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    Partner’s  Name:_____________________________  

My Body, My Job: Week 2


To-­do  List:  
Answer  at  least  TWO  of  these  questions  
Creative  Thinking  about  Health:  
about  HYGIENE  
 3  new  questions  
 Why  is  hygiene  important?  
 3  new  facts  
 Why  do  we  brush  our  teeth?  
 3  new  words  
 Why  do  we  wash  our  hands?  
 Why  is  bathing  important?  
Work  on  your  Children’s  Book   NOTE:    
 write  and  draw  character  sketches   Use  your  inquiry  journal  to    
of  healthy  and  unhealthy  characters   write  down  your  thinking!  
Learning  Centers:  
1   Purple  Laptop  (1-­2  people)   2   The  Super  Duper  Library  
You  can:   You  can:  
-­‐ watch  a  hygiene  video  with   -­‐ read  inquiry  books  
headphones   -­‐ write  questions,  facts  &  words  
-­‐ answer  hygiene  questions  
-­‐ write  questions,  facts  &  words  

3   Round  Table   4   Meeting  Area  (2-­4  people)  

You  can:   You  can:  
-­‐ experiment  with  tooth  health   -­‐ work  with  others  on  your  
-­‐ answer  hygiene  questions   Children’s  book  
  -­‐ discuss  the  hygiene  questions  
  -­‐ talk  about  your  creative  thinking  

5   Writing  Table   6   Computer  (2-­4  people)  

You  can:   You  can:  
-­‐ write  about  your  characters  in   -­‐ research  health  
your  writer’s  notebook   -­‐ answer  hygiene  questions  
-­‐ write  questions,  facts  &  words  
-­‐ draw  pictures  of  your  characters  
in  your  writer’s  notebook  

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