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I. Àc   ! !c". Field trip forms are due to Ms. Davis
II.  # $# % at September 30th meeting. You must pay dues to vote or run.
a. Êpplications are due by &c^^^^ No recommendations from Davis or Mena.
III. c'%MUST be paid by Wednesday, September 30th. See Ms. Davis before or pay at
a. If you do not pay dues, you cannot participate any DECÊ events or field trips.
b. If you cannot afford dues because of any circumstance please see Ms. Davis.

The first 20 people to pay dues gets a free DECÊ bag^^^

IV. c () is October 11th -15th
a. Members only events: free pizza party, DECÊ ÊOHT spirit day,
b. Please send other suggestions to Mrs. Davis (room 3306)
V. # $ on September 17th in the teacher͛s lounge in the cafeteria at
a. Camp Kulaqua - $150 (transportation, room, food included)
b. !!! *c if you are interested in going on this out of town trip.
VI.  '+,#- '%$+% %....... $5 for bus
a. The Êmerican Cancer Society 10th Ênnual Strides Êgainst Breast Cancer Walk
b. Saturday, October 2nd at 9:00am at Bayfront Park
VII. DECÊ day at the ÊÊÊ to see the  -  on November 2nd ʹ
a. $25 includes backstage tour and ticket to Heat game
b. Please pay by Friday, spaces are LIMITED^^^^^^^^^^^
VIII. Want a DECÊ !./ Last day to place your order is October 11th^
a. $12




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