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Key Institutional Goals Status Progress and Comment CEO Self Evaluation

Below Meets Exceeds

Execute IT development plan: The contract with the LMS provider has been signed and an
implementation team has been identified. The initial training
sessions took place in May and June with an initial beta test course
Evaluate solutions and beginning of by Professor Bill Youngdahl beginning in August.
implementation of ERP, LMS and portal The ERP task force identified two key systems, Datatel and Talisma
solutions. to complete this system in a data warehouse, Representatives from
both companies, as well as an internal development officer, have
been engaged and are assisting in the creation of the project plan and
Appoint CIO funding proposal which will be used by our Development team for
The portal task force was formed and kicked off in April. A 
recommendation is scheduled for December.
The hiring of a CIO is included on the 07/08 goals, however the
active search was put on hold (as approved by the Finance
Committee) while we identified appropriate funding for an attractive
package for potential candidates. Given that the financial condition
of the school has dramatically improved and additional capital
expenditure funding is expected in 08/09, it has been decided to
reactivate the search. A job description has been developed and the
search commenced at the end of May.

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