Pretlow Congratulation Letter

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September 15, 2010

Hon. J. Gary Pretlow, Assemblyman

87th Assembly District, New York State
6 Gramatan Avenue, Suite 407
Mount Vernon, NY 10550

Via Facsimile and Certified Mail

Dear Mr. Pretlow,

Congratulations on your win last night. I look forward to a spirited debate about our different visions for
cleaning up the corruption in Albany that you have been a part of for the past 18 years, especially our
stark differences regarding reducing the size of government, tax relief, and reforming the failing school
systems in both Yonkers and Mount Vernon.

Your answer to all of the above problems plaguing the constituents in the 87 th Assembly district is to
hide and run to the divisive so-call Democratic machine. I condemn the actions of you and the Mount
Vernon and Yonkers Democratic City Committees for the shenanigans that were displayed during the
Primary election. You and your fellow party hacks took advantage of voters uneducated and unfamiliar
with the new election system. YOU HAVE NO HONOR!

You may have thought it was clever to manipulate voters into thinking that they were being given a
sample ballot, but I find your actions unscrupulous. Additionally, your record of being the most anti-jobs
legislator, voting for high tax increases, not addressing corruption in Albany, and voting against property
tax caps is even more disturbing.

We are in complete agreement regarding this: the campaign for Assembly 87 th District will be about
issues and independence. And it will be decided by the people of the 87 th Assembly district, not by labor
unions, corrupt party members, special interests groups, or the horse racing industry that funnels large
sums of cash to you on a regular basis. I look forward to a spirited campaign.


Samuel L. Rivers

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