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Boa hf TON G e Se TEET.KURK DO ce toward peseenal liberation. Tug! Three swordene: ant dove o¢ 2 table ip a erouded Japenese inn and pagan te naka Loyd commante abont thesr neighpor, poring fe goad hin inte a @uel.” The master seemed to take no aotice of hem, ur womn their TRnarks became ruler and nore pointed, ke Ealede his chopsticks ant, ia gaick snaps, effortisaziy sauzht ibar Elies on the wing. As he slowly laid down the chopsticks, ihe three avarsanon auceledly Laft the enon. he story aijuserates a grant difference botwoen Orienta? and Western thinkiag. ihe average Westerner would be intrigued Gy someone's ability to caten Elise wits abopectaka, and wnela Lobebly say that nam nothing t= eo wien how good ne is in canbas, Bae the Orianta: vowlé realize that a man who has attacasé such eomplete mastery of an aft reveals is presence of mad in every action, Tha seste of wiclenesa and imperturbability demonstrated Sy the ester indicates hia mastery of a0lé. and so it ig with mapsial arts, To the Westamer the finger jabs, the si¢e kicks, the bask fist, etc,, axe tools of deceruction 2ha Violence wnich 15, indeed, cne of thaly funetaend. But the Oriental baldeves taet the primary function of cumh tools i Sevecled wach they are scifvdlgected and daatroy greed, fear, anger and folly Menipelazive ski2] ix agt the Orientel's gool. te is aiming his Kicks and biows at haaclf and vaeo sucoeesfal, may aver Succeed in laceking Rinael? out, After yaars of training, ne fopee to adhiava tase vital Laccening and equabiiity of ell powers Snich is woat the ehree svordscen sav in the master. an every day Lige the mind ¢ capable of moving irom one thought or sbjece to another — "reing” mind instead of “naving’ find: Nowsue2, wan face to face vitu an oppoosnt in a daadiy Gonsast, the mind cones to stick end loses ite mebsliry. Stack SEEDS *G.“Sicepage ds prooles thet Auunts every martial artist. gvan-ia (valokitesvara), the Goddess of mercy, Lg scmetines depresentad with one thousand arms, aash holding « a:ffczent insermest, 1f her mind stooa with she wae, for instance, of a spear, all the otter area (999) wit bo of no uae Whatever, IS WeSiy“Decnuse of ber Bind net efopping with the se of ane ara, but uoviag fren one instrament to mether, Tet 2ll Rem ams prove Caodul wich the sercet dagree of erticiance. Thus che ioure ia warn! to denoastrate that, qiien the ultinese truth is sealised Geen a5 samy as Gne thousand eras ca one bedy may each be sarvicen shle fa one Way ar another. vpurpose lesaness " “eaptyanindadness" ox ‘he ars exe #roquant terns used iz the Celent tovcemote tne sitinate schiaverent of 2) REED Giuas. “according we den, the epirat is ny ature formless and no Tobjecto" are to be Kebered in it. When anytning is hecbored these, pepohie onary in éraun seuare i, anc waen peyenss energy? loses ifs'Salenee, i58 native activity bectaas crasived ape fp as longer fics vich te stream, Shere tis enerey Le Hoped, these 23 too much of Ge in ane dizee, efi: in another dixection, Where there ie Sverfiow: and canact be cantrolied. Tn aitner casa, fo cope with everschenging Bur when there prevetls a state of “purposelessnass' Hetae 2e stens from, falf = the ability, ae Shetagh calé-aiacizline, Sy avere, and conplacaly in tone with oneself ane ‘Then, and only then, can 2 person keow minse!z. ‘rus mastery transcends any particule: ext. mastery of cm + Brace Lee

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