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Helen Tunley

6:-,D ck~-)
From: Tina Stowell
Sent : 09 July 2003 11 32
To: Gavyn Davies & PA;Internet
Subject: FW Statement from BBC

See below

T~na Stoweil
Head o` Business Administration

-: .Room 2354 Broadcasting House

020 776 54892
'--=1 020 776 52343 (fax)
Ma :lt_o Us . stoweil(a2bbc cc uk

----Ongir,al message-
From : Chrstine Ryar,
Sent: 09 July 2003 11 26
To : ExCo
"c : Russell Grossman-An.-Assistant
ubject : Statementfrom BBC

J1'4'ternerT Just issued

"The BBC will not be maKing any more comments about, or responding to any claims concerning, the identity
of Andrew Gdllgan,'s source for his story on the Today programme on May 29 We are concerned that day by
day, mformatlon ;s being deduced that would allow the source to be identified and their safety compromised "

Sally Osman
Head of Communlcatrons, BBC
Rco,m 3365, Broadcashng House
Lonaon W1A IAA
7el 020 776 54663
Fsx 020 776 53573
NrobJe 0780 30780a5

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