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Lying and Telling the Truth

1. Do you ever tell lies? Generally speaking, do you regard yourself as an honest person?
2. Why do people lie about the following things?

Money | their age | their feelings | being ill

3. If you had a casual affair with somebody, would you tell your partner?
4. Is it easy to spot, if somebody is lying? What clues does the liar give?
5. Do you lie “well”? Are you convincing when you tell untruths?
6. Have you ever known anyone who is a compulsive liar?
7. Is “being economical with the truth” the same as lying?
8. Do you think lying is ever justified? Is it always immoral to lie?
9. Adults very often tell lies to children. Can you think of any examples? Should we lie to
10. What do you know about the stories “Pinocchio” and “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”?
11. “Liars need to have good memories”. Do you agree? Why?
12. Who are better at lying, men or women? Who are better at detecting lies?
13. “Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a person of some sense to know how to lie well”.
Do you agree?
14. “If a politician lies, he/she should resign immediately!” Do you agree?
15. “Doctors should always tell the truth to their patients!” Do you agree?
16. Can you remember an occasion when you told a deliberate lie? Was it very serious? Did you
lie for your own benefit or for someone else’s? Did anyone find out about the lie?
17. Here are some reasons for lying. Which ones are the most and least serious?Do you ever lie
for these reasons?

Lying for fun

Lying to get yourself out of trouble
Lying to get somebody else out of trouble
Lying to impress other people
Lying to prevent hurting someone’s feelings

18. Did you ever make up stories when you were a child?
19. What is a white lie? Why do people tell white lies?
20. Are compliments normally lies?

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