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BBC Materials Accompanying Letter of 25`h July 2003



1 . BBC Today Programme (29`h May 2003)

2. BBC Radio Five Live Breakfast (29`h May 2003)

3 . BBC News at 10 (29`h May 2003)

4. BBC Today Programme (315` May 2003)

5 . Mail on Sunday article by Andrew Gilligan (15t June 2003)

6 BBC Newsnight programme (2"d June 2003)

7. BBC Newsnight programme (4t' June 2003)


8 . Extract from the notebook of Susan Watts with notes of a telephone conversation

between Susan Watts and Dr David Kelly on 7`h May 2003 There is a reference on

the last page (near the top left comer) to A Campbell .

9. Text of note made by Andrew Gilligan on his Palm Pilot on 22"d May 2003 during his

meeting with Dr David Kelly.

10 Extract from the notebook of Gavm Hewitt with notes of a telephone conversation

with Dr David Kelly on 29e' May 2003 .

11 Copy of a tape recording and transcript of a telephone conversation between Susan

Watts and Dr David Kelly on 30`h May 2003 The audibility of this copy recording

has been enhanced by removing some of the background noise.

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