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A on Blackshaw

From : Jonathan Powell

Sent: 09 July 2003 17 :59
To: Clare Sumner; Alastalr Campbell
Cc: Scarlet John - SEC - A
Subject : RE : isc

I think one of us should speak to Ann on this.

-O riginal Message
From : Gare Sumner
Sent: 09 July 2003 17 :55
To: Alastair Campbell
Cc : JonathanPoweII ;ScarIettJohn-SEC-A ;MuirJohn-OCPA- ;OmandDavid-CMPS
Subject: isc

I have confirmed that you will appear from 8.30 to 9.45 on 17 July and will have to leave promptly .

I asked where they were with other interviews .

The ISC clerk told me that the Committee were not interested in interviewing Andrew G as he could not say
anything more to them than the FAC.

He said that on the source they were waiting for David O to write to them with the correspondence . He implied that
he did not believe it was the source so could not see the point of the ISC seeing him and said they were not
interested in the BBCIAC row. The fact he rested this on was that AG said that he had known his source for years
whereas the MOD said months . I think this point could be clarified in the letter from DO to the ISC, I pointed out
that the BBC had not denied he was the source .

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