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21 .

Jul 03 16 :45 P-2


Mr Richard Sambrook
830 News
July 21"~ 2003

Dear Richard,

In my letterto you dated July 9th I asked you whether you still stood by your statenent on th e 7oday
programme on June 2E~ that Andrew Glliigan's source was a "senior and credisle source _in the
intell ;?ence services"

In your reply dated July 10, you refused to provide any clanfication

Given your admission that Dr David Kelly was indeed Gilfioan's source can you now say whethe, you
stand byyour statement of June 26th?

Do you also stand by Gilligan's description of his source on Today on May 29~ as "one of the senior
of°icials in charge of drawing up the dossier".

I am not releasing this letter to the press .

Wi-,n very best wishes,

r Bee Bradahaw MP

Cc Gavyn Davies

Constituency Office Parliamentary Office

Ben House of Commons
Labour HQ
BradShaw 26b Clifton Hill W estrnmster
Exeter EXi 2DJ London SW1A OAA
Tel : 01392 424 454 Tel : D207219 6597
Member of Fazc 020 7219 0950
Paz: 01392 425 63J
Parliament for
I_ ~ e-maIl: bradshawb@parliament .uk
G.Y~*P+r .-) (, 9

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