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445R + CemEeh) RES Ree abate RVD eRe TEM NX KES See RAN Bx Rae ea | ERO SESE KE | @ 2 > — s = o = — Ss = = a s —_ a — a 1963 May Vol. 2 No. 5 AD wg t+ & h v & He KR ih ik tue kate im ee i £ Sp e BH: x As C zz -£ hk it —_ R Ww 2 g # — & & me EF > wl @ 2 BA 22:7 Jf 2} ; & z o & : 8 : as HA + : Popo: & : PoE : B? % gx wm % R a Kh MF € ee a a hb te 2 £345 5 2AM OLPUA INNA N TRUE nN ENE EN Biographical Literature (Monthly) Publisher-Editor: Liu Shaw-tong Address: P. O. Box 1700 Taipei, Taiwan, China Mr, Liang Yu-kio, Chinese Commissioner to Examine the China-Burma Boundary Line- Mr, Chi Ju-shan: His Middle Years and Studies in ; Chinese Drama « Chen Chi-ying (27) General Chou Shi-cheng, Former Governor of Kweichow--- Liu Chien-chun (33) Ling Hung-hsun (37) Li Po-sheng (25) Sixteen Years of Railway Construction (2)- In Reminiscence of Two Fellow-Revolutionists (a reprint) Chiang Ching-kuo (39) (2) % KO i cS es) MB RRS + a mw & eg i A £ gy A AK = & Tl aOR 2% 2 wg & RRR eo &® BR Tg: B ae ,R RARE S a x 2 2 kh 4 art it t BRE! £4 it x Y moe ok : 2 a & a : oF & : : Da me: f i AE: : i ; £2 a ; : po 6S + a mR ® ; toe x a %, : i oF £ oR 8 = es 22 e a eocee a = ee iS Sees S PARR RAR PIR BIOGRAPHICAL, LITERATURE VOL. 2 NO. 5 MAY 1963 CONTENTS Oral History and Biographical Literature. In Time of Crisis (concluded What I Saw, Heard and Experienced during the Revolution of 1911 A Ride in Chung-Tiao Mountain « President Y. C. Mei in A Student's Memory; Nationalism in Dr. Fu Szu-nien’s Thought. In Memory of Dr. ¥. C. Mei Mr, Lu Chien, the Poet + Shen Yun-lung (4) t+ Tao Hsi-sheng (6) Shen Kung-peh (8) Liang Shih~chiu (13) Koo Hsien-liang (15) Fu Lo-cheng. (17) Chen Chih-mai (21) Hsieh Ping-ying (22)

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