The Lexicons of Africa

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LIW2EXT: Linguistics Component

Term 3 Week 2: 20 – 24 July 2009

The Lexicons of Africa (Chp 9(1))

In this worksheet the following skills will be developed:

Defining key terms

Applying newly acquired knowledge to problems
Constructing of a critical argument

Name: ____________________ Student no: _____________________

1. Define the following terms:

1.1 Lexicologist
1.2 Lexicographer
1.3 Terminographer
1.4 Proto–language
1.5 Neologism
1.6 Coinage

2. In a paragraph explain the concept “lexicon of a language”.

3. “When compared with the ex-colonial languages, any study of the history of
the lexicons of the Bantu languages is at a disadvantage.”
Webb, V. & Kembo-sure. 2000. African Voices – An Introduction to the Languages and Linguistics of Africa.
Oxford University Press: South Africa. p. 222 – 223.

3.1 Explain this statement.

3.2 Discuss what strategy may be used to determine the history of Bantu

4. In a piece of writing of about 200 – 250 words argue for and against the
view that the lexicons of Bantu languages reflect the cultural character of
their speakers.

5. Are Bantu languages inferior to Western languages with regard to technical

terminology? Why or why not? (Hint: support your answer with the help of
your textbook)

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