How To Build Great Chest Muscles

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The chest muscles are probably one of the most favorite muscles to workout.

Guys like to work

out their chest muscle because it makes them look bigger. Now if done incorrectly you can
completely damage your chest and limit your muscle growth.

Here is a quick chest training tip for building big chest muscles (pecs)...

Here are the necessary steps to complete this correctly

1. You are going to be using the bench press exercise so make sure that you have a friend there
to spot you and help you out if needed. It is super important to have a spotter because if you
don't, you might end up injuring yourself.

2. Choose a weight that you can do for about 12 reps before hitting failure but load up the bar
with 10lb and 25lb weights so that you can quickly take off 50% of what you have loaded on
each side.

3. Now go ahead and do a regular set of 8-12 reps of bench press. Make sure that you focus on
perfect form because perfect form is a major factor in growing your chest muscles to your
desired size.

4. As soon as you complete the 8-12 reps, jump up and take off 50% off each side. (Leave your
ego at the door and don't worry about looking weak to the other people at the gym)

5. With no rest, grab the bar with a wide grip (up to 12 inches past your shoulders) and start
knocking the reps until your reach failure. The reason you do a wide grip bench press this time is
because the goal is to try to ignore the pain in your burning tricep so that way you can focus on
your chest.

6. Finally, as soon as you hit failure on this second set and rack the weight, with no rest, grab a
dumbbell (just about 30-50lbs will do nicely) and do a set of Dumbbell Pullovers, keeping your
arms very straight (to take your triceps out of the movement even more) and feel a good stretch
in your chest at the bottom.

This will allow you to really burn out your Type 1 muscle fibers for a serious Growth Hormone
(GH) response and a massive pump!

Once you hit failure give yourself 2-3 minutes to rest and then do the whole super set one more
time. You'll definitely be feeling it the next day!

Hi my name is Eddys Velasquez and Thanks For Reading My Article!:)

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