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What is Mouth ulcers?
Common Causes of Mouth ulcers
Home Remedy for Mouth ulcers

What is Mouth ulcers?

A mouth ulcer is a painful sore in the mouth. It appears on the tongue, the lips, and the gums or
inside the cheeks. The first sign of the sore may be a tingling, burning sensation inside the
mouth. They can occur either singly or in clusters. They are usually white or yellow in color,
surrounded by red halos. Usually they heal within 7 to 10 days. There are 3 types of ulcers:

 Minor ulcers
 Large ulcers
 Herpetiform ulcers (where one can have up to 100 very small painful ulcers)

Common Causes of Mouth ulcers

 Nutritional deficiencies such as iron, vitamins, especially B12 and C
 Poor dental hygiene
 Food allergies
 Stress
 Infections particularly herpes simplex
 Biting the cheek
 Hormonal imbalance
 Bowel disease
 Skin disease

Home Remedies for Mouth Ulcers

Tip 1:

Grate some fresh coconut. Extract the milk and gargle with this 3-4 times a day.

Tip 2:

Keep 1 glass of chilled water and 1 glass of hot water ready at hand. Gargle alternately with hot
and cold water.

Tip 3:

Boil 2 cups of water. Add 1 cup fenugreek leaves and remove. Cover and keep for sometime.
Strain the water and gargle 2-3 times a day.
Tip 4:

Boil 1 tsp of coriander seeds in 1 cup of water. Remove when slightly warm gargle. Repeat 3-4
times a day.

Tip 5:

Chew on 5-6 tulsi (holy basil leaves) and sip some water. Repeat 5-6 times a day.

Tip 6:

Eating raw tomatoes helps rid mouth ulcers. Can also gargle with tomato juice 3-4 times a day.

Tip 7:

Mix 7 parts of sugar candy (mishri) with 1 part of camphor. Apply on the blister.

Tip 8:

Mix a pinch of turmeric powder to 1 tsp glycerine and apply.


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