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Experiencing God In The Church

Fellowship In The Body

Pastor John Isaacs
Presented at Kingsway Community Church on August 22, 2010

“The Body” Metaphor Revels (1 Cor. 12:12-13)

1. Jesus is the Head
2. We are joined to each other
My Notes:
3. Every member is valuable ______________________________________
4. Every members is supernaturally gifted ______________________________________
5. Every member has a function to serve
6. Every member is empowered by the Holy Spirit ______________________________________
7. God is glorified ______________________________________

As Members of “The Body” We Experience 3 Things ______________________________________

1. ___________________ ______________________________________
2. ___________________
3. ___________________
Fellowship Defined ______________________________________
Being together, companionship, partnership, association, joint
interest. ______________________________________
Biblical Fellowship: Koinonia
In classical Greek, koinonia meant to be joined in partnership or ______________________________________
an association. ______________________________________

Biblical Fellowship is 3 things: (1 Corinthians 1:9-10, ______________________________________

Philemon 1:4-7) ______________________________________
1. ________________ because we share, with each other, ______________________________________
a common ground or experience.
2. ________________ because we are sharing with others
what we ourselves have. ______________________________________
3. ________________ because we are sharing in what ______________________________________
others have.
Koinonia is only possible with others who are in Christ. ______________________________________
1. Begins with a ________________ relationship.
(1 John 1:5-6, 1 Corinthians 10:16,
2 Corinthians 13:14) ______________________________________
2. Results in ________________ relationships. ______________________________________
(1 John 5-7)
Koinonia is impossible with others who are separated from ______________________________________
God. ______________________________________
1. _______________ (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)
2. _______________ (1 Corinthians 5:9-13) ______________________________________
3. _______________ (Romans 16:17) ______________________________________
Is a relationship of active participation with other Christ followers ______________________________________
that involves an attitude of generously sharing all that we are
and all that we have.

This Greek word koinonia is difficult to translate.

"Fellowship" means, for many, simply the enjoyment of the

company of other Christians: "sharing” usually implies mutual
giving and receiving of material things; "interchange" itself,
useful for highlighting the way koinonia functions, seems a bit
mechanical. The idea we need to grasp - the theme that
dominates the letter - is that, in Christ, Christians not only
belong to one another but actually become mutually identified,
truly rejoicing with the happy and genuinely weeping with the
sad ...

Koinonia is part of the truth about the body of Christ. All are
bound together in a mutual bond that makes our much-prized
individualism look shallow and petty. This fundamental meaning
of koinonia best explains its other uses, particularly that of
"generosity" or "almsgiving"...

Christians give to one another because they belong to one


N T Wright, Colossians and Philemon, IVP/Tyndale New Testament


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