AmmoLand Firearms News Sept 15th 2010

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15 September 2010

Today’s Tabbloid

AMMOLAND.COM GRAYLING, Michigan --( If you’re searching for the

total attraction power that brings deer to your stand and keeps them
Use Rack One’s Rut Fuel & there, while maintaining the overall health of your herd, look no further
than Rack One’s Rut Fuel and Acorn Crush.
Acorn Crush to IGNITE Your
Part of the IGNITE whitetail hunting system’s Hunt Phase, Rut Fuel and
Deer Hunting Acorn Crush are two powerful hunting-season formulas that are
SEP 14, 2010 09:39P.M. irresistible to whitetail deer, and they’ll work for you in both managing
your herd and bringing the monster bucks out of their reclusive holes.
Use Rack One’s Rut Fuel & Acorn Crush to IGNITE Your Deer
Hunting Rut Fuel is one part of the IGNITE Hunt Phase. This granulated formula
Your Whitetail Won’t Be Able To Resist The Hunt Phase. is an extremely powerful attractant with an aroma that draws deer in
from all around. Pushing a protein content of 23 percent and a minimum
fat content of nine percent, the deer will be on Rut Fuel like a hobo on a
ham sandwich.

And those younger deer you don’t harvest this year will make it through
the tough rutting season and hard winter to emerge as extraordinary
specimens in your herd for next year. Rut Fuel is a time-tested blend of a
whitetail’s favorite ingredients combined with a burst of flavor that they
cannot resist. Rut Fuel can be dropped directly on the ground, or it can
be mixed into your supplemental nutrition in either a broadcast feeder or
a trough feeder. Whichever way you choose to use it, the deer will
certainly devour it—even if it gets wet and crusts over. So what’s that
mean to you? Break out the fine china and heat up the grill, baby; we’re
having some tenderloin tonight!

The other part of Hunt Phase is Acorn Crush. Everybody knows that deer
Use Rack One’s Rut Fuel & Acorn Crush to Ignite Your Deer Hunting love acorns. After a year of feeding on whatever they can chew, deer go
mad when they find a buffet of fallen acorns on the forest floor. And now
with Acorn Crush, you can recreate the madness of an acorn feeding
frenzy wherever you want on your hunting property, even if the nearest
oak tree is miles away. Acorn Crush is a scientifically proven premium
whitetail attractant that is jam-packed with the acorn goodness that deer
crave as well as superb nutritional values that they need. Acorn Crush
provides an amazing protein level of 26 percent while offering a fat
content of 10 percent that will ensure that the deer you don’t take this
year will be in their best possible shape going into a hard winter. After
all, a healthy doe is more likely to survive the winter and drop healthy
twins that will amplify your herd. No matter how you use it, with Acorn
Crush, the deer on your property will be fighting for a place under your

Ignite your Hunting Phase with Acorn Crush or Rut Fuel now! To
purchase Acorn Crush, Rut Fuel or any other phase of the Rack 1 Ignite
Whitetail System visit today. Remember, success in
Rack one this business is measured in inches. Don’t come up short.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 15 September 2010

Rack One’s IGNITE whitetail hunting system is comprised of four phases AMMOLAND.COM
and five products. In the Hunt phase, Rut Fuel and Acorn Crush are the
premium attractants that bring the deer to the foot of your stand. In the Open House On Development
Condition phase, Overload is the post-season calorie-consumption feed
that helps your bucks recover from the strenuous schedule of fighting, Of Flagstaff Shooting Range
chasing and breeding. In the Grow phase, Xcellerator is packed with SEP 14, 2010 09:17P.M.
minerals and nutrients that promote herd health and maximizes antler
growth. In the Scout phase, Chaos is specifically formulated to drag those Open House On Development Of Flagstaff Shooting Range
elusive Booners right in front of your trail cams. Like the products
themselves, strong branding and distinctive packaging distinguish Rack
One from its competition.

Arizona Game and Fish Department

PHOENIX, AZ – -( An open house about the

Deer Standing In Line to Eat Rack One Rut Fuel planning and development of the Northern Arizona Shooting Range will
be held on Thursday, Sept. 23 from 3-8 p.m. at the Arizona Game and
About Rack One: Fish Department’s Flagstaff regional office on 3500 S. Lake Mary Road.
Headquartered in Grayling, Michigan, Rack One LLC is a family-owned
and operated company with a combined 60 years of devotion to the “This open house will give the public a first look at some
hunting industry. Check out all of Rack One’s fine products at your local conceptual designs of the range and a chance to make
retailer this season or online at For more suggestions on the designs,” said Jay Cook, chief of shooting
information, contact: Rack One, 7756 Arcari Trail, Grayling, MI 49738; ranges for Game and Fish. “We will have staff on hand to help
or e-mail with their questions and discuss the development timeframe
for this future community shooting range.”
Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News This self-paced, informational open house will include preliminary
at Ammo information from the baseline sound study conducted Aug. 26 and a map
of the locations measured. To address your questions, key Game and
Use Rack One’s Rut Fuel & Acorn Crush to IGNITE Your Deer Hunting Fish personnel and representatives from the Coconino National Forest
will be on hand; however, no formal presentation will be made.
Tags: Deer Bait, Deer Hunters, Deer Hunting, Hunting Gear, Rack One
For those who are unable to attend the open house, the same materials
and a way to submit your comments will be online at beginning Sept. 23.

In July, the Arizona Game and Fish Commission purchased the 160-acre
Foster Ranch in Coconino County for establishing a local public shooting
range to serve surrounding communities’ law enforcement training,
hunter education, hunter sight in, and recreational/competitive shooting
of firearms and archery.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 15 September 2010

Cook added, “Flagstaff is one of Arizona’s largest AMMOLAND.COM

communities without a designated place for recreational
shooting. Providing a safe, designated range will reduce use Advanced Tactical Training –
impacts to surrounding areas and provide an positive
economic benefit to the local communities.” Lessons Learned Part 5
SEP 14, 2010 09:12P.M.
Game and Fish receives no tax dollars from the state’s general fund and
operates under a user-pay, user-benefit model. The property was Advanced Tactical Training – Lessons Learned Part 5
purchased and will be developed through the sale of licenses to hunters By Philip Van Cleave
and anglers. A $3 surcharge is imposed on hunting and fishing licenses
to acquire, construct, renovate, or improve Game and Fish facilities. The
fund for the development of the Northern Arizona Shooting Range was
established beginning in 2001.

Interested parties can get the latest information on the Northern Arizona
Shooting Range e-mailed to them by subscribing at and select “shooting sports news” or read it
online at

The Arizona Game and Fish Department prohibits discrimination on the
basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, or disability in its programs
and activities. If anyone believes that they have been discriminated
against in any of the AGFD’s programs or activities, including
Virginia Citizens Defense League
employment practices, they may file a complaint with the Deputy
Director, 5000 W. Carefree Highway, Phoenix, AZ 85086-5000, (602)
Covington VA - -( This is the fifth and final
942-3000, or with the Fish and Wildlife Service, 4040 N. Fairfax Dr. Ste.
installment of some force-on-force training that I took earlier this year at
130, Arlington, VA 22203. Persons with a disability may request a
Practical Firearms Training (PFT) earlier this year. It is long, but I think
reasonable accommodation or this document in an alternative format by
you will find this to be one of the most interesting of the scenarios.
contacting the Deputy Director as listed above.

In this scenario, we are playing a group of gun owners standing outside a

Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
K-12 school who, upon hearing shots fired in the school and with no
News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
police anywhere to be found, decide to go in and stop the active shooter
at Ammo
immediately before he kills more children. The shooter would be using a
real semi-automatic AK-47 style gun with dummy rounds and we were
Open House On Development Of Flagstaff Shooting Range
not using any hearing protection, so the shots would sound real.

Tags: Arizona, Arizona Game and Fish Commission, Public Opinion,

The gun owners were to form an ad hoc three-person team, with one
Shooting Ranges
person leading the way (the team leader) and covering the team from the
front. The other two people are behind and on either side of the team
leader in a triangle formation. The two trailing persons cover their side
of the hall, as well as keep an eye behind the team for any danger from
the rear.


I was on the rear right-side of my team initially.

Upon entering the school on the first floor (which in reality is a

decommission school to be demolished in the not too distant future), our
team heard shots that were coming from the 3rd floor.

Our mission was to go toward the shots and stop the shooter as fast as
possible, our mission did NOT include clearing the entire building. Thus,
we immediately began to climb the steps up to the second floor.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 15 September 2010

So far, so good. my right side, looking down the hall toward where I thought the shooter
was located.
Next we began climbing the steps up to the landing between the second
and third floors. As soon as we started up those stairs, someone with a POP, POP, POP, POP, POP!!!
rifle opened fire on us from the top of the third floor stairs. I felt the paintballs hitting the right side of my head and on my neck.
Through the blur of the paintball paint over my right eye, I could see
We returned fire from the minimal cover that we had from the balcony there indeed was a SECOND bad guy, this one with an AR-15 style
above us. The team leader’s paintball gun jammed on him while he was paintball gun standing in the back of the classroom on my right.
attempting to return fire. Cursing, he stepped back into cover on the
second floor stairwell to try and fix his gun. Realizing he was out of I did not even attempt to return fire, because, in honesty, for me it was
commission for now, I automatically took over as team leader and the was over. Those shots most would certainly have been fatal.
remaining team member and I started up the stairwell again to the
landing between the two floors. ANALYSIS OF MY EXPERIENCE
What I learned about going after an active shooter when you are going by
The shooter had moved and was no longer visible. uncleared rooms is very simple: MOVE FAST! And keep MOVING FAST!

Since I arrived first at the top of the landing between the second and My mistake was WALKING by a door with an unknown active shooter
third floors, I provided cover as my teammate came up to the landing hiding in the room. I ASSUMED that there wasn’t a second bad guy and I
from the second floor. paid the price. Had I run past that room and ran down the hall towards
the sounds of the active shooter, I probably would not have been shot by
Still quiet. the second bad guy, as he would have had almost no time to react when
he saw me flash by the door.
All of a sudden a figure comes running down the stairs!
A moving target is harder to hit and I should have taken advantage of
I quickly realized it was a “teacher” and moved my muzzle off him. that.

My concern focused on the 3rd floor landing behind him as he ran down There was another key mistake I made: I didn’t listen to the “teacher”
those stairs. If the shooter were to pop up now, he would be able to shoot fleeing the active shooter in the stairwell. What he was trying to tell me
the unarmed, fleeing teacher in the back! I locked my gun on that third as he rushed by was that there was a SECOND shooter!!! By missing that
floor landing, ready to open fire if the bad guy showed up. key piece of intelligence and by assuming that there was only one
shooter, I paid the ultimate price.
As the teacher approached me, he was saying something, but I was still
highly focused on getting him past us and on his way down the last two TEAM TWO’S TALE – A VERY DIFFERENT STORY
flights of stairs and out of the building that really I didn’t listen to what Board member Dennis O’Connor was on the next team. Dennis’ team
he was saying. formed on the other side of the building and entered by that stairwell.

That was going to be a very costly mistake. Dennis took the lead position and got his team moving. One person
covered the stairwell, while another person raced to the second floor.
More shots range out on what sounded like the far side of the third floor Then that person watched the stairwell as the other two team members
and my teammate and I ran up the stairs, stopping on the third floor raced to the second floor. A team member then watched the stairwell as
landing. one of the team members raced to the landing between the second and
third floors. That person then watched the third floor for any shooters as
More shots! Damn they are loud! the other two team members raced to the landing. Finally, two members
raced to the third floor with one person on the landing continuing to
I peeked out of the landing door and noticed that there was a door to my provide cover. That person them joined the team on the third floor.
left, another across the hall, one to my immediate right.
Dennis immediately stepped into the hall where he had been hearing
I paused – I had no idea if a bad guy might be in on of those rooms, but I shots and, lo and behold, there was the bad guy with the AK with his
didn’t think we had more than one shooter. back turned toward Dennis and his team!

We simply could not take the time to clear all these rooms (slicing the Dennis opened up on the bad guy, who didn’t have a chance to return
pie) while an active shooter was taking innocent lives! The shots were fire. No one on Dennis’ team was even shot at.
down the hall, so I decided to proceed.
(During Dennis’ scenario, upon hearing shots in the hall outside of my
Gun out in front of me, I started walking by the door of the classroom on “classroom,” my “class” scattered. I chose to hide in a closet, holding the

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 15 September 2010

door so it could not be opened easily should someone try to open it. This Joe Schmo gang banger could always get lucky or get the drop on you,
was a so-so choice, as either shooter could have just killed me by but he just isn’t going to have any training and that will give a strong
shooting through that door had they found out I was inside. Hiding advantage to the gun owner who does have training.
unarmed was a horrible experience. I’ll take a fighting chance any
day!) And for the 3rd and 4th scenarios, where I was killed/wounded,
respectively, my opponent, who was playing the part of the good guy in
ANALYSIS OF DENNIS’ EXPERIENCE his mind, was victorious, defeating the bad guy (me).
Dennis’ team was so successful because they moved much faster than the
bad guy was expecting them to, catching him by surprise. Moving quickly I learned a lot and hopefully will do better on some of these scenarios the
past unsecured areas would also have minimized the chances of being next time.
shot, as I learned the hard way earlier. Being indecisive and hesitating
unnecessarily can get you killed. About:
Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer,
NOTES FROM A FEW OTHER SCENARIOS non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human
There were a couple of other scenarios that I wanted to note: rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a
fundamental human right. Visit:
One a person with a mentally handicapped son comes into a government
office, the son gets very upset and anxious. At one point he walks out and Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
comes back with an AR-15. He wasn’t threatening anybody with, but was News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
holding it. I was unarmed in that scenario and took the valid choice of at Ammo
exiting the room the first chance I had. I watched from another room as
the scenario played out. In the end the two armed citizens talked the son Advanced Tactical Training – Lessons Learned Part 5
into putting down the gun and the whole thing ended without a shot
fired and no one hurt in any way. Well done – I was proud of how the Tags: Firearms Training, Gun Training, PFT, Philip Van Cleave, Practical
armed citizens defused the situation and didn’t have to resort to deadly Firearms Training, Self Defense, VCDL

In another scenario an undercover police officer comes into a waiting AMMOLAND.COM

room and tries to arrest a criminal. The officer and criminal are
grappling for the officer’s gun. Dennis, who was unarmed, jumped in to Otis Technology’s Celebrity
help the officer and got the gun out of the hands of the bad guy. I think
this surprised the PFT folks and goofed up their plan on how they Merchandise Auction To Benefit
envisioned the scenario going down. Anyway the officer somehow loses
the gun again to the bad guy and one of the armed citizens stepped up Charity
and shot the bad guy repeatedly to stop him. Dennis, who was standing SEP 14, 2010 06:21P.M.
sort of behind the bad guy as he was getting shot, let go of him and
backed off, trying to get out of the way of the shots. Final score: good Celebrity Merchandise Auctioned On Ebay To Benefit Otis
guys – 1, bad guy – 0. Technology’s Local Charity Event

Practical Firearms Training

Keep in mind that these scenarios involved HIGHLY trained individuals,
playing the rolls of both the good and bad guys. In a street encounter, an
armed citizen is unlike to have to do battle with someone with this much
training. Surviving a gun fight in this training session, accordingly, was
not a walk in the park, by any means.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 15 September 2010

8 Point Mounted Rack Shot and Autographed by Ted Nugent Click here to view this eBay listing

Among the eBay items is an “Olympian Heroes Series Poster”

Autographed by 4 Time USA Olympic Medalist, Kim Rhode.

The poster consists of images of 20 Olympians (including Rhode) that

have represented the USA in every Summer Olympic Games from the
London Games in 1948 to the London Games in 2012. They have 70
medals among them. These great featured athletes have also given back
to their local communities, the Olympic Movement and the nation. On
the back of the poster are individual descriptions of their charitable
Otis Technology Gun Care work. Bruce Jenner, Greg Louganis and Shannon Miller are just a few of
the Olympians featured on this poster. It was donated by Kim Rhode,
Lyons Falls, NY --( The 5 Annual Otis Invitational whom Otis Technology is proud to sponsor. If Kim medals in the 2012
Golf Outing for Charity will kick off on Thursday, September 16th. Olympics, she will be the first US Olympian to ever medal in five
consecutive Olympics.
Each year, this annual event raises funds and awareness for Northern Click here to view this eBay listing
New York organizations. The 2010 Otis Golf beneficiaries are Lewis
County Hospice and the Lewis County Libraries and Reading Centers. In To find out more about these amazing auction items, you may also visit
addition to the Golf event, merchandise is being auctioned off on eBay our website,
and proceeds will go to these selected organizations.
About our charities:
In the past, the Otis Golf event has raised $33,000 for Lewis County The Lewis County Libraries and Reading Centers have lost much of their
Opportunities and the Community Action Angel Program, $25,000 for state and county funding. Because of the funding cuts, many libraries
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central New York, $10,600 for have had to reduce their open hours. Some libraries and reading centers
Local Fire Departments and $10,000 for the American Cancer Society. cannot purchase new books, magazines and barely have funding to pay
overall operating expenses. By giving the children of our community
Are you an NFL Fan? Among the Otis eBay items is an Eli Manning educational and reading material, we are helping to grow our future.
Autographed NY Giants Football. In a continued effort to support their
neighbors and improve communities in the greater Metropolitan area, Hospice of Lewis County is an organization that assists those on the final
the New York Giants are pleased to support the Annual Otis Invitational journey in life. Many people don’t realize the physical and emotional
Golf Outing for Charity with this authentic NY Giants Football, support that Hospice offers and how important Hospice is until their
autographed by Eli Manning. The Hand-signed Football is valued at up lives are touched by death. The purpose of Hospice care is to enable
to $400. individuals to be cared for at home, receiving relief from pain and other
Click here to view this eBay listing symptoms, in the place where they are most comfortable. Hospice
provides support and encouragement so patients and families can live
For NASCAR fans out there, also up for eBay auction is a 1:3 Scale life as fully as possible. With Hospice funding being limited, many
Replica Mini NASCAR Home Depot #20 Champion series Helmet patient and caregiver programs have been cut. Otis is asking for your
autographed by Joey Logano and Greg Zipadelli. Greg “Zippy” Zipadelli support to helps these patients and families live their last days more
is a two-time Cup Champion and Crew Chief for Joe Gibbs Racing’s #20 comfortably.
Home Depot Toyota. Logano is the new, up and coming driver of the #20
Home Depot car. Zippy will be in attendance at the Otis Invitational Golf Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
Outing for Charity this year. Otis is proud to sponsor Drop Zone TV, an News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
Outdoor Hunting show that Zippy Co-Hosts. at Ammo
Click here to view this eBay listing
Otis Technology’s Celebrity Merchandise Auction To Benefit Charity
For the Sportsmen and Women, Otis has up for bid an 8 Point Mounted
Rack Buck: shot and autographed by Ted Nugent. This was shot with a Tags: Charity Events, Fundraiser, Gun Auctions, Otis Technology
.243 in Michigan on 11/26/81. The winning bidder will also receive an
autographed Ted Nugent framed photograph, Ted Nugent patch and
Spirit of the Wild decal.

Ted Nugent graciously donated this “prized rack” to help his friends at
Otis raise money for their local charity event. Otis is proud to sponsor
Ted Nugent’s Spirit of the Wild TV Show on the Outdoor Channel.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 15 September 2010

AMMOLAND.COM “America has turned a corner on crime,” he observed, “and it

is time to turn our backs on the failed liberal gun control
Third Year Of Falling Crime agenda. Their gun ban policies were wrong and the courts
have said so. Their gun prohibitionist philosophy has clearly
Proves Gun Grabbers Wrong proven itself bankrupt, and for the third consecutive year, the
SEP 14, 2010 06:03P.M. FBI data says so.”

Third Year Of Falling Crime Proves Gun Grabbers Wrong With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the
Again Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is one of the
nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization,
the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms
through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots
organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the
United States. The Citizens Committee can be reached by phone at (425)
454-4911, on the Internet at or by email to

Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports

News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo

BELLEVUE, WA – -( For the third straight year,

Third Year Of Falling Crime Proves Gun Grabbers Wrong
violent crime has declined in all categories while gun sales climbed.

Tags: Alan Gottlieb, CCRKBA, Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep
Gun ownership expanded and more citizens are carrying firearms for
and Bear Arms
personal protection; proof positive that gun prohibitionists have been
consistently and undeniably wrong, the Citizens Committee for the Right
to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

The FBI released its 2009 report on Crime in the United States, showing
that murder declined 7.3 percent, robberies fell 8 percent, aggravated
World Champion Competitive
assault dropped by 4.2 percent and forcible rape has declined 2.6
percent. Meanwhile, the National Shooting Sports Foundation notes that
Shooter Jessie Abbate Partners
gun sales in 2009 were up dramatically. with Automotive Customizer
SEP 14, 2010 05:41P.M.
“What the data tells us is exactly the opposite of what the gun
ban lobby has predicted for several years,” said CCRKBA
World Champion Competitive Shooter Jessie Abbate Forms
Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “Their dire predictions that
Partnership with Automotive Customizer
America’s streets would run red have been shown up as a
fraudulent sales pitch for public disarmament.

“No matter how gun prohibitionists try to spin this,” he

continued, “the bottom line is that they have been
consistently and demonstrably wrong, and they know it.”

“On the other hand, gun rights organizations have been

consistently right when we argued that increased gun
ownership would not lead to higher crime rates, and might
even have a deterrent effect, because even property crimes
are down, according to this year’s report.”

Gottlieb is co-author of America Fights Back: Armed Self-Defense in a

Violent Age and Assault on Weapons: The Campaign to Eliminate Your

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 15 September 2010

World Champion Competitive Shooter Jessie Abbate Forms Partnership at Ammo
with Automotive Customizer
World Champion Competitive Shooter Jessie Abbate Partners with
Automotive Customizer

Tags: Competition Shooters, Jessie Abbate, Shooting Industry News,


AmmoLand Gun News AMMOLAND.COM

Washington, DC --( Champion Shooter Jessie Huge Open-Carry Freedom

Abbate has formed an association with Toyota Tundra Customization by
“Indy.” Rally
SEP 14, 2010 04:37P.M.
This is Abbate’s first sponsorship in the automotive world. Toyota
Tundra Customization by “Indy” is an Atlanta based company that has Huge Open-Carry Pre-Election Freedom Rally October 16Th In
been producing customized Toyota trucks for several years. Janesville, Wi

Jessie Abbate is regarded as the “Best Female Action Pistol Shooter in

the World.” At only 25 years old, Jessie holds numerous World and
National Shooting Titles and a host of World Records.

Several months ago, Jessie became the owner of a customized Toyota

Tundra by “Indy” and was impressed with the product. After telling
“Indy” about her satisfaction with the truck and discussing a possible
involvement with his enterprise, Jessie and Indy formed a business
association that made Jessie the official spokesperson for this venture.

Wisconsin Carry

Wisconsin --( Saturday October 16th, HUGE open-

carry Pre-election Freedom Rally in Janesville, WI

Rally is being organized by Southern Wisconsin Patriots Alliance


• Rock River Patriots

Shooter Jessie Abbate Takes Aim
• Rock County Voter Education Forum
Jessie Abbate is represented by August Sports Promotions – a
Maryland/Washington, D.C. based sports representation agency that • Beloit Patiots
specializes in representing athletes from the outdoor sports. For
information about Jessie Abbate, please contact the offices of August • Rock Patriots
Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News The Southern Wisconsin Patriot Alliance is organizing a Freedom Rally
in Janesville on Saturday, October 16, 2010, from Noon to 3 p.m.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 15 September 2010

They are a coalition of grassroots Wisconsinites. Their mission is to AMMOLAND.COM

Unite, Educate, and Mobilize citizens to secure public policy consistent
with our three core values of Constitutionally-Limited Government, EMA Tactical Introduces The
Fiscal Responsibility, and Free Market Principles.
RONI Pistol To Carbine
An exciting list of speakers has been scheduled and food vendors will be
available. This event will be advertised throughout the tri-county area. Conversion Kit
SEP 14, 2010 03:31P.M.
They are inviting any and all candidates for the November mid-term
elections to the Freedom Rally. This is an opportunity for those EMA Tactical Introduces The RONI Pistol To Carbine
candidates to share their vision for Wisconsin and for citizens to voice Conversion Kit
their concerns

The location for the Freedom Rally is private land between Verlo
Mattress and Hesser Toyota on Highway 14, three blocks west of Milton
Avenue. Enter on Morse St. by Menards off of Milton Avenue

Wisconsin Carry will have a table there.

The November elections will be historic. Please come to this event and
rally in support of the freedom minded candidates who will sweep into
office in November.

This event will be huge, its on private land, and OPEN-


Event links:

Event Flyer: EMA Tactical Introduces The RONI Pistol To Carbine Conversion Kit

Wisconsin Carry Freedom Rally Flier

Carry On, Nik Clark

Chairman/President – Wisconsin Carry, Inc.

Wisconsin Carry, Inc is a non-profit organization dedicated to the
preservation and reclamation of the basic rights critical to a free society.
We believe that “Open-Carry” and “Conceal Carry” are choices to be
made by law-abiding citizens based on what suits their needs best. Our
mission is to preserve, advance and expand these basic rights which law-
abiding citizens are entitled to have a practical ability to exercise. Visit:

Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports

News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News EMA Tactical
at Ammo
Tullytown, PA --( EMA TACTICAL is proud to
Huge Open-Carry Freedom Rally introduce our most prized product, the RONI.

Tags: Open Carry, Pro Gun Rallys, Wisconsin, Wisconsin Carry, The RONI allows you to easily convert your pistol to an accurate carbine
Wisconsin Carry Inc in less than 6 seconds by simply unlocking two pins and inserting your
handgun. There is no need to carry both rifle and pistol ammunition,
with the RONI you are guaranteed increased accuracy to 100 yards and

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 15 September 2010

beyond. There is no pistol disassembly or modification required.

The RONI comes equipped with a optional folding forward grip, one full
length 9.4” aluminum top rail and two 2.25″ aluminum side rails. A
fourth picatinny rail is available under the barrel extension. A 5 position
collapsible stock and adjustable cheek piece are provided for your
comfort and to increase performance. A spare magazine holder, optional
brass catcher and removable barrel shroud for a 1.3″ supressor are
additional features to the RONI.

The RONI fits: Glock 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 31, 32, 34 & 35 – In stock now
for immediate delivery.

Coming in 30 days – including Bersa 9mm, Beretta PX4 Storm, Jericho,

West Virginia DNR
Glock 21, Sig Sauer 226 & 2022, Beretta PX4 Storm and PX4 Storm 45
cal., H&K USP, S&W M&P, Springfield XD 9mm & 40 cal, FN 5-7.
Models coming soon include the Beretta 92, M9 & M91A, H&K USP,
W.Va. – Tygart Lake State Park, near Grafton in Taylor County, is
Bersa Thunder & Bersa Thunder Pro, Jericho, CZ Duty 07 & 08, Para
offering special hunting and fishing discounts beginning in October.
P14, FN Five-7 and Glock 21.

Hunting is not permitted on state park property, but Tygart Lake is

situated near two wildlife management areas that offer hunting
EMA TACTICAL is the world leader in the development and
manufacture of superior advanced arms accessories. Our products are
specifically designed to meet the rigorous demands of tactical solutions
“If you like trout fishing or big game hunting, the lodge and
required by worldwide armed forces, Law enforcement units & weapon
restaurant at Tygart Lake can be the base camp and way more
professionals. Visit:
comfortable than camping, but, of course, camping is also an
option at our campground,” said Acting Supt. Brennon
Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo
Two rate packages are offered at Tygart Lake this autumn that cater to
trout anglers and white-tailed deer hunters.
EMA Tactical Introduces The RONI Pistol To Carbine Conversion Kit

Deer Hunting Offers

Tags: Carbines, Conversion Kits, EMA Tactical, Firearms Accessories,
Much like the trout offer, hunters may opt for the comforts of Tygart
Gun Gear, Picatinny Rail, Pistol
Lodge and restaurant service. During archery season, which opens Oct.
16, and deer-rifle season, which opens Nov. 22, hunters staying at Tygart
Lake Lodge with a current W.Va. Hunting License receive 50 percent off
each consecutive night’s stay after the first and second night stay at
West Virgina’s Tygart Lake regular rates, and the 30 percent discount on restaurant services offer.

State Park Offers Discounts for Two wildlife management areas are near Tygart Lake Lodge with good
hunting opportunities. Pruntytown State Farm offers 1,764 acres with
Hunters moderate slopes to gently rolling hills which are dominated by hay fields,
pasture fields and scattered wood lots. Pleasant Creek Wildlife
SEP 14, 2010 03:16P.M.
Management Area offers 3030 acres with a mix of wetland and mixed
hardwood forest, slopes are moderately steep rising to 1,600 feet in
West Virgina’s Tygart Lake State Park Offers Discounts for
Hunters and Anglers

Tygart Lake State Park is located in Taylor County near Grafton. The
park is open from mid-April through December and features a 20-room
lodge, 10 vacation cabins, 40-site campground, Tygart Lake and marina
operations, restaurant, picnicking, hiking trails and fishing. Known for
its comfortable accommodations and popular special events and
activities, Tygart is a hub for outdoor activities due to its proximity to

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 15 September 2010

wildlife management areas, lake and water recreation, and area golf

“When possible, we create packages and events in response to

what our guests ask us about,” said O’Sullivan. “Our guests
enjoy coming here for fishing, hunting, golfing, and as a place
to get away for New Year’s Eve, holidays, vacations, and
group events.”

Anyone hunting or fishing in West Virginia must possess a valid hunting

or fishing license and observe state regulations. Licenses may be
purchased online at or through the
W.Va. Division of Natural Resources or at any license agent. W.L. Gore & Associates

Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports Newark, DE –-( W.L. Gore & Associates, a leading
News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News manufacturer of advanced technology products including the GORE-
at Ammo TEX brand, today announced new initiatives to support United States
military personnel who are dedicated hunters, including a partnership
West Virgina’s Tygart Lake State Park Offers Discounts for Hunters with the non-profit organization Freedom Hunters, a nationwide “Hunt
with Heroes” contest and the OPTIFADE Basic Training event at Fort
Tags: Deer Hunting, Hunting Lodges, Hunting News, West Virginia, Campbell Kentucky.
“We are pleased to honor the thousands of active duty
military members and veterans who are avid athlete-
AMMOLAND.COM hunters,” commented David Dillon, Hunting Category Leader
at Gore. “The men and women of our military benefit from
GORE OPTIFADE Concealment the comfort and protection of Gore technologies while in the
line of duty. We also want to encourage and support their
Supports U.S. Military Hunters personal endeavors, and give those who hunt the best chance
SEP 14, 2010 03:03P.M. of success in the field.”

GORE OPTIFADE Concealment Supports U.S. Military GORE OPTIFADE Concealment is the first-ever visual concealment
Hunters pattern based on animal vision. One of the experts who worked with
Announces Partnership with Freedom Hunters, “Hunt with Heroes” Gore to create the pattern is retired Army Lt. Col Timothy O’Neill.
Contest, Event at Fort Campbell. Known as the “father of digital camouflage,” O’Neill invented the first
digital concealment pattern for the U.S. military and has created patterns
for many of the world’s armed forces.

Supporting Freedom Hunters and the “Hunt with Heroes” Contest

As part of its initiatives to honor U.S. troops, W.L. Gore & Associates will
provide financial support to Freedom Hunters, a program of the non-
profit American Military Family, Inc. that takes active duty and wounded
combat veterans on hunting excursions to relax and recuperate. Every
purchase of gear featuring GORE OPTIFADE Concealment between now
and December 31, 2010, will help to sponsor hunts for U.S. troops.

“We are thrilled to welcome GORE OPTIFADE Concealment

as a Freedom Hunters sponsor,” commented Anthony Pace,
President of Freedom Hunters.

GORE OPTIFADE Concealment Supports U.S. Military Hunters

“Gore shares our commitment to preserving outdoor
traditions and our hunting heritage, and honors the values we
uphold, including respect, sacrifice and freedom, service to

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 15 September 2010

country, loyalty and patriotism. Their support will enable us • Q&A with Lt. Col Tim O’Neill, US Army Ret., the inventor of digital
to increase awareness of our mission, and serve more of our camouflage for the U.S. military and one of the experts responsible
deserving military members.” for the development of GORE OPTIFADE Concealment

• The Gore “Know What’s Inside” mobile tour – a traveling road

show that lets visitors experience the technologies inside GORE-
TEX® and WINDSTOPPER® products, including first-hand
product testing in the extreme weather chamber

• Food, beverage, entertainment and giveaway items

OPTIFADE Basic Training will take place at the Eagle’s Rest Pavilion,
one of the Destiny Parks & Pavilions of the MWR Outdoor Recreation
Freedom Hunters
Office at Fort Campbell. There is no charge for event admission.
Sponsorship does not imply Army endorsement.
GORE OPTIFADE Concealment and its partners Sitka, Cabela’s and
Freedom Hunters invite active duty military, combat veterans and
About W.L. Gore & Associates (
civilian hunters to enter the “Hunt with Heroes” contest. Two winners –
Gore is a leading manufacturer of thousands of advanced technology
one service member and one civilian – will win an all-expenses paid big
products for the electronics, fabrics, industrial and medical markets.
game hunt, on which they will be joined by one of Gore’s accomplished
Perhaps best known for its waterproof and breathable GORE-TEX®
OPTIFADE Athletes. In addition, OPTIFADE retailer Cabela’s will
fabric, the company’s portfolio features a diverse array of innovations,
provide each winner with a $500 gift certificate to prepare for the hunt.
including everything from guitar strings to life-saving cardiovascular
Hunters can enter to win the Hunt with Heroes contest at
devices. Gore is headquartered in Newark, Del., posts annual sales of
$2.6 billion, and employs 9,000 associates in 30 countries worldwide. It
is one of a select few companies to appear on all of the U.S. “100 Best
GORE OPTIFADE Basic Training Event at Fort Campbell
Companies to Work For” lists since the rankings were introduced in
1984. Visit to learn more.
• On Saturday, October 2, 2010 from 10:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., W.L.
Gore and Associates will present OPTIFADE Basic Training in Fort
GORE, GORE-TEX, OPTIFADE and designs are trademarks of W. L.
Campbell, Kentucky. The event, which is open to both military and
Gore & Associates, Inc.© 2010 W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc., 295 Blue
civilian hunters, will feature:
Ball Rd., Elkton, Maryland, 800-431-GORE,

• Sitka gear in GORE OPTIFADE Concealment Open

Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
Country and Forest patterns
News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo
• BowTech bows in GORE OPTIFADE Concealment Open
Country and Forest patterns
GORE OPTIFADE Concealment Supports U.S. Military Hunters

• G5 sights and rests

Tags: Active Military, Camouflage, Gore-Tex, Hunting News, Optifade

• Field Logic targets

• Gold Tip arrows

• Danner footwear with GORE-TEX® Extended Comfort


• Try-on and testing of the most advanced hunting gear,

including:Meet and greet with Warren Strickland, one of the
nation’s top bow hunters. A cardiologist, Warren has honed his
hunting skills through years of dedication and hard work, and has
taken many North American and African species. He is recognized
as an authority on “Wilderness Medicine and Outdoor Survival,”
frequently writing and lecturing on the subject.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 15 September 2010

AMMOLAND.COM and months.

PA Game Commission Offers Mark Ternent, Pennsylvania Game Commission black bear biologist,
noted that, as fall progresses, bears will begin to increase their food
Advice On Avoiding Bear intake to prepare for the upcoming denning season, which begins in mid-
to late-November. For some bears, the search for food may lead them
Conflicts closer to people or homes.
SEP 14, 2010 02:36P.M.
Ternent offered suggestions on how to reduce the likelihood that your
PA Game Commission Offers Advice On Avoiding Bear property will attract bruins and how to best react when a bear is
Conflicts encountered.
A fed bear is a dead bear.
“Bear activity can increase during the fall as bears try to
consume as many calories as possible from any source they
can find in preparation for denning,” Ternent said. “As a
result, sightings of bears can increase, particularly if natural
nut and berry crops are below average.

“While Pennsylvania bears are mostly timid animals that

would sooner run than confront people, residents should
know a few things about how to react if they encounter a
bear, or better yet, how to avoid an encounter altogether by
reducing the likelihood of attracting bears in the first place.”

Ternent stressed there are no known records of a free-ranging

Pennsylvania black bear killing a human, and there have been fewer than
25 reported injuries resulting from black bear encounters during the past
10 years in the state. However, deaths caused by black bears have
occurred elsewhere in North America. Pennsylvania’s bear population
PA Game Commission Offers Advice On Avoiding Bear Conflicts currently is estimated at 17,000 animals, and reports of problems
because people failed to keep food away from bears are not uncommon.

“When bears become habituated to getting food from people,

it can lead to conflicts, property damage and the possibility of
injury or eventual destruction of the bear,” Ternent said.
“Feeding wildlife, whether the activity is intended for birds or
deer, can draw bears into an area. Once bears become
habituated to an area where they find food, they will continue
to return, which is when the bear can become a real problem
for homeowners and neighbors.”

“Even more disturbing are the reports we receive about

people intentionally feeding bears to make them more visible
for viewing or photographing.”

Since March 2003, it has been illegal to intentionally feed bears in

Pennsylvania. Unintentional feeding of bears which results in nuisance
Pennsylvania Game Commission bear activity also can result in a written warning that, if ignored, may
lead to a citation and fine.
Pennsylvania --( With summer quickly slipping by,
many Pennsylvanians may have forgotten about problems caused by “We recognize that people enjoy viewing wildlife, and we are
black bears in the spring, when nuisance bear activity typically peaks. not attempting to impact that activity,” Ternent said. “But, all
However, black bear activity also tends to increase during the fall, and too often, complaints about bears can be traced back to
Pennsylvania Game Commission officials remind homeowners that steps intentional or unintentional feeding. To protect the public, as
taken now can minimize problems with bears during the next few weeks well as bears, we need to avoid the dangers of conditioning

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 15 September 2010

bears to finding food around homes. It would be irresponsible sometimes ineffective because they can return or continue
to do otherwise.” the same unwanted behavior where released. That is why
wildlife agencies tell people that a ‘fed bear is a dead bear.’”
Ternent listed five recommendations to reduce the chances of
having a close encounter with a black bear on a homeowner’s Ternent noted that although bears are no strangers to Pennsylvanians,
property: bears are misunderstood by many.

• Play it smart. Do not feed wildlife. Food placed outside for “Bears should not be feared, nor should they be dismissed as
wildlife, such as corn for squirrels or deer, may attract bears. harmless, but they do need to be respected,” Ternent said.
Reconsider putting squash, pumpkins, corn stalks or other
Halloween or holiday decorations outside that also may attract He also advised:
bears. Even bird feeders can become “bear magnets.” Tips for how
to safely feed birds for those in prime bear areas include: restrict • Stay Calm. If you see a bear and it hasn’t seen you, leave the area
feeding season to when bears hibernate, which is primarily from calmly. Talk to the bear while moving away to help it discover your
late November through late March; avoid foods that are presence. Choose a route that will not intersect with the bear if it is
particularly attractive for bears, such as sunflower seeds, moving.
hummingbird nectar mixes or suet; bring feeders inside at night or
suspend them from high crosswires; and temporarily remove • Get Back. If you have surprised a bear, slowly back away while
feeders for two weeks if visited by a bear. Encourage your quietly talking. Face the bear, but avoid direct eye contact. Do not
neighbors to do the same. turn and run; rapid movement may be perceived as danger to a
bear that is already feeling threatened. Avoid blocking the bear’s
• Keep it clean. Don’t place garbage outside until pick-up day; only escape route and try to move away from any cubs you see or
don’t throw table scraps out back for animals to eat; don’t add fruit hear. Do not attempt to climb a tree. A female bear can falsely
or vegetable wastes to your compost pile; and clean your barbecue interpret this as an attempt to get at her cubs, even though the cubs
grill regularly. If you feed pets outdoors, consider placing food may be in a different tree.
dishes inside overnight.
• Pay Attention. If a bear is displaying signs of nervousness or
• Keep your distance. If a bear shows up in your backyard, stay discomfort with your presence, such as pacing, swinging its head,
calm. From a safe distance, shout at it like you would to chase an or popping its jaws, leave the area. Some bears may bluff charge to
unwanted dog. If the bear won’t leave, slowly retreat and call the within a few feet. If this occurs, stand your ground, wave your arms
nearest Game Commission regional office or local police wildly, and shout at the bear. Turning and running could elicit a
department for assistance. Children should understand not to run, chase and you cannot outrun a bear. Bears that appear to be
approach or hide from a bear that wanders into the yard, but, stalking should be confronted and made aware of your willingness
instead, to walk slowly back to the house. to defend by waving your arms and yelling while you continue to
back away.
• Eliminate temptation. Bears that visit your area are often
drawn there. Neighbors need to work together to reduce an area’s • Fight Back. If a bear attacks, fight back as you continue to leave
appeal to bears. Ask area businesses to keep dumpsters closed and the area. Bears have been driven away with rocks, sticks,
bear-proofed (chained or locked shut). binoculars, car keys, or even bare hands.

• Check please! If your dog is barking, or cat is clawing at the door “Learning about bears and being aware of their habits is a
to get in, try to determine what has alarmed your pet. But do it responsibility that comes with living in rural Pennsylvania or
cautiously, using outside lights to full advantage and from a safe recreating in the outdoors,” Ternent said.
position, such as a porch or an upstairs window. All unrecognizable
outside noises and disturbances should be checked, but don’t do it Intelligent and curious, black bears are heavy and have short, powerful
on foot with a flashlight. Black bears blend in too well with legs. Adults usually weigh from 200 to 600 pounds, with rare individuals
nighttime surroundings providing the chance for a close encounter. weighing up to 800 pounds. An adult male normally weighs more than
If bears have been sighted near your home, it is a good practice to an adult female, sometimes twice as much.
turn on a light and check the backyard before taking pets out at
night. Bears may be on the move at anytime, but they’re usually most active
during evening and morning hours. Bears are omnivorous, eating almost
“Ideally, we want bears to pass by residential areas without anything from berries, corn, acorns, beechnuts, or even grass to table
finding a food reward that would cause them to return and scraps, carrion, honey and insects.
become a problem,” Ternent said. “Capturing and moving
bears that have become habituated to humans is costly and More information on black bears is available on the Game Commission’s

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 15 September 2010

website ( by putting your cursor over “Hunt/Trap” Money for the projects comes from a $5 validation paid by all hunters,
in the menu bar at the top of the homepage, then clicking on “Hunting” anglers and trappers who use Bureau of Land Management or U.S.
from the drop-down menu listing and then clicking on the “Black Bear” Forest Service lands in the state.
in the “Big Game” listing.
Recently, the State Game Commission extended the Habitat Stamp
Also, a brochure on living with black bears can be obtained by putting Program for another decade.
your cursor over “Self-Help” in the menu bar at the top of the homepage,
then putting your cursor on “Your Property and Wildlife” from the drop- The public is welcome and encouraged to attend meetings scheduled
down menu listing and then clicking on “Living with Black Bear” in next from 6-8 p.m. at the following locations:
drop-down menu listing.
• Central: Sept. 23, Department of Game and Fish office, 3841
Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports Midway Place NE, Albuquerque.
News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo • Northeast: Sept. 24, U.S. Forest Service office, 11 Forest Lane,
Santa Fe.
PA Game Commission Offers Advice On Avoiding Bear Conflicts
• Southwest: Oct. 4, Mimbres Valley Learning Center, 2300 E Pine
Tags: Bear Management, Bear Season, Black Bears, Pennsylvania, St, Deming.
Pennsylvania Game Commission
• Southeast: Oct. 5, Bureau of Land Management office, 2909 W.
Second St., Roswell.
• Northwest: Oct. 19, Bureau of Land Management office, 1235 La
Habitat Stamp Partners Seek Plata Highway, Farmington.

Public Input On Program’s In its 24-year history, the Habitat Stamp Program improved more than
683,000 acres of habitat on public lands. Additionally, the program has
Future funded 11,000 acres of riparian habitat enhancement, built 738 places
SEP 14, 2010 02:24P.M. for wildlife to drink water, surveyed 705 wildlife populations and
habitats, transplanted wildlife 17 times, improved 83 fishing areas,
Habitat Stamp Partners Seek Public Input On Program’s maintained 7,400 previously built structures, and much more.
Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo

Habitat Stamp Partners Seek Public Input On Program’s Future

Tags: Conservation News, Fish and Game, New Mexico, New Mexico
Game & Fish, Public Opinion

New Mexico Game and Fish

SANTA FE, NM --( New Mexico’s Habitat Stamp

Program is scheduling meetings across the state to gather public views of
a change to landscape-scale projects for the program.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 15 September 2010

AMMOLAND.COM lead over FNH USA teammate Dianna Liedorff of Sperry, Okla.

Hanish Makes It 2 In A Row Hanish gave back a little more than three points as Liedorff won the fifth
stage if the match, but then expanded her lead over Liedorff to more
With Lady’s Tactical Shooting than 216 points with wins on stages six and seven.

Competition Win Liedorff battled back with three consecutive stages wins before finishing
SEP 14, 2010 09:59A.M. second behind Hanish on the final stage of the match.

Hanish Makes It 2 In A Row With Lady’s Tactical Shooting Hanish won the title with her final score of 1252.3448. Liedorff finished
Competition Win second with 1095.2133.

FNH USA Shooting Teams Tasha Hanish

FNH USA Shooting Teams Tasha Hanish

“Tasha is quickly making a name for herself as one of the

strongest women competing in MultiGun competition. Her
dominating performance this weekend shows why she’s the
one to watch in future matches,” said Michael Voigt, USPSA

Rounding out the top five were Denise Johnson of Thornton, Colo. in
third with a final score of 972.9713. Fourth place, and a win on the eighth
stage, went to Katie Harris of Taylorsville, Ga. who posted a final score of
957.3457 while fifth place went to Heidi Salman of Happy Valley, Ore.
with 844.2410.

Daniel Horner of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit won the overall
Tactical division title for the second year in a row with his final score of
USPSA Multi-Gun Nationals

Among the senior shooters, Kerry DeMatos of Oxnard, Calif. finished

SEDRO-WOOLLEY, Wash. --( Cave Creek,
16th overall and claimed the Senior Tactical division title with a score of
Arizona’s Tasha Hanish, a member of the FNH USA shooting team, won
1557.8230 while Randy Askins of Ione, Calif. won the Super Senior title
seven of 12 stages and dominated the field as she won the Women’s
with a score of 858.3089.
Tactical division title for the second year in a row this past weekend at
the U.S. Practical Shooting Association’s (USPSA) 2010 DPMS MultiGun
More than 150 top shooters from 26 states, as well as Canada, competed
National Championships in Las Vegas, Nevada.
in the 2010 DPMS MultiGun Nationals putting more than 19,000 rounds
downrange during the competition. The format of the MutiGun
Hanish won the first four stages of the match, jumping out to a 62+ point
Nationals tests a shooter’s skill with three types of firearms – the rifle,

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 15 September 2010

the shotgun and the pistol. AMMOLAND.COM

The next major competition on the USPSA calendar is the 2010 USPSA Team ITI Announces Launch Of
Handgun National Championships scheduled for October 8 through 16
in Las Vegas, Nev. For more information, visit or follow Official Facebook Fan Page
@USPSA_Shooting on Twitter. SEP 14, 2010 09:38A.M.

Team ITI Announces Launch Of Official Facebook Fan Page

FNH USA Shooting Teams Tasha Hanish

Team ITI Announces Launch Of Official Facebook Fan Page

International Training Inc

FNH USA Shooting Teams Tasha Hanish

SHACKLESFORD, VA --( Team International
Training, Inc. (ITI), the leader in security training, today announced the
Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
official launch of the Team ITI Facebook Fan Page.
News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo
The goal of the page is to create a place for shooting sports enthusiasts
and fans of ITI itself to interact directly with ITI team members and the
Hanish Makes It 2 In A Row With Lady’s Tactical Shooting Competition
company, where fans can discuss upcoming matches and classes that
Team ITI members will be teaching.

Tags: Competition Shooters, Competitive Shooting News, DPMS

The Team ITI Facebook Fan Page will also include:
Firearms, FNH, Shooting Teams, Tasha Hanish, USPSA, Winners,
Women of USPSA
• Images of the team, competitions and the ITI campuses and classes

• Videos from Team ITI’s matches

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 15 September 2010

• A list of upcoming IPDA and USPSA matches, as well as classes

instructed by Team ITI members

• A Discussion Tab for fans to start specific and dedicated

conversations about Team ITI and ITI’s Virginia and Texas

“With the recent announcement of the Team ITI shooting line

up, we felt it was important to reach out to the competitive
shooting community through the social networks they use.
We knew creating a Facebook Fan Page was the best way to
give our fans a platform by which they can directly keep up to
date with what the team is doing,” commented Rob
Middaugh, Team ITI Captain and Operations Manager for
the ITI Virginia Campus.

About International Training, Inc. Smith and Wesson 686

International Training Incorporated (ITI) is a subsidiary of Wackenhut
Services Inc. Founded in 1989; ITI is committed to providing benchmark
security training programs emphasizing professionalism, quality,
customer service, and a fair price. ITI conducts both mobile and fixed
site training in security assistance and security service programs for the
U.S. Government, U.S. military, corporate America, and now private
citizens. For more information on ITI or any of their courses, log on to
AmmoLand Gun News

Manasquan, NJ --( One of our new AmmoLand

Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
Forum users has a question about purchasing Meprolight Sights for a
News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
S&W 686.
at Ammo

Hopefully one of our knowledgeable readers can answer his question?

Team ITI Announces Launch Of Official Facebook Fan Page

Hodgegarry: “I am looking to by meprolight sights for a s&w

Tags: FaceBook, International Training Inc, Social Media, Social
686 the options are with and without posts what is the

AMMOLAND.COM • If you can help him follow this link to our forum here.

Meprolight Sights For A S&W; • If you need to register you can do so at the following link.
686 Question?
About AmmoLand Forums:
SEP 14, 2010 09:00A.M.
AmmoLand Forum are a free service provided by AmmoLand Shooting
Sports News. I hope you will enjoy the forum and more importantly, I
Meprolight Sights For A S&W 686 Question?
hope you participate and build it up as another resource for gun owners,
hunters and gun rights supporters. The combined firearms knowledge of
all our readers is a vast world of experience and I hope by sharing here,
with each other, we can keep pushing the boundaries of firearms
acceptance and guns in the USA. ~ Fredy Visit:

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at Ammo

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 15 September 2010

Meprolight Sights For A S&W 686 Question?

Tags: AmmoLand, Forums, Gun Accessories, Handgun Sights,

Meprolight, Shooting Media News


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