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IES Blanca Dona Foreign Languages


1st Batxillerat COMPOSITIONS 2010 / 11

UNIT 1: ‘Teen magazines are a big influence on my life’ ( 100-110 words )

- presen simple and continuous

- state verbs
- phrasal verbs
- connectors ( and, but, because, so )
- three paragraphs:
1. state your opinion
2. give reasons for your opinion
3. summarize your views

UNIT 2: ‘Biography of a person I admire’ ( 100-120 words )

past simple, past continuous and past perfect
used to
-ed and -ing adjectives
after, before, while, by, when, then, eventually
three paragraphs:
1. introduction
2. description
3. conclusion
UNIT 3: ‘It happened when I was fourteen´ ( 100-120 words )

- present perfect, past simple, past continuous

- gerunds
- compound nouns
- connectors of sequence: after that, first of all, then, next, at that
time, later, finally
- three paragraphs:
1. introduction
2. description
3. conclusion

UNIT 4: ‘When I finish school….’( 100- 110 words)

- will, be going to, present continuous

- future continuous and future perfect
- gerunds and infinitives
- so that, so as not to, in order to
- three paragraphs:
1. introduction
2. description
3. conclusion
IES Blanca Dona Foreign Languages

UNIT 5: ‘My favourite movie ever’ ( 100-110 words )

- defining and non-defining relative clauses

- adjectives of degree and manner
- connectors of cause and effect: due to, since, as a result, as, therefore,
- three paragraphs:
1. introduction
2. description
3. conclusion

UNIT 6: ‘A famous world champion’ (100-110 words)

- compound adjectives
- modal verbs
- modal perfects
- three paragraphs:
1. physical description
2. character
3. professional life

UNIT 7: ‘ If I were to invent something I would invent……’ (100-110 words)

- first, second and third conditionals

- phrasal verbs
- three paragraphs:
1. introduction
2. description
3. conclusion

UNIT 8: ‘ My favourite place’ ( 100-120 )

- be and get used to

- reported speech
- reporting verbs
- four paragraphs:
1. name and basic details about the place
2. reasons why you like it
3. things other people might like about the place
4. a summary of your description

UNIT 9: ‘ Advantages and disadvantages of tourism’ (100-120 words)

- get / have something done

- make and do
- passive voice
- connectors of addition and contrast
- four paragraphs:
1. introduction of both sides 2. reasons for
3. reasons against 4. Conclusion
IES Blanca Dona Foreign Languages

Student: ........................................... Group: ...........................

Teacher: Mr. Vila Date: ...........................

COMPOSITION 1: “Are teen magazines a big influence on your

(100-120 words)
IES Blanca Dona Foreign Languages Department

Student: ........................................... Group: ...........................

Teacher: Mr. Vila Date: ...........................

COMPOSITION 2: “Biography of a person I admire” (100-120)

IES Blanca Dona Foreign Languages Department

Student: ........................................... Group: ...........................

Teacher: Mr. Vila Date: ...........................

UNIT 3: “It happened when I was fourteen” (100-120 words)

IES Blanca Dona Foreign Languages Department

Student: ........................................... Group: .........................

Teacher: Mr. Vila Date: ...........................

UNIT 4: “When I finish school….” (100- 110 words)

IES Blanca Dona Foreign Languages Department

Student: ........................................... Group: .........................

Teacher: Mr. Vila Date: ...........................

UNIT 5: “My favourite movie ever” (100-110 words)

IES Blanca Dona Foreign Languages Department

Student: ........................................... Group: .........................

Teacher: Mr. Vila Date: ...........................

UNIT 6: “A famous world champion” (100-110 words)

IES Blanca Dona Foreign Languages Department

Student: ........................................... Group: .........................

Teacher: Mr. Vila Date: ...........................

UNIT 7: “ If I were to invent something I would invent… ” (100-110 words)

IES Blanca Dona Foreign Languages Department

Student: ........................................... Group: ...........................

Teacher: Mr. Vila Date: ...........................

UNIT 8: “My favourite place” (100-120)

IES Blanca Dona Foreign Languages Department

Student: ........................................... Group: ...........................

Teacher: Mr. Vila Date: ...........................

UNIT 9: “Advantages and disadvantages of tourism” (100-120 words)

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