Bav's Fronter Work 2

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Learning Styles

Do you find it difficult to concentrate Do you do better in some

and remain focused in lessons? classes than others?

Sometimes it may be the subject area, but your own learning style might also affect
your ability to take in information.

Do you learn better


Seeing Visual learning

Hearing Auditory learning

Acting out Kinaesthetic learning

Actually, everybody learns by mixture of methods, but one method or type is usually
dominant in each person.

Your learning style influences the way you receive information or solve problems.

To give you a clearer picture of how you take in new information and to help you
become a better student click on the link below and do the quiz to find out what your
preferred learning style is.

So remember.......

In the same way an athlete improves performance by knowing how their body works you
can improve your learning effectiveness by knowing how your brain works.

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