Be A Wise Virgin!

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"Its all in your assumptions."




One of the greatest revelations that I have received in more than 3 decades saved, is that "we can't
advance beyond our assumptions." An assumption is a thought or idea that we simply assume to
be true or valid simply because we have been conditioned or "habituated" to believe it to be so. If
we base our entire spiritual life on even ONE assumption that is in error, everything else will
eventually crumble and tumble as we stumble.

One assumption I believe will stand the test of time. If this is the age of Laodicea, "the last church
age," then we can safely ASSUME that everyone of us,---there are no exceptions---has been
targeted by religious demons for a major deception. In other words, it is wise to expect spiritual
blindness to be rampant. Satan's is not only the father of "out and out" lies, but he is also the
instigator of half truths and assumptions. I know from personal experience that his greatest trick is
to "attack and disavow himself."
SORRY! A kind of "counter espionage", this clever strategy is a demonic trick akin to how the spy brings
back information about the enemy, for the hidden purpose of deceiving the very one he has
manipulated with the info. So in an effort to win our confidence by attacking himself, the devil's
hidden intent is to cause us to "assume" that those whom the enemy is REALLY working for are
In this issue: "on our side." With assumptions and a half truths, religious demons have been able to maintain a
vital continuum of power and control, sometimes as intricate as a spider's web, practically
impossible to unravel.
A FOOL! Fools rush into snares and pits from which they need to be set free because religious demons
used their assumptions to create the most believable traps. Yet the best part of the trap is that the
fools have been convinced by the enemy that the trap is A GOOD THING, sent from God for their
THE POWER OF THE "spiritual growth".
CROSS Pride is what keeps a spiritual fool in a deceived, "I've fallen and I can't get up" condition.
So please don't allow either your pride or your vanity to cause you to be offended or insulted.
RECOMMENDED AUTHOR: Take it from someone who has "been there and done that." Many of us who are now wise, were
Watchman Nee once fools, so don't feel too bad if you are still "A FOOL." Your wisdom is close at hand if you will
simply "hold on."


Contact Me! If you are among the elect of God, the bible tells you that you are "few" and you SHOULD be on
the narrow way. If you find that you are on the broad way, "turn back around." Its not God.

No one has come along in Christiandom in more than 20 centuries Who has fed the multitudes
with a few loaves and fishes, Who has walked on water, and even turned water into wine, yet
when Jesus Christ found Himself pinned to that cross, He was on the narrow path, looking down at
only one of His apostles----John, the author of the book of Revelation.
CALENDAR Another assumption that I believe we can safely make is that "we are living in the last church age
of Laodicea." A review of church history pinpoints that the church at Laodicea began about a
SUNDAY SEPT 19 9PM EST century ago, so the enemy has had a significant head start on wide-scale deception for more than
FALL TELEPHONE 100 years. So to be an overcomer at the end of the age of Laodicea, YOU MUST BE WISE AS A
SEMINARS SERPENT. To be wise is to be prepared for what I call the 5 T's: temptation, trial, tribulation,
trouble and testing.
For summary of seminar
content and to register, Wise virgins in Laodicea have "oil in their lamps." The oil they have is "the wisdom of the Holy
click here Ghost. It is the job of the Holy Ghost not to cause us to be "drunk in the spirit" as Charismatics
teach, but actually "to be sober." Spiritual sobriety is to take demonic influences seriously and
A COUNSELING SESSION. realistically, without exaggerating or under-estimating their power.
click here Unfortunately, the biggest assumption that most believers make is that "God will not allow them to
be deceived." Take it from a former fool who knows. This is a false assumption. Those who
IF YOU ARE A READER, truly know how to divide the word of God realize the real importance of prayer in the Holy Ghost,
CHECK OUT MY BOOKS and I don't mean "praying in tongues." Though well meaning but decidedly wrong, Charismatics
click here emphasize tongues as a sign of the Holy Ghost. Such an assumption put bullets in the enemy's

Demons are skilled at "imitating the Holy Ghost with an outward sign. However, the true sign of the
Keep in Touch: Holy Ghost is WISDOM. For you see, Beloved, the spirit of strong delusion has already been
Send emails to released by God and only those who know how to watch and pray shall escape what is to come. We shall escape, not by speaking in tongues, but by the wisdom of the Holy Ghost.
or call 518-477-5759

Note: Just in case you are interested, if you want to read how a former fool became wise, you need
in your library, "Come Out of Her, God's People." To preview and then purchase if you so choose,
click the its title link.


The worst assumption that any believer can make is that God sees as the world sees. In fact,
man's point of view regarding success is of no consequence to God. He simply does not use the
world's yardstick. Take Sampson for example. He lived a very lustful, ambitious, foolish life, yet he
made up for it in the end. Physically blind and standing between two strong columns in a stadium
of thousands, the walls came tumbling down on the assembled Philistines and in God's eyes,
"Sampson was successful." Why? Sampson's final act on earth was a fulfillment of God's
purpose for his life. That's all we have. To live is Christ. To die for Him is gain. IF we have fulfilled
our own unique purpose for being here, then we can be considered "a success" even if we
accomplished the Lord's will "with our last breath."

In the age of Laodicea, countless people who profess to be Christian are already caught up and
overtaken by a lust for worldly success that masquerades as "spiritual." Their foolish mistakes
expose a spiritual blindness that will cause Jesus to "spit them out of His mouth" because they
valued more highly the opinions of men than the will of God.

Laodiceans "are not wise."

To be wise today is really simple. In a nutshell, wisdom is in the cross of Jesus Christ and in His
resurrection. From century to century, the enemy has progressively weakened BOTH essentials of
salvation. I tremble in the fear of the Lord when I consider how foolishly believers offend the Holy
Ghost when they minimize
the 3 R's of repentance, rebirth and resurrection.

The wisdom of the cross is this. One of the main reasons why the Lord died on the cross, is so that
we could receive the promise of the Holy Ghost IN US. Without a chill, a thrill or a shrill, the Holy
Ghost gives us wisdom and revelation into a knowledge of the Father and the Son. This may be a
shocking revelation but you need to know that the Holy Ghost is not here to give us goosebumps
and to call Him "the anointing "or "IT". In truth, THE HOLY GHOST IS HE WHO MAKES US
WISE. When the Holy Ghost gives wisdom, you don't even realize that He did so, until after He
has left the scene. Like the wind, He blows.

As foolish virgins, the enemy stole the oil out of our lamps and
many are without light simply because they misrepresented the Holy Ghost. Without the Holy
Ghost, our connection to the cross is lost. No Holy Ghost. No wisdom. The cross and the Holy
Ghost are connected. The Holy Ghost in and with us would not be possible without the cross of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

So it is important to understand that the Holy Ghost is seriously provoked when we assume that we
can approach the Father without the Son. Without the cross, we have no access to the triune God.
The wisdom of the bodily resurrection of the Lord is this. Without Christ being raised physically, we
cannot be raised spiritually. In other words, unless we believe on the Lord's immortal physical
body, the Holy Spirit does not renew our dead spirits and we are not able to be born again without
the authority of the Holy Ghost.

Most Christian in the church's today do not understand the Lord's resurrection . Not that the bodily
resurrection has been outwardly denied in most churches. No. Denial is tooooo obvious. What has
happened is that most message that come from ministers are focused on subjects that stimulate
the flesh and so you can barely hear a message on repentance or the resurrection, even in the
season that churches call "Lent." It seems that the preachers and teachers have simply ASSUMED
that their congregations understand the expression, "he rose from the dead" and unfortunately,
they do NOT. Just today, I counseled someone who has spoken in tongues for years, yet he did
not understand that "Christ came back to life in His PHYSICAL BODY!" In his mind, Jesus is merely
a ghost, resurrected "in spirit" only.

In cases like these, I make a correct assumption that I believe is validated by the scriptures. If an
unsaved person is speaking in tongues, then he or she did not gain the utterance by the power
of the Holy Ghost but by the fakery of religious demons.

If the expression "He rose from the dead" has not been explained to you, how could you have
believed what you did not understand? The fault of the organized church, if you did not
understand the resurrection when you believe that "you accepted Christ", then your faith is vain
and you are STILL IN THEIR SINS. (I Cor 15:17)

To sit in church, assuming that you are saved when you are not is not very wise, oh foolish virgin.
Without faith in the Lord's resurrection, you bare no fruit and you are empty because "you are NOT
abiding in the vine."

So the key is not to grieve, quench or provoke the Holy Ghost, a most crucial step to being as wise
as a serpent yet harmless as the dove that He is.

More discussion of this most important subject will be addressed in upcoming mentoring letters.


If I have described in this mentoring letter your level of understanding about repentance, rebirth
and the resurrection on the day that YOU believe God saved you, this month I am offering
telephone consultations with no charge. I also do not seek donations from anyone.
So Ccick the link in the left hand column called "contact me" and we can schedule the call. Be
wise. Don't let your pride over fruitless years keep you from "truth that will set you free!!!"

Recommended Author/Watchman Nee

Watchman Nee studied and was strongly influenced by the works of his renowned
predecessor, Jessie Penn Lewis, the author of "War on the Saints." Until his death in
prison, he remained a prolific Christian writer whose books I have read for more than 20
years, so I recommend him highly. On truth and wisdom, he writes:

Should the child of God desire freedom, his folly must be removed. He needs to appreciate the
real nature of affairs. Satanic lies bind, but God's truth unshackles. Naturally the knowledge of
truth is going to be costly, for it will shatter the vainglory one has assumed due to his past
experiences. He looks upon himself as far more advanced than others, as being spiritual and
infallible. How hard hit he will be if he confesses the possibility of his being invaded or if he is
shown to have been so invaded!

Unless God's child sincerely adheres to all the truth of God, it becomes very rough for him to
accept this kind of painful and humiliating truth. One encounters no difficulty in accepting that truth
which is agreeable; but it is not easy at all to take in a truth which blasts one's ego. To
acknowledge himself as liable to deception is relatively easy; whereas to confess that he is
entrenched by the enemy already is most difficult. May God be gracious, for even after a person
has known the truth he may yet resist it. The acceptance of truth is thus the first step to salvation.

The child of God must be willing to know all the truth concerning himself. This requires humility
and sincerity. Therefore let him who vehemently opposes such truth beware lest unknowingly he
actually be enslaved. (The Spiritual Man, p. 122, 1968)

Click here to review and obtain the Spiritual Man. Make sure to scroll down the page.)

Sheppard's Counseling and Publishing Center, PO Box 356, East Greenbush NY, NY 12061 5184775759

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