Cinema Paradiso's Essay

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Cinema Paradiso’s essay

Cinema Paradiso develops in the italian post-war (world war II) period in the la
te 40’s, in a small italian town which don’t have TV or radio, and obviously they do
n’t have much entertainments along the day, so suddenly arrives at their country t
he “Nuovo Cinema Paradiso” and then all the people’s atention is centred in here, they
got a new thing to do, watch movies, and they at the same time can get relaxed
and forget for an hour the real life that they are living along the day, and mor
e even when they are leaving behind an authoritarian regime as facism was. The
mothers keeps their childs entertained as moms are too, so the cinema is a very
good step. Particulary Toto borns just when the cinema arrives to the town and h
e, as a child, see this inmediatly with so much interest and Toto, a very curiou
s kid, and wants to go there not only for watch movies in front of the screen, h
e want to know and meet about how the image can be projected into there to all t
he people can watch it, so he find the machines room and see what happends there
, and then he meet who makes the projection possible, Alfredo. For Toto, the cin
ema is something that inspires him so much, and gets him to another world of tec
hnology and a new story in each movie. The cinema makes to forget even to Toto t
he daily routine, more when he is a kid, because his mom hits him.
The main message of Cinema Paradiso is that anyone can become in life what that
person wants and that’s exactly what we see in the movie, because Toto loved the f
ilms since he was a little kid even his mom didn’t want that Toto frequent the cin
ema and hated the fact that Toto was keeping the film paper, but however Toto gr
ew up in that ambient of cinema & films with his friend Alfredo, and moreover he
became as career a film director, this was so his vocation since Toto was 5, an
d this is the important message that the movie gave me, the fact that even with
any adversity in the life, if you fight for what you want, you can really be lik
e that, no matter if is it a life expectation or a thing what you want to change
from yourself, just try it and don’t give up never.
I learned like ‘values’, share with important people our knowledge of the life, beca
use it can be usefull for them, just like Alfredo does with Toto, and finally he
is a film director, I mean, he fought for that what he wanted to be all the tim
e, the most wonderful of all is that even when he was 5, Toto discovered what wa
s of his interest, because now, teenagers are asking themselves what they want t
o be in life when they have 15 years old but Toto thanks to Alfredo which open h
is learnings of films, Toto knew what he wanted to be.
The another value that Cinema Paradiso gave me was how respect a person can have
from another, I mean, Toto was so greatful of Alfredo for giving from he was l
ittle, a friendship and then being allways with him, along the movie we never sa
w another friend bigger than Alfredo for Toto, and that’s so exiting to see someon
e with that luck, I never saw something so strong at the end of their lifes, the
y knew each other completely and they never left each other in any time.

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