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Analyzing an image

(image) analyis
how the different elements arranged and framed
in the way that they are, combine to form

the effective use of the combination of elements

create an emotional experience in the viewer

The one who directs the attention of viewers.
mise en scène

the design and arrangement of the image

includes costumes, props, lighting, characters,

special effects, and anything else which is
"put into the frame"

realism relies on it

to point a camera: to make decision about what

the audience will see

to highlight and play down elements

framing and composition


the orderly arrangement of elements in a scene,

which, when taken as a whole, conveys intent
and meaning

static or dinamic

rule of thirds, focus

the rule of thirds

a composition rule

an image should be imagined as divided into nine

equal parts

aligning a subject with these points creates more

tension, energy and interest in the composition
than simply centering the subject would
focus / depth of field

dictates the depth into the picture in which objects

are in clear focus

deciding where an image begins and ends

camera angles

framing two objects together: connection

(usual or juxtaposition)
technical codes / lighting

natural / artificial light

where is the light coming from?

how intense is the light?

(key light, fill light, back light)

technical codes / colour

it creates mood and atmosphere

it can be changed artificially

complex code, according to the culture

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