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Climate Change

Answer the following questions

From Paragraph 1
1. What does the analyses of layers of ancient ice in Antarctic ice tells you? [1]

From Paragraph 2
2. (a) Explain Holocene. [1]

(b) In your own words, describe the effects of climatic stability to the world. [2]

Paragraph 3
3. What are the findings of the gas bubbles trapped in the ancient ice? Use your own words
to explain. [2]

Paragraph 4
4. (a) What does ‘IPPC’ stands for? [1]

(b) What cause the increase in temperature over the last century? [1]

Paragraph 5 and 6
5. In your own words, explain the difference in the increase in temperature in Northern and
Southern Hemisphere and what is the effect of this increase? [6]
From the whole passage
6. For each of the following words, give one word or a short phrase (of not more than seven
words) which has the same meaning as the words in the passage.
(a) Fluctuated (line 4) _________________________________________________
(b) Glacial (line 6) _________________________________________________
(c) Drastic (line 9) _________________________________________________
(d) Migration (line 12) _________________________________________________
(e) Grazing (line 13) _________________________________________________
(f) Correlate (line 17) _________________________________________________
(g) Current (line 31) _________________________________________________
(h) Pronounced (line 32) _________________________________________________
(i) Precipitation (line 37) _________________________________________________
(j) Expansion (line 51) _________________________________________________
(k) Entire (line 56) _________________________________________________
(l) Accelerate (line 65) _________________________________________________
(m) Soared (line 68) _________________________________________________
(n) Prolonged (line 81) _________________________________________________

7. Using your own words as far as possible, summarise the possible effects of a warmer world
and how people could help to slow down global warming. Your summary must be in
continuous writing form and must not be longer than 150 words excluding the words given
to you to help you begin.


Begin your summary as follows: Global warming could affect our earth as …

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