German Measles

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>is an infection that primarily affects the skin and lymph nodes.
Causative Agent: Pseudoparamyxovirus (Rubella/Toga virus)
Incubation Period: Usually 10 days folliwng exposure; about 13-15 days before the rash appears
Period of Communicability : About 9 days (4 days before to 5 days after the appearance of the rash). It
is most communicable at the height of the rash.
Mode of Transmission: Spread by direct (droplet/airborne; nasopharyngeal secretions) or inidrect
contact (airborne)
Pathognomonic sign:
Forchheimer’s spot
Rubella Risk factors:
 Lack of immunization against Rubella or immunosuppression
 Exposure to an active case of rubella
Statistic;Rubella has world-wide distribution. Although the disease occurs sporadically, epidemics also
occur. It is mainly seen in children under the age of 15.
>After the introduction of the live MMR vaccine in 1988 there has been a marked reduction in the
number of cases.


German measles

Risk factors
Lack of immunization against Rubella
Exposure to an active case of rubella

Rubella Virus enters the body

>direct contact with nasopharyngeal secretions
>air droplets
>transplacental in pregnant women

Invades lymphatic tissue

Viremia will occur

Low grade fever will occur accompanied by rashes typically starts around the ear[Maculopapular
rashes], red eyes, cough, runny nose, itching, joint pain, malaise, headache,

In pregnant women[baby]
Mental retardation, deaf-mutism, cataract, heart disease
Arhtralgias,transient arthritis
>Low grade fever
>rashes typically starts around the ear[Maculopapular rashes]
>red eyes
> cough
> runny nose
> itching
> joint pain
> malaise

Diagnostic test

RUBELLA HEMAGLUTINATION[Hemaglutination Inhibition]

TORCH test

Passive immunization – gamma globulin of the child has been exposed; immumity last for 2-3 weeks
Active immunization – Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) or measles vaccine at 9 months of age or as
early as 6 months; 0.5 ml subcutaneous; may experience fever and rashes for 2-3 days
Proper disposal of nasopharyngeal secretions. Cover nose and mouth
Isolate the client
Medical asepsis will not prevent the spread of measles because it is an airborne disease

Medical treatment
MMR Vaccine
>Routine immunization
Action; produces anti-inflamatory, analgesics, and anti-pyretic effects.

>for pain

>for mild pain or fever

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