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I Phase
James 5:16-18
a)Be right with God. (Righteousness) Examine your heart.
b)Be right with men confess sin. No Barriers between You and God and Man
c)Payer has no limits. Three Years without rain
d) Humility Notice in 1Kings 17:1 how Elijah prayed before whom I stand in obedient service (Message) and
1Kings 18:42 crouched down on the earth and put his face between his knees (NAS).

II Phase
2Chronicles 20:1-29
What was their situation??

Why did they fast? (vs3, 4) Turn their Attention to Seeking the Lord

What do you notice about Jehoshaphat’s prayer?

a) Acknowledged who God is.
b) Remembered what God had done in the past.
c) Affirm that God will hear their Prayers and Deliver them.
d) They confessed that they were powerless, but our eyes are on God.

What was God’s reply??

Vs15, the LORD says to you, '(R)Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for (S)the battle is
not yours but God's.

What did God tell them to do??

What did Jehoshaphat tell the people in vs20 and 21??

What was the outcome?? What did they see??

Additional Scripture
Nehemiah 1
Ezra 8:21-36
Esther 4:16
Daniel 10:3

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