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Melissa Johnson

From : Neil Moss

Sent: 16 July 2003 09'59 AM
To : Richard Sambrook and PA, Mark Damazer
Cc: Andrew Scadding ; John Dlckie & PA
Subject : Written Questions on GI!Iigan & Kelly

Richarc & Mark - these three Written questions have been labled for Geoff Hoon to answe-


" Andrew Mackinlay (Lab, Foreign Affairs Select Cttee) to ask the Secretary of State of Defence, when over the
past two years Mr David Kelly has met Andrew Grlhgan of the BBC (126330)
" Andrew Mackinlay to ask the Secretary of State of Defence, which lo,irnainsts Mr David Kelly has met over the
past two years; other than Andrew G$hgan of the BBC, (a) for what purpose, and (b) when each meeting took
place (126331)
" Andrew Mackinlay To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, when the head of MI6
met Mr John Humphrys of the BBC since Is' May, who author:sed each meeting, and for what purpose each
meeting was held

Neil Moss
Adviser - BBC Political & Parliamentary Affairs
7ei 020 7W3 63e4
Mobi~e 07715 117 520
Fax 020 7973 830a
Ground Floor, a Millbank, Westmin;ter S1N1P 31A

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