i.ll bq; v.,IQl, by ... pI ill Ii i tu'm on .. 'Urin. " .. lviiI, NtNtn <!In ,131 , .. ,or for .. _ 'I'h!,nlftl. d t_ '.-:lniltll. b .... ror. nl!;.-r1T1,1 .UP.; upon o:rd,r' ill! P:i.v:i... .up"n"'i."',"'t 1.0 • hirs'. ~ _ ·U,lN. on 'b .. , 1 'III.{uu ••

D "TN '''~I .. ""UTI

Tht .Ii ~-li d:Lvlq 111111 t. t,M'" 02 i.l.:r. 111 :2 5-'. n. pr.r ... N4 ,uptb t. i 5 I. t1I:. tlonM 1 dept-b-" 1_ l:tm:l,t.I -n:;

10' fD~ 240 .:I.~ut.~ lSi for- l~ ml~t •• 10' fo:r. tlO ~i~t •• :Z:S! f O:f' 1 _, mi.m:ite.

[.(m,1:.t.. tot' ncapt'ton.-l p1Tp~." to b. I-.-g thor---

1:1_ by ~11Rl OfflCD OML't I, "'I"a I, 30.' fo-:t, ,45, ••

"t to\'" 2" .i'lilut ••

40' for 10 .-1nu,t ..

'I'hII tbN. ba.ia cll ... ,.... &I.'f,n.t W:l:,~'h ..

elM" Cl:til;iult -iI:lWilf' mu.t p:rl)t,I::'t ,,:I ... 'U &r.1 'HJ'pcx hi

COl 'b", t ld-up Q2 f{o-:i,uiq

'!he rollowt~ 'tU hill .a r. 'l!lIIdanlld, to fol:".~ 11 oae or' '..,A ;C)! '~. 4:l ...... ' t

c .. ) :ttPe:r" '.'i!"M tlli. app.l'N tu. 'Wi tb .~1 .... nc.plt _,.~,

(b) Whan .. wi_1na wt tb .;.1.o".a 1;1 ~ U. , ... r I' ...... h~ f:tctent -ltllt. II lind: ,.1_,.. "ill. a tut;(J't

ttD and '. o.m GMlG& ..

(c) A1,...,. I,!:II. ftMil abtarbta,t_ 1" tlIi_ cion" ..

(dI) h~"' all <Co ... c... val".. "1'11 wol'l!:tna .an"

.Ill .... ,0.. ~onnICt'£on. .:r. ..""1'. ~

(II) MIYD \1.. 011.. ,

(:r) IWeiir .'U;ni!ill:r-d 1«3 l':i.fllj'c'Uit Ol1TIIDI tu


(.) (1,)




At-1. 'PUIOI: •• on ilt'l.taTia;a .,tar", DO lOT' UN coat:nt'U.1!I ...... ,d\1 ....

"hi .~ ,I ~~ 1"11 till = ",ppl'n::l'.n.l, 1

(Xl fOllow dtlpth/ti me limit $ p~eJ e Ii:! 1 y .

(1) ae e.'!N lire a.t flU time. of pOa Iii blCli ;I ympto m.s 0:. :i.l;n .. ; .!1Ii"u:fa<::e IMMEDIATELY it' ANY are not&d.

'bnl Ma:l:,nt~:Ii.n. a ;ood 'We~qht to·}' ratic ~ (n) Alw.m:YII exhale on i!IIlcent: dU!ltp ilIIi-f ilUi :n&CIo. .08 saO' to Prev.n.t over pre.1i surlrt; b;;!!~$.,

(0) StAY on heO fer a aho.rt time em the .. urfi!lce in order te qllt YOlJf eQ:ui li br.ium •

(p} AJ.waya;8 ~rl!lily:me I!IIfte.r • .e;C!h sWim ... 1':1.0 :mat"tu.r how s.hon th·. ~

(q) Remember tr...!!IIt f:re sh air 1.s tI! c~re for' ,02 di,.ea ••• ; he corlif} dent of 'yo-yr ab.J.ll t,y and. tn,!!IIt of yOUr Dudd:y; If yOu &.1'8 not, clon ~ t .eli:" ....


The foUC!Wln'g i!lte t:h •• mefl,enc·y proc.du:rtl' to b. 'used w.hll. ..W'tmm1ng tM Eme-rlo'rJ:

MEDIC.AL EMOGENe IEa,~ 'rbe pr1m~fY treetml!mt tot 1M th .... billl.iCl Oa d~.v.n4 cUl-e •• ,e. 18 :a~D1HING FRiSK AIR io Surface '''pe,n notlc1n.~ eny liymJ)tOmII cr :l!il·qnlio. C::lPle :mou1ihpt.oll!li· -valv"" B.'E:rORE takin; it oo:t of mouth or ,removing mask. Signal 'the bOlt.= do NOT .!!:ltempt '10 con'tlfi.U-e the iiiwtm.

FLOODING Cle(!.'r l:T.i,i!II !!I,k by IIiItand:ard proe.d'ur •. ~ 1f b4.ra. :Uoo.d I roll to left lind blow;' 8Wim in slightly ·liI.pdqht :goa1 tten and lCII';, •• n strap, to I!IIHOVI wete:r to

• 'Cay In bottom. of ~q:l!liJ ,urfilllCIIII if i l II Un,pc:ll,i,ble to bm,l!Ime witnaut telU.n.g on. '.

GAB tINE R.t1PTUttE: Sun8c. sl()W ly I ut1li:l1no

9 •• In be.t;Jj tl.lwe budd y. in.",. I U.gate; 1f hose hal ~Ui!t p.o,~ped 'Off •• but of! 02" repl.ace. pUI'Qe a.nd :i:or:r;inue_ beln9 to tum 02 !ba,¢k. On; if ·actual IUptt.JU occurs ... iI b,l:t 'Q:1'f 02 an.d secure ~

STEADY 02 fLOYl: Attempt to wort. the by-gasa 'V'alve I hi .. it.; if" it C i!linnat ]:)8 ;I toppe,jj. liW'face e·xnaUng thrQu.oh nO •••

REGULATOR MAlJ'UNC'tlON: 'Thi!!, U often ind1Cated. by .i!II 1:Iy- ,ilia. iI val VEl which c.annot be dCu'V'ated eM lin i:ncr.ale.d flow thro-.:lgh the ,mete.r1n'g "',alve; a rupu~red, hoI,ilj wn1 like.l Y occur I.. weU; lurf&c:e.

OVEltPRESSURE IN BAG& Eldiale th~;h nOli,,; IILUOW' 02 te &:le6" iiroun.-d .cor:ne-n of mouth +

IXHAU S'l'fON 0" GAS su FPLY: ExtH!lIu,.tlon Qf the ,q·i!lill ,aruppl y 1.1 not ,I!II lel100ill Pl'Qblem ~ The c·X¥9 • .n in the br-..,thlnq • yatem 111 u .• ually encuqb for •• v,lIIIfa.1 mln".te,1 ,of UO'ht .wtrQm1n<9 ~ Stnu~Jy liwim to tb. ,,..rfoc. and. shift to air bnlath~n; .

EM"EBQlliQy' PD'Qlf1NG

t~. 11 'to be ". .. lIIId ONLY .if ap'paratl",1:1 :i,1 ,", .. rely ,damaotd or cau,ht on en O·:b&:tN~UOri. wlwl:re tbe wddy ·C6rmc·t fr.. it.. and tt t •. 1m])O •• ibJe t'o. :lour,face with 11. Of!: • The proper d1 tch1n; procedure 1 a !II:I follO'N.:

(1) Get:rid.- of wo1ghU .•

(:2) Pull llf-e:lIl.e1l:.t quick. r81aa,.,es; it it .8 1'I.8e ..... :I!UJiry to rel!!.O\P& it. hold. .i t i ecurel yin the hand.

(3) too .... in .Em.~Otl .~d'. ,t.r6.P" B'nd 1,tnl:i.p ...... ' .. I t. (.t.) 8U P CM,ll of 'lie at .

(S) Pull lif"J ack,.t too;!I1·... nQId.1nQ' b..1b eQ'aUu·t 'With Mil!: hindi: .xtend ·other arm 0", .. 1' head r blew and go.

tV' - 1'9


SholJ ld youii' hlJdd y bee cYme- uncco sc tou is or con ~ vularve wblle fJ..\l.b:mel'ged. the followin;- proced'l.uoe will be: followed to. bring' him to the slJrfac~::.

(i!I) l\pproech :from the .re ar •

(b) H,o.ld reacuee .!J.9airt.Gt YQ'!Jr body with 'the 1e It 'hand .!!I98:.1n.$l't .hi I- rt b <:!6'1l1!!. right hand hold"'n~ b~cltpa~Jc; (c} Releai5ie HIS WEIGHTS; tni!. should provide

i IJ Uictent 'bu oyancy .

(d) Sw 1m 'tow i!IIrd the I S que·e:z il"i.; h!,fjI chest ,

~8) On litll,ui.m:ce, or if n.ecesllary O~ the W(fJY up I in.Ulltlj hi,1!! tn' E:JAC KET ~

(f) 'If neciIII:u 0111:'". fo .. addi tion"l buoy~nc y. irtUete YOUR BAG.. Enl.ur. M.e blJoyaney On the I;urf~,¢e by' ~.nflatin'IJ hi:l Hfe)·ac.ket and b.e..g 8 •

(q) Clo.-liI II!! Valve en hi IS mouth pi·ll!lce; :remove 1 t • (h) Remcv·1l ntiS mal-k.

(1} C lO;5.e hi!l rnAlt'eri:ru; ''1.1' alve; cheek f,t).t bre &tn'" 1ng re,nrlc·U,o:n lSi •

(j) Push .him ~,W6y to ·end of budd y line to hie bu,oY,lIIn'c'f.

(k) If' bi $ buoYi:lln.c.y 1!!1 adeq:uate and there 11 NO a,HANCE of Jc i 1n~ !tim r c·o-me. 'Of! diving' e tat us (lI!Ii'n e !',ne. you CJOB e moutnpieo e valv& :be fo:r'e' temov in.; l t): U:ght U!!xe; e~U bOe!t a- •

NOTE:= Thmu,'iilhout the fill :SC;::L.14!i t the re i cue! :must not do ~n. ythin.; that would. m&ke .him iielf unable. to dive. ,Ra mutt never ~OI!!I111 oontra·J ot th.e reliCu, ••. pifi,pj,lJ Y I re member lha t fre i,h elr is, the primery tteatme rrt f O'f 02 dl ver' iii· dil.-lI!I'ales ,

(a} Secure thll' e ytin-deiF 'liilllive.

(b) Thol'O'L.l9hl y. tn. oue !!Iidie o.f the,.il lSi wUh 1 ... ,1 ~ wate:r .' Thi.l, is beat done by diPping' the ent.ire ASSEMBLED ap.p.aratu:I into a lat;e -can. of f·re.h w..,tet. f'ir.n mak1n.'Q sure that the· mO'L.ltnpJec.e.

II hut-of'f 'V!IU'Y. i.e closed and aJl Qal d.U'VIIlIIf'Y f1 ttirL~.1 -are c:onn!llicted.. Thl,i proCtll!d.1"IrtI w,iU wel·h aalt 01 the fj, t.Un.-.;' a •

{e) AlkaU r.mcvol!lill If r dUrln.g U.I5I,e; tl:l.· IiYt tern hill. b •• n .flooded to. the. extent 101 wetu.n; tno oer:bo.n dioxide ,l!Iiib.orben~. WI!II,i!lh th·u in..ide· of th. entirt! res ptratory Ioyst·am _ to remov" alk,I:IIU. Oo:not wdah the goa deUwry .. 11 tem if it i I el • .,n. In.nead j dl:1(:!Cr.-mect th. • .gel delivery tube, ir,om the 'We.1.t ·"nalv .. so th.'l:IIt mcd, -will rrnt Rl!ach it. If .POII i,lblllll. d.ry

aU c:ompQnfllntl b.fore :r.-e -u I-e •

If flODdin; re,uJu in .TLt~atLe. Qf wet.,r !!lind alkaU into thll iii U VII!Ii'ty ;I Yi!I·tem., ClO.rro-ll-OtIi and ~.tallizlt1on mal' in umo obl.true1 PII •• ag., in the "alve • The w l:l,st .hould ~ •• f-:o.m, ,the .t'e'oullltor~, and. flu,hed CQj:lioul;Iy aM Hi1t'lIwdJy w'Uh

t ..... ·h water. The W-Cli1i11t end corm_ClUng tubing' .t\OYld btl, LilY :Defotl! re-a, Ie mbly . ~ n;ul .. tor eln u.a'LIal1'y ~ of ,d.llmPni· ... b" dllcitl:lll:Vi:ng 'QUfree oxyven throu·9h it fOf one· or' two :minU.-llt. lit. lew'

pre luure ,

(:4) I!:..ov« b"lI;:.c'II:; co:v-.r ~ :t:'nov. -C"1:I;1.,t.E:' j lI!I!pty 'lard JlII'IIiIi.

<.) thot::wply Wont!: ea~.'t.t.T':Io Tii, ... U !t!:nC.~ .nci bl!c'kp.lck ..

(i) R.-oYI! ~lli to"r f~ ox)!'," Mttl.,~ tt~, It. ,1iIIIia"u;; that O'K"H t. ot:!'f .. lid. prt .. eu.'te hI.. b."1ll 'blH :I!''fOtI!I 1'.ly,l.~r.

<.} l ..... iat;: • .ly dry .. fir! r.t'li,'ft"I, '0Wf! pn bott 1. t'D,.

(h) !!I,lew oQlIC'I:'l.t.Z' aM NlU.'l.iI: t""T dTY; r ••• lnP 'bl. cttl,1ItM' 1 ...... lq blOtt:o. loo •• ; 'r.ilinlt.al1 c .. fIiht..tEl, bael1c.:paelk; aptlie. 'backpa<ti:'k, co..,.. •

(U' D,t ..... tilbl.· _utb.phce ..... _11~ t"ho:t:''' D'ii;l:111, _Iih; p'lac,*, .. ....,l:y 1., 'Nck,aclt COy.~ ,.nt :I.t d,IIi'ip. 0YIiE:' <:"1:1.1 1'tM' ~., il;:iDlKWetoN.

c.l) 0,.. dr .. I n 'pl~,1Ii ,.

O:} WIll',", (lU't. biNI ttl;1na MI' •••

(l.) i.Uow uI'I.U. to d;1"1! 1a.1 'AtU"" UD.! t toO 1 til: po:d.t;i,on on :r".c.'k;

(.) If _1 f'lm(!:,!::'io!1 Dt:' .uN". ha. O(:c:u.~t'~ .. f :1.11 QU;j::, UiiI: pl"OY1,d.d and th ... ,.. tQ 'l,iM I; •

• B",.~C,'L.~'_E» CIR.CUIT'

DiV •• wa~. b.ln; .. ~. vlt~ Vil:riQU •• 1~1 01:1, n:!,tl'"OJ.._ anil ~~ ~ b.f g I'WI tu dillcOVlllI'Y of th. -,'rile t. oJ n:it:rDi,IIn. 00 thil dUl'e-r-. In GiI~ny lit;l 'f\C!b.en ;Ii;g drill". VIi. be IfI.I u..,.d In 1912 ~ ~ .. br. ... t.bfn& mIId1Uf111 waa 4';:' ot .. rid 5"',z. 'I'M fol'" iOllf1n8; ,.. .. '" ,the ~1I!!,.cj .d".rk O'o.pan)" .. ll!!tTodu~l!Id " Ii 5'0'1. 02 !iIIiM 401 • 'l!r.het!Un .tI1.1O!:'h 'oN" II U tOMlIC:i-

c.Ji UY'~ Dutd:nt 'tM a.con· Wor1a, Wa to.. 113& hind". 'Ii: l,..~ line. \1I.Ui ,. ,I.if -C!CIll1;lIl* m11t.d III I, ua1t u.ovn ill. tbil C_,. MIiii~,. of tb. Ii! !lIICIliI'.:. ,of t'hll, un1,t w:r. Im;;~:t'iPQ<r .. t;_ :in tlwi, 'U. S. HI", '~1 t d4g1oped. ~ the hpiI'l"liMB,t& 1 m.,,:ina UrI,lt i •• h.'I'nltll;ln,.. D.. c. 'Thtll '1IifII1 t 'kflClWl!l "I thti: '1«, '!I;, WIll! a ..... '".d, liil;i!li:;DRli.n.a: to ~ ~eq'l;\h·\ ...... t. 01 tb!lll lOll Vi'l1tll of th. lUvy., It 'Ifii:ll _,i;C4iI,p-tH, 10. 1 '9S9, .liM f I.'id U.IIi ,I!hCivIid M'nJ d ....

f 1-1:: :i..nei.1 i Anl)'thU" unt,t ,.,.1 'but-l't ',ll ed 'tk iii( Vl

Wh:ieb tM 1.'Il1$td ... ny of til. i:lh.llltl8,,,. .ru! 1.,,~nt. :r.eo...m,.d by t:_ d:1'Wl1',1II in tbl: filiI d. ,ill thoup 'the LrnU 'll'lll.i, ,diri!llllGpad f Ot' IOD 'lifO", :L,t :til HI"I 1 •• u..(I, to '000 l' I: .nd. 1Ji14:di f« .... 11:11. .. 1t!ti<:1I:1,.. ()n :I._tot: :t.l U;, • •• t, UPT' ,d,tv.n t'Mlqltl:, 1 U ...... ,u.t babbl_ 'iIIi'01.lild N: ,1l1I!!it:~Ud .uUy. 'tnt.. Yf'O'nId ot'hM"Wt.. "!nIlS tu PI:£'!!I' 'CM1t Qif b:f.u vlth. l«VI WIIi.. 'htp,.. ,,,,tu.n! diIY.l DpmIft~ c-.lll fOT' I: bubble ·dlt., peT,1 t", 'PUlI.1t; va b.. .:tut t;'h. 'PHCnt Qf (I" t«! thould. .41i1C t'"M:Ii ii, • 'WI tit th. dili - 'Mlopmlat of 'tM SOY~'" .. ~ ~ igq,et" boii,IiiQliil U._ 1'!Iqu:l,'l'*IICI!t (IC!I; tM, dt •• to It'h. f'Ll:t\i.... of tM ........ et o •• d, 'I,IQ:t t ~ t:kil U1tt '" .. pp.u~·. ,1Iw:u.N ~

"E'bili MIV1 SCUM 'ia a 'Y.ry 'N:l:lIIII'bt-t .. nCI •• !. p:i.::. ot d:tv1n;; I!qu:tpment, 'Wbn ..... li p~"t'l y. pTob,l ... eneO'UQt • .:-ed: w:l:t'h t!'LtI i«Vi ,ar. ~1Ll. ll, oil t,t"f' 1 bu,t..:l too ail,taU. t:'hI, 1111".1:' biii;l ·.111. h~l f j .:ttbl'r" I .. , hi ..

•• tYi, pl'OlC;iliilhi~. 01'" ID. thil !p"UI. o~ di:l:p tat i-. .

'hi: :*,1 In4 .. 'iu.U "\!'.~ 'l;"lIIIdU., t:o ,,11 !t~ d.:I;'II:tq IZIl.I:l:.QfliIi !:if 't.'h. UD'i'/1I.U. 'f ••• , and U lUI •• iilt' .... 'ny.

'lb. oClI,.b1llty of l«\'l ':I.. 'L'O· tint 'Lith.

NZ0.2 • A1.IO tr= oapil:btl tt.y of t.M r«YI clOliliK c.irc.-utt c!ln ". 1'001. 0 t "ltt1t1i '"0 e.ll 'tAL. bubbl ••• ,

U,,1na; t1'll. l«V1 wl't'h stW ~ ,I ... un 'tb. .. d!ya"tllp of d:tvl 'nil to '~'1;:h. I. of 10 f •• t:lo 'nt'h, bOi't~ tiila M:,I", limit.d 'Dniy l;io t,M, 1 If. of I;:M ci&o.1.t.r (1.8<0 =1~:t .. ) .. lb.!. 11i poI. !by 1.1. tna; ,~!_lI, allld 401 !lI,l ~'NU:tL. 'h -.jJj1vd en!::, ,,1 r dilipth iJIOuld. " 1. ... tha~ 40' f •• t + 'l'lMA" ~ 4 ll.1t:Lac f.<:,tO~1i 'C:i1u.1t

""""lot a'l".,.. h. cD1it,..rMlu w1 th ~ pl._ina, a .:l'xIl4 ,.. ,~tVilJ' .1 t};; thilj l«\Pl", th.,..Ii A =:

GIm - Q..I:i ."ly l),jntioa nu.n it1N)

IiJ) - lq!Lila iIlllftt At r' Dlpitb (,c..C;ilHiprlil,.loa)

atm - IlIilatl'fti, O-Y .. I)e,pt'h (0.."'0 t:t.l •. U.-I,t) Cari.U tM' 1.:1.(. '!', UII.f~l .d:u.N,t:ton of! co2 .:b.loN-

""",bot_ iIfICOliiftt.1IN:d wi th 'tll!. )lll;;Vl ill A u._ll y at· trlb\1e.d to !l!!:l.1,I!:.iIIQiI '~ d'1'YiIiII" ba.. ..d.iI bta..l f :Ii ,.Ug,", in h1. _u.p GI' tiM, d:tp e..t Pl'oc.'I:' ••


" --,

'IV '. 10

Ml{vt aAS 501T1.BS, 'f,.lITH ~::tro.l;D


~ .-


~. I

)f]{VI BOTTLE,"R A;S:S:EJ'I1!I,L'f CO!1FLETti;

IV ~ 21

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,I ~: :~

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QUICK' - :-0' 'OIm'E' , --C' T'

: '.. - I

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MA'LE CO-U~pT nll~ --_.-1 1<

~ - ~.~ -I ,- .: : ....•• _ •. :", ~1;~~ - _ - _' -.

". _: ..

FE,MALE,-QUlC"K COUp'LDtU· '.0- .. ·.·_ .. ·.' 10.·.'- .. ··

,[OUTLET)' -



- (' r>.

Q ... RlNG SEAL ~--. ",,' '_:"-"!I"'"'-' -. ", . )

: ......... '




n' . -- . __ .















., ~,-:' -,




_'11;,. l~o'IJII,. __ 1_ • ....._ _ • _ _ ~ m""l'll 1-.:11 .. r. ..

1 • .0. u.. lottl.. (l" l:tve .,1) .. :z • At.UII:."h ~hl tc:1" to .. a.Uold..

:). . .... e'k .off F.qula tOl" .pt"1nilili tillftl.113t1. l.oo.l eft

j". 1'a:I.t; lilll.d. N;''t Me.d.:!J.. y .. l... .. tum.

"'. 'T'u'm (f11OJ' '11" .. 1".. to OK + At.tach .,u,;l, 'ho.. to· P'NI:lIIU't'1II I,I.UIi. lliid. cptn bl •• 1Ii " 'I op.n ""U-Ql~ "a1". SLC:IMLY ..

,. u Itn.. tee wrnc'h h .et r.lIJl. tor' ,·Sl. (In'" .t~~tcr will Ii .. "1)~

6. !vfti (;alan to on~ IIHd pt"tIli.ur·. '_'UI.+ 4ttac.b ihaPPly hoI'. t.D tiow HUI'. 'l\iftl: 0!41 an .. 1 v.e to ott ..

, . r hi c.e KNWd.",I" .. 1" tlwciliillb. Ja. It'lU,t iIi~d .. ,.t ~ •• 41. "lily. It'D -p,TG"1' lita'flow.

8·. :01.(: IiIl'IfIAIIct' .upply ha.. fl'G'I!!! fLow _til-r-.. ~ '"'.It. ~ I. 1 .. ".. ."'.1'"111 t I..... a.· ."Wl,. 1!I;o.. tao flaw iD.'.G. and '1ft •• t.1" for pI'0plri" H .. dinK. tu~ ONion "'Ill ". ~.. DlI'a:omMIct

• ~pplr fTOM .fLow .. t.~ .na ~qnne~t to c •• i.t,r .

. g... Attach 'IIIO'!lt'hp:t.~. (~ta" non .. :r-.t\ilm wI v.) to rltJd; 'ho... PI.,c.. MUtbptKa I...,.r in ,..p po.ttton •. le?l.c. dr.·d.n p1ua cap,l. Tum aN 10ft VoIl\141 eo CQt :POI1tioa. !lu-ndi by fot" ,"u,I~·t C!Mclk.

10.. A.ft.l' IIqtii piilAftt c:*,):. e •• t f·ot' INIt •. ~

'''''1.. ·3-.' ~ 3-4 ilnd )-,. of ~!b. Itv·:E.aa Hl!a\lIIl

Ci on.:;.liI:\ 'tlH! _t'h ·t t... 1 bitt. and .11\1 __ flew I·.t.-

t 1.- fot" '.b.a ... d:ivlnl.. 'lb. d.p·th U._t. tOoT' t1w IItlld.N leVI ~'g'l IIr. *

60.140 oi~ Mbc :!!IO :t! •• t

40/60 o2'r p.. 140 f· •• 'C:

31. '/6 7 ... 5 04M2 lUx. laO t. •• t


(a) 11.1_),11. ~Ie the .ppa!'a·tu. with • I·t. .. ndas :mUtu.N.

(b) Al".,1 ute. :h' •• 'h ••.• o't'h.nt in I;l;.e iIj:"nt.t.l: .. (.e) Clftfu;lly •• t t.M 1dj.:: tot' t·o t.M PI"OPI r IlOil' f~1:' tM IfOI"k .ntlclpa·tM,·.

(cO l):) not excHd. tb. 4.ptb .. p_ It 1611 ·tOI' tb. Ilirtu'li"tI lit ulll,.

(.) •• : c~tantly' iI'l!..-rt f 01'" f .. of t~ ... - ba~.~ .• alYe to bubble •

Obi_tv-Me o.r the toU owlna .iI!'oe~ :Iii d tM In.t..t :i.IlllpDrl;"l:!.c. di1.l1'1nl. iii d:t:y,. with . , __ "'Ii;! fJ'.' a::U3A1

t-) At. te~ WII t.; cuc'k tlliwirt: ... .."" cap... fY'Oiiiil .,.Mut 'It&1" ,.·t tM end of nhal&tion.

(b) WIlli.... d •• "ppi __ t ••• f 1_ vitti 'by-p.. to pr!I'Vnt .. iU;.... of ·~ht _ .. tbl. bI ... ~ bq .. bOliI!; Z " f~11. Do. 1"iOt. d •• l~ fa iii ~... ~CIo t'h.t: hi (I-n 1nf'Llltili .:ttlli.z:o · .. "t-c-.1i :E.G. 1 I., or iIiIftU II f.

(c.) ..\t "o~li;li\Ii d.t,:pidL. -d.jullt aba.u._ .., .. 1," to pnrvi4e fo·1" II eOlllo.nabl. mliilikin. ,".1\11'. ritkou~ UiU1l.8 ... he ~.,.. .. ; At th1l ead. of .n,.. ,,,11 .x.b& lilt laD t:M. lIik'MU,I1i 'IHIl.. .lb.ou'1.d d,1.c:U~I' II .... 1l. ·govnt of


('do} Wol'k L'I.(WMlly j. IIV(1'U atE'_ n.rt1·gn "'"-

1, •• ~ fl~ ... ~ .. 1ou.l1 •• t .fo~ ha&vy vork.

·W ... ·~ ii:ttnpt' to wt.. U It". ,...r .. I. Ht t01" II ftllilltl~ ,tv... .Awi;:l4 fa lit; "Ictirtl' OI!' ".cent. 1.01"

.. 'ftoi't: eli., ~... tlu.rl:q. ell _~1, loa. 41ft flub. tM In'ut ... t.... bill & .Ull!u.I of oace II "'-If h,QQ:t.

0ftMIi \Il.:tat 100:' 02 tl\t. fl.u.,' _0...14 N dOD lit 15 adautllil :i.~t.Ii't.'Y.l.·).

(.11) It.,.. ..~t.l (.,e) on tb.. 1d&'11111:: wI VtI It: 11: ,. n'lIIlM. :Man, of \!I'Ulwl_' If t'M :f 1_ n_

I. MIlt" DCi:rw.l. It tblN :h '"'1 .4oii:i\t ~ t tM :flowlui .. c .... q.d c,l'ItIielt t;1q ur:r.n:n.t1a1 pu •• U .... '\If ...

(I') tg.dc. tM d1f":L'lui.'tul ," .. un pup , .... 'I.:":Lod:tc.ll'l Q-t"" "~1me t'h.n 11 d4ubt .bout lb.e flow 'tat... Th. D.'. 0:. h oil VW'y "lII1JIJ.l.. 1.11 trt y. • •• ,c •• 'lb. iEV1 .... "1111 not h ~ .. Ii vtt~t tu !,II.'. Q:.

IV .. 21

(a) 10 not OYer .. e.J p. .u.ppl,. dUZ'ilt:toa;. e~ ito .0' thl 4;:1. .. 1" .1.11 __ e "acne!.. t'h. "o.llowl ftJ ,aN t_ lI'tila.a'L"d .• 1.... tIC! u.. lol!' (ltvtq Olr a.... ..,;::1. ... .. ..,·'tb fol" ult;b .u: 1

60s 01 .. M .ft. mu:1.uwi 40l QZ .; 14·0 ft. ~~ 3t .. ~~ r:}. 1&0 ft. fIIIJI:~

In U(I... of thel.. ellil IIU.Y1IiIiE' ¥ill ·bI. ".!lHPU'b16 to OK,._ pcoboQ:l.nt.

(h) ,\11M)'_ :f1.liun. ~ "- u1 v,. 1 nt ,lIt .aptb (lAD) prtal:' " I; diva ulitna ·thll :lAD fgiW.3.h .. t·~ ~!h. d:L. ... • ina ""ill. 'I'M nne:T' _ I ... t f'l'"OII. tM IAJ fO'~h ".ed. :iD. c:anjruQc;UIm wtth tb.II l.tI, rod. Ii II'" Ii 1..,lq ub'h. rill .na'bl. 1Uo' to"OCI."O~.Ul, f Ilun OUT" Ii .... O"'I'.ill Ion t:l... fo~ .. cb 4:[ .•••

(1) At.'11 · tb Nh.'U·v. OZ1 •• n '.ptb.

I:QD pdoOl'" to dl". ''h '~'1I:a'1 ,lie IQO nll n"

INI t :till :l! or' tH ,dl.v.r.

(j) A1-1" ·1.1""b eM "bAill tlIoiq bq • .,d.oE' to

1 ... Y'l,.. tlw bott-a. or 1,1I1P:b'III. .Itg' •• ....,nul{l!1I .COpi. ~" II! ~u I.Ted to· bliP :Pftwnt 'hy:pm;:i.t. It:L4 poI.:fJ'bI .. .I6f' ... ";1;."1' ~ .'t' ... ttw moZ'1lllUy (!D. ... 'Ye~

1 ... ~ pauat ..... t d4pth b ,. •• 'Df · .. lw blp.r

,.I"t-:l.1I1 p" •• un oil! 01.. ht.... b..t iC_d. t.... 1!f1111'

01:11- ptI:rc .. tq.. fill liCit .upPOl'"t 1::I.f. ."Clt_ ... "t.l ,r ••• ul'. vi II decqa.. at •• ,th II.CHi .....

AI 1M ·&t1wl' a ... llil ~.. .urf.ce b. v:t 1'1 b~_ .aoxi.;, .• 1'N flu,lt t. IiM:l::Wpl 'b7 pull tn. tlwi ..",.... f·1I;II1:'

.pPI'o:K:l .. '15 '.(1'*."

~II VI Slct1RI PlIlCBDtll,1S !POST DN! 8'f1PS

1 , ._.".,. r-t.a ~ 'ulI1na ~.dd.,. .,..t.... 'l,*".go,

Wlilb N.c.):; ~ _ur.e..... t .. n1,fold..

,2 • II U:OiiDIIic;: t. CUllt,lta" 110,.... ,t'Nlli !bail, "M lI;oa· 't:E'o.l block., ~ .prwlldAlr lNi I:' ~ '1.le;"', c.llflillJi: __ ..

, • ~ (:!1IE!.:l .. tel'" COVill' a:nd. dumF ~ ea t(lhiq

"c.~ , 'WII.b. ColD 1.t.r I .c;:r .... , .Ad oCO'Nr'. "pI.Ct.

~Qv.'r I 1"11,,,. looa... .

~ . :a.-av. tKI\Ith,p:L.C-1I r a..av. d.rll,t'n p lUI capl. -"h hoi .. , -.outhp i.(I. .n~ bal ....

.s.. hpla t". i:;lIiI'1i1ii!E.llr. L.II.,. bolo.. log.... .. .. ,lac. 'F~~~ b.~.

6.. PlIlG. I':tl 4XIi KIrk VI rllll(lk.. hm OK lOll •• 1 ..

ON, 1'",11 bypl..... lev .. :.:- to bleed "Iul.tar pre. IRI!Z'e, l.I:et of,f .prina t,.n.a1cn c:m 't' •• -..l.,tor.

'7 • t13o.l n r-q ... l .. tGr J'Cllke ~a MftU,ol dI. S.. PI- ee moutbpt.c. MIl t'op. of CUII:t.Uiit!' .. 'r aM Neot"-d ibottl. P.:"M.U-".

10.. :!II1:_ 'r"':10 'in p"lIop... 'pl.CII. .... ROmNCY

D.lV,I.,O PBoe_DV •••

1 .. 110041._:: 1. tndtC:.,t.d by tl\e ~ ",ina ....... b.1ft8 l~fl.t~, but tb. d1~ 4IID ~t ~the ~llF .. 'l'h. c.en:h t.r whln :U oodelll .111 not &11011 ... to 10 tb~. lurlail:. IDDlilt.tlllly"

! • GIl', ,f law- f. t lun:; Tnl,1 w111 b« itwUCI. t.-d b, nD ", valvil 'bub-blu and :1M Ie-ted on thII ~G .. ~rl.Q. t~1.tely.

3 • :bba .... tlnl of Gil. iNp:p-l,-: Tht,. ,Ihould btl .. ~:ld.d by' p1."!lpi&l1n ins of the d 1'1/11.. If t'ht. ,1'hCU.'d:

MJlPR It '.:1.11 'b!lll 1Di!l(1.t.d 1:1)' M b\lbbl.. fru. .~t 11M tM ope .ill '"dic.tll '~. .fact, '_dt ... .. t.l,..

" , Dbv I ... C.... P'ftI!ll;:::ItClII:r.: !'till ,*3 loU., .;lap .. • t aM 10 ~CII dt •• u'l'fl!c. v1,tlIi tftj'iiliQli, III".~ ..

GA. ...LrrTJ:IfG ~ -.1 .... 0

tIlIe to. 111 1::11. t~""t pl'ob,l... '.n'h .tll!lnt p. ter (U.v(:.. .ruJ t'hll lIqiill~-=- 'l'"liIIu:l Ad VII liM 11 "'Ir JOU to 'tQ .D1vt,. Manu. 1:F ,A.ppiliN!br: II' ,.... .,' tuwF 491 ..

':rtor to IC 1~ on "DY ~ToII tim tha t w111 nquil". ~ll'x.d ~ II d1 ve. vi t'n . '~~ l«1{1'1 .ll ,"1, ",l~ bti pt:'_l:x~ .HI.<I • nil I yaH I!a.di Pr.'opl rl,- .. r1c,.H, .zoZ

m::[xwE'.. a't"e ~!ih·ed to be wi th1D. ;t l' of 'tM 111.•• :red. .:1x, HI 0'" .1Q11 An :r.qulNd. to b .... 'S 01

the 4 •• :tTM: .b::. -

,... ~.. e.f C tu'£' ~1"'c-"Ulllil 1ii ~,. .t.:tU.N ~ld b·e "PPt'ClYK b,.- 'I;~. ap...-rtllll!lnt.ll ru""fti.


Siile. only ~he .unhrd .1X:.1, .... 1;0 be· u'" tM d.{VIi,1 C .. rL bI pl.~ by \).:l.q th. f'(Iol. 'Lovtnl ·I!OIWIb,. ,lind t .. 'bl •• and! the .tll1'llllini •• "'Y ""t:U:tVl! Dl"', ,.b'le.;

tv ... 27

L,~ iIIt)l at".. ~. to" II ~.ri kI.,. _ Di'''''q

'tIb.l •• t ,... '133, ·ilI""" .... 1I'C!I~" T,.'bl •• ~"'ll:1o ,1",1'"

1 .. 2,0 ~ 1·11 ·.n _411 "Ol' ,6" lilt 32' 01 &a4 a:til 1;1 •• 111 ju.~ tM ......... t'h. HpIItlti ....... 411ft tI~l. ...

~ .20r DlVI,

tuft :DiV1l 0100

Peptb .of DiY!I, 7' f"l;: ~tOl!!ll 1'1M ." MiEli.

*Cb;:n .. S ~ .w; 601 02

*Inl"t;lcn"ttI 8 LIM, fila. oZ 1 ... 1 501 oZ

....A. D. ,3'.,:l' (.a 1/7S ~.»

H*J..C' .. D. 21 tt.. (2,'1/1' )l1B.., "p'!I;i'iU.'it. GE'O\'fP Bu.. .Tabl. t -11

Itc,. Dtc,,_'r ••• loIi 0 10 4M~ .loD, 1' .. ,,1 Nd hb·l ...... (401180 Nil .. ) UK 'bbl. 1 .. 1,1

'I'otal .. .Icellt 1'_ " he.. • 1111.' f:lpNd l ft .. ,'1' •• ~

'au 1 'u. .. of di.e 16 :1115 '':It-,nt t_ + I:H)IU_


INchMI .. u:rfIlC:I Of'L6

'*"'*'IiQ.Ii. luppl)" .... ntlon 1" 1I1n ... t ••

~ CIftIIItl(m f~ *'1 .. "ezoRn Gu.f.·atI 11. CUffIP ... _· t..&tloa ,..,le

""th .. u&ttoa fipZ'~ fll .. 1«'1 • ...-r1j.cXL pi ild. lV' liIIliil .... 1. .. t. &11" • .,th

''''''tt. -.;uattca f q;ur_ f~'_ leVI " "eZ'1IOa .utde III"II' .,...._ .... t ...

T6 ~ •• 4 l' ~ 'bott_ on tbl. !!lIve 110 ... 1 it 'btl to tn:tttli 02: pol.lH.:lJII;;

Inath11ll ,6Ql. 02 401. vl to J} f.-I: ill'Qull! ...... tM .. a ... ".t •• tw..thtna l'Oft ~ to "'. u,tb or 21 teat tlma t.... 1,*,-..: of :Z, tNt f'o,,- '1' .1Due,.. taba fro. oxypn ,..."o .. \Il"tI lJ .• lt, t.blll:~

lrHt'htna 601 rJl. 4~ lfZ to it iIIript:h "'~ 15 ".t wou-UI b. _ ,"'Ii!I(v-l_t of 'b1"Ut'btq !Ii 1'" II to 3Z. is f •• ,t.. ft:it h,· t'b.t. rea.aft ...... t there 1.. nCJ d.cR.pq •• laa ~u'h'''~

....,.,.". .. I~:g.. IP. ..1;ip;ly Ii:bara1; 1c-n ,hi. tll!l it.iu... :f~ tllbl. V (0. .... "ly llunt1iOa). ..tM" tIM; .n U()O ,.no.. ott) a LIM ~ol"'~ Ii~. :c:'h. t I_ 11 1 93 ~IDut.l. 'lb;11I ....-nil tu t ~'M cUY41t (1(111,14 .. ta'," 'I:m t'h. ,41ve f'or 19) ·_nut ....

__ ---'IiIIIIi ........ ........ ~.

LIM11'DC ,,t,Cl'OII

,4~ ItiD I .. 1.-1:t". OVID, _t' '(\Cf. '111,' 1~IAIU lqu1., .. 1l_t Ail" DilM' tel. tv) c:~ ICL J lI,t:hIUI!i4, CQ'1.t.j. wt.

t ~ Ntn. C iii 18.0 '.Iou' ..

:z • 1001 0.,1-·· ·160., iIIitw.tu

D. .ltt Qt. Suppl Y Qjn~ion (CI. f)

'II ~ ClJMI!mA'rlOlt TQl.I

_ _ _ i,

60/40 10.

40160 140

3:2:1 &.1 UU,

1,00n" VI 80 10010 61 .. 96

II eo It uo '21 '180

I 11 :2'

1 2.5

0.50 0.02 '0.)1 0.173 '0 i :n 0'.9:16 'LOO

1.00 ...........

A. 100 iii ('~) J (I + ]].)') .. 31)

1,.,._ . . . MIT'

no 110 7,

10 '1; 20 :15


1'1. 1:} D DIP'Ilt

A., I.U I!I (CKn) X (It +, )3 ))-33

I.. Ij, •• Mm to' ~Itti ~N •• l~1 .

.. J!!:F!I_?f."!I~l. wt,~ ~ha!U~ "'1_!&/

MIOO 244 10 "3
2 .• Z34, 136 81
'100 :Ul 14t .:5
2:700 ILl 1.1 Ii
2100 tOG' 136 n
tsoo 19l II. 73
l400 1U In 6t
2300 17'1 lIS .,
2100 16l 'lal 6'1
2100 tJ:! 1M J.
:1,000 142 15, M
1100 lSI I. 50
1&00 lIt. 11 46
1700 III 7" 41
1100 101, 69 36
1'00 '1 6' tl
1.00 81 56 10
1;;00 "0 41 27
tHO II 4'1 13
1100 '1 S4 19
1000 .., I' 1'- n· ... ,lI

.. ····I~I .... Gl·



Tlie :buddy ,line 1. " t-ll9t'h of 8m.ll .tuff 6 to 10 fNt in i.n;fh., It. ii, , lO ea(;lh swimm.l" 1n a bw)d,y pair In Qrder to enlUm contac::t bi6twMflI t~ ~immerl +. It II to be !,li, ... d! d:!i.I:ri:ng eonditionl of pOL')t' '!/,l .. lbU:Ii,ty ~ at rdQ'l'Iit or dYiring .xtrem.~y deep d~,v.' and dur:tn9 triii'tdng (1)!i!'r.I!Ii:t.h~m:l!l •


The, MK 1 MOD 0 W!1,lt compasI, i.1 the 1:!omp~iI. utUJ.z,ed by the tam,1I + U may :be f.j,taMd! on an &'ltack IbQllllrd or worn on t'he 'Wri i:t • Prier t.Q !Ll:illn"ll 'the attack board for a COrn:p.6:1!1 ill! lWim. e!!llUrtli that t'n. doe. 'n,ot move free1y Oil the boi!lif(L the CODlpal,1 'tOp' do •• n,Q.t rot.t. , ~ and til'll., n.xed. iubblir' ' .. Hne il t(WIard .. you. on ,th~ board ,. ~i'L order t.o ',wim

"0 II panicular objegt I line th. ,.,.t1egk Do·ani up w,1 tb. the obJ6C:t by bcddJnq ,! t :steady and rotiili,tln-g the C'Omp.!I!"'" top :F1,n:tinr the north, It:rew Oiler N on tbe ComNil card. SWlm to tb.e tn'" k"p~nu ~I' North ov.r· Noct'h Ii ~ in. otdiu to :iw1m ,iii 9~:\pen oompa.,1 COiiiHe j 'tu.m t)lJI!ji oompa.." 'tOP until th .• dillil,.:litad ClCM,lr •• (111- IlCri'1:i6d on the .ide 1n 50 increme.nt:l!!l,) tl. &.Ugnlllld w1lh the lubbet~ Ii: line. Placl' N',ortb over 'iN'cnh and! ,I'Wl:m,

to tb. ti!U9.t Jc •• pln.g tb. north ,IIIITOW over N o.n 'tn., OOlnl:t.i!IIl,1 card.,

When altll!!'rJng cOUf'I!EI j be ,lure to move the body I-T'd Ute a'ttlelc board ;I!II.'; 8 yrut.

, I.



Ocral ilnellt' lUll w·om. w':h.on U 111 M! tOt the d1V'M to oPerate m lihil:l:k;w water ~ al"OUM CiOrlli ~.r" er W'lt6il ,e:rawU:ng o,n a be~cb,.. Theoy .. dti algnadl to ,protect the feet pd ~";I WMfi ~1.M' ,1:fQW\d Iii..,. «~tb1.Gt_. • The' Ib,"". iilife CCn.,,1NCted 01 a Cifl,nVQ upper Itc:tacl'u!jid to &Ii, ,rubber BOle. 8'M:I;m, fU'l1 m.ay t.. ... om, over fu .hoI... wan ntC8!1- •• Ey ..

IV - 2,'9


:O--',AUO- .:- E·: -

. - - "... -

eU ving d!8'partma:n't wt 11 remQii,l'e the baed;:; OOve-r pl&te

to remOVe debrt Ii ,ed. sediiment ffoO;Tn the wate·f'., Our.lnlj' tM:B cleuin; ~ e~· must: he- ti!ike·fi nnt to dam.!i.giB tfu!i! . di.~phraQm ~

-, The MK 1 MOD (i W'r.i.!i t G~u~ 1$. ~.r~ :S~.Jit.l'I' i.n '1HiHl: In the teams . let i :5 m~rlced In fi've foot :I:J!lC1'e·mQiri.~"Ei fto:P1l 1 t.O 2,'00, fii!ill!l't ~fid he.s. ;!I. rn..ltxim,uiT!. :Elafa di V-Jn·g depth of 30(1' f"e;G't ,. It. t ~ i!!¢CU!ri~;t!i;!l' to, with·, in One foot from 1 to· 5 Q :f.eet ~nd within til'U"e19' feet f:r-om 50 ~o ~ (I il ·feet. It i.iSi mJn.-mal'1net1c, .r 'cOD'OilJia:n, .and sheek-re 80i stant , OM i.'!!l rellcbie from ,3,200' 'to 90,0,


. I I II

, . ''-!'Ii.,,'', ~

1"'."~0';0ID"· », "'. ''f.!l:. ..,.. ~

t r ..-.1 i r I " .: ~ ", ~ Il:.~; .

" .. " ~ - .


r . ~


:Per.ladieally, the eLi viIli~ department cl~,.ee]:C:,8 thll!l' '" i!l!J~.b!I";:!!t1ot!! ¢,f the '9"~l!.1g~ lii. ~ ;re¢¢imp'fe §i,~lQii chillimbe·t m in wale·f' (b~l' ClornptJ:ri n9 depth 1ndie('J!UoD with ~,

,80: ~ -- din,n line \ a, irM- ii),O .. 'iJo.'ii' 1l .... ~I--: - :5""B""~: ""I ;0; ~........ ,- - - -,~

__ un ':I' ,j' ,I. _ ,~ .. "",,,,.,.n --.t'" _ .... ,I;o;!_ !;!"''''''''TI!'ag-e ilIifh:

l't,ttl'idU n~ 1 s req u,1 red ~

OPERATION; DlJrin~ de'soe~n,t; wMer enters the w-~.t:9!r ehl!lmbe:r thG'.r~'by die Pt'!I!":!; ~in\1 tns di ~pltr~gm, '. 1hi S, hl tum acUv~t'E!i ~ tna ge;ar '~QVemElil1t ceu tUnq the, pointer to tum itl a c· di:reetion ..

C.AAE AND MAIN'TENANC E; ,NEV~R tl.e-e the <tapth gali,lqe- u:!i1a!;l!$ the IJez'el gi'Ui!!!:rd and :ba,ck. cOVeii' ate' in iP,lace. Flus.b the ~i!nlqe wH;h fre:9,h'f af'te·:r' eliiah ijj se ~nd re:plac€I' t.hI~ di al eOV0f '. Perlodlic~ll y ~ ,the

. :."~~: .....

J': ~ '.'o.o!

. ;


.. I. • .. r;._ • ~

-. ..

", ...


The eXpQ'~:u:re suU is used fQf' '1:;:'010. w ater di'V ifig. Tne two 'type.s of expo~;u;r& ,:!I"uU[!;!. are the wet $'i, .and ttha dry- ~uit. 'Th~ wet suit. is

the 'type most CiUen. !i.l sed in: um. 'The wet ,S,UI t ~rmtts entry of. water into the 5uiL wh~re it .i~ ti'~Pflii!>C and w ~r.moo by the: booy. thereby ere ~tln.g aLI ,In,i5iI!J~'~'·' Ung .ili!lifi\er. The- dry S lJi l Is d,e:si ~T1:e~ 'to ~eep "W~ter

out sntirely J though ,gener,!JiUy ~ .St'l:'l,IlIIU ;3MOlJnt seeps

in • The. dry l;;uH ,I 5 'i,l,$i9,d iN nUe Opst'4ting in .e,:i{tra'mel y cold wa:te'I S ,:ll1Jc,b a!;! thQ~ e found l n. th!!;!, ArGU<;: reg,lOr.! $ .' Lo'ng t1ifid;j}I'W'iili!lil' S heu ld t-e worn iJ1:'1ider-n;e:Mh to !!1mveru 5!u1t ~·guee:;;:; e ,; Bo~h th~ we't and dry ~I!.lj ts come' in :fuU l:@:in,gth ,~nd shorty mooels. :long1 underwear m,!3IY be '!.:!,§eg !in U,E:i'I;i. ~d thB ·expO:!i ul'i!!! lii.i1.t ~ U tih-e Wat8f' 'tl!!lmpe.·f= eture permits"

'The i!!iM facam.~$ik in ~,s;a· ~t

ene p.i.'® ~81, t ~~l !nt!- 10 Ihs 1e.a.P!i $- :I,B the !$·ye,!;I-:no~e m'ilIiifi!k., F~;0811li,;:, ,5 Qii,li$ieze 'rr:! i3Y !be c i3U f!;e<d by too r-i3pid. de :8C= erit wt rh ti1!illli.lore ito eQuai1 g;e by :~et:t1n~' ai:r out ttis nese , 'N>eve.r Wf! er QQQ,gJe s •

TV ... 30

P, •••

Swtrn. f {fl.. .. ~II!I I !II'IO"t:: ".,.!lmH.1 i t:n1 lor t'!i... t:~1Ii .n':l:.rn[ll;l!l:r, .:111 t;b*J wIll pl'~1 d. m.x t1YriJ:m

till 1."!,;!,1Ii it 'ttiiN tb. VI. tllr 'iII'hlP 1;.I1,_di Pl"op.u"1 y, ne

Ii t a~aTd tel,m. fin H II. t,ne !'1IIIIq'!.l,t r~nt, f'or " '1"l!I!htlnily rl:gtd Ht~ witb _ 1_1"." 'bl!!1!dilih "Prgpii:t" fit 1.ii 'lliI,i!!illii'rt t .. l , .-li I f''in t;j)(l 11 f'&11 (1-'1:" too ''Ifi.II !'i'IoI'Y eli-~. I.n~ M :t:'"h. fil!!II!!Ft,~ t:bi!!lT.'lI:I!by loci pi ~

I!! 1 tl.tlin4!: t'h'l!!i, mvl'lTt!!!ti:I!" unollllC;:: • .8 1I,j;l" ~ 1"1" :&DDt illil .1"111

i'~ uki:ft t 00,11 1 '1 it .. wb,h:'h tM'l.d to, p:r..vHt ~ in bUTn i1rna II f'1i 'h, !NC;Qi'il~nd.d.


n. f i.ii,r.. (:t«; 1,3" 'i-OD' 0, :fU.IM 1 '1H jjj,tn:l:8 ~ 'V.,f .'M 'tt:i.:a:bt) t. CIII"~I41d 11::1 ped. 1::;0; t'li. pt. e-o,l b.l. t Q"r.' lalitf. aCi,b'bil! t'd,,, On. iIImi: of thi!li ft.!il 1"'8 coniC.t,nl elM: d.y .itpli 1 i w:t ~'h i, .Ii h •• ' .... y !!:'1M,

:Ii'fIQ:1I:11 • "['hll oppo.1 t,. «!4 i 'fI.1'hiclt Ih.a I!!I, 1:":lI.ed, "ad!-

illill ,around the iuige, cont,iII,:1 nil t: hili I[I;t~tu:: I :Lila",!, , 'w 1 etc 1:,. ~ t'.d! ':I, llbe. Tn. to.1lud 'bot:iI!d,:l:ng ,u:! .. b 1 •• ttt. d:l:".:r. 'to l.o(:atll t'tllil n,{s'ht. .. t.11Yi1 ' un"bl.. 'to •••• Both .ndi. I,rll &et:'£v. t_,.d by melllfilii 'Dr'

.. '1>'1,;1;11 '!:"If1f!i. Thi.. isn., I f 1 &" fa uliillld 0III.. i, !ili Ii-

u".". .,lg,ruIi'i Or' .!!II. olin ina i~ .. t:w of' t~iI CoQmi!'!III!lnit."

mont at' !I!I\'It{l Qf t'hfl fJ'~:liilll (j,f "if.'!! Q'F-il!lt'a it totlfl • ,;If''t:II:r

"I:th"l:' .-nrl, iQ,f iiiob!i!ii iii igfial h.. 'bun :Py 1l4d. :U:: i8'hOiJl d b'iI he ld ,Ii it Ar,'ifiII '1.fli8 th &f;ld the ;Be !I: i'v. tod, eli p!~d,nt 1i(!I, .'oN,. :!,'E"OiTi ehCl di i V'f!I't',~ !II:1;i ,an ,anl!!:l e of' Ii,bo.ut: 45 d,tt@;t<iiliIII." 'I'hei d i ""tlt'" ~. ib",dy !l!liIlIQul d. ii, 1 II 0 bll Yf-iW~n4 'of. itb. Ii iSf.!lII.l • A.t I':! llti Ii::... t:Mi d i V!I!!II' "b,oo,ld not: look d'if'K'tl.y' it t:lwi light 'bl:e.lI;i:jil

U ,~i'tNr8 n ta'ht 'yt,1I i 00 :I! 1Ji1' !I,iI''114:t'".i!I:[ • lie ~" •

1':'ht1i t I. t". '!of 1 '1 '1 ¥Ci,n ~ 1.] If t.r lubm.:r",!mLoCf!!I' t~ ,I"rIof .'t:and& rod d I v ing diilllp'th" ThII 'Ill il!!lIt" ,a;noo l.d , 'bawWH" • clii:lnl_ f 1:1. -r... ,II t, I.alli!: ,~,,!t"y .' ~,~ 'i'I'iur!,th;IIi 01:' '10 d.1v'4I. i ~1¢'I'i.e ..... ~ ICI!'1!~el"" In the .v.nt thil f 1&", .d04!!i8 not, ':fgni.til!!i 1;I1I!'!1!1!icl.U,tli!lil y~, _Y'" ins 1 it. wi 11. (i: 1':!'lJii" 1:R;rI tttnn .& f' t4l't:' Ii t. iIW "iI(i:gn~." The f1 i rill will it'I,o-it ian ttil ii f Pit llilli~ ~ni!i~ till;" •

. '

)." ,_ , __ . --r'- - '''''I'''' -,._ •

I.. .s .... I. ~ I II! 110. ~ ,_. ... ~ ~i.,t

1• ~

, "

WllrnI'I' SiLT

'Thill w!l:1g,ht: btl,l t P1:'Ov'1:~." th. n.e.!l8"~ llj,elol!;'Uv!l!l bu,OY,!jm:y 'to OV«i'r'CO_ it:;l~iIII po.i t:!'villl 'buoyoIf1,ey of ,d t.v:1:na, lIqiiJ.t ~firlt arid, wt .,'iI.!! it '. Ihii 1 •• d! ;Wodght. eQti'li'i'ion':!, y 1,1, .. (1 &" Q~ vary 1n8 '1Il4i il'ht:lo thI!JY ,cllliiL ~ iltt"~ii'lAllci or HIII'iOYad, f~ 'th.. bill It .jill fiilliG~'

, •• pry " 'lb. bil'it; Ii.ih.!li 1.1 bill,;,!'. .. qu, 1".1 .... 'bu~lI;lll wic:'b ,i::.n b.. l:'III •• ,II.d "iIll,n},' '1111 t'h QniI hlind,,~ '!;i!!lu.lly ... 1'111\11:, MM, ~.,l 11:1:.... Ti'Hii .,.;d:;g;'ht, ibt!l;ll t

1';11 'tb. la,.'t pi.i;l,_ of dil,vi'ilig "'I.l1'~,,'t t:D :10 0.0, t;b. '~n"!II:t'" 'l:M,i"Sfor-liii, thilli f>d:,rllt p'tH. Q'!:' *i\it~t

t{i; btl, rd.,IiIH! ~ ii'i. (::1,.. IOf iliILII't."Iil'M1 i eO!if~," 'b4, 'tM: "'" ig:ht. 'hel 11:",

I'll .' ,1'1


The noat: 1s a sm.,all buoyant, F't:aBt1~

o:r 9hliil~,B. eofIitaill>M uled! d'Urtng traln.:I.:n; ev'Q1U't~QflI

to I(ee.p tf,ec.:K o.f ' •. :I;n.di1lH'W di!lt]" S'W illlm,.rs + The:buoy 18. At~hodl flO 1M (l.n'le'f of .. buddy. Ur.i.e by' n, .llil.n.Q:th ,of lin. which wiU ,pemdt the HOlIit to RIIInai;n on the auri,ace i Durin; n1g'ht operetion.a .ell Ug:ht 1 • .I eQUired i.n. .. • ide th,. flQat !:p o.rt!ie·t to f,i:IICUJtilll'te. loo,!!II,tion end P'fOP'II' of the· aw1m pdr '"

. .

", ~ :

• I

KHI·· P"B:

", •• ". 1

- , '

A IJtmd,i!lfd she:dtb krdi!l!l :L s, ~ iIll1 dive II, ., Ita pd:m-ary us"' 1,19, to Pte,ven.t entan~le'mel'lt., It .1" worn On a 'web beli Or strl!llpped to, the' leg' ~ should be SE!icuzoely il!t~ned te prevent lo~ s . At:no. IUlme s'h-ould it: be 'IN'Qm i!t~~ed, 'to !:IiI'LY relQa.sbJ~lQ 'equipmen.t: t. ~ 'i. , we'liih,t belt).

Either team - hili,&;ued or eommen::1ally pumt.!.iIlll .... ed 19ita!nleaB steel kniYiIli'5 are satlsf'a,otory. A low nUIQnatie .effects kn.Ue .i!!l, avllilabl!l!l' fo.r Eoo o~r.i!!!-' tIOna. ::Jut I,hould r.liM b!I!I used. for ~h.l.U diveD Q1.!E!: both t,o its bd:t'uene.e 8 end i toe h.lqh coat, ~


!he llfe~ackErit a nould be, worn. '!:'l III tim.e:a w'ben ,in tne' wat!l!lr. n Iholidd be 'iN om unde:r all :relea,i,a.ble ;ge,ar. It is ,p.rovided wUh .an or~l :In .. natiOn tube ail weU a. ~(!, C,02 (:yU.fid~r,; t'td.1J tube ,j,hwld be. UltUiZ.8d.p. raUle:r thi:llrl! t'tae c~rtr.Ldgie' j 1£ po,:;!,Ible.. The U(ej,.e.cket !Should be' tho:mughl y rliruliod

the e..artr1dqe r,enI'Hw.d j oIliIfiid the' Snfhtlon ~ is sembly ,and orB} 'luba ,etc-a ,ely' ~nri pect,ed! for eorrol!l,j,on ill fter '1I!!i~(:!l. u ii!.e i

In Qroet to '!;Insure t.nB p.rn·p1!!If wo.rl4ng~9: pr.e,e.,E!I:rY',alien. of 'the lUej.illlcket p~od1C :&:1l'E1venU;ve mil1r.rii:e:r.JanCe 1.&, ne~i!I,s~ry. ln, all ":malntenmae ,jebil 'whe-n dillAS i![I embly liml :1"6118 sembi. y are n.eC!l!l!i'SIl.;ry j' PfQP.&f ilt., by ;i;lt~P pr.oe.edure 1:1!1 ~ mu It '. The f-ollow,bl!ii :l ~ ,I!II

IV ,~ ,32

Mt~ 1t1 •• "I~ii:lb' 1M, IIY~~'='!'!. !!IlI_ !IJII!!, ~ • ..... bl ... or tIM w.~III:IQ'h

,Dw-trtnU AIR '"p!:nPI' '_

~:r 1iIII1'I'tDIH, 004!Oli1. :fI'oiIII CCIl'~ ,U·


ca). "IriON CI~, IIIIDIUCt!i , ...... , """"!!II ma,t wl.n tlU _,~,

t$) .~~'~W!"~~ iI;I!II'iI '!lilt 10 ~' a if ""II~.

[-4] llliliiN:IiNi' (loll: I~ M.IiUI~ :froM W1111· 1l:lCi\~",

C~) U.lliII' II Ci~~t ~,. ~,~ :p.!:!!; ~ ~Ii!i .."".rt!i!I!~ !t4nd!", pj.,,~, ~

till; , m ... 11 g(JIjj,ji Ii:IiIIt !IiiiIIIi 'iroIII,. !,Jill 411ft

OR 1 ,iIi'IiiIi Qt pii~,

C I)- 1iIII1IftiWIII' Ulill 0IIM'iII'tJ,0n; 1'1 ~ :tram UW lillHi·' !!:Ii,,;,

t') .~, IhIi ~ iilllII;pd Ij:lliiilijl fI'IIi'I!I thII 1i~1 in. !!hi, l~i:kiI; ,1jrIIi1li1llUlj!', 1UI11VIi iii ._IIIIl~.

LI,fltJ .... ~, il i'iDW" dl.II ... mb:~d!. 11UI~_ C!IXfI:i!IiLM. ~" WMt UIIG brC!1I4!n. pu\I;.

1II.fI_ i.Ii&lliIICIU't " .. .., .. iDi -.Ii ~ wIN 0lil114 'llloIIIttr'~ i'c!r .. ... ••

IlUp ffP "MRNU,,)I -

(r GliN:l'iliUy ,~Ii'i, I!IU rHftIII of ,goIlid~

ilillilli'l'lbl-l" Wit2'i. MII!l'w.1 'i:If oil, 'Wi .. 11N1111I. ~I" III ~ :II. 1'iIOM .......

UI Willi ~h; ... l1li1; of lntla'l::l.cln ,,1VRiiI: ..

j.aiw\. I

01 WIn! ibNIb ~ of 00 ',"l'II1!IIhr ~ ~ '='-'II:!!',. ~!!!QIi, (iI!l1 .. '" IIQ'I'~'~


(4~ kP*L:t:' ~ iIIi ~1Ii ~Iii jiIMillilll,.

(II ~"*"* 11M fCinGlill~i\Q INi'iI 'W~tlli 'Wtl*", ~II'MI ••

(0lil1 PI It '" I:Id III AId IIJiftn.I (til 'PIn"!!' I:IdII aiNllM'l (r:II~~

fin ~'~!k~ i~~

~ '5~=::;:_-::~.y

(II _~ firilii'·,u. ,~, !!i;ptI11'!I .I;!\ ftH_' iii.!; QlwiMI.

'O'~ _Mil OI:IINUIlt! ~ •• IIII'~ Mill ... 'u. _, ,at:!! OJIIIIIIMlIlt!· iNn4lI' IZ ,~ ._ (I. I..iflIII'i:I(iii III~\I.

,tt:! ~ uti: NfI.~!It ~ ~ ~ :IiiII", ."Jlli~, ll!ilOtil!i ~ I.i:I :u.uti: p.L:n; ~I:r;

(1) CIMicik OI!iI!I'MlCII'i ,lid! fin,1lI tui IrIiI _ ..... , bv

'~"" .. ~ tillllilit. ,it :11111 « iII!di~ ... :tll.llil:y, ...,..,. '!'!I1U!i lil1l'ii' "M"

(l~' ",~ ~.!I!Q. ~i~' ~ ~!!I!'! ~,

U:Lj !I!a:PI1ti:It i\Itiiiti "

UI) _IHH iii ... IJi bl'jI' ,.I!GI.IfiriO tnU;" 'l'IGil'itilfi .~ w~UI; iliii! '1i;pM: 'Willi"".

lU~ l!!itt!'li,~"" ,001 ~',II!! 1iMo ~~ ~Hi'iliilil4y ,1jIjMJ! ~ ~m

wth; t:iDfIIIi ..... IMd .' 10 iII.i: l~ li!M\iC!III 001,.......... ,

:r:r :I'In"", I:Idri 1ACi, .p;Maiopc" iPICtIIriv W, '00'1

TMI"t iIIfti ~, 1n1t'tl'iDd. ~ nlRllCl' i:bII "~"k· R'WIUIi 0lil."...-' ~ iICTJ'I.I,n,OlIi 0IIII tiw IU!rl!t:I!'! ~. NI1II::


'nt. nm~. 'to ",~," ~ ~'tn... nt. ~1~.lI!Il1!i!!1rltlib!;l~",~~', ~ ~ thI!!I t.I;Iftlti. ~y ~ iii illiliM:ih. .pd w:Ul ..". .~ ..,..illllll _lIiiIIn 1M IiMil.twill; i~ .. N ,iIiIiIft.H.

~Ii. 'Wi. ~'~ U 'CO'WNl'-t'1IiI I~

.. WI UtilI Q. U liM; !~, t:III:Itll ... l!cti",., :lilt .. 1-.. !!.It' 0II'1I!:i'I.tI 'tM I~_ CI4 G!M: i6 iMYIah !to '1M "'D- nllGti. 'IN .. it;...,.. t21it WIlla" ~" oIMI .aU ~ ~

" .. , ISI.wh/dJ:l!n. ~ ~ !JlI !!I!IIiI!Ii !!hi ~~ "" ... d! "'~i!!I ~ j ....... 'II'hMI ,inllniili. 16 Ml4JiII !Ii t' iI!I'tiI:Iu I, 1M t Ii4jt, illl'u:l iI'tMiIi,

,I iJ.j. ft!II!I&ItIiiI iMUIi:ii:I iLl 10 'W'Mf iJM 11011: n CiIW- 1* ....... IIIMM .. Ndl:1MU '!:!I.rI; ~''=''IIt ~,~ 1m ~N II!!d ~, til"" ~!!I!!I -.~ m"~ intO 'u.... H:I)'" i1Iiillijl wit.1i "" "'_'1iIk nl.l.illiIiIiIIiiII·. Nil! ~ lDffilifi 1lit:lilill'ir1Wi: "" iii ~ill:Ln ~Mt 'eM JKlkM itt ~ 0II11d NljI to !'MdIi, I. M1d JIi tlw ,PI'OS!tI' pagtLol!;, iIIid, ,IIC!M MI: 'tll1I!i:I 'to 'II.~ UiI u,1!I*I'. It ikIM'i' _""'II'; Ih\l'!,!1 dt:ltll~ 1M dltdI 1M! '*'"' ~"""

.' ~ t:I! 1I!!!iI!I~, l'!'m ... d.I~I.t ... ~ _'" T!!I~ ~"" I!:Ii":!ll ~ ,~II' Ii'! ... ~ IJajiililr>o' riHl!'" th!;~ ~ w¢l bit, ~ 'II'idJ 1lW iIIh-1IiiI'I;


l'V .' "

'The ]Hi light i!iI is :soclate.d wi th 'l"e~m di VB:$ isthe .sitl,;;,l'le~oeU. mark,er llgbt used in the HODt [,or night c.ompa tiI:5 :$wim t.f.!!lini,n.q. T'hi B Uqh.t ~,:9 nm w!lUerp:roof ! i!lind be Vi'eU 'pr.(it~Ii::~d,.

v,ari,ooscomme;rcial Ugh.ta J both in, ,U4lIINhllrd

f I,as hlight conUqu.r.at10f!. !:lind In Pi e tol confi.gufr;!!l,tion f:e. g' •• D·l!!lie,or Diving' Uqht). i!li",a .!!!IvaHable. and are tiS@ld ilS nece"i5a1ry fOr liJ.pda~i!!!t9r work.

A thbd t;vpe of U~.'ht ~ III strobe' U ght ~ 1.6 used by $Qf:Eii!I' c::omm,and.s. ;m is ,~ d151,tr'ifli'i9 51 m.arkCl':r. Th18 .I, 19, gEl ne.t~ any about the $lzl!! of .!!II. Pl!llol<: ol ciGarette's. 1:11 w~terU'~ih.'t at de pt.h B, up. Ito 1 S 0 feet rand emits a very brlg n.t h-luii!l,-whu.e n.e.shi:n~ Ui!lbt. httery Uf~ 1 ~ 9.i&i\E!r~Uy eight to thirteen hoofs when ~,CiU,villlted. 'This l:Lght is

IS iury to pi,ek, cut ~ n at'ea.s of,l:!I!Ite 51.9 r but b!l!!~:lIus.e, of the short duril!llU.on o,f the fl.t!!sirJ 1 t 1:.'1 !niud to, p1e!k Olj:t of' oUUuu l:I.ijJhts r p.articularly if tn.e: search must be ·omtddlre-c:Uot:l i!IIl •

'Ths sle'te i is cc;n;IlI:~os,ed of ple.xi~li1!1.ilui 1/4, inch thic,k;;. th.xee i nc.h@:.! wide. " Imi 1.0. 1no,f.J,ii!Ii:! lon;'. Both ,SU1",fACe5 ere roughed. up with fine I,.a.ndipa:pfli'l'to g'i"ve Go f:n)$tll:c. effeot. Tbi,e c re;;te S i!i surface wh~¢h C;!ll '00 'wn u.pOt'!l w Irh Ill! 1 ,. A .length of cord !fh.ould be .aUa-oheQl to. the alate to. pe.mH .tt6c.:n.~:ng to. the'

bel t M han9i n-g areund the neck, The' ·~l i!!Iit8 H! used: te reoere :Ii nfo:rrn i:lUon durin.'Q S'wi m,mj,n~ iUioa, dJving' Q'p.e.r·,ation,fj liindi is pnmarU y U5,edi dur1:ng bydrogra p-h~,c f,e C'1;If!,:Jl aJ;5 $;.a i'fj C e s •



'Th>e sn.o.:r.'k:e] 151 .~ tiiQfU.d Y recOmm~ nded, on .all diVa:; re<lUif1r:J,9 :lUrfI!llCHl! swi:mmi.n9 or W'SUr:l9 otIi the $:yr.fIl¢Ei for Pickup~, both to pr!l!lIlU!iI"'ll& qail lind. to eaiie the eUo.rt 'o.f IiiIw1m:rrdn9. The f.leXlb.l$ :no,e. typ.e 1:11!lfUme:l easier to hald. in the meu;th r but ha:l a tendency to fl,aU;&ti 'out end r'I!Unr.ict :br',eaU,±ng! when .l;Iw1mmlng: at ~IlY iSipeed i

. , -- K' EL'-'


lV -


Raqu1ted wb.illn on- mp 1. di,Vi:nljl &lone or' w.htn

djver,1 D\Ulat ,a.etrate under' iCi. or y otlwt "ub.l~

which 'preclude •. Ire .. ace ••• to the uflCl ...


I. another valuable pieC'-. of ."f.ty 'lIqujpment md wh.:n r~.uirad should be wom on the Ufej &cleat oral in.fleUon tubll •

.. ~

. .


. . : . ·101


'l'h~ w:r1;1M IIteh U lied in the 'team. :Ii is watll!lrprO-of'

and p.res. lure proof. It 11 to bill 'U.led {(lr computing: d\lr.t.ton of w .• ter operation.. f'Ot oompUt1nQ" bottom Ume ud decornpre, lion .. top, ~ and lor' controlling' rate;.· of de.teent and ascent ~ The Divino ·EhJplu'v1.II·Qf· and a m.mber of aach .w 1m PGir muilt III w·i!IItch

lor en.Y· di v.~:nQ! 8V,o.lliJ.tion ••


..... J ..

I '. I • ~"'II.. v " i I

' ..


• "~ •• .I' • : !



Due. to 'the ra.dioac.11". rn.aUlirtrll u,.1Iid. to illuminate the- oompa •• , and depth GaUGe ~ a.nolin IteM";.

and hand:lin; 11!" •• e ItabU.bed by lhe At-O'mj,O Ene-iVY Com:mu .ion, M'Ult b. mel.. 'The,. tn. ... lI,trum.nt. will b. iltcw,liIid in .. Hod .. lined box CQttltrUC.ted of CRES or nainlll!.IJ ilIi ,'HI ~ which 1.1, llX1at .• d. in tbe dtVl:nQ" locket. They wUI be iJ led only for op.r!l~ tlon Ii and will be, ... tumed, p'r'Omptly u~ eomp.leuon tnereof • Thil :I'bowaV..Iibcx .'ill b. ... r.:nJred In a:n. ue,i!II

tM Ill" f.rottl. charghlV I taUonl _ .. cuba tllnlc!l!i, ,emd ,reg'"' u14tor i B.lld will bel· appropr1"tal y marked.. 'l"h.e 9C1iuQe end ClQmpal iii wtll :be- t. ned for (!.1IC1Qn.t,IJ·mJn..'tiOIl elll.oh

'5 month •• The ·le.1t wUl·Con,11It of both .·wIpe ~'l

IV - 35

end 1,'Jlonitorin'MI wuh mlpprClIl':rhllte rad~flc el!qu~pme,nt •

Onl y !!lP!9C;:i.U>ceU y dll!!l iU 'iiii1:.!.ted personna] will wCI,r"k On t.he .. e 1ni! tl'Ument. a and w U 1 do. ,,0. only in d!l!l sig:t"J,!!IIted are":I. Upon oomph;,~ U.on g·f tumdl1nq ,I' ~hotoughlY Wl,'~ the hand s ~ 'The SII!! !'!Ill. erllll not to b8 broken but in the ev,ent that Ihe·'Y should acc1dentall y he moltlln r not.1fy the Ol'vln.;r OffiClIi·r. Never carry ,the ti In.ttl~U'l'!lent.1 1i1'1! pooket Ii Of pla.c!iiI them f'ac.. down Iqa:t!\~t the ,kin.

tI tod'lov.idul!IJl eontBmm6UO'.n 11 iI'LIl pectedi _ c:oUect and 1i(.l;l,b:mU .. :2 4, hOl;1f ur.ln,e; I,ample te tn. N '""'Y' bdo:lolog.i:::! i!IJ 1 D.'fan." .. lAborawry 'for 'iln.l!IilyilJ.j. • The DivirU1 OfUoe.r 11 rt!IPo:n ",rOM "Of in ,urin; that ell t,oII;n:t per ... sonn.l Al'U indoetrinAted In the hazud, ,and safety preoilut1onJl 1-0 racUo.lOgiea.U'Y conta;m1:nated lU\j tiM I!JttIJr .qui I=1mllllftt •

-"':Bmt.~_ .. CY DXVXM'G P"'O-CB.U'UR. __

lin-. r"i".,c1.. 'O(!e.lll iON!! 11,.. 1I'I"II'e tn. tiNi b .. ,. it. pl.'im.d ,1M ilUiP_Il"'Ii l:i1 .. d :II~'11M ~.f'atlO1.l'. M.iIi n,. of I;;li..." UI.ra..w:1.iIi .r.t: I!:il.UI!M5, 'b1 ftl:nu~ ee ob ... '!'V411 IOI!I.

lilf .. ,lIrr :pr-euIJUQn. otM'rI"'HI ynfc,'!"".".n ~I" u ..... "oii:l... bh. 'i"h4, •••• t'lliind., CAn a];lDO.t &1""1'. De, l"!I.ol¥44 If tn. d1v.r.1 h1. bu~dy, hi. t.n~!lilr flT th.

!Itt vt~ .lup.nholl:" .t0p-' to thillK. 'I'.,'k.:a ... ccndi !to ["Hilian t.l'I4 .:t tu'& Ii 101'1. ttn:!0!4h '1:0 • ii1'DI uU,o.n., Do ftot .ac.t :t'ITIII.diat.l y en wbUt .. y p!(".:r..r. ee bIB a 'bl1 TId 1:_flU l.. brouaht: o~ by' p.nit:::,.

'ft! 11 tu& t1 ani in ,~:l.v'1 ng 1,t"1t all ."!E'"t QIJI iIIl eo

'I'Wq Lli1 r. ~M't.ntl"'.o.u. ,.-c: t t(ln. llili!mlf:lll'ber 'fob..l'l:" tr-.II1f11Dj;. :Do 'ni:! t p4:id C •

Abo¥~ all. p.~.~ th4 ~&thln~ a~r.lltu. untt'l" 'nt:ll'~ 'L:Lfl.lillll! fOIL:! ell nnot .fII,IC>lnd vi. th1".l1,l t do In,& .>1:1.

NOn: Th:ll 1I.c:tign h· d .. dal'rllla c;:o e:('iV'.'t"'t."I,1.

MIII!Jr1,.nc:y 'p~-C"UII!".' 1".Inly. S ... the I.~t.:lr;:lft. on !!lp.n.

chl,ii1!1i1i11 ~ .~4 1 .. 1"'cl~d 1!1vtn8 f'r;)t" Pr"O(!.<h,it' •• Ito 'btl: "-,,eI ~t.h thol>lli tJ'Pe' ,ct! .. cub .. '.

rtc.oo:um 01' • SBPAAA'l''' l'AC~~ = L ..... 'I'n to !tty. • U'hout .II f.rtllmiii "k • rl ood li:'18 of • ..:p,l;~,,, t,. folc"".1c t'hllt'l! i .. [lCt •. 1,.:r:ioUI, 'P'I"CIM,..".. To e:l •• r thll faCiIIm&lIk uiil II to follCJVil'!1 ~.tIWIi.

(1) Hit t'h,.' h •• d. bae:lor&Td.

(ll Held t~ upp~ plr~ of th. f.c.m •• k ttl~ ;I Ii: !t'Q.I:I till,. f ~'_ •• ,rJ •

(:1). &clui 'lli 't~'I'cullb tu no..... WiI;t.l" w111 d,t"ili'1n , pa .. t th. iOWiiJr .d,. i;),r t:n. fil.e .... lili:..

,DIiIor'11l11 Clty.;o n:hli 111 CC:(!iII, :tonlll! y'oulh tu 't'IIDiJlI to ,to: a..I'r' th. f. e ... k of ... ll .11I1!1OUR't. of IINl t.~ . Th'h p,:r:'Qe:,I'd\:i,H will .,'1..0 pt'lIMIiInt file e lei UII>lI;. by .q.1_g 1 :ta! nil p~.I''Il'f'I! 'inl tid. f.(!4lll!il.Iik. •

rt.ooDUIG C!I .' rtb..l. rACIMASl; '1 ~iUnl af • full hc; .... k i;,. II .,.1"1 ""',1 pnbl_~ 'but: ev.ry <III (l:iC;IIPtllbl. ,Ii'pp.rill tl,ll, ah(N.l d 'have .II ... na gf 0VI!:r::'IC:0iII'I1nl i,e:. ''r.'M: t'::M.l~u4li H'P.nd,. u.poa, tb. t)!'ptI o.f .. .".. :r". tu. ~16d. TMi !Ii:l"'~ .bau ld 'b. th.o~QU,IiI:h1 'I t:'E'.:tM4 in it.... .. tt!od 'P4i>cul h 'r to eli.. tl:fipli'!'iIlt~. b. iii Y<I till.,.

rLOO.DlNa OJ' TNI 'PlA.tRI1.>fa MGS; '1 .... III·r1o!.il!n .... a~ n 1.'II000tl'l8 of 'tq bHiII tiI:J,1i:i8 ily.t.. IIIlplllih oc:I thl

typll Df .em \J .• i!IIll!m. l~. Ilnilt'·al:. 11: h 1..... of .III 'P~"b ..

1.. in -D'Plin~e :tI"Q'!J!i t; :lCIi1M. .

II i.1 ft't to· tM ".d"hU t ty UWi t I;.'k-e .c.llIlJ... o.f flood,:lnll: ("f.0'l'" 4iP_,.l., I. 'cut. "bu. t'hl!1'1i 't;u"b4:) -1 pr,," .. ~,t lIu~~, titl 1 e'1.a or itl;f!. (]!f t.'h.I .'It>ni~


N~lltOy ASCIMT;, t:n'ith. ao.t d •• p.r. t .. a;I.,t,1UI t10nl I IN 'k.>I 4lt\ -'I"&>I!!II!I(!Y ",.e.nt 'by • ..nt.iii;na t.o. t,nll .,uri_c.. ~ po •• fbi i:l. ty of b.c.oe:lq .... tlln,alad. crt ot ,It r'U::~:nl il.n ,ob .. true't :E.o~ ... Ie.. 1 t ~ SU"r:!iOUIl to 1;.1.. pC.'i t :LYiI 'blJaYiI:nc:y f'Q:£, ... c>lnt. Iw:l.-:I.~ to thJI 81.Iirfil.e. It".. .. bl!!l'ttlu' e''_'nc. to I!vold .tLt .• tI&l ..... ~t and to e' obi t'r-1.;ic.1: Ian.. II!! ,10M lIituIJ t loal II larail o'b j .. ct; a".rh ... d MY. pNC l'lld.. ."ythlnl but r

Aft -'r'I!lM, 11 tuat I(KI, IOI.'~ b.IC:QI!!'i. .0 d •• p.r .. t. t.ha t. t.he ne_ tc' 'liIr"f,l,e·. O\i.t'ihil18bll, t:'he n •• " fa~ P\l.'!' t Ian. It 1 t bilCaliilll. p!r'I!!Ii "UI ble to 1':l.1'1!;; .nt .. n81_liiit ,j)'f' :I. ftj'!.iry 'r.l';Q:r thaf.l. to 'fill" :I,n an; ba'ttw i tn ...

fl ill u' t... 1 ,n.j .C!M t .. nr! .... IC.'nd. vl!t.~ tn. .id af ttl pc.'tt:l". bI;iOyanc.y.. a •• ~ ,in iII:l.lild tMI: tb.>l altC .. ct; vlll 'b. V.-r'}'" "pi~. ThAi dilnl'lr af .III r' ,.bo'l :I. 11M tn t:::.:r ..... Iii , • nd tLl.. pD.,.i:bt 1 'ity (iif .illt'."tou;ii in,j u'l'Y upo:n It r:l.k :lnt .,n ,,,bile I'Uic ti,oo. hac om.. very It'll" t.

u •• f~ •• ~II~t oaly in o.~d>lr tg r,,:ilolve • I1f.or-,dI.1II. ttl d,tull!! t 1 on ~ ,.~ no oth.T.. ..,:1.'111 to t~ ;iiU'l'fIC,iIi:t a~d/o..r 'bw! .... h.n.vft pi;) •• 1bl." if. t'l'" a IIciml; ib.cOIJI... fik"liI ,. Z'J' ~ 1.11,' t'h. t! Q 11 ow ina prol':!edulr.1 :!:

, .. ,

(b) (0) (ii)

D'I'op ~t,ht ~ht.

01 tch I ~ if" if rL4IIIe ••• At')" + L~Qk .ruu~d and u~.

PuB '1 :Lf"JI:>I:!ut't. tall,l., ~lL(N'" th.n ,.0,. :1>1- ~b.:.::' t.b.a t il.t PlIlP i:b,1 . billow a b-out 20" 1 :I.:h-

jil,ck.t. w:U I not .a pp.a 't." ItC ilin,& t.; t t t. ner:.u III 1':'y. to ):,1 el:: to III t Ii U t',t.d •

(ill) !Keep haru!1 ,r)'i,t>I to bell di j ex .... l. c:ont inu~ll., 00 't;hti ",.y Up.. If you f. •• l ~,cmfOT" ill, >l.tCba t. ,1'AIi r'pl)" ; Y>i:N. Ii hD'LI14 need. d.t' .. 11 th. ·Y I;Ip~

(U Upon r"'lOInil18 'tile IlIiI iIi.',~II'C:., :l.i:tt 1.1 it. ch. 1.:l.t.j. ck." + Die ld. wh.>i th«1:" to tau, of.:e thiI

br- ... t:'b1nl il.ppa,ntu., or I';Q' l •• V'. :I. t on ..mIl" .,wi._inJ to Ia..f.t.y. An op ..... e :In u :I. t .cubl. 'bole.... v.ry hila"" .t.1I.tIi :U. 'bAil.k. thll I,tlt',he .. ·• A c:lo., .. 4"c:l L"il:'LiIt t • CO\iLba may "~.:E:' ikd.), IIOoU,IiJD. I,~ tiM bir'" t.b:lrll, IIppl.1",atuli 11'1t..d.:nl 'With .. wt"iiIIIURI I'W!III:W. tbtl eq~Ip.Mnt ilid. ~ :It to .III'f.t,.. ;. ,d OI •• d c::l 1'cut t, .cuba ¢,IQ'!; p.~QV'tilS. ..ddt tiou 1 ~.,..">cy. It ,it !iI! d. ,!N;bl. t~ t.llk>l: .dyant..liillii of tb.l., (1M ~ • .e tM":I.. t 1·e.. lnfl.ii t. tM, 'b-'f"U. tb,s,nl btl to til. full •• t IIXtlii:!l,t 1:b: t • t.i Il allow '-= __ -OFtlbl. ~ I;bl 'nil U tlui brill: Udal :i'lIIid;:l.... h nr::..t, 'i.l, .... 'b 1.. C! 1 (I.. tM 'b.aa. ~toU wl'11>1.1 _d "" ... 't'h'1 aurfac::. br ... tQ'l"~

I·.f ON ".ovlr11 • fill<: "lIit., conddi>l!!lr till hII •• HIi ,of 'Ll.nfllvq.u,b 1. I', e ~:, t10m .uch u whU. • .u p. aM, I!PNY.

Iw:Il w:1 't'h .c 1.0 •• 11:1 il.nd, •• i-e i (}.II.iII d oiIIqu,1 p'nt>I!!I., t tMN ill iBn!lr",1I11,. III bl'>la th lin.' tlllC' >1)1 iI.:I.~ 'l>lf It lD Ii h.t. Ib..,.. 'no 1lIII.itt.r WMt: 't:u -Ti!l!!lI:lC!),.

DlVlI 'IB:st'rJB 'PROClPJRill ~ 'T.k. pri .. TY "'.'nJ.~:I 11'1 a1v.:r rl!iKQ ;IIi ~ _I,bol h Ina t.'h. v:t<! t:tm i!I,ndi 10il1.

'bot h p.rliODn.i. Thlu 1it"'>1 1Jh".'r"-lIl 'PE'Oc.rlhlr.. ,f or 1"IiI'c.u .. ,t .nd th. Iii pM If t~. '1ft 11 lb. QU't 11ft" :{" T.,.. 11:1..the t ianl'. . n.1I lmpcn.nt thiii8 to nIII-.mbIllT in all (:." I •• , h~""'f" ~ t. fer 'til. J"UCU,M" :M1VII t;(:I CiOM eff cU.", :t'nI I till 'Clil. unU 1 'h. :i.. ,1'bIOl ut.ty n:r. thl,t

th>l V1c::t:lm h ~ndli~ cOI1tt'o.l 11",4 will fl~t by h! ... U on t.b. ..~~~ .. c:.. 1'h. foIl wi.nli p"n.,r,Ii'P'" (MJt-

1 :In.. tb. :P\"CIIMI'" n:lIiC101l. prO!a!li.iZO.1 for "\li:d'&Q- uade4 d.l ...... ~.. ••• tb. ...¢.t:t,OMi 0rL 0'P«Ii, c: 1e •• d., .. ~ ._de.... iI:tV1Q f(iT' ",,,eII. p'~c..duE:'.1 t.O H 'tI! ... d vi tl\

't~. typM o;iP, .cuM. -

(.) In.un thl t t"h. I tniJII :I.. .f'~ i~ part od!!' Ii'- atlll'lIir t IJ "'.1 Ii~ 1!14IC!1,I,Hd to. I t •• lf "!IindiJII\"' .11 ~f the 4tY.rl• rel ..... bl. !lqul~t.

(b) 'NhP 1u.\tl1", ~ t .... dlv.~ pu.ll inIOot.l\111 (110 not j.l'k~ "04 IItI.nc1by 41l1"ro ~ the .tc:t I.'''. l'tn. if ... e .... !E'y to ununal., it.

~ (d I. .l.n for' tl:14: d.:t.t!E".Ui IililLlll i • i.1Y 1 tot' O.IJ., c:''_ck f to .. 1iJ.-r.U y lind iniun: t'U t. tbl: d 11I'!I:L"" a,,".r.' ••

Ia. tb. *"Iimt of .. cuc: .. 1 1JIIIiit',IIiM11 tb. 1~.n t tbinl 11 te .u~fac. I~tlt.l,· ~pgn nD~tetna .~y .,s..... DI;:' .r-pt.0'!!I!I1 .t.rnal t.b!I boat. aM dg not "·t·,, 't_pt to c:cmUtm. t'h. ...1 ••

U ~J' fllbiQl 1.. to b. (:O~ eM. OG " d I·",. ~ bill .un t<o oeh.e'k tb& 1 iii. t.l!t !llilti-on Gil!! t'h. """11, and Ga. 1... liM tb.(II~l,. brhf .. 1 h :p4!rl ~'l

CD lb_. h.l!ltili 11; .... i:: p-r'DPlrr !Plri'tS d."I(1.... • r.

(lilrriild. h.iIiiII~r tiM t til w .. r-diJlln 'c.l1IlL oe CIa. <ID

'boalrd .. iii"., boat It M. bI. T.P 1«\ to 11!J.Ip..c: t tM t ..... b .. 'b0i&i"lt. ,,1,10 "b. lJ'Ln~'1I t.-o e"_.~1c tb. ehl! ~u toO ot.m.nili 'If din 1 I ,c.;ina: to "b. 111 'HP:i(l1i1ll. 1INI It .·r. , :U .'" t .. :M:at·e,II'n 1 (.eMIII. _lit 'b .. obu l'Md..

lEe ItIA'[~O" 'XII.QI, pDl hIt... nr,v '111'1 ttl ~ .... rrd.

t.o :l.h. o~ !l4u1pil!l'llKiit hr ri!!lc.r· .. Ugl'I 1i1'V".... n. followl.... :h ,lnc1udlld, ~ or pl.annlit\l, p1:I:t:'pou.;' .. t10n !IIlv.1 ,lu:ri:llil ,. 01'.i-1fItd .tiM, rou.n if!. tb4 u __ 'n1MI~ ... 1i1,'l.1 otb.r d1ft "niil .bould. fo.llow or.... ..d.ty Pril(!lil,l.t i<IU 4 'Ill no c.... .'houtdl d." I U&nl 01" :mMtIoilil''' QI~' .. ny ,MM::t:' or .... ~b"·i:::i. Dn b. 'P.nrit; to.c!. 1::11::1' u.. 1'... -coatrollu oIq ul;pw!tnt ~


C.*\ll flib •. _",nil1;.on of .,,1 ie.bo1. ,Iil:f.t.,. prilic&u, ·e.iifll Pf"I'I'tftt t11. _jor:lty of dt'YiDi &octdmt.. H .... ..,. .. ·jo ,I" dl hI' lfi!I, op .... UOOii {p.I"t~lcu.b.:rly tl.c.t:tc.,iIl op ..... t:IOGIi> do nat 1.111._ p.r"~.t t·", cb •• "- .. il ... f.ty ,NC:I!U.UOM without lIIII&Cilli:U·~.

'lh!I dly-11lI npM'Y1.r .... t "-dd4 •• dl ,1iI!et, p' .... c"u,tau co d l.rqal"d 1n .. 11wa .ttUII.t 101'1;,. a'fiat b •

• ,It N libl. to j 1I .. e:U,. htl- 41i1Z1h ~iI;IiQ. ;e:m; .. t..b of abia-lut. IIIIc.a;l:Lt1. .. ... '. It. II;~ .. _ l!i'L3ir. ., .11 fliIri!iD.'iIN:l .. ff.ct.d 'by bh d.!Ic Idon ;

,..15.1;. tiM .1'CP tift

":in ,CIiIiI .. 11 den: 1:0 t;lq b:nri

bow tb. -ra-c:,. ~,.", p-OtI'RIL"~ 1».:. for tn IB •• iIi * on:l, d.iv.tII

qu .• U,f1.d. ill IQIIl .b_Id. ,..'rt.ic: :lpatil: III; t!l1,f"i:Oii ... t&~, dlvl .. Op4~&~~.

1'be d:t~I.. ....~:i..~ .,hDU.ld III boo " 'tHI :Ub., :t n 1CIJ:Jio..

~II: UjI' 'iI!M ~' .,ilt_ :i.t .. e;: all.

po .. Ibl. , ..,.., fGl' Rd •. n'" teaa.d 4:1'''''.4 'U.. & h •• , II.. hi. po"'l'" vl .. :tl~'lllt,. ~

H:D1dt1O ft)1I: '!III: DlYl:I Only leuBA "bctttlu •• • I~ . .,..if Ie 1&1.1,. fOl'" 'tH ".. I.M .111.1 :ll4zi:.'In"4!I h!C' "'.11 the)" liN to bt __ , I will 'M Iii'.' ~ M Uaf .. IIUur u'Bk _""t'" iN, :Lna,.·tM for tNl1 cllt 1·.. of ,~~

'b'J4TO.u·tlc ·~ .. t:i.. ~ .

Load 1'(:gM. ~lI' :huIt. f~t " .. k. 0lI1l t1!Uoe.'k ,or

.taftJI ... '" :1:111 'boat .. ; not la, th_ .1:I'IIIIn .......

t1wp '11111 b. 'l;.,,_ QG O'r.' ...... N t... ~iJ!ol.g (hia. "

~liI:d. (!hi. 111 tiiporUilt 1I0t:; only ,~t:'h tIM: d:.U.p.u, e 1iC18P1 &'MI ... ~ 1 OI,.dI e:t.reuit oIqu.lpiU'i'lt. but .. 1.0 w1 th. OP'" clN11i1q 1;Q 'Ium-.,..n-!lt1·e: .. fttfoldll in pII.r.'ti,;::u.l .. -r 'Nail wry ilil.;iI.U.,. ,.NI e . ." "II _" to' 1. •• ~ !lV1IIC 'by eee IItra.u~. _1UI .. 1 op.raii;::hr .. ".

v.. qulc.k--9.1!l.... "~4. of Ii tpchlq ill i r.e:' eqIl,l1p.Mat ..

U.. a laay ... rd CIG. II:l\t!I Im:U ...


Intili~ th.iIi 'II!IiII1;.~ cillnlu,lly ..

CI ft"1 tlIU:i: 1;.... w:r.f.c. c'MQ.;k.

P' .. 31

Extend hbn.d,!!!i, i!!ih>e~d wher:li s'W',immin'il' in pd!Or v.1;11,libUlity •

A:VQ1~ OV"er,!!!Ixi!lrtiQfi, At fin,'t, :I:tin of bRl6Ul-

l!l!lll!ullrul iI,I,. S],'C!'!N' down + J'f :P0111:bJe t. 'toP.aM rest.

Watch oot for e:ntarl:ljilem..nt, .around, wrecklli9e. -r line &: r &lnd V'ti"u,ti!tion. •

S:reathe nom,llIIll'i' d\lrtng- ascent. If oot of dr ,on the bottom. remlL'! rn biL'!'l" thllit yw will qenerlllll y be 6bJ~ w gil!ll; e bJ toe O'f: .alr a'bout e'V'CIry J Q ~ on, the. W8Y 'u.p' .. Don ~t e xce.o, the rate of e:lcent "pilcUi.d :I:'n, thu' decampre ii,iii,lon 'table iI..'PPlicab1& to the dlv'i!I ..

P~tQ9M fR&S,SilQN

Avo:Jd, d.$;Cpm~'$ ~10i'L diV&:B ,.

A!w I:!I,Y:S foUow II Ulind8rd :Pf~edUrE!iS fo't, d,I!!ICQt'A.:pre,1i! sian •

DecQt'Il.p.r!!!:! i!I W! m~x1mlJm dep~h ,;:I!ttet!'Lo!!d On mwUie'ltel dlv.;,'!'.Ii +

:8!i!1 pre p~Md fOl: cases of unpl",:oi'i.oo 1,nt8ITUptad. decompre'lll idon ,


Le,ilIIfll to d!i 'lie wlthou t a f.i!lic,e:mask •

Pfi:lCU'Ce emii;!'i"q@l L.icy :pmcedlJre ~<;[lJenU y to '1c66p them In"iW.fI mea.

Be f'Ol'@!IJ-andied. Be IOI'E!' 'You dive! alwa y!. men'~al- 1.y :~'Vi$w the ;po$lilhle ernefienc'les ~;nd theit eOi'f~¢UVii!ll tliction f,Of, the SO USA rn use" Un.e 'YP i) ¢OlJ:rse ¢,f "'l:;:Hen for e~ch enletrgenc'Y ~n.d keep; it 1 r.I m b1.d. :Be c,i:d:m;

co· ,"W!IiI '1I!fil~ •. ' •.. O·,~.··

. ~ _.._....,~..-:.I _. _.". ~

Thlere 11111'8 m!llnY compre:61 sors u 811!!1d tn:r>lJlilqnout the ;fllflnPtees. MlIin,y' lire net sui table for "e'LIb!l, d:l:ver-IiI' • A. ¢Q'm,~Ni' '(!Ir i iI ~'!J.ita~l~ "or :I!IC!,1h1li dWlltrii ool'y' if the air w U PfQduc:eol!l i:l ,frtllo from, ,c~rbort j and Ui Ire. from oil.

'T'h!l!llr,!I!II ar·., f'Our IU;ea cd port!!tble com,pnII jI,I.Qf:l avaUable for' U,e,8 to UP'T:I~ 0 .. 6... ,,~ a j and 15 cf/m., The' O. e a.nd 4 ef/m ufi1t.. iIIIr. H;gh't iBI.nd 6i11lii1 y hillldled j 'whJi.le the 8 iII,nd ,1 ,5 .e:~ (l,eneroUy t:r;ail.r"'ar 8k.Ld.-mou;n'~.d • &oth electric arid i&lllloUne pOWered unit:IJ era ilII'!,!"!lIIile:blli!ll • In a.ddlti,!:)U, ~n.ol'9i.n.g Uniln: with .air flU"n iI!II,tta..ohed, a:re, avaUiible f,ot' 'I,i!". for -charvl~ on 0.1 high pr8 BS'LLU ,II ystemiIJ ,Of j\,l,bmarini&!i ,


'!hfu"e' are !9-1)(. g!tMj"'!:IIJ. a,,:!Iif-oty

P'feO ~1i.n1on B to be obse,rved when. 'Ii,ua:i nq an &l:lr 'O'Ompre!IJ-

{I) !he air intue for t'tIHe com"pre a"or. .Ili,hould be lOO§ted ~Q 'th.a,t ~U' bfjing dri5Wn in wU i l'H; c 1&;:11 ¢If <::-1:11["oon +mm1ooJdde •

(',2)' on a:n ·W· 'be p, r'IoiIi ... ,~ .. , ···f!lf"I,"r,'""t.""".-li ~'.,...._ t~ ...

~ _ ~ .. I _~"'y ;!;;I ._,,'!OIl g_~ ,:rl;,l'ol~~ _nl!Ol

H, • P. o1:r be:f,ore bei:n; :lItaw.d or \.I8ed •

(3-) fhi!. H, P ~ ~r .h¢U.l(! b8 UU8f(!11¢.i b_fOi'"e bel!'!l.Q .. tawed Of !lJ.led ..

«() The H.,!P ~ air .hau!d, h5'll>8 iI C,illifDen - rnanOXtu ,111M 61".1 oi 1 Clo:nw.I:"IIt tei:t bet\or. b.i:ngl 'Ill!.d 101' di v~' iTL9. .Jnd. $hio'j;dd bII!!I c,M,aked ~rioc:UoaH y .

'IV ... 38

(5, The !Ill' U'L~ t j oS to be <ooiI'RlP't'e:s sed to hi9h P ras S ores should be taken . Jrem tho eutdoors , BlTlid

aw <!Iy from any t~{pe .of h:UliB s that ceu ld po S Eilbly h~nn a scuDa diver. After thi s err rs comp·:re~a8d to hiOh pres suees , it shou.l,d te run thr.ou;h a f:Uter fUle'd with S Of1ii€l' .good fUteri ng' i!lig·~nt.s .•

(6) on to be~ u~·ed In. Q; h1,gh pre e $'U;,re i!!ii r ccmpres ser should be of the ri~'ht v~ E1.C:O·8:1ity, and shou Id be a. i1Ugh U~~ih. p04nt Qil.

The n ~u:re .~ h·ow.n :be·low will 91 ve yO!il

~n ide,,- of ,.; good. H ,. P. "jlt ,e'Y !;i. tern •


. Al Ul~ugh e har-;1n'ij f ac.1 i1tie 51 w 1 11 cl H f~ t' (rom ens comm oHInd tOo anQ.t ner J the: b01ow. U :st;ed procedure

'W mien U used ~t the' U.. S.. N .:I.v;;:!Ij school :fo·r Und:I!!!t.= wat;e:r Swimmers) 1~ ·one that sbou.ld be help'.ful to the ;$b,H1&nt l:n. Ch!lfg.i fL9 scuba u.:rHle:r any CIi'¢um st,anee ~ ~ Remem ber tr...ij!t in de·~li niiji' wi th h1'~h pres s'!.ue ai r , !:."iU


.A - Ai.t .Ialta ke

B - H. p .. Air Co-mpl'essof

C - on S e eeretor ~fnle:d wUh A,'ct 1 v.~ted AI urnina]

D - Air F 11 te:r (fiUed w Un faIt


!E ~ Stop V'rfJ Jve

F - Re Ue.f Valve

o = Pr-0 s. aure Gal,j!'~;l'e H - Stop valvo

I - Relief Valve

I - Ai.r Stor-a g e B.!!I nk 5 K - StoOp V.a [ve

L ~. Re·duc·!ng Va ]v@:

M - Pres S ure G~ !Jogs' N - R,elief Valve'

o = StOIlJ' VaJve

p = :e.1Q~de·r Va 1 ve'

Q -. f!",e!;;sl!lr,B. Gauge

R ~ C h;u;ging M& rnfold S ~ C ba:rg'inCJ C eu D1 inq


.. ·1

-' --


- S

I . - j




IV - ,39

ipaOli,' fble .afi",ty' ~.~III;I!,IU.on. .1'h~t.Q: 'HI t!ill.k!l!rl:ii. '"llowiflj :i..11 ·th. !prOf:: itdU,A I,],."d .ch. r-g t~8 ClIp_'" ~:I:r~ :I:t' .~ii,!-'biU -

- (Ii) eha E"S.t:ns. 1. tN.' to, .Ii t i" e'J t 101'1.'[".

tiD b. el'i..i.t'g4!!ld. (If th~Ir'B - II roe 11.... ey<h tfldl!T. t~ 1Io. ~h.q:illd tun t'hliiiH <I'F" ehl q 1m!!!; 1 iC'IIII, ~Grllnl!lct; 11. QQ.. 'i:!iha ~i!!ri"i!!: 'li'n. .of' I, tiM!!!!I ee .Ii for .cy'l :i.rndilli:t'iIi, t,li.;:'t h.'IIfI bmtifl cb,aq.d ,Ii 1 1"111 ' dry) •

(Ii») plIi,c,. ~u. FaIllBl'V. tn.'r,. Iri. d.D'IiII!i. fle.·!~ t;:1.o.n.

(c:) c: 10'.. air 'bl_d.,,1I:" vIII,", (II!! 'i:!,ba.rt!i :h!!i ~:ntt~Ud,.

('cn Opiln ey! :tMIIt'" '!,i"<1 1 ft,iIi 00 "i '[" cyllmier.

'that, a 1"41 ,to bili eha ~,4:d. (;Og, not ep.n cyl :Il;ndiil~

Vlii-Wll. On" viilvel!l·Mi ab c]."llil'!lu.n that hay. 'b • .n'i"Iilid ,,)

(iii.) Open cll!i!.t'@Ifi@; !i!1i!Jn:t :fold :ilitop· wi '1,1''0 .nowly.

:(f) Ch!l:c.'k for aH:t'bil!! t :tna: of' R, 1't cyl1"lui.e·1"'.

(M'~ ill: '1'11'N..m 13(11 d&_g f'lIilili r.) ib y 'pu Ii: t: i 1:1 I!: hII'rllI! IM!l air ;r;y l1'i'ldlir.iIi •

'(s) At:c' cy'l'tnd'iI'f,jjI .Ii N nO~ 111 C,tul.':t4t:r'.~, chi'l"l,.d Wilm gause pre:l!!Illlr.'1: on ma~t:!l! Q;l di h •. I· A~'c'h.a 21 '~I) 1 bli lll"l,. :i,n.

(h) C1o.".t!Ill cyUnfl..l!l1f' v,dvtl.lI~

(0 ~i"~ ,.n ,r;;:IlI~'i:'",g .. ,d .. ,Jlld,l" <:yUnd.r-. '!!Pith <!!;c i.,~~ (Put 1) ..,1 tl't ch,a 1 k or t I,p. ~1" QI:.II\:l ifl91,d ..

U) C10<11'1I ch,;.'rging 8'I8J!r!.HDld nep valL'Ii".· •.

('~). OpM c.'bargllllg IAnU'olti blM;delf' r.ep ~ t ~.r'!!!I 'C! lJlI!I ~ or 'M, .a.d..t' holf1. I f iii f.1" hI'ing:

b lild'l.'w,. 1iI.1t ,II. ~ef!.iIi i!:,II'nt f'l ow. e 1,1)1. ,1I:i it" :b ])'''",liiil'' valva ,lind c:ihiiliCK t,bi.t crUMe'!!'i!!I 'll'"al\!"<t'1!!I a~,e el.ifl.iliilld+ 'P.!f,'fi'it,:t ;Ii 11 :I. i 1'" t,o ib L.8d t'l:u:·ou&n 'b hedtlrt' boil f.O'l"e '['iii'" moving. ehal1!i 1f18. lin.,.

(l) lIi.II'KiV" Qha -rging 1. If!e fl·'Qml a h,'" (:l' 1:. ind.t'.


'Twa typ.e. af Wi:.1S.n .it; [\iifl;ll:f.r p!.:m1p. a.T.

•. vaH •. 'b·l~h Tlil-nlJ!ii.1 lind. .1~ t riC! + 1'l!i41 .l,.ctf'h~ 1 ","i til, <lilT. not ~o:t:'t •. bl. +. ~1 t1:1. thei axYiJlI1:I t:rill.'nl!!l.f'.,!!, pump!!!I ~ tihli prlmi!l'J" ilH'ecilut ion tl: ik •• p tn.&: ,d 1 tho iI!:!I u:l'prllllint ft'.. g'f ]liilll'ti'Q laum, b ..... ~ !p'ro~c.t.I to p't."fi.,.,.t exp'':!. QI:ioa. ••


'01') Conn.~.. Iu.ct'ii\in hoi,. t-o iliufl"piy cyllndil:r ~ (b). Contuu::t. d!t..eihit~,e;. trU:!I,_ eo bo~ d. to· h.

Un.d. (¢)


'l\i.rn '1X<1. cool1q 'VII,-.."I:",

ap.n t!:lI<:U'L",j);iI Jl.nd bYpill!!l1!l '11",11 Vii' {1ft It"_

C MIlIi.N! pilin.l.

(e). Op." t'h" VIII ve or t:h" 'b~ttl.. t(!l b. fUhd.

(f) (lip.n!Che ViI he gf tl.'lAii iliiU!ppl y c'Ylinde~.

G;a I !li!!1 U nOW' b.tnill'i t'hi! tv<> C'J 1 :indillit",1 'u.tI,!C 11 :tilt" p:I"It' .... II.IU i,. "ua UZild, Cl.ilud. fl;'~ & II 'li.!pp'L 'Y 1b9ttl.. 'U!i!!i,c,b ibo Ii'd. hi;ll I u own pre,I!II!I!,I" ,~.I;I, •. ,

(:,) St,iII Zit t'h. {:WTp.l"eli! or.

(h) Clo... t:'hl! 'by?.... ya. hill, Thil ~o~t'!i!IUor wil t now 'pi.Wlp 02. 1:nll!:o 1:::11t. r"c" 1 v',b,,& bot t.l4:+

(l) 'WtiiIii!'i.. tM d".,i H·d l?:t:'!ii .. n.~i; 'hili., 'h~ rpoeil:'!+d. .'tGp 'lih. CU_P'I"4!!1I!1)T ;Q\'" .o~1:fI. tM, ro''PI iIiij vii1 v' ••

(.j), Cl05!!1. v,al V'4;J <I)'ri! "i;!!iP-P'l Y '.::)"1 '1,nder a,tI;d 'NIu lv",[;ng 'bot e hi. U! COInifl'T.I!!I!!I fir 11 Itt 11 r.'uoo:LOI, e 1 e.. !I<<d il CU rp 'Y'<1 1 wlU

('k:} I·h ... " 1 :Lnilll tht"o'Ll;8.'h bll .... d vIII Vii' er e.a'",,, full Y c'f'lioek cp.l.'I, .f!:!t ott'nl!l «I 'b<Ittli11i ..

(1) Dl.cOIlIDilet'; Ii I!!IIX iib 14: 1 tnilill f ~ bettl •.

(iii) 'If ae '!'i'tct'!iii 1". A" 'te 'hill' fill ild!;. I,top (!(rlllPII:".UoOr' !by '~lih1i"1i litO? ibuU,Qft oIi,nd. ue'liI!re !C:!I!IO 1 .... 1. n,~ WI t"rr' •

(n) Alw11l1 clt.cit t;'h!liii 'Ill i l.'II.1 1l'l !!Ii8'hi!:. ,11, .. , • .aln.;d, 4D;IIU:r:". Itil. it r.'.i!!I!rV'Dl~ ef' d!:I. u.Ul,.:d 'WlI. t:i:r 1.

t,,1, ) ~ Do noi!:. p.1#IIlf.I! 1,I;;I,1)'pl1 b.crttl iii. tQ II. iP.:i." ••• Llrill

i.I!!I!I! 1;'hi,n 400 1'.(1.



1 . I"n t.hh I;.c:t:ton '1M 111M 11 nD't til t t .. t eo ,1... di. opilra t ina inlll,it t='ucil::lonl!l -due to. t'hl: va r-;!,ICIUIj ...... 'bl :Ie. t,'ha t un 'boil 'IIiIiII d. vl"~ a~,. 'P"JI'IP iutli lla tho. 'Clal,.

" p.~t ,." 'tM o.:p.M"aUDI p.iI"icul..:r. ot! NCb. :P'Iiillp

lilt 1 ~. 11 '!HID,. ~: capal:i:H:lt :l.. of tl1. PI" an

81 v,.n ,on ,"ph ta th!ii r'i.llIt ,. The 1't:'&Pib. .how'll! i:1q 'I!'.h t:(on (If ttt., lIue~.1Q" PSI (:If t'hilli 1!I,I,IIP!P,l, ctl,i'ndeir' Ina: It,he 'P,r •• ,I,IT",. on thilll c,y'11rtd.:r. be'iq flU.iIi". 'It\;I, 1IIp..~111c diff.~nce. detilli~I~. the flow' eapactty

(,C'U. rr .. ) tg :pl.lllpil fill 1JLCitilli.. loth. Pullfl'll op,r,lII,i' on a dOI·.d. c,1t'cuii;, 'p'rinc!ipl.. ~,. cyl:tftd.ra mu.'t be .. tta c.h!llli t.o dLe n~a:tio:n nd of 'tiM puIIp i tb. c:yi IMen to billi cbar.'-, :II!U.t "e .. tt!lc." '~O tiM np· 'ply O'LJit.let ,o.r tbe PIJ*P. Dotb ~I are ,of I;iQ ~:u: ... pb;r-a,p ' ... 1 tb b,yd:N,ullc 'PQI,IUN 'OP'N,t:tftij tM di:.aph:ra ••

111.. the PPI (PN.,UN lrad.'IIc. Indul,t!E'UIIJ pUiiiIp

U I... Ofiily d :la't 11 lid, Wlter fOE; byd.'t"liul:i. c f 11.1 t~ .. n' 'h.. only (!In. d,1a',hN.. lac_ ted. i'n the. jKiiIIIp _d. 'ftI.II 'C~; In,s :rod .nd, u... Ii IItlli"a.,rd 3D ". :Laht ,~U.

n. t:wa ~d.. An .epar-atilid b:r iLn 01 t •• &1 • .n4 1.M"1Iit"1I1 t.~ loa .. Iii' 1.iIi. !t:Mr •• &1 II to pnV'ilint 0'1'1. fram, nt.el'· :t,na t'_ h'f4~"~ l:i.e f. \ ~-w. •• ~t:1Dn of thll p1JiItp.

b" 'fht, cart!'ln 0XJ1," t~ .. nl ~.I" pgmp 111 .. au·

,fac w~.d 'by ehil ''!. Inllt!C'UlMat ao.,my., S:ll V4!1-::' i?rln,II!!I' lib t'11 .. nd. + 't'!l Pu..-p 'h.." S d.lap'hl"lIpt 1n

'tM ~ ..... aM ~.. a .:p..I>C ial 01.1.. f(llf.' lulwic .. t lon of tl\t; c:ulin.C't; iq ~ andi ,c't"an1tcuil ~ Th:b cd.l ('ha.l!C!1',,,anon otl 'by lI..i4""CI!IIIi~ In.,c~; 1lac:~Ulict, :M~ J~) i •

. Il ..,..'" .,ec i .. l 011, C,Qllt:i,'ftI n 92 • 00 e, .. r I.ll~., It 'h.. ...., -di1l".'lCliPM .plII!l:lfle.all:y "or tu .Un .. nd. .kpl.r).I!!I1Oft on. hU", "pitD"pllrCi ... ,. 'I'M. oUl ill of ._11]" -ot.b ... et" t;'"pt en n .. iilt t. 1.., 1I.~1.... dI~liIIl t'nJ'LlI1;J

A'M "'i'th., '. -

e., 'P13t'ub:t 1 ,:tty * 'th4!I.. ~ an ftOt u:lu&lly (10M tdeAd "p13rt&'bl. .1 t~ loU1" _1\ e .. ~ , •• ·:lly t.nlU!port th_ + 1'11.-. ""13'1'1.1;, 1. app:roxblilt,.1 y 2.-'0

1 WoO .. ;eli.. ",c,b~' 1"IIqu i t"M 11 OY 11 .. "1e pballlili Qr

UOIt 1i1n1,1 .. "phi .... i..ot:t't.oO.l p.o!IHIt", "tb -.oton be iDa ZU 4M ,Oil thilli iIq!Ll.l r:t"iII t oi:",,, tYP'l C!lp.l-c::,l1;~ .C:"l't. '!'hI. pow:'r b .. WI:L l.ib~. .ib;o.Iu .11 'U ~ i. ilkY)' .'ht'p. *

f IMt typ;I: "u,'b!iM.ritllillillill ","if! ~ ty,,.' LCU';I •

.cl. Mairn .. nance ; hr. .:t,. 1M,", 'hour. of op"

u .. ti<la ,gli till... :ptnIf. b.ef OX'III _to~'n(i. 1.. Aqu:tNd. 'I'b.Ii _nuil1. fOT tb. ~I .boulj IIlwa)l'lII b. (I~,ul tH pr:t,or.' t() .ny ... int .. :ncI. 'OE' RP'Ii1"lI.

1'V - ,4,1


i' ; I

OP'11tA f .N6 • Mnl UCTKM4 5i HA"'~D OP'ERAl ED

Ai 1 """at "., ,,'t.". to' b. opt:r!ill te .. 1 owl y lind ell wull;, 'to pr __ Ii:: .udCln '_pII'n!lil.')n oj!' tbl

'h lJ'tII ,~·e.l .. un: ox,..n +

'lLL.Dm IO'lTL&I VlTJI OXYGDiI t'h. I!III.x1nga p'Z' •• eu.-r. to ilillc:' 'batd.. lull 'b. n 11.d with tId.. P\U'I'P :I... :2:200 p.1 ~

WhI~, ti:r.'t: in!lt-lltnt p~, t.11;1.1'l\ .,ate. ,.1 t,'h «<JI.n .11 II p9cau t.t Dl'i .... Inn 1!TtJM.1!:,,1 t hi •• nt" til don. :I." tb. foOl hnri,na 1iI'II0I.WiI' ='

(1) ,I.,ttll:cl'!. 1I'\iPl"1y <:'11 tnt.r- to 11i1.1 .. t .. n Ua'lcl:

Ultft8 lung ~b. p~id.d.

(2}OMn 'Val"". M\ lIupphr ~,.1tnd'.:r-. U} Open byPillU "4111 ~.

(.,) 'Op.n outlet, v .. 1 VII I.l iaht 11 al'l.,d, ,.11CN'

"D'mt acyji:p t,c:i •• (1;11" toO ~ • t I" +.

U) 01 D". ",,,,'1 .... 111... outl.'t ", .. 1 WI, .. nd ",.1 WI, on lIu:ppl).1' c. yU tI .• " i" •

Ulll'G o.i!I: iUf'PLY C'fLIND'P, OIL'!

(1) C~n.1: ~ 'boc!;t Hili' tc: '1:1". 'nH 11.d to. ou.tht II!'IIInl told t u.:l 'nil t""" p'r'OY·1Ch.d. l·ulu"'!"I. 'I:Io'ttl. t,o I:!.MlIc :(.'~ _ t.E" ~ .. nd k •• p wUi" .,I!! coid U PDIU-' 111>1., vbI'll. ch.. ~1'"1 • CA.lJ"r'ION ; ' :Flu_' h.:ndllii :ta u.'P'PtI1" POI :l,U r::m ~,1 'th :pUi;on .. ~ tap Qf cy Linde!'. Otbtnrll. it b.ndil. NY b. 1 '1ftu by iU "rtl iljiUn.~ .. ,,11 C,yl indtl'f' C i.e..tnl Vill ft 1. tul'ftld On., •

(i) Open ~loalnl Vllv. cn ~b. bottle to b. "'1lt ••. ,

<::0 ()p4a 'out l.t 'Y!l1Y. on 'P\lilltrfl'.

(4) Op;an 'bTPiI! •• ",·d y. the 11 ow 1 y Opll!'b v .. h, Q4'I, npp lye 11 bwl,1li" •

(~n 'Wban ;~.IIIJi;IU U ,"u&l i"~ i'n .Ylt_.

'1M 1.1).. "p .. I. " .. I'Y!I .. nd Itl,l"t pwlfpl~. :movtJnl, hflfi.· ,,11. up ,qd. diOWln.

;(6:) ~ .. i~ ~i.'na '~ntll 4 •• i,Nd 'Pr .. IIUN

t •• tatMt.

U) ,01(11". \l'1~ve en nflU.di 'botth. (8) C1~ •• !lII,I.'l;t.t '\1'1;1 ..... ~ P'U"'P.

(9) !Ii I.~c:t I'd! t i ,iii 'bDU,l ...

iJU.ltO nHtll SUPPLY gxytm,=-~S,t With ltMiP, Nd lul'iii I,ni! Ma.h 'pi"tillr.lU. t p'ra~'H ,I, ~ ~Il OWl =

(l) (:'QinnMt 'bottlll to 'bill :t.f I 11,.,d, t.o ClU't t. t lINIn ifatd,. u,.lrII tl,lb. pr-ovid.di. Jub.,frx.: bo·t t ll. to n.c k 1111 Wilt"r. Ind \ • .-p "" tat' .... cold ":II pa •• - lbl iii wb1 111 e'hA f1'1"". CAIlTI'ON l ,1,i:ce 'P\WIp unlltl. in UpPilit"' 'PgII It loa wi t'h pi I ton .. t to'P 01 c111nd.-r'~ oth.r.wt 'il. unlit 1. 'MilT 'b4: .,udd lim 1 y ][1,. t lid 'by 1:1. pr. •• ·I-"l.A wit"'" 8u P pI,. CJ' Und,,", C 1l0;ll i"l '!/ .. l. '1ft! 1.

t1!;llE"'r14d em. -

(2:) QpiUI d'Dl1r11 "'l1li1 'q, ~ 'bt:ltt lill ···:t.o 'bill ur!ll.d~

Cl) ·Open outht v,1Il v. ~ -pump ~

(4,' (Ii p!lft by p.-" II ",,11,,,,. t,'h«!. !II O!i" '1,)" oQ'PCi'I 'Y .. l v.

Oft tu.'MiIly lC.y11nd.:r.

0) Wh.-n Prll"~T. 1.1 eq,":l.H,~.4 'in .y.u.'I, (1101111 'byp.I,' ...,..1 'If. *nd It. -r't pumpin;.. 1fIOY'1n:a 'halio- 4:1.1. "t I ndi ,tDw!"

(6) i'UiI'lp o:x,..n f \'('Jmo low prill.,II-'Ll.rllil .uppl'l' e.,.11adill:', .n4 COfI!t 1....... pump' inK u"U 1 the plt'U .uN in' ,ttr. Film 1",d. ~U. 11: dwb 1. t,~ t of tM

in t t b 1 Pli"fl tILl'!:,,'. .o,r tb!l low pr ••• rr. t'Upply ~'!I;>, Un(l.I', CI..,. •• , 1,. !Pr .... n~ .. ,.u,ppl,' ~yUM,.r .•

( 7) Op.n""1 ve (ICI, -1Id:Lu pr."U"",, ",uppl t" II! y, 11nlllt1". hla? ox,... if I'DIII !mIIdiu_ pH:llnl'NI .~.:ppl"l cyUnd.r, and oI;Qati....,.. P'J'f!Ipina witH -='-. pr.INT. In 'tb. nf 11, l,.iIi battle 1" ,diQ1,:Lbl. thilli P~' tAI'I'. oliitdn.di lIIiII.n puaptna t I"<Ii!I Ui.. IGIII p:n.luN' fipply r;y t i'nillu Will iii hl~arlit tnuM. clo.. ''1,1'.1". on !i'iie6:tU.m preiIJ.,..N lIu"'P'11 cyl1nd.,r'.

IV - ~2

(8) Op.n val". on h1lh !pt'illllay.l'iIIi illII!pply c:,"

11 nd.1" ant c'Ont tn~. pl"rlTlp :1."1 ~IIM::n ,d:,. i'l",", pr..l!!IlI\I.r. l!ll obt .. i:n,d.

(9) ci 0.. ".1 "iii on h :Llh pl"ill iWl'iI .llI!ppl,' ,c'," 11 Tl!l'!H'l It:! Q.. O1;iU.t vd v.; el D". \1',.1 V4III 'Clln r,.-

f ttl. bottl" atLd Ci'1iIc,Oi'iii.ct Nf't11 .. d bot Itt ••

m, SU:PPVf c:nINDI!l1 ~n h1,s:'h ii.1'I,d, low pr •• - .~:r.. :I. Ii ".1iil 'Li.1..a:-

(1) CQi'ilitiC:t bo,ttl. 'to' lb. l'lU! 'n 1M. to mtn :tfold, ~ '.a .. lfi1 ti!.il.biI pTo"idlld.. ,lha'bMI'I,_ 'bonl. to ".ck 1n '-tv, -nod kllilp Vii il;.l!r .'. (:IG lld. "I!!I ~II :t'l • .tit 1. CM'i'i iq • CIW'nO'N: ,n.c. :pump' Mn'iU!I in ...pp,.:r 'po;I:l.tlO1:\ w1th p,i!lton .t top !Of ,r:yUMtlI'. Ot'h.nt,.4i MMl .... y b ... ,ud,i.\Mtl, l1ftM. by .... 'p-rIl.,NA ' .... JiIIn Bup'ply e, 1. t nd4f.' ell" :h~1 V .. 1 .. '1. tu~ (IIf!i i ~ .p:; that P'Llll'lpil\8 i, (:..",,1;:1,'!ILlled c:l1:I, t~ lov prlllll.uN li.upp1y cy 1 1i'1,d.lillt' unt 11 ttL.. pI" .... ilu"" 11.\ It'h,. :r!lf:l.ll,6d, (:yUtndtrr- :1" ... ' 60 ,ltli!iiol'b.I" ....

(2) Op_ v'a l! VII on. htlh p;na,IU'N: l'Up'ply 0),1 in'" dilli'i" ilna. c:o:nit bu~. 'plmpi" Uftt 11 i!4, 1 'I",.di pr.l!!lJU" 1.1 !OiblC"in.d..

<::n Clo .. : " .. 1 VII Oct 'ht,'h pA:llur. 1,l;tpply 0)1'''' UI:I.d."r;; ,cl,Li" MlU.t "4111".;, dDI!!,'. 'WiIl'YI!II en W1Ued !bot tl. aM dlil,£:,onn .. £::t I".U H.d bott l!iii.

CAB 9' f1JMP un. ~DI:U.nfG C1.I lom.a _1' , £PHPW!!; .,'lI:;el:' c:~ i.u Dn (III rd i 111.,", ,,'I bot: t li..':10 c1 c.. 0IIi u • .t v .. li'lt. 0.1\ :puarp, .op. byplllil val'Q And

IIq ..... 1 iN ~I iJU ~ 1tL d,hcM q,_ cMIII'b.r aft·d, 11:1, .uf'pl" c)'li~'r. Clo •• vlilYIi on iJupply c;yl1nd.t., .R.d

1 .. " b:yp.Ii I" \,.lv,. 'I)pMl,.; If .. ua. pit ... ;tu,r,. f,. it., • c:h,ac:k, if! or l .. kll. 11"'111.1'" r'!I Ihould. bill .. 1 I ,owed, to

Ttl" til in l"l,tem w.n ~p 11 :l'in. (UI u!l111 40 .. tilii

tc:l 1S ..... ).'

It :1,. IIbloOl\i:t,.ly .' •• "['LUII l! tllii

11: ""P' t:h. Pillalp full ,o:i!! t'hot, l~b!:"t(!"UIl'iiI Uqu,ld, at all t bl'i'lll:1 ill!) "II tr:::. h!lV'. tM l .. IIICMr w,iI!l\er.. ..1 V41;II

.. " d. f!'t.ton :!:'oCli f:r •• ly l,u:ti-rot,u e.d • "t"O'P!II1" :li.lllb1"'1"

Coli Ii ion ..nll ,n.ur. • II!! ,IE 1(1 l .. nt ." .. r .. t,:I,on oj!' ~ &fi4

r .... c,iII !IIIii ift!l;,.-nlirlC. ¥Oft ,t CII a lilt-a :1. .. - • 'I'hIIII cilil Y

ll11b r1uftt to 'b" 'Iil •• d CHi or 1rl t!Q p!Uap I 0.:" OI!I aa,. ,.I"t with wl\if:h oxyailliii co. .. ir!, eCIiU4:it. tI a 11.)" .. c,.r t'nil 1f!. ... t .. t< lob .. :; 10ft CQtI.i hI: 11'11i: ,ol ,:l.lht p, .. l' til (I"r d :t.U II H va t.r to. on,. 'p.IIlt"t of 'PUr. a1 yc 1P"1D" :h·." f!"MJ a(! Id.,

To if'ill 1Ii.'h1i Pump wi t'h l.ubriea t 1 o~ 101 ut f(ln j (l) Cl,o.. by,. I .. ViiI viii .

(2) ~ (!)' 1. indill1"' t,o 'b. 'N-:f 11 h,d, .. nd "p"n outl.t: v.l~, an pu~.

(3) D1. r.:OfirUIIc:t tubii: f:rom 1I'l.1.1t Df '~Y 1 ind,~ h.Ad"

(4) U." till .upp,ly e,Und.r <:QfllHII'U,1q t.abilli alid at t ... ch ,.;me .nel t,o cy'1ind.r h •• ,d .. nd the f E"" .nd p.1AiC. :lei! .Ii jol f' coat.1n iDa t.'h. l'LlIbrlca ti'na. IiCll1Jt ion .. (5) ~,. 'P,lq 10(:" ttlld, on • :ltd.. of ~c:II'I'Ip:.::' •• -

II, i en c:h.m'b.'l".

(6) 'Pu~,:z to 110 Irtnlk .. "., 1:1.p.nd,iq '~ .'!rIC,,", c'l 1 iq:lI,'Lid i.n tb. puliililP" 'UinU 1 'ttl. 1 ~'bdc: .. nt t O'Y.d lav;t .'Ii p iUI ap.,tq ..

(7') .,plolic. plu,1 t • nd -r" --,tt .. c,h tub. ~:t'Om tYn:tfold to :la-I,III\t, ..

(8)0 O!p.~ byp.... VI h ••• ,

(9)' Ccnn4lct.n ~.~ .'U'pply t.yl tnd.r' t,.g t'h., pump "M 'Open cyUnd ... \1',&1.", •• U.g'hUy AUov!., a Ii!llll,ll volum. g,t a:ICYJ..n to flow th:roua;h, thil p'--p tao th.illi d 1".. 'ClO.iIIi '1,11 .. 1'". on .u,':p ly C!!fl ;tllu:'4!r. lhh


(IIp.iN t li1X1 w:U 1 bl aY out iIiIIXC •• " 1, 'UI'b!':i CI. t i__ in tlilll

""""11 tUb.1i .M~.. Th. ,-.Imp i. MII!I! ~ ... .,. for' 11,1 ....

---~-------___"-- IA'ln

~RISSID' GAl ivlft Pii'iUflO!lIlj 'h_ cu.".

Ina o.pilril"t lonll nac .. ,,1u t. mII! :La:l1'1& l .. qe ..... D1;1I et C01!'1p1'l!1 .... d J~ ...... 'both f'llllllUlb t. IIl'Id naatl"1fIiiiiIIIlIt. iii on "blo').!rdi at iI: II t 1._. '1.'M: d Iv1"1 of t ie.1" I. :1'"11- IIponi!!li'blii furl" ."'.!,I:r:l:q tbilt t.bti •• 1il ••• ·1 aN .'.1,)" haM led .nd I,t,or.!!: I and tbll t: ii.11 t;i,n'kll, Wh.t.l.t"

toJ'M or boldtf1r,8 .'"11 p:rop!l!:."l y 'hul ad. f 1III •• d! ~ :l:11U4d! .. ... " mdl'lt.i".d4 •••• ~~ t~ tb. t .... ill" ccmp~ll.d &1 r I o:qra,en I 1i.1 tl"Qlen 'I and thr'N •• n .. rllI.!t"d 1'Ii:lc.tur-... of I2Ol. :n.c:tri c. ..lIe,1 ill" i .'Ad:

b.nd JK"I'iIIr"M tZ'.n.f-.r!p. Ind '~OI'!'ipnl"!OQ aN utilh.d. HTM Uliil Hi..VA.1I1 16-20-5001 ,1".: I. 'N,d..c

CN.t 1 1'n. Oil ~~.. to b. r __ HI! 1", rirlet .... vit'" .cIOftP~.I .. d 1"'111., All CQiII"p'I' •• ,_ ....... 1 .and .)ill ICY'l1nkril .. hclilld b. band! l,n ...,,'IKI" ¥itk

the • __ n 1 p~oc._.. iliad .4i,f.i:,,, !P"'C .. 'U;U·~ .t- 11~·K 'b.,lav, tn ,.~,~:l t ten" ·.'PM U t.oil! np,lt1t lou v111 Irp'-pl.y tQ 'p.I f'tic:u 1..:r 1:1.... lind iIq uipillait ~ "'. fa-I lwi,1'II 1. An ~,tl-tflilll i:I!:f pT1OC.dur-.. wh loeb ~ld. b. fat \ o.wtId: (I.. 'ila,. I,V .. 44)4




·,ENI Go.iUI01.I., GXYgen i I colof1.i!i II ~ odor- 1.'11., and. slightly heavier then .ail'. It 111 nQl tlammablG t 'but stronqly IIUPpottl IIInd t,ilpldly ,accelerl!litell lb. com* l::Iu:lltl on. of ell fJamm.ebl. m.t:ert. .. l11 .

(1) h$p aU ,p.eiI1c",... f1amt11I, and e3iU:le" M.t iIl'Wo!i!( frem IIIll oxygen illind oxyqen equlp'ment. lCe.p tlill combustihle !!l.eterlal,el, .away from POll!lla1:ble cont.l![llct wlth 0KY;en..

(~) UltUz. only d ... lp .. ted AY1Ator~. Bteath11i9 OXYVf:i.'ln fot' any bree;thinq medtum.

«J) Never. u.1ioe. a:n..,. 011 I)tOdU<::t8" crrea:IU!Ii or f.atty "'!;.I,DII tilln08 on or iII]'OUnd MY o'xygen eQU1 l'.Hrnent., ltendle' OXV;lIIIn end equlpmen.t ln. IlCICiordllina with. BUMtDINST 6 ~., 0 • ~ !enea. Lubr1.~tliU!ll ~",n e~i~,.n:t -only iIIi,iI IIi~ec1f1ed In :stH~HIPS!NiS'T' 9 a 3 0 .. 1 S I.riel.

(4) x..p equJprn,.:nt .c1.,an ail aU Ume. '. Should any equtpment come in contae~ wi tb, oU. or b. contillimin~ a.ted by &rt wlU.e<b MillY con,ta.1rt oil , ¢lean. ~n 'tM fol'''' !ewing 'In lIIn.ner; (lAW BUSHIPSIHIT' 93,,80 .. 12 led e ... )

(a) D,ip in benzine or bIIIIn!Zo1 and .U(.'I!W' to ,dry • (b) 5t'll ,m thoQc~anlv.

(c:.) DJ.p in bolUJH~' Wii!I,te:r 'to :r.mOV1l!l illY po •• U:d. tr.eeilll 0.1 oil thl!ll,t m;e:y be in tbii!!i Iio'ttlem.

(5) UU.liz,e on! y copper... m-onel j or eo:p~:r ... :ni"'" 'ked in t:rMliilll.:r UrUtllli, qaUQie is end otbltr .quJpru:n:t

u sed with OX'If;.U\.

(6) .............. ~t • ',..... ........'.........u . ;.. tjt t Lo..

. ' ~!: ' ... 9 .... ~T ~ ... 'n. A. d .U .... iI ~, U III ~~ com,-

PH! .. ed, , I)r.)n ~t Uil. to blow' eut Jlipe tineal du.t clot'Rinq Or wotldnq a ... ilS. or for head prelliuf8 In ,ft rank. of ilIIny kind .,

(7) N'.VH ~~ COIi.n.oCUonll wh~:t fir,t ble'-

-edl1:n~ Uw pr. '.Un!!! • ...._

. I

(8) Keep oxvoeul and U,a .qu.tpm.ent al neu

n.Qrmal room tempe:ra.tW' .. .e:. pO',llble (,7,00 -, 9010 F .. ). Heat CAU,I,.d :by friction of itepldly flew,inq o,:ICYg'an Of sudden Clom.pre,iU10fi 1.1 h .. i! t 1Ii. .. di~.-rou, as spark,. +

(9) N,eve-r uae r),Xygen 'W.i tn, equipmi!l'flt other than that e.pee1iic!II.ii.y d.signed t'or ,1 ti: user .n.ev.:r' Uiil. J t in equiplMI!Pit th.a:t has been, u .. ec1 with iI!II:ny 'Other ,gal or mate:r,ial., u,e ilny ;',11& .:IU:!.pt Ql!CY9!&n. in equ1pmen,t (i8 IIJign.d f,ot OXYVCIi.

(1 Q). Nevel' penni t ClXygilllln to enter 'i:II r,.,qulator ludde,nly.. Open it iI,low 1 y ~ w1th th. lAO. of .any Q'.a!1i191!! aW,!IIY from the body ..

(11,) Never attempt to n,poir equt,PM$Il't unlei! D PfQP.dy q~Un.ed, !lLnd rlillili'YU u f.' leak y Of i3f..ct1vt1i eqW.PtnElln,t •

(.:l2) .P,rmtl sible fire fi~ht1n; .,pnt. aN water j' C02, ,r mld ~:ne,rt gall. T1\6 UN of cilll'bon Hitr,O!h1O'J":1:d!I!JI ~ I1'J,!IC'naniOllil. flOp j ,Q(la and 'illiiWlcL end In.thYl!brcmJ.die'~· .ure pn:>h:1hl t.d • .

MTax;:::~1 NitlY'wl"llllll'" t-... . I . rt ~i II.t1

E' ~ . L.,.,.' .... ~ . "" en ... ruII! . 9_iI ~ :II.ll. gu. y

u.'Ohte:r than Alr ~ . It d.~1 not fom nammabl., Of .~p!.Q.i.i vii!! mJ.xtli.lft" wtth o~en or aJ.r. end. ~'t WiU not

IV _.

.uPport e.i tMr oombu.t.ic.n or .... ,piration •

(U UtU1~. only Nt troq.n dell-onated ~ dry"" ilIi:nd ~I WillteJ' pump til 1Ii:ll pert of ill :bniil,thmg medium,

(2) WoDi;, with nlb"og.n only ,in w.ll vP,tllewted .lJrt!IIe ••

(3) tubl1.cate nitroq.n IYltNt11 only In. .aeconi ... .aM. BUSHIPSIN'BT 92,5Q'. IS I.fiel 4

(4) Neve" ,allow' 011. 'Oreal". or f •. tty t\l:bat&n.CI" e;f to c:ontaminGteli nitroct,en which rnay tII6 u.iI!d In. caD-


Stan.d.rt1 ,dJvln; '1 • $ 1ft! a~aUab.l. tl\ Navy lupply Iysrtliml. T,M;I.e 'mJxtuNI ..

:net flllli'lmabb ~ but will teadU Y ilU.ppon QQmbu a'u.oo dUo' to' 'their biab perce-n't&;e cf o.xy;en.,

(I} Handle.ll lI,t..,ndard N aoi m1xtu. .... .in aceQI"dPCI. wi'th the tor oxygen lilte.d aboYeJ.

(2} All .g.. mtxturil! _ will ~ itbomu9hly analy;I.e<! prior to •

(3) If pre-mixed ga.ea ate not l!IVeUable ~ 9 ..... win b. mixed .int.a, It 'tandlUd II .. P .1 .. C .,e '" ge. (:IyUnd.r Q:nhr., Order of praf.~ng. 'O:f eyllnderl into wh1a.b, Qal ,can be. mixed 1,1 at follc.1wa:

(a) MI.:Qd qeil a:yllndtl:r CI,f "am. milCt'Ufe n, llial deJ.1Nd ..

(b} Mixed tal cyJ.i.nder of dlffeten,t mix thin.

Ii •• d •• lm~

tel Oxyaen,r (d) Nitrogen cylinder

(4} If Ciylindliril of ty,p.I ,(:b,) ,I (e) ~ or (d} .v. 'UtIltz.d lor .gal rnbdn;, cyl&, IhaU be plunly t~Ulrked in Pllint MOl" to .... tumlnq them to the .upply f8l'!!1l1ty ~,

, .... ,I Ji~¥J,. Hililium i_ an inen 9a1 ~ ilIInd wHl not au,pl)ort C<mI . u.at1on ..

(1) Grade C helium {9 ']' .. :5" pure ~ aU - !I'M but :p0:l .. i:bly (l!oRta1nJn'i w'lIIIt.r' v.per.) only ,I,ball be u..ed .. (2) StGn.derd he'lium~.n mhctuAI" 'hill be UUU.Ii.d W~1l av a.1la:bJe ..

(,:3-) Helium a.nd,LIm. ... QJCYVlllln .hlllll be handled In 1II.!i:lQQ.M.i!i:ne. WI't:h. Piilfligraph • .above j "\I,b.,t.itu.tin~ beUUill for' nl troien .'

, I C[M~REil.ED AllY com, pI'e:ll,II!IIM .ut: 111, :not fla~'" mabl. ~ . _ t wUI IUPpOrt eomb1.i IUon ..

,( l} Only OOmpM:II8&(! .eJr frQm an oil Gild eerbon mOn.oxid. ,. fr.e. 50~e "hall be u..ed ~ In oeneral j obtained fwm other than tb. c:om.pre, :I!Ior& located

lilt Tum ar.a. .bllU be for both Pa1t1'cull!!llte

and gaseoua wa.t!l prior 'rIO 'lIe ~

{2} High pH .,.ur& 611 Will not be utiU,zed to d,,-;II'I: (llothllVlJ or work a~.a; 1 t i,iIII millc::heruGaUy diang.roo, .

'["COMPRESSED GAS cXLltiniifijAfrs,IX rijgAUIIQNJI, Hilr'dUn..g .and Storace Precauuon I:

(1) All ,c,ylliVJen, .tl.n be omaJ.ned th.:rouVh the Navy ltandard .upi)ly iiy.tem. WMrwViIiIl' :PCII Io.:I.b) •• CyUtu1i11ti! not properly painted. ..'tamped en.a ahaw'in.g ev1di1nu of ,prc~r hydrou .• tia testing .hell not be &CICI.pi:.cI ..

(2) All cYlln.ders IhaU be patnteid 1:0 aeeonhlllce "W~,th urn ta.ry Standetd NIL-stD-l a 1 '.

(3) Handle all ey,Undeti! wlth ,j cn:;pec::i.lly


cyi1nder contlJnln; Uammab1e 0: .:!C,plolliv. ga, •• I Do not 1ll1ow th.m t,o btl bumped, j dropped ,. or otherwlle mJlbancU.d.

t-t.) ThiI 'c;yllndilr valv,. au.U.t 'CaP Grid the cylinder v,l!Il'l!8! protect!n.g,(:Iep .. hall be in ];)lee. ",'nen. ayl1ndar. lire ,tieing handled: every 'precaution, ahall be t.ak'"' ta. ;tycid hi,tt1~' the dii .Ch.III. valve iii, durtng handlJng oPerationl ..

{S} when loading or lfal'UII'fernn.g , cyUnden llhen bII •• cured ,in a ondle j liu! tllble pl'ilIItforrn ~ or ri! El8CtromagnM. ,.hell :n..,.r t:. u .. !HI.

(lEi) eylirlii:!etfI ;ltwll never M u .. eel III roller:!o or a. 8I.1PJIIOiI.1' Ii

'(7'} Cylinderl, .hall never be ,allow4!ld to h4'YS

mor. PAl' '''U'' 1n th.m th.n :I pee'H1ed ~ ,0 yU:ndeHi .rhaU never :be allowed to dfatn 1O!000000pletely and. valve j!Ii Ihall not :ta, I ... tt opilitn, j G. thb will penni t them to :be, contaminated I Empty oruIIII:I ,.hell :be .0 millrked.

(8) Care w111 be taken to enlure that cylinder, • re m.-.i:ntalln.d .t appro,:td.matu room" t,emper'&ture I . N.:dmUl'!l t.empi!retl,ln w'ill nev.r .~.ed I JOoF ~ In cal. of fteer:lnCf of valve Ii j warm j not 'boiling:.. WlIItlllll' will be ut,ed to frH th&m.

(9) Flammable matenGl io, &.pec1aUy iIea.te and

en j Ihall be ke'Pt well ..... y from the ltotq6 atea I (10) CyUn,deril: will oe tt.ored ~n & vert1Cl,lIl PQliiit.ton. va}y. up.

(11) Pi'ot&et cyUnd&tJ f~ o'b'J ec=tl 'that. mtwb,t ~. cut.. Qr a.b:e. .. iQn. ,in 'thllll .'I,.Irf6(l. of the!d. {I Z) Keep ':uorage lrea .. weU ventilated.

(13) :00 n.ot ... flU cylinder .. unle.. iluc:h ilIi.eUOn. ,11 Ip,eC1f1c:a1Jy approved ~y U~b Ihifba1.i concernedi Mlve: fill any CI,yll~r with eny 'g.;I, Qlhu then thet fer wh1ch It .'1,1 Intended ~ exoept iii PN'ICi1bed in. piilrill; ..... ph ebov., end i.n U 18. Navy Dtvlnq Manu;Ill ~

114:) Do not remove or .change any MarkinOI on cyUruier .. tIIWJept, to d •• 1qnaU. con.ta'm1n.l:lltion. or rn,iIII1- tunc:t1on., In whJeh c. ••• notation wi.ll ibB ml!lld. with white palnt ..

(1 S} N.v.r fcrCI. co'MeCltien.1I j tamp.:r with ulety device I. 'Cf'O'1 thread I , or and Itrike. v&lv,1I!I wheel, .. en. cylinder •.

(1'6) Do not u ••,atof1ll j :m.arufoldl , p,re, :!!IiUI'8 'Q",i!liY,9!i!!1I, .anal yZ6r1 , and ,related equ1Pment wb:l;eh are provided, fer III piIi:rticul.r qillili on cyUnd.r.l oo:nil!!linin; different .g'8' e 15 ..

(17) Do not repair 0: G1Uu· cylind.r .. ee v'ilIIlv.1I !I!I~pt w!\en. authQrlz.d by the Bureau. ~e:n relt1:n.Q" for leak. r uli& .iI(.'t.l:llpy w ftt.t -!:lInd kee~:i t'ne .l!IIirliG c:w8r

01 ell .,000fCI., oJ ,POilllliibl. ignJUo.n ,nd cQnteminl!lltlQn •

(18) NeVIN eli Ich8r,ge cyUnd.,r ln~ any deviclIII or equ:l;,l»hent wherein: the ga. will be 6ntril.j!ped and Cft&IIW pnlli.ltlr., 'LInl ••• th. a !fUnd.r i .. oqwp.-a: wah • PD!!!!i' ..... r.quJator •• t to -control tl'.. P.r&IIIIUf8i ..

(19) LubriCate cyl1nden, r vl!Ilve Ii r end other eq:uipm.rliit only .in &CIClc, with .appmpri aN in. tn.lCUonl.


.All c-yllndera ,are feQ,U1red to heve ,periodic: n'vdro.ltatte teaU and 1n..:p.ection .. ~ No, lull eylind..r$ which .are Pililt 11\1. tor t .. ,tllli wiU ·bll!l' .accepted from ilny .upply .ource; no SCURA bottle I pa.t due 'W U 1 bel, nU.d for any reason I

IV' - 4.5

i I

QU'lNOUENNlAL TtsTING= I!I,TM .Art~cle 23 .. :2 6 po1n.b ICC requJrementl: fQf" quln'q,u.I'mi ilil te; of III pr,ectic ell y .all c::yli:nd4U n. Oompr. all,.d Ga. b .. ~:n Inc I '.ennphlet C -1 of 19 59 ~quJre-:I!Ii five in JP"Ction.. of It.6ld cylinders j and eGA,.. inc.. pamphlet '0-6 ef 195,6 recommend .. ann.uGl .ins p~tlOn.1

of all .'teel SCUM, bcttlililS •

ALUM1N1J M Be ueA. 80'ITLES. In ilCcord.ance with BVSH1PBNOTE 9940 til ertes alurnln;um :bottle II must be hydMlita.tJ.ea.Uv te:lted at 5,000 p.l every ttL.,,_ y!iBrii ,!!Iina, Alter any :fepaU" work + 'ThIl!lIC!ll bQt,tles ~,'I,.Ii:lt heVfi

IIIn .. nnu&l intemol!lll Inapocth:m, in dcoonian<::e with euBHIPSDl ST 9930.,6 serle .. ~

It !j.hall be the d1rect fe.e p.oilI ibtlUy of thei 01v'!n; Off1c:,e co. to enS\Lre thl!llt the required til at. ,!!lind in5'pe,'oUona !!lirE!! :preformed. !hi:$ wIll tnclud,e q, hydro of' all steet SCUBA .. a.nd tfi-lIInn,u.a:l hydro, of .slJ. alUmln'jJM SCU'8A, and internel inspllcillon of ,!!ill ,\.lm SCUBA •

MAXIMyM_QHAlpINQ.. 19Spy l§S

Ali bcl,Uea are stilllm~d With ,IC C a.pprov,ed ser''Itiel! prel.ure,. Th .. I.e' working' pnt;lliUre:l .I'hal1 net be iI!I,:xceeded e.xee,pt 4$ U.s'ted MNlli:n ~ BettY..11 nall b., te. ted to tl-w milf~ed tt'llilit pre- liiUrtl •

in accCl:rd4nClIII wi th PlUSH'IPS le Uief '994 1 .erl.Gl '536-12 of 1 B April 1'964. eluminurn SCU E!A botlle.ll

i .. . 1 ' " 1t'~ - i"W"a" ntl· ..... "'b·t'I"r,"'d to th Air ·t· ... -

,open CTCU j ... a.y , y UI';:I ... QI'!IiI1;OI .. .c_ .... _ 0;0_,-

dam wOJ1dnq preil8ure of 3000 'P" i ~

In tliccot'd.ance w lth NAVAS,A, 16 <" 2 Q'~ j 0, Sect.lon

B '" 24. ~. .! I • ~ unul further orde ra from the Interstate CommlTQ.oli Commi,ilaion r l .. C • c. - 3A cyU nd.-ra mll,Y be ch.arued With iC!om.pre:!.'! ed gas. S r other tban llQ\.lUied,

dis folve-d qoa II e! 10 '. to ," , .. re S ='!,'Ilre '11} pete,a Ol 1 n ex'ceo.1 of their rrui1'k .• d aervill:!l1 preJ!!l :iliUM ~ 41 De cilston to i:In,"" pleme'nt tblii1 feo:u!atlon wUl in eGc.h (:lale i'i!I':st With the D~,vln..g OU1,c.r ~ a.:nd .. hall be ~&iled upon operl!llt:1cmal neceal1ty+

IS,SYE Ofltm-.Q!{.;m§!;J CXQ.ztp:EL

In I.C!c.orda.nce with BS'TM. jAn.. 2:3.4"1" lIInd NAV ...

AtR 16 -:2 0-,5 0 1. SiIIIctio.n B.l 0, N,avy ,ovtnlhi .cylinder.lll iina.U n.ot bE:! lealiii6a Or U;:rnlf&l"tedi to Prt'VG;'te II or other goYmnrn.tI!nt, d9a:~"i,C;;::ie.. ineludlnfjl lh., MMi:n .. CO:r'PiI. w1 thout the :& pecUlc pennll!l slon of ossa ~ exC6pt in. a l!II,ioilil5 wbere ilIIn eme';rg'iI!Incy iii deemed to ex1iit ilIItLd 'ij¢~ &ettQn i, appmv .. d. :by the Ccrnmand1n.g Of .. :fic:e'r '. A detoiled report ,1 a n!lrQ .•• d;red In ali ca,a.e'l +

Such. ,.,.pc.n ,heU con.t~d.:n i!IIn explen.aU,on. ell ml!ll:r'ld.n.g:l on the eyUndefa j and Iha.ll be forwarded 'to CSSO j .u,Otiv wit:ti: U111i!i1 di8:'teHs oJ trans i!iC'Uon •


V_U_R. .... A,T __ • lIK ..... ZC&

'fa ~:r.I tand dt.ytaa a n4 iU .,rif.1i:! t, on t'he ~n 'body, :tt h Mc ....... r)l' to KOatJ 'OM'" it'hirt,S: abC1Jt 'phya:Ec, of d:l v:l.a.a,~ "by. ie. :1. thll

11(:,. d.allllli 111 'th 1::b. p:ropl!llr:tie!ll ot :rna itt.!" and tlw lIH.y ... tt.r M:h&v'4:. uDdtlir d,t:ffll't"wnt c~tti.O'n .. ~ All Mttillr _htl, S n orI. af th 11:",.* at,.- t.I': 801\:1,>41, .,:ic:", MI'IiI'1: d.finit,. "'l;'lIl~iI!I aM ,Iht'p<l:; Uoq,..ld,_, .Moh b.·""l11 daUnt t., yol ume: wt, r:::.Clifo'l'lIj ,t 00 t" .. h .. !poI: ,g.f tQl ~ Cl;)n' .. u1n .... j, and GU'Il •• whic:,11 ty",.: ndth"r ill, d .. Un'1U

vol'l.Uiii noT' .hl'fI'" An,'!, ilpeelEi€: klncl ;:,f -nll:l;' .. .,.

• x.:t..t in IliOn ,tMI'!! 0'tR • ta tI d!l!i~,i~, gn t.... t..-p.,l".. tur. f1!tI,d !pUiULiU +. In d tvt n.' WIii .. re p:r:1'fM1 1"1 1,' in .. t,it.Tel tid. in 1 i.qutd 1 .JIM Hili: •• 1 • ICCI!f" 'r.d wi't:h ,,1 •• 1 • U,quia,1 a.rill '!i:·m\l!!Ii04·ered :i.DeO!apI:'ll.u1!b.l.. a. .... b ... ". nCl dill::!: ntu .Uj:lfI {}T vo'lllltliilll ·11 nld (!lI:n bli C OJIIpr •• IIid.. All :gil... 111.'11. WIt tlht .. ruI .oec:1.i:p~ .III:pill.~:. +


.lUll: t lb" e O4I!IIpo.t lit i'MII .of "1,~ 1. I 1'1! :I:Ktuf'" (nQlt ... c::h.",,:I,(.IIl cOi:iip(lund ) wb1e:: 1:1. e iln be bi"ok,,'r!. dlOI«'I 1nte, tb. t'Qll.owlna p:roportiOf",i. '=

.,. :BY VQ[.mti

i1IIOGIH 1':i .0,2

0XtG1H .2 0 +,l9.

co2, ,0Ii

Ra IN Gaillll" (Alrlon" NetX! ~ 'rr1iC: ••

r.d Ra,d,(Ir.I, II.. .t re.. ) .. 6:5-

CUJON. mOXllll1 (C02) Cirbon Df.ox 14. iI!!I; .. eelloZ'''' 1:. •• 1 ~ (!I~l .... ~ tI .• t.l*u 8.,". wninl ilru::ount.Hd, 1ft iI'_,'u q'PDtiU." .. " I,t h .... noU,.c:li;libl •• dd,tc Ui,t ..

.. nil Dc!-or 1JbCli in 'h.tsh !Con~ "m,t:r& t ion. ~ ntl,. a.a.;II can

be 'hi! mfu 1 tQi thll dtvlIl""

C'ARaOi KIIOXllII: (CO) C.'i"hc., 1l'Ioncnc'trl. 1. .. ·coiol:"l •• I . t)dQ'I:"l.'I.~ tl-,t.1. •• 1 ~ 'Y1lllf'J' pot.onou ...... I f. c:Qnt;a.i~" 1a. .. Iii V4i'r 4 I l:lr l!.Ipply, iII.or 10 tI!I eee"eq,u.nCiilili nll usul.l I '1 1:">1:1'lJ.l Ii: ;

HE.IUt"l t (H.) At ~~ d! vina d,,~ th:l h.-Ilu... 15" in.

'ittlPDr"U~.,~ t lilt' i t;.. t~tol)X·tc:iI:'t ir'!8. .UiII·(rtii IIIl1d.-r- pi:'ilia.u r-. 1:'1'. Y'ery iJI'J.:I<c::'h 1".. than dto.. gf nit. "r0l.n. 'Ii .. - 11ua 101 .. eD~Ij"j'E"I.II, ,IiIdQr\ ... , t ... t,.l.,11 ,:t.n!U~:JIi ••

'M."tDROCIN! on 'HydrDlen il .iii oI;I·o~,.oI"I... ~Tli"''' , ICI..t.l. •• ,. ,..... l.t hi t"Il;')o"t u,.d tql" c;ltvtflt. by t-n.. tl"4 Nil, V)!' bt.c1,UH it it .'PliCII1 Vol!! wb.n 1ITI:i:ttilid, wi'th C-1I't't.Ai:n eonr:: .. tt:tr-& t1Am.l .of ~." + lIyi:'hQliIft :tl, 1111.. ,i1enl.

~f1 Ju:lli1ifn "rut, t'Mnf !I]~. hi" potlt!!!U .. 1 "411\1.. ~-or

"*r"Y d •• p .I!:nd, :pnt.1aaa:.d d,tv, •• +

NITAOGilHI (,N2.) Nitl"tl" • .,. tl iI c(}:ial"l, ••• " ed.o.rl ••• " ta.t.l" •• t~.~t ia8 tbat c~rt .... pp~~:I. .. 79~ 02~ by volume of the A1~ wh1c~ w. 'br~th.+ It I_

i:nc. .. -pablli of .u)p.ot"tlq: Uhll Or" C!0I!!IIb!ut1m11. Und.r

"hi ..... pr .... u'" nitTol1ln MI, .1:1. tat~:I.Cia't1t'11 .,f:hct",

.. od i:~. ·d:t "".:t" billicaI!II!I. I·M. to l!i'i tl"OPn 'N.reo. i. ~t d.pcb. s~ .. tllllr t~n 100 f •• ~~

OXYCI.N.Ii (02) Oxypn i.. Ii col Qd .1 .. " Morl •• II! po tiII~td .... 111,iII'i"l: ,PI h,~ .pprDZt ... 20.2'91 110', yolu_ of !;be· 1111" wi~ h we 'br .. iI:M. OXYIIln .. lGO. 1 ill ,cap. bl. of .u'P'P'Q'l'tiaa ll,f'e ~ honv.t"" ~ It b"c~. tox1e· .~, h'i.a;'h,l an bt'illlitud und.r

h ilh pi.".' IJ.'UlU. ~ r:::"~ll~ "*11& p!joh'Mllt. (,~,1iI'L 1'oxid.ty") . (I·1CYI. ~ci 11,. .uwo:I"U C Dllibl,tlt 1m. • hDnV.t' r.kyx,-en .. uelf will I1Qt bun ~


?"e .. w.'r. :t. ..:II for~. .. pp.L 11i1d to 'CIII!. .~n;fI.CIIIIO'r a" •• , in!! it c.~cmI1 p:pr •••• 4 ftl. pCNl'Hl • per Iqju,aQ :i.ll:lch Cp.i). .AU •••• 1 are .. ·c:oU.etl<Mi

.of IlUll pi Tt' c: 1i1$ eilll.d nI(I'l.c·"d.. tha t ;J 1'. iii con,tII~t .ottDn + 1 iii! '. :t~eH"". thil t.-pel:"ill tllJ.l'tI p tb.1!1 .DU,(l11 billie orn.. f •• tlllir. If VII di.t rillii I'" tu t:np.:r- ..... tur. I' th.. .mt 1,0'1:\ 'bIiCCiM. dO¥t:r.. U.... c:ont I~,e to ,dille:: rltlli. the !t..,.r- .. tut'"., tn. .otton billiC,r;)TrI6i11 .. llM1e~ ,1II,nd .1'~T to. .. po:lnt vh.-r. ta. aol.eul.1 IJd~ ~Q .. c:~ Q'ther" '. nd th. PII tuml 1;,nto '. 1 i,q,u:ld. .h~tlg" d"o.:.. d,t'II,I of t .... r. t~r. vi 1, l. ~.w l"t irt a .ol:ta ... tliAll .ol.eul .. 1. ~!t'E' •• "'. tOi.'tt."rll• 1'h II .t ton ·of tb. mQI":'Ull.. o't 1'1. C!lil.l ... I p'f"IU:lU:t." ~ III ... chi i: lli,. mol.oI;Iul. C:Ql Hd.. '.U:h otut" IIIOli,aeuL .'. IIrId wi th thit .1d,., Qr it. cooU {·n.:r wltl.l. :mcw·tlll abr;:lut.. 1'tIau ioN "."'.TiIII ":l,r l.nnt ~~t1P ... 'I~ Q£' p:I:'.I,IIJU:

A'IHlSPHIIIO PilIlBSSUb, h th. "au! t gf 't.... 'Qqht Q~ thAi' at-..p1\IIr-.! ,or' tb.e Hipt of the ,.:t r llrouM

\11 prCK1YidnJ .. ~'()rCIll 'on tl:'LII lliirfa.c. Dl th .... rtlii in ..11 diNCtion... tha .1t .. -of air "bov •• IqUlln. 1ncb

of ,illIlrta;c. I(II!. t'illiiL .. t .... 1 ...... 1 ·'Ib. l4 • 1 pouirld. ~

• ~el;'W! lion •• ,t_plMr-." 111 Ii to d.not. iL pr ••• UT.

o'f 1.4 .. 1 pd.

aiJXJl tu.&llJBI tn~1c .. t... thi. di1:.U, b.t.Mm t'h. !pH.,Il;I;·1"(I! 'b..tnt ... und. and. t,he; ,u'l"~ID1 IItiiID, p"_el;':tc: p'tiI.IILIN" lli:I..,... ..y' tu, .!pt'iI.,llIln, in II PI I c:y 1.1nU:r- I ~ i 000 p.I £ W4!II ... n t~ .. t t h-iIIi pr.NIIII n: i. 1000 "1 d~ov. 't:Jaa .. ph.Z"h: p,",lin.r. + tit intllc: .. U .ii.UI. :puuur .... ''pI:l .. I~ ,(IJpwnr:S1 'par .q~~. 1oeb, .a".Uj;.~~,) 4

,u1DUl1'! 11 WSlJU i. ·tlll. I;nI,. !I;i~ t otll pTol!!l .... '" U be:tnl ... ·rt,.... It.:[ I ,."liI f ",.I"uht !pl!u1 CIIi.i, .. ~" pih.eT41 o~ P" •. I~I'.. .1.&.0 l,ut. pH. ,ur. ,. <: ~lJ .x:p~I!lced ;at l'p.l:I ~~ ('~~ 'pH' ""'!II r,1I :tnc.h ~ a,'bill!ill·l1.lit.~~) 4

8ILwJl(Jlft .... ' ",I"III.IIC ,QllUI:I, ,. i:lwI II:IULC t pli!'iII.WI:"'. of U •• .. t.I:Io..plwi'l'4! I.t .ny pya t:tm. Cit'" 1'111:(1.+ tt. I. ......... ul"4d by lIiI ~ .... i a "''I'I) .. t,IIr'. Ian .. .'I;'I:"t.c pnl .... 1:'. c' .... nt.. w:l. tih ,.1 t~:ltud. t .'il" taipA'rtIt!.JI~. I. 'tM IIfIiQI,Im:, 0.£ w IMt' ya'por- i'n It'he .. tao.p'h.rii. ·end ell.: mO'¥ ... ~t of ...... of .. tr' ..

LIQt1'ID .au.UBI tb8 pn.wn P~K b)l' a l:lq,u1cl 1. tM d.t~.(!:t .:. .... It of it. .. ",.:ta;ht.. ,A. huyY 1. 'lq,td,a "U 1 utu.E"ally !prod ... Ii: II :mo~. pre. ht". tbarli • 1.tah.iu' onli ( ... wtIi!t" iiI: '4 lb.l/eu ,h.. t.. bu"l ... t'lMn fr •• h 'we ttt" .htch _tp, ,n. 4 Ibl/l:.liJ f t:). 1'ti.t; pnllhQ ifMr-tild :by -t.t" 1. d.l r-.,t 1:.)1' ''E"OpQi~t,lcnd tcli' 1 t.'h; .At.fty. ,,-,pl;.b elMo Pt"iill.ltLI~. CIa, on.

toll -...'1"" flH).t t. di1r.ct:i'CiNlll Y p:l;'a!p0 r-t:toM 1 l;a! eM

p~ ••• u:t:'!1 of t:Ra .• u:~,f .. c:e col o.f 'lMt.1" ,!Wilt" It'4

At .. depth (:If 33 l .. t in " .,. t ...... , on'l: C!,,~, th:i.nk of

t,'ntll ... Ii Itilck of tld:t"1:)!'-t:h.'I"".'I, 1 fO(:l,1:; il;:1,I!b-,N (.ff Will :C:;lil:' t

.. c:"h -1a'hifllj, ;64 poUIIIIIM,. nil totilll w11bt vou,l,d, tb.n " 64 ;II:; J!, or .z j' II Z pO'!JCl.U .11; t ina (IQ 11m. ell ""'n foot of tu bottC!lll'l, '1'0 ~ 1m. CMJt ~ t thtI pT ...... " i. in pOI'!'IIId. pt::r 1iMi1U.'" biil;i'h .. _,d Iihtc14 - by l44 t ,iii :i.m::t, Ci;'hf;n iU1i 1« i:qUU :lccb. 11'1. ~ ~ulln toot of ,1'!J.TfIlU aT .. , :Dh1,dq:2: I 112 ~ 144 tUB I ¥II: "'r~t'V. li.t 14.1 "1+ Thh:h tM F*.~ -.",,4 "by ,,..w:ilq,r "t. 33 h.t:, 'Ib..tI ·.:iT oiIibMiIi e;q Wili..-r p.rh IInDt~r 14.7 pCMifid. par ,Iqu,'!'" incb & .. 1M bt-V411 411- ~d,y d:hcO'Nl"<~ +

'l'b.4II Ab.ol\tu total :pTMI1~" .at, 33 f!llet, I t.~ f~, 1.1 29-.4 pd,l, ~ ke"k .. d.d.iul:Jl'i&l 33 f .. t (:If d4pt:ft will add, Ion 41 tMI,p"hilr. (14 ~, l!b.l,' af pN'UiU:N: pH' IqUIlN 1'nc,"h. n. ..blGlutii ,.....1"1'11' aert.w «L :I .ub· .. -FIN. 'bod,. :h tlM pn.1WH of !!:'he .. "'r ,1-UII .. b'!IoI"' pMTte pn ... ·~A., 1,IIIC'h loot 01 ~th tMTeiI,'" 't'g 'pf'MIIUr. by 1.1'33 ~f 14. 7 pd ,M' 00.445 'P'" It!.1 t t!p,l,. .. li1i, t.lIiili iSapEh 'in iii. .,. 00,44" pd Ib'lil t'hll -wat.r ,"I .. ", a,t tlPt dep,t,b. tn 'P.t ~ Add1nt 14."7 a.i·Y ••

tu •. "'"1 ut. pre .. ,," ilt .ili.n)I' ii.p tb ~


I,a. -4:i.vtna; ... wo.-r1r. ", ... :1 (u.l,I"i17 iI' ;md!ilit -p-N;I1I:'tJ.'re., :tn ode,... t(l; do tb:b, 'ft, illll.l1It, 'know bow to '.a IU:I". p. p:rueun And p.. 'Yol U1M ,( tb. I-plc.e in w:!c.h .. n)" , .. I :L I eae1-noH4) And). 111:1. .Ult'ion t 1.1l" how t i:I! f :I. ,ILl" 0'U01!;: Wh. t: h.iIi.:p-p • .,_ v'hp !11th.!" MIl. of 'tU •• , o:t." t.~ Uia,.r.t i::,un, 'China •• r • numbtlr (:If t.:portlil\t .c:1, .. t :t .. t.III:j O'ft.r the. 11M 1",., ht,,,. 41Ic(Ii'I,I'e:t"+ « cilrt.':£'n ""TJ' 'ba .. :tc. bct. About the ·be ... '!ft~ ol

.... 11. ill! dtff4:'!:"MIot .1 Iqn., ;I~ t:h .. 111 tulldli.'lll4ftt ... 1 he 1;.1 U". C DIIIII 1;.0 '_,. I;.oiIi 1 bill 1;~ "'C.-. LIi..1I1~ I Ili!!U:h :tig M" of 'tM !Sit. c;OV .... i." l!'it'Uc'Md t;.o. .... ~b, 0ii4Ii.

IOYlE ~S lAW- 1 .... _ ..., \0. I .• ...

loy",e g_co,,,._r.... t_. t I.nCrM 111.1'11 tlJl.

f1~.1 ilun "'" .. ~ l.:!Ci'bu ,CA:i~t .. tM,r- ~ la. (Iw::b .1 u·k, .. :lq an W).:&'tIlCl: bil: 11O<'in ~ un~.~ t.!IIr t-o t U,y i 33

t Ht) ,c.!,I.II"d til. 'V'Otl,llllil -o.f ~ .... ' t,3 !II "(I 'I:'''' M. nflt 'Oiily tl\I e, but: 'th4 411M1Ui11t :r;;lI .. t t;'lq yolWllti _. ~- 4uced ft. na,i::'t 11 p~lon.l to (in N l'lI:n~ willi!, t.U iIl'llll!(lunt tU. PAl MIn W"!II :tnel"PiMd., 'Pf'O'VillStd tun Wi. na ,I;:.'hili:.... :In -.;h. ~i'& t:U:nijl of t:1I11 ,lUI ~ n. ~1iWIt'",11I I't,tullt;laa (1 .. 1i., deenal1q tIM pre.lU:t"e vi th n.u,L U'nl 1nc.I",M.e In vol'_) won. in It"', .... _,.. Thi.l 1I:i'nd of! PAl n:t'.!vo'l.... n,lJ,.'tlon.b.:lp ill c .. 114!d. Il'n "Ia,v.:rM :relat lon.Mplt. 11M caa b. liMned e-o ..

1Ii ..... -~ ,... "I!II." lOll.. up I t~ Dl;:ber 1aI,I,,1;:, ,. :haY,1 ,10 c!.mm. 'H'cwt 'iib,n iI. ~'t.a 1n 'll'olUl:li!l of iii III :i.. c,r:IiiI-' p.:t".11.4 ( .. de ".'lli.u) by 11K:t'"ullna; the: Pl'"M 1!iI~.

on t,t:> .11. tho.e 'lIOlecUiI.I! o~ 'Nb1¢h the la I 1.; (!iIl'RnQt do 'Ilnytb:iq. '~:t ,.t j, ..... d (!.lo •• r- ti.') •• t'~

I'll Q!t'h.r ",0$, tlwi t ... pt. dI.nli.t.o. on..r.! 13t1i" it un 'be .• een t'P t tbl: '-.en .... ,~ '!KIn of tn c:.l1.d

t'M u~n.ltJ'I!'I' i of' .III, .JI,I h· -iii .,otlqr thin,. t'hll t '91111;',1 •• v1t;k ~£h .. n;p,iIi in 'PHI ... ".. ,Only in t,b:i.!II, .c.lll iii iii it. :[:1; l.n t. 'I:; ~ ~itlfl't'l"i.1I (IM.IIW) "lii.t louhlp 'but 'wM,t 'f. c4IIll

-iii '~Id,:i.rHt NIl! tlonl'htp'* '- whteh. I. j"'.t. • ..'h(ll~t .... ,..

o! •• ,..", thli.t .... n the ~ tbiq 1i' ••• , 'ttl.

otlwll" :i.M_I..iIi. .1.1,0,. Putt Iq eM. abov. f lnd,:tn,a:. ;ll\,t ~

IV' .. 4'


cha r-l-I:. d{IIcoY1l'!';j[Id til":i,t :l f )'Clioli hea t a eert;:.l i~ vol.urn. of i,Qi. ttl! !II r-t!l:i.d Q-O:c\U :l!n.-r (.~ it: elirinDt nplnd,) ~ t,hiliin thll pr.IIAJ,:r-. QI the sa. in tba It. conU iilil't' l:e.1 'Up {likil .. Pr'.' -lUr'. e::,ook4!'I'). "'Ii 'I; 1,1 " 1'1 r I tililii oppOili:i. t. M ppenl ~f!. "-o1.l eac-l 't'h •

•• ,1 dO"l.'.t., '~CRAltt.I8~ lAW". then; IUt ... 'that: .If thil,

,V'Ohl", of !II Ill. i. " 'l;:on_.t:Ii.'nl~t_b •. ~t""liJNII Qf, lU_ "I nu_c 1{I..$x,. !UEF t.l Y .:ttl;' t , t.npQ-r,. t1J,r;e+

IIluu:: hlii ppeIlli tg, t-"h 8 pNII •• lJrll. .lIi.-n )'D\:Ii 'lIIIi'x tw 0'11" .a,\''' aa 1.1 t-oa- th4:r ? DALt(Ji]'l dt.coye. tu t tba 'totilll pru '~'A of lihill .:Lx. cwl-d, b. found b¥' Ilddins ~ p'!' ••• ~r •• of .. ~h ~~ thll in~ (il."y ldl,l&1 _.... ii!.lit~r., li'I ,[:& ll .. d the -P"",II;.IE'e of 1II,l'i)' !ll'l-nal. Ii,a!ll 1'0 - II ii'1'11:1d:1;i1'". the liP'! n,la 1 pr,., ,'1'[,.1! Cit ·th-. t PIlI n,:i.<:u.hi r ,11111 i • ill:l.l;. j,1t. ~1,. [: Dnt,r:i, 'bY,ltd

Ii. 1M1:"t &i! th. pre •• I.U'. -Df i:'hIII w--"hol. I11III1.:;. O~'ten WI, kiiow tht t.c t.411 pit.UIliN of ~ I" II! mb:,t'l,1~1I1 .irK! riD,t to f 1nd ~:t whII,t the pu't i& 1 VI'1ll,II1oI" "'f .0ID4 on" (:If th4, ind.:lvt~l , •• "1 i!l'l U, h, '1:'>0' 40 'I:;n1il" ri bav .. , to ~ W-it. tbll 'P4'l"'Cl4!,ftU:g. of liM't pU·t,1clill:1't

.,a,. h Illi th" m1x.+ :Fo:l;:' ~;IIIF' 1. ~ willi IMI!')' WiI'nt to. kn OW

-.di..i t tb", piill1't U 1 p-r"U,'Ll.!Ni g,:I!!" g1(rllin (02) 1. 1t1, ,thti, ,&1 to-,ft n"d 'ballo.oo (ar a diivilt". l'Llt\ll) .h:l(!l\ ha. N.,. Uk.n dO!iliili to 3:3- jf ,iii: !Ii t, i:t'ii tbt. •••• w. llP'mlid

iWI! ~l hit" thiU f(lt' .. (:;h 33 :P •• t inc~.Ii,II. in ,of I",VI tu tMH ruul t. An :irJ,c HI .... tld !p".iIi .. -.. f" of 'iP-I,et I y 14 ~? PI i • '!b.e·".f o:r" .a t: . .a d .. ~tb of :ll f .. it. tlul to-'ui "pr.,1 if;'LI rill It! t11" N llQ-M'L ... I:; b. 1: 9 ~4,

-pda (14. 7 It'Cml tl'Hil "li:fIlOjjIp,'h-iiiH 11M, 14 ~ 7 ,r r.oill t'h. lJ feU).. ~"know t'h.!IIt .it" Cl)fllt,dfl.l YH)' ,cl-Ol" to 2~, dl:y,s·n+

1i'lll,(!_'I 20\ -ot 19.4 PI,a 1.1 s. as 'p, LII;, "tM it. 11 t;M

pI. rU4Il phUla'1i ot ,02 ItL th!lll t ·u:r ... t 11 hd '.,,_ UI,'"::ln At: t'ba t "' .• pet!.. Now". (!iII,'" b.U.r 'Llruh!l,'!',' tlli::rui DAI,.,'roH ~ S LAW .b1(::h. .. u hI. d~.t: 'Pl,. tout pN-iIi iIi\l.l't: ililMt' c .. di bot 41 mlrtlilu Df IU'" 1.. t.t.. low of t.'h.. pnuun tM,t WIiMi'lr:!i til. D"nud by uc,h, of tbli ,"1,... U t t:

Ii lon, !!!'! p:t"l.iI~,t and QlIi: c,-upted th. toe- 1 volu .. +

it. C::ilr!l:l;ln &liCliffit g,f any ,""I

"-g '!:iont-l(lt with a Uq,!oIU (!I!u1i:b. U ild., .'1: Itt •. '~,Tf .. .cll g! ebii .... , "Will 4.h!'lfll.V" in 'thll,1; 11.qu:td. lIINU

d heW._ I:;.h.t t. t.~ i&w:!unt; at any p .. :t-'t"1clilll.r .... :11 vb:ie.h, w,U 1 b. d:tlllo-ly*4I in " l tq,u td d.pn4. 1J:POIII ttwl pli :rt-:t.lll :pn.lun: ;j)f t"hat ,IA.-~ 'IJIINiItY ~ S u.W'~ tu'C' ..... for •• tl.t,l: At .~y livln t'!E.rltlilr" th' 41~unt of ,. p. wb1ch wt 11 db ,iii;:) 1",. -1D :I 1 ig dd i. 41 N(:t1 X e!aW-'u'Mlld 1: ~ Jib"1I_ !!l.U.! Rn • .lI,II'. elf _ l~il.t_ 1:111 ~

APPllCA 11:01-1

In ord. 'to met.,. precUCleJ, u,le of all the fact. outlinlld above we Mid 10 learn iu:Iw' to moJc;l!!II certain ,calculation.. But before we Clen. ~o on to that~ tbM'e are ill. fN inaooven1lnC ... lhat we. mu.l i_lin. to .PUt vp wllh whanevet' w. c!o f:l;\lr.lllq involYin.Q Qa •• I on g,a. lewiS-:

Wh.'D,n.r yOU dOl g,Y calculation. mvolVtn; pre •• ure- I' yc\I mu.t alW,"YI u •• lIb.olu,. pre •• "u. { •• e J:laQ"e W - fI ~ ) •

When.vat yOU \1.50 ttlmp!lQ'".eIi ture in gilll. c.alculoCllUcmii., you .... "t ua~, AbaoJU1:. temperal.UlAI; tlU I 1Ue6n. that if yOU lire uaJ.nq tile. F,uAlnhlilt se ale ~ you mutt add 46{JO to your 'te:mper.t\lr. :readinga,., M(! U t.he oO.nU9r:ad. .eaM il u.ed ~ l'1:S0 inUit biI &dded to thl!llt readll'19.. To u.n.der.t"end why tbh ,i:l!l Mce, you ,bou.ld feed tw,o .hort :pMAqr'a,phl 1n the. U 4 ,S. Navy [Uv1n; 1.10. U {a) and 1.2.4. (2).

Whenever you do any calcul,e.'UMII Involving g.,a. iii ~ or oCIIn.ything -lloe,. yOU mu..t UI. the, • am,. unl ta throughout the ,prohl,em .. 'Wnet th1.1 mean,. 1. tha~t you C:ilMot uM both Pab:ren.twU and CentLgr ..... , or 1nchea. and ceni:Lmet.,." Of' pounds pelt iIiiIqu.,_ inch and atllLOlSpll,_re. together in tile lime. Pfobl.m ~ If. the fa.etl and ft'~"_"'1 that you pe- <liven IIIU! not i;n tla .am. u.nlt. ~ you mUilt c~rt th.em tQ the, tam. type of unn. before 1jQ\I Clan Itilrt .o.lv1n9 the Pl'Obwm ..


Kilepit!.Q" tbe ,.boY .. in ,rnl.ndt we Cle:n, nO¥lP make .ell prac:ucal oII:,p:pl1ca,tlon ot BOYUiS, and CHAJUJ:S' lAWS. By ,aaqbtn1nllJ them and pu:tUo.; tbem in lh. form of Iln .quaU,on ~ W. Cleft iii plug' in'" known VelU"1 GIld .olv,. for unknown walue'l. Tht,· hJ Q.I!lU-.d the, QEN,EML GAS tAw oCIIn.d 1. written, "a follOW.%

PI Vl • PaVa

~ _"- '

1 '1"2 .

Wherei "1 {"I the Initial pn-.lure (ab.olute) you .tan


Vl t. lbe 1i11t1al vol·~ YO!.i, .Iert with

T 1 ,11 U.. in:L tiel temperAture (ablolute) you Itart with

P21;111 the final p:r. '.!Jure (abllol,..~J you .ftd '~Uil with

Vi 18 the flrLi!ll vol\ua you end up with

''I'2111 the 'nn,!!IIl temper-ature you .nd up with

I'n many problem;l ~ the' tempennu. .... c:hiUIIg. w 1ll be. non.. or n~9Uilbl. ~ .. 0. 'that r 1 .and 'f2 wUl be the aame .and tha,rafora cancel out of tJ\ei a:b.ov •• ~aUon; lae.vino Pl V 1 • Pa '12' Section 1. a: .-4(2a) in 'the U ~S4 N.a"lY DJ:vin; M.anua], ,;iva.. ,orne 900d example-II of lome prnbt.MI that cen eallly be ,.olved; the GENUAL GAS l,AW equ,ilIIUon ..

- - - - -

".. - - - - -

'The Ic1en.c:e of phY:IlI1010qy 1. coru:;:emed wuh the funcllotl. and proc!lI!Io'.J1!!1'I1Ii qi-th. numGin 'body. The foHowln_g J)6r6~!".e.Jlh' Pte .enl an Qf hOYl the' body werle,!!!. An '","ndi. ra tend~:n9 !C,f b.a.ic Phya10104Y i, ne<::o.swy be,fon divin~ dt.:& e,I:l.e. and' be und"nccod.,

" burned I. In. the pretenCe of oxy.;en.=' ilnd two, how the o.xyqen tra.vel. to the can. to aUl)pOrt t' .. bummQIiI .. We wJ.U CloneI'm O1;I,ni.l\1';&I ,only wltll ~""" the cocygen 8m ye. at the eeUs ~ for tid 8 phe;,nome:n.on 11; ,particularly 1ml)WtBnt to U.I in divin;. Th. pt'OC"11 of breathing i1nd lb. e'xchanqa of Q"iI •• II 1n ~ lw..g8 i. 'Q!!leUme. caUed .xtemal :r4II.plrat:lon. The U" ~ pfO<iuctlon ~ and .XCI,ben", .. cf 96,e.&, that tl!llkll' place 1n..ide

the t1.."1le 8; bl! ref.rred to ail internal re. ptre.tioo .


'rlw pr'OC8ri., of mddUUl'Igi food i. called mu.tillboUIm.. Ev.ry ceU 1n lh. bed.,. ,Maintains it. tife, ;f'L7IW','.. and (I,errt.. out it. partlcular·lu.n.c-' tion from enem1,C 1111 re'-C!t!OlUii tn.t, take plllia:iIiII in,ld.

It , The cilem1c:&l r4II&C!tionl can be e=Q:m.PGiI'tlid to til fle.:rnele ... b1.Im1tIv .. '01' 41,QXld,at:l:onli• the l)Urpo •• of whJch :Ii. t,L') P:f-oduCle .n.erty. :Food, ii, l·bume(!.iI ~ aii fue,l ~ J.n the P:r4II •• noe of (ucygan" and! the :r'.lwt i •• n ... e.r;y" W Iter 1 waite pra:i1,l.C!tJ ~ and carbon cU.ClKld., ... Thil total ~a. ,La. c:alled mat,boll'in.


Accept1nq th_ filet of II m.etaboli .m'l we ilh01.l!d examin., nvo .,.~ct' of thl ... prcce .. : OM hOW' the food w •• ,t Ui l.xan C"O the CI!II,ll. where U 1:1

The cireulet'Qry • y. tem inch .• d.." the bean.. the blOOd.. the lun.g-,Ii; the arted&1! and V111l1i.. milt he,art i. U ... ' InU 1- cular pump whlc·h. prop~l,a the bJ.oo.d throu;n t~ Iy.tam. The ,!!Inan •• are the v •• ,el, whic'n (lam the blood to tbe ,c.ll, f:rom the h,eart. The vlPtln!l are th.

v •• tel, whJc.h ~tum :blcQ(! f'rorn the ClaU, to the heart.

AlthQi\l;qh it fo"tm _ one continuou, s y.tem of tube. wnh. th. :lame blood fJ.orN1nq thKJU9hout ~ th .. a.lrcu.le.tory .y.ta:m iiClIlu.Uy con..i .t. of two ei.rcu:i,lI. The PulMQl'i..lry ell"CluU. ,.rve. th. lUIlQ"1 I:IInd it. c:aPiUart •• ~ 'Fh. $Ylteil1:iCl circuit .eN .... the. U •• ue. of the body and. t ta oaplUe.n... Blood fJ.r.t p .... ~ '" thnxuih one ci:r.:::ua ,lIInd then the otur ..

tv' - ,48



Ta E PA,TH OF Ii. DROP OF BLOOD: A drop o:f blOod le!llvl:n.g .a C'4PlllalY in !!II htc!e 5:1 51 m~l:,~J.e hi:ll s .lost most of 1 ts oXYIIJl!:1'1 in eli proce i S of sm j .e.n.d

i, lOi!!!ded with c.rbo:n dicl:tdd~ ~ It flows throuQ'h sm.all C,,!u)U,larie i!I until U resehes ill ffiilliln vein. Tn a maln voln carrte!ili it Ul the n qbt I.uriela + J:t Iit-!i t.n:r,ouqb !Ii (i,tta-way "l1&1\I'&',r (tr1c'iJi,apld,L 1nto t.he t,1g;ht ventrtcle , From t,nl!!! riOltt ventricle' a goCli.ilie8 tht0'49h .an,othf!!f on.e-w i!lif val'l,l'e into 'th.e pulmonj!S,ry erte ry wh.i.oh J e.8ld s

- -.

from. the. heart t,o the lU:I'\qs. Here it, (lOme's into eon-

tiillct w,i tn ;!!lr. By d iff'U:llion J ,it Joe e II its !Iucce as C'IIIIf:b0fil And t,ed:'11!!!1 & UP i!II f:re iSh load of oxyg8n. The drop Q,f 'blood returns te the heart I!IInd enters the ]eft I!l\U'.1cle arid then the. left v,ent.n.c}.@" Next it ~s. pumped thrCll'1J9h th!!ill (I'ne -'way aerne val va 1nto' tho. Ml!)ln ertery' (the 6ort-llII) Qf 'the ,sy$teml0 ciroui't. ,U then _f'olJ.<:'JiW!I one o.f the rD.6U'l arterle;l to, i!I u~ sue ca,pUl.ary.' whEt rEI'

it !lQ!lln. 01 ve's 'IJ pIt s ,oxyg-'9n ilrI;Q t !!Ik.e:!li 1,(P.! cGrbon dioXide.

The hi Irt it .eli hollOW' OIql!ln alrrlQIH, .n~lY' made UP ¢.f musc-le. t1511Ue to. :prov.1de the :pumplnt action. ,n iB, .about th& e1,z,e of • closed fiat. e-nd h loc_ed In. the ¢enter' .of the che ~t C i!lv1 ty bll!!!ltrtleen the ri'i:Jht a.nd: 119ft lUr.JQS a.lmc:I't dt reedy' ben-e,;:ith the' brei! at bone", The hllart hi: divided le.nlllth:wUe Into 1",,;11:) hilllve.i . me left half 1.19 tbe pum.p fer thll) systemio c.1reu1t. The rlOht half ,iii ttl. ;pumg, for the, pu lmon~ty oc:ircl,i,11t • .Each hill! ill d.t vid.-d Into. !!lin. up',Per ehamD-er Cind I!II low-a:r

c n& +. Th& upper c.hem.bors are I;: !:lIUed. ,I i!!,icleil! H end, the l.awe,r c.hBmhe.'u are celled the "ventricle.";

loe·es o.XY'iil'l;!In. i ~ bdc,omea 1 ncr.,a,a,a,ingl y hlu:L,1 h in color", Whether H gain.s Q.r lese B Q.XYQ&n i:!!li ,related to' the

., Pl!I rue-I pre 1I.111U'E!!· 01 ,oxygen to wh1,eh it .t e e.X5)OI~d.. Th.e 4ll':iOIJIi"J,t of ~n indiv1dui:III Qlas wUl :mOvEli thlO~ u,.gh ilII p'ilir:m~!I,ble membl! (body. tissues} dll!!!lPEIndl! Up- 0.11. 'the part1i:111 pre8sure pi the. glU5 on, both.'5I of n~e membr~ne ~ If the. partial pr8:11su{e is h:i.ghe.r on one. .I!I.ide t the q!l swill 'ti!l,nd to mOVe 'to the othlli'r :side until the. pre IU!l'~fii! $ CI,re e.queUz,ad. Bee I1!IIUS. the eeUs are. using- oxyq8.1'Ii I- the ~rt1aJ P,I'8' of <::JoXyge',n It'!I the u.eSIJ~s. 1;& l()Wer then that e.f the paruel :gr •• "" 6i,Uf'& of OX)N~'en iff.! the h!l!!!l:tnog,lobln. (.al:Jout 9 $%). The. hemo.o-lob-i,n tfi&,refortlr give 10 IlJijp i til oxyqem to the tis aue capj.U~e s ,



How doe B the blood cerT"I the vi ta.l o:Xyglen to the cell,1 of the body',? Oqqen U canted by tn!l!!!l red, bleod oell:s of the blood. Red bloodclIlls are extre.m,ely :Bro..eiU (a.DoIll,t 30Cl' mUU-Qfir in a ~r.oP of bloed). ""n.d , Hem,oglobin + R,emcqlobln is i!!I complicated, c'hemJ.olll compOund thnt I,oak:lll up o.lCYQ"fln lU:,~,~ spong. .oak.s up wi!te'r. When he'moglobin ha.iIil a fuU load: of OXY.Q'en t it. o'oloOr is br19M red. A. it

The h~nQ,1iI cen .be lhQ1.lght of as two el!l,;s. ue btl!<Ij i! c.ontainJr.i; m1JliQ.I't!! .of' UlUe elt iUWB caUed ilIIIV180B. Th.!!!e elf .I!I!~I -elnJ ell c:onnec.ted to ,&1:r p~:I • .e.qt;;1i 'whic.h bri:lln,eh '!lind :nttll',lnch UIc.II!!!I thEl' twigs at i!Ii tree. Air that .nle',r,1 tb. mun

.urw BYS 01. the hmg 'iil'i!I!1,n!9- ace •• :ISi to the entire, .urface' of ~u. the tIIlve@U. Each ,1"e;oU 18 .lined with <!II tlli,fj membt.r1n.e and, ,e,u'iTeun.ded. by !II ml," I'l.lItwor1c: of very

:I mall bl~ ve ••• 1 II.. 'Th. J:unq membranes, then,! h,ve a4:r en. Wil8 s.~de ilUtd. blood on the other. 'D1ffusUm of: g~:li!I!s takes place freely in 'I!IUhar d:.i:reetllon •

"LOG' """"»:

, ,

.... .

IV ... 49


2.5 lIT11


- ........

TlD.".L V'Ol'UME


LUNG CAPACITY: The' Um!U IOn t'he ll,,mgs· 9!1$ hOldftH;i i!lbiJ1 t Y i!!Jle O'f .im:pon:ance in ~:lJv InQ, The f oUOVi'lrLiiI den mUon s .~fLd d~ agra'!:p ;!ire de·si.g:~e d to expJain th~ .!!bH1ty o.f the h,lrlgs to b.ol.d gills.:

RESPlAATORY eYe l.iE~; Q.r,iIB eemplete bf'eath ,. ]t,E;SPIFtA.TO!RY M.r!E~ The rll"ntl.ber i)f respir6tory c ye-le s th."t :Plac e in ona mJ.nlJ.te. A no.rm,!d 6dult 19 a 51 8i ra ~p!rato.t"y I".!!le 'Of batw een 1 ill 'too .2: (I .. bre~tn 19" per mi:r:HHe.

. 'TOTAL. LUNG CAPAC l:'l'Y! The tQt&l vQlu,me 001 131 r ~~1~t. the ]'ldirL9.a can nold when filled to ¢.i:!!p;;,.ol'ty-... n "Ii! ;";IonnaBy- between five and six Uters ~

VITAl, CAPACITY: tne 9reate st amoun.t of ,!d.r· ~ha,t ca:n 'be MO"IJ'ed 1 n '01. O'U'C of the lUr:J9B 1 n a :e.toQ'le' df~~th ~ It igj, nonn~l1y between four and five, llte:rs •

TiDAL VO'LUMt: Tine volume ¢.if Glr. mO\l'ed :Ln. and out d\iir:l.fi9' .a ,8in~ Ie normal r'e s.p1rato:cy c.ycle. At rest H 1.s. about 1/2 a lhe-r ~ Th1 is Can. jj:t1,CNllII,g e gTe.lltly With e~eft:::l! $~ r. fear. or exe~ t,af.l'u~;nt ~

lU:~UDU AL VOL tJ ME:; The ,a~¢ijfit of ai.r that h!ithe l'i.IrI'ge e;"en .after 'the mQ5t fwcetul expira.tlon. ]'t tU).:rmAll,y i Sl between 1 to. 1 - '1/2 Uti;tr~.. It. i is. 1mpos iS1 bliE!i ,to rId. the .lungs 10'( tW S, t'!I!I s:li.d.u.!ill volume.

RESPIMT'ORY QUANTll'IES; The .. mount of WOI'k,

I!II 'I1H!!R1 is. doIng i!;l the :lliIlII:l.n ,thing- that ,d,e'te.tml!r\II!J's. respha;lOry qJ.ii!llnt1t1e,e. A moan of aVi!:!'r~qEi aize .mt ¢Qmple~ Ie re stecnsumae about (Ii. 2,5 Irters of o;x.y,gen eech minutQ. S'tandbllq req:!; ,about O. SO Uter~ par minute. Ii., mod~ri!!lt,.e wO'fk .I"'.ate :rn{liY J;'e(n~,lre up, to 2 .•. f) lU= 91'S. per mi nU!tfii ,. ,An oXY~;llIen -con:;umpt10n r~te. of J,

11 te rs fl'Br minute rep:r&.:l!it!ll'LU, exhilllustt:nQi work 'for the ave,ra~e m,,;:m I but ,!, man :Ii,n i!;uc.e&ll!l!lrtt condt tten C;;I!I1) c'OJi.;$.1"lime. as mu.:ih a.s; ,4 Ute ra PiEl~ tTIii'\'u,te· for. a !!;i.hort ume ('10 - 1:5 rn.1rtute fit,). the nu,mbe:r c,f ., ,oxygen mr:::!l;e,= eulas" fIi d1verl Si body consumeS. per minute is n()t In.n'U.'iH~~Bd by d,epth aUhoug:h t.he.- ~!vollJ:meOi he bre.~ithll!!l'iI in &nd O!iJ:t Ui 4ff,e.c.:'tea ~y d.,epth , A diver 'WCi_$:Lng hard ..:: l'loiJ~h tel ¢Q~ $um'e ;2 Uter!i! of' oxyg'·en per. rnMrij,te ,l!It

the J:lurfi!Jice U .;!!,tmos.pherce. abso[ute) wcult;! onlY' eon~,!J rTlIe 1 tit€: r 'Of ~gE!in :pe.r mbrut:,a ~t 33 teet. (2 atm'J)$-e

IV -


ITAL CAPAClry .. -, urER

pne,J:e-8.. ab.e,ohrte); but the numbl!;l r of mQlec\l_l~ 5 .. used 01 would remilll1n the same... s;ince the densu:y '0.1 tn.Eli 0 2 ~t 33 teet ViQUldi be trN'1Ce the dens;:Uy at the $urf!l~e·.


For evtlt'l Uter of ox,Y'9.f1tl consum a. d ra. rna n wul nQn!l~ Uy ptoc3i1ic:~ elese t,o i!!I .u.te.r o,f carbon d1gx~di3' + HO!\'II ~ ev(!!I'.. the t·g.t~l of ai.r ffj .. oved in ;!Ina cut of t'h1a. lUl;ng;$ i:n. a mlnll.:l,te is sH;ghd yOVfi:r ::is (I ' fJ; 'the ,. o~.gen Gem fi,umpUon!!' and ~ir is 6pp~ojCf:m~t;e.l y 20~ o.xygen " we could is.,ay 4 e, ('20," K :2 0) a,s much OXYq$il

.i 51, 'mIQv'f;!Jd 1m. ,!!lind out 01 the lUil,g $< th,e:n i a "cQ:i'!I,sumed!ll • Th.e ·explred .air In ~ny (In .. a minute conta1nli' fouQihly 5 percent lil!l5-S1 OlitY9I1!!1i1i I!!JILd 5 pe:rcent. mO[IE!J (:! i!l!r'bon dtcx~.d@ than ,in:!: p~red idr. In othe;r 'wont 8, If w'e bre,a,th in (inna..le) ail" con'U!]ininq ,~!pPfQ.xlmat&l 'I' rJ'SC02., ao%. ,oxygen an.d. Bo.%. ni;tfooe'n~, we breath out (e.,x'hale) a,

qi9S, tihl!!Jt h.!!iS .s~ C02' 1,S% oxy.gen an..d ~tHl ,BO~ nitr'0gen.

HnnVEN1'ILATIO'N AND Efl;tEATH HQLDiNG; Hyperve'ntU.:!'~iOfL eenst sta of "blOW'inog off:" (I'laduclng the :pe:reent~ge ot) C02 just :pr.i,or to ~ dtve", by fHUng th,e lun9s .and exhll,i1n~ re &:I-i.-dl y J sev',ef'il!l,l time:;, It ,pr.o.l'Mgs braath .. holdi:nq 8ibUtty ~ hec;lu.lse :U lowt;J~

the p~rti,al pre_.lisur.e 'of C02 1n the body'. 'TMB i1IIUOWS.

a lon,ger period cd iUm6 to elaj)!;Ii,j!; befofe the bed y! is

Co02 builds back uiP ~ iJ.ff10 le:'n,Uy to w'am t'he 'brimJ:n i a

reo! pil"atocy C$[i'I!ter eo I~ Df'eaUU; ,. '" MemlirlwhUe ~ of

course p. the body' § p.eirti,i!lJl pre.a SUM. of 02 i a d:roiJPln.~' IlIInd somIEHU'ne. s :re~ch~ So ;:! danljjlefoO\Lis 1 y low In.l (cauSi'l1g hypoxi.a,) be.fore. the 'pers'o~ gets

th.,e urge to b rea the. •

50 (Se.e Ch.ap,t,ers., 1.3,S Divers Manual)

I I IhQuld D.V.~ b-. eontinyad to t~ point of Iii .il1rt~, .. ~ Il __ d tM: 11h.y,.Z"¥ftII:; il&'tR'~ d.:i."'*t' I~~ld au~f~c~ 6 •• GOn a. he n~t:i.~ •• i d.fiait. ~r •• to ~.eulft:ll 'b:r .. t'h.:lna,.

~f • 1I!IIi~. h.)!'~:lIlt'1HIn t 11 at.... iIln" diY.1 til:! .. c:an,i.lI· erabl.. 4epth, hi! will b.. ..h 1. .t;(:I h.old h t. :t:Iru th

(, fo!" qlJoit.. !10m. ti.... F31" M. hal M·t eml1

• .., lo.ft'l. offu cO2. lMlt hi M. :ln1l:nlilllMl tu p. reb 1

pA .. .u'C'. or 02 ItL 1\1:i 1 u.",. 'Cby -d,· •• c:.n·d, :toK) ~ ~ ".~twh~ ~ al~dl, t~ pa~l:;ial ,r.llu~. of OZ vill d.I"OlI' II .... .:p1y, "!'.Id. !he ., hpilderw:" .. IPfl"tI in;::.rM I·. tn tha d ... :ln to br'1t:AtM4 .1Iyp~t .. and ·uRC· _,. r:-.wl t ~ bc., dv" br .. th· bool d:lna M. ~u."d 'h"lI:"it. di.t~~t.~ .... nd d.ath.

DZV:W;:M'a D:K __ .... S • • :ft. ~"'~'U"':I:_.

.At. t"r co·n.I(I,rlna lb. II: 0TaP intty of' hu.lMlI. 'bDlit 1.y. !It nI-C WH .I.'tid .""bot hili.. .:nd t~ t~~. ~T .... ur* -chana •• :ln~u~d .~~ ent.t"iq b.low '·'lJ.t'h!c. qf " body. ,0' .,. t.r , :l t kiI:;~ o,b¥:lOl,j,I t1'l.a It: nd.feat <:Mnie. ....t tA h plll<:. ,.;i.-thin the hurMa. body ""*" 1 t t. 1I'U~'t1.1i.a.. l:f thll.~ (!Mn.1UI .. N :mrt 'PT~ly ~glu;rnll_ 'by ttl.. d lWr J 1n,}YTY at' dHtb will ~lIIU~UI:' ~ HQ'i t thilrl& d I, ....... 1 and inJupt.i .. y b4 .. tt~:lbuted .1tb4T to d1T..~t "ff.etl of ~I'~re (c.~1ni ~~ntc.l d~ ... a. du~ina 4 •• eeot Dr Ale.nt), t~ .ff.e.t. of p~ •• 8UrA (ifrVOl v1ca .. ~tut ien ~r.rJ d1 •• e 1 ut 100ft of' .•• ••• i" the body t:ll •. 'U4.) ot'. tr b'Nilth1ng iII.~ llI!f.i'roptit" I:a. g.,!, "I :m:Lnu'N:(hypud.a • 00 po:tl<M:I:lna, ",ndi Oal"b«l Monos:idt pt)1"CIt'!!nll.· ,~f'ftJ.nd C!oavulll(1Oii e • .,. 'b. tM H~lt gt .any f.ctDr.~

-rM !nJul":l.. .,u..U lned. ..I. " 4i I"IIIiC i: ""'!,!il t 'Of.

P1"'M"~. ..,. b. d 1 'Y1~.~ t'liliO l"ou,:PcII. ThQ... lUI'" td,ntdi durt"l ... t -( tttiClt.l •••• tl), .. nd: tbo... 1IU'lta1nH 4urtna &.II;:~t (;Ii IT' emboH.IItIiI;Io _d i .. " t :In .. 'l ~:I.IIIiIi:lo .ub.wtan.oua Mplt,,,_. pnwaotboN1c, ,11:C!III&C!h .lind/or l'nt,lItiNi 1 p;ain.) ..

D.-a..~ PROaL ...


( .. u ••• .,

1q1lolM.. (,IOfNit :l.. (;Ii 11 K 'IJ..IrotH .... 1.). OC!(!UI"I Wan 'thIIi .. Ii.ii" p:r •• ·iWr. to whL.c:~ .. d.:{".!I::' ,. gpol.:! _OIMii ,I"'" tM" than tb.. all" prMiluH in " a lq.d .I'r' .pl H .ttber on th. <l.1¥t1t". 1Ik'1f!. (fai::_.k. I'\Ibb.I.T .... 11:) ee iMide tlut Il,"-l" h:t~I •• , luq'!t .~ .. ). ...." 'f"t .... lt. ~ t"i! tatl". 'NC:Uni Q<lCI'IJI'. wltb.:la. t~ 'f .. a.. IfatuN

• tt.-pt. to ~ul.l1.. 'tb.:L. \Inti-laMe of ~r ••• un by

• Il~ atE:' ,1l't th,t :lMT'la •• d :pn. MIn to ,... tnto·

tbl • pi It.. . If.. ro~ «In)' 9&1'O'n, 'ht litE' ,...a... ,. blOClH4 (bJ" lik:l.nt .... eu .... nina, .1::(1,". flu:ld., bll).Od", ~n. f ."all., t I •• ~. an .q'liliHII.d (auc:'k_) int,o :l t, fo;a 111 I t~ V&CI:~, Al tbCNtb. -r.', typu of "u.u.. cal\ O(:Wl:'. th .. y arli .11 (tau I.d II!! t'h:illl ...... _nn.r, &nd

Cl"n '" ,"''"''till! by t olla.:E.... th. I", :flJ l.... li;-.t..

a..-o Id lI!Ii'I'V:t"" U tha .:l 'f' ,. 1::(:1 t'h. bocSi11 y c.v It ie.

.9 tl.c:! t G l..u· (d.\:I.1"1~ iI d OT' che .. ~ col d. f g,j' .... '"

pl.) .. l.t::LOnd. ~ wit. d .. caMi.... P'rIl'YtlD,t an:p ..... (!UdI f~ fo~. by .11C*'1 .... p~ii.'Lil:'{H4 ~tl" to eMH' into 4;.... clol.a _faClel.. Tld,1N! if 1l ., .qu.... doe, btl .. ·

IV - St

i:i:n ~ (, :i.pIl.-d 'by pd'l;ll) d.(! 1;' .. 1. tM 'I,I' .. ~uu. by .,,c.Qd inl.~ 'l;IIllg.wlna ar. tlul ~ t)'p.. gf .qU"-I4I! I


OU~in. d.,c.~t;lo .tr

t.r .. pp.d • t IU'rf:«:. ... tlllCl.pbAJ! ric ;P~II."U:r-~ ,i:n th. .x t!n-nil .aT ~nal C ••• d1aI~&. ~f .. r .t:ruetu~ •• ) ~y •

ru bb.r- !lUi I; hood 0.::' PI' P l ull, fgr.. • l!'.li&t::l .... ,. ",.c!,nrm .~ th. _t.rnal cAnAl", ouu14. th. Mri'l'Um. "..1,

cau ••• blood and fluidl to be Iqu •• ~~ (.~ct.d) ft'a. 'tQ e- n.,l va 1.1.. llid ... t'drLml Int~ the .x t~m.a 1 C:lina 1. TM fl.xibl. H t'dit"UA'l'l will ~ fl. tuf'. 11).1';10 bull·.

eu tWII it'd lntD thl Pi ternlll c: Ind (eliu.l tna tnt..... ,.in) lind _y ~tu t" ••

CAtMlI1 Iit .. Una ~ It"" at.mal, ut" canll .1th ~ubbei" .u1~ Q~ .. ~pl~i

I\~ I .. I n :if! "'1:"1 0l'I d_c.nt .".n thoIJlh ,. ).1. to 'I.pop ",r, II , If ea~dnl. t'uptlJ.r'II:I." !I\lda.n ...... opplnl or pd,n I and ,U I:.D 1 d watel" I:nte~1 :lOO"1"

HI' = po,,,,1'bl. d1:II::!n.ll, MIiI...... va.! iii: In; OT ",e:rt:t,a(ll, SUI lit 1 it,y "turnil il'l ;i,pp+~:l.'lnl(ll! tel., OM mln'li1;:.1 a. ~ :llit'I"U~U.'nI ".t.'r t. WI.~ by bodo" bPt~ 't1p~ .!L:r~-

f .. e Ina = Po,,,:I;'b 1. 'hINd Ina f\"oll! ."r • nd/iClT .p:tt.t :ll:ll

... p b·lood+

TUA'I'MIlft! Wh.1 t. .i,I"'~1.4;t It a1:U:1n.I. "liZ' "'.t'tiIO let :l.rI, ellutl10i a 10.. of •• n.. (jof t:l ~'t:1~ j l"tl b .nd. ... tt ff,ll" .. .:lDut.. Do not. t'E'Y to ,UIC.I:I.d;lo .Inc... .. It ".,.,'. to bil 1+upO .. .,. Hal I V 'by IlDOWMt4 • Wheft at&bl1lty ~turn •. a.~ •

UpoD. .'rf&c::t .. = R.piWt 'to •• Uca1 off,ic.Z' 01" co~ .. " .t_diill Do Mot :put oZ' .nJ obj .c.t. 1'n PIC', 1'tption = W1t.~1I: t'\Lp'tf.:I;~. of ... :t'drwt .v'DU pr6llIU't"t until I"lIIidn.l. Qof .. 'rtJl'W!! ~nd: to ...... l d1Mpptili:L"" and. Uri. ~ft b. ·c l .. nd NadoU,. ~ w:l th, Z"'Upt1a:rH .. rdl'1l. = avoid 'Pn •• ui'llll MmU,1 .a'rCiTUII. b ... b (1:pp~:I."UI 'Y t;ro ... :U) = 3-4 ·41),. ot, ~.plaT" 11.. of Mile d~p. w1 t'h hIM,!!; POI it t on-lii! to pool C. d~OpI ,. t the bl.iI:'k of e:b. tbl"Ol t l'I,M It' t'hAi ~,u ebbll!l t;I;a'H "","a.:La,.; tb:ll .. 11 D'WI 4n In.". t1"Olli t,M .1 Hl.


PRlVllftlON ~ lev.T" ..... .I.r .. 1\li.". Wblin di.vt~ vlt'h .1 l'LMN! j cut .. hol. 1__ t,b,. hood. OVM"' t'hlil .. r aTe. '" or 11M the ... ir. .. ::.a o.f tM 'hood wit"n pOi"C:I'i18 .. 'tet'u 1 . ... lun to ,lIdm1t II r t D !I:.'hI: PZ' w'nU.

d •• ~l!n4tq ,


I,USfACt4 ilt..... TUI E 'H4111l11 .. '11M .......


'Ih1l. :i... the Milt C:0'I!IrIIID.'n. ,f.Drm

.of !lqtl.4l,4I:le .:M:Pllr"ilmC:ed 'by III iY.f.'1 + Du'l:' i,_ del!!l";:: lmit. .II

'blocked, euat.iII,ch,1an tub. (..... 4iI.S'l:'iilm) 'Ie •• p. l1li1 r t':t"O<a'I PiII'lie., f:-r'IJ.. t11. thro-t t tnto th. IIIld;d 1. Nt'" in (It'd.r 'to .counter' (bal,anc:.) in,e:!"."ii'IK Wiltil'r :Pi" •• .w~. on t:b. Q~tI td.. or the .. nlrum., 'I'h" 1:'11.\1.1 t:l 'nil t'.l. t tv" Y6CUUIZII in t,t!.1l; m:l rid 11: ill. t' sq u..... (IU(!k,) blood ;le,d t 1.,;0- tull f 1 ui~.. t nt.o it h'aD:IJ t.hilli 1I1II:rr-Wnd 1 na 11'I0Il+1 .c .. , I .11d if tb. 1(&c::uum be¢~1 e:ttt 1" .... ~ 1::b. • ill 'r'd 'I' 'Iml :i. t"1.J.pt1JNd (d;,:b ti .. 1nwud). (RaTOly" tJI..-'''NY.rl'. Qif t:~h p!"O~elil M'PfJ'4IR IIrlMI1 p~ 1i • .o.:I "'. 'b\.1,:l.ldi. !.If! II!! t;''-iI m:l.dci 1. !IIi."[' .d .. :rl'it'LI .Iii,!;: II:'Lt) ..

e;'IHil~ D!vin8 w:t,t'h af.'li .ul!!lta.chlillil'l tub. ibb ... c.k.d by 1JI,;I,~'Ll" or ntlnl~ o't:' ~.'U:tnll tEJ; M'pf.)plNE"ll~ dI"i'I~·:tna d"II~U1t,

SY'tI'':rOl-lS: 'II. ~ in "iii. r dut'i,na, d. •• cent 1111 th In.!lib! 1 i ty t.o IlpOp .1I1i'1 ~I 'P,rop.'t'l y. Oth.r" II'fIIIPtoml 11'",

tn. liiil,l'IltI &I!!I 'tho.t111 of .1Iir· Iq;U"" •• i'rIi t;:'h.i1i1 btliili"nal c..niI,1.

TRltA'l'MBHl' : s.,q _, fo IE" .iI,~ ;wq 1:.I •• :ii." in ,UUil:'nli 1 ,canll.

PREVENTION! o..cend .lgwl1 enoueh to b •• bl. to 1'p()p ,.II ~ .. '~ 'propilll"ly' (lb.y 1,w.lll1 Q!Win, I yal!ftltl'!a:lo 'lII!OV1iii; jaw I I)!L" b1O'Winl l.nt ly IIlS,iII. f.n.t c 10. I!t.d nD.II:'1"11 Iii).. Do di V41 wit'h III. 'hpd. co it!, Q'I:' w.n.I'I.ii'V.r iJ.NIIbl. t(l' ~I',-Op. iIoIii I' .il • V,I. fttIi.. d,:r"'Dp. I 8, NY, !Or tnhd.'E' ~ to e t •• r llUiI t&c'btan t~btlll. U! i.t 1.1 :nec: ... ". ry ito d1v_ wnl1 iIII t'hey ill.r., ~OInl,It't"d.. DD '0011:, "',fc:!rc,_~' iIiiJI.~iI.. If ur .. will not. ""(:IilfI 14, ii,;IlC.-od. 'Unt 11 t'hilli)t w ill., 1t ~ont1n'Ll" • t tOlPU to "pop "'U;~ f.1.1. ~ CIt II<1:!OI'!,t: if,l,'Ll.. thf!l 1!1-v ...

FAt E' ~ r!1lIj dil"C.Ilnit., iJI "I,I'1,Ii:1,j.iI,lll! 1. f C)r--

ed itl t.bQ dlvu l:j h!ctlllal! .. k j lIq_u •• :d'n,g 'blood, tIIII~d th• Vle f!1\11i.d;. Ql\!t. t>t tM .,y'I!!III!!I, .il1fl:d fa(:ul .. kin. 111. tit;rU!41 ¢." •• , thll IiYlblillh may bil •• v_1'.l)1' da .... d. by'

IV - .52

h_ot'r'h.Ii,... 11'1. III:nd ar-aund them.

CAlIa: w.arln,a 11),111 •• (w'hic:h e;!IInnot b. !Iq'".l· :l:!UirJ dU'r'lLl1 ~1I(:e:nt). OT" f11i11\l.rlii to, ilq.ud b. filliCl_ .. 'k dYi t.' 1 na d& loCtlllat •

SYMf1'tOM.I; ; ,",0,,'1::1 ... , tMT. I." [1,0 ,. r.tL'1dflj .),IIpt.o1I!II of fu: _ -'111< ... :ii.. At O'tMT t; 1 ... , 't:MU 1.1 -pa in .. nd • .*DN U Cia ;o,f ... oct 110" on t.b. f:lic... ., "tG ,,'I. Q.f f.oC. IIqU.iIIi. 'IIIU 1 h-v. ,III JIWoOll .. :n ,11M, br'Ll.i, •• ,d: look, .. Ina he.,~ b l.,Qd. i:ko'i; 01",4/'1'>1" bl •• IIUIlli .Yilill.

TII:I:ATMIln' = Jo.p"ply CQ ld piic::~' h bN'iI.6 o!C' 'hI; .'~ I.. -G Iv". .etatbi.. 41n~ ,.. hI! nH ...... lft8, d.n:il.

it. 'E'lIquh,t;d. lOTI:: U '1:1\. 'YiC!,e.t- of file. Iq'* ....... , ,...rbi.i • ,f'!JIll !iJ<i::iI:M..k.1 ob,"",11 :f O~ 11p of' LI,I .. , aqUMIi ••

PRIIV'IH'tlON ~ Don t iI;:; d':E;y. fit.'h lopl.. 'dlC:'b. 01.\1)' C.DY.T t;Q .7.. Ind M t th. !lall,1ii 'Wbi 1.11 d.I<!Kid 101. I '!qual :&.I.. tb. pRlllun yt 1:b.1:n "our fill! elJm;l.:k ~ _bl1 inl thro",.'h ~' na"., !piI!'1od~·. Uy + "i.-ttl... :f'Ll.1l f.'C!,_lik iII.'nCl! ~ 1 0,,,,, Oi"" .uri .. ete •• d d:re'U.i~, .ICUIA • .ct! .... t4: tN, by,..... va 1 \1'<11 wi 111 d .. un(ll'l11!1: U~TI ~

a. .UA tP t -.;.... &.1, 11 turned. CiQ. iln.-d. that tbt: bypa ...

v&'ll VII f'Ll.QiC!t ioa.ii pr.op.t"l Y 'Nf or Ii. U ,e~t1l..) • ,I "'

II.. PC •• t",. ":!.atlit to C-U'!I. your,I.1f to d. •• !C. 1!


Du.rinl d.Rent ", 1f & d.:lv.:I!' 601 iI not -lid il1r or 8111 it to 'hi: II 1.q. t t.h. inertl ... ina og,I:,lld. "C.II'" Jilirll .. '.111 c;.capr ..... .:; ••

d lviI'r' I QM,II t. e .. 'U .. tna the p.. 'ftIIlwn. .1 thin t.hli luap 11:.'0 'Ncomtl P.!I!!Ill.1;' .. 'nd, .-1 i.:c-. If tbill '!,II!!)'! um.II :til C{IIIIp~ l!Iillili Itaim t.o 'tb4 11111118:1 ~ 1:' •• 1 dwi 1 voll,lll!l!l! U .. I .' S

11 tM:'".i,),~ t:111i i:M.'i: ul11i e.'Rnot 'b. cOlnpr'1!iI •• CI hl't'har .. ,A t:'al,lItiv. VACUum, develop. I~ t::hil "_tn1" luna "i:r Iip.C,. a~ tt!,. d.eUeillt •• 1vlillll.-r ...,.,'bnn .. , thrcl,ll'hl).'Llit. till" lqi. ,In t"UpCu:tK 'by tho. eq,UM::IiII ~ C\;llUlliat 'blood and t1l.iuef 1u lr!1i to II!! :ill tb. 'lfl.euulI! w1t.h.l... it!'!:,

many alveoli. Holdini math. Or fai lin;' to r, breAth.il1!l b.a;g:. 'W·hU. d.:IIIcending. ,co&n. cau i.e lung aqyM1&.

CAUSE: Wld.l. cii virag j dl •• cendino toe

d •• p .• While SCUM dlvlnw j h.o1din~ breath dur.1nq de'Icent cr .fmlln; to· re·,,·leni ~b braat:hJ.n9 bag:lll -dU!1:nq de.cent. .

SYM PTOMS: $ell:letlon. of eh.,t ccmpnt.. ~:l:o.n du.rtn.q de-.clint and cbe It pain &Qrntlt1me ... GCCClmpany bmw a,qu.u.Zi.. Upon li:unlWbu3, the v1cU m .xpen·e~c .. !!!II' dJfficl.ll:ty In bre..thJn;. Blee.d1r.L9 frQ.m 1\0.86 and/or mouth. .and bloody. fmth.y ap1 t 1111'. ,-1.1.0 common. Suffocation' c,lIIn ea:oaur h'l ilevGf:e ca, .. , •

TJt!ATMDlT: Brill'; the "!IleUm !!II .hor. I 'ley him dawn with hi. head !(Aller than hJ" faet, and try te

·c 1 .. i!U' blood :from hi Ii meuth , If re !Su.;lCi:tator i:l f'Jot a.venable j .• dmlni Iter mouth rt!!I i9·U$citi!llU·on .if v:letim :Ii .• IlQt h~a.thin~. Ad:mln1.&te:r posu!ve Pfe'u!Jr!lll O'X.'I9i1tD if brees.thin; is lebo-t.ed ~ A. "0.00 -, II!I a PO'II sible rcontact a medic .• I e !fJ.c.: ar • (Mos'tt case. i. ahould :De hOIPi t!lLliz.IIKI. at ieasl'l 101' ob;l8f\r iltion.) . PrIl!lVi&n.l !:Ind, treAt ah('.llek •

PRlVENT10N= Do not .. kin di \rEI! to ~ :poInt 'W here th~ All pre.en t in yOu;r lung, on. the .surf l1li10& (ahout

·5 - 5. U t:ers.) 'W1lJ Pe oompre:i9 e.ed te II volume amaUer' than YO·U.f lungs I. re l!!I1d:ual 'V 011,1. IDe (a.bO\lt 1-1 .. ·5 liter:.). Thi III: mak. Ii ,hOYt 9 0'-1 (I 0 fut th.e rnol!lximum safe st1n d1vin.q depth for the 8\!'t!!IfaQe penon. When SCU BA. diving; nevilt.r hold YO'~;r brtIIath dutln'!jJ d,e .. e·a:t'!lt, and utilIze th. bypaa II· valv'illl ·O·!':! elOiied. er l4Im1-clo&iItd SCUIA to e.ltI.ilU.M adeq\late gas volume in t.h& DMGthil.lq b4".... .. ,II' .,-u,re that SCU'!IA Cyl1ndi.:n >!lire turned on i!IInd 1het .. ·valv. work Ii proP.rl-Y.. before de se&ndUlil • Never .xcea sive w.i9htS to cau lie your:l.U to d.~aa.n.(I· r.aP1dly.

NOTE: Lung SQ.Uee~e may ClICcaa!.onaU y Q!llivejop U e diver mu .. t :i!ltt61n hiil in order to inhale 6Q'einu gnat re81aten."e ov'illlr a period of time.


[Nrt.nQ descent t air fiU.d wrl.nkle I in .. dry Bui t become· Compressed III and I-quee'.z& (.ude) the Ikln Int.o. th.e" Tl'dsCi!nl8EUiI ·th.e o8!ppllluance of we It a: or br\li '.:111 on !hiLt Iki.n. •

CAUSEI Fdli.i~ to wear flannel or other porou! m.tHlal 'between .ki.n and d.rY' ,ult ~ '01' f'!II11ufIB 1.0 ev'4(;u,U· e:1r from Ildt, wb1].a Bub:m.el'9in9 t

SYMPTOM&: P:lnc:hJ.nQ" I·ena-.tien. in lb. a·ff.e¢ted are.a .. " Bletehed" welted skin."

'TREATME~ Put .ice plLC:lk en effected sk.1n.

Generally not I!II .erl.ooa condition t

PIUN.ENTfON:· Wblin w • .m:ln4 .iI. dly suit j' wear long underwear underneath to k&ep the rubber.' from dlrect cant.-c.t wtib yOUI' i·Un. sn\ooth out the IIlmac. of ill. dry ,·utt a. much a·1 po, !l1ble before diving. .Evacuate 1,1.11 muc;:h atr at· POl:lible from IU1.t by' hold1n.·g ann a .beYe head. (cut of watlN') and opening cx:.. wrtlt auff and then, tba· ot~r while bcxly i.a .IlWn.~9·.

TOOTH SQUEEZE: Air pcIICket trapped uncier a taotb-flUinV 01' in tM pulp of IIl'I infected tootb form. a pocket of ralilU.". vacuum upon delllee~, #' ClIlU.jng

1n'J.taticx:L of nerve. lind pat.n in ·the tooth ..

:Not C!Q!IUnO:B.

CAUl!:: Feulty ~b filling.. 01" Inf-=:·t..:l tooth,

SYMPTOMS= Pam 1n toott'i UPOn, de .. cand:ln·o· .. TREATMENT: If II!IIymptomli IlPPDar, e.;!!Ic:end feu teUe.f.t Hav. dU.t1 at ch&eJc; t1.u.· affected. tooth ..

PREVENTl'ON~ PiOpIB'r care and muntenanca of


E1H MOl DA L ""'._ _ _;i"

MAXn.L~RY_ ....r


Dur:ino de Bc:'unt. .!II l&l,e.U ve vacum !C!i!I:n be form,lIeIi In. tl:'iie ~U:ny.a C!8.v:li:tie.i!I ~ n the ;I i'IIm!lll ~6.n.rI$r that wa..II de ,e'n bed fm the .m!.ddie e>Dr. CAi"J $inq blood. &nd ti i!J·:I!Iill& fluidill to bi!II s(I!'u.eezed tneo the C iSV:Ltie. f:rom the m .... coulo'lie linin.g ·the :91n\ul 'Wall. ,

OAUSE= MII,H':U,$ (..;:41J.sed. :by .a: ¢'o,W or oth&.r infection) in the ope n in;,;. e (c ,dIed .. OIUe. II) betw.en. the nOrie end the ;IIin.u 1S.1i;! $. Vi:l.11 Ileal off' the Bi nu.e a r c.aua.- 1nq .• q:'Lule·,z,8 to OC¢:lIl.f durinG de;8cenl.

.SYMPTOMS: In.cre,a,,Ino· n iTl. for.he lid abcV'e t.he &YfIi.e. &n.d in the fae. (belO'lN lhe &y&i';!i) d:l;lrinq dillS = (1fiint.. 'Upon. .W'faru:n,'Il, ~ vla11m 0·1 etnu.s IIqill.iltz. .. may $xPf,i:Irleno. tande·.rne rU in lhtl !linu 19. lfe>llll.. an..d o!!. dj S··· ehArge of .blOOd a.nd mUC:UI9· from tne :nose.

TREATMENT: upon .au.ff.riJllV ,e; ,Un.1J!8 lquee.ze. come to the .. uri' ;!IIoa + U;5IO neuse d.roP,8· p SPf8Y or inhalet' to promote dWlUIIgu. Se", >!II medio.ail o.fficer-t and return tL) him ilromP'UY in. ce.s.e of p&ln. ,pus drainqa. or other &,1;n. "of pOe.,!ble. ~:nHet1iM. d.iviniHI until 1i1:nuse,!II. eleu ..

.PREVI:NTlON: Avoid. dlY'lll~ wuh >Ii head cold. or liny kInd 'QI alnus infection. Ule ;n@se drCU)ii. :IIIpray. or i:ntual,er for ml ~d .1nu .. conllJl!.IUon.. Don ··t fO'Ne the .!IIln,u,.e. •. = d.U·C!'lnUny!9' the div,e promptly If .:loo.· pain

de-veto.PI. • _


A pardo strtelten or ul1OlDnsoiou.ll di v'9 .a;r,. -or .one w hoi!! throat 1.i cl~ed with W,al.r, mU,(;!UI Of vomit, win. tend to hold hl' breetih as he ,l!Ipprc.choIiIIiI th& Ii u.rf.aC:::1I!I • Since the !jas within hi. lunv. ex .... pands ,a!lli he,. ~ it ill ob"iou,!i that, if b. doe II!Ii not exbale while 6i11ce.ndfng ~ t'he 9811 will iner.ale to sueh a V''rn,e that 11 f~ll Y ruptu~ is .hi. alv.o.U. in .cIIn. attemPt to es-cape. Dop.nd:lnq upon where the g •• goes aii it burillt.lll t.hrouqh the alveolGf WiI,n., one or mOf1l of th .. lollowing lnJ ul1e!!ll will OCcur:


~ iii ,Lru.bbla !,~b_ur:sUi'li'il U"JfOU-Ql1'I th.& a Jvoo 1111' wa n E; lc 'I'!~ !:n 0 t he pul.m()'l'L~ry ve1nSl nIItuminq to the he art and U8 thfilln. pu:mped: into the

lrtei1e B 9cin; to th. bratn" eau,lino ~,J,ochge of ;I erne ~ hy'P ax la, L)f 'the blocked bta1n U.lIIU.; and dea1:11 of that

UI,I,u_e If block.lio 111 not relieved in 5-'7 mJ.l1utat ..

CA'U SE: Hold1nq breath during .'OIIInt", (8om.ti..rn... belcauslI!I of thre"t m,u,,,a,l. .p",mJJ eiil.u.a&d by 'lliQ'ht) '. AnotMir ca1,l.l!lt could be entrqpod of Air in 'the l'l,.ln;& ~ du. to GfL.l!ltOttl1c&l ~ dJ, ...... , Of • local obl't:ruCtiUln,. wh1c.h. PI .. ,'Ui~, 'the naN' of air from the lungs. (Th. pooeketl very occaliOllally Can be CIUl.l.d 1:iy euc:h dt lea... •• pneurnQnie ~ ... ,thm!: ~ bronc:hl tu,. 'or .cIIn o.rdinary IIl;h .. &~ -cold'!!! .) Th&y uti more. apt to b. CI.i!U.l .•• d" :by coog:eni tal ilJnilltcmical !3 .... fecu· or lung tubereulWlh '.

SYM:PTOMS: T:lgh'tnelu· .and/or. pD1n It. ch&.:t dW'"'" in; &ilCil:lnt", ColIU'" and 'LUi.C'CtI..olou&ne .. _ em .\U'f:aQ,in; or wU:hir:. ;minute I Bloody frotb around, mooth (m.y not oocru:).. Ble.edmg from ne.. -.nd mouth (may n.ct QCleur). Lol. of balanCii _ vi.uel dt,iwl::l6nC!.' r ,16C!k o( coord1naUon of body monm.nU·. RLgJ,dity or rlumbnel iI of ext:nimltLa_. Spe.dl thick. and mUlhy ~ ,Pm"alyaU f noDUIJ.... or anyone combiltatlcn. of the -I!iihoYe.. TIQh.tnll". in chelt 11 not lilw lIi,yl notloe:a:bHI

,but other .ymptom.:I ulSually I tart, OOCW'r:ln.q wUhln. 2:- 3 m:l:n,n.e,1 ,"'(WI' a'(:!tmt. U'ntrttiltkl AS ",HI oa'~'. de-8th.

TUA1MENT: Racomprei! I; In niilocmpn:i! .. ion. ch.amber to 1,6,5 feillit i!II f .. oem 8. firt't .yrnptom. app"8t ~ D&ICend ., ,rllipldly a, pOI &iole (disregard normal

d. ac:niu,\,l r.awa of :2:51 !min t) • Bt1n9 out on 'l"abl. 3 or 4 • If no ehambeZ' iii avalli!ll1:it-, pla,lI;.'!. tlw pau.:nt on !!Ii iJ.o.i:I,rr;.l. oJ :n..~ ree k him (h&l!lld lJ'~ th.en heed down' in lI",a:law fa. h:L,on to hr.ak up the bubbl., ••

PREVENTION: WUh SCUBA: Bfll.l!!IIihe nc .. .al1 y and Cont1:nlUiJly dunng Wb.-n ~,tLllq .!Ii tr.. a scen.'t; Exhale conunuou;Jly dwtng el~:nt!ll In all CoD.e., ,wOld dJ:YinQ' wi'l\ a eM It cold. ..

(s.. Cb. p tar. 1,3 J 8, Dl v:b,. M.a nua.l )

IV .. 54


PH EUMOTHORAX.i $.!IInH!II c~~,:se i:Ii I!iI At" e:I4.Ce pt tnAt Alr le,e;ks In .between the hmglio I!U"Ld the eh ... t wall I ,collap811t9 the' Jun~ and in extrem. eAse ill dol spl.a(!intJ the he iut; e.m:1J .. hHiJI shook. M~ y ~e~omP6n:v' AI: r or QC,cur , ... p.arat1llll y •

CAll BE: ~m~ as f'Of M.,

SThlPTOM S! Sen Ii ilIIt1cn of liho,rtn.:ls of bte.eth; rapid r :I'hI.Uow brellli,thin;: "h.e.rp ehe st Pi!!~ n. ffiil!ldi& wOr'. by d.1IIi FI b!&8Ithin,a~ hlU!&j'Lc!II Ei' of ::iiI)"i n j H,p, r aC' f:Ln;.r. .. neU,. A mUd ca,e m~ y bAVe ne, symptoms or on.l y mild dJ .comfort in, one side of tb,e. che at or the ether ,

T:REATMENTt U n1e alii AE i.. pr ••• nt 1111:10. do. n.ot 'f&ccmpres II: ., If bM.mthi:n; is ml!lIIc'IIIid:ly di ffieu 1 t I i!Ii medleal office',r' C61"1 remove the trap,p&f.i by mll'I!U'1oill of' " :needle Or che Bt tube with applied • ucuen , Emergency ,prncll!!ldUMt GIve QoJC.Y'iilli!lin U' .Ili hortn.e 151 J of breath. cY;IIn- 0' ll!ll f or $,1 gn s, (If i5I hoc:1c. Or ecll~ pie prell.nt.. GII!I't p,e.ri ent to doctor or rned.ieal f.mclU ty 81!1 re p1d l y e.!;ii paliloi'tlle •

PREVEN'TlON: S i!limll!l .ttl; fot Ali.


Slime c::au •• a- AS .xc.'pt thilt all' 1e,lIik • .into the U ..... S"UUi a;bcut the he'llirt Md i:::'ech.a (windpipe).. Mll:ldillllitln.Gl .Emphy ... ma may acCO!ll.pany AE ~ GI' occur s@p8ri!IIt"tdy;

CAUSE: S8m.' .811 AS.

SYMPTOM S: Fain. un.der the bn-a!lt l;Ione: Un

e~m6 iCe ) .hortne .. .111 of tn'8th. or f'dnt:r .. ,., (due

t,,", intilld' nc. with C:1rCu.1aru'oah blU.M • .I, Qf 'kln i

UPI, or finqemlliU, !Io •

TREATMENT: R6tIonun':s J (on Table 3 CII' 4.} if AE :I.. Pfe •• nt 6110., Of U l:iNat.h:iti9 or 1. marlc. .. dly J.mpa1A1d •

PREV.EN'T10N: SG.R"Le ,i!II t. for AE •

5 tmCUTANEOU.S IMPHYSi:MA (VERY' U HCOMMON} Sam.,e C,i!iu,e !!II Ii AI:. tililli t i!IIi r lit"' the u .. - Io~" j It.t \ lh. fk.1n tU·Iu.alJ y hi the neck .relll).

Mey 8C(:Qmpany AE ~ or occue .ep.r.U.1 y '. !

CAll SE:~ Sma !II,1o .fer AE •

SYM,PTOMS: Sw.Uing (.,ceot'np-an1ed by a f •• lm; of ,luUn •• _) in. the nl'c~ j chang:e hl the ilOUnd af the 'V'Oi'I;:. ~ cr8C~ Un.; ,e'il.aUon v;'nen. the ilkin i.l moved.

;I UqhU y ~ dtfftcul ty in bItilathi n.g or .w .aUowing- •

TREATMENT! ReccmPN." (Tab" 3 ,Of 4 j only if AE 18 Pre,1I ant alloCl. or if :c.r.1l'th.ln.,q or c~rcula'Uon i.

'm arkedl y Impll1red. .

.P'1UVENTION: Sam. a, for AI: •

STOMAC HAND/OR INT'ESTIN}J.. pj] N,B: 8erM ... time II- t. 'iil8 pn •• nt In the IS tomoDcb end/or 1nte .. tine, dur1n~ A dive w.ul c-I!IIuaa pain ,U, it expand. d'U:rtnQ' . l!IIe.-c.nt • nama".._ to int.mal 0f9 iiln. m~'I reAlly R8ult tf .l t ~ 8 not, .1:li,mJnatllli(l + SomeUm ... .eII lomen illI!Ll;lt or Other cJ:H~,n,9 • .c,f bod!l( iPOioiU'on wUI he 1p the diiVM to. ev i:liC:liJ.ilIIte th • .gIlS +

'I~ !iEMDi!r' 'I "OAl SSON 1 S , '~Mn:u,s ED A 1.1 ILLNESS I~" ! DI.!,~t q d •• c.nt., I 1i':[~1!' ~ iii 'bD"r h !I~ihJ eet.d to lne't'iil.I"'II.: IPr ... u"" '. COlTIfliNa •• ,d ~ t ~ .n:t:,.". 't~. 11.111\1. t t. f(l·~.d 'tnt 0 .01 u t.t~ 1ft 'tM 1:11 ocd ~ II nd 1. Ill!"!" i,eCl to .11

e 1.i luil. nf t!:1ll! 1:1I.~1'. n. -d.e*p;aT t.'h. dtV411 -or the: lon"ilt'" i:NI db.. t:b. 1IIon ,oil thlllt ii, .'bI Qr"bt:d. int(lo tb. bod" 1:'1 .. u .. ~ '[lu'r ina I.II>Q,M'rt.

pre. !JUTel:,. d.e~"I,.d. nn thill body. Th. od 11Io1"Y.di .1'1,1 1_ t.r.·ri.:po'Tt:ed ~ rOlTl tb. t :i.!I.!II.... yi II ttt. 'blood.tX-.l.m to 't;:"" 1 'l.U"I.&' "'''ilT. 1 t "::oIn come out

or loht i on tht"~'h 'tbcl .llv.oU in t 0 tbill .:IC:pl rlld

Ii h· I.nd 11 eX'P.11.d.. HD'IIIPlr. if tIM d:d:,'!NIl' "1- e",,"- t·oo rap idly 1 thli ... i f' -c:.r;JKII;I 'I)'LIt a!f IOJ,g,t 1«1: 'wl ttdn t'h. ti .~:iI •. nd j Qt nt,1 in the f O'rw of bol,bl4:1 • "l'hell.. :bubbl";1 'PU t P!" •• I~f.'4 on th!l nillil'fV4llll lin,d ot'htl rIll:. ~c.t'U1'1II" .. nd i:o!tllTh:-r. wi th :pt:'op"t' f!llH!C'tiOEl of' 'bl~ c.i.t"c'!J.l."Uoot uu,.lrI& ,..i,n i t"!JI1 yl Iii! .iI,·p'kp;ta t. O'L" (If bub'bl.. In·... llll:r.,e

.. nd. ~UrnoilTOu;l! .. noug'h) d.a·th.

CAUS!:; . N'O't ob.yi:nl 1;.... d'!y:t'nl taibl •• ~ •• - r;IoIII c 1 .. 11y on T4'fI4t it tve d f.Y'4I.i! wi t:'h:l.n .. 12 h01J.It"

p. ete 4 • Divll'l;! ~ .1.e 1Ii:. ..,·tilt' !JI1 c:o""Q'l c.'rn!I.~" t t (lfi. • wtIoi1'n OV,.T 1 y fat:1..!;lIilld:1 01' fioJh!lln'l OY'I!Il:"WIJiS'ht..

SYMPTOHS : (DapMHli1ftB upon 'l!!b.~. t·h. 'bub ...

b·l.. h •. v. fomed.) a.

II tn 'blood. o't:' i:1. • ."..: ,. il".ill ina, 'bu,:tn1:1'I.I. I teh ...

Inl, IIU1IIb !iii!" b 1 oOtc::'h~ I,kin:; piIIi'fli 1ft j rr{ntl ,

If in b!"11n =. :D1iiz·in.l. t t' .. r" pa".l, I h ,

bl!ndn •• I, ~cnvu1,ion.~ ~n~c1ou.D.'.!

I f in .·p:i.lilll =PilT'a 1 Y.I i.l, lQla of If ... 1 IrIS,.

1 f i'n l'U1'1l:. t !LH fftc!lil.'t:y t n bFN th lli4ll.. ~'hDlc.I"I .. 'Unu.UIIl ,f" UlU. , "nd d"a th 'DIfi4:t :tID", (f.CCUi'.

TllATHI!I!I'l'I hC?OTnp,"_, ian :t'n I. 't:'ecompt"alld em chtlDkr Idc:cO'!'dlnl tC'i t"'iIIiI tr ... nn.nt til,M •••

:Pi:lViBUON: Dr,m~ t !li1", .. wtl.-n ·~unl over", gl' .m.!:' ... Uy :run-dcnm. ....woi,d! d4:e OIiTp'iE"iIIli •• !:mI dl v_ ....... n"".!:' po •• ~'b L.. 'len d,ive, and ule ,C'Ot"NC:'1i d'::0ifI'pr'IiI •• 1on if r .. ui red. u.. 'Repti'tit t Y'e, DiY'll 'I'~'bl.. if 'ITIOn!I th&1:I on-. d t'v. £1 t go be rad.

:LiI 12 hcNl" p.~tod. 101 vtI by the '1'· .. ll1.'I. b!po''I't .1:k"ly 1}'IITP.·t'OiITII; (.Uaht itch or pli in) i-.d 1i1t.l,. .. ~'HlI:..llA.D' S i'WL.·1 .tl.t!'. tbA til.. bubb 1.·. e:.nnlo':llt _",iN! rl 1'1 "OIWl in hlllm"':n t i.i!!IIl\li!!lll!!l·l thiJ bo-c1y :1. a1Jlbj.ct.d. 1:.0. I.M eben :tilllMiliH t~crn'l ,I. PE",.I" 8'lJ.1"e In.tiJ'f' d"IIi'n :2 Iitftlo.p"'er.1 .b.-.~hlit: ••

W1"il1. th. .xae t. ..chill.mi.. tOIL" 1:lw "~... of j~Mn'ROGDIi 1Uio1C0!! II'" {il un ... knOlllil1I :l~CU:(:oI t1 CZ\I an th .. t ftc •• ,Ii.". :p.l'ttlll

p!:" ... ~", of n t t'"'!.n p'r.'Q4ue.e. an "HI t:b.U(!. or inll;;~t,c ... t t iii .t t.R t .. I p.M::U 111" ¥bI:n (:OII!Ib:LMid 1I'i'th ,illin, CO2 ·buHd-u!p. (A:h' h u.u..Uy ... 11 tQl.rl:1:.d II t ~hI '-"p to 1 00 !', •• t). ""aI'!!~ 100 r .. t, 1 t. i'rlit ~lc .. t ina .. fiR iii; In(!.~ .... 'r'6'P·1d 1,. • MII"Y' peo ... .,1. Ii ..-poI!''!lIncoi!l (ii.')tlll·tdH'll bo1. nII·I:"eO. ill 'beyord 1. '0 :!'.illlt.. 'M'.I d Y "".I"~e .X"Ii'*i"I .. G.. le"'N nar(:.0.1,. b.YMlld lOO f· .... 1;i vtI.n 'bN41 t;hi'na Co.pN'!lliMt

. d,'f' •


S1'HP'rOkS ~ ':LIlIUI. ". tc tho... O'f .. 1<: obo! :l:ntox ... lea·t:l~; ·S1owdj)1I!iII'.I ctl lfiental .~Uvtt:y i 'UXII,ti~ Cit ldelll ~ lIIi.ffl,~ulty iii conc.tltndl\l" th:i.l'1.k1f11j" t"ernoH!bill"'ina ~ '·.el :Lnl Qf "11 ... 'b-et.n,.1 ot CI. T. f Q~ mill .lIi.fllt.y i, i:I:Uf:1cult.y in & .. hinl "iIllf1,. j·ob .. ; n.iI"1"-~d.(:cm.c1wl!iloiII' ••

~TMlIft 'li :lff.c t,1 iii li1&'PpiiI&i" 'f'oi.p.:ld 1, wUh •• - e_ t to .hid 1 0ViIIiI.\'" dep·th ...

'!PIEVIMTIOrM I .. -of tl'I,. eau.. and. ')'1!IptO'lU of' ITltru,.-n h.reo..1. ~ d 1 vll'l,.. Kno., and ob.,. t .... depth ! til'!'l1 t I for t.... bl",iIII!JI tb1iii!: tIIIiId.1u!l'll b'l!l11:11 l;Ii.illd..

(II. v)' II.~ e 6(,91'n1 '! t wh.n bT •• tht,q :I. iT 1. I 30 ~ ) ..

OXYE M PO I SO ioU MG (8.. Di·Y:i.f18 MlTn . .II!" ChapUit'iI 1, J., 11 )

Wbl1. tb. actual m.chan- 1.. Gt 02 pDi ... an 1"1 i. unltnC*-ln 1 t t 1.1 IU I'PH ted t'h .. t th. pbilnCRIMlOO 1i1 .t1.'Ll.liilld wb"n. hilh fiT'll' ,UI"II 011:)1',."

iii i.tU'L"bl tNli n:tymiill 1.,.11:."111. (;If c.11 'm'l!l t .. br:i lim.

CATJSI:r Som. p4IIopl. illl.'. unu.ufd 1.y' ii1BU1:tdv. 1:;D loo'", 1I:I'KYp:n. lIVen at. a t.mol phe:r:tc pr ••• uN,. I'iK:h

piI! .hoou If! not. dlv. • t ... ~ 1 + 1I.oveVoi r 1 1007.. ·0000 ...

Iiln :I.. 'net, danif'1cant 1 y tox Ie 'to 'th4 a'll' .. '!"a,&" p.r.on Yb.~ bT ••. t..'h.d I. t'hll I... than l.J t ... It ~;; iI" Ii'h .... "t p.t'·lodli !:Jof !tim... The o'Z}',I:.n i~ .. b (:201.~' Wc::OTnill.

i:i .. n •• rm.l.l1y ·toxic, • t .2 SO f •• t.. 'If c,l.l'ben Iii 101ti4. b~n,d .. v.p occ:yt". in tt;,i!!II d.!",.r1i1. bady hikU~h 1..1 f:r.Qfi'I qv.~-il'Q~ttQf1.) o'~ tn t."" 4tv.:r t.. b:rliolth1nij; mai.1.II!'I1 It'hili dangliil" of .... ",iO'l,1I "y,.n tox:Le ity :ttl..:: l"MiI.1I mt rk·.lIily.

sYMP'IOMI:!: 'WhiJn wi i"n:!:ns ly~t:i:t.ITI.. 0" Ow.!f'.en Po i ..

I ,on ina OoQ<:\i,¥", th*1 C:00_:I :ht Df' 'mill' cuh:l;' tv! teb1n;

(of t.iI'n In th. 1 I 'P,I 00\'" fac.) I NIi'U..... d:t'II:i.nell, d 11- t:Ll~b.d: b .. 'rtf.l, Of' ytlioa. ( v:hlM!i 1. (!,~.), a fill. an.1!!: (Io't irtC! :rea.eli 'b'r''' t'ht n.a 1' ... lU.iIIl'IC:., 1nlll1l,11 it., !Co Uk.. iii full b~ ttL:~ anxiety" ·r::oali!'!J,1 i,on" 'oI·t :lll:u., . clu.1'I'IIIirl:l~", 'ItiiI f'DU""'i"1 I,Yftlptc:mil, u., :l.ttle\r. t'h.

41 ",.1' .1 thout 1HIft'II:i.n.8 OT' vi 11 oC (!UT' if t'he a 'bowl

¥.II ",:I:.,.!ItI!I!1 aq not M-1Id:,K ~ CCll'I.vlJil d,~ {UIIU'" aUy cau.lna. ii1~0IIII'I1n.1 a"d/or iiiI" il!l!ibO,UI.) , lail. ot C!ClaIC! 1,!' I":LI 1d 1 ty ~ d,. .. t.h.

TllAT!Ctft·. AI .0011 fUi :l111ptOlal!l of' 02 :poci·i.on'tnl bqlm, '1aiQ1r u.. partial pn"I~.t.r1i c.f OK'J.iml by ... - cead1f4... I!lat" h~"·.nt;t1.te.. at!.d·1 If polilibl.iIIiI. .uTI.e. and: 'b!E:'e.'tbii d.E'.

PID'm''ION ': · ..... en u, t "I c: lo.ed or .I.:i. -cloll.d SCUIA'1i! M\IIun that thtIi C02 .. blfol'b.nt b :i.n propl t" rC.ondit:loa ~ ,I't 1"1 c.tly obiil.". t"'. ".ptb. 'l. {mi.t. :e Of'

the ,a. k:l~ 'brut'hU" and h •• 1ii ii1brU):nM.l .ympto.l .. 'Wh,i 1. u. m, (! IQ!I.d~d z:'C1;I.t t .CUBA" .. void p·e ••• tve .x·.Tt·lo'H.. ·.'eve:r. char.. open c 1rcllIl't SCUM vi t'h oxy.'" pn ..

(a •• Di~!n, ~"u.l, Ch~pt.l"ii1 1.',5)

T'hh: CI i..... Io':IICCIIII",1 .n~ r' U ii1.u. £:.11, fa 11 to' T,'eeilt". (:It' ui: 1 t i.. ~ ClK'),IMl to .. int. In tMl:r I U. IIi.nd M'n'III1. t loOt1i. kw.1~ c.'.111 .I'e ino.t luae.ptibl. to bypttxia!

CAUII t The mollt .o'bY1 Gull call1.iII G,f :byf~t;.. i. O'I~ .to:PPil8. of .III, di.v.~'. .tr- .upp 1,),.. .A mD~. i:rlltd.:lou. ,attack of byPmlU.· wen th. 'p.lre:j;,li.t p" ••• UiH of ~8i11i1n ii'll .III br."C;'h:t:nt _d!turJl: f .. l11 b.1.~ ~ 16 AtM~ (161. 02 ,. t ,... level.). !'h11 -cal'll ~:pp4a.1 .rol' 1ft ..

.. e.,ne., In :I'D l~wl.)' PU'I"I.' clo ... d-c:l~ult ~'M.. If th.K,. II nit 1""01-. 11:1. '~1Ii. 'b~,tb,lrq ball the d.I ..... .:L 11 'DIliJn b'l'''. t:~1.,. pu:re B.1 t'POI.iIl ,ill. .00., ... b.t.

002 iIIy-ppl y i. n;'h.III.t!ilir;l. SifLii:!Ii! b:i iii, .wl.d C-OZ 1:1

c,,1;)n1,t;lntl.y II.b.a:rb.di 'by tg "~alyt14:1i M ..,Ul nc:.:Lv. '~O ".. :rnl~ {Didi <=1Ii.1i::1-na' 411 NiI_ t,G 'bl"..- t~. .,p.'hDri.i t lO.iII of cont-re.l I fo 1.1 0Wiiiid, 'by utili:: onill c,i 1',:M,':IIIl'I!IIi;llii t wi U ritl!fLl.l e , 1'h&Z'. iii" ~i'.l otb.'r ft)'.1 tin '_,ich ,Ii di"Vllllf' ,(: .. 1'.1 b •• lJ;bJ,.U,1id ee ill hN>l! ~:LiWrI .or 1 •• iII tbu ~ HI "''I'M c,t 'iMC,YI"" ~ _:1:'" .. t:hil!lil! 1Ii-ll" t r(II'II .~, type Df SCUBA 'wtI ich h". billm ch& l" •• di f t"0IIn 411" 'Lui,..l ub1. 1lii1Ii1'rC" t 1:u· .. .a,th11'11, 8". :f:r01'!i ;I, lin!"Q t'OIIlP!. aCUM ntb I. too·1 ow ... t t't"1 t 0"" one 1,ft vblc;'h th. now ha I

• U tdM'l,tal ty bMI:I. ritdiut;ed o!" .!I;'D'p'p4II! i D:r" 'h~ t.'hl "I'10 ill.try 1~c:1IIiI c:ODt":1nt ng tN ppM, 4111 t'", "I, in .. l\ib-' M rt.d. wn-c'k..

1'T'MlI'OO)tI :' 'l'be'n .,'iil "0 "tubl,. .Ym'p'tOl!!'iil f.:ll:r

'NY!P(lx.h • T~ lIK,l,n T.l y on t:hli ... !!'.t.y fe.. thoIi t:

In ill, lMlIt'"t .of i;M d 1'vlf!,:1; 'tt::I'!J.! piI'IIII'IIt •


(:!lin ~.I.Pt.-r.; I t l. ~ D1.v:(.", .~""& 1)

C02: ,in .II 'br ... tblnl _d,1,1!11 ot'" CCZ "xc.... 1n III. d.1v.~I. ~.' OT ct~YI .. tQTY .. c~n b •• V41!:"y ,."dQl'Ll' 'P!".:II"bl." Tb. 10,11wl"l • Z'. .Ii fft ..... ' ii~l.. o-f 'U., ~(Ii.t i:~ ,,1'1:111.1; ien. 'tn 1IIIh.1"C:'h il;:b. d.tHr- i:I!!Illbt •• t ii, CO2 ilXCil:lll,

1. "lad. .. I,r iii ill. 'b:r_ th inl 'lll4l1!1t ill .'

2.. ~~'P'IU' pic'k:Ln8 (.l'f .. COt .. 'b.~"I":' cilm:tli"~~ ~ J,. Div.t' wo't."I-:.t'nl toobn.r! .liM f;alll~ tiC, 'Viln"

~tl.t.. hl. Iun!_ p~~ly.

4,. PgO!' d. ill tanl oO:r d,1 vina oIiqu,t!p~ i: •

S. '.11u~, of d1vina aqu1~nt e~U.l1n8 & bt'lil tMCII :nil iaunc ••

6. !x~U.Iv. diHd .:p.!I(!. tn dlv 11'11 ,~u!,..nt ~ 1, lIIn&'th boldinl wt Ie dtYirl.l (C(IInt~ll.d b~.i tid 'rIIi ) '.

':'J. 11:l:ilaDlt In:ilUfLci::4IIi11 ~ II!; ill, pM.l tIo 1. 1I;r! ~T

bt' ... th • .Ii e.~lnH". ('GIl,. ,lIl)i'lli t!h:~b I ·UI1'li1:lt.,y iI t tna t ... 1; .. nI:,t" w1.1 i ~'I.ot .s:[,,,.. th4 (:O~ .. 'bIO'l"b.n.t 1; lmill' to. 4!b .... ,l'n tM CO2).

S'fMP'fOMSl : Cot a-e4;1 I in tN: bady (I.liU,.. ,III'V'" .T&l . rl.:lff.Nnt ~ct :tooiii.. nil 'lMlt.t, i:mpart .. -nt ~ lin 'tM!I. ti'1,.t .Ii ~ th. bu in. All' t:bll\llilliill 4,", • (f"ted., 'bnli" t.h1l\l4 h thI: .o.t 1I'IJ.1!C.'PUlbl.:. CQnflllid~. 1(Ni,. of 'Chill ,1"b:l11.t.f to t,'hi~'k (I 1 .. I:"ly :II d,raw .. 1r1iilill I "i"Id ,Iucb I ffll(: tl, k~~ II'IOT. '."..,T4' ill. tM' dq:t'.. t'lof nc:a. i,'ncnu.... An U;;!C:U·iII,.. -of' 2' oa tM .YT"h(!,. vi: 11 lnc:n... thll br .. t·h1n.a mM IIV1"'"

I,b 1. "'lIlOUIn~, A, 1:01 C02 .'xu'" w.u I 'U~II. ~0ftI(: 1'CT!ili."

nllll,. .A.-I:: 150\ aTll4 ... ~ IIIIIOI.C:U l .. ,~ 1Ip'I,m. ud Z':ta;!111 t1 I)¢ QUI'". '*i'"mIIDMllt. 'I;.~ililft Am .. !!!:. iI,m. 4.- t'h ,iii,U 1llUCh.

1 ... ., 1 ikel y tun. till IY'PlCxll, ~ !!.tt. ~ '1ITIIi:t r'lMU t ...

d!t'cntn t nil: 'ml'k.1I C02 ~.,I. 'Y.'t')' dlcfi;8;Hgi.iilli. Abw1:

t'''. ~l,., 'N1 illl'bl" wl'ft'I.1q II (liY.~ ~'Y :r,.u(q tM t ~ 1. in a~",.r fTom CO2 1 ... ~ inc~.a •• la b~ .. t~l~ TiI,e.. ,i\fllCI! tbt. may "(:I,t b. ".1. , .. ,.,,1. if b,1I WN 1I01'lc1n,! ~~d Q\'" w. 11"1. "iii, &1K: {ud 1IIt.,I",

Ano'th.T' !IiIi hili;: Ii of C(l,2; "K(: ••• , t.. t II .C CIIII..-t 0" t'h4 MI(I!,rt; .nCl ib'l~od p:t:' •• ,lu N:. CO2 .nee.. rill iiI '-c:I' i;!.Ii".. tu ,lIl'rte'rI.. 't(l' 41 hi u II!I, tb& bl'"'fI1n. 'ltti. d i Il1'1;ll1:1n I11III)' 'P'Pl.::t~ to "' .. .rJ,.D<;h.. o,r tlla :I.:I1i'O-C: :L.a.tild w1. ttl cO2 pOill!:Jtl1n8, 'U 'f iIii Ql1 ...... d

t .... Ii'!:~ 't". ..,t 111 t t~ oil!! tM bTili tin: .Ii I"'UT" I.. .liM tb. 'UI!Ll1 lC.fItI,t:, ll.'rl'" il\ieNI.Ili!i g:f ib1a-Dd f i!IN I;tu~<'I"I"h t". ~ in n:pl.n.e 'Wh,)!, ICO! .!lCC.'.. ,.plll!ldill .:hilll on•• t of oxyt,.n ,po't.on:t,ftI, (11.111 Cb.t.pti!i!''' 1.:3 ,I 11, (1 S) Diy 1"1 M!lnu.l}.,

With i.nCl"M.. of CI.pth th!l .f:!! .ct li::rf C;:Q.2, ::lnc:::t..... ,DtI; ,.,11 itb. t:t I .u.. of th. 'body iI:nd WI! 1a, .. 'iii 1;11 ..,:n 1 'Mv. ,Ii" .tt.~t the .111:_ .:1 ,.n IncTH ••

t,n ~.i'itlll,8. of t. CO2,

CA, • .0.. MOHOll DI, .01tOtUMe (B •• Divln, MIIa~li pt. 61)

'liIIq .. pl."

Whili'ill ITIID'nJ t ... , .. O~ !IlO21 CO' h pn.!lnt 1ft tli. bTp t., ... i:nl mildt.WI.. 'h CO Gcl'IDIIt .... 1 vt tb the h.utoalob1n :tl'l t'h. blood dlil1Pi,lM 011"_ t.... R,- ..... , ... t~- ... I ""

I p' ,.... " ~ '!Q! - G~, ~ 1I.c!I 0

'bin ~1JU,.t i 1" iQiilln-i_ to t.... U, •• u.... JI'f(:Ix':I.iII af t'M

U .'I~.II N: .... lt.1I .... c'hl:liu,h, 'tM l'un,iI tb.MI:I,t •••

.iii rli .~i. to .~"ly I!UqUol t. ~... tu .III,U:II in II,I!'.,

. ~UlII; An iIi';r COIII:PAllliO'Z' conti :tnt...... :i! 1,..!b1q !',')~ lidt":h;i:1t;1nj; iO'11 v.t,U p:rodllac. cOI'IIpn.II!iliCl, ,iII:tr CCIQU tiii.. colHiI;Ilt ~dd... A C4IRp"I"UIIO-r "1nt1:' lo1iNd: tn iln ~lo,,"a ilpl.C::II. ,~r wI,-=-'h .tt. ,.:t~ Intl-k. c:lo:lil t.o i,n •• h.I.'U.t t wt 11 ,lll1c p'Nd.w:. il;:GI"IIpr, ••• 1I4 4111" .:ltll aq'l!'mit iII.~t:1i I;)f CO ..

B'nInOHI '= r~"*"tl Y II ... tc:ttm. of cl-Tbon .n.- 0..:1 de w:!I. n, hi!HIIII'II" IIIl"I-Cliftft~f'C!MJ,. vfthout

.. ltfti_., Occ ... 'tClfll.l, l Y it tb. fo1 't,~. ...n'''I, .ymp ...

tom .. will eeeun U;htnea. aero. _ { poundln'i at the temp,Ie .. , Mad·e.e:tul ~ IUUlI.". vcnU ting:,r W.,',11. d!z;IiM •• ; confu..i~. and, other mentllll cQn;e..s. aiznJ.lar ta, a:nox.te.. In lev'.,. c •••• j br.llthing wUl

• top.. red e H"pa j flr.q.m.aJ.ll, and '101Ul'dme) Ikin ,He' lil;n. 01 CO ~,!lon1nQ1.

"TREATMENT:. Expo •• the victim to ,\ en, or tu I;va&l&blAl) Oxyt6n. RiK:lcxnpn!a" baglruung with. 02 lot 30 ra.1mtt.. .t 6'0 I .er air 6t lOf:) ".t.

PREVENTION: 'Prope.1' mU.litenanCII· and oPeration ,of comPJW ... o:r •• , ,EnIUri&. that the .3C.h..Iu'1: from an .it oomp:reI,lor 11 dCW'nwlnd" ·endi lIJ, far fl. POii.ibl. t frem Ute, imtllke , Te.t C!cmpre •• ea air J)i!n'1od1e aUy tar CO ~


(STOPPAGE OF IREATHmah Start aruJlc1i11l re,.pi:r.U(m lmm~:li!!'.. Delay only to .tel) •• rtOUil bJAledJnq.

posmON'; Plae. v.iCltim on hil back" GrId clear moutb and throat of ,wm, fal.le teeth f tongue. i 'vomit.. :HQ·Jd v:lgthn.'!1 jaw. in ii,;uttm,g .out!!! Po.d tion wi ~h one hand ~ Cloae. noatnll with ether hend. Pllce, your mouth ever hla _ muln; a good sea] f ~ee.P' b1ii11 he·lII.d

tUted. bpk ~ .

mFLATION';;: Bre'iI,the ,into vic.tim w,i th ,I!I rnootb ~ ,lJtead.y I!ICuon j un:Ul d.f1nJ.tII .xp.,an,lon of chest 1. noted It but. do n.Q..t ... n 1:00 much prelu,ure; If htII dc., Dot :lnfll!l!WI readUy. atrw a.y U, obiltNct.d.

'DEfLATION; bmw. m~th and allow' victim to e.xhale ,. If he faU. to do· !So· f apply gentlo. pre .,.Iur. an cn •• t.. Check for ob,ltJu(:lUcn., (Operator Inhale 8 d\u'in; this pb.aae},

Wben. able to d.o.~ Loc.en v1.ctim II e lothinq (collllr i blilt j .tc.). ,Keep him warm .. Chee.t pu.l:11. ~,d oomhel _hook '. U he beQ1n8 te revive I tim. 'your mo'III'.!IliIIIflltiJ '01 allilt ~ Shift to III IHch,em.i'l.':!61 :re aUlicitator if one 'becom,.,a ,lIIVullllbl.... If he doe, not re.v"1've .. COntinuiB' !ll.rt1fleJel rtI!.I!I,ptr·i!lUcn for fwr ("} hours ~ or until. victi!ll 1 t prono.u:noed dead by e OffIceI' ,.


WhUe eon,vWI10118 can be eau S ed

by man.)' mc;1.0n:. the IIHI!chanl,m. i 8 the ,I 4lUI~

TI'H br6l1l send. out di,-Qr9'enJ, .. ed volley. ,of nerve itnp\1l •• :(Ii to' tho m.u.Jcl.,. MUiiiel.·. Clontrac:t 'Violent! y end .omeilme. ~ enUre bod.y • Uffen.· • 'The br6in .oon: (uliually within f:l:". m!n:u.f...·1 of onil.t:) f!!t19'U!IiU f and the paU.:nt DKliQIn.1lI uncon.eiou. end U:m.p ~ Th1s

po.t QOrivu],j:ioo.n sl •• p 1i11. til: from 15 mil'l,ute!! to i!lf:!. hout or mmw, and th.lltn thll patien.t :becomea re8tla:l. and fmall Y' awak.n,. He· will t ... 1 tired. 80re ,r PO·,alb])"" haYtI! a head.ehe ~ otmdi remember nQthinQ" of tn .• oonvu.t"lon.. -or UiMon,CiO'Ua M.:II. ;l0M!!"tlm •• Ito" dw1.n4 aUff 'phd ••• bl1t r:eaum •• spontBI1..00.1'1 y ,,·ft.1I1' (:cnvull~on •

·De·lpi te _ it. .e;larmJlt'O 4.PpIi.'IGl:'lIIIna.a, con\l'ulal0,n it.lM[Ilf 1 .. lLlaullU y net more tha.n. ill .1:r~nu.ooa l'Iliulic.ulu workCYt for the viCtim ~ Som.time II, nOY.Pe.ver ~ the tcnque ",U1. be c.hewed end (rarely) 8 bon,e 'w.ill fra.c.ture under the eX.c!8:11 liv$ mlJ.I,c'l,Il.u IItr61n..

T UAT1JiltENT.~; Inil'o.rt. enythtnq except !II m.8te.l

obj act (er U n.ger .. ) blltw·4!III!Ui. teeth te prottlo:t pi:luent'.i tongue. Clon'Vulloion try to ma1ntaln cle,eilr ,trwe}' by hoJ.d11Ui1 lew-er .l1:itH fortNa.:rd i ,After co:t'w'u.lalon tum the pdtient em hla fi,ide and po.tJ. tton h.e~d Md J~ for clear atl'W.a!Y. Try to prevent 1nJurie.lli but do not re ... tnd.n. movement.!!l. If 1n reiCOmp.n!l!l BiOn. chl!llmber ~ d.o. not 6:11aend rePldly., (Air .ElnbolU m eQUId re:,u.1t.) Do :n.ot: leave en uneen ectou5 vh:ltim alon8 Or 1J;n~l.te:nd.lI!d.


S·topp~e o.f &r.J.dJ Of ,£I hock may I!lCl.compe.ny AnY divlng dl11ea;l8 or inJury. W·atcb :for a.nd treil;t II' neee·&: .. ary ,. Many decol!'ipre !9..,UQn 8:klkn.a -= s ,and alr emlx:tU fro II ymptOCii $ i!lrEi the • ilIIM8 • I' any d01Jbt ex:l I 'UI p tre!!l,t I:U!I. 61.1'" emboli 10m. imroedi-

ately.. .

bcom.pre I.ien can seldom do na.rm.. F'aHuHI to reoQ.m,plre as eM .cause needle.:I d~6th or permanent d.emaQ'oE!I ~ Ail 1 Qn.(I' a.S PII'IJen;t i.e §lUW; try to g-et hIm to a chamber '. Eme.rqency recompre •• Ien in the W,llIIt8r: ''I'h11i cen ,I!I e,ldom be recommended for' an uncen ile10US ~ lnj ured.., or lUck m.e.n I' 11 any CI'ther coutiH!I O'f i!letlOIl iii pO;llli bill •

4(j~ fl;)f 1/4 ,of lo.e itop

,3 0 ~ for 1/3 of ,1 ,O! Itop 20' fo.r 1/2 of. 10' Itop 10' for 1- 1/2 ,of .1 O~ IiItop

Se.nd for l1li. D.l V,1:ng .MediC«!IIl' :Ii.IXLtnedle.te 1 Y j tn all, of ,'n~IL.lirY to .i!fI diver.

Whe·n in doubt (e"plliciilly 'when i!!I. ,dlve:r.11o UfI= eon .. dou.,)., reoompre 8, .

. ,Ig:r.lw!IIInce. and poor pnysi(! 51 c:ondi ticn a;r;e i::. dtvet Ii worst en.·f;imie.... Dive often. K6e,p tn top ph"l:Si'e!lll ill hap& • Do nc't allow' ycu.r ... lf 'to beCome averwei9ht,.

• .ECO....: ... :a...EC __ IO~· R. e:CO...::a»:EkE_.XO:J!IIT D·BCOMP'R.EB\IIION

Decompre.·llon m,iiiY become n8(:l.1,IMY hl any dJv. where 'the bre.thinq rneduun contdn. Ii high P4'roe~ta;e of lMrt gal • Normally lb. cHvln.g .~1:1Ot plan, 'lb. dive. to avo1d dillComprelliOO ent1rt11y. Wbl!llre' de~ •• lcn i.1 unpaid.b]. ~ lui mll.t provide,ly f,Ol' b6&l111\; it"

IV - 57

..... 4 .be C:EI~:DtI: ·B.R.

, In genet-al i tholl !.rran'IJementll and 'te.chnlque.1

tor de.comp.reiii .:L,on are the, iI ame for uy type ,of SO,t1BA alt.hou.o.h the decom.jXEI, .. ,l1o,n. 'taMe may diUer ftom the. St.nClard JUt D600mpre:JIlon Tabla« If the Q!l'Qonlprea.Ion .... q:.,Ure.. !II. .hUt f-roail em. g.a. to an.cthllf (as It dOli, for heliuril-Ql<YQe·;n dl"tn.g) j' the techrdque be.-

.oome,l, more com.phlx. Tb. ,d.lving: ,1U,Pln"i IOf t.h.en hal • .ven oroter relPonllibUi ty then ullu_l ee miike' loCI.qwllti! p:;OV1.~~U, for d&eOlnP, .... lon '.

Th,. bulk of •• U-ccn.talned divln; involv.'. oPen e1rCU11: ,SCUBA .cblP';.d with .air,. 1be fol~ing dilC:u,'" .1On ap,pUel' to aLr ~Clompr •• ',ion for ope:nQIreuJ.t SCUBA dive. Oli &.U". Pot div •• , with Qt.'her typIi'. ,of SCUBA Of otn.r b,r..th1nq j mo4lfy the. pros.dUMa al :n.eoe,11 ary to mak. th.m comp_t.tb..l., wi,th the proper de1:lompr .... lon tilil,:b16 ..

ARMNGEMENTS: RouUn.., procedure:ll for !II 5CU" BrA ri1v,e iilnu)Ufy h!:!ind11n,q d~ompr.lltrm, wn.n the

n.e.d IUt.... If pc •• Ib.le, ~ make tlw i'olJ.awln'i ptO'Vllion, a routine for any ael1-c:ont.ained dJ.v.1nv oPeration • Gi V lit th,. tLmak.e~r :pr1m.vy control of tlw &.(:6n.t. ,Re<tU1te div.tiI 'to obey .Ie.n,t .aM d.e<:!om.m'ldon .. ign.iIIIliIJ without que .Uon. • Provide cam.m.1oItdCalion w,i th tna d1v.:r. Any ,impl. ..ct, 01 d.pth IIInd, t11M! lienal, i I !IIi.aU.fact(:lry. A. ,l!Ill!lltlii on e. Un.. i .. 89quate. R8qui;re dlv,efIl to, check routlnel'l he'iore FI!illtn9 2 D feat to lelllm, what d.cQmpr,& .... ien they ml!.l::II't ta'''. ~ If they :needi d!&lI!Iper st--OPl ~ bill .ure to :Ii ;nel w.n ,in .d ... , V·iI!IIno... WhiB,'n 'the n"eed f(X deeOinilf6Slion become I ¢ertaln,t 'the d:i'Vln.o; :IIuptinP i.ll OJ' mu.'t 'mllike adequ!Il.tilill pmviiii,.Qniil to' nandle the 11 tu~uon .. Provtd. d.eeom pre S:IUon depth. mart..:re '. A w.1qhtftl line with 'knet ..

tl!V!lfY 10 feet il i:IIriequa,te,. W.i9M 'the, lin. he'i!! y 'ItInoo;h to k •• p it ClQm.:pwt.l y "rUe.u 11'1 III ,ii,trcmg cur:rent. In .luqe ....,elll er high waves place 'the ''Urf8~ IIUllrker S t .. t billow the ilul'f.l!liCfll • On. a i'Olllli9 Ye,IH.! let U. 1 Q feet under t~ :II~:rf6C. ~ bqwr. tb. div.r te hold the 'un., 'Uilt below: the :proPer marker in any com· fQl"'t8ble PQ.i tien. wi1el'tl the l()W'er. part, ,of M,I body i 1 not ahoY. tn.. m.rk.r ..

Provld. en aux:Ui ary IlIr .upp.ll' .at the :lint d .... eompre !lIi,Uon stop ~ Any ~qu.llt.' :II.UClonta!nMl 'iX' iiurf4C6-I'uppUed apparatu.. 1, .,eU Ifi!CItofY • Do net force, the, diver- to :i5lurface for an add.1 tiona! air SUP,ply in tn.. middle of his deeomprel'ion.

W.Hl!lml,ES: are four techniquel l'or

d,II!IIQQlllpre:ll :lion in :lelfc:ontdn.d diylll9 ,. Tb.y' lllre:

(1) Surfa.c. lupplYl An ai'r be,. C,1n .UP,FI,l Y &ir fQJ' II mlll.x ,or demllind l'CII~lator. The d1vilt Ihlft:l to the l~rI'ac::. !&upply at thtl .ftrl~ dt!QQl1lpra •• .Ion .top .rid. uJ &8 .! t f'Of' the entire d.oom.pre,l.1on ..

(i) Sec:o:n:d f(;1Jha. A .UII!'Ldby ,eI!ppala~, )('M'''' te t'ha flrlt .tep CiUl a1l0 IUPpl yair fot the d.aCimpn. ... ion .

(S) 8u.rf.aea d.compre:ll,lon:: ,An, ·adequlllw .,...~ lUte chamber can provld.e ,urfael d..ccmpre-," :ilIon, "Wi'bleh may repll:lice lome Of all of 'tl'le re~ 'Wat'fi cl~Qmp .... !lioo ~

(4l Orig.lnal lcuba! If dec:·ompre.,lon requtre'mot. An • .light j the ortQ'i:nal aeuba may proyid. aU 01' tM ~CQmp .... :lIQn .. :p nQ Clth.r teO'lmiqu. il ii.vaJ,lable ,I the criQ1nal ap,paratul !I\",.I-t provid~ oi! much of th4i decompre ..... lon .iI pouJble + DECQMPUSSION IMUSj 'Th. "UU.,.tton may

requlNi the- d~ve:r 10 !JI. any com:b~naUon of thtl .. ni'I:(Ull'li U.t.6d. "t!'ardleil I of which tech1Uqu. the Cliy_r uiI ... _ apply tMii iol;lQwtn,g :rule, in d.t.rm.1n1n; wh.t dKlom'prtI":111on to g1 v. him ~

IV - 5.8

For alI" dive U'.' lhI' Pr'OPfl deoompN.lI1Cn. tablt,. tTl. lh. Sta:n.dard Atr DlCOml"lliOn Tabi. When breaWng aJr tlncu;bcu.t (Od;tn.a1 .cube I HCloncl Icub. j; .urf.c-. .uppl y;f' 'QI' :nlClGlnPf'lI.lon. ohamblr'

wi thaut Q.XYV.n}. U ... ' ~ Oxypn 8~rfac. J:)ICompN'.'" .len Table wMn o~.n 11 avallabltl 1m tn. :rea;.ompn:l.,ion ohilllml:Mi!:r'. ,FOr ill n1~n.-oxYPn d1v. find tu prQpili" .qutv'.hnt; all' d..pth and UN tbat depth to .ne.r th. proper d~MI"'10n. t.Bble. VI. thtl &tud .. rd

All' Ceoomptellllr::m Table who m-..th1nv ~ (or .pr) thnn,I,';~O'U.t t~ d.QOmJIftI.,lon.. U ... Oxypn SUrface Deccmp:re'lion t.Qble when oxypn 1. ..., •

in the ,ro~,:pnli.:111on chamaI'" for ath." 0;'8. ~, u,iSe 'the Ui,propriate decomprellion taW,e,.

INTERRUPI&D DICOM.PUSSIQN: The .alveI' mel' have to .iJl'face before G.Ulo;- hl. full decom~l.icn • Thi .. ilH tuation. i. 111uoh m.ete likely Iii .. U-cont&1n.t!d divin; than H t. in "W"fI.Q .... l!il,l;ppll-.d. dJvin; • Thti diver ttI,illY complete hi I,1on by Ntum1r.q to the w.t.r or by .. ntlir.1ng III :ra<:Icm p. ... , .ion ocbam'blr. In el the r' ca •• UI'" th8 appliCiabl. PrQQ~U:r. for il;'l:~r'" rup~ decornp:re'II,on '.

W RFAC E, pEQOMPREeSION: aU'f~. d.ccmprel':liOn t. a v'aluablilt procedure in •• U-c::on1.eJnld cltV" in;. It rtlduc.a the .xpt.)lure to low W Attlr t~r.,w~" I and 1 t .liminet.. ~ .air .uppl y probl.m tor wcll't.r;re l:fton. When a chub&r 11 ,ava11ut. d;bt at the .. can. of Opetilil.tlcnl it 'Li •• ;iiW'fIlOl' dlOcrri .... PT8".U. 1,1 8 J'OU1in. lQI;SI'I;U'III whtlr. 'r •• :II;l'bl ••


Th. chillnbe:r 1:1 a two-lock cham:t.r hl!li,~in; e m:!iximu.m working ,pn •• ure of 200 p,l.i ~

In .d.d1tton tMre ,i 1 a .mall IUdic.l loek to pendt u.. ••• 801 or am.n article. to the ,an-ndaln ...

In ~ t'O ,chllt,. tM ,chamber to it. maXimum wctil:1'R9. PN'1i IU;NJ of 2,00 p..i, II!i eoo CN.bttl· 'f • .-t of .r .t: .tmolplwnc pre.lure :LI nqu:ln<l. In ",n.ral j' 1:0 PfO"'" p"r.l.y vtlntlill. th .• th.,. .boold be a complJitti ch~. of air at l •• ,t ev.:ry ten (10) mb'u.JttI. 01' •• calculated from U ~ 8,~ N'tHY Dlvtnq M.n'U.l ,dtlJl.n.dlng 'Upon the mam'Nr of ~rlonMl bel~' tN.,ted. Tl'U,1 requ1.n!" .s 80 cubic I_t IN'r mln.'Llt. • Ii. 1.,. 'OapllCl:lty eomptlll,IOf oJ' ,ampltl 11n fer '1andby or .Ql~IUCIY

•• rvkl. will _ raq,u1red ~ n. i!i1r IUPply nNlt t. PlIJ'ULI<I end, at ClQQ,l end &. d'ry aa poI.!blAI: ~ ~b_t.r piping 1, 10 an.n;«J 1hat ~ flCPW of ell" c,p be ClQn'ttO.llad. ~thlr or culI!dI.' tll. chu ..... " In .ach look of the ob.m"r tn'.ore _I'll thrill • .coupl1ng,i: th.t lead to a thrH 'Ol,n:let manUcld for 1M conneClc:ton .Q{ ,.ltton to it. 0XW41L or oxyoen-iw.lWm banlt. ~

.Aft i'nter-oommu,m.l;iIlUoo .Y!!I!It.. milk., oontlClt look, .md tMi ,ootllCle of the pollible. ".. pni .. IUr. ill tr. Clheunb.r' i,_ :read fro. cat.iiiIoOn ,aunl, in POUnd., P4f .que:N lncb wltb ~ IPOn6 ding 'foot qra.duaUonI •


(1l' The cll amber 1.8 eqUipped 'Wah elec'tric P'le'iS-S'I..LN-- proof Ughts and t.!'.i.te r-communic 5t.~.o:n $. s y .sts [J'I •

(2) r!li. !iI,I$(:lI,l.rin9 th.e door j only ~ mocl"e:ra;l):e ,~mQlj,Ult of Prei15ijJ,fe is need .. ad on tile hatch d'\Jig.E!. WUh illcrea,."e to p:re9,:5Ur,e th0 B,E!,aJ. becomes tlqh:ter ,0 The' dog a .s hou.ld :be loo:§.enad. before· reduCi fig ~h!';!! iPf1;I s sure . l'hls is, ve.ry lmport,i1imt In. the newer ehambt;!'r 'where' eoon.raeu.l:iig :rodJ1iI e·.Ktending from the C.f.iUl):;, are used ,

(3). 'The d.Ellnger of ,e:xplQ5~ve tires is filwaYfi present and 1!t'LCf~aBaEi 'WUh the use of' COR'LP,rEI':!ii$i';;Id atr !:lit 'bi Q.her pre·s sures or w1 th tne lfitltt:!dl;,l,t:t!on Qf -OXY'Q,€Ul • In bDth d,a !;I,E! i!j: '~he oxygen. eonoe:ptra,t;LQr!; i:fi: increased, i."o!Jld the' foUaw In~ ptI!!lC.alJtiQf! 5 W Ul be' t!lke:.t'i:

hJ Ali wood' J bench!!!! s', s.helv1n~ ,etc.. wUl be r,!!!lt.nov-ed and repleced w~'th metal or otruH' Ure' r,es1s.t~rU ft'i.8,t!l!!rii!lll$.,

(b.) M~ti"Eq;iI :$O.5! U us edi wIll be OO\!'ered, wi til fire te,d:i l.ant mater!.!!l. All bl ;:!!nkets or eli)t1d,[!g will be cA!!i!l1i. ~nd .t:ree from oU er gi:"e~Sie .'

(c) ln1lammab.Je Uquids w.Ul not be tlllow.ed in tM cha:m.ber., 1f infla:rn:mabl& v ~ pors are S'I.UlI peeted to be pre:s-!!nt the c h~m'~r ""lU be th·Oi',Quqh.1 y v.erli:t11ated •

(d) Oni y flre~,tew.(dant p'o!!Iln.'t 'wi 11 be uaed , (e) No o;>en, fl~iD I mi!!ltGh~!5 .. c,i9l!reth!l1 ll'1!1hte'nIi, .lighted. ciga.i'f!I M.e,51.. P'lp4!EI... ,etc •• wUl be take.n. into the cbamber ..

([). WhUe bre EUhh1i;g! O~E!i:n.. the· C'r.HlM.Dflf wUl be verl;'Ulllt6d. at l$~.!ilt ev(!'ry fUteen us) minute·s for ~ p$r,'cd 'O'f ',3) tbnl!! mJ!1- "",t,e,1iI ,. Of' i!iI8 e~,ouh!,t,ed! in . .:.c.c·,oMatilCi:B wUn the ~lSN :1J1vio.q Mil!!nu ill depending upen the fLI.H'ilDe r of pe;["BOOS beifig Ui!l ated. .

{~" W·"t,e:r and s,i!ir....d buokEl't~ w'u'l J;;:.e on h.:!fid wi thJ,n the.' chl!limbe.r..


'IO USE .. - ,

(I) Ghec;k Z O!J PSi atr cut into m.e.nifold •

G~). Cbeck 'ooe. 'v~lve I!u,gply (red) v~lve!il' abut.

IV - 59

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