2009 08

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ASIAN MILITARY REVIEW ASIA PACIFIC’S LARGEST CIRCULATED DEFENCE MAGAZINE INFANTRY NIGHT VISION CBRN ASIA FRIGATES AND CONVENTIONAL DESTROYERS 4 | SUBMARINES Contents AUGUST 2009 VOLUME 17 / ISSUE 5 ASIAN MILITARY REVIEW Front Cover Photo: Ausrai’s ux stong Collins close submariner, Based on Kockurs! Vasergsland design ond consircied by the ‘Auncian Submarine Corporation between 1990 ‘and 2003 are the large conventional sibmarines inservice todoy. Although highly capable, The RAN hes found tical retin he crews nce ory fo aop the fast operofonal Despite this Auaia hos recently Begun work on the $2 bio replace tment forthe class whon is phased out in 2028, ron considering Inceasing the umber of new fubmernes ta wale © ASC ae Ted Hooton Conventional Submarines: Subsurface Kings 04 The Rise of the Multi-role Fighter in Asia Joho Mulberry ‘One of he cure Fouts of Aion mitery moder fin & the replacamont of egeing,ebicescen ghor fees Air ores ocros he region are in the process ot ‘testing who! he need re inthis area ond how best to goo! procuring copatiie within he resin of gh budgets What atin tht loking to buy 2 common foot of muivole akerah, some serene €o etd oe made. Ameliole fighter wil neva: have the Ful copobies of ospcilned ai dtence fighter no ther witb able to deiverthe ground pounding ect ofa tre clos air sport oer: However wha wil beable to dois ge a form he moj of he cope blisosin between thowa two enrmes snd doo whoa all he coss tha! ate ncured rom sopporing mile Sire pes Asia Prepares for CBRN Threat ‘Andy Oppentainer Australia's action to tr programe cosing the equivoent of USS2 bik on and aiming o double o size of the sutmarine fle! to hele hulls in os tony yous, underlines the importance of he cietalaacricsubarie in the Fegion thes been colclted that, avon axcdng the Unied Sci, navies the Asoo region will have 150 modern Giese lec submarines by 2025. Yeti nt the potest size of Aas submarine Meets which Wile o CBRN tack se om probably, een osmalcole chemical o oko legit etock would not any bacon arms cf Ives lo, at woud ecese experi deonupoperofons andrei in nrased puts fcr he nin sm fe terorte or wel rom of economy especialy n poor teen, cd 8 decine tur, esse economic presuree govarmai inthe region ay ‘aed o become more prone contingency pling fr whl ts hope wl twoinsiing but eo the range of capabilities whch are already being meting om Media Transasia Led, Room No 206-1206, Hollywood Contre 233 onyoad Reed, Central, Hong Kong. Tet (852) 2815 911, Fax: (82) 2835 1933 ‘Subscription Information ASIAN MILITARY REVIEW can e obianad ‘Gpecanons orcs! by sbseoten Subscpee ale oo year President: Epasth Chotpakitakul International Math a eae sistant Art Director: Subron Jara Production Manager: Kande Thnakariwongskal contact he olowng adress: Assist irate: Sia ar Production Manager: an Tha ros aes ei eee FOUup Circulation Supervisor: Porsres Chiwonge ‘Media Transasia Utd ‘Media Transasia Thailand Ltd. 758, ih Flor, Ocean Towe I, So Sushi 19, Room No, (26-126, Halywecd Cote 233, ‘Suktnt Road, Klngtoeynue, Watiana, Bzigkok 1070, Tata Helywocd Raad, Cental Hong Kong, Tel 66 (02204 2570, Fax: 8 0}-2204 7380 1 “a 652) 201501, F (82) 861 TED AUGUST 2008 | 03 SYSTEMS The rise Multi-rol Te Tee ul aisles a ‘An RSAF F-16 prepares for an ‘erelse in the US (US Air Foreo) here is no doubt that modem fighters are one of the most ‘expensive systems that armed forces are likely to procure. As a result, it is crucial that the right choices are made and that air forces buy the aircraft in the right quantities to satis- fy defence needs It is clear that inthis con- ‘text, few countries in the region can afford to buy different airraft to fulfil air defence and ground attack roles separately. Fortunately, for countries in the region, ‘which do not have the domestic infrastruc- ign and manufacture their own fighters, that is also the conclusion that has ‘been reached in the West and current and next-generation fighters are being designed to give air forces a multi-role capability from a single platform. In Europe, the US and Russia, manufacturers are looking at how they can alter existing platforms to include a greater level of ile new platform, In Europe, the US and Russia, manufacturers are Tooking at how they can alter existing platforms to include a greater level of multi-role capability designs are beginning to offer a wider sulte cof capabilities. Making choices There is no doubt that with 2 variety of ar- ‘raft on offer at a variety of pri with Visa Card Number: . Expiry Date. Signature.. POSITION/RANK:. COUNTRY. SURFACE Dynamic Destroyers, Flexible Frigat The last twelve months have witnessed signifi- cant activity regarding frigate and destroyer upgrades and purchases in Asia and elsewhere. Naval fleets around the world are in the process of rejuvenating their fleets and acq vessels. The major factors di address emerging threats such as maritime piracy, along with mission requirements such as the participation aimed at combating terrorism. Furthermore, protect other mari also have an important role to play in sup ing humanitarian and peacekeeping missi fram home, ion to the higher-tem; Ce een eee) Ce ae ee Now. These vessels have recently peer eres enya eee ray fome navies, on the other hand are opting to limit the size of their frigate flets. The South African Navy, for example, has lected not to pursue the pur chase of additional “Valour -class Guided Missile Frigates (FFGs), deciding to retain class sizeof four combatants. Instead, the navy ‘splanning to acquite offshore patrol vessels to reinforce the flet, of which it wil acquire around six. However, in Asia and Australasia the situation is notably cliferent with several counties around the region pouring signif- cant investment into ther frigate and destroyer fleets The Royal Australian Navy (RAN), for instance, experienced trials and tibulations ioring the upgrade of its “Adeaide’-class [FRGs. These ships have undergone an exten= sive modernisation which is designed to censure that they remain effective until their retirement in cirea 2020. HIMAS Sydney and HIMAS Melbourne have already returned to service following this upgrade ‘Thenew systems which outfit the Adalaite ships include the Raytheon SM-2 Block-IIA, ‘weapon, along with the RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile antiaircraft and anti-missile ‘weapons. The vessels have also received new towed: and hull mounted sonar, plus upgrad- ced radar new decoys and combat management systems, The mederisation has also seen the installation of the Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. C-PEARL Electronic Support ‘Measure (ESM) Furthermore, the RAN is upgrading its “ANZAC class frigates with all cight vessels undergoing the Anti

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