Goolie Loach

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Goolie Loach


Acanthophthalmus kuhli

Goolie Loach

Lenght:11cm (4.5")

Diet: carnivorous

Compatibility: community tank peaceful loach

Distribution: S E Asia

The Goolie Loach is a nice addition to a community tank. The name Acanthophthalmus means
thorn or prickle-eye, after a spine beneath each eye.

The Goolie Loaches is extremely hard to catch.

The Goolie Loach's habitats are the streams in Java, Burma, Sumatra and Thailand. This fish has a
worm like body and is a beautiful gold colour with a pinkish ventral surface. It has black bands
vertically crossing its body, but they do not encircle the goolie loach.

On the Goolie Loach the small eye is hidden by just one of the black bands, which are mostly split
by a very thin yellowish line.

If you get the Goolie Loach in the right light you can actually see the backbone and the organs.

The Goolie Loach will stay at the lower level of the tank usually, and is quite shy. For food put live
bloodworms (see recommended supplies) towards the open areas of the tropical tank and the Goolie
Loach may come out for while to snack.

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