Nikki, Alice, Casey and Melissa

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John Key

(Prime Minister)
• Having meetings with Bob Parker and
discussing ways to earn money to help
rebuild the town.
• John Key could discuss ideas of how we
can make Christchurch a safer place.
Bob Parker
• Deciding whether
or not to call in the
search and rescue
team (S.A.R) to
look for missing
• Meeting with John
Key and discussing
ideas about how
they can restore
the town.
Civil Defence Minister
• John Carter should
fly down to
eld and look at
ways he could help
people who’s homes
have been damaged
and move them to a
safer place.
School Principals School Students

• Checking the schools • How are they going to

thoroughly to make spend their days with
sure its safe for no school.
children to return to • They would be getting
school. more days off school
• Getting in touch with because the school
the B.O.T. and parents would have to be
getting more supplies
because the old ones
would have been
• They need to think about
how they are going to get
money to buy food because
they might not have any cash
on them.
• They wont be able to go to a
cash machine because there
is no power.
• Thinking about getting their
house rebuilt and repaired if
it got damaged.
• The Christchurch police
should have a couple of
police officers on each
block stopping looters.
(They have already
caught one looter so if
there is more police out
there then they will
catch even more.)

• Blocking off more

unsafe areas so no one
gets hurt.
Shop Owners
(Who have had their building damaged)
• How would they keep their
supplies up if they don’t
have any power to ring to
get their supplies.
• They could be loosing
money because of looters
stealing their belongings,
and no one buying
News Reporters
• They want to get down to
the accident ASAP (as soon
as possible) to report any
news that has occurred at
the accident.
• Make sure all their crew is
on the job and getting good
information about the
damages and not reporting
the same news over and
Hospitals CEO
• If the earthquake did
damage to the hospital
the CEO could get
someone to come in
and fix it.
• Getting prepared for
major accidents
(unstable buildings
collapsing) that could
still happen with
severe aftershocks
Search and Rescue
• Their next
steps are to
discover if
there are
any missing
people that
they have
not found
• Some of their land
could have been
destroyed and they
may need to think of
ways they could bring it
back to normal.
• On the news the
earthquake moved a
heavy roller they use
on the farm that only
the most powerful
tractors can move.
Insurance Companies
• They will have to be well
prepared because loads
of people are calling in to
claim insurance.
• The Insurance
Companies in
Christchurch would need
to think about bringing
more people into work.
They will be getting a lot
of phone calls from the
people whose houses
have been destroyed.

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