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IR(: 37-1984


(Pirsi Rcvlsion)



lkC: 37-19fl4


(First Revision)

Published by
~JamnagarHouse, Shahjahan Road,
New Delhi 110011


Price Rs, 100/-

<< / Plus Packing & Posta~e)
First published September. 1970
Reprinted December. 1976
First Revision Decembet 1984
Reprinted October 990 (Incorporates
Amendment No 1. September 1988)
Reprinted :April, 1995
Reprinted October, 2000

(R(gh&c of Publication and of Thansiwion are Resenia(1

Printed at Dee Kay Printers, New Delhi

(1000 copies)


1. Introduction
2.Scope 2
3. Recommended Method of Design 3
4. Thickness and Composition 15
S. Drainage Measures 22
6. Design in Frost~AffectedAreas 25
7. Worked Examples Illustrating the Design Method 25
.lppcndix 1: Preparation of Laboratoiy Test Specimens 29
• Ippendix 2: Special Points Relating to Design
of Pavements on Expansive Soils 31

IRC: 37-1984




1.1. The design of a flexible pavement involves the interplay of several

variables such as the wheel loads, traffic, climate, terrain and subgrade con-
ditions. In the existing state of knowledge, the individual effect of many of
these factors is difficult to evaluate mathematically with any precision.
Hence, a fully acceptable, theoretical method of design has not emerged as
yet, and the methods in vogue have of necessity to be empirical, based on
successful past practices and experiences, and some quantitative evaluation
of the subgrade soils, to yield designs capable of withstanding given condi-
tions of traffic and climate.
1.2. In India quite diverse practices have been prevalent in regard to the
provision of pavement thicknt~ssesso far. Considering the need ~ohave a
unified and reasonably acceptable approach for working out the c~i~n for
conditions obtaining in the country, the Indian Roads Congress, through its
Flexible Pavement Design Subcommittee (personnel given below), set up
under the Specifications and Standards Committee examined the various
possible methods and formulated guidelines for general adoption:
SN. Sirtha Convenor
R.P. Sikka Member-Secretary
B.R. Chopra Member
Dr. C.E.O. Justo
D.R. Kohli
Mahalir Prasad
J.S. Marya
Dr. Bh. Subbaraju
Prof. C.G. Swaminathan
Dr. H.L. Uppal

1.3. These guidelines were approvedby the Specifications and Stan-

dards Committee in their meeting held on the 26th and 27th February, 1970
and by theExecutive Committeein their meeting held on the 5th March, 1970
and laterby the Council in their meeting held at Darjeeing on the 5th and 6th
April, 1970.
A subgrouppersonnel given below was constituted in 1984 to review
JRC :37.1984

the guidelines in light of need to meet the heavier axle loads and keeping in
view the suggestion made in the Panel Discussion during the Annual Session
of the Indian Roads Congress held at Nagpur in January 1984.

K.K.Sarin Convenor
N. Sivaguru Member-Secretary
Dr. M.P. Dhir Member
SB. Kulkami
P.K, Lauria
S.C. Shaima

The guidelines as revised by the subgroup were approved by the

Executive Committee and later by the Council in their 111th meeting held at
Tnvandrum on the 15th September 1984.

1.4. It is emphasised that the guidelines are to be regarded as tentative

~.syet, to the extent that they would require revision from time to time in the
light of future experience and developments in this field. Towards this end,
it is suggested to all the organisations intending to use the guidelines for
strengtheningof existing pavements or the design of pavements of new roads
to keep a detailed tabulated record of the total thickness, type ofconstruction,
period between renewal coats and the year to year performance of the
individual sections of pavements.


2.1. For the purpose of this guide, flexible pavements are considered
to include the usual granular type constructions such as water bound mac-
adam and other flexible bases and sub-bases conforming to IRC Standards or
to Sections 400 and 500 of the Ministry of Surface Transport Specifications
for Road and Bridge Works (Second Revision), 1988.

2.2. The recommendations primariiy apply to new constructions.

However, for the time being these guidelines will also apply to design of
strengthening measures for existing pavements until a more scientific ap-
proach to overlay design is developed for Indian conditions. Special points
relevant to strengthening of existing roads are highlighted where necessary.
IRC :37-1984

An alternative approach to overlay design is described in IRC: 81-1981

ntativc Guidelines for Strengthening of Flexible Road Pavements using
Benl~elmanBeam Deflection Technique”.


3.1. General

3.1 I. The method of design recommended is a modification of the


(Thhfornia Bearing Ratio (CBR) Method indicated in the previous edition. In

this method traffic is defined in terms of the cumulative number of standard
axles (816() kg) to be carried during the design life of the~road. it is well
recognised that the structural damage caused by a vehicle depends on the axle
load it imposes on the~road, and the equivalent axle load concept is the best
method available, for design purposes, to handle the large spectnim of axle
loads actually applied to a pavement. The design curves relating pavement
thickness to the cumulative number of standard axles to be carried for
diifcrcnt sub-grade strength values are given in Fig. 1. The subgrade strength
is assessed in terms of the CBR value of the subgrade soil as per procedure
described in paragraph 3.3. The thicknesses deduced from Fig. I are total
thicknesses and consists of various combinationsof bituminous surfacing and
granular base and sub-base thicknesses. The recommended minimum thick-
nesses and compositions of component layers for new constructions are given
in Thickness Combination Block, Fig.2. These may,however, be modified if
environmental conditions and experience so justify. In cases of traffic
estimates exceeding 30 million standard axle (msa) the curves may be suita-
bly extrapolated liar determining the design thickness.

3.1.2. Notwithstanding the aforesaid recommended method, where

data is riot available to adopt the equivalent axle load concept, the CBR
nwthod which considers traffic in terms of commercial vehicles per day may
he used provided the design traffic is not more than 1500 commercial vehicles
per day. The CBR curves updated for 10.2 tonnes single axle legal limit
presently in force arc recommended for design, Fig. 3. Estimation of the
design traffic is described in paragraphs 3.2.1., 3.2.2. and 3.2.4., and the
procedure br determining the CBR value of the subgradc soil is described in
paragraph 3.3. The thickness of different layers of sub-base, base and
surfacing can be determined by repeated use of these curves and duly taking
into account the minimum thickness and compositional requirements speci-
fied in paragraph 4. As the requirements with regard to the minimum
IRC :37-1984





Os 02 44 06085 2 4 4 8 10 55 20 301506

Fig. 1. Pavement thickjiess design chart

Nose: 1. Read total pavement thickness from cOnhilMIouS curves
2. Use dotted curves for proportioning sub-base thickness

IRC: 37-1984


SUB Bs*5t
-it~~~ -

~ m~.

Fig. 2

Minintwn thickness of compo~tentlayers

Cumuld ted compacted shickjiess (mm)
axles Surfacing Base Subbase
,ndleopi (Id) (X) (Y) (Z)

L).5 M 20mm PCj2-Coat SD 150 Minimum thickness 100mm on
subgrades of CBR less than 20%

052M 2OmmPC/MS 225 Minimumthickness 150mmo~s

I sobgrades of CBR lesa than 20%

2-SM 20mm1~1MS/SDC 250 Minim~thickness 150 mm on
+ 50 mmTlS mm BM subgrsdes of CRR less than 30~

5-10 Ni 25mm SDC/AC 250 (T-335 so 355)

#bOtoSOmmDBM --do--

10-IS Ni 40mm SDC/AC 250 (1~--355to 370)

4 65
to 80 mm DBM --do--

15-21) Ni 4OmrnAC 250 (T--370 to 390)

+ S0t~100mm DBM --do.-

20-30 Ni 40mm AC 250 (‘7-390 to 405)

1 + 0010 itS rum DOM - - do..
SD -Surface dressing to the MOST Specification IRC/Standards
PC Premix Carpet -do-
MS Mix Seat Surfacing to thc MOST Specification
SDC Semi-dense Carpet -do-
AC Asphalsic Concrete -do-
H51 Bituminous Macadam Binder Course to the MOST Specification
DIIM Dense Bituminous Macadam Binder c:ow-se
~oie : (i) If the CBR of the suhgrade is more than the minimum requirement for the sub-

<< base, rio subbase is required.

(ii) Binder course of thickncss more than 80 mm should be laid in two ayers.

IRC :371984


3 4





Fig. 3~CBR. cunes for flexible pavement design

IRC :37-1984

thickness and composition of various layers specified in paragraph 4 are in

terms of cumulative number of standard axles,, the following approximate
traffic conversions may be used to decide the minimum thickness and com-
position of various Layers:

Traffic range Adopt minimum layer thickness

and composition applicable to

(i1 Design irsific uplo 150 cs/day Upto 0.5 nssltion

(CBR curve ABC) standard axles (tnsa)
(ii) Design traffic iSO 450 cv/d~ 1)-S to 2 msa
iCli K curve 0)
FOsig,n traffic 4511-1500 cs/day ‘2 to 4 msa
COR curve El


12.1. General

1,2.1] Feim the. purpose of structural design only the number of


commercial vehicles of laden weight of 13 tonnes a’ more anti their axle-

loading will be considered.

1.2. To obtain a realistic. estimate of desi,grt traffic due considera—

lion should he given to theexisting traffic or that anticipated in thecase of new
e.tynstru~c:lions,[X)ssiHechanges in road network and land use. of the area
serve.d the probable growth of traffic, anti design life.

Estimate of the inItial daily average traffic flow for any road s:hould
normally he based on 7-day 2,4-hour classified traffic counts. However, in
e.xcepliooal cases where this information is not available 3-day count could
he used. In cases of new roads traffic estimates can be made on the basis of
potential land use and traffic on existing rotites in the area.

An estimate of likely growth rate can be obtained by studying the past

trends in traffic growth. If adequate data is not available, it is recommended
‘that an average value of 7.5 per cent may be adopted for ruial routes.

ERC :37-1984

3.2.2. Design life It is considered appropriate that roads in rural areas should be
designed for a life of 10-15 years but provision must be made in the desigi for
progressive strengthening of the road. Arterial roads should normally be
designed for 15 years life and others for 10 years life. Urban roads may,
however, be designed for a longer life based on judgememu arid depending on
the iate of growth of the traffic expected. Very olten it may not be possible to provide the full thickness
of pavement needed ultimately right at the time of initial construction. Stage
construction techniques should be resorted to in such cases and those forms
of construction chosen that could readily be ~t.rengthenedas traffic increased.
The initial stage period should not be less than 5 years.

3.2,3. Computation of traffic for use of pavement thickness

design chart given in Fig. 1. The design traffic is considered in terms of the cumulative

number of standard axles (in the lane carrying maximum traffic) to be carried
during the design life of the road. Its computation involves estimates of the
initial volume of commercial vehicles per day, lateral distribution of traffic,
the growth rate, the design life in years and the vehicle damage factor (number
of standard axle per commercial vehicle) to convert commercial vehicles to
standard axles.

The following equation may be used to make the required calculation:

N~= F
where r
N~=The cumulative number of standard axles to be catered
for in the design
A= Initial traffic, in the year of completion of construction,
in terms of the number of commercial vehicles per day
duty modified to account for lane distribution as
explained in paragraph
r= Annual growth rate of commercial traffic
x= Design life in years
F= Vehicle damage factor (number of standard axles per
<< commercial vehicle) refer to paragraph
IRC : 37-1984 Distribution of commercial traffic over the carriageway: A

realistic assessment of distribution of commercial traffic by direction and by
lane is necessary as it directly affects the total equivalent standard axle load
applications used in the design. In the absence of adequate and conclusive
data for Indian conditions, it is recommended that for the time being the fol-
lowing distribution may be assumed for design until more reliable data on
placement of commercial vehicles on the carriageway lanes are available:

(i) 5ingle~laneroads (3.75 its width):

Traffic tends to be more channelited on single lane roads than on two lane roads and to
allow for this concentration of wheel load repetitions the design should be based on the
total number of commercial vehicles per day in bosh directions multiplied by two,

(ii) Intermediate width roads (5.5 m width):

‘i’hc dcsign should he based on the total number of commercial vehicles per day in both
directions multiplied by 1.5

(iii) Two~lanesingle cas-rtageway roads:

mc design should bebased on 75 per cent of the total number of commercial vehicles in
both directions,

(iv) Four~lanesIngle carriageway roads:

The design should be based on 40 per cent ofshe soul number of commercial vehicles in
both directions.

(v) t)ual carriageway roads:

The design of dual two-lane carriageway roads should be basedon 75 per cent of the
number ofcommercial vehicles in each direction. The distributionfactor shall be reduced
by 20 per cent for each additional lane,

Er For dual three.lane carriageway distribution factor-60 per cent.

The traffic in each direction may be assumed to be hatf the sum in both directions
when the laster only is known. Where significant difference between the two streams
can occur, the condition in the more beavily trafficked lane should be considered for

However, if in a particular situation a better estimate of the distribution

of traffic between the carriageway lanes is available from traffic surveys, the
same should be adopted and the design is based on the traffic in the most
heavily trafficked lane. The design will normally be applied over the whole
carriageway width,
IRC :37.1984 Vehicle damage factor: The vehicle damage factor is a multi-

plier for converting the number of commercial vehicles of different axle loads
to Ihe number of standard axle-load repetitions. The vehicle dam age factor is
arrived at from axle-load surveys on typical road sections so as to cOver
various influencing factors such as: traffic mix, type oftransportalion,type of
commodities carried, time of the year, terrain, road condition and degree of
enforcement. The AASFIO axle-load equivalence factors may be used to
convert the axle lo:J spectrum to an equivalent number of standard axles. For
designing a new rojiL~pavement or strengthening an existing road pavement,
the vehicle damage factor ~hutsklbe arrived at carefully by using c’ relevant
available data. Some surveys ha\ been carried out in the country on National
Highway sections, The results can be taken advantage of, to the extent that
they may be relevant in a particular case.


Initial traffic VDFvaluea (standard axles of 8.16)

intensisS’ in Terrain tonnrs per commercial vehicle)
tenns of situnber
of eontine rcial
vehicles/day f Unsurfaced Thin Thick
bituminous bituminous
surfacing surfacing

Less than 150 Hilly 0.5 0.75

RoIling 1.5 1.75
Plain 2.0 2.25
150.1 500 Hilly 1.0 1.25
RoIling 2.0 2.25
Plain 2.5 2.75
More than t5(X) Hilly 1.25 1.5
RoIling 2.25 2.5
Plain 2.75 3.0

Where sufficient information is not available, the tentative indicative

values of vehicle damage factor as given in Table 1 may be used. These may
be judiciously modifie.d for any special conditions with regard to traffic mix,
type of transportation, etc. The validity of the value chosen may be checked
after the pavement has been put to use, so that the warranted corrective steps
can be undettaken.

<< 10
tRC : 37-1954

:3,2,4. Computation of traffic for use of CRR design curves

given in Fig. 3 The CBR curves (Fig. 3) give the total thickness of the
pavement in terms of the volume of commercial traffic. The traffic is
considered in units of commercial vehicles per day in both directions divided
as indicated in Table~2.
tnto t use categ~arie~s
Trslfic CBR design curve applicable
cOlTllsscrcIslvehicles Ix:r dat)

0.15 A
15-45 B
45-150 C
150450 1)
450-15(X) 0

The. design curves are to be used with respect to the number of corn-
mcrcial vehicles expected at the end of design life. The formula for predicting
future traffic is given by:
A = Number of commercial vehicles per day for design
P = Number of commercial vehicles per day at lass count
= Annual growth rate of commercial tratlic
n r. Nusnber of ycass between the last count and the year of completion of
con situ ction
a Design life iss years For Uhvo-lane roads the design will be based on the number of
commercial vehicles per !~avin both directions whereas single lane roads
should be designed for twtce the traffic in both directions.
3.2.5. Where traffic is increasing rapidly, it is probable that a single-
lane~road may require upgrading to two-lane standards within a short period
even otherwise and this aspect should be borne in mind when deciding the
pavement thickness.

3.3. Subgrade

3.3.1. The subgrade whether in cut or fill should be well compacted to

utilise its full strength and to economise thereby on the overall Ihickness of
pavemenl required. Most specifications prescribe use of selected material and
<< 11
IRC :37.1954

stiffer standards of colnpaction in lhe top 50 cm portion of the roadway

(usually 95-1(X) per cent of lhe Standard Proctor density; sometimes even
higher) and these clauses should he strictly enforced. IRC.’36-1970 “Recom-
mended Practice for the Construction of Earth EmhankmenLs for Road
Works’’ should be followed for guidance.

3.3.2. For design, the subgrade strength is assessed in terms of the CBR
of the suhgrade soil atthe most crittcal moisture condition!’s likely to occur in-

3.3.3. Since the OR test is an ad hoc penetration test, it is necessary

that the standard test procedure should be strictly adhered to.. This is de-
scribed in 15:2720 (Part XVI) “Methods of Test for Soils : Laboratory
Determination of CBR”. The test must always be performed on remoulded
samples of soils in the laboratory. Wherever possible, the test specimens
should he prepared by static compaction but if not so possible dynamic
rne:hod may be used as an alternative. Both procedures are described in brief
in Appendix 1. In-situ tests are not recommended for design purposes as it is
not possible to satisfactorily simulate the critical conditions of dry density
and moisture content in the field,

3 .3.4.. Selection of dry density and moisture content for test sped-
men: For a given soil, the CBR value, and consequently the design, will
depend largely on the density and moisture content of the test sample.
Therefore, the test conditions should reproduce as closely as possible the
weakest conditions likely to occur under the road after construction. For new roads, the samples of soil should be compacted to a

dry density corresponding to the minimum state of compaction likely to be.
achieved in practice having regard to the compaction equipment used and the
compaction limits specified. By and large Proctor density (conforming to
IS:2720 (Part VIl)) could be made use of. In the case of existing roads,
however, the moulding density should correspond to the actual density of the
suhgradc soil as determined in-situ with the help of a sand-jar apparatus ‘n
accordance with procedure laid down in IS : 2720 (Part X.XVIIi). The choice of moisture content of the test specimen is not quite
so simple. The moisture condition of the suhgrade which the test sample is
expected to simulate is governed by local environmental factors such as the
water table, precipitation, soil permeability, drainage conditions and water-
IRC: 37.1984

proofness of the pavement The surfacings provided in India are relatively

thin and permeable which do not always seal the pavenient effectively against
ingress of water. Further, the berms and verges are tsually unsurfaced, and
not kept in well-maintained state to the requisite, cross-fail, which enables the
surface water to readily percolate into the subgrade from near the edges of the
pavement, leading to weak subgrade conditions.

I-fence, it is recommended that as a general practice the design for new

constructions should be based on the strength of the samples prepared at
optimum moisture content and dry density corresponding to Proctor compac-
tion and soaked in water for a period of four days prior to testing. If the
subgrade soil is identified as expansive soil the moulding density and mois-
ture content should be as discussed in Appendix 2.

In the case of existing roads requiring strengthening the soil should be

moulded at the field moisture content and field density and soaked for four
days prior to testing. The field moisture content used for moulding should be
determined preferably immediately after the rainy season. However, in case
it is not found practicable to determinethe field moisture content in the right
season, or there is difficulty in moulding the samples at this moisture content,
specimens for test may be prepared simply at optimum moisture content;
these must of course be. soaked prior to testing.

It is recommended that measurements of field density and moisture

content, in the case of designs for strengthening of existing roads should be,
as far as possible, carried out at a distance of 0.6 to 1 m from the pavement
edge below the pavement.

3,3,4,3, However, it should be realised that soaking for four days may
be an unrealistically severe moisture condition in certain cases. Cases falling
in this category would be:

(i) Subgrades (excluding espansive soils) of roads where a comparatively thick bitumi-
nous turfacing of impernseable** nature is provided on top, such as a well laid and
sealed dense carpet, and where simultaneously (a) water table is too deep to affect the
subgrade adversely (i.e. greaterthaa t m in sandt and 3m in sandy clayt), and (b) well-
<< shaped verges exitt facilitatingquick drainage of the surface water to the side drains
and(or pavement base layer is continued across pan/full width of the verge with the
same objective.
**trrespective oftheir thickness, bitsiminout constructions such as open graded premix,
bituminous macadam, or grouted macadam, having voids content of more than 5 per rent, are not
to b. deemed as impermeable.
mc :37~19S4

(ii) Subgrade in areas (esclssdirsg expanssve soil areas) where the climate s arid through-
out the year, i.e., the annual tsissfaii is of the order ofSO cm csr less and the water table
rs too deep to affect the subgradc adversely.

In the above. .situations it is anticipated that the. most severe moisture

c,:onditon in the field will he far behind that of the sample at the end of four
d.ays soaking, resulting, in unduly c.onservative designs if soaking procedure
was adopteti Hence the procedure of s.oaking for four days could be discarded
in such cases and the specimens tested immediately after compaction at
moisture contents indicated in the next paragraph.

13.4.4. It is recommended that fbr the determination of CBR the soil

specimens of category (i) road should he compacted at optimum moisture
content in the Proctor cotnpaction test. Investigati.oi.s have revealed that
under the circumstances .of thes.e roads the most adverse moisture condition
of t.he soon after withdrawal of the monsoon is in genemi drier than
the optimum moisture content. In a.rid regions the normal road camber and
surface. wate.r drait age measures will usually sufflce to preventany excessive
accumulation of water beneath the pavement. Therefore, it is recommended
that soil specimens for category (ii) roads should be. prepared at natural
moisture content of the soil immediately after recession of the monsoon at
suhgrade depth for finding the CBR value,

3.3.5. l.Jse of test results for design and the minimum number of
tests required

33.5.1. The design should he. base.d on the CBR value of the weakest
soil type expected to be. encounlere.d extensively at subgrade level over a
given section of the road, as revealed by the soil surveys. Pavement thickness
may be modified at intervals on new roads as dictated by the soil changes but
generally it will be found inexpedient to doso more frequently than once or
twice per kilometre. Frequent changes in crust thickness are, a.t any rate, an
undesirable feature on resurfacing prqjeccs because of their possible adverse
effect on the longitudinal profile of the road. Hence, these should be resorted
to only when very necessary in the interest of structural design. it is possible that in certain soil types or under abnormal con-

ditions the measured CBR. values may appear doubtful and not truly represen-
tative of the stre.ngth of soil. A more complete study of the soil may be
warranted in such cases to arrive at a more reliable design.
tRC 37-1984

3.3.53. On new works thc. design evolved shotilil be revised at site if

fotind necessary during the construction phase on account cd’ the field
compaction being lower than that anticipated. Normally this could he got over
by increasing the thickness of the. sub-base. in addition, there should also be
provision for the removal of local areas of soft soil. The reproducibility of the CBR results is dependent on a
number of factors and wide variations in values can be expected. Therefore,
in order to avoid errors, at least three samples should be lesied on each type
of soil at the same density and moisture content. This will enable a reliable
average value to be obtained in most cases. To weed out erratic results,
iermissihle maximum variation within the ClIP values from three specimens
is indicated below:
Cfl (per cent) ~
Upto 10 3
Above 10 to 30 5
Above 30 to 60 10
Above 60 Not significant
Where variation is more than the above, the design CBR should be the
average, of test results from at least six samples and not three.


The thickness deduced from Fig. 1 or Fig. 3 is the total physical

thickness to be provided and consists of granular sub-base, granular base and
bituminous surfacing. Apractical design of this thickness can lx~dctived from
the thickness Combination Block given in Fig. 2 which specifies the mini-
mum thickness of individual pavement layers in terms of the cumulative
number of standard axles to be carried. Examples illustrating the design
method are given in paragraph 7.

In stage construction, the thickness of sub-base should be provided to

ultimate pavement section for the full design life and the thickness of road
base should be based on the initial stage period chosen. The sub-base and base
are placed and covered with a thin bituminous surfacing (20 mm premix..
carpet) without any underlying layer of bituminou.s hinder course. Extra
pavement thickness is added when the first stage design traffic has been
c.arried. Example 2 given in paragraph 7 illustrates the design procedure for
<< stage construction.
tRC :37.1984

4.!. Sub-base

4.1.1. Sub-base materials comprise natural sand, moorum, gravel,

laterite, kankar, brick metal, crushed stone, crushed slag or combinations
thereof or any other material like stabilised soil which remains stable under
saturated conditions. Ministry of Surface Transport Specifications for
granular sub-base materials (Clause 401) recommend three gradings and
specify that the materials passing 425 micron sieve when tested in accordance
with 15:2720 (Pail V) should have liquid limit and plasticity index ofnot more
than 25 and 6 respectively. These requirements should be enforced.

The sub-base material should have minimum CBR of 20 per cent for
cumulative traffic upto 2 million standard axles (msa) and 30 per cent for
traffic exceeding 2 msa, However, where the sub-base required is 300 mm
thick or more a part of this may be substituted in the lower portion by mate-
rial with a minimum CBR of 10 per cent subject to a minimum layer thickness
of 150 mm of either material,

For very low trafficked rural roads the CBR requirement may be
relaxed to 15 per cent.

The material should be tested at the dry density and moisture content
expected in the field. Where soaking conditions apply for design, the
minimum strength of the sub-base material should be determined after
soaking the test specimen in water for four days. Where the proposed sub-base
material contains an appreciable amount of particles coarser than 20 mm, its
suitability can be esti.mated from past experience or by conducting the CBR
test on the fraction of material passing 20mm sieve in accordance with Clause
401.2.2. of the MOST Specification.

4.1.2. Where provision ofa sub-base is found necessary, the thickness

should not be less than 100 mm for cumulative traffic upto 0.5 msa and 150
mm for traffic exceeding 0.5 msa

4.1.3. Where the CBR of the subgrade is less than 2 per cent a capping
layer of 150 mm thickness of material with a minimum CBR of 10 per cent
is to be provided in addition to the sub-base required for CBR of 2 per cent.
4.1.4. If the CBR of the subgrade is more than the minimum require-
ment for the sub-base., no sub-base is required.
tRC: 37-1984
4,1,5, In areas affected by frost, care should be taken to avoid using

frost susceptible materials in the sub-base,

4.2.. Base

4.2.1. Thicknesses deduced from the design charts are appropriate to

avenlents with unbound granular bases which comprise conventional water
.eund macadam, wet mix macadam and any other equivalent granular

4.2.2. Base materials must be of good quality so as to withstand high

stress concentrations which develop immediately under the wearing surface.
For this reason it is recommended that normally no material with CI3R value
less than 100 per cent should be used in base construction. Since bases will be
affected by water their strength should be determined on soaked specimens.
Where a substantial part of the proposed base material consists of particles
larger than 20 mm size, the CBR test will not be applicable and their strength
wifl have to be estimated from experience. Standard conventional construc-
tions of adequate thickness over a properly designed sub-base will be
assumed to satisfy the CBR requirements of 100 per cent.

4.2.3. The recommended minimum thickness of granular road-base in

terms of cumulative numbers of standard axle to be carried is given in Fig. 2.
A minimum of 15 cm thick mad-base is considered necessary even for lightly
trafficked roads.

4.2,4. When a bitumen bound structural layer is provided in addition

to the minimum bituminous surfacings specified in Fig. 2, a reduction in the
pavement thickness from that deduced from Fig. 1 or Fig. 3 may be
penn issible. It is recommended that pending further experience an equiva-
lency factor of 1.5 for bituminous macadam and 2 for dense bituminous
macadam might be utiuised in design to equate the thickness of the bitumen
bound-layer (provided. in addition to the minimum bituminous surfacing
shown in Fig. 2) to that of conventional water bound macadam construction.
Built-up spray grout to the MOST Specification, will however, be regarded
as equivalent to conventional granular construction.
It is emphasised that the above equivalency factors are only a sugges-
tion which has to be corroborated and modified in the light of further study
and future field performance.
IRC 371984

42.5. When semi-rigid materials such as lean cement concrete, lean

cement-flyash concrete are used in flexible constnic lions, this method of
design is not strictly applicable. However, in the absence of an established
procedure for the design of composite structures, the thickness of lean cement
concrete-base/sub-base may be designed for the present s~ ith this methed
using an equivalency factor of 15. The thickness of the serni’rigid layer so
obtaIned shall be checked for adequacy by calculating us ultimate load
carrying capacity using Meyerhofequations as per the procedure described in
FRC:74- 1979 ‘Tentative Guidelines for IRan Cement Concrete and Lea.n
Cemcnt~FlyashConcrete as a Pavement Base or Sub-base.

42& For roads carrying light to medium traffic soil-cement bases

(having an average, crushing strength of 20 kg/cm2 at 7 days age) ma) he used
when suitable granular material is not available or where the use of soil-
cement is more economical and convenient,

4.3. Bituminous Surfacings

4,3,1. The surfacing consists of a wearing course or a binder coursc

plus a wearing course depending up.n the traffic to be carried, The most
common ty used wearing courses comprise surface dressing, op.. n-graded
premix carpet, mix seal surfacing, semi-dense carpet and a.sphaltic concrete.
For binder courses the MOST Specification prescribes bituminous
macadam constructions of 50 mm and 75 mm thickness, The mix has low
binder content and high voids and is thus not impervious to water, Furthe.r the
effect of high voids is reduced stiffness and increased stress concentrations.
From fatigue considerations the detrimental effect of voids is more. apparent
at low temperatures. On the other hand during prolonged hot spells the aver-
age pavement temperatures are very high and consequently such a mix will
operate over a very low stiffness range. Hence, the use of bituminous
macadam binder courses to the MOST Specification may desirably be
restricted to roads designed to carry upto 5 msa. Dense bituminous macadam
binder courses are recommended for roads designedto carry more than S msa.
A properly designed dense bituminous macadam mix or a ‘recipe mix’ may
he adopted.

4.12. Recommended surfacing materials and thickness in terms of the

cumulative standard axles to be carried during the design life are given in

Fig. 2. The suggested surfacingsare a desirable minimum from functional and

structural requirements and should not be assigned higher equivalency in
relation to other component layers in proportioning the overall structural
thickness of the pavement.

4.3.3. Choice of appropriate type of bituminous wearing course for

flexible pavements becomes necessary in several cases such as new pave-
ments, renewal and pavement rehabilitation. The type of wearing course will
depend on several factors like design traffic over the service life, the type of
bas~’bindercourse provided, the fact whether the pavement is to be built up
in stages, rainfall and other related factors. The recommended type and
thickness of wearing course under different situations are indicated in Table
3. Structural section underFig. 2 may be read in conjunction with this table.
These have been developed from present knowledge and may be modified
if the environmental conditions and experience so justify.

4.3A. For heavy snow precipitation areas where snow clearance

operations may be mechanised, as well at locations like bus-stops and
roundabouts consideration ought to be given to the provision of dense asph-
altic concrete in single or multiple courses, so as to render the surface more
stable and waterproof.

4,3.5. As a rule the laying of a permanent wearing surface should not

be delayed if close control over materials and methods of construction has
been exercised. But when a pavement is being built in stages, or when close
control during construction is not possible, a temporary surfacing such as
single coat surface dressing might be provided at the outset so as to allow
further consolidation of the underlying structure to take place under traffic
and defective areas to show up which could be rectified at the time of final
surfacing, which should follow as soon as possible. In traffic shall be
allowed on the bituminous macadam binder course directly.

43.6. When the wearing surface consists of thin surface dressing or

open-graded premix carpet of upto 2.5 cm thickness, the thickness of
surfacing should not be counted towards the total thickness of the pavement
as the surfacing will then be purely for wearing and will not be adding to
structural capacity of the pavement.

IRC 37-1984



5, Type of base/binder Type of Bituminous Annual rainfall 1~sign Correspo-

No, course (top layer wearing course Low (L) less traffic for nding**
with adequate than 1500 mm; service life traffic in
pavement thickness Medium (M) ofthe terms of
for the cumulative 15(10-3000 mm pavement commercial
standard axles (CSA) and High (H) ((5A in vehicles!
shown in Cot. 5.) more than millions) day
31100 mm.

1 2 3 4 5 6

1, Granular base (i) Two coat surface LandM 0.50 540

including water dressing
hound macadam/wet (ii) 20mm premix L,MandH 510.0 5800
mists macadam carpet (P.C.)
plus liquid
seal coat
(iii) 20mm PC. plus LandM l0.0 800
sand seal coat
(iv) Mix seal surfacing L,M and H 510.0 800
(20 mm) Type ‘A’
or ‘B’.

2. luihup spray grout (i) 20mm P.C. plus MandH l0.0 800
(BUSG) Base liquid seal coat
(ii) 20mm P.C. plus LandM 10,0 5800
sand seal coat
(iii) Mix seal surfacing L,MandH 510.0 800
or ‘B’

3. Bitumen Penetration Same as at

Macadam Base SI. No.2 above,

4. Cmshed Cement Same as at

Concrete Base SI. No. 2 above.
5. Bituminous Macadam (i) Semi dense
base/binder course bituminous concrete
(Seani dense carpet)
(a) 25 mm
(1,) 40mm
(ii) 20mm Premix L,MandH 15.0 1200
carpet with liquid
seal coat
(iii) Mix seal surfacing
(20mm) Type ‘A’
<< or ‘B’
[RC: 37-1984

6. Dense Bituminous Bituminous concrete

Macadam (DBM) (Asphalt Concrete)

(i) 25mm )L,MandH ~15.0 51200


~‘~‘ From the design traffic in CSA in Cot, 5, the present traffic in terms of commercial
vehicles/day in Col,6 has been calculated for the case of 2-Lane road, design Life 10
years, construction period 2 years, VDF = 2.5, growth rate = 7$ per cent, and lane
distribution=75 per cent

In applying the recommendations contained in the Table, ‘the following points should be
specially kept In view:

(I) The pavement should be structurally adequate and stable for the design traffic.

(ii) As a general nale, the pavement should be designed for a service life ofat least10
years. in cases where a pavement Is decided to be developed in stagea, the iiurfaclng
should correspond to that for the design stage.

(ill) As far as possible, wearing course amenable to laying with paver-finisher should be
adopted over paver-finished base/binder course.

(iv) Expensive surfacings like bituminous concrete should not be provided dIrectly over
granular bases or built-up spray grout/penetration macadam.

(v) Built-up spray grout, w1~ereprovided, should not be in more than one 1ayer~

(vi) The renewal wearing course should be related to the design traffic and should be of
the type not inferior to that of the existing one.

(vii) The design traffic should be in tarsus of cumulativestandard axles (CSA) over the
service life calculated in accordance with the method given Ira [FtC : 37-1984.


IRC :37-1984


5.1. The performance of a pavement can be seriously affected if

adequate drainage measures to prevent accumulation of moisture in the
paverent structure are not taken. Some ofthe measures to guard against peer
drainage conditions are: maintenance of transverse section in good shaje to
reasonable crosslail so as to facilitate quick run-off of surface water~anti
provision of appropriate surface and sub- surface drains where necessary.
Drainage measures are especially important when the road is in cutting or
butht on low permeability soils or situated in a heavy rainfall/snow precipi ia-
lion area.

5.2. On new roads the aim should be. to construct the pavement as far
above, the water table. as economically practicable. The difference be vee.n
the fOrmation level and the level of water table/high flood level should,
however., not be less than 0.6.1 m. In water logged areas9wherethe suhgrade is
wi thin the zone of capillary saturation, consideration should be given to the
nstaliatton of suitable capillary cutoffs** at appropriate level underneath the...

5.1 When the traditional granular construction is provided on a.

relatively low pc.rmeability subgrade, the granular sub-base should ix. cx-
tende.d over the entire formation width (Fig. 4) in order to drain the pavement
structural section. Care should be exercised to ensure that ils exposed end.s do
not get covered by the embank~.ment soil. The trench type section should not
be adopted in any case as it would lead to the entrapment of water in the
pavement structure~.

Drainage of the pavement structural section can be greatly improved

by providing a high p.rmeabiliiy drainage layer (open graded material) which be substituted on a centimetre for centimetre basis for the granular sub-

Aggregates meeting the following criteria are regarded as very good

<< materials:
D2)2,5 mm
[RC::341970 “Reccmmendations for Road Constriction in Waterloggrd Arear’~

IRC :37-1984

means the size of the sieve that allows 85 per cent by weight of the
material to pass through it. Similar is the meaning OfDai and D2

The drainage layer when placed on soft erodibie soils should be

underlain by a layer of filter material to prevent the intrusion of soil fines into
the drainage layer (Fig. 4).

5.4. \Vhere large inflows are to be taken care of, an adequately

designed sub-surface drainage syste.m consisting of an open graded drainage
layer with collector and outlet pipes should be provided. The system should
be designed on .a. rational basis using seepage principles to estimate the inflow
quantities and the..: outflow conductivity of the drainage system. It should be
ensure.d that the outflow capabilities aithe system areat least equal to the total
inflow so that no free. water ac.cumulate.s in the pavement structural section.
Sub-surface drains should conform to the requirements prescribed in Clause
309.1 of the MOST Specification for Road and Bridge Works.

.5 5. Drainage of existing pavement of ‘Trench type’ stxtion on low

permeability sub-grades can be. improved by providing a continuous drainage
layer of 10-15 cm thickness under the shoulders at the suhgrade level or by
providing a combination of longitudinal and lateral drains, the latter spaced
at.5 to 6 tm intervals. The drains are cut through the shoulders upto the
subgrade level and hackfilled with coarse drainage material.

5.6. Very often, water enters the base, sub-base or the sub-grade at the
junction of the verges and the bituminous surfacing.. To counteract the
harm ful effects of this water, it is recommended that the shoulders should be
well-shaped and, if possible, constructed of impermeable material.. With the.
same intent it is suggested that as far as practicable, and in any case. on major
through roads, the base should be constructed 30-45 cm wider than the
reiuired bituminous surfacing so that. the run-off water disperses harmlessly
well clear off the main carriageway.

.5.7. Shoulders should be accorded special attention during subsequent

ma.tenance operations too. They should be dressedperiodically so that they
always conform to the requisite crossfal.i and are not higher than the level .of
the carriageway at any time.

IRC :37-1984






t.AYtR ~ ~J~SASE I WNt~~,OUI~O I





Fig 4. Dratnage of pavements on impermeable subgrades
~Not to scale)


tRC : 37-1984


6.1. In areas susceptible to frost action, the design will have to be

related to actual depth of penetration and severity of the frost. At the suhgrade
level, fine grainedclayey and silty scils are more susceptible to ice formation,
hut freezing conditions could also develop within the pavement structure if
water had a chance of ingress from above.

6.2. One remedy against frost attack is to increase the depth of

construction to correspond to the depth of frost penetration, but this may not
always be economically practicable. As a general rule, it would be inadvis-
able to povide total thickness less than 45 cm even when the CBR value of
the subgrade warranteda smaller thickness. In addition the materials used for
building up the crust should be frost resistant.

6.3. Another precaution against frostattack is that water should not be

allowed to collect at the subgrade level which may happen on account of
infiltration through the pavement surface or verges or due to capillary rise
from a high water table, Whereas capillary rise can be prevented by subsoil
drainage measure.s and cutoffs, infiltering water can be checked only by
providing a suitable wearing surface.


Example I.. Design or pavement for the ttslI design life that Is without consldertng stage

(i) Two lane single carriageway
(ii) Initial traffic in the year of = 1000 CV/day
completion of construction Sum of both directions
(iii) Growth rate per annum = 7.5 per cent
(iv)Design life = t5yeara
(v) Vehicle damage factor = 2.5 (standard axles
per commercial vehicle)
(vi) Design CBR of subgrade soil = 4percern

Dt.sIcN C&.cutsnoNs
(i) tnitial traffic in design lane
Initial traffic a Distribution = 1000 a 0.75
<< factor as per pera = 750 CV/day

IRC i7~1984

(b~ calcolsecumulative number

of standard axles to be catered = 18 msa
for in the design
(Equation given in para 3 3.1.)

(iii) Total pavement thickness for

CBRr=4percent, = 680mm
Traffic = 18 maa (Fig.l)
(iv) Pavement Composition:
From Fig.. 2, Thickness Combination Block
(a) Bituminous surfacing : 130mm
consisting of 40mm AC wearing course +

90mm DBM binder course

(b) Road base : 250mm WBM
(c) Su&base : 300mm granular material of CBR not lest than 30
per cent in the top 150mm portion and of CBR not
less than 10 per cent in the lower portion (pars.

Example: 2: : Design ofpavement providing for stage construction


(i) Data as for Example I

(ñ) I>.sign the pavement for an initial stage period of 5 years and rpecify the strengthening
layer to be added after the initial stage traffic has been carried.


(i) initial uaffic itt design = 750 CV/day

lane (Example 1)
(ii) Cumulative number of = 18 msa
standard axles to be carried
over the design life of 15
years (Example 1)

(iii) Calculate cumulative number

of standard asks to be carried
over the initial stage period of
5 years (Equation givr’n in pans 3.2.2.) = 4 msa
ERC :37-1984

(iv) Total thickness for 15 years = 680mm

life (Example 1)
(v) Sub-base thickness for the
worked out in Example 1) = 300mm

(vi) Design thickness for

S years life, CBR= 4 per cent,
Traific = 4 msa (Fig, I) = 550mm

(vii) Pavement composition for

the initial stage period of
5 years:
(a) Bituminous surfacing = 20 mm PC wearing c.ossrse

(b) Road base (ror 4 rosa from Fig. 2) = 2SOmmWBM

(c) Sub-base (Provide thickness = 300mm granular material of CBR
required for the full design not tess than 30 per cent in the top
life of IS years, 150mm portion and ofCBR not
pars 4) less than 10% us the lower portion

Total: 550 mm
Check with respect to the = O.K.
total thickne~sas per step (vi)
(viii) Extra thickness to be added = 4OmmAC
after the initial stage traffic 90mm DBM
has been carried. Ultimate 130mm
thickness required-thickness
provided initiatly=680.550= l3thnm.
‘l’he existing surface should be
rectified to permissible
tolerance prior to laying of
the strengthening course

E.xansple3: Design or strengthening measures


On thebasis ofthe assessmentofthe existing condition ofa certain NH section, a decisionhas

been taken to strengthen it. Design a suitable overlay to carty 10 msa in the neat five years after
construction. The existing pavement is of 380 mm granular thickness with thin bituminous
surfacing. Subgrade CBR is 5 per cent
1RC :37.1984


(i) Deduce life of existing structure = 0.Smaa

as a new asement
From thickness design curve for CR
S per cent in Fig. 1 read life (rosa)
corresponding to 380 mm thickness
(ii) Future traffic to be carried = lOmsa
(iii) Design traffic fur determining
overall thickness (i) + (ii) = 10.5 rosa
(iv) 1~os.alpavement thickness for
C13R = 5 percent = 560mm
Traffic = IC. 5 rosa (Fig. 1)
(v) Overlay thickness required
(Total design thickness-
liaitting-thiekness) = 180mm
(vi) Overlay composition = 25mmAC
Providing surfacing +80mm DBM
corresponding to 10 rosa, Fig. 2 + 75 mmWBM
Total: 180mm

IRC :37-1984

Appendir I



1. Wherever possible, the test specimens should be prepared by static

compaction, but if not possible, dynamic method may be used as an alterna-


2. The weight of wet soil at the required moisture content 10 give the
intended density when occupying the standard test mould is calculated as

Volume of mould = 2209 cc

Weight of dry soil = 2209 d gm
Weight of wet soil = 100+ m ~2209 d gm

Where d = required dry density in gm/ce

m = required moisture content (per cent)

3. The soil is broken into lttmps, any stones larger than 20 mm being
discarded. S ufficient quantity of the soil is mixed with water to give the
required moisture content. The correct weight of wet soil is placed in the
niould. Alier initial tamping with a steel rod, a filter paper is placed on top of
the soil, followed by (he 5 cm displacer disc, and the specimen cornpn:~ssed
in the compression machine unlil the 101) of the displacer is flush with the top
of the. collar, The load is’ held for about 30 seconds and then released. In some
soil types where a certain amount of rebound occurs it may he necessary to re~
apply load to force the displacer slightly below the top of the moLl,ld so
that on rebound the rtght volume is obtained.


4. ‘The soil ismi~ed with water to give the reqtiired tnoisturc content,
and then compacted into the mould in 3 layers a standard soil rammer.
~to m onp tc lion thi sotl is trimmed Ilttsh wtttt the top ol thc rnoaltl with thi
IRC :37’t984

help of a metal straight edge. The mould is weighed full and empty to enable
determination of wetbulk density, and from it, knowing the moisture content,
the dry density to be calculated.

5. Farther specimens, at the same moisture content, are then prepared

to different dry densities by varying the number ofblows applied to each layer
‘of soil so that the amount of compaction that will [‘illthe mould uniformly
with calculated weight of wet soil (vide para 2 above) is known.

Appendix 2



Potentially expansive soils such as black cotton soils are mont-

,ntorillonite clays and are characterised by their extreme hardness and deep
cracks when dry and with tendency for heaving during the process of wetting.
Roadbcds made up of such soils when subjected to changes in moisture con-
tents due to seasonal wetting and drying or due to any other reason undergo
volumetric changes leading to pavement distortion, cracking and general
unevenness. In semi-arid climatic conditions with pronounced short wet and
long dry periods, significant fluctuations in the subgrade moisture conditions
occur which aggravate the problem of swelling and shrinkage. Due recogni-
tion of these problems at the design stage itself is required so that counter
measures could be devised and incorporated in the pavement structure. A
proper design incorporating the following measures may considerably mini-
mise the problems associated with expansive soils:


The amount of volume change that occurs when an expansive soil road
bed is exposed to additonal moisture depends on the following:
(a) the dry density of the compacted soil
(Li) the moisture content
(c) structure of soil and method of compaction

Expansive soils swell very little when compacted at low densities and
high moisture but swell greatly when compacted at high densities and low
moisture. Hence, where the probability of moisture variation in the subgrade
is high, it is expedient to compact the soil slightly wet of the field optimum
moisture content determined on the basis of a field trial, Experierce shows
that generally it is not practicable to compact expansive soils at OMC
determined by LaboratoryProctor Test It is, therefore, necessary to study its
field moisttire-density relationship through compacting the soil at different
moisture contents and under the same number of roller passes. A minimum
density corresponding to 95 per cent of the standard proctor density should
be attained in the field,
IRC 37-t984


The pavement thickness should be based on a 4-dat soaked CER

value of the soil remoulded at placement density and moisture content
ascertained from the field compaction curve.


There is a definite gain in placing the pavement on a non-expansive

cohesive soil cushion of 0.6-1,0 m thickness~,It prevents ingress of water in
the underlying expansive soil layer, eounteracts swelling and secondly even
if the underlying expansive soil heaves, the movement will be more uniform
and consequently more tolerable, However, where provision of non-expan-
sive buffer layer is not economically feasible, a blanket course of suitable
material and thickness as discussed in para 3 below must be provided.


A blanket course of atleast 225 mm thickness and composed of eoarse/

medium sand or non-plastic moorum having P1 less than 5 should be provided
on the expansive soil subgrade as a sub-base to serve as an effective intrusion
barrier. The blanket course should extend over the entire formation width,

Alternatively, lime-stabilised black cotton sub-base extending over

the entire formation width may be provided together with measures fbr
efficient drainage of the pavement section.


Improvement of drainage can significantly reduce ‘the magnitude of

seasonal heaves, Special attention should, therefore, be given to provision of
good drainage measures as also discussed under Section 5 (Drainage Meas-
ures). The desirable requirements are:
(a) Provision must be made for the lateral drainage of the pavement
structuntl section, The granular subbase/base should accordingly
be extended across the shoulders, refer to pam 5.3 of Section 5
(Drainage Measures).
(b)Normal camber of 1:40 for the black top surface and a cross slope
1RC: 37-1984

of 1:20 for the berms should be provided to shed off surface run-off
(c) No standing water should be allowed on either side of the road em-
(d) A minimum height of I m between the subgrade level and the
highest water level should be ensured.


Desirably 40 mm thick bituminous surfacing should be provided to

prevent ingress of water through surface.


Shoulders should be made up of impervious material so as not to allow

water to permeate into the body of the pavemenL Lime stabilised black cotton
soil shoulder of 15-20 cm thickness may serve the purpose economically.


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