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KERRM<-- CK) Bee SHE + SNA SKE Ato ee WK ERE RUE Bite Se tit Biographical Literature Vol. 1 No. 6 November 1962 i a AR ak im & we al at of HO gm & $s BF Pet RR rCHKS 4 xm: so ky oF Ps 2 & a BoA ee RRS tt Mee: : ® SER Sm She a 8 4 am oR $e ih z & #2 8 a gh 8 PHAR NM ENSURE, NH Biographical Literature (Monthly) Editor: Liu Shaw-tong Address: P. 0. Box 1706 Taipei, Taiwan, China My University Life in the United States (II) - Yoshizawa's Recollections about His Work in Chin: ++ Li Chi (25) Excerpts from His Memoir “Sixty Years of a Diplomat” (concluded) Sketchy Notes about Mr. Chen Kuo-fu with a Short Piece of His Writing -Chen Tien-ou (30) + Chung Chao-hsiang (32) Studying at Home under Private Tutors + Yang Liang-kung (35) Reliving My Past; How I Became a Member of KMT-- 2 Taofah Chang (37) chan pi eal rae eT zk # FF BR aptetits atta cates ee eee cer: RRS ARE FP e By MRT a RgEmeAse » @: 2g 8B Bae & garseiee eR fe aee ese] gf Eg epee el FS! Burthanmn 37 : po eit: rx : pot EPRRSE OR i ii SATA MR 2 EAS Re : bod Bee eer TT Ce db abeneaaa RK = RF: ERE GRE Ry x geen ese oes 3 SotMeerw ah + ae ati @) oa Fs eee | FL! BRE KAE ¥ { S 22 foeeat PEERER? i 5 ey zo ! 8 26 #93 RAINIER UIE URTRISURE ME LAUEEEE Ren UU BIOGRAPHICAL, LITERATURE VOL. 1. NO.6 NOVEMBER 1962 CONTENTS ‘A Notable Biographical Novi Teaching in Peiping ------ Middle School Life By the Side of Pe. Hua-Chou Fan Yuan-lien, the Educator «+ hen Chih-mai (4) ‘a0 Hei-sheng (7) sheng Tien-fang (10) Liang Yung-jo (13) Remembrance of General Lung Yun on Critical Occasions In Kénigsberg—the Home’ Town of Kant Taking Over Peiping Agricultural Station adter the. Defeat of Japan-.----- iu Chen-chun (15) -»Tien Pei-lin (20) vere T, H, Shen (23)

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