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EVE Epic Mission Arc – Part 1

By Mandrill | Published March 12, 2009

In this series of posts I will chronicle my progress through the new Epic Mission Arc which has been
added to EVE with the Apocrypha Expansion. Firstly a bit of background regarding how these missions
differ from the standard agent missions.

CCP published a dev blog in the lead up to Apocrypha’s release that gives an overview of some the
changes they’ve made to the mission system generally and some of the features we can expect from
Epic Mission Arcs in general.

The idea, in a nutshell, is that Epic Mission Arcs will tell a story and involve a progression through a
series of missions with specific rewards at the end of each chapter and arc. The arcs will be branching,
that is that some element of player choice will be involved at various points in the arc and the arcs will
be repeatable to experience the different outcomes.

A point to note: the details of each mission are not accessible by right clicking the mission title in the
Epic Journal tab of the journal window, though each mission will appear in your standard journal and the
details can be accessed as normal from there.

So without further ado I will begin. I’ll be presenting the missions in a linear progression to begin with,
travelling from beginning to end without worrying too much about the branches that I don’t take. If I
find that there is a demand for details of the other branches I will go back and record the details of these

To begin the arc, travel to Arnon IX – Moon 3 – Sisters of EVE Bureau and speak to Sister Alitura. She will
give you the first mission. The Location is displayed in the image below indicated by the yellow dot (click
to zoom).
[Note: I apologize for the lack of screens for the first few missions, I was distracted by actually doing the
missions . if anyone would like to provide screens of the mission dialogue for each one and maybe
some location shots I would be most grateful and full credit will be given]

Epic Mission Arc: The Blood-Stained Stars

Chapter 1: Quality of Mercy

Mission 1: A Beacon Beckons

Sister Alitura will ask you to investigate a distress signal received from a ship called The Damsel (If you’re
a regular mission runner you’ll get the reference there). This involves flying to the location you are given
and approaching the wrecks you find there. I have not detailed the location I was sent to as I don’t know
if it will vary between players, I would think it would.

Upon approaching the wreck Sister Alitura will contact you, Complete the mission and she will give you
the next one.

Mission 2: Agent Inquiry

The next mission is a simple one. You have to contact an agent named Tervis Jak in the Tak system (it
shouldn’t be far from where you are, a couple of jumps at most). Tervis Jak will appear on your overview
once you enter the Tak system, simply warp to him and start a conversation. This completes mission 2
and he will give you the next mission in the arc.

Mission 3: Of Interest

This is a combat mission, so go fitted for a fight. You will be told to return to the location of the wreck
you investigated in Mission 1, clear out the pirates who are now scavenging the wreck and retrieve one
unit of Strange Datacore. The rats will appear in 3 waves with the can containing the Strange Datacore
being dropped by the last ship in the first wave. The rats you encounter will be from the Corpii faction
and do mostly EM and THERM damage, so set your resists up to counter these, they are also weakest
against these damage types so use the appropriate missiles/ammo.

Wave 1:
3 x Corpii Worshippers (Frigate).
Last ship will drop can containing Strange Datacore, you can loot this and head back to Tervis Jak to
complete the mission or keep fighting the next two waves.

Wave 2:
2 x Corpii Upholder (Frigate).

Wave 3:
3 x Corpii Follower (Frigate).

With the defeat of the last Follower you’ll get a message from Tervis telling you loot the can and bring
the Strange Datacore back to him

This completes the first three missions of the Epic Mission Arc. For info on the next few missions click

If anyone wants to rejig these guides for the in-game browser (I’m not sure how) or provide
location/mission dialogue shots, drop me a line and please credit me as author I’ll add a link to them
in my in-game profile. Feedback/suggestions/questions can be posted either in the comments here or
on this thread on the EVE Online Forums

Seniath 1 year ago

What sort of ship/group composition are these missions designed for?

mandrill 1 year ago

Unless stated otherwise these missions can be done solo in a frigate. I'm doing them in an Assault
Frigate but frankly thats overkill.

AL'tear 1 year ago

is there only one epic arc? that is arnon?

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to AL'tear

Yes there is currently only one Epic Mission Arc and it starts in Arnon. The Arc is best suited to new
characters and the missions will be of the same difficulty/caliber as level 1 or 2 standard missions,
according to CCP. I've not come across anything to contradict this yet.

rustybronoco 1 year ago

Has anyone not accepted a mission? It seems to me that every mission presents you with a choice. I may
be wrong, but let me know anyway. keep up the guide keith! good stuff.

mandrill 1 year ago

@Rustybronco: You can delay each mission without accepting it and the offer never expire. So you could
do a few, go off and do something else for a while and then come back to it. I possibly should have
explained that slightly better.

pesky 1 year ago

are the gates limited to frigates and destys, for those of us who prefer to use another ship?

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to pesky

Apprently not, I've read in the forum thread (link at top) of people doing it in battlecruisers and
battleships, though that would seem to be verging on overkill.

Quts 1 year ago

lol "verging" on overkill...

Some guy 1 year ago

I thought I should do them in something that would totally own.

So I got my LVL4 passive shield tanking drake and headed on out.. I'm FLYING though these missions!!

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to Some guy

Yes, well, you would. There is a mission which may present more of a challenge later one though
(mission 29 I believe) where you have the option to take on a whole fleet of battleships and smaller
vessels with a stolen Nidhoggur in tow. Have fun with that :)

Zargyl 1 year ago

Thannkx Keith for that nice tour into the epic mission arc! :-)
I have allowed myself to link it in my blog.
gio 1 year ago

Hey guys,

Sister Alitura wont give me a mission.

She always tells me that i need to come later again.
I have a standing of 2.2 to her.
thx for every help

Angus Takana 4 months ago

I can't even get out of the station without the police podding me. What gives? How the heck are you
supposed to get started when it begins in enemy territory?

Mandrill 4 months ago in reply to Angus Takana

If you're in the a militia then you'll have to leave it unless you want to be dodging the police. This Arc will
take you into the territory of all four of the major factions, so its probably best to drop any militia
affiliations until you're done. You can always go back afterwards.

Other than that, if you're not in a militia I would spend some time grinding standings with whatever
faction it is that you're getting podded by before continuing the arc.

This Arc is designed for the newer player, someone who hasn't had time to build up a bad rep with the
empires and more than likely comes to it straight from the tutorial missions.
EVE Epic Mission Arc Guide – Part 2

By Mandrill | Published March 13, 2009

This is the second in a series of posts which I hope will provide a guide to
the new Epic Mission Arc included in the Apocrypha expansion for EVE
Online. Click here for part one.

The guide continues…

Epic Mission Arc: The Blood-Stained Stars

Chapter 1: Quality of Mercy

Mission 4: Retrieving Red

This is another combat mission requiring you to go to the location given and
retrieve the remains of someone called ‘Red’ from some more Corpii
pirates. As you’ll remember from our last encounter with the Corpii they do
mainly EM and THERM damage, and are weakest to the same, so fit

Wave 1:
3 x Corpii Worshipper (Frigate)
One of the ships in this wave will drop a can containing the corpse of ‘Red’, as before you can either
grab it and head back to Tervis Jak or continue killing things.

Wave 2:
1 x Corpii Diviner (Frigate)

Loot the can for the corpse and head back to Tervis Jak.

Mission 5: Alerting Alitura

The objective of this mission is simply to return to Sister Alitura in Arnon and speak to her. Doing this
completes the mission.
Mission 6: Jet-Canning a Janitor

This is another combat mission, though this time you’ll be going up against
Coreli pirates. These pirates do mainly KIN and THERM damage and are
weak to KIN and THERM, again adjust your resists and ammunition

Note: At this level of difficulty it doesn’t actually make that much

difference whether you tailor your resists and damage to your expected
opponent, but it is a good habit to get into for tackling higher level
missions. The faster you can take your enemy down (damage) and the
longer your tank lasts (resists) the more likely you are to succeed.

Wave 1:
2 x Coreli Spy (Frigate)

Wave 2:
4 x Coreli Scout (Frigate)

Once you’ve dealt with the pirates the janitor will contact you from his shuttle, which should show up in
your overview. If it doesn’t adjust your overview setting to display ‘spawn containers’, approach the
shuttle and transfer him to your hold. Return to Sister Alitura to complete.

Mission 7: Chivvying a Chef

We’re beginning to see a pattern here. This mission is pretty much the same mission as the last one
except this time you’re going up against rogue drones. Upon warping to the mission bookmark you will
receive a transmission from the chef telling you that his propulsion systems are shot and he’s dead in
space, approach his ship and be ready for the drones. Again you can either grab him and run or fight the

Note: Drones are very fast and will come in quite close, If you’re doing these
missions in anything bigger than a frigate it may be worth investing in drones
of your own or a Webifier of some description as bigger guns will have
difficulty hitting them at close range.

Wave 1:
2 x Infester Alvi (Frigate)

Wave 2:
4 x Splinter Alvi (Frigate)

Once you’ve picked up the Chef from his broken ship return to Sister Alitura
for your next mission.
This completes part 2 of this

Moon Dawn 3 months ago

I keep getting stuck at jet-canning a janitor as I unfortunately have a very low standing with gallente
federation which causes the navy to ambush me as soon as I'm out of warp for more then 5 seconds any
one knows if that's due to a recent change in system ownership or was it meant to be impossible to do
for caldari even if the career guy directed me there?

Mandrill 3 months ago in reply to Moon Dawn

The arc is designed for newer players who probably haven't had enough time to develop bad standings
with any of the four empires. Unfortunately the only way to solve your problem is to go and grind your
Gallente standings back up to a point where they're no longer gunning for you.

Aga Raster 1 month ago

in mission 6 when i warp to location there is nothing, no pirates and no small outpost...
what's happening?
EVE Epic Mission Arc Guide – Part 3

capsuleers, to part 3 of my guide to the epic mission arc in EVE Online.

So without further ado, on with the guide…

Epic Mission Arc: The Blood-Stained Stars

Chapter 1: Quality of Mercy

Mission 8: Delivering a Doctor

This mission requires you to deliver a ransom to a group that have kidnapped
one Dr. Luija Elban. Remember to grab the ‘Lots of Cash’ item from your
hangar before leaving, and warp to the bookmarked encounter.

When you get there will be a cargo can labeled ‘Dead Drop’ and no rats, upon
placing the ransom in the can the first wave of pirates will spawn and decide
that they could make more money by killing you instead of handing the doctor
over. The pirates you face in this mission are Coreli pirates of the Serpentis
faction. These Pirates are weak to KIN and THERM damage and will dish out
the same so fit accordingly.

Wave 1:
3 x Coreli Agent (Frigate)
The can containing the doctor drops from this wave so you can bug out once you pick her up, or you can
continue fighting.

Wave 2:
4 x Coreli Spy (Frigate)

Once you’ve dealt with all the pirates, gathered all the loot and salvaged the wrecks, return to Sister
Alitura to complete the mission.

Note: With many of the missions it is worth salvaging and looting any wrecks you generate fighting
pirates. The money to be made from selling the looted modules/salvage, is often more than the mission
rewards themselves. If you can’t sell a module or its price is particularly
low, you can reprocess it into minerals which you can then sell.

Mission 9: Engineering a Rescue

This mission follows the same pattern as the previous one, but without
the ransom. You have to rescue an engineer from being attacked by rogue
drones. We’ve encountered drones before but while I mentioned their
irritating habit of being fast, small and coming in quite close I forgot to
detail the damage types that should be fitted for when encountering
them. Drones can vary quite widely in the types of damage they do but
the low level ones you will encounter here deal out EM and THERM
damage. Being robotic in nature Drones are extremely weak to EM
damage so a combination of that and any of the other damage types
should see you through nicely.

As before you don’t actually have to fight the drones to complete the mission. The engineer is in a
wrecked Megathron called Heartbreaker and can be picked up without having to destroy the drones.

Wave 1:
3 x Infester Alvi

Wave 2:
3 x Render Alvi

No matter how you decide to deal with the drones, grab the engineer and return to Sister Alitura to
complete the mission.

Mission 10: Going Gallente

This is the last mission in Chapter 1. Sister Alitura sends you to talk to another agent in Gallente space, 8
jumps away. If you right-click the link in the mission description and set it as your destination you can
safely use your autopilot to travel there, though I would recommend getting into the habit of travelling
large distances manually.

Once your destination is set the next gate in your route will be highlighted in yellow. Selecting this gate
and warping to 0km will get you to your destination faster and will also help you avoid warping into gate
camps in low-sec and 0.0 space. The autopilot is ok to use in high-sec systems (0.5 security and above)
but as it warps you to 15km from the gate and then approaches to jumping distance out of warp it takes
longer and leaves you vulnerable to attack.

Once you get to your destination talk to Delphine Xarasier to complete the mission and receive the next
This ends part 3 of the Epic Mission Guide and Chapter 1 of this arc. In the next post We’ll start on
Chapter 2. As ever comments, questions and suggestions can be left either in the comments here on in
this thread on the EVE forums.

Onward , to Part 4…
EVE Epic Mission Arc Guide – Part 4

This is Part 4 of an ongoing guide to the first Epic Mission Arc, introduced in the Apocrypha expansion
for EVE-Online. So, one chapter comes to an end and another begins. On with the guide…

Before I get into the missions themselves I’ve had a good question put to me on the OOC forums at EVE-, where these guides also have a thread. The question was about standings and I am
reliably informed that you need standings with Sisters of EVE to take part in the mission arc but I won’t
be able to check exact numbers until I get back in game (my game time ran out on friday and I’ll have to
wait until my retail box arrives on Monday or Tuesday). Another facet to the question was whether your
ability to travel to the various secondary agents involved in the arc will be affected by any faction
standings or faction warfare involvement, I’m still looking into this and will publish my findings in a later
part of the guide.

Now back to the guide…

Epic Mission Arc: The Blood-Stained Stars

Chapter 2: Automation Impediment

Mission 11: Studying the Scene

Upon reaching your destination in Gallente space, Delphine Xarasier will ask
you to collect some corrupted drone components from the mission location.
The deadspace location will have the loot you’re looking for in a cargo can
marked Corrupted Drone. There will also be a handful of rogue drones
floating about but they will not engage unless you engage them so taking
them out is completely optional.

Wave 1:
3 x Broken Duvoll Labs Recon Drone (frigate)

Grab the contents of the can and return to Delphine to complete the mission.

Mission 12: Rendering Assistance

A simple deadspace courier mission this one. Take the antibiotics to the location provided, drop them in
the colonial supply depot (shows up as a can in your overview), return to Delphine. Easy.

Mission 13: Lair of The Snakes

This looks at first glance like a simple shoot the rats mission, however it’s a bit tougher than previous kill
missions in the arc. I’ve been doing these missions in a Tech 2 fitted Vengeance and so did not run into
any problems with the pirates in this mission. If you’re still running a tech 1 frigate it is of paramount
importance that you adjust your resists and damage to suite the pirates.

You’ll be facing Pirates of the Serpentis Faction in this mission and they are weak against KIN and THERM
damage and will dish out the same in damage. The final wave has a cruiser class pirate in it so watch
your range and be prepared to warp out if things get hairy.

Note: In this encounter (and the next) each wave has a trigger ship whose destruction triggers the
spawning of the next wave rather than subsequent waves spawning when
the previous one is gone. I didn’t realize this at the time and didn’t make
a note of which ship in each wave was the trigger, sorry. If those of you
working through these guides do make a note of which ships trigger the
next waves, let me know in the comments below and I’ll update the

Wave 1:
3 x Coreli Initiate (Frigate)
1 x Coreli Agent (Frigate)
1 x Coreli Spy (Frigate)
I honestly have no idea which of the above is the trigger ship, if there is
one, there might not be. Still, stay sharp anyway.

Wave 2:
1 x Coreli Watchman (Frigate)
2 x Coreli Soldier (Destroyer, High DPS, possible trigger)
2 x Coreli Patroller
The temptation with this wave will be to deal with the higher DPS (Damage Per Second) destroyers first,
but I’m pretty sure one of them is the trigger for the next wave so if you can leave them till last that
might be the better plan as it may prevent you being overwhelmed with multiple waves.

Wave 3:
2 x Coreli Patroller (Frigate)
1 x Coreli Watchman (Frigate)
1 x Coreli Chief Scout (Cruiser)
1 x Serpentis Personnel Transport (Industrial)
The Personnel Transport will spawn at the same time as the third wave though it is not really part of it. It
will be a long way off and will warp out almost immediately on orders from one of the other ships in the
wave. This doesn’t matter as the mission will still complete.

There are two ways you can deal with the cruiser, the first involves trying to stay out of range and
tanking the damage or getting in really close so its guns can’t track you easily. You’ll have to judge which
tactic is best for yourself based on your guns optimal range and your tank setup. If you go for long range
take the cruiser out first, if you get in close you can safely ignore the cruiser until you’ve take out the
supporting frigates. Once you’ve dealt with the pirates return to Delphine to complete the mission.

Mission 14: Data Retrieval

This mission is very similar to the last one in that you’ll be dealing with the same number of waves and
similar ships except this time they’re from the Angel Cartel faction which deal out EXP and KIN damage
and are weak to the same. Actually fighting through all three waves is optional however as you can
simply grab the contents of the wreck and run. Once again there may be
trigger ships in each wave and I apologize once more for missing them, The
destroyers in the second wave are probably the triggers again, though I could
be mistaken.

Wave 1:
2 x Gistii Ruffian (Frigate)
1 x Gistii Hunter (Frigate)
1 x Gistii Impaler (Frigate)
1 x Gistii Nomad (Frigate)

Wave 2:
2 x Gistii Nomad (Frigate)
2 x Gistii Defacer (Destroyer)
1 x Gistii Ruffian (Frigate)

Wave 3:
3 x Gistii Thug (Frigate)
1 x Gistii Outlaw (Frigate)
1 x Angel Forward Scout (Cruiser)

Once you’ve grabbed the contents of the can, a datacore, you can return to Delphine and complete the
mission whether you deal with the pirates or not.

Mission 15: Crossing Enemy Lines

Delphine now wants you to travel into Caldari space and speak to an agent there who she has been in
contact with secretly. This mission involves travelling a similar distance to Mission 10 and although it is
all in empire space and therefore safe to autopilot it, I advise travelling manually as usual, for the sake of
speed and forming the habit.
This brings us to the end of Chapter 2 of the mission arc and the end of part 4 of this guide. Till next
time, fly safe and good hunting.

gg 3 months ago


Awesome guide so far! Thanks so much!

SOE epic arc L1:

Mission 13:
I used Condor with 2 light missiles, ab, shield booster, and overdrive, with absolute minimum skills to fly
and fit (I was bored while running learning skills).

I completed the mission by kiting and using kinetic missiles. It's possible that the waves trigger when all
ships are destroyed rather than for trigger ships. All waves are spread out far enough apart that you
don't have to worry about chain aggro, regardless.

Trigger ships:
Wave 1 (they barely touch you at 17km): Scout, Scout, Spy, Initiate, *Agent*
Wave 2: Patroller (Frig), Patroller, Patroller, Soldier (Des), *Soldier*
Wave 3: Patroller, Watchman, Watchman, Chief Scout (Cruiser)

Wave 2 and 3 have some form of EW - the first is jamming and I'm not sure about the second but three
of their ships attempted to do it to me. Just remember your target once you start firing.

Just for fun I tried speed-tanking the cruiser. I came in on a 9 pattern using AB then orbitted without AB
on and he couldn't hit me. With my skills it took a long time to kill him though.

If you feel like linking to my blog:

Mandrill 3 months ago in reply to g g

You're very welcome. I really should get off my arse and go through this guide and put it into a PDF or
something. There are a lot of comments and extra info to go through and it is a lot of work. I will get
around to it at some point though.

gg 3 months ago

er that was for lair of the snakes actually (sorry, please edit this into readable format)
EVE Epic Mission Arc Guide – Part 5

This is part 5 of an ongoing guide to the first of EVE’s epic mission arcs, please use the links above to
access the other parts of the guide.

Epic Mission Arc: The Blood-Stained Stars

Chapter 3: Shadow Puppets

Mission 16: Passive Observation

The agent you’ve been sent to talk to in Caldari space, Immuri Asaka, wants a report on the friendly
forces which are guarding a known rogue drone hive in a nearby area of deadspace. The mission
bookmark will take you to a warp or acceleration gate which will deliver you to the mission area proper
upon activation.

When you drop out of warp near a frankly spectacular drone hive (see image above) you’ll notice some
rogue drones floating about and a few Caldari battleships. Approach the Caldari ships and a window will
pop up, hit ok and return to Immuri to complete the mission.

Mission 17: House of Records

A simple courier mission. Go and retrieve the cargo (Hidden Data Sheets) from the location given and
return to Immuri to complete.

Mission 18: Mercenary Distractions

Immuri wants you to destroy some mercenaries which are protecting a Guristas facility in the area. This
is an easy kill mission against Guristas ships who are weak against KIN and THERM damage and deal out
the same.

Wave 1:
4 x Pithi Despoiler (Frigate)

I did say it was easy, return to Immuri to complete.

Mission 19: An Economy Under Threat

You’ll be returning to the site of the drone hive for this mission to deliver some supplies to one of the
warehouses used by the observer fleet you had to report on in mission 16. You’ll notice that as well as
battleships there are now cruisers and frigates in attendance as well. Drop your cargo in the storage
warehouse and return to Immuri to complete.

That ends part 6 of the guide, I apologize for it being so abrupt but I was about to continue doing
missions on Friday but discovered that my game time had run out. Also I’ve not included shots of the
mission details as the missions are fairly straightforward. I now await the delivery of my retail box
(tomorrow, fingers crossed) so that I can pick up the arc once more.

As always any questions can be posted here, in the EVE-Online forum thread, or in the thread over on
EVE-Chatsubo OOC forums. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has visited this site
in the past few days, especially those who have asked questions. These guides have been by far the
most popular pieces on this blog in a long time and have planted the seeds of an idea which I hope to
bring to fruition in the near future. So watch this space for something interesting.

Till next time, fly safe and good hunting.

EVE Epic Mission Arc Guide – Part 6

And so the epic arc continues. I encounter the first (and possibly only) branch in this arc (see note
below) and would be grateful if someone could confirm which branch I’ve taken as it is not made clear in
the agent dialogue. Anyway, onward…

Epic Mission Arc: The Blood-Stained Stars

Chapter 3: Shadow Puppets (cont.)

Mission 20: Every Drone Inside

We return once more to the area with the large drone hive for this
mission and are given the task of clearing out all the drones within the
containment area. With ships from the Caldari Navy standing by,
approach the drones and they should all aggro you at once. Again the
drones will come in close and move quite fast so either use your own
drones (if you have any) and try to keep your distance, or fit with short
range weapons (missiles or guns) to take them out.

You’ll be fighting in what is euphemistically termed ‘a target rich

environment’ in this mission and you may feel slightly overwhelmed by the number of drones gunning
for you. As long as you keep your head and pick your targets you should be OK. Keep an eye on your
tank (armor or shields, depending on your fit) and take the Infesters out first as they are the toughest.
The damage type that they deal out varies from drone type to drone type, but they don’t do very much,
and they are weakest to EM.

Wave 1:
9 x Infester Alvi
2 x Belphegor Apis
4 x Mammon Apis

Once the drones are down, return to Immuri for your next mission.

Mission 21: A Sense of Dread

Return to Sister Alitura in Arnon for the next mission. Talking to her will
complete this mission.

Chapter 4: Queens and Drones

Mission 22: Royal Jelly

This mission involves you evacuating some personnel from a habitation

module in the bookmarked area. There will be drones in the area but they will
not aggro you unless provoked, so if you don’t want to bother fighting them
you don’t have to.

The drones congregate in 3 groups, which will aggro you on a group by group
basis. Once you start shooting at them, only target the drones that are
targeting you and you’ll only have one group to deal with at a time.

Group A:
1 x Infester Alvi
4 x Belphegor Apis
5 x Mammon Apis
This group appears in the gas cloud to the left of the station as you approach the habitation module

Group B:
3 x Infester Alvi
4 x Belphegor Apis
3 x Mammon Apis
1 x Scorpionfly Apis
This group appears in the gas cloud to the right of the station, near the station, as you approach the
habitation module.

Group C:
4 x Infester Alvi
2 x Belphegor Apis
4 x Mammon Apis
This group also appears in the gas cloud to the right of the station as you approach the habitation
module but further away than group B.

It doesn’t matter if you engage the drones before or after you pick up the evacuees though it makes
more sense to pick them up before attacking the drones. At least then if you have to warp out you
already have them on board and don’t have to go back for them. Return your cargo to Sister Alitura to
complete the mission.
Mission 23: Nature Pictures

Simple courier mission, Pick up the cargo from the designated station and
return it to Sister Alitura.

Note: Upon completion of his mission you will be offered a choice between
Tracking or scanning, though it is not really made clear in the agent dialogue
which mission is which. The implication is that the first mission is tracking,
whilst the second is scanning. If anyone can confirm this I’d be most grateful.
If the above assumption is correct I chose the tracking branch so we shall
continue from there. I do plan to repeat the arc at some point and take the
other branch, though if the rumored 3 month wait between arc repetitions is
true it may be some time.

Chapter 5a: Bag of Blood

Mission 24: Tracking the Queen (Part 1)

Rescue a reporter from Mordu’s Legion. Warping to the location give you’ll see a shipwreck which is
where the reporter is hiding. Picking him up triggers the spawning of two groups of Mordu’s legion
ships, which will both aggro you.

The best way to deal with these rats is to warp out once you’ve got the reporter, dump him in your
hangar (don’t complete the mission just yet), then warp back to the mission location. You’ll warp in out
of aggro range and be able to take each group on individually, as long as you don’t get too close to the
non-aggro’d group. The best way to do this is to aggro one group and kite it away from the other one.

One of the pirates (the Mordus Bounty Hunter) is equipped with a webifier. In order to successfully
engage these rats you have to have a weapon with a range of at least 10km.
My rocket fitted Vengeance (range of about 3km) was not up to the task as I
couldn’t get close enough to hit the Bounty Hunter and was rendered a sitting
duck for the missile volleys from the other ships. The other option is to use
drones to take down the Bounty Hunter as they won’t be affected by the

Take the Bounty hunter out first and that should leave you free to deal with
the rest. Mordu’s Legion have a decent spread of resists, EXP and THERM on
their shields and EXP, KIN and THERM on their armor, if you can juggle missile
or ammo types mid-fight and swap over in order to take advantage of these
weaknesses by all means do so, if not its probably best to just pound them till
they die with whatever you have to hand.
Group A:
1 x Mordus Bounty Hunter (Webber)
4 x Mordus Katana

Group B:
5 x Mordus Gladius

Note: Due to the way damage is calculated in EVE, being webified can leave you very vulnerable to
damage from all varieties of weapons. Always take out web fitted ships first in a PvE environment if
you’re in a small ship (Cruiser or smaller) as your maneuverability and speed is your best defense. When
flying bigger ships it tends not to matter as much as your tank (shield or armor) should be able to
handle whatever you get thrown at you.

Of course actually taking on these rats is completely optional and is not necessary for the completion of
the mission. Return to Sister Alitura to complete (making sure the reporter is in either you hangar in
Arnon or your cargo hold).

Now in answer to some questions I’ve been getting from the EVE Forums:

To take part in these missions, minimal standings with Sisters of EVE are required. If someone can supply
me with exact figures (I can’t seem to find them anywhere, the agent info merely says that she’ll give
missions to anyone meeting the standings requirements but doesn’t state what they are) My current
standings with SoE, before Connections IV is taken into account, are at a paltry 0.06.

There are no standings gains from the missions themselves though through completing them you will
receive storyline missions for Sisters of EVE which will increase your standings with them upon

There are no restrictions on the type of ship you can do these missions in. Some posters in the forums
have gone through the whole arc in a battleship.

I plan on putting together a glossary and FAQ at the end of this guide explaining the various terms used
and answering any questions that may arise.

As ever, questions, comments, and criticism either here, the EVE Online forum or Chatsubo.

Quiinox 1 year ago

I don't think you need any standings for Sister Alitura. I started this Amarr pilot last Sat, March 14th, and
was able to access her immediately after the initial rookie 10 missions.

Boris Menace 1 year ago

I have the 5b missions' descriptions. Drop me an (eve)mail if you are interested.

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to Boris Menace

I tried emailing you but I got an error. I'd be very interested in any information about the 5b missions
that you have.

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to mandrill

doh I read (eve)mail as e-mail. silly me. I'll mail you in-game asap :D

Samuel Cole 1 year ago

When you say that you get a choice between "tracking and scanning," could you clarify what you mean?
The "tracking" missions seem to be just run-off-the-mill combat and courier missions - do the "scanning"
missions replace these with missions requiring the whole probes/exploration thing?

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to Samuel Cole

Well, as you can only pick one of the branches, I don't have first hand experience of the other branch. If
you check the forum thread though I think someone has detailed the other branch of the arc, which as I
understand it, returns to the missions covered by this guide at Burning Down the Hive

Boris Menace 1 year ago

What's you alt's name, so I can evemail you the details?

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to Boris Menace

I don't have an alt at present. My main (and only) EVE character is Jmarr Hyrgund.
EVE Epic Mission Arc Guide – Part 7

This is part 7 of my guide to the first of EVE’s Epic Mission Arcs, to access the previous parts use the links

Epic Mission Arc: The Blood-Stained Stars

Chapter 5a: Bag of Blood

Mission 25: Tracking the Queen (Part 2)

A simple courier mission in which you have to take the rescued journalist
(last mission) to gather his data from where he’s stashed it at another
station. This mission completes when you talk to Sister Alitura from the drop
of point, though you still have to travel back to her to get the next one.

Mission 26: Tracking the Queen (Part 3)

Take the tracking data to a supposedly secure Sisters deadspace drop point.
Don’t be reassured by Sister Alituras assertion that this will be completely
safe as when you drop the data in the can at the mission location some
Mordu’s Legion ships will spawn and immediately aggro you. Again there is a
Bounty Hunter in the mix, so unless you can be sure of taking him down quickly (which I couldn’t) you
should warp out and complete the mission.

The Bounty Hunter has a high shield recharge rate and was quite capable of tanking the light sabretooth
missiles I was throwing at it. High DPS is called for in this situation and as I couldn’t deal out anything
like what was required I warped out and spoke to Sister Alitura to complete the mission.

While only one group of Mordus spawned to begin with, there may be more waves so if you’re going to
take them on be prepared for another wave spawning.

Wave 1:
1 x Mordus Bounty Hunter (Webber)
5 x Mordus Gladius
Note: If there is another wave I’d appreciate it if someone could let me
know (with ship types and numbers) and I’ll add them to the guide.

Mission 27: Burning Down The Hive

The Drone hive has been found and the Sisters want you to go and wipe
out the threat completely. This is a multi-pocket mission and you get plenty
of time to complete the objective and still collect the substantial 171k

Pocket 1
There will be a cruiser class drone, identified on the overview as
‘Mysterious drone’ and a few frigate class drones in as you warp in, the
cruiser will escape through the acceleration gate and leave you to deal with the remaining frigates
before going after it.

2 x Belphegor Apis
1 x Decimator Alvi
1 x Infester Alvi
3 x Mammon Apis
1 x Sunder Alvi

Pocket 2
Again the mysterious cruiser drone will be present in this pocket, and once more it will make good its
escape through the acceleration gate before you can get close. The drones in this pocket look like they
are in two groups and from their behavior when I approached one of them they will aggro by group but I
think I strayed too close to the second group whilst attacking the first so managed to draw aggro from
all of them I ended up kiting them for 100km or so and taking them out that way. Don’t attempt to
orbit one of them or you’ll just get swarmed and they’ll eat through your tank quite quickly (unless
you’ve got an uber tank that is. Then feel free to simply sit and take the punishment)

2 x Hunter Alvi
2 x Infester Alvi
1 x Raider Alvi
4 x Render Alvi
1 x Splinter Alvi
2 x Sunder Alvi

Pocket 3
The Mysterious cruiser drone will be in this final pocket but you won’t be given the opportunity to
engage it as another cruiser, labeled Mysterious ship on your overview will appear and destroy it
transmitting a message saying that you’ll never learn the secret of the drones. This cruiser will then
warp out and leave you to deal with the remaining drones, one of which will be a cruiser drone. The
mysterious drone does leave a wreck however and this is available for you to salvage once you’ve dealt
with the rest of them. The Cruiser class drone (Wrecker Alvum) should be your primary target, the
damage it does is not significantly greater than the frigate drones but it will be a tougher customer so
should be taken down first while you tank the damage from the other drones.

1 x Wrecker Alvum (Cruiser)

3 x Decimator Alvi
2 x Render Alvi

Once all the drones are dealt with, return to Sister Alitura to find out where your next mission is going to
take you.

Mission 28: It’s Not Over Yet

Travel to Hek and speak with Keita Eslin. This is a long and tedious journey, again though I would
encourage you to travel manually, and, as an added exercise, drag the local tab from the chat window to
its own window and scan down the list of people currently in each system as you pass through. This is to
get you used to checking local for hostiles. If you are in a player corp anyone with negative standings
towards your corp or alliance will show up with a red icon next to their name in local. Get into the habit
of having local open in a separate window from the main chat, it is invaluable in low and null-sec
operations, though completely useless in wormhole space as pilots only show up in local there if they
are actually chatting.

That’s it for Part 7 of the guide. Comments and questions can be posted here, the EVE Online forum
thread, or the Chatsubo thread as usual. I’d also like to take this opportunity to put the call out for
further information. If you feel I’ve missed something, or that there is an essential piece of data that
should be included in the guide feel free to EVE-mail me in game (my character name is Jmarr Hyrgund)
and I’ll see about editing it into the guides.

ciel712 1 year ago

I just wanted to add that on mission 27 the drones use warp scramblers as I wasn't paying attention,
then when I tried to warp out I couldn't - I can't believe I got killed by drones :(

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to ciel712

I didn't notice that in mission 27 I'll make a note of it and add it in to the upcoming addendum. thanks.
What were you flying btw?

ciel712 1 year ago

I was piloting a Cormorant destroyer. I looked into it and apparently it is the "Strain Render Alvi" that
use them - this is probably present in all the missions that have such drones. According to this website
( the Strain Decimators, the Strain
Renders, the Strain Infesters and Strain splinters use warp scramblers. The former two have a scramble
range of 20k and web range of 10k while the latter two have a scramble range of 8k and web range of

Mo We 1 year ago

In Mission 26: Tracking the Queen (Part 3) there is no other wave

jac'dhu 1 year ago

I too got scrambled in Pocket 2. I just belted into the bunch with my well shield tanked rifter (+medium
shield II + recharger II), expecting to just sit there as usual and drop them like flies. I was webbed and
scrambled, ran out of capacitor and podded within the minute. Big wake-up call :-) With hindsight I
should have just carried on dropping them rather than waste time trying to find a way out of it when I
realized I was webbed/scrambled. I'd probably have got them down to a number I could have tanked. By
the way, don't bother trying to make a run for the gate to pocket 3 - you can't activate it scrambled :-(

The spawn I got was...

1 x strain render alvi

2 x strain infestor alvi
1 x sunder alvi
1 x hunter alvi
1 x raider alvi
2 x render alvi
3 x infestor alvi
3 x splinter alvi

You probably could make it to pocket 3 without actually aggroing anything by just keeping your distance
and flying around to 'back' of gate. I managed to get some gear back from my rifter by doing this in a
rookie ship (+ warp stabilizer).

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to jac'dhu

Kill the strain drones first and that should unweb/scram you.

Zibzib 1 year ago

Is mission 27: Burning down the hive doable in a Tristan with 1x 75mm Gatling Rail, 1x 150mm
Compressed Coil Gun, 1x Small Nosferatu, 1x Hornet drone, afterburner+cap booster+stasis webber,
damage control+small armor repairer+overdrive injector?
Or better buy a larger ship?
mandrill 1 year ago in reply to Zibzib

@Zibzib: Try and see. I can't give specific guidance or specific ship types as I could spend the rest of my
life doing the same missions over and over again in different ships.
I'll say this though, the size of the ship is not an issue, in the majority of cases it’s how you fit your ship
and how you fly it which spells the difference between success and failure. Remember to watch your
ranges and try and keep any targets at the optimal for your gun/ammo combination (found by right-
click>show info on the gun in question whilst in space). It’s always a good idea to set this as your optimal
A couple of tips regarding your fit:
Don't mix your guns, go with either the 75mm or 150mm (the 150mm will give you higher range and
damage, but lower tracking and rate of fire). fit two of one gun, rather than two different guns.
Drop the Nosferatu for another damage output, I think the Tristran can fit a launcher, rockets are good
for dealing with anything that gets under your guns. EM (Gremlin) rockets for preference against drones.
Drop the Cap Booster for a Cap Recharger or Small Capacitor Battery, it means you don't have to carry
the booster charges and both will increase the rate at which your capacitor recharges. Increasing the
size of your capacitor does not increase the time it takes to recharge, so the rate increases. Same
principle as applies to shield extenders.
And finally if you can drop the Overdrive Injector for an adaptive nano membrane (under resistance
plating in the market), this increases all your armor resists and should give you an all round tank that can
handle the drones.

IMPORTANT: Do not leave your armor repairer running, it will eat your cap and leave you defenseless.
Turn it on and then off (Double-click usually, or hit the hotkey twice) again when you feel you need it.

As ever in EVE it’s not down to the ship, or the fittings, in the end but the ability and good sense of the
pilot. Know when to warp out, and which targets to take out first and you should be ok.

Zibzib 1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestions, I will try to keep those in mind. =)

BaNZ 1 year ago

Got slaughtered with mission 27 at pocket 2. Lost 3 Tristan, 1 catalyst, 1 crap ship. Seems like they got
some sort of warp disruptor. I usually kill 1 ship and run off, but I couldn't warp away with these. Just
sitting duck. I was told to kite them, how do you do that? I can't navigate the ship with arrow key or
anything... :( Am I too low level or something? Got 240k sp.

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to BaNZ

Right, where to start...

Firstly, have you done the tutorial missions? If not take a break from the epic arc and go and find a
tutorial agent, there will be one in the system you started in when you first entered the game.

Secondly, your ship is not navigated with the keyboard, ever. To move your ship around in space you
simply double-click on space in the direction you want to travel and your ship will move at maximum
speed in that direction.

Thirdly, kiting is when you travel away from your enemy, getting them to follow you. You can do this
easily by selecting the enemy you want to travel away from and then either clicking the 'keep-at-range'
button in the window above your overview (right clicking this button also lets you set the default
distance you want to keep between you and your target) or you can right-click on your target (either in
space, in the locked targets display, or in the overview) and select keep at range from the pop-up menu.
in the pop-up menu you can either select a range from some presets, or use the default. Keep at range is
handy in that it will adjust your speed automatically to keep your ship in (or around) the range you
I would set your default keep at range to the optimal range of your guns or slightly more. You can find
this value in the attributes of your guns (when loaded with ammo) by right-clicking the button that
activates them and selecting show info, it will be under the attributes tab.

I hope this helps you out and that you enjoy the rest of your time in EVE. Fly safe and good hunting.

signal2noise 1 year ago

In M27 ('Burning Down the Hive') Pocket #2, I lost a Cruiser to those @#$%^&* drones. They scrambled
me and I couldn't warp out. I just sat there, watching my shields, armor, structure, and my drones get
decimated. I went back in with a new Thorax, more drones, and a smartbomb. Revenge was sweet.
(Nice guide by the way.)

FastActin 1 year ago

Verified also that there are no additional waves in Mission 26. Drones help significantly in finishing off
the Bounty Hunter.

FastActin 1 year ago

Thanks to this forum, I was able to entirely avoid getting scrambled in Mission 27's pocket 2. I
maintained my distance out of the 20K scramble range and, having a Vexor (Gallente Cruiser), let my 5
drones do most of the work; specifically two Infiltrator I's for doing the EM damage that the Strain's are
susceptible to, and one Hammerhead I, one Valkyrie I, and one Vespa I for doing all other damage.

Also, I did note that you can in fact take on the spawn in two groups if you swing wide around the first
so as to not aggro the second. The spawn I got in pocket 2 was:

Group 1:
3x Render Alvi
4x Splinter Alvi
1x Infester Alvi

Group 2:
2x Raider Alvi
1x Sunder Alvi
1x Silverfish Alvi
1x Strain Infestor Alvi
1x Strain Render Alvi

I encountered no Hunter Alvi's at all, unlike other postings on this page. After wiping out Group 1, I sent
the drones to take out the Strains first as soon as they targeted me (first I sent them after the Strain
Render, because it has a longer scramble range, then i sent them after the Strain Infester). It was easy to
clean up the rest after that.

Thanks, everyone for all the great critical information you posted on this page!

Ryver 1 year ago

I'm glad I came across this site today. Last night, I lost 2x Tristan and then because I was very grumpy
about it, took in a Destrory (? between Frigate and Cruiser). Lost that as well. I actually was looking in
the EVE DB for how to stop the warp scrambling (found it) then found this guide to make sure my
thoughts of what happened are correct.

Oh well, it's only ISK ;) I expect all my wrecks will be gone before I can get back to it again. At least it was
a learning experience.

Refefer 1 year ago

I like the guide. It didn't help me in saving my Tristan during M27, but it sure made the cross easier to
bear. Thanks for the guide and keep up the good work!

Dan 1 year ago

Just lost a destroyer and a cruiser to the damn 2nd pocket. Bloody slow ship just got chased down by the
infesters and scrambled...I spent weeks building up ISK for a new ship to do this damn mission, and I've
just lost another ship to it...argh.
Andrea Griffin 1 year ago

I also had a friend lose a frigate and a destroyer in the second room of mission 27. I thought that maybe
he was having some issues since he was new to the game, so I came in to help. Four of the drones are a
nasty combination - two scrams, two webs, then they orbit close and do a large amount of damage for
drones. Since their transversal is high, they are difficult to hit with turrets.
Bring a friend and focus fire, or tank hard and use rockets or drones, or a web of your own.

Kagehi 1 year ago

Just did it today. Lost two Tristan and a Catalyst to the buggers. The Catalyst was worthless, at least the
way it was rigged. The Tristan can "usually" get me through most fights, and sucking the power from a
ship with a Nosferatu can "usually" keep my armor repair running long enough to take something out,
without completely fowling up my cap, except I wasn't expecting the damn jump jammers, and wasn't
sure which ones they where (didn't read this until after). I still have the civilian booster, since that
manages to keep the shields "just enough" to prevent me dying too fast, but not so much I suck cap
power like a mad man. Need to figure out a way to redo things a bit, I guess.
Nasty, nasty mission.

Asker 1 year ago

guys help me plz! mission 26 tracking the queen part 3. jet can has got no such option as "open cargo".
how shall i put tracking data in it? i have very few time until magus fleet comes and pwnes me very hard
in 10 seconds.

mthomas768 1 year ago

In pocket 3 of Burning Down the Hive you might be better off killing the smaller drones first. They die
faster, reducing your incoming damage more quickly. Once they're down, you can focus on the cruiser.

Lo Ram 1 year ago

I just kited everything in "Burning down the Hive" with a tech 1 artillery fitted Rifter. No chance of dying
as I just sat outside their range but it did take a while! Running around with a salvager afterwards took
even longer. :-)

Dron X 1 year ago

When i lost my Punisher in second room,i wos wery angry.This hapen becouse i dont able keep distance-
drones sometimes use microvarp drives and go close.And in short distance my turrets all time miss.Go
with bigger ship is stupid idea-you just bigger and slover target.I just buy Executioneer,put in low slots 2
overdrive injectors,middle-small shield extender and 1MN afterburner and hight-1 Medium Beam laser1
with MicrovaveS ammo.With my skills laser have 16000m optimal,then in target settings i set default
distance 17km.Then just go and shoot them all.Just sometimes single drones warp close,then i deselect
my current target and select closest and push keep distance.With my speed 1000m/s+ i allmost dont
have problem.Just when need kill last biggest i orbiting around about 25 minutes in 15km orbit,becouse
for this weapon drones shields little to hard.EXECUTIONER-FUNSHIP.

Ed Wolf 1 year ago

Hey, thank U Keith for this excellent guide, but it didn't help me on this mission doh, but it helped me
get over my MAD anger :) after losing my Tristan, twice today arrrg :( (yes me too, strange... all those
fine Tristan's) I will try again to beat them back tomorrow .... the revenge will be sweet :) take care...

Jose Chupacabra 1 year ago

Something on your webpage is seriously screwed up. Won't finish loading and eats a ton of bandwidth.

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to Jose Chupacabra

works fine for me.

David Blangstrup 11 months ago

I should have read the commentaries... :( I went in with my Vexor, which I have spent so much time and
money on, and couldn't warp out... just like described here. No one alerted me that NPC drones could
scramble, so I am done with this game, sadly... nice graphics and so on, but this is just too much...
- David

Soekith 10 months ago

In "Mission 27: Burning Down The Hive", you don't have to destroy the cruiser at all.
The mission is completed when you kill the last drone (except the cruiser).
Therefore you can just kill the little ones and warp out.

shutter 10 months ago

Wow. Don't take 27 pocket 2 lightly. Burned through a destroyer, and like.. 6 rifters. If I wasn't so
damned determined to beat those f'ers, I'd be playing a different game right now. Not an easy task for
anyone, and I personally think it was way, way, way too tough for a noob. Def not a lvl 1 mission, but I
learned alot... just wish it hadn't cost me 3M. :/

Range.. 16-20Km is probably the only way to beat them without losing a ship. Don't forget your
microwarp, or afterburner though.. those drones are way faster than a rifter, and without a boost, you'll
be gimped(webbed & warp jammed) in seconds. Did I mention that those things were f'n fast? They'll
circle your butt at 2k and own your 125/150 guns, so stay at range, and pay very close attention.

deimos 10 months ago

I have to agree that this mission could be considerably harder than some high tier lvl1s - I finished it
without difficulty, but I've been mission running for the past few days to get cash for the advanced
learning skills, and this pushed my Coercer harder than any of the lvl1s did.

Granted, I've got a good armor tank going - adaptive nano, 200mm tungsten plating, cap recharger, cap
relay, plus repairer(100secs sustained) - and turret range out to 25 with EM/Thermal damage. I
managed to pump out enough firepower at long range to thin out the crowds.

Quick tip that will make life a LOT easier: if they get in close and are orbiting too fast for your tracking,
pick a far away object (or align to a station) and just head for it full speed. NPC's will drop in behind you
after a few seconds, cutting down the angular momentum considerably!

Pete 9 months ago

Hey, you really, really need to update this article! It makes it sound like doing this level is easy; well,
dealing with warp scrambling is not easy and you don't mention it! You have to read well down into the
comments to find out about it -- I lost 4 ships on this mission.

Be sure you have afterburners and weapons that have a range of 20km or greater -- keep your distance
at 25km or more; specifically from the "strain" droids.

Update this article please. It was of no use and actually made it sound like the Burn down the Hive
mission was fairly straightforward. Since most game players tactics involve warping out, not being able
to do so is certain death.


mandrill 9 months ago in reply to Pete

I am currently working on a PDF of this guide which will be updated with information from the

Volbard 9 months ago

I lost four ships to the second pocket last night, these comments have helped me feel better about that.
I wasted a lot of time trying to warp out, not realizing that I was scrambled.

The key to me was fitting my ship better, switching from blasters to rails, and orbiting with an
afterburner, and using my drone to help take out the webbers.

Definitely a big difficulty spike, this is the first mission that even came close to taking my ship, and then
it took several.

Slaman 9 months ago

I see a lot of people had problems with fighting the second pocket. After I cleared the first one and
jumped to second one i just flew past the drones and used the gate to reach the third one, jumped just
in time before I ran out of armor. In the third pocket i repaired my armor, cleared the drones and the
mission updated successfully, so I don't think you have to clear the second pocket, just fly past them as
fast as you can or go around the to the jumpgate.

Darucha 8 months ago

Burned the hive down last night in a Merlin. The adaptive armor suggested above was on of the keys I
think. I used missiles and projectile turrets stuffed with EM ammo. An advanced afterburner was also
key. Almost got caught in the second room. Got jammed and the drones swarmed like angry bees.
Managed to warp out though... I kited the group(s) on my return and used plenty of the space available.
Actually flying the ship and baiting the drones out into space was a big help. I'm no EvE expert (2.5
months) but if you’re losing multiple ships, either your set up is wrong or the tactics being used are not
sound. Just one man's opinion...This guide is really great though. Did have trouble getting the cargo from
the second room drones until I went back to salvage.

Clean 7 months ago

i find it is really Important to say: The strainer (they sometimes appear) WEB + WARP-prevent you! it
was a pain in the as* for me. I didn’t know that i cant warp away. I tried to defeat them in close combat,
but couldn’t do any damage, because i was webbed and the worst i was not able to flee, never
happened to me.. i was defending like 15 minutes but without damage nor speed it was impossible... -
that imbaness is depressing.

Mc nasty 7 months ago

New player only 13 days in, walked through all the previous missions no problem.
Easy money right?
Pocket 1 no problem
Pocket 2 oh NOES!!! just wandered blindly into the midst of the swarm in a MOA
Got murdered. Was so mad i came back with my trusty Merlin and that got killed too.
Reality check. :( realized that i suck at this.

Mandrill 7 months ago in reply to Mc nasty

Don't give up. EVE is one long learning experience. Hell I'm still learning stuff and I've been at it for 6
years now.
Which mission was it and how did you approach it? I may be able to offer some advice.

Gargulous 7 months ago

Hi, nice guide, although it may help to mention the warp locking issue in the actual guide, rather than
leave it to people to read the comments.

It can be frustrating losing a ship to enemy that lock you, especially when you didn’t know it was
possible, or that the enemy in particular could do it. Don’t let that discourage you though! Let off steam
with some mindless ratting, then go for it again after doing some research on how do deal with the
problem. Losses will happen, often should have heard me when i lost my brand shiny
new Typhoon (my first Battle Ship, made specially for me by a friend, from minerals we mined for days!)
to locking enemies i didn’t know COULD lock!!!

As mentioned, EVE has a big, neverending, learning curve. Skill is part of the issue, as is ship loadout,
although it appears that many of the players here are new to eve, thus may have very limited options
for fitting the possibly very few types of ships they can actually use. If you cant fit a kickass top of the
line T1 Frigate with good quality modules (named MetaLevel ones), you may want to wait till you can.
On the other hand, one side of warfare is knowing when to pick your battles...and as the enemy in
pocket two can be avoided, this is probably the answer.

As a useful bit of advice for all new players, get a copy of evemon, and learn how to use that to plan
your training, and use its links to battleclinic to find good fitouts for pretty much any class of ship (you
can actually tell evemon to add the skills you need for the battleclinic loadouts to the evemon skill
training plan.)

Thanks to KN for his guide, and good luck and much fun to all the new players.
Gargulous :)

Monte Rutledge 6 months ago

Mission 27 Burning Down the Hive. Great info here, some of which should be included in the revised
guide as you know.
I would like to help out with some info on weapons. As a noob, I found myself struggling to find
weapons which could be used to keep the drones at distance. I was fortunate enough to find a helping
hand in Local chat (recommended).
I flew a Caldari Merlin to complete the mission. I fitted it with two 150mm Compressed Coil Gun I and a
Malkuth launcher with FoF EM Missiles (Don't remember name). I used Lead Charge S which grant a 60%
range increase to the Coil Gun's 14km range (other charges available as well, stay away from antimatter
or anything with -% range) for about 21.5km overall (feel free to correct the math). I maintained a
distance of 25km using the Keep At Range option on the Strain Drones.
Another option is to keep at range on your partner if they are better at piloting but you should practice
yourself, my partner maintained a range of 30km thus preventing me from targeting drones. Once the
Strains were dead I closed range to 10km and engaged my missiles. Overall the mission took me about
an hour to an hour and a half to complete this way. Keep in mind that you can warp out and dock after
battles without respawn. I recommend having at least 1000 charges and 500 missiles.
I also used an overdrive, afterburner, and Radioisotope Adaptive Nano Membrane. I had no problems
running weapons and afterburner the entire time. Key point here is learning that ammo ranges affect
your weapons as well. Hope this helps.
Admiral Rutledge

Chris 6 months ago

I just scanned the comments so I apologize if this was already written. For pockets 1 and 2 you dont
have to fight a single rat. Just manual fly well around them. Pocket 3 was fairly trivial using my active
armor tanked rifter. All T1 modules except for my armor repper, but I barely had to use it. I think I
pulsed it a total of like 3 times. I just took down the cruiser first and then took the rest of the guys. Hope
this helps.

Null 0x0000 4 months ago

A corp member had mission 27 so we got 4 Cruisers and 2 Destroyers in it and wiped it out in a few
minutes. Then we did 49 for another corp member. Way too much firepower. Super easy.

After a few more hours I was the only one left in the area, and I got up to 27, so I decided to solo it in my
Vexor. And I died. I was using a 1MN Afterburner because micro warp drives don't work in that mission,
and my Cap wasn't stable with a 10MN Afterburner. However the 1MN afterburner is too slow with a
cruiser, and eventually the last 4 drones caught up to me so my kiting guns and ammo wouldn't work at
such close range. Plus my 3 drones were just too weak.

I came back in with a destroyer, salvaged my old cruiser with no aggro from the remaining 4 drones,
then came back again to fight and they popped my destroyer because I didn't have an afterburner, I was
just too slow to kite at 250ms.
I'll try again tomorrow with a destroyer and an afterburner to see if I can kite, if I pop again, I'll just
forget doing it solo and get another SOE Arc fleet running.

Seragyn 3 months ago

I easily beat the mission in one go with a missile breacher.. 3x malk 1 launchers and pir. light missles.. all
i had on the ship was an afterburner and a auxilliary power.. didnt even get scratched (shields never
went below 60%) just orbited at 20k with afterburner going... let the missiles do the work. Im pretty
damn newbish, (been playing all of 6 days now) but found the basic setup on the web, it works wonders
for low level missions.

Nunya 2 months ago

I just finished tracking the queen 3 with:

1 x 75mm gatling rail I
5 x 150mm railgun I
all antimatter charges

1 x med remote sensor dampener I

1 x small shield booster I

1 x 100mm Reinforced Titanium Plates I

1 x small armor repairer I
1 x Warp Core Stabilizer I

2 x Small Capacitor control circuit I

1 x Small Ancillary Current Router I

1 x Acolyte I

It took me some time to find the right fit. MUST HAVE Warp Core Stabilizer I!!!!!!!!!! MUST MUST MUST!
Having an afterburner is useless, they will catch up to you and freeze you. I decided to heed the words
of one of the previous posts and went with an armor repairer and dampener instead.

As long as I could warp there was no need for speed, get in kill one, get out, repair in station, go back.
DAMPENER WAS A BIG HELP when it came to the bounty hunter.
I'm gonna take a break and will post how I do with the Hive.

Nunya 2 months ago

I just finished Burning down the Hive and it only took me 20 min in a Tristan. Quite the difference in
using my catalyst.

I completely avoided phase 1 and phase 2 by simply.....flying away from the swarms and getting to the
gate undetected. I didn't fire a single shot in phase 1 or phase 2. I was not detected at all the way I did it.

Once I got to pocket 3, I kited the drones and was 20 min.

2 x 280 howitzer artillery I
2 x standard missile launcher I

1 x shield recharger I
1 x small shield booster 1

1 x adaptive nano plating I

1 x warp core stablizer I
1 x Co-processor I

1 x small capacitor control circuit I

1 small ancillary current router I

1 x acolyte drone

how like dem apples... =)

Nunya 2 months ago

I forgot, I also used republic fleet EMP S, titanium sabot S, bloodclaw light missiles.

Spacer17 1 month ago

I lost two frigates and a Destroyer to this mission. Of course, these are n00B missions and deal mainly
with Industry skills rather than fighting. Later I joined a corp, made some ISK, learned some skills and got
some great advice about missions like this. I recently went back with a Caracal armed with Assault
Missile Launchers and shield tanked, with a 10MN Afterburner I. I kited the drones and was able to start
taking them down when they were still 20km out. =) I think I over-prepared. All three waves were a
cakewalk. Mission accomplished!

no-name) 2 weeks ago

Well, I was quite afraid of this mission after reading all this guides and had put a little bit of preparation -
fitted an artillery rifter setup, capable to shoot at 30km (later realized that my targeting range was only
22 km), put some quality staff on it - named AB and shield extender, even a warp stabilizer, to make a
run just in case. Got even platinum insurance on it.
But in fact mission appeared to be quite easy. Just kept those drones at 20 km orbit, slowly shooting
with arty cannons. Never got one of those closer than 15 km - so no scrambling or netting. It appeared
much harder to gather loot and salvage rather than actually kill them. I've got much more problems in
previous missions with Mordus Legion - because they had potent tanks, impossible to break with low-
DPS long range cannons.
So the way is simple - get a fast ship, capable to perma-run AB, and long-range weapons - no matter
how low your DPS will be - you will still be able to get those drones down.
EVE Epic Mission Guide – Part 8

Welcome to Part 8 of my guide to the first of EVE’s Epic Mission Arcs. The guide now has an entry on the
EVElopedia, where instead of telling me about mistakes or additions you can correct and/or add them

Epic Mission Arc: The Blood-Stained Stars

Chapter 6a: Shifting Foundations

Mission 29: An Eye On Everything

This is a scouting mission, and due to some technical hiccups (A cut fiber between Middlesborough and
Washinton in the UK, thanks for that Network Rail) my information regarding its completion may not be,
well, complete. I was on my way to the mission location, mid-warp, when my connection went down.
When it finally came back up I was at the location and the mission details said that I’d completed the
objective. If anyone has had a more exciting experience, i.e. something to shoot at, let me know or add
it to this mission’s wiki page (coming soon).

Mission 30: The Uses of Force

Another travel mission this, but its only a couple of jumps to Lustrevik and the agent you have to contact
there, Tarak Erand.
Mission 31: Goading the Leader

Blow up an Auxilliary Power Array and any defending NPC ships at the
location given. Don’t be too alarmed by the massive fleet that greets you
when you warp in, The majority of it warps out in short order leaving a
token force defending the target. The fleet is not really there long enough
to get a good look at but it comprises multiple battleships, cruisers, and
something identified on the overview as a stolen Nidhoggur carrier. What’s
left once they’re gone is a sole cruiser and 3 frigates, identified only as
Watchmen. The actual ships are noted below and as the come from a
variety of factions its not really worth fitting for specific damage and

Wave 1:
1 x Watchman (Cruiser, Corelum Chief Guard)
3 x Watchman (Frigate, Pithi Sabotuer, last one destroyed triggers Wave 2)

Wave 2:
4 x Watchman (Frigate, Gistii Thug)

It would seem that destroying the NPC’s is enough to complete the mission but if you want to see a
spectacular explosion its worth taking out the Auxilliary Power Array as its destruction takes the rest of
the structure its attached to with it and drops a cargo can with some trade goods in it. Once done,
return to Tarak to complete the mission.

Mission 32: Hunting the Lieutenants

Capture a smuggler lieutenant from a deadspace location.

Wave 1:
7 x Mercenary Rookie

These are easy targets and should go down with a couple of good hits each.
Once they are dealt with a message will pop up tell you that they were in
the process of evacuating someone from the nearby habitation module,
take a potshot at it and the lieutenant will surrender and you can return to
Tarak to complete the mission. No need to pick anything up.

Mission 33: Valuable Cargo

Return to Keita Eslin in Hek for your next assignment.

Mission 34: Marked for Death

Your mission this time is to assassinate one Izia Tabar. She’ll be likely to
have help so be prepared for a fight.

Wave 1:
5 x Mercenary Rookie (attacking any of them triggers wave 2)

Wave 2:
5 x Mercenary Rookie (last one destroyed triggers wave 3)

Wave 3:
1 x Izia Tabar

Izia Tabar is a disappointingly easy kill, her lasers do mostly THERM and EM
damage so adjust your resists accordingly depending on the type of tank
you’re packing. With her out of the way you can return to Keita for to
complete the mission.

This brings us to the end of Part 8 of the Epic Mission Guide. Comments, questions and suggestions in
the usual places (links at top of post), and don’t forget that this guide now has a page in the EVElopedia
too so you can add your own experiences of these missions to my own.

Remember the more information we can gather the more useful these guides will be, I am only one
person and won’t necessarily think of everything that users of the guide may find useful. Some data that
I’m beginning to wish I’d thought to gather is the ranges of the various spawns from the warp in point,
and the approximate spawn ranges of any secondary waves that spawn.

Till next time, fly safe and good hunting.

Boris Menace 1 year ago

Mission 29: There is nothing worth mentioning. Warp in, wait for like 5 seconds, get the message, warp

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to Boris Menace

I had hear that there was meant to be a massive fleet that included multiple battleships, with support
and a stolen Nidhoggur (the same one seen in mission 31 I assume) According to reports this fleet is
attackable and can be taken down with help and some hefty firepower. I however saw nothing, and I
assume the same for yourself.

White Carnation 1 year ago

The fleet is there -- it is large and does include a Nidhoggur (described as "Republic Harkal"), also a lot of
ships with the sort of red crosses I associate with battleships -- quoted as "Gist Seraphims" and"Core
Grand Admirals", also "smaller" stuff like Gistatis Legionnaires, Centrum Loyal Fields, and Corelatis Wing
Frankly, I didn't hang about.

BunnyGirl 1 year ago

Mission 32: Hunting the Lieutenants the thing the guy is hiding in is killable and drops a few trade goods

Lynn 7 months ago in reply to BunnyGirl

theres nice bounty on them too. The battleships pay out for 1.25M each
and theres at least 5.

Duggi 1 year ago

Mission 29: An Eye On Everything:

Lots of frigates, some cruisers, some battleships and the Stolen Nidhoggur.
They are attackable, but require quite some firepower.
Everything but the Nidhoggur has a bounty on 'em.
It's an amazing view, but the mission is quite simple. Warp in, get message, warp out.

Rojo 1 year ago

In regards to mission 29, I hung around with my cnr and killed everything cept the nidhoggur. Was a pain
in the ass, had to warp out a couple of times, although I think I had the wrong resists fitted.
The bounties were definately worth it

Rojo 1 year ago

Oh, for ships on Mission 29:

4 or 5 Core Grand Admirals
3 Gist Seraphims
4-5 Centrum Loyal Fields
3-4 Gistatis Legionnaires
3-5 Corelatis Wing Leaders
I dont exactly know the numbers, but those are really good estimates

FastActin 1 year ago

For mission 31, it was not enough for me to destroy the NPC Watchmen. I did have to destroy the
Auxiliary Power Array as the objective indicates to complete the mission.
FastActin 1 year ago

Regarding mission 34, I believe Izia Tabar is a "he". At least he was in the mission specs from Keita Eslin
when the mission was assigned to me. Either that, or Izia's gender is randomly assigned with each
mission assignment.

Rolengol 1 year ago

I just got done with mission 32, "Hunting the Lieutenants", but now I have no idea what to do. I keep
trying to talk to Keita Eslin, but she says "Sorry, I assigned a mission to another pilot already." What is
that supposed to mean?

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to Rolengol

This is a known bug. Submit a petition (f12 when in game) and the GM's should sort it for you and you
can continue the arc from where you left off,

Judician Nar 1 year ago

Mission 29: An Eye On Everything

That was tough. Even in an Abaddon with 75+ passive resists across the board. I had to warp out about 4
times, eventually swapped for hardeners at cap risk. It wasn't until I was down to 5 BS's that the damage
was within easy tank.
They're all heavy tankers too.

Stupidly forgot to take a screenshot or notes :( so ship numbers are from memory:

Single spawn @ circa 30-50k. No aggro at warp in. Stage aggro as soon as you attack anything. With the
exception of the Nidhoggur which gave proximity aggro @ c 20k.

1 Stolen Nidhoggur - no damage, heavy nos

6 BS's - (Angel) Machariel & (Serpentis) Megathron
5 BC's - (Angel) Cyclone
5 cruisers - Sansha (Phantasm)
5 frigates - Sansha (no web or scram)

No structures drop loot (cannot be damaged)

Bounties for the BS's all over 1 mil. Circa 11 mil bounties total.
No bounty on the carrier & no damage can be done to it (at least, you get a warning for attacking a
civilian, so I decided not to get concordoned)
600m3 loot & salvage overall but nothing special.
furstrated 1 year ago

whats the least ship class that you can complete the mission in? what ship did you guys use?
can a frigate do it, how bout a destroyer or a cruiser?
thanks guys

furstrated 1 year ago

BTW the fleet mentioned can be seen at mission 29 mission location, i counted 23 ships there and there
were 8 battleships, i also think they can be attacked there, i didnt dare to aggro, im only in a destroyer, i
just eyeballed one machariel and sped away and kept at 60km range, keeping eyeball on the bs.. then i
was able to do a good look around, stollen nidhogur is also there a little over 50 km from the swarming
fleet, and 110 km from me more or less

Tenoh 1 year ago

Miss 29, took out all easy guys in a drake,also killed one mega with Scourges,but hell this guys regen
fast, almost they cheat! couldnt take down remaining 5 bs's,they were pain in the far as i seen you
need exp,thermal and kin hardening,lack one and you sure to get 150 dam in a hit from something.Fun
and frustrating at the same time.

Zantores 10 months ago

Mission 19 has that big fleet... scary as hell to a noob like me (im on trial day 6. This scared me)
But I took a picture, if somone's willing to tell me how to upload it. Loots pretty cool.

Shadur 9 months ago

I've completed the Eye on Everything mission with a passive-tanked Ishtar. I had to keep moving, but I
only had to warp out once. Bounties and salvage definitely worth it, though.

Bob 8 months ago

Did in a T2 fit golem with T2 torps..... Too easy, didnt even have to warp once. carrier took about 30
mins and only dropped a 5 mil tag.

Jack 1 month ago

Mission 29: An Eye On Everything

4x Gist Seraphim
3x Gistatis Primus
4x Centum Loyal Hellhound
4x Centii Loyal Plague
4x Core Grand Admiral
3x Corelatis Captain
Got 11,586,000 ISK total (Didn't Shoot the Carrier though)
Nothing special in terms of loot and salvage.
EVE Epic Mission Arc Guide – Part 9

Welcome to part 9 of my guide to the first of EVE’s Epic Mission Arcs.

Epic Mission Arc: The Blood-Stained Stars

Chapter 6a: Shifting Foundations (cont.)

Mission 35: Thwarting the Succession

The objective for this mission is to rescue a Kurusal Tribe spy from a
smuggler training facility. Upon your arrival at the location there will be a
group of Mercenary Rookies near a structure about 20km away. They will
begin to approach and will aggro you at about 12-15km (if you don’t
approach and aggro first that is), destroying the last of these ships will
trigger the spawning of the second wave. As far as I can tell these
mercenary ships do mostly THERM damage and are very weak against EM.

Wave 1:
3 x Mercenary Rookie

Wave 2:
1 x Mizara
3 x Mercenary Fighter

I found Mizara and the Mercenary Fighters to be only slightly tougher than the Rookies, and dispatched
them quite easily. That being said, make sure you have good thermal resists for the second wave as the
Fighters pump out flameburst light missiles which can eat through your tank if you’re not prepared. This
would seem to be yet another non-existent pick up as defeating the rats is once more enough to
complete the mission. Return to Keita to complete and receive your next assignment.

Mission 36: Certificate of Death

Travel to Tanoo in Amarr space and speak with Dorvich Anselm. This is another fairly long journey and
again I would advise to do it manually though you can autopilot it and go do something else for 20 mins
or so.
Chapter 7a: A Breach of Trust

Mission 37: A Matter of Decorum

Deliver a doll belonging to Mizara to her family in a nearby colony. This mission is a simple deadspace
drop-off. travel to the location and drop the doll in the cargo can identified as Mizara’s Family Hovel.
Once done return to Dorvich for your next assignment.

Mission 38: New Friends

Travel 2 jumps to speak to Doctor Canius in Lisudeh.

Mission 39: Recovery

In this mission you will be introduced to the mechanics of the Archaeology career path. The objective is
to retrieve an artifact from a nearby archaeological dig site. To this end you are supplied with a civilian
grade archeology module called an analyzer. You’ll need to fit this to your a ship in a medium slot, so
swap it out for a module you can do without for this mission. I’ll cover its use in a moment, but first of all
you’ll find that when you warp in to the location you’ll be faced with some Blood Raider pirates so lets
deal with them first.

Remembering that Blood Raiders are beam based Pirates and so deal out mainly EM and THERM
damage, you should adjust your resists accordingly. They are also weak against EM and THERM so any
missiles or ammunition that you use should reflect this also. Take out the cruisers first and try and keep
as much distance between yourself and the destroyers as possible as their DPS is higher than that of
their larger compatriots. I’m not certain as to whether the paltry second wave is actually a second wave
at all or whether its simply a covert ops pirate who uncloaks when you aggro the others. in any case you
can safely ignore him till you’ve dealt with the larger ships.

Wave 1:
2 x Corpium Arch Reaver (Cruiser)
2 x Corpior Templar (Destroyer)

Wave 2:
1 x Corpii Seeker (Frigate)

Once the threat has been taken care of you can turn your attention to the nearby tomb. Approach to
within 5km of the tomb and target it. Once you have a lock activate the analyzer as you would any other
module and wait. Once you have a successful analysis the module will deactivate automatically and
you’ll be able to open the tomb and retrieve the contents. Once you have the artifact safely in your hold
return to Doctor Canius and complete the mission. You’ll get to keep both the artifact and the analyzer

Note: I’m missing a shot of the Mission details for this mission (Recovery) if anyone could supply me
with one I’d be most grateful.
Mission 40: Of Quiet Nights Long Past

This mission has you retrieving somd ocded documents from a supposedly
abandoned monastery. The Monastery itself will have a few defenders in the
form of Scavengers. The scavenges are flying a variety of standard frigates
and as such their resists and damage will vary quite a bit. They’re pretty easy
target though and shouldn’t pose to much of a problem.

Wave 1:
8 x Scavenger (Mixed Standard Frigates)

One of the Scavengers will drop a can containing the documents you’re
looking for. Grab them and return to the Doc to complete your mission.

Mission 41: Revelations

Return to Dorvich Anselm in Tanoo for your next


Mission 42: A Call to Trial

You must face and defeat Taphos in a trial by combat

Upon warping to the location you’ll see Taphos approximately 25km away. I
would advise getting as close as possible as quickly as possible as his guns do
fairly heavy EM and THERM damage (for a frigate) at medium ranges (over
10km). If you’re not fitted for close combat, keep him at your optimal and
watch your tank. Once you’re under 10km the damage he does drops off
abruptly as his guns have trouble tracking targets that close in. Once you’ve
taken care of Taphos you’ll trigger a conversation with Dorvich which will
allow you to complete the mission there and then and he’ll give you your
next mission

Mission 43: Brothers and Sisters

This mission has you returning to Sister Alitura in Arnon for your next mission. Its a long slog and it was
late so I autopiloted it, but again I would recommend getting into the habit of travelling long distances

This concludes part 9 of my Epic Mission Guide, comments in the usual place (links at top of post).

Till next time, fly safe and good hunting.

Po Chita 1 year ago

Great Guide!
I'm enjoying this quest, doing it with my punisher in 2Day long skills with no major problems.
Just got destroyed in 29 where a drone punt me.
Thanks, Po Chita.

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to Po Chita

You're very welcome :D

I'll have an addendum with a possible solution to your Mission 29 problems up in a couple of days.
Watch this space.
Fly Safe.

BunnyGirl 1 year ago

on the mission, Mission 38: New Friends the jumps was 3 for me

Duggi 1 year ago

Mission 38 was 3 jumps for me as well.

Also, here's a screenshot of mission 39, Recovery:

FastActin 1 year ago

On Mission 39, I only had:

1x Corpum Arch Reaver

1x Corpior Templar

which activated:

1x Corpii Collector

I guess I got off easy! :D

Pell 1 year ago

Screenie for mission details, 39. Recovery
Sanctaphan 1 year ago

I got the picture of the Mission 39 thing. Where do I send it?

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to Sanctaphan


Shiu Juan 9 months ago

Here are the objectives for the "Recovery" mission as requested (if you did not already have them):

Shiu Juan 9 months ago

Oops, sorry this is the mission briefing for "Recovery" instead:

Pajama Pete 8 months ago

Mission 38 lands you in your pod if you've joined the Gallente Faction. The jump gate guards kill you on

mandrill 7 months ago in reply to Pajama Pete

Yeah, that will be an issue with your standings. Nothing to do with the actual missions themselves.

ihateshackers1 7 months ago

im hoping that they fix the problem where if u put ur ship on autopilot it jumps to the stargate it will be
like 14 km off

mandrill 7 months ago in reply to ihateshackers1

Its not a problem. its so that autopiloting ships don't bump each other when they land at a gate. If you
don't like landing so far from the gate, don't use the autopilot. As I have said many times before,
warping to 0 is faster and is less likely to get you killed.

mandrill 7 months ago in reply to ihateshackers1

The autopilot does that to prevent ships bumping each other on landing at the gate. If you don't like it,
don't use the autopilot, warping to 0 is faster anyway and is also less likely to get you killed in lo/nul-sec.
Bernsen 2 months ago

Starting mission 28, I brought a Salvager 1 along to do some salvaging on the weckages. I would
recommend it, since in most cases you can more than double the rewards from the missions at no extra
risk. I had trained my salvaging skills to level 2.
EVE Epic Mission Arc Guide – Part 10

Welcome to the 10th and final part of my guide to EVE first Epic Mission Arc. For a brief article on how I
found it and why I think everyone should do this arc please read the Epilogue.

And now for the finale…

Epic Mission Arc: The Blood-Stained Stars

Chapter 8a: Closing In

Mission 44: A Stranger’s Face

A simple courier mission to deliver some Altered Identity Records to the given location.

Mission 45: The Sisters and The Spy

Deliver Tahaki Karin to the Society of Conscious Thought’s waiting space liner in deadspace. Once you
drop your passenger off the liner will show up as a hostile on your overview, DO NOTHING! The liner will
make a quick exit without making a hostile move towards you, you’ll also get a pop-up message from a
Minmatar agent telling you that you have their support in your hunt for Dagan. You can now return to
Sister Alitura for your next assignment.

Mission 46: Sealing the Deal

Take out a SoCT spy at the location given. Once you pop the spy their escort
will warp out and you can complete the mission with Siste Alitura. If you want
the loot and salvage from the escort ships destroy them first then take the spy

Wave 1:
1 x Society Spy (Cruiser)
7 x Society Escort
Once the spy is dealt with you get another pop-up message of support, this time from the Caldari and
you can return to Sister to complete the mission.

Mission 47: Chasing Shadows

I had a few problems with this mission, mainly because I stupidly took my vengeance into low-sec to pick
something up and got ganked by a bunch of red flashies camping the station I was leaving. So After
buying a new ship (a Retribution this time) and fitting it out I went off thinking this would be another
straightforward kill mission.

Wave 1:
1 x Kritsan Parthus (Battlecruiser, tracking disruptor)
6 x Mercenary Rookie (Frigate)

Wave 2:
3 x Mercenary Fighter (Frigate)

The Mercenary Rookies and Fighters were not a problem and were
despatched without too much fuss, though the battlecruiser was eating
through my tank like it wasn’t even there.

After re-docking a few times to repair my armor I decided it was time for a
change of tactics. I came to the conclusion that I was far better off getting in
close and fast than I was sitting at 14km and orbiting sedately. Swapping
out the radio crystals I had in my tech II pulse lasers for multifrequency
crystals lowered my optimum range to just shy of 5km and let me get in
under the range of Kritsan’s lasers. It took a good few volleys as she had a
tracking disruptor pointed at me but she popped eventually. Once Kritsan is
down you get yet another pop-up message, this time from the Amarr. It
would seem that everyone is gunning for Dagan and wants him out of

Note: After completing the above mission you reach another branch point. This point gives you four
options and determines who your allies will be in the last few missions. I don’t think there is an awful lot
of difference to the actual missions, just where you go to get them and who you get them from. I chose
the Gallente commander for the simple fact that the bonus for the mission to go and meet him was the
highest. If anyone has completed the missions for the other branches and has found them to be
appreciably different from what follows I’d be grateful if you could let me know.

Mission 48: The Gallente Commander

Travel to the rendezvous with Bruce Colterne in the Sheron system. Its not far and he’ll meet you at the
mission bookmark in his Megathron (that’s him in the image at the top of the post), he’ll give you your
next mission.
Mission 49: Our Man Dagan

Destroy Dagan’s ship and return him to Brus for verification of his identity.
Upon warping to the encounter around a small Caldari style station in
deadspace you’ll come across Gallente forces engaged in combat with some
pirate frigates. I’m pretty certain that these forces will be determined by the
choice you made at the branch point. In any case, they’ll destroy a few of the
enemy, and a few of them will be destroyed in return, before warping away
and leaving you to deal with Dagan and his last remaining escort ships.

Wave 1:
1 x Dagan (Cruiser, target painter)
3 x Dagan’s Escort (Frigate)

I took out the escorts first whilst orbiting Dagan at close range, I’m guessing that Dagan’s resistances are
mainly EM and THERM as it took a while for me to get to his hull but once I did I cut through it like
butter. This left me with a few wrecks and a cargo can containing Dagan himself. Return to your
respective commander to complete the mission.

Mission 50: Dal Segno al Fine

After your cammnder has verified Dagans identity you are to transport him to a waiting Sisters of EVE
transport. The transport lies behind an acceleration gate and I went in fully expecting a fight of some
sort, possibly an ambush or double-cross. But no, this mission is what it seems to be at first glance, a
simple transport and drop off.

Surrounding the transport are four battleships, one from each faction, and as you warp in you receive a
transmission from Sister Alitura telling you to remain calm and not to target anything once you drop
Dagan in the transport. From the subsequent conversation with Brus when I returned to him to
complete the mission I gather that a swarm of rogue drones was supposed to appear and simply watch,
doing nothing, but I didn’t see them.

That’s it, the end of the first of EVE’s Epic Mission Arcs. I’ll have to wait for 3 months before I can go
back and explore the other main branch of the arc which I didn’t take, unless someone else wants to do
it and post their findings elsewhere (I’ll link to them from here). I’ve also got the go ahead to post guides
to the missions on EVE-Survival, though I’ll be needing more information to produce the guides in the
format preferred by that great site.

For my general opinion of the arc as a whole, read my Epilogue in the next post. As ever, comments,
questions and criticism in the usual places (see the links at the top of the post).

Thank you for reading and, until next time, fly safe and good hunting.

Tony 1 year ago

Why do you have to wait 3 months?

Vencar 1 year ago

The Amarr commander says basically the same thing, you go kill Dagan and his escort ships

Boris Menace 1 year ago

Mission 47: the BC neuts/nos you - not sure, which, I still have to learn the animations - instead of target
disrupting, even if the EWAR display tells so. I could hit it every time, but it drained my Punisher's cap.

Boris Menace 1 year ago

Mission 49: I suggest that you team up with someone with proper skills/at least a cruiser, because
getting through Dagan's tank, especially his shield is pretty hard in a low skilled frigate.

Mike 1 year ago

After mission 44, I got an email for another mission called Materials for War Preparation Objectives, that
gives you a +1 charisma implant for delivering 100 cubic meters of veldspar.

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to Mike

Yes, thats a storyline mission which you get as standard after every 16 missions for an npc
corporation/faction. They're beyond the scope of this guide but has guides for mos of

Mike 1 year ago

I made a couple of screenshots of the eve-mailed mission stuff if you want. Just email me.

Mike 1 year ago

Yeah I'm a noob. I obviously thought it was part of the arc. Oh well, at least I got an elite charisma
implant. woot! Now everyone will love me. :)

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to Mike

I wouldn't worry too much about it, we were all noobs once. I've made it my mission to give noobs in
EVE a bit of guidance in what can be a very daunting game to the uninitiated. Welcome to the family :-D

Mike 1 year ago

Hehe, thanks.

I just did the last battle, and... wow. I tried everything in my power, or my Merlin's power, to do it solo,
and there was no way I could ever even get his shields down in any significant way. I thought at one
point, when I switched to explosive projectiles and rockets, that I was making progress... then he healed
to full strength as I kept hitting him. That's when I knew I either needed to get some help or I was going
to have to skill up a lot and get some really good frigate gear to be able to take him down. So, I found a
couple of people and we helped each other do our battles. MUCH easier and less expensive that way!

But, I did the whole epic arc solo except for the last battle. Not bad for a noob. Now I'm in search of
missions to do, I guess. Need to get my isk back up so I can buy a caracal at some point.

Thanks for the guide! It was very helpful and was a great source to come to while doing the epic arc.
Now, where's your guide on what all one can do from here? :)

Fenix 1 year ago

Having been a Gallente Federation citizen since late 2008, I had the skills necessary to do the missions in
an Assault Frigate. I also recruited assistance for the battle with the 'carrier' fleet. That particular battle
wasn't what we had anticipated. The carrier does nothing but NOS whoever it aggros first, and everyone
else is in the clear. It doesn't launch anything. The battleships were somewhat tough, but nothing
amazing. I suppose in a frigate with no skills, I would be afraid.
The arc was good, though. And this guide is pretty good as well. Nice work.

BunnyGirl 1 year ago

Well i just completed the whole thing and well the ending was a bit umm rubbish.... No skill books or
rewards just cash, just want to add thanks for the guide very helpful

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to BunnyGirl

Yeah, quite a few people have said that they found it to be a bit anticlimactic. They are going to be
opening the tools used to make the arc up to the players though, so we'll have to see what comes of

I'm glad you found the guide helpful, I'll be publishing others in future so keep your eyes peeled.

White Carnation 1 year ago

Completed (with BS help).

(Mostly) IC account now at, if you care to visit. (look for "epicarc"

Ira Melanox 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for info mate was very useful in the discussions with CCP GM, i had that bug after mission

Ira Melanox 1 year ago

use piranha light missiles if you are Caldari, explosive damage ftw

Duggi 1 year ago

About mission 48:

Actually, the caldari ones gives the most.
Gallente bonus is 38k and 4 jumps away
Minmatar is 20k and 3 jumps away
Caldari is 41k and 5 jumps away
Amarr is 16k and 2 jumps away

I took the minmatar one, because I'm minmatar at heart, and I can tell you this:
Same mission with Dagan, and he is a hard kill, honestly. I'm in a destroyer, but got through his shield
after fitting a few dmg mods and faction ammo. After shields went down, he was quick to explode.

So yeah, mission 49 and 50 are the same.

Domm 1 year ago

Hi and thanks for your blog...

Ok i need soeme help pls. Im stuck at having completed mission 44 a stranger's face, and logged off for
the night. Now I can not seem to pick up the epic thread again. Ive no idea where to go for the next
mission and there are no waiting mission in my Journal.

Any help would be appreciated .

thanks in advance

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to Domm

This is a known bug, and is mentioned in the addendum (link at top of post). All I can suggest is that you
petition it and you should be able to pick up from where you left off.

Rain6638 1 year ago

I bought the velspar off the market, at the station for just under 24k ISK and just gave them that.

The only bug i see is there is no "go see alitura" mission (and no free 250,000 isk lol) but i went back to
Arnon on a hunch and she's there with mission 45 for me.
my 2c.

furstrated 1 year ago

check caldari branch gives the most bonus, mine is 168k, im also in a destroyer but cant seem to take
him down, what type of destroyer is effective and what fitting? i dont want to get a cruiser as of yet,
frigate 4 is still on the way

anon 1 year ago

There was another gigantic rogue drone structure there... I don't know how you could have missed it! It
warped/jumped/disappeared once I put Dagan in the cargo can.

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to anon

I must have been looking in the wrong direction.

Nox 1 year ago

Just finished the last mission. Did it in a low fit Omen.. a bit dissapointing at the end.. but ok overall
Ty for the great guide

L0RD V4D3R 1 year ago

what i wanna know is how do we get to take on the nobhigger thing and all the battlecruisers with it if
you can help

hikage 1 year ago

"im also in a destroyer but cant seem to take him down, what type of destroyer is effective"

For destroyer use close guns max damage ammo and orbit close, have plenty of ammo I used 2.6k
antimatter s with my low skill catalyst. It can be done takes awhile so help is still the better option if you
can get it,much faster .
Shame about the end it took such a while I would have hoped it finished with a "bang"

quantumboost 1 year ago

Something I noticed while fighting him - my shields would go down for no reason on occasion, and the
large shield regen mostly went away past 25km, which made it really easy to finish him off with long-
range turrets + missiles. Maybe the NOS-like thing is an NPC only shield vampire module?

Seegs 1 year ago

So about when should we acquire a cruiser class vessel? I have had a destroyer for a while and am
starting the arc in Amarr space (Death Certificate). I am using a Thrasher spec'd for close range fighting.
Is this the right approach to take?

Smnynb 1 year ago

I'm on Mission 47 and I can't kill the mission objective at all. The Mercs with him are fine, but his
weapons just fry my shields in about five shots. Sometimes I can get his shields down, but nothing else.

I'm flying a destroyer (Cormorant). Should I change ships? What weapons / boosters should I be using to
kill him? Any other advice?

Criswell 1 year ago

Thank you for this. As to why this arc is considered "Epic", well, it's almost 50 missions long, and if you
count the branches not taken, you get 55 missions. Not necessarily epic in quality, but definitely in
quantity. Apochrypha 1.5 (yes, I know the current version is 1.3) promises new epic arcs. Hopefully, we'll
see more branching choices. The hardest missions, I felt, were Burning Down The Hive, Kirsten, and
Dagan. I had to get help for those three. The rest were solo'ed in a destroyer.

Fulong Wang 1 year ago

I finally solo'd Dagan after upgrading to a Catalyst(I'm Gallente", buying a heat sink & five light ion
blaster. It took forever but I also specced w/shield boost & increased capacitor, as well as inertial
dampener and overdrive for defence.

I orbited him at 500m and balsted away(w/drone). took about 30min to get his shield. You have to
alternate your guns firing times, and make sure you never stop hammering him w/at least 4 at a
time(manual reloads).

I've been playing about 2 weeks and this is the second mission I couldn't complete the first time, and the
only one I missed the time bonus on. This is way tough, now am at a loss as to what to do next...anyone
know how to tell if a distant agent has a mission for you?

Halconnen 12 months ago

Fulong Wang: Do note that Heatsinks are for Lasers, not Blasters.

PPSledge 11 months ago

Mission 47: one additional thing about Kritsan's cruiser. If you get close, he'll hit you with an energy
vampire and suck your capacitor dry. I finally upgraded to medium scout drones and he took them as
enough of a threat to start leeching and fighting them instead of me. I was able to stay close and pop
him in a few minutes with the lasers (as you advised).

DerRiegel 11 months ago

So here's what I did (with another person helping for dmg):

If you kite him at a distance of 13k to 14k, he will not be able to fire at you, cause thats where his blind
spot is. He does aprox. 280 M/s, so you need to be faster than that...

OSGOD 11 months ago

just finished last miss was a waste of time and energy ,might be bit of challenge 4 noobs but was boring
4 me ,then again again i solo`d level 4 galle epic arc ,thought this might be challenge my mistake

OsGod is Gay 10 months ago

Admin: Trolling gets your email address published. You get one warning. This is it. Be nice

New noobie 10 months ago

I had trouble with the battlecruiser, I'm using a normal Gallente destroyer. Using a trial account, so using
anything bigger than a cruiser is out of a question for me. And to use a cruiser take too much time to
learn the skills.
Anyone got any idea what kind of dmg, the battlecruiser deal?
But I did pop that battlecrusier with a cruiser once which was months ago, can't remember how I did it.
By the OSGOD, if you wan challenge, try killing them with tech1 cruiser. That's a challenge.

Phil 10 months ago

Well it's my last day of my trial and I just spend the better part of the last 3 days trying to kill Dagan in
my Destroyer Catalyst with 6m isk spent on weapons and various new skills for the weapons I'm broke
and Dagan is laughing as he won, GM's you made his ship too hard everything I threw at him wouldn't
burn his shields below 33% and when I was hitting him with my drone and weapons. I had to use 5
weapons to see any real damage in his shields but after 10k of ammo he still lives, it's rediculous how
hard he is to kill. I was thinking/considering paying to keep playing but after this I may just walk away.

dog 10 months ago

excellent walk through mandrill. thanks a ton for the effort.

phil, i feel your pain. i did the same thing the first time i went, then got help after 4 lost ships. i started a
new character and took him to the same battle with a destroyer, circling at close range, all 8 slots with
200mm autocannons [not the basic ones either] - and i swapped out ammo as it ran down. it took about
15 minutes. personally, i liked the fight overall - a good challenge. it is cool that you can upgrade ships
and win - which seems to be a theme of this game - constant refits. lots of depth and breadth.

pringtef 10 months ago

After changing all my weapons to blasters (5x), and using two scout drones, i was finally able to defeat

A key factor was was orbiting him at the blasters optimal range to ensure maximum damage. Not certain
if it made a difference, but also changed it so that the guns reloaded at different times so that there was
always at least one gun firing on Dagan.

teds 10 months ago

just about to do the dagan mission, but have done every single previous mission in the same condor,
with 2 rocket launchers and a 75mm gatling rail, do i win a prize? :P

mandrill 10 months ago in reply to teds

I wouldn't bet on being able to kill Dagan with a Condor, but if you manage it let us know how you did it

Athena Olympia 10 months ago

Wanted to give you a correction update to the Faction break off. The Caldari Commander gives a bonus
of $87,000 ISK - the highest.

Gallente Commander = $59,000 ISK

Minmatar Commander = $42,000 ISK
Caldari Commander = $87,000 ISK
Amarr Commander = $26,000 ISK

mandrill 10 months ago in reply to Athena Olympia

hmm. They've either changed them since I did it or the amounts are different every time. I'll look into it.

James 10 months ago

Did the Kritsan Battlecruiser mission last night. My testing indicated that the key vulnerability to that
fight is EM.

My stats, I am a completely new character, of my 1.6mil SP 1.1mil are learning skills. I have level 4 Min
Frig, and level 2 missile skills.

Up until this point I did all these missions in my breacher (WOOT! Flying junkyard) Missile damage
appeared per hit as below:
Pirahna (Exp Dam) 43.6
Sabretooth (EM Dam) 69 dam 74 with added BCS
BloodClaw (kinetic dam) 46 dam
Flameburst (thermal) 64 dam

Orbiting at 25km out the BC did minimal damage and I just healed up by pulsing my shield booster.
Problem was, with only 3 launchers the breacher would get the ship to half armor and it work rep up.

I then swapped ships to a rifter. Outfitted with three 200mm ACs with EMP-S and a standard launcher
with sabretooth missiles I took the BC down in around 10 minutes orbiting 500m out. I didnt really pay
attention to the damage done per hit since I had already determined the most valid damage type. Only
thing I noticed was, orbiting at that range I wasnt so much shot at, but neuted down to nothing. Since I
wasnt running anything that needed cap it was pretty much a non even, but might impact other people.

Im going to do Dagan tonight and will see if I can do that with no skills and no money :-)

For the record all modules used were T1 unless something even cheaper was available on the market,
since I am still trying to save up for all the skill books I need.

James 9 months ago

I tried Dagan last night and failed, but I do have a couple points of interest.

First, for pricing the Caldari agent was offering 121k as the highest. The Minmatar was offering 42, so
there was some variability there.

I took the Minmatar branch just for faction building reasons. The Dagan I fought was vulnerable to
explosive damage, with piranha missiles doing roughly 2x the damage as the others. Problem was that
damage was 30dam per missile for piranha and 15-20 for the others. Way to little to wear down the

Wild speculation, as there are four Dagans to kill, one for each faction. The Dagan for each faction is
weak to the damage that faction is strong with. Other people would need to hit the other Dagans to

My Rifter, which got me through the last fight, was still not enough to get me through this one solo. I got
him down to about 1/3 left on shield and he would bounce back up to over half. No-one else was in
system working on him so that was it for the night.

Going to have to put this off till I get some better skills/equipment

chack 9 months ago

Kritsun Parthus neuts as well as TDs. Also is weakest to EM.

Apocaknight 8 months ago

Hi just wondering if anyone can help me with this as i am stuck on " A strangers Face"
And dont know where to go to get the mission !! its just there in my journal and i cant find the person im
meant to get the mission off or it might be the next mission, it says " you planted faulse records to
substitute a spy" and i dont know where to go then :(

L Hall 8 months ago

Kritsun Parthus
I used a Cald Destroyer- Full auto cannons use Emp ammo to cut through shields then switch to Proton
and Titanium Sabot as Proton will keep shields down and Titanium will burn through armor and hull. Set
orbit at 1500 and Use Cap Boosters,Shield Boosters to shield tank, After Burners to keep speed up, make
sure to save her for last. She never got my shield below 50% after I tried this

alexgreen 8 months ago

Took me 2 days to finally get the skills/equipment right to do mission 47. Flying Coercer with 8 250mm
Light Artillery Cannon I loaded with EMP S took Kristun down after 17 shots from each cannon while
orbiting at ~4000m. Neut (which appears to have a range of between 20 and 25km) made it impossible
to use any capacitor based weaponry that dealt more damage that Kurstin could tank. At the end of the
fight I had half my armor left. Having put most of my noob skills into learning did not help much...

An Arious 8 months ago

Hey There.
Thanks so much for the guide.
After 12 attemps attrying to kill Kirstan (and several ships) I finally called in some help and toyed with
her for a while prior to my Corp CEO blowing the ship to pieces, (Cheers Will !). I was however,
determined to Beat Dagan myself and after a few different fits and 6 attemps finally found the right mix:
My Caldari Comrmorant fitted with 6 small Ion Blasters and a missile launcher with Faction Foxfires.
Apart from the shielding and capacator fits that are now fairly standard for me, I also equiped a Tech 2
NOS to counteract my rapidly draining cap. I hammered him at just over 1 click with Anti matter and
then swapped out to plutonium (at 1.4 clicks orbit) after his shield was gone. Once I was into his armour
his structure was quick to go.....
Couldn't have done it with out your help, and alll those who posted here as well. Thanks to you all

Tom 8 months ago

hi - I just finished the Kirstan BC today. With a 1.5 SP character I was not really successful with my
normal (unsubtle approach) with a Vexor and 4 drones. Each time I was sent away warping with
generally the BC only minus a shield and a small piece of armor and my ship in tatters. It seems to heal
Armor fairly quickly.

In the end I removed my 4 x 200MM railguns (with AM) and put in 2 x 250MM scout railguns loaded
with Tungsten (not enough powergrid for more). Sitting at 33-35km kiting away I was able to tank him
with a shield booster and armor repairer while the tungsten loaded rails (and drones) chipped away
until he died after 80 rounds of Tungsten. At that range you aren't targeted with ECM or Nos.

Kiting the BC was fairly non-stressful as I was able to make cupcakes with my daughter at the same time.

Epigene 6 months ago

I just soloed it - using a loaded Vexor with 3 Light Ion blasters. Gallente apparently don't care too much
about shields so I was armor tanking with Damage Control on and a Medium Armor Repair module. Had
a Nosferatu running all the time but also need a Capacitor booster. Oh, yes, 3 Hammerheads (1 got killed
by one of the adds before the Dagan fight started properly)

The real challenge is to get and stay close. His targeting is lousy below 1000m and that is where you
want to be. This means, come in fast and straight, orbit at 500m and I used a Stasis Webifier to keep him
in place. Use an afterburner at least in your approach - you need to cover the distance quickly where he
can target and shoot you. If you come in too slow, he will eat through your shield and armor. It took a
long time and a lot of ammo - I used antimatter which isn't smart - it uses too much capacitor - but in
the end it worked reasonably well.

Shanidar 6 months ago

I soloed it successfully first time with a low skill Caldari Cormorant. I destroyed the frigates, warped out
and back in again and Parthus didn't agro me until after a few seconds when I was orbiting him at
1200m. The blasters did most of the work and destroyed him within minutes. The sensor booster
negates Parthus's target disruption and improves dps.

The cormorant setup:

5 x Light Ion Blasters I with Antimatter

1 x Small Nos I
1 x Rocket Launcher with Navy Gremlins (though normal Gremlins would do)
1 x Afterburner
1 x Sensor Booster I
1 x Power Diagnostic System I

Thanks for the mission guides.

Otto TheRed 6 months ago

FIrst off, thanks for this excellent site.

With respect to 47 Chasing Shadows: I tried three time with a sniper Catalyst (railguns at 23km), and my
tank was just eaten up like nothing - it wasn't going to happen. So I went back and fit an Atron with
blasters (only 2 high slots on the Atron) & antimatter and went straight in with afterburners and orbited
at 500 meters. Unbelievably, I took zero damage (!) - at 500 meters he can't touch you!. The problem is,
the 2 blaster slots available to the Atron simply can't deliver enough damage to overcome his armor
repper + the cap drainer. But what I realized was this: up close, all I needed was a little more firepower
and I would prevail easily. Based on this new knowledge, I went back and fitted a Tristan with 2 blasters
& 2 missile launchers. Again, I ABed in (taking zero damage ), meanwhile, I was able to slowly but
steadily eat into his shield, armor and hull until he popped.

So, the bottom line is, this should be an easy kill if you fit a frigate with at least high slots like a Tristan,
Rifter, or Incursus, and fight up close at 500 meters. BTW, it is very scary -at 500 meters his lasers make
a huge noise even when they miss 100% of the time, combined with your Drone's autocannon, it sounds
like a total battlefield.

Cadence 6 months ago

Awesome guide, thank you very much for providing it and thanks to everyone who commented here - it
helped a LOT in the last two big combat missions (47/49).

As for me, I did both 47 and 49 solo in my rifter. I have a good number of skills, though, so I'm sure that
made a difference.

In both encoutners I stayed VERY close and blasted away. Both were tough but eventually I got them

Mission: 47: Against Kritsan I kept getting drained and had to use my shields a LOT but my launchers and
turrets did fine over the long term against her - it got a lot easier when I got close.

Learning from that, and from advice of the posts above, I adjusted my tactics for Dugan.

Mission: 49: I experimented with amo types and found Explosive and Kinetic to be the best - particularly
Explosive. The other key was fitting a Nosferatu. That kept my cap up and (hopefully) slowed him from
recharging his shields. Outfitted with Fussion and Pirranah and orbiting just below 1000m did the trick. I
missed a lot but he missed more. Once I was in orbit I worked hard pulsing my shields until I had his
escorts done then it was just he and I. A stalemate at first but eventually once I got my modules in a
good rhythm and with the right amo it was just a matter of time and he was done. In the end the battle
took about 20 minutes. =D

Again, thanks for all the advice here!

-- Cadence

zhilia 6 months ago

I have to admit I just did the arc in an almost max-skilled Worm (yeah, that's cheating in a huge way).
Not bad, but the ending does indeed need something climactic.

Mandrill 6 months ago in reply to zhilia

Well, to be fair, I did it in an Assault frigate. So I cheated as well :)

jaronstirling 5 months ago

Mission 47: Earlier in the day, I first tried taking on the BC using my Catalyst, normal load of Rail guns:
2x150mm, 2x125mm, and 3x75mm, with a Small Cap Booster, an Overdrive, and Tracking aid for the Rail

I'd already looked at your guide, so I knew I had to get in close.

I failed, of course. So, I took out the 150s and tried the lasers you mentioned. I made SOME leeway, but
kept failing in the end. I was getting in close to 5000m, but obviously, that wasn't doing it.

After finally becoming toast, I went away for a few hours in disgust.

Which was, in fact, a good thing.

The final result: Catalyst. New load: Autocannons. 2x200mm, 3x150mm, 3x125mm. Small Cap Booser II,
1mm Afterburner, Overdrive, Gauss Field Balancer I. Ammo: EMP for the 200mm, Phased Plasma for the
150mm, and Fusion for the 125mm.

Depending on where you come out of warp, you may or may not take damage before you get in close.
Set Orbit at 1000m. Hit Afterburn and watch your distance. When you hit about 4000m, disengage
Afterburner. Momentum will carry you closer. Set all guns to firing. Then, watch your distance and
micromanage your Afterburner. Optimal is 2500m. Watch your distance. As it starts to rise, be ready.
When it hits 3000m, hit the Afterburner. Watch for distance start to close in. Disengage Afterburner
around 2700m. Momentum is still your friend. You'll get a feel for this. Keep watching distance and
micromanage your Afterburner use. Doing this just right, the BC barely nicked my shields.

Mission completed. Garbage for salvage. :( And missed the Bonus time. :(
But it was DONE.

Sounds like I MIGHT be able to do the same with Dagan. Going to try.

Mandrill 5 months ago in reply to jaronstirling

Thats some awesome advice, thanks for commenting.

I would say though that you might have been better off had you not mixed your guns. If you'd fitted
your ship with guns which were all the same (exactly, same type and module name) you probably
wouldn't have had to manage your range quite as agressively. Personally I would have gone for blasters
and not rails, filled them with AM ammo and orbited at around 1000m. That is of course if I was
restricted to a destroyer. I cheated slightly and did the arc in an assault ship (tech 2 damage frigate with
tech 2 guns).

jaronstirling 5 months ago in reply to Mandrill

With Dagan, I'm running into the same problem others have had with his shields. I can sit a long time
between 7500m and 10 km and lob AntiMatter at him with my normal load, but his shields stay strong.
Closing in with the load I used on the BS wasn't much better and I actually took more hits, even under
1000m. I tried varying ammo, but it didn't make much difference.
I may try the suggestions others have made, but my financial situation is very tight right now. And I'm
trying to build back up to about 5mil ISK to buy the Eidetic Memory skillbook. So Dagan may just have to
wait awhile.

jaronstirling 5 months ago

Yaaaahoooo! :)

Yup, 6x Ion blasters with AntiMatter charges s, 1 Nosforatu (I salvaged it earlier in the day, I figured
"What the heck, try it), a Small shield booster and small cap booster, and Overdrive.
Fly in under 1000m, and just sit, fire away, watching my shields, boosting them a wee tad every so often.
Took awhile, yup. But, came out uninjured this time.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Now, lett the gutting of the wrecks begin. My favorite part. :)

Kre Hakeri 5 months ago

Thrasher ftw. 7x 150mm Gallium guns, OE-5200 Rocket launcher, V-M15 invul field, medium FS-9
regolith extender, cold-gas arcjets. damagecontrol and powerdiag in the lows. I was able to solo all
missions in it. Mission 47 made me warp out a few times, tho.

Thanks for the guide! Good recon is invaluable!

Kah'Namar 5 months ago

Dagan - In a Coercer armed with seven Dual Afocal Pulse Maser I, a Nosferatu, an Afterburner, a Small
Armor Repairer, a Capacitor Power Relay II, and some armor plating, I set orbit at 500m and constantly
fired away. I had a friend orbiting at 10K with a Thrasher firing Titanium Sabot rounds at him.
Occasionally I had to drop to 4 guns firing instead of 7, just to have the energy to repair my armor.
Eventually we got him down. Took about 5-8 minutes. I'd been fitting and refitting my Coercer for
almost two weeks off and on trying to complete this mission solo with the skills I have. I think the point
of this mission is to teach people that they don't always have to solo it.

Jerry 5 months ago

The guide is great, only wish I would have found it sooner. After loosing four Catalyst's during Burning
Down The Hive I realized it was time to seek advice and your guides saw me through to the finish, which
I completed yesterday.

I started the epic right out of university with around 300k SP in my newly awarded Catalyst (which I later
learned was not needed at all until the final battle).
Following suggestions in EVElopedia the skills focus was on learning. Clearly not good advice for trying to
make it through this arc. After getting all those ships flamed I quit for four days and switched training
skills from learning to more relevant skills. Finding EVEMon was a great help for designing a SP path
focused on ship management; little things like core, weapons, tanking.

After acquiring around 575k SP I was able to burn down the hive, but this time in a Tristan.

Mission 47 was a tough nut for the Fat Boy (I'm now around 650k SP) Tristan but I made it through with
the following:

2x Light Ion Blaster I with antimatter s

1x Standard Missile Launcher with Sabertooth (couldn't fit 2x and keep stable cap)
2x Cap Recharger I
1x 1MN AB 1
1x Damage Control I
1x Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I
1x 100mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I

This setup maxed my CPU and Powergrid at Stable Cap. I was in tight at 687m from target taking a lot of
damage but eventually took the BC down.

Mission 49 is a different story all together. The fat boy was unable to deliver enough damage despite my
efforts. Every conceivable weapon/fighting distance combination was attempted but I could never get
his shield damage above 50%. Once a weapon needed reloading his shield would regenerate. The whole
time I'm barely getting scratched but after thousands of rounds and hundreds of missiles I gave up on

Out comes the Catalyst again. At this point I began too believe it was going to be days, or weeks, spent
building SP before Dagan would go down. He was cutting my shield in three hits and tearing away at
armor before I hit 75% through his shield and fractional armor damage. Time to re-think this one with
my last ditch setup:

8x Light Ion Blaster I with antimatter

1x Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I
1x 200mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
1x Damage Control I
1x Hobgoblin Drone I

There was no way of keeping core stable using any mid slots (AB or Shield Booster) so I went without.
For those that don't know the Catalyst is not very swift. Trying to outmaneuver Dagan with a slug ship
was out of the realm of possibility. I made a direct flight into him and set orbit at 500k. By the time I was
orbiting my shield was already half gone but I hung in there.
I finally penetrated his shield and ate away at armor too about 35% before warping out with 85% of my
own armor eaten. After repairs straight back in with the same tactic. This time he only damaged a small
amount of armor while I was building on the previous encounter. Once getting trough the shield and
most of his armor I could tell it was over for him. I was at 50% armor damage and starting in on the hull,
which went quickly. When Dagan exploded I had no shield and 25% armor remaining, SP at sub 800k

Anyone with proper skills and training in a well fitted ship would be bored with this arc. For a greenhorn
like me it was very difficult. However the lessons learned were worth the 4 million ISK I lost in
ships/modules, well maybe not but you get the idea.

But not for finding this guide I'm not sure I would have made it. Thanks for taking the time to put it

I am left with a lost feeling though. Don't know where to go or what to do next. No clue where to find
the next agent, nothing. Just sitting here acquiring SP.

Mandrill 5 months ago in reply to Jerry

It happens to us all, that lost feeling, even me from time to time.

The thing to do is figure out what you want to do now in general terms: Do you want to PvP? Are you of
an industrial bent? Do you want to mine? Another thing you could think about is signing up with EVE
University ( a well known and respected player run corporation which specialises in
running classes for new players as well as graduate classes for okd hand like me who want to try
something new. They'll give you a well rounded look at all the opportunities available in EVE and you can
make an informed choice.

As to finding the next agent. pick an NPC corporation (any will do but for combat missions, my speciality,
one of the faction navies is probably where you want to be) These are Federation Nay (Gallente), Caldari
Navy (obvious), Imperial Navy (Amarr), and Republic Fleet (Minmatar). If you search for any of these
under corporations in your People and Places window and click the littl info icon in the dialogue which
appears. you'll get info about that navy. There will be a tab in that window labelled 'Agents'. Under that
tab will be listed all of that corporation/navy's agents under their different divisions and marked as to
whether you can use them or not. Pick one, right-click and set destination, that'll give you an idea of
how far you have to travel to go talk to them and start getting agents from them.

You can find more information about agents and divisions here:
hope this helps, feel free to send Rokkit Kween a mail in game.
Jerry 5 months ago in reply to Mandrill

Thanks Mandrill, those are both great suggestions for finding what to do next. I appreciate it.

ticoneva 5 months ago

Just finished Mission 47. Took quite a few tries and I barely manage to get the bonus.

Unlike most others here I soloed the Battlecruiser at >30km the whole time--purely due to personality. I
don't imply it is superior tactic. My Throax is armed with
2x 250mm railgun
1x heavy medium laser
1x 720mm artillery cannon
1x cap recharger
1x 10mn afterburner
1x 400mm armor

Kritsan's weapons are quite inaccurate beyond 30km so I simply outlasted him. My armor was down to
50% when he blown.

ticoneva 5 months ago

Took down Dagan today with the same fitting. Dagan's weapons were ineffective even at 15km so I was
able to tackle him with three drones plus the most damaging ammo I have--antimatter, gamma and
fusion respectively--without taking much damage myself. As this guide suggests, Dagan have very strong
EM and THERM resistances, and as such fusion ammo seems to work better than EMP.

reaper8654 5 months ago

NOOB Player, been playing game for maybe 1 1/2 weeks <500k skill points just did this whole story line
with a Catalyst. Dagan is VERY tough and took about 4 hours till I got the loadout right then another 25
mins of flying around him at >1000m fireing everything i got into him till he popped.

Battle with Dagen:

4x Light Neutron Blaster I - Antimatter Charge
2x Light Electron Blaster I - Antimatter Charge
1x Small Nosferatu I
1x Salvager I
Small Capacitor Booster I - Brought 11x 200 Boosters used 8
Small Sheild Booster II

Cap Power Relay I
Small Armor Repair II
Damage Control I

Tactics: Take out all the Escorts first. Then get in as close as you can to Dagen set orbit 500m you'll end
up around 800-900m away, then just let loose with all the Blasters, Sheild Booster was running almost
constantly as was Nosferatu, when Capacitor went below 40% or so I used a 200 Boost, if Sheilds hit full
(or almost) I turned off Sheild Boost and let the Capacitor build back up a little, when guns started to get
low on ammo I'd stop one and reload then start it again before stopping and reloading the next so only 1
gun down at a time. Took about 20-25 mins to kill him as he keeps shield boosting, but his shots miss
probably 50-60% of the time cause you are so close and you will hit almost every time.

Kingsgate 4 months ago

In case this helps some1: I used a caldari Cormorant (destroyer) to take out Dagan in mission 49.
My choice for mission 48 was Gallente, they gave out the biggest bonus.
Big thanks to all who posted their experience with this dude, helped me a lot to get the right outfit.
Im on a 14 day trial having around 3 days left. The outfit is all T1 and the total cost without the ship
would be around 1.5M.

Ship outfit:
TE-2100 missile launcher with bloodclayw missiles (doing some 20 dmg per hit)
5 x limited light ion blasters with AM s rounds
E5 prototype Energy Vampire (nos)
Heat dissipitation amplifier (anti thermal resistance to shield)
Cold-Gas 1 Arc Jet Thrusters (afterburner)
Alumel wired 1 sensor (sensor boost)
Small clarity ward booster 1 (shield booster)
Mark 1 generator refitting : diagnostic system (helps to recharge shield&cap faster)

Overall misisons 47-49 were quite easy with this outfit, in 47 i had to repair the ship 2 times at the
station but in 49 i had 0 problems after wasting the escort (warped out twice after takin out a couple of
escorts each time, didn have to but just to be safe). Dogan himself was quite easy, took maybe 10min to
cut through him. AB and sensor booster can be on all the time and shield booster when shields drop to
about 1/4 of total. had to reload all guns + missili launcher 2 times, so dont forget the ammo. I used
orbit at 1000m which resulted in the actual orbit of 1600m for me, guns did quite bad damage.
In addition i had 1 "salvage 1" module in Offline mode, to check the wrecks after im done, I had around
560k SP at the time, having quite a lot of skills on level 3 (mostly the basic ones) Basic certificates in
Core, defence, electronic warfare, gunnery, missiles and navigation.
Hope some1 finds this info useful :) thanks again!

Memory Dancer 1 month ago

Just completed it in a Thrasher. No Problem in the end...though all the comments made me nervous:)
Dis it without tanking. Thought I would just brute it out.


Emergency Damage Control I

Gyrostabalizer II


Mono-Propellant Afterburner
Small Shield Extender II
Small Shield Extender II


200mm Light Carbine Repeating Cannon I

200mm Light Carbine Repeating Cannon I
200mm Light Carbine Repeating Cannon I
200mm Light Carbine Repeating Cannon I
200mm Light Carbine Repeating Cannon I
200mm Light Carbine Repeating Cannon I
Small Nosferatu I

Loaded each of my cannons with a different ammo-type and used AB to get Close. Orbited at 1000m
while I tried each gun in turn and found that Fusion was best. Loaded them all up and thrashed him for
about 3 Mins. Once through his shield it was like a hot knife through butter. Has the Nos going as well,
so I could keep my AB on.

The min shield he got me to was about 60% at one point,

Good fun though :)

EveRookie 2 weeks ago

Mission 49
Target: Dagan
Commander choice: Minmatar

Character: Gallente / 4 days old / 370k SP (270k in learning)

Ship: Catalyst

Damage Control I
Capacitor Power Relay I
Small Armor Repairer I

Small Capacitor Booster I (Fetch a few Cap Boosters 200, I had to use only 1 )
Stasis Webifier I

7x 200MM Autocannon I
1x Small Nosferatu I

Ammo: Fusion S (2 rounds should cut it (i.e. 7x240 units), I made it trough with 1 )
Drones: 1x Warrior I

Take out the escorts, warp out if you need.
Warp back in, approach Dagan, set orbit to 500m.
Use Armor Repairer / Cap Booster when needed.

Estimated loadout costs: Not much

Estimated combat time: 10-15min (After you're done with escorts)
EVE Epic Mission Arc Guide – Epilogue

A look back at the first of EVE’s Epic Mission Arcs, and my reply to the nay-sayers.

Epic Mission Arc: The Blood-Stained Stars


So there we have it, 50 missions and approximately 80 jumps of travelling later and I’ve finished the first
of EVE’s Epic Mission Arcs. I have to say that it was fun, as was producing the 10 part guide linked to at
the top of this post, I hope you found it useful.

This is the first time I’ve tried to produce a guide for EVE and it was a learning experience for me. I
realize that there are some things that I could have done better, and quite a bit of information that I
should have included but didn’t (mainly due to absentmindedness and this being my first attempt).

All your criticisms and comments have been invaluable and I’d like you to keep them coming. If there
was a vital piece of data that you think should be include but which I missed let me know and I’ll make
sure I gather that data on the next time round (either of this arc or any future arcs).

This arc was truly epic. I’m sure that there are many single player games which don’t provide anywhere
near the same amount of playing time as this single arc does. I certainly don’t know of any MMO’s which
have quest arcs of similar length.

I’m not going to go into the story or the writing as, to be honest I didn’t pay that much attention to it. It
was something to do with rogue drones, that much I do know. I did feel towards the end that I was
taking part in something bigger than myself though, even if it was only in some small way. There was a
story there, I’m just in no position to judge whether it was any good or not. I’ll have to pay more
attention next time.
Now for some criticisms. Whilst I’m sure that this was as much a learning exercise for the guys in the
teams responsible for the Epic Missions at CCP (not Team Epic, confusingly enough, they were doing the
AI) there are a few things which I feel could have been done better.

My first minor gripe is that it’s not made entirely clear at the first branch, which selection is which.
You’re given the option between Tracking and Scanning, though the option titles give no indication as to
which is which. It’s a minor point but even after I’ve finished the arc, I’m still not completely certain of
which branch I took (I’m guessing Tracking, but I could be wrong).

Another quibble is that while the rewards for the completion of missions were on the whole greater
than those given out in standard missions of comparable level (level 1 Quality 0) more could have been
made of the chapter endings and even the very end of the arc itself. I was left with a ‘what? Is that it?’
feeling after the final mission and I wasn’t even expecting anything that spectacular. A ship, a BPC (or
BPO, if you’re feeling generous) or maybe even a medal or award of some sort would have been nice. A
medal would have been perfect as it’s something you can show off to your friends and corpmates
without it seriously affecting the balance of the game or the economy in any way.

There was also a problem with lag in the main originating system for the arc, namely Arnon. Having the
deadspace missions that Sister Alitura (and indeed all the other agents in the arc) gives out located in
the same system is probably a mistake that CCP have learned from. This also wasn’t helped by the fact
that there is only one epic arc at present and everyone is rushing to try it out. Anyway, lesson learned
CCP, eh?

Finally I thought that the arc was somewhat lacking in set pieces. The support from allied faction ships in
the penultimate mission was a nice touch but it could have been so much more. Apart from these fairly
minor points I feel a good job was done by all and it bodes well for future arcs.
Now there have been some comments in the forums expressing disappointment with the rewards and
length of this arc. They seem to feel that they’re not getting what they were promised at Fanfest last
year. Namely huge arcs with hundreds of missions, multiple branches, huge storylines and truly epic
rewards. To them I say: ‘Be patient’.

This is only the first of the Epic Mission Arcs, and it was tailored towards new players, just out of the re-
vamped ‘New Player Experience’ (read tutorials) and still gooey behind the ears from their first pod. This
was a trial run, to make sure the tools worked and such an arc could be produced, also to identify
potential problems and bottlenecks. Would you rather they had rushed out a huge level 4 arc with the
release of Apocrypha without ironing the kinks out of the system first? I thought not, let them use the
new players as guinea-pigs so they can get it perfect for all you experienced mission runners out there,
because we all know how picky the experience EVE player is. (Except me, I’m one of the few zen EVE
players out there who accepts EVE for what it is and appreciates the hard work that has gone into
making it the unique experience it is, warts, lag, balance issues and all ).

That’s it from me for now, comments and stuff in the usual places. I’m open to suggestions for what to
do till the nest arc appears (which I’m also planning to write a guide for).

Till next time, fly safe and good hunting.

Tony 1 year ago

Great job with the guide!

HarbingerZero 1 year ago

Any tips for a player fresh off the three 10 mission NPE arcs? I was planning on packing up my Sigil with
my Punisher and as many ship modules as I could, selling the rest, and heading over to do this. But from
your walkthrough, it seems like I'll be needing alot more than a Punisher to tackle some of these

Sean 1 year ago

Great guide, but your epilogue page wasn't linked to the rest of the guide. I just guessed the url and
luckily you followed the same naming convention as the rest of the pages - you might want to fix that...

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to Sean

whoops, I'll fix that now. Thanks for the heads up Sean.
Edit: Looks like I'd only missed the epilogue link on Part 10, fixed now.

Max0u 1 year ago

Hello !
new :
i made screenshot of all mission / pocket / wave of "scanning branch"

mandrill 1 year ago in reply to Max0u

Nice one Max0u, It was a big job getting just my guide written and up, I'm glad that others are willing to
help out putting it on the wiki.

Malakite 1 year ago

The link to the Epilogue is dead on part 7. Also, some ship/weapon recommendations for "Burning Down
the Hive". I attempted it with both a Destroyer (Catalyst) & Cruiser (Stabber), which were well equipped
and got blown up each time. So, I either suck really bad or wasn't prepared for this mission. I needed the
help of 2 corp mates in BC/BS's to complete that mission.

Myria 1 year ago

I just finished the Sisters of Eve epic story arc yesterday, overall I liked it quite a lot. For the most part it
was fun, if perhaps not quite 'epic', told a reasonably interesting story, and showered me with isk with
which I could fund my budding, if so-far tiny, empire. However, if indeed as I keep hearing, this story arc
is meant for newbies like me, there are a few issues worth mentioning.

The first, and probably biggest, is the unevenness of the mission difficulties. I started doing these in a
Rifter, and for the first few that was fine. Somewhere along the line I bought a Thrasher, which made
the missions pretty laughable until Burning Down The Hive, which was like hitting a brick wall. At this
point, and I assume it's what most people do, I was using a "Kill a few, warp out, repair, warp back in,
rinse and repeat" strategy because nothing I had available to me could take on that many ships, even if
they were individually weak, and survive for too terribly long. Suddenly, with Burning Down The Hive, I
couldn't warp out. The results were not pretty.
So I went and got a Scythe. Admittedly this was a miscalculation on my part. I should have gotten a
Stabber, but I figured that a Scythe would almost have to be "good enough" for a newbie story arc and
afterward I could use it as a miner until I got my Osprey (which, as it happens, I got only a day or so
after, making even that reasoning questionable). I did do one wise thing, I equipped the Scythe with a
warp stabalizer. So I warp in with my Scythe, kill a few, and when they start poking through my armor I
warp out. Rinse, repeat, and I'm done, right? Wrong. Second time I warp in two of the warp jammer
enemies get on me. I, having found this walkthrough, target them, but my shields are down, my armor is
dropping fast, and I discover that I can't warp. Apparently two of them is sufficient to overcome my
warp stab and keep me from going anywhere quickly. My poor Scythe goes up in a ball of flames.

Now I'm more then a tad peeved. I buy a Stabber, and rather then equip it half with junk I've salvaged
during missions, I comb through the market looking for whatever the best is that she can carry. Better
shield booster, better shield regen, better weapons, a drone, stab, afterburners, blah-blah-blah. I warp
in, target the two warp jamming buggers, and start plugging away. If they tried to warp jam me it didn't
have any noticeable effect, but it also didn't matter as none of them could do anything more then
scratch my shields.

From there things suddenly get laughable again until Chasing Shadows, which wasn't that big a deal but
Kritsan Parthus' battlecruiser did require a few tries with different tactics.

And then we come to Dagan. I foolishly though he wouldn't be that big a deal. After all, my Stabber was
ripping through everything in sight, right? So I warp in, take out his buddies, and start plugging away on
Dagan. The good news was he wasn't doing much damage to me, at least nothing periodically hitting the
shield booster couldn't deal with. The bad news was I wasn't even scratching him.

So after ten minutes of wasting ammo and not seeing anything more then a sliver of red, I warp out and
look for some better weapons, which the training I'd done since first equipping my Stabber would now
allow. I warp back in, start plugging away, and this time I can scratch him, but only just. At best I could
get his shields down by a quarter and I swear it seemed every time I regened my shields his regened
even more. So I warp out and go in search of ammo and missiles that give more shield damage. This
time when I warp back in I can get his shields down to about one quarter, but never any lower because
every time my weapons have to reload he regens most of his shields and no matter how I stagger them
it doesn't seem to help.

At this point it's clear that at my SP level I'm not going to be able to down Dagan with my Stabber --
newbie mission my arse. As it happened, that day I had bought a Rupture, but I hadn't yet picked her up
or equipped her, so I decided to call it a night and try again in the morning.

The next morning I equipped the Rupture with the best stuff I could get, including turret and missile
stabilizers as well as three medium EMP-firing drones, and headed out. It took a little while, but it was
clear from the first few moments that he was going down.
Obviously I'm a newbie and obviously I managed to get through the story arc just fine (albeit with the
loss of two ships, but such is life). My problem isn't really with any of it being particularly difficult, the
fact is I learned a ton by doing the harder few missions and came out with much better equipped ships
and a better idea of how to run them. But there are, at least it seems to me, four issues :

1) Unevenness. Of fifty missions forty-seven could be completed by one of my cats walking across the
keyboard while the other plays with the mouse. One mission will kill you dead fast, but only because of a
gimmick a newbie is never going to be prepared for (and likely won't see again for quite a while). One
mission will kill you dead because one of the ships you fight actually does pump out a substantial
amount of damage. And one mission is difficult to impossible to complete without a lot more firepower
then the average newbie is going to have laying around. It would be nice if the forty-seven missions saw
more then a bit of a boost in difficulty, and maybe Dagan and Burning the Hive toned down a little bit.

2) Warp scramble. It's very annoying to be killed by a gimmick, and that's what this feels like. The
mission is otherwise not really any different then anything you've done before, but suddenly you're hit
by a web and scramble and, if you're not prepared or in a ship that vastly outguns the mission, you're
toast. Frankly I was afraid to go anywhere for days after without a warp stab, which kind of bites
because of the downside. The mission mechanic could, in my opinion, be a lot better handled.

3) Filler. This relates to the unevenness. Yeah, I know, sometimes super-secret documents need to be
taken across the galaxy and only lil' ol' me can be trusted to do it, but there's way, way, way too much of
that in the epic story arc. Also too much "Oh, you need my help? Well you'll have to do some menial
task for me first!". Too much of the epic story arc ends up feeling like filler, mostly because it is, and
filler is never very epic.

4) The big finish. Problem is, there really isn't one. The last mission doesn't feel all that different from
the first. Yeah, I killed Dagan, thus saving the sentient drones (I think that's what happened, anyway),
hauled his carcass all over the system, and got told that maybe there was hope for my kind after all (gee,
thanks). It really all felt anti-climactic, it really needed more oomph. Maybe the drones show up and say
something to the assembled battleships? Long speech, everyone goes away happy, blah-blah-blah. As it
was, the only way I even knew the drones had shown up was by reading this walkthrough and by the
text of the last quest.

Anyway, I had fun with the Sisters of Eve quest, earned a ton of isk, and learned a lot, for the most part I
think it's a big success and nice introduction to the game for me. But I do think it has a few issues that I
hope are addressed in future arcs.

That's my take, for whatever it's worth. Thanks a ton for this walkthrough, I wish I'd had the sense to
look for it before I hit Bruning Down the Hive and not after. Live and learn.
Edvin 1 year ago

Im on part 9 and I am a newb pilot, I have not had any trouble with any of these missions.
I flew them all with a Frigate.
“Burning Down the Hive” Does not require you to kill all the Drones.
That's suicidal. Simply follow the drone to the end at voila you complete the mission and can warp back
to the station.

3PT4 1 year ago

Hmm myria the whole point of that arc was to get you (noobs) familiar with eve pve/mission running, as
in higher missions the rats will warp scram you and instead of maybe 1 or 2 you get like 3 or 4 and on
top of that you have dampening arrays that make your ammo/lasers almost useless unless your with in
4k meters of your target so no that was not a gimmik anyway now you know roughly how to buy new
ships and fit them and you have had a few ships popped so now you won't be intimidated when you get
on to higher lvl agents......CCP Mission accomplished...... Great Guide btw!!!

Judician Nar 1 year ago

Excellent write up. Looking forward to the next one !! :)

Guy 1 year ago

When killing rogue drones, use med drones if possible, if you can get 5 drones out and tank them for 2-3
minutes, they will be dead.

James Shields 1 year ago

Referring to warp scrams as a "gimmick" is simply incorrect. Higher level missions have multiple
scramblers AND webbers. This is the norm, not the exception.

These missions help the new pilot learn to target the scrams and webs first ... removing any problems of
getting home. These missions also help teach the new pilot how to deal with various sizes of ships.

For kicks, I did this in a Drake (Iron Rake, actually ... hardened with a tractor and a salvager). I'm up to
mission 45. I've sliced through all of the previous missions. Killed everything, of course. I knew I didn't
have to. But, if you're going to use atomic weapons in a knife fight ... why not?

Shander Maxum 11 months ago

I agree that the end of it really sucks,,, after all the missions and Jumps there really should be at the Very
minimal least a large Font Congratulations and and Eve Mail thank you note from a SOE agent.
I agree that another type of reward would be good too.
I also think that finishing the arc should give you a point or two of SOE standing.. finishing with a 2.5
"fine" standing seems totally appropiate, enought to do all the level II misions and be close to level IIIs.

Vital Frax 11 months ago

Born a miner/prospector and skilled as such ,I still didnt want to miss out on this Epic Arch Mission,after
reading all great info on this site I chose to go for my old Exequror cruiser,equiped with 3 hobgoblins
and 2 hammerheads, 2 turrets 1 salvager 1 drone link augment.
In the medium slots 1 afterburner 1 med shield booster 1 slot open for
switching around to improve drone range.
in low slots 1 warp stab,1 armor regen, and some cap/cpu improvements.
With almost 750 m3 cargo enough room for loot/salvaging/and the few courier missions.
I solo d with ease all missions ,thanks to this guide and the comments,
Ofc as a miner I am used to playing carefull in missions and especially by not pulling to many at same
In burning the hive i just kited the drones and let my own drones kill them off 1 by 1.
Ofc as Gallente/Gallente we do have an advantage with our drones.
All in all a very nice story line wich at same time gave me many more bookmarks with new agents in
other empires.
looking forward to other Arcs although i probably first going to level skills in combat .
Agree with many commentators that a medal reward or standing increase should be better.

Chaoz 2 months ago

I did the Arc in a incursus had no problem other that having to warp out a couple of times when I ended
up doing a bad pull.
EVE Epic Mission Arc Guide – Addendum

It’s been a couple of weeks now since I finished off my guide to the first of EVE’s Epic Mission Arcs and
I’ve been getting a lot of feedback and questions relating to it. This post is a collation of some of the
most useful information that I’ve been receiving. Thanks go out to all those that took the time to
document the branches I didn’t follow and those that collected extra information about the missions I
did do.

The Bug

First of all I’d like to address the issue of the bug in the arc which has come up and hope that the
following (from a post by CCP Big Dumb Object in the forum thread linked above) helps those affected
by it:

Originally by: Yirakh

well.. i did exactly that, had a break from eve for about a week and now the mission IS expired. i tried to
talk to the next agent (keita eslin), but she wont give me the next mission. can anyone confirm this or
tell me what to do to continue other than reporting?

Unfortunately you have fallen prey to a major bug that we are tackling even now. If you fall or have
fallen victim to this bug, please petition to:

Gameplay: Agent Mission in Progress

Mention that your Epic Arc has expired. The GMs will be able to re-offer you last mission with minimal

Apologies for this issue. We will try to keep everyone informed on the status of this bug.

As of the time of writing this bug has yet to be fixed but if you do encounter it, petitioning, as suggested
above, should get the issue resolved and you’ll be able to continue the arc from where you left off.

Now to some of the questions that have come up from a few people in the comments here and on the
thread over at the EVE forums.

Q: Which Mission has the battleship fleet and is there really a carrier there? Can I tank it in X?
A: I encountered the battleship fleet along with the stolen carrier on Mission 31: Goading the Leader,
but as I mentioned in the guide for that mission, its not really around long enough for anyone to have a
chance of engaging. However I have since been informed that the opportunity to engage the fleet is
during Mission 29, which I glitched out of due to my connection going down. As to what could take it on
and the fitting required to tank it I wouldn’t know. Though someone in this thread claimed to take down
everything but the carrier in a Drake (he didn’t detail his fittings or skills).

Q: What kind of faction gain does the Epic Arc give.

A: The Arc itself does not give any faction standings at all (A flaw I hope CCP will be remedying in future
arcs) though as you do more than 16 missions for the Sisters of EVE in the course of the Arc you do get
the opportunity to do Storyline missions for the Sisters which will increase your standing with them (I
personally got two storyline missions offered, others report only getting one).

Q: What faction standings are required to participate?

A: I would assume that to actually get the missions from Sister Alitura you would have to have neutral
standings (-2.0) or above with the Sisters of EVE just as you would with any faction. However, the Arc
does require that you visit the territory of all the major factions so if your standings with any of them are
below -5.0 you’re going to have their navies gunning for you along the way somewhere.

Q:Whats the best ship to do it in?

A: personally I did the entire Arc in an assault frigate (Vengeance up to around Mission 42/43, then I lost
it in low sec to some station campers, *DoH* Then a Retribution) I have heard that if you try it in a
standard T1 frigate the last few missions may give you some trouble, but a cruiser should be sufficient to
deal with them, or take some friends along.

The Missing Missions

Many, many thanks to Boris Menace and Ayana Yagon for their diligent efforts to document the
branches that I didn’t take, and especially to Boris for filling in some details I missed in the missions that
I did take. I’ll go through the other branch (from the first branch point) firs then I’ll add in corrections
and extra details for the other missions. The second branch point seems to only determine race of the
ships you have supporting you in the penultimate mission and has no effect on the actual objectives and
outcomes of the missions following it.
Epic Mission Arc: The Blood-Stained Stars

Chapter 5b: Bag of Blood (Scanning Branch)

The actual choice at the branch point is misleading, this branch does not actually
involve any scanning at all. I get the feeling that CCP wanted to include a series of
missions which introuced the new scanning mechanic, dropped the idea, and left the
reference in the Arc dialogue.

Mission 24b: Bag of Blood

This is a simple courier mission which involves you going to pick up a DNA sample and bringing it back to
Sister Alitura.

Mission 25b: Planting the Body

Using the DNA sample obtained in the last mission, the Sisters mock up a body and ask you to plant it in
a hideout which is going to get blown up. Destroying the Serpentis rats
encountered in this mission is optional, you can just drop the body in the
hideout and head back to complete the mission.

If you want the bounties though then fit your ship to resist THERM and KIN
damage and to deal out the same (mostly THERM though). You will be sensor
damped by the first couple of waves which will reduce your targeting range so
be prepared to get up close and personal.

Wave 1 (aggro on approach + sensor damp):

2 x Coreli Watchman
2 x Coreli Patroller
1 x Coreli Safeguard
1 x Coreli Guard

Wave 2 (aggro on approach + sensor damp):

2 x Coreli Patroller
1 x Coreli Watchman
1 x Coreli Defender
1 x Coreli Infanrty
1 x Coreli Protector

Wave 3 (aggro on placement of the body in the hideout):

4 x Coreli Agent
1 x Coreli Chief Spy

Once the body is dumped and the pirates dealt with or evaded, you can return to Sister Alitura to
Mission 26b: Chasing a Nightmare

This mission has you tracking a cruiser drone through an area of deadspace, there’s no combat and you
simply have to follow the instructions you’re given throughout. You don’t ever catch up to the drone
and its signal is lost after a few hops. Fit an afterburner to speed yourself through the deadspace zones
(a MWD won’t work). You’ll eventually lose the drone you’re tracking and can head back to Sister Alitura
to complete the mission.

This branch then rejoins the main Arc at Mission 27: Burning Down the Hive (see part 7).

Some details from missions that I had already covered but which I missed out on documenting are as

Mission 13: Lair of the Snakes

Thanks to White Carnation in the comments for picking up these details.

In the first wave it is the destruction of the Agent which triggers the second wave.

Wave 3 doesn’t appear untill all of Wave 2 are destroyed.

The Personnel Transport does not appear until you attack the Cruiser and as noted warps out pretty

Mission 14: Data Retrieval

A couple of you pointed out in the comments (Chris s. and White Carnation, thanks again) that the can
with the item to be retrieved is not tractorable and the contents cannot be picked up whilst there are
ships still guarding it.

Mission 26: Tracking the Queen

Mo We in the comments helpfully tells us that there is no other wave, thanks Mo We.

Mission 27: Burning Down the Hive

The Strain Render Alvi drones use warp scramblers so its probably best to deal with them first in case
you need to warp out. Thanks to Ciel712 in the comments for this nugget.

Mission 47: Chasing Shadows

According to Boris Menace, the battlecruiser either drains your capacitor or neutralises it, and does not
use a target disruptor as originally reported. It would seem that the EWAR icon shown on the overview
is incorrect.

As ever the forum threads are still open for questions and comments (links above) or they can be posted
in the comments here. Thanks to all who have done so up to now, keep it up.
I realise that I said that I planned to go through all the guides as they were released but as my career has
taken a more piratical turn this may no longer be feasible. There is the possibility that I could do them
with an alt (this would require a second account, which is currently outside my means) but the way
things are going I will probably be unable to complete them with Jmarr as he’s already being shot at by
1.0 station and gate guns, restricting my travel in hi-sec systems somewhat.

I will keep you posted regarding my plans for future guides, and hopefully I’ll be able to juggle my way
around to doing at least some of the upcoming Epic Arcs. In any case I’ll be keeping this blog updated
with other guides and my adventures in New Eden, so watch this space for more EVE related goodness.

Till next time, good hunting and fly safe.

Carl Marsarlis 5 months ago

Just a quick thanks for doing a great job with the guide.

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