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DB2 Express-C
A book for the community by the community



2 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Third Edition (June 2009)

This edition has been updated for IBM® DB2® Express-C Version 9.7 for Linux®,
UNIX® and Windows®.
© Copyright IBM Corporation, 2007, 2009. All rights reserved.
About this book .............................................................................................................. 9
Notices and trademarks............................................................................................... 9
Who should read this book? ...................................................................................... 10
How is this book structured? ..................................................................................... 10
A book for the community.......................................................................................... 11
Authors and Contributors........................................................................................... 12
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................... 12
Foreword ................................................................................................................... 13
PART I – OVERVIEW AND SETUP ............................................................................... 15
Chapter 1 – What is DB2 Express-C? ......................................................................... 17
1.1 Free to develop, deploy, and distribute…no limits! .............................................. 17
1.2 User assistance and technical support ................................................................ 18
1.3 DB2 servers......................................................................................................... 18
1.4 DB2 clients and drivers........................................................................................ 19
1.5 Application development freedom ....................................................................... 21
1.6 DB2 versions versus DB2 editions....................................................................... 21
1.7 Moving up to another DB2 edition ....................................................................... 22
1.8 Maintenance and updates for DB2 Express-C..................................................... 22
1.9 Related free software and DB2 components ....................................................... 23
1.9.1 IBM Data Studio ........................................................................................... 23
1.9.2 DB2 Text Search .......................................................................................... 23
1.9.3 WebSphere Application Server – Community Edition ................................... 24
1.10 Summary ........................................................................................................... 24
Chapter 2 – Related features and products................................................................ 25
2.1 Features included with DB2 Express subscription (FTL) ..................................... 28
2.1.1 Fix packs ...................................................................................................... 28
2.1.2 High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR)................................................. 29
2.1.3 Data Replication ........................................................................................... 30
2.2 Features not available with DB2 Express-C......................................................... 30
2.2.1 Database Partitioning ................................................................................... 31
2.2.2 Connection Concentrator.............................................................................. 31
2.2.3 Geodetic Extender........................................................................................ 31
2.2.4 Label-based Access Control (LBAC) ............................................................ 31
2.2.5 Workload Manager (WLM)............................................................................ 32
2.2.6 Deep compression........................................................................................ 33
2.2.7 SQL Compatibility......................................................................................... 34
2.3 Fee-based products that are related to DB2 ........................................................ 35
2.3.1 DB2 Connect ................................................................................................ 35
2.3.2 InfoSphere Federation Server ...................................................................... 36
2.3.3 InfoSphere Replication Server...................................................................... 37
2.3.4 Optim Development Studio (ODS)................................................................ 37
2.3.5 Optim Database Administrator (ODA)........................................................... 38
2.4 DB2 Offerings on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.............................................. 38
2.5 Summary ............................................................................................................. 38
4 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Chapter 3 – DB2 installation ........................................................................................ 39

3.1 Installation prerequisites...................................................................................... 39
3.2 Operating system installation authority ................................................................ 39
3.3 Installation wizard ................................................................................................ 40
3.4 Validating your installation ................................................................................... 47
3.5 Silent Install ......................................................................................................... 49
3.6 Summary ............................................................................................................. 50
3.7 Exercises............................................................................................................. 50
Chapter 4 – DB2 Environment ..................................................................................... 55
4.1 DB2 configuration ................................................................................................ 65
4.1.1 Environment variables .................................................................................. 66
4.1.2 Database manager configuration file (dbm cfg) ............................................ 66
4.1.3 Database configuration file (db cfg) .............................................................. 68
4.1.4 DB2 profile registry ....................................................................................... 69
4.2 The DB2 Administration Server (deprecated) ...................................................... 70
4.3 Summary ............................................................................................................. 71
4.4 Exercises............................................................................................................. 71
Chapter 5 – DB2 Tools ................................................................................................. 77
5.1 IBM Data Studio .................................................................................................. 79
5.2 Control Center (deprecated) ................................................................................ 80
5.2.1 Launching the Control Center....................................................................... 83
5.3 Command Editor (deprecated) ............................................................................ 84
5.3.1 Launching the Command Editor ................................................................... 84
5.3.2 Adding a database connection ..................................................................... 85
5.4 SQL Assist Wizard (deprecated) ......................................................................... 86
5.5 Show SQL Button (deprecated)........................................................................... 88
5.6 Task Center (deprecated).................................................................................... 89
5.6.1 The Tools Catalog database (deprecated) ................................................... 90
5.7 Journal (deprecated) ........................................................................................... 91
5.7.1 Launching the Journal .................................................................................. 93
5.8 Health Monitor (deprecated) ................................................................................ 93
5.8.1 Health Center (deprecated) .......................................................................... 94
5.9 Self-tuning memory manager .............................................................................. 96
5.10 Scripting ............................................................................................................ 96
5.10.1 SQL scripts................................................................................................. 97
5.10.2 Operating system (shell) scripts ................................................................. 98
5.11 Windows Vista considerations ........................................................................... 99
5.12 Summary ........................................................................................................... 99
5.13 Exercises..........................................................................................................100
PART II – LEARNING DB2: DATABASE ADMINISTRATION .....................................105
Chapter 6 – DB2 Architecture.....................................................................................107
6.1 DB2 process model ............................................................................................107
6.2 DB2 memory model............................................................................................109
6.3 DB2 storage model.............................................................................................110
Contents 5

6.3.1 Pages and Extents ..................................................................................... 111

6.3.2 Buffer pools ................................................................................................ 111
6.3.3 Table spaces .............................................................................................. 113
6.4 Summary ........................................................................................................... 118
6.5 Exercises........................................................................................................... 118
Chapter 7 – DB2 Client Connectivity......................................................................... 123
7.1 DB2 Directories ................................................................................................. 123
7.1.1 System database directory ......................................................................... 123
7.1.2 Local database directory............................................................................. 124
7.1.3 Node directory ............................................................................................ 124
7.1.4 DCS directory ............................................................................................. 124
7.2 Configuration Assistant (deprecated)................................................................. 124
7.2.1 Setup required at the server ....................................................................... 125
7.2.2 Setup required at the client......................................................................... 128
7.2.3 Creating Client and Server Profiles............................................................. 132
7.3 Summary ........................................................................................................... 135
7.4 Exercises........................................................................................................... 135
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects............................................................ 139
8.1 Schemas ........................................................................................................... 139
8.2 Public synonyms (or aliases) ............................................................................. 140
8.3 Tables ............................................................................................................... 141
8.3.1 Data Types ................................................................................................. 141
8.3.2 Identity Columns......................................................................................... 146
8.3.3 Sequence objects ....................................................................................... 147
8.3.4 System catalog tables ................................................................................ 147
8.3.5 Declared global temporary tables (DGTTs) ................................................ 148
8.3.6 Create Global Temporary Tables (CGTTs)................................................. 150
8.4 Views................................................................................................................. 151
8.5 Indexes.............................................................................................................. 151
8.5.1 Design Advisor ........................................................................................... 152
8.6 Referential integrity............................................................................................ 153
8.7 Schema Evolution.............................................................................................. 154
8.8 Summary ........................................................................................................... 156
8.9 Exercises........................................................................................................... 156
Chapter 9 – Data Movement Utilities......................................................................... 159
9.1 EXPORT utility .................................................................................................. 160
9.2 IMPORT utility ................................................................................................... 161
9.3 LOAD utility ....................................................................................................... 162
9.4 The db2move utility ........................................................................................... 164
9.5 The db2look utility.............................................................................................. 164
9.6 Summary ........................................................................................................... 167
9.7 Exercises........................................................................................................... 167
Chapter 10 – Database Security ................................................................................ 171
10.1 Authentication.................................................................................................. 172
6 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

10.2 Authorization ....................................................................................................173

10.2.1 Privileges...................................................................................................173
10.2.2 Authorities .................................................................................................174
10.2.3 Roles .........................................................................................................179
10.3 Group privilege considerations .........................................................................180
10.4 The PUBLIC group ...........................................................................................180
10.5 The GRANT and REVOKE statements.............................................................180
10.6 Authorization and privilege checking ................................................................181
10.7 Extended Security on Windows ........................................................................182
10.8 Summary ..........................................................................................................183
10.9 Exercises..........................................................................................................183
Chapter 11 – Backup and Recovery...........................................................................189
11.1 Database Logging ............................................................................................189
11.2 Types of logs ....................................................................................................190
11.3 Types of logging ...............................................................................................191
11.3.1 Circular logging..........................................................................................191
11.3.2 Archive logging ..........................................................................................192
11.4 Database logging from the Control Center........................................................193
11.5 Logging parameters..........................................................................................194
11.6 Database backup..............................................................................................195
11.7 Database recovery ...........................................................................................197
11.7.1 Recovery types..........................................................................................197
11.7.2 Database restore .......................................................................................198
11.8 Other operations with BACKUP and RESTORE...............................................198
11.9 Summary ..........................................................................................................199
11.10 Exercises........................................................................................................199
Chapter 12 – Maintenance Tasks ...............................................................................203
12.1 REORG, RUNSTATS, REBIND........................................................................203
12.1.1 The REORG command..............................................................................204
12.1.2 The RUNSTATS command .......................................................................204
12.1.3 BIND / REBIND .........................................................................................205
12.1.4 Maintenance tasks from the Control Center...............................................206
12.2 Maintenance Choices .......................................................................................207
12.3 Summary ..........................................................................................................209
12.4 Exercises..........................................................................................................209
Chapter 13 – Concurrency and Locking ....................................................................213
13.1 Transactions.....................................................................................................213
13.2 Concurrency .....................................................................................................214
13.3 Problems without concurrency control ..............................................................215
13.3.1 Lost update................................................................................................215
13.3.2 Uncommitted read .....................................................................................216
13.3.3 Non-repeatable read..................................................................................217
13.3.4 Phantom read ............................................................................................217
13.4 Isolation Levels.................................................................................................218
Contents 7

13.4.1 Uncommitted read .................................................................................... 218

13.4.2 Cursor stability.......................................................................................... 219
13.4.3 Read stability ............................................................................................ 221
13.4.4 Repeatable read ....................................................................................... 221
13.4.5 Comparing isolation levels........................................................................ 222
13.4.6 Setting the isolation level .......................................................................... 222
13.5 Lock escalation................................................................................................ 224
13.6 Lock monitoring ............................................................................................... 225
13.7 Lock wait ......................................................................................................... 226
13.8 Deadlock causes and detection....................................................................... 226
13.9 Concurrency and locking best practices .......................................................... 228
13.10 Summary ....................................................................................................... 231
13.11 Exercises....................................................................................................... 231
PART III – LEARNING DB2: APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT................................... 237
Chapter 14 – Introduction to DB2 Application Development .................................. 239
14.1 DB2 Application Development: The big picture................................................ 239
14.2 Server-side development................................................................................. 241
14.2.1 Stored Procedures.................................................................................... 241
14.2.2 User-defined functions.............................................................................. 242
14.2.3 Triggers .................................................................................................... 242
14.3 Client-side development .................................................................................. 243
14.3.1 Embedded SQL ........................................................................................ 243
14.3.2 Static SQL vs. Dynamic SQL.................................................................... 244
14.3.3 CLI and ODBC.......................................................................................... 246
14.3.4 JDBC, SQLJ and pureQuery .................................................................... 249
14.3.5 OLE DB .................................................................................................... 251
14.3.6 ADO.NET ................................................................................................. 252
14.3.7 PHP .......................................................................................................... 253
14.3.8 Ruby on Rails ........................................................................................... 254
14.3.9 Perl ........................................................................................................... 254
14.3.10 Python .................................................................................................... 254
14.4 XML and DB2 pureXML................................................................................... 255
14.5 Web Services .................................................................................................. 256
14.6 Administrative APIs ......................................................................................... 257
14.7 Other development .......................................................................................... 257
14.7.1 Working with Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel ................................. 258
14.8 Development Tools.......................................................................................... 259
14.9 Sample programs ............................................................................................ 259
14.10 Summary ....................................................................................................... 260
Chapter 15 – DB2 pureXML........................................................................................ 261
15.1 Using XML with databases .............................................................................. 262
15.2 XML databases................................................................................................ 262
15.2.1 XML-enabled databases........................................................................... 262
15.2.2 Native XML databases.............................................................................. 263
8 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

15.3 XML in DB2 ......................................................................................................264

15.3.1 pureXML technology advantages ..............................................................265
15.3.2 XPath basics .............................................................................................267
15.3.3 XQuery basics ...........................................................................................270
15.3.4 Inserting XML documents ..........................................................................272
15.3.5 Querying XML data....................................................................................275
15.3.6 Joins with SQL/XML ..................................................................................282
15.3.7 Joins with XQuery......................................................................................283
15.3.8 Update and delete operations....................................................................284
15.3.9 XML indexing.............................................................................................286
15.4 Working with XML Schemas.............................................................................287
15.4.1 Registering your XML Schemas ................................................................287
15.4.2 XML Schema validation .............................................................................290
15.4.3 Other XML support ....................................................................................291
15.6 Summary ..........................................................................................................292
15.7 Exercises..........................................................................................................292
Appendix A – Troubleshooting ..................................................................................295
A.1 Finding more information about error codes.......................................................296
A.2 SQLCODE and SQLSTATE ...............................................................................296
A.3 DB2 Administration Notification Log ...................................................................297
A.4 db2diag.log ........................................................................................................297
A.5 CLI traces...........................................................................................................298
A.6 DB2 Defects and Fixes ......................................................................................298
Appendix B – References and Resources .................................................................299
B.1 References.........................................................................................................299
B.2 Web sites: ..........................................................................................................299
B.3 Books.................................................................................................................300
B.4 Contact emails ...................................................................................................301
About this book

Notices and trademarks

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2007, 2009
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The information in this document concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the supplier(s) of
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10 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Who should read this book?

This book is intended for anyone who works with or intends to work with databases, such
as database administrators (DBAs), application developers, consultants, software
architects, product managers, instructors, and students.

How is this book structured?

Part I, Overview and Setup, explains what DB2 Express-C edition is all about, introduces
the DB2 family of products and features, assists with installation and creation of databases,
and explores the tools available with DB2.
Part II, Learning DB2: Database Administration, is designed to familiarize you with the DB2
environment, architecture, remote connectivity, database objects, data movement
(import/export/load), security, backup and recovery, concurrency and locking, and other
common maintenance tasks.
Part III - Learning DB2: Application Development, introduces DB2 application development,
including server-side and client-side development. It also discusses SQL/XML, XQuery,
and pureXML®.
The Appendix contains useful information about troubleshooting.
Exercises are provided for most chapters; and any input files required for these labs are
provided in the compressed file that
accompanies this book.
The materials in this book are also used in courses offered as part of the DB2 on Campus
Program, and closely match the e-learning video presentations available at You can read more about the DB2 on Campus program
at the DB2 Express-C website:

For more information about the DB2 on Campus program, watch the video at:

Now in its third edition we have made several changes and additions. For those who have
read the second edition of the book which covered DB2 9.5, we are making it easier for you
to find changes to the book that correspond to new features or updates in version 9.7 of
DB2. The changes can be easily identified with this icon:
About this Book 11

A book for the community

This book was created by the DB2 Express-C team and released to the DB2 Express-C
community at no-charge. As of the time of writing, this book has been downloaded more
than 45,000 times and translated into 9 languages by volunteers around the world. A true
community effort!. If you would like to provide feedback, contribute new material, improve
existing material, or help translate this book to another language, please send an email of
your planned contribution to with the subject “DB2 Express-C book
The success of this book has been the inspiration to develop more than 25 new free online
books about IBM products, and also about non-IBM technologies. The books will be part of
the Community Book Series, which will be launched on October 2009.
For more information about this book or the Community Book Series visit the IBM® DB2
Express-C Web site at
12 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Authors and Contributors

The following people have provided content and other significant contributions to this book.

Raul F. Chong – Lead Author

Raul is the DB2 on Campus Program Manager at the IBM Toronto Lab.

Ian Hakes – Co-author and Editor

Ian is a former DB2 Express-C Community Facilitator and now works as a usability
expert at the IBM Toronto Lab.

Rav S. Ahuja – Co-author and Publishing

Rav is a senior DB2 Product Manager at the IBM Toronto Lab.

We greatly thank the following individuals for their assistance and developing materials
referenced in this book:
ƒ Ted Wasserman, Clara Liu, and Paul Yip from the IBM Toronto Lab who developed
materials that served as the framework for this book.
ƒ Don Chamberlin and Cindy Saracco for their IBM developerWorks articles on
XQuery, and Matthias Nicola for his presentations on pureXML.
ƒ Kevin Czap and Grant Hutchison for developing DB2 technical briefing materials.
ƒ Katherine Boyachok and Natasha Tolub for the cover design of this book.
ƒ Susan Visser for reviewing and providing assistance with publishing this book.
About this Book 13

Innovation is the cornerstone of technological progress. At IBM, innovation has been an
integral part of our data server evolution. Having pioneered data management techniques
in the 1960s and 1970s, IBM continues to deliver innovative information management
technologies, as reflected in the thousands of data management patents authored by IBM
technologists. As a result, some of the largest organizations in the world rely on IBM
products, including DB2, to power their most demanding and mission-critical data
management solutions.
However, DB2 is no longer just for large enterprises. With the release of DB2 Express-C,
award-winning DB2 technology is now available to small and mid-size companies – and
with no cost! Although there are other free or open-source data servers available, DB2
Express-C offers unique advantages over these alternatives.
There are many technological advances present in DB2 Express-C. These innovations
provide new capabilities, reduce administrative burdens, improve performance, and reduce
infrastructure cost.
DB2 Express-C hybrid technology is capable of managing both relational and XML data in
their native formats. This makes DB2 ideal for powering the new breed of SOA and Web
2.0 applications where XML data flows in abundance. Unlike other “free” data servers, DB2
Express-C does not limit the amount of data you can store in a database or the number of
databases you can create on a system. And of course, if you require support or assistance
from IBM, help is just a click away.
This book serves as a guide to getting started with and using DB2 Express-C. It will assist
you with understanding DB2 concepts and enable you to develop skills for DB2
administration and application development. The skills and knowledge you will gain are
relevant to the other advanced editions of DB2 on Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
While DB2 Express-C is not an open-source product, at IBM we very much believe in
supporting and fostering community initiatives. I am delighted that this book is being
developed by DB2 Express-C community members and will be freely available to anyone in
the community. I encourage you to enrich and update this book with your know-how and
experiences, and also to assist with translating this book into other languages so others
can benefit.

Arvind Krishna
Vice President, Data Servers
Information Management, IBM Software Group
Chapter 1 – What is DB2 Express-C?
DB2 Express-C data server software ("DB2 Express-C") is a member of the IBM DB2
family of powerful data server software for managing both relational and XML data. DB2
Express-C is a free, no-limits, and easy to use edition of DB2. The ‘C’ in DB2 Express-C
stands for the Community. A community of DB2 Express-C users that bands together to
assist each other, both online and offline. The DB2 Express-C community consists of all
sorts of people and companies who design, develop, deploy, or utilize database solutions.
Community members include:
ƒ Application developers who require an open standards database software for
building standalone, client-server, web-based, and enterprise applications
ƒ ISVs, hardware vendors, infrastructure stack vendors, and other types of solution
providers who want to bundle or embed a full-featured data server as part of their
ƒ Consultants, database administrators, and IT architects who need a robust data
server for training, skills development, evaluation and prototyping
ƒ Startups, small and medium-sized companies who need a reliable data server for
their applications and operations
ƒ Database hobbyists and cutting-edge technology enthusiasts who want an easy to
use data server for building Web 2.0 and next generation applications
ƒ Students, teachers, and other academic users who want a highly versatile data
server for teaching, courseware, projects and research
DB2 Express-C shares the same core functionality and code-base as the other priced
editions of DB2 on Linux, UNIX, and Windows. DB2 Express-C can be run on either 32-bit
or 64-bit systems with Linux or Windows operating systems. It is also available on Solaris
(x64) and as a beta on Mac OS X (x64). It can be run on systems with any amount of
processors and memory and does not have any specialized storage or system setup
requirements. DB2 Express-C also includes pureXML at no charge. pureXML is a
technology unique to DB2 that stores and processes XML documents natively.

1.1 Free to develop, deploy, and distribute…no limits!

This sentence summarizes the key ideals behind DB2 Express-C:
18 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

ƒ Free to develop: If you are an application developer and need a database for your
application, you can use DB2 Express-C.
ƒ Free to deploy: If you are working in a production environment, and need a data
management system to store your vital records, you can use DB2 Express-C.
ƒ Free to distribute: If you are developing an application or a tool that requires an
embedded data server, you can include DB2 Express-C. Even though DB2
Express-C is embedded in your application, and distributed every time you sell your
application, it is still free. You are required to register with IBM in order to re-
distribute DB2 Express-C; however this registration is also free of charge.
ƒ No limits: While other competitor database offerings set limits on database sizes,
number of databases, and number of users, with DB2 Express-C there are NO data
size limits. Your database can continue to grow without violating the licensing
agreement. There are also no license imposed limits to the number of connections
or users per server.
To learn more about DB2 Express-C and its role in the information on-demand world and
Web 2.0, take a look at this video presentation:

1.2 User assistance and technical support

If you have technical questions about DB2 Express-C, you can post your questions in the
DB2 Express-C forum. This free forum is monitored by DB2 experts from IBM, though it is
the community who provides most of the answers on a voluntary basis.
IBM also gives users the choice to purchase a low cost DB2 Express data server software
("DB2 Express") yearly subscription (also known as the Fixed Term License or FTL). This
subscription comes with the backing of IBM for 24 x 7 technical support and software
updates. In addition to support and software maintenance, with the yearly low cost
subscription fee ($2,995 per Server per Year in the United States – may vary in other
countries) you also get to use additional features: HADR (clustering for High Availability
and Disaster Recovery), SQL replication (for replicating data with other DB2 servers), and
Backup Compression (for creating compressed backup copies of the database). Further
information about the subscription option can be found at:

1.3 DB2 servers

All DB2 server editions contain the same core components; they are packaged in such a
way that users can choose the functions they need at the right price. Figure 1.1 illustrates
the different DB2 product editions.
Chapter 1– What is DB2 Express-C? 19

DB2 Enterprise Edition

DB2 Workgroup Edition

DB2 Express Edition

DB2 Express-C
Extra Extra Extra
+ functionality + functionality + functionality

Figure 1.1 – DB2 Servers

As shown in Figure 1.1, DB2 Express-C is the same as DB2 Express without a few
components. DB2 Express-C is free to the community. Technical assistance is available
through a free online forum, or you can receive official 24 x 7 IBM DB2 technical support if
you purchase the yearly subscription (Fixed Term License).
Figure 1.1 also explains why it is so easy to upgrade from DB2 Express-C. If you wish to
upgrade to any of the other DB2 servers in the future, all DB2 servers have the same core
components. This also means that any application developed for one edition will work,
without modification, in other editions. And any skills you learn in one edition will apply to
other editions.

1.4 DB2 clients and drivers

A DB2 client includes the necessary functionality to connect to a DB2 server; however, a
DB2 client does not always need to be installed. For example, a JDBC Type 4 application
only requires a JDBC driver to be installed to connect to a DB2 server. DB2 Clients and
drivers come in several different flavors:
ƒ IBM Data Server Client: most complete, includes GUI Tools, drivers
ƒ IBM Data Server Runtime Client: a lightweight client with basic functionality, and
includes drivers
ƒ DB2 Runtime Client Merge Modules for Windows: mainly used to embed a DB2
runtime client as part of a Windows application installation
ƒ IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ: allows Java applications to connect to
DB2 servers without having to install a full client
20 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

ƒ IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI: allows ODBC and CLI applications to
connect to a DB2 server without the large footprint of having to install a client
ƒ IBM Data Server Driver Package: Includes a Windows-specific driver with support
for .NET environments in addition to ODBC, CLI and open source. This driver was
previously known as the IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC, CLI and .NET.
Figure 1.2 shows the different DB2 clients and drivers available.

Figure 1.2 – DB2 clients and drivers

On the left side of Figure 1.2, all the DB2 clients and drivers are shown. Although all DB2
clients include the required drivers, starting with DB2 data server software ("DB2") v.9 we
provide the individual drivers as well. DB2 clients and drivers are all free and available for
download from the DB2 Express-C web site. The clients and drivers can be used to
connect to a DB2 server on Linux, UNIX or Windows. To connect to a DB2 for z/OS® or
DB2 for i5/OS® server, you need to go through a DB2 Connect™ server (shown in the
middle of Figure 1.2). We will discuss the DB2 Connect software ("DB2 Connect") in
Chapter 2.
Though this book focuses on the DB2 data server, the IBM Data Server clients can also
connect to other data servers in the IBM family such as Informix. Hence the generic name
"IBM Data Server client" as opposed to the more specific "DB2 client".
Chapter 1– What is DB2 Express-C? 21

1.5 Application development freedom

DB2 offers an application development environment that is standards-based and is
transparent across the DB2 family. SQL standardization across the DB2 product line
provides a common set of application programming interfaces for database access.
In addition, each DB2 product provides SQL pre-compilers and application programming
interfaces (APIs) which allow developers to embed static and dynamic SQL in portable
application programs. DB2 even has a native .NET managed provider and integration with
Microsoft® Visual Studio tools.
Languages and standards you can use with DB2 include:
ƒ SQL, XQuery, XPath
ƒ C/C++ (CLI, ODBC and embedded SQL)
ƒ Java (JDBC and SQLJ)
ƒ Perl
ƒ Python
ƒ Ruby on Rails
ƒ .NET languages
ƒ MS Office: Excel, Access, Word
ƒ Web services

1.6 DB2 versions versus DB2 editions

If you are new to DB2, you may be a bit confused as to the distinction between a DB2
version, and a DB2 edition.
Every few years, IBM publicly releases a new DB2 version. A version includes new
features and significant improvements to the product. Currently, DB2 Version 9 is officially
supported by IBM. A version may also have a few releases which are updates that can
include some new functionality but are usually not significant enough to warrant a new
version. For example 9.5 and 9.7 are release levels for DB2 Version 9. Over the past few
years, IBM has come out with a new release of DB2 every 1-2 years, however new
versions are typically spaced over 3 or more years apart. The most current release is
V9.7, which became generally available (GA) in June of 2009. Each release may also have
several modification levels, which typically contain fixes or correspond to fix pack levels,
22 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

and seldom deliver new functionality. At the time of writing the most current version,
release, and modification (V,R,M) level of DB2 Express-C is 9.7.0 which corresponds to a
code-level of 9.7 with Fix pack 0, which means it is at the GA level.
On the other hand, editions are select offerings or package groupings within each version.
As discussed earlier, an edition is a packaging of different functions for a given price and
license. DB2 Version 9.7 (also known as DB2 9.7) has several editions; for example, DB2
Express-C 9.7, DB2 Express 9.7, DB2 Workgroup 9.7, and DB2 Enterprise 9.7 (see Figure

1.7 Moving up to another DB2 edition

As your database needs grow, you may need to upgrade to a DB2 edition that supports a
larger hardware configuration. If this situation arises, it is easy to upgrade to another DB2
ƒ If you are upgrading to another DB2 edition on the same computer system, uninstall
DB2 Express-C, and then install the new DB2 edition. When you uninstall DB2
Express-C, your databases are not deleted (but a backup is always recommended).
ƒ If you are upgrading DB2 and the new edition will be installed on a different, larger
computer using the same operating system, then install the new DB2 edition on the
larger computer, backup your databases on the smaller computer, move the backup
images to the larger computer, and restore the backup images to databases on the
larger computer. You also need to save the instance configuration settings (dbm
cfg) from your smaller computer, and apply this configuration to the larger
computer. The backup and restore commands are discussed in more details in
Chapter 11, Backup and Recovery. The dbm cfg is discussed in more detail in
Chapter 5, The DB2 Environment.
ƒ In either case, your client application will not need modification.

1.8 Maintenance and updates for DB2 Express-C

DB2 Express-C installation images are refreshed periodically. These refreshes generally
coincide with availability of new releases or versions or when there are significant number
of bug fixes accumulated for the product. In the past, refreshes for DB2 Express-C have
typically been made available once a year. However, note that DB2 Express-C, being a no-
charge unwarranted offering, does not come with any official maintenance releases or
regularly scheduled fixpacks (that are released several times a year). Once a new refresh
or a new release of DB2 Express-C is made available, the previous releases of DB2
Express-C are no longer maintained.
As discussed earlier, if you require access to security patches and regularly scheduled
software updates or fixpacks containing bug fixes, IBM offers the DB2 Express yearly
subscription license (FTL). Once you purchase the subscription, your DB2 Express-C
installation can be updated with the license key for FTL, which entitles you to DB2 technical
Chapter 1– What is DB2 Express-C? 23

support and access to updates and fixpacks during the period the subscription license is
valid. The subscription license also entitles you to free version upgrades, or if you prefer
you have the flexibility to stay at a particular version or release, and just apply fixpacks and
security patches for as long as that release is supported and your yearly subscription is

1.9 Related free software and DB2 components

All the software that is available for download on the DB2 Express-C download page
( is free of charge. Besides the DB2 Express-C
software, there are other useful software packages that can be downloaded and used for
• Visual Studio Add-ins
• DB2 Spatial Extender
There are also additional starter toolkits based on DB2 Express-C available for download
from the IBM Alphaworks web site ( that you may find
• Starter Toolkit for DB2 on Rails (
• Web 2.0 Starter Toolkit for DB2 (
If you are looking for a lightweight application server that is free, IBM offers:
• WebSphere® Application Server – Community Edition (WAS CE)

1.9.1 IBM Data Studio

IBM Data Studio is a tool based on Eclipse that allows you to manage your databases and
help you develop XQuery, SQL scripts, user-defined functions, and stored procedures. An
integrated debugger is included. In addition, IBM Data Studio allows you to work with
physical data modeling (PDM) diagrams to understand entity relationships between tables.
It can also help you to develop and publish data as a Web service using a drag and drop
approach that requires no programming. IBM Data Studio replaces DB2 tools such as the
Control Center and the Command Editor, which are now deprecated (they are included
with DB2, but are no longer under development). IBM Data Studio is discussed in more
detail in Chapter 5, DB2 Tools.

1.9.2 DB2 Text Search

DB2 Text Search is an optional integrated component of DB2. It is powered by the IBM
OmniFind™ technology, and it allows you to perform powerful, fast and detailed full-text
searches in text documents, including any XML documents stored natively in DB2. This
component uses linguistic processing to find different forms of the search term within the
24 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

text. For example, if you are looking for the word "study", DB2 Text Search also finds other
forms of the word such as "studies" or "studied".
To install the DB2 Text Search component, choose a custom installation of DB2 Express-
C, and select the DB2 Text Search feature within the Server support category.
Similar functionality is also available in a DB2 extender called the Net Search Extender
(NSE). NSE is being deprecated in favor of DB2 Text Search,

1.9.3 WebSphere Application Server – Community Edition

IBM WebSphere Application Server - Community Edition (WASCE) is a lightweight Java
EE 5 application server that is available free of charge. Built on Apache Geronimo
technology, it harnesses the latest innovations from the open-source community to deliver
an integrated, accessible, and flexible foundation for developing and deploying Java
applications. Optional technical support for WASCE is available through an annual

1.10 Summary
The DB2 Express-C edition offers a best-of-breed product at no cost. It delivers the
freedom to develop, deploy and distribute without any database size limitations, while still
including the same core functionality and pureXML technology as the other editions of
DB2. DB2 Express-C supports a wide array of clients, drivers and development languages,
and it provides an easy upgrade path to other DB2 editions.
Chapter 2 – Related features and products
This chapter describes DB2 features included with the purchase of a DB2 Express yearly
subscription license (Fixed term License or FTL). It also describes features included with
other DB2 editions, in some cases, for an additional fee.

The differences between the free (unwarranted) DB2 Express-C and the Yearly
Subscription option for DB2 Express are highlighted in the Table 2.1 below.

Feature Free (Unwarranted) Paid Subscription* (FTL)

Core DB2 capabilities Yes Yes
Free admin tools Yes Yes
Free development tools Yes Yes
Autonomic capabilities Yes Yes
pureXML feature Yes Yes
No-charge community- Yes Yes
based assistance***
Official IBM 24x7 support No Yes
Fixpacks No Yes
High Availability (HADR) No Yes
SQL Data replication No Yes
Backup Compression No Yes
Max. processor utilization 2 cores 4 cores (max 2 sockets)
Max. memory utilization 2GB 4GB
Update availability Full refreshes at new Security patches and
releases, generally once a Fixpacks several times a
year year
Access to install images for No, only the current release Yes, through IBM Passport
previous versions/releases and beta images available Advantage
Price per server per year** 0 US $2,995
Table 2.1: Comparing the FREE DB2 Express-C with Paid Subscription (FTL)
26 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

* Features entitled with Subscription are available only while Subscriptions are valid.
** Subscription Price is for United States and subject to change without notice. Pricing in other countries may vary.
*** No-charge community-based assistance is available via the online forum.

Table 2.2 lists product features and whether they are included with the different editions of
DB2 9.7. Features that you can purchase separately are listed by name for the
corresponding DB2 edition and highlighted with a light grey background.

Function DB2 Express DB2 Express DB2 DB2 Enterprise

Subscription Edition Workgroup Server Edition
(FTL) Server Edition (ESE)

Homogenous Yes Yes Yes Yes

SQL Replication

Homogenous Yes Yes Yes Yes


Net Search Yes Yes Yes Yes

Extender, DB2
Text Search

Spatial Extender Yes Yes Yes Yes

Backup Yes Yes Yes Yes


pureXML Yes Yes Yes Yes


High availability Yes High Yes Yes

disaster recovery Availability
Tivoli® System Yes Yes Yes

Advanced Copy No Yes Yes


Online No Yes Yes


MQT No No No Yes
Chapter 2 – Related features and products 27

MDC No No No Yes

Query No No No Yes

Connection No No No Yes

Table No No No Yes

Governor No No No Yes

Compression: No No No Storage
row level, index, Optimization
XML, temp table Feature

Label-based No No No Advanced
access control Access Control
(LBAC) Feature

Geodetic No No No Geodetic Data

Extender Management

Query Patroller No No No Performance

DB2 workload No No No Feature

Performance No No No

Homogenous No No No Homogeneous
Q Replication Replication
Feature for ESE

Database No No No No

Table 2.2: DB2 Version 9.7 editions: feature and function support
Features available with other DB2 editions are:
Chargeable DB2 Express Edition Features
28 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

ƒ High Availability Feature

Features included at no-charge in DB2 Workgroup Edition:
ƒ High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HADR ), Tivoli System Automation, Online
Re-org, Advanced Copy Services
ƒ DB2 availability on additional UNIX platforms: AIX®, Solaris, and HP-UX

Features included at no-charge DB2 Enterprise Edition:

ƒ Table (Range) Partitioning
ƒ Materialized Query Tables (MQT)
ƒ Multi-dimensional Clustering (MDC)
ƒ Query Parallelism
ƒ Connection Concentrator
ƒ Governor
Chargeable DB2 Enterprise Edition Features
ƒ Storage Optimization Feature (includes compression)
ƒ Advanced Access Control (fine grained and advanced security)
ƒ Performance Optimization (Workload Management, Performance Expert, Query
ƒ Geodetic Data Management (geographical location analysis)
Fee-based products related to DB2:
ƒ DB2 Connect
ƒ InfoSphere Warehouse Editions
ƒ InfoSphere Balanced Warehouse
ƒ WebSphere Federation Server
ƒ WebSphere Replication Server

2.1 Features included with DB2 Express subscription (FTL)

This section outlines DB2 Fix packs, HADR and SQL replication.

2.1.1 Fix packs

A DB2 fix pack is a set of code fixes applied onto an installed DB2 product, in order to fix
different issues reported after the product was released. With an installed subscription
Chapter 2 – Related features and products 29

license, fix packs are free to download and install. They are typically available every four
months or as warranted.
To download the latest fix pack, review the DB2 technical support site at

2.1.2 High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR)

High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) is a database reliability feature that provides a
high-availability and disaster recovery solution for complete as well as partial site failures.
An HADR environment generally consists of two data servers, the primary and the
secondary (which can be in geographically apart locations). The primary server is where
the source database is stored and accessed by client applications. As transactions are
processed on the primary database, database log records are automatically shipped to the
secondary server across the network. The secondary server has a cloned copy of the
primary database, usually created by backing up the primary database and restoring it on
the secondary system. When the primary database logs are received they are replayed
and applied to the secondary database. Through continuous replay of the log records, the
secondary database keeps an in-sync replica of the primary database that can take over if
the primary database fails.
A full DB2-supported HADR solution gives you:
ƒ Lightning fast failover capability, with complete transparency for customers and
client applications
ƒ Full transaction atomicity to prevent data loss
ƒ The ability to upgrade systems or applications without visible service interruption
ƒ Remote system failover, providing full recovery from local disaster striking the data
ƒ Easy management with DB2 graphical tools
ƒ All of this with negligible impact on overall system performance
To view a demonstration of how HADR works, please visit:

New with DB2 9.7 will be the ability to allow clients to read on the stand-by server. This
‘read-on-standby’ capability is expected to be available with DB2 9.7 Fixpack 1.
30 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

2.1.3 Data Replication

This feature allows for replication of data between a source server where data changes are
captured, and a target server where data changes are applied. Figure 2.1 provides an
overview of how replication works.

Figure 2.1 –SQL Replication

In Figure 2.1 there are two servers, a source server and a target server. On the source
server, a Capture program captures the changes made to the database. On the target
server, an Apply program applies the changes to the database replica. Replication is useful
for a variety of purposes that require replicated data, including capacity relief, feeding data
warehouses and data marts, and auditing change history. Using the SQL replication
feature you can replicate data between DB2 Express and other IBM data servers, including
those on other Linux, UNIX, z/OS, and i5/OS systems.

2.2 Features not available with DB2 Express-C

This section describes some of the features available in other editions of DB2 but not in
DB2 Express-C or the yearly subscription license for DB2 Express.
Chapter 2 – Related features and products 31

2.2.1 Database Partitioning

The database partitioning feature (DPF) provides distributed query processing across a
cluster of database servers. It is only available with InfoSphere Warehouse Editions and
allows data to be spread across multiple database partitions or nodes which can reside in
several different servers. DPF is based on a shared-nothing architecture where each
database partition has a subset of the overall data on its own independent disks.
Each computer, as it is added to the database cluster, brings additional data processing
power with its own CPUs, memory, and disks, allowing for large tasks and complex queries
to be broken down into smaller pieces and distributed across the various database nodes
to be executed in parallel. This results in higher concurrency and faster response times
than would be possible if the database resided on a single server. DPF is particularly useful
in large data warehousing environments and business intelligence workloads involving
anywhere from a few hundreds of gigabytes to several hundreds of terabytes of data.

2.2.2 Connection Concentrator

Connection concentrator is a feature that allows for support of a large number of
concurrently connected users. Previously, every database connection required one
database agent. The connection concentrator introduces the concept of a “logical agent”,
allowing one agent to handle several connections. Agents are discussed in more detail in
Chapter 6, DB2 Architecture.

2.2.3 Geodetic Extender

DB2 Geodetic Extender is available as priced option for DB2 Enterprise Server Edition.
This extender makes development for business intelligence and e-government applications
that require geographical location analysis much easier. DB2 Geodetic Extender can
construct a virtual globe at any scale. Most location information is collected using
worldwide systems, such as global positioning satellites (GPS), and can be represented in
latitude/longitude coordinates (geocode). Business data, such as addresses, can be
converted to a geocode by DB2 Geodetic Extender and enterprise applications work better
when they keep the data in this unprojected form, leaving map projections (earth to flat
map) where they belong: in the presentation layer, to display and print maps.

2.2.4 Label-based Access Control (LBAC)

Label-based access control provides granular security at the row and column level. It uses
a label that is associated with both user sessions and data rows or columns to grant
access to data in your table. Figure 2.2 illustrates how LBAC works.
32 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 2.2 - An example of how LBAC works

In the figure, the table EMP has one column, SALARY, and an internal column ID containing
the label for a given row. The other columns in the figure are used only for illustration
purposes. If the query shown in the figure is executed, depending on the label the user
has, he will be able to see different rows. The column with the title 'No LBAC' represents
the rows that would be selected if LBAC was not implemented. As you can see, all the
rows with a salary greater or equal to 50,000 are selected.
Now let's say the user issuing the query has a security label of 100. You can see the rows
selected in this case on the third column counting from the left. In this case, DB2 will find
the rows where salary is greater or equal to 50,000, and then it will review the security label
for the row. For example, the first row has a salary of 60000 and a label ID of 255. Since
this user has a label ID of 100 which is smaller than 255, he cannot see this row, and
therefore the output from the query will not return it.
LBAC security needs to be implemented by a security administrator that has the SECADM

2.2.5 Workload Manager (WLM)

The Workload Manager manages workloads across a database based on user and
application priorities combined with resource availability and workload thresholds It allows
you to regulate your database workload and queries so that important and high-priority
queries can run promptly, and prevent ‘rogue’ queries from monopolizing your system
resources, ensuring that your system runs efficiently. WLM has been further enhanced in
Chapter 2 – Related features and products 33

DB2 9.7 and provides more powerful capabilities than Query Patroller and DB2 Governor
tools available with previous versions of DB2.

2.2.6 Deep compression

DB2 supports several types of compression:
ƒ NULL and Default Value Compression.
This type of compression applies to columns whose values are normally NULL or
the system default values such as 0, where no disk storage is consumed
ƒ Multidimensional Clustering
Multidimensional clustering (MDC) tables where the physical data pages are
clustered in multiple dimensions. They use block indexes which in a sense is a
way to compress indexes because they point to a block of records rather than to a
single record.
ƒ Database Backup Compression
This applies to backup images. Indexes and LOB tablespaces are compressed.
ƒ Data Row Compression
Row compression works by replacing repeating strings within a row of data with a
much smaller symbol. The mapping of this smaller symbol and the string is kept in a
dictionary. Row compression can drastically improve performance on I/O bound
workloads given that more rows can be brought back and forth from disk to memory
(and viceversa) because the rows are smaller. You can also benefit from storage
savings which normally account for one of the largest expenses in the IT budget of
companies. For CPU-bound workloads there can be some extra overhead as
compressed rows need to be uncompressed before processing. Note as well the
the log data for from compressed records is also in compressed format.
When accessing XML and LOB columns generally DB2 will not use the bufferpool
(memory), but perform direct I/Os to the disk. This is done because XML and LOBs are
normally large in size; therefore bringing them to memory would cause pages that are
needed to be moved from memory. With DB2 9.5 however, XML inlining for small XML
documents (less than 32K) is allowed. This means that small XML documents can be
stored with the base table rows, and not in a separate internal storage object known as
XDA. The advantages of this approach are two-fold: First, XML documents can now be
access through the bufferpool, and second, XML documents could also benefit from data
row compression.
New with DB2 9.7 are further enhancements to compression:
ƒ XDA internal objects (where XML is stored) can now also be compressed.
ƒ Indexes and temporal tables (system and user) can be compressed
34 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

ƒ LOBs can be inlined in a similar way to XML inlining.

2.2.7 SQL Compatibility

While many vendors follow the SQL 92 and SQL/PSM standards, not all features of the
standards are supported, and other features not included in the standards are. With DB2
9.7 SQL compatibility feature, DB2 can now support most PL/SQL syntax which is
supported by other RDBMS vendors in addition to DB2's own SQL PL. Figure 2.3
summarizes how this support works.

Figure 2.3 –PL/SQL support in DB2

From the figure you will note that a PL/SQL compiler has been developed and built into the
DB2 engine.
SQL Compatibility feature also includes support for a tool called CLPPlus. CLPPlus is a
command line tool that allows you to run SQL and other commands. It is similar to the
existing DB2 Command Line Processor (CLP). Figure 2.4 illustrates the CLPPlus tool.
Chapter 2 – Related features and products 35

Figure 2.4 –CLPPlus

Support for most PL/SQL data types has also been incorporated such as
BINARY_INTEGER, RAW, and so on. Other Oracle data types such as VARCHAR2 are
supported without the need for the SQL Compatibility feature, but you need to enable them
using the DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR registry variable. There is more explanation
about Oracle data types and this registry variable later in the book.
The SQL compatibility features outlined above are currently available with DB2 9.7
Workgroup and Enterprise editions. They are expected to be available in DB2 Express
edition (including the yearly Subscription option or FTL) in the near future.
While PL/SQL support and CLPPlus features are not available in DB2 Express-C 9.7, other
features included do simplify enablement of Oracle applications to DB2. These include new
data types, new scalar functions, module support, and currently committed (CC) semantics
for the cursor stability (CS) isolation level. These features are discussed later in the book.

2.3 Fee-based products that are related to DB2

This section provides a brief description of fee-based products and offerings that can be
used with DB2.

2.3.1 DB2 Connect

DB2 Connect is fee-based software that allows a DB2 for Linux, UNIX or Windows client to
connect to a DB2 for z/OS or DB2 for i5/OS server as shown in Figure 2.5. DB2 Connect is
not required when the connection occurs in the opposite direction; when you connect from
DB2 for z/OS or DB2 for i5/OS to a DB2 for Linux, UNIX or Windows server. DB2 Connect
comes in two main editions depending on your connection needs: A DB2 Connect Personal
Edition, and a DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition.
36 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 2.5 – DB2 Connect

2.3.2 InfoSphere Federation Server

Formerly known as WebSphere Information Integrator (for federation support), the
WebSphere Federation Server allows for federation of databases, meaning that you can
run database queries that can work with objects from different relational database systems.
For example, if you buy WebSphere Federation Server, you can run the query shown in
Listing 2.1 below.
FROM Oracle.Table1 A
DB2.Table2 B
SQLServer.Table3 C
A.col1 < 100
and B.col5 = 1000
and C.col2 = 'Test'
Listing 2.1 - A federated query
Figure 2.6 provides an illustration where WebSphere Federation Server is used.
Chapter 2 – Related features and products 37

Figure 2.6 – InfoSphere Federation Server

For relational database management systems that are part of the IBM family, federation
support is built into DB2 Express-C. This means that the WebSphere Federation Server
product is not required when, for example, you want to run a query between two different
DB2 databases, or between one DB2 database and an Informix database (Informix is part
of the IBM family).

2.3.3 InfoSphere Replication Server

Formerly known as WebSphere Information Integrator (for replication support), the
InfoSphere Replication Server allows for SQL replication of database records when non-
IBM data servers are involved. It also includes a feature known as Q-Replication for
replicating data using message queues.

2.3.4 Optim Development Studio (ODS)

Formerly known as Data Studio Developer, ODS is an Eclipse-based tool that can be
easily integrated with Data Studio, and share the same Eclipse. ODS can help you create
development databases using copy and paste from existing Oracle or DB2 databases.
38 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

2.3.5 Optim Database Administrator (ODA)

Formerly known as Data Studio Administrator, ODA is an Eclipse-based tool that can be
easily integrated with Data Studio and share the same Eclipse. ODA provides a change
management capability and the ability to automate schema changes more easily.

2.4 DB2 Offerings on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

It is noteworthy to mention that IBM has entered into a partnership with Amazon Web
Services (AWS) for running DB2 on Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). AWS delivers
a set of integrated services that form a computing platform “in the cloud”, and is available
on a pay-as-you-go model. That is, AWS lets you ‘rent’ compute capacity (virtual servers
and storage), and you only pay for the capacity that you utilize. For example, let's say you
provision one EC2 virtual server for normal database operations, and during peak times or
for seasonal needs you provision an extra database server for a few hours. In this example
you would pay AWS only for the extra database server only for the few hours that you have
it running.
IBM offers three different deployment options for DB2 on Amazon’s cloud platform:
ƒ DB2 Express-C AMIs for evaluation and development
ƒ Pay-as-you-go Production-ready AMIs with DB2 Express and DB2 Workgroup
ƒ Ability to create your own AMIs using DB2 licenses you own
For more information and how to get started with DB2 on Amazon EC2, please visit:

2.5 Summary
DB2 Express-C provides no-charge, easy to use, and robust foundation for developing
database applications, deploying them into production, and even embedding and
distributing the applications with third party solutions. It is ideal if you are comfortable with
community-based assistance and do not have a need for latest fixes or advanced features.
If however you require formal technical support from IBM, regular software updates
(fixpacks), or additional resource utilization, and high availability clustering support, IBM
offers a DB2 Express subscription license (FTL) for a low yearly fee. If you require more
advanced features for mission-critical workloads and massive-scale database applications,
IBM offers more scalable DB2 editions and related products. This allows you to start small
with DB2 Express-C, and yet scale to new heights as your business demands.
Chapter 3 – DB2 installation
Installing DB2 is fairly straightforward, and in a typical installation, simply choosing the
default options will have a DB2 server up and running in a short time.

3.1 Installation prerequisites

DB2 Express-C is available on Linux®, Sun Solaris (x64), and Microsoft Windows® 2003,
XP, and Vista. It is also available as a beta on Mac OS X. The processor architectures
available are 32-bit, 64-bit and PowerPC (Linux). If you need to run DB2 on another
platform (such as UNIX), you should purchase one of the different data server editions
described earlier in this book. Operating system requirements for all DB2 editions are also
described in this document:
In terms of hardware resources, DB2 Express-C can be installed on systems with any
number of CPU cores and memory, however, it will only utilize up to 2 cores and 2GB of
memory for the free unwarranted license version, and up to 4 cores and 4 GB of memory
for the paid subscription version of DB2 Express. The systems can be physical systems, or
virtual systems created by partitioning or running virtual machine software. You can of
course run on smaller systems if you prefer, for example a single processor system with
1GB of memory.
For the latest information on DB2 Express-C hardware requirements, review the DB2
Express-C web page at

3.2 Operating system installation authority

To install DB2 Express-C on Linux or Windows, you must have an operating system user
with sufficient authority.
For Linux, you need to be root (the superuser) to install DB2 Express-C. You can also
install DB2 Express-C as a non-root user; however, you will be limited in what you can do
with the product. For example, under a non-root installation, you cannot create more
instances than the default one created at installation time.
For Windows, the user account must belong to the Administrators group on the machine
where you will perform the installation. Alternatively, on Windows 2008, Windows Vista, or
higher, a non-administrator can perform an installation, but will be prompted for
administrative credentials by the DB2 Setup wizard.
40 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

The installation user ID must belong to the Domain Administrators group on the domain if
the installation requires a domain account to be created or verified.
You may also use the built-in Local System account to run the installation, though it is not
recommended. A Local System account does not require a password, but it cannot access
network resources.
The user account must also have the user right to "Access this computer from the
See a video presentation about DB2 Express-C installation at this link. Although this
presentation demonstrates DB2 9.5, it is no different from a DB2 9.7 installation, other than
the color of the installation panels:

3.3 Installation wizard

Although there are several methods to install DB2 Express-C, the easiest method is to use
the GUI-based DB2 Installation wizard. After downloading and uncompressing the DB2
Express-C image, you can launch the wizard as follows:
ƒ Windows: Execute the setup.exe file located in the EXP/image/ directory
ƒ Linux: Execute the db2setup command located in the exp/disk1/ directory
DB2 Express-C is straightforward to install by following the instructions in the DB2
installation wizard. In most cases, the default settings are sufficient, so all you need to do is
accept the license, click the Next button until the “Finish” button is active, and then click the
Finish button. After a few minutes, your installation is complete and DB2 will be up and
Chapter 3 – DB2 Installation 41

Figure 3.1 shows the DB2 Setup Launchpad. Click on Install a Product and then choose
Install New to install a new copy of DB2 Express-C on your system. If you have previously
installed DB2 Express-C or another DB2 edition, you may see a button named “Work with
Existing”. In DB2, you are allowed to install the product several times, and those
installations can be at different version or release levels.

Figure 3.1 – The DB2 Setup Launchpad

42 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

After accepting the license, it is usually sufficient to choose the “Typical” installation
(default) as shown in Figure 3.2. If you would like to include the DB2 Text Search
component, choose “Custom”.

Figure 3.2 – Installation types

Chapter 3 – DB2 Installation 43

In the next step, as shown in Figure 3.3, you can choose to install the product, create a
response file, or both. Response files are discussed in section 3.4, Silent Install. Choosing
the default (“Install IBM DB2 Express Edition on this computer and save my settings in a
response file”) is the default.

Figure 3.3 – Selecting the installation

44 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Choose the default values for the next few screens. When you arrive at the panel shown in
Figure 3.4, you will need to type in a user ID which will be used to setup and run the
instance and other services.
If you use an existing user ID, this user must be part of the Local Administrator group in
If the user ID does not belong to an existing user, it will be created as a Local
Administrator. You can leave the domain field blank if the user ID does not belong to a
The default user ID name in Windows is called db2admin. In the case of Linux, the default
user ID created is called db2inst1.

Figure 3.4 – Specifying user information for the DB2 Administration Server
Chapter 3 – DB2 Installation 45

Finally, in Figure 3.5, the installation wizard displays a summary of what will be installed,
and the different configuration values provided in the previous steps. When you click the
“Finish” button, the installation begins, and the program files will be laid down on your

Figure 3.5 – Summary of what will be installed

46 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

When the installation completes, a window similar to the one in Figure 3.6 appears,
informing you of the results of the installation wizard process, as well as any further steps
that are required to complete your installation.

Figure 3.6 – The installation is complete

Chapter 3 – DB2 Installation 47

After you click “Finish” in the installation results window shown in Figure 3.6, the DB2 First
Steps application is launched, as shown in Figure 3.7.
This small application outlines several different options to get you started with DB2, such
as creating the default sample database (appropriately named SAMPLE) or to create a new
database of your own. If you don't want explore DB2 through First Steps at this time, you
can close the window, and invoke it at a later time.
To manually start DB2 First Steps on Windows, choose Start -> Programs -> IBM DB2 ->
DB2COPY1 (Default) -> Set-up Tools -> First Steps or run the db2fs command from the
command prompt.
On Linux, execute the db2fs command from a terminal window.

Figure 3.7 – First Steps

3.4 Validating your installation

After installing DB2, you can run three commands from the DB2 Command Window (on
Windows) or from the terminal (on Linux) to verify that your installation is in good shape:
ƒ db2level: This command displays information about the DB2 product installed, fix
pack level, and other details.
ƒ db2licm -l: This command lists all the licensing information specific to your
installed DB2 products
48 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

ƒ db2val: This is a new command available in DB2 9.7. It validates your installation
by verifying the core functionality of your DB2 copy. It makes sure your instances
are consistent, and that database creation and database connections work.
Figure 3.8 below provides an example of the output of these three commands.

Figure 3.8 – The db2level, db2licm, and db2val commands to validate your
In the figure, the db2level command output indicates you are running DB2 9.7 (DB2
v9.7.0.441) at Fix Pack 0, which means your DB2 code is at the base (GA) level with no
fixes applied. The db2licm -l command indicates you have installed DB2 Express-C
edition which has a permanent and unwarranted license that is allowed to use up to 2
cores, and up to 2GB of memory. The db2val command output is self explanatory.

If you would like to validate the consistency of a database at any time, use the INSPECT
Chapter 3 – DB2 Installation 49

3.5 Silent Install

There may be situations where you need to install a DB2 client on multiple computers; or
you need to embed a DB2 data server as part of your application, and would like to install it
as part of your application installation process. In these situations, a silent install is the
ideal way to install DB2.
DB2 enables silent installs through the use of response files which store installation
information as simple text options. Listing 3.1 shows a snippet of a sample response file.

FILE=C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\
Listing 3.1 – A sample response file
There are a number of ways to generate a response file:
ƒ Install DB2 Express-C once on a computer using the DB2 Installation wizard. One
of the first wizard options (as shown in Figure 3.3) allows you to select the
checkbox to save your install responses to a response file. At the end of the
installation, the wizard generates a response file into a specified directory and
filename. This is a text file, so you can manually edit it afterwards.
ƒ Edit the sample response file provided with the DB2 Express-C image. This sample
file (denoted with a .rsp file extension) is located in the db2/platform/samples/
ƒ For Windows, you can also use the response file generator command:
db2rspgn –d <output directory>

Finally, to silently install DB2 using a response file, issue the following command on
setup -u <response filename>
On Linux, issue the command:
db2setup -r <response filename>
50 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

3.6 Summary
This chapter covered the details of installing DB2 Express-C. This DB2 edition is available
on Linux, Solaris and most varieties of Windows, and can run on 32-bit, 64-bit and Power
PC architectures. After discussing the required user authority necessary to install DB2 on a
system, we did a walkthrough of a straightforward installation using the DB2 Installation
Wizard GUI. A discussion of post-install activities followed, including running DB2 First
Steps and validating the install. Finally, we took a look at how to create and execute a
silent install using DB2 response files.

3.7 Exercises
In this exercise, you will install DB2 Express-C and create the SAMPLE database
Before you can begin exploring all the features and tools that come with DB2 Express-C,
you must first install it on your system. In this exercise, you will perform a basic installation
of DB2 Express-C on Windows. The same installation wizard is available on Linux;
therefore the steps are very similar on that platform.
1. Obtain DB2 Express-C images: Download the appropriate DB2 Express-C image
from the DB2 Express-C Web site ( Unzip the files
into any directory you wish.
2. Locate the files: Navigate to the directory (or drive) containing the unzipped DB2
product installation files.
3. Run the DB2 Setup Launchpad: Launch the DB2 Setup Launchpad by double-
clicking on the setup.exe file. On Linux, run the db2setup command as root.
From the Launchpad, click the Install Product option on the left pane of the
4. Run the DB2 setup wizard: The DB2 setup wizard checks that all system
requirements are met and sees if there are any existing DB2 installations. Click on
Install New to start the wizard, then click Next. .
5. Review the license agreement: Read and accept the license agreement (select the
“I Accept...” radio button) and click the Next button to continue.
6. Choose the installation type: For this exercise, select the Typical option (this is the
default). The Compact option performs a basic installation, while the Custom
option allows you to customize the specific features you want to install. Click the
Next button to continue.
7. Select the installation, response file creation, or both: Leave the default so that
DB2 is installed, and also a response file is created. Click the Next button to
Chapter 3 – DB2 Installation 51

8. Select the installation folder: This screen allows you to customize the drive and
directory where the DB2 code is installed on your system. Ensure sufficient space
exists for the installation. Use the default drive and directory settings for this
example (shown below):

Drive: C:

Directory: C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB

Click the Next button to continue.
9. Set the user information: Once DB2 Express-C is installed, certain DB2 processes
are run as system services. These services require an operating system account in
order to run. In the Windows environment, using the default db2admin user
account is recommended. If the user account does not yet exist, DB2 creates it in
the operating system for you. You can also specify to use an existing account, but
that account must have local administrator authority. We recommend using the
defaults suggested. Ensure you specify a password for the account. On Linux use
the default db2inst1 user ID for the instance owner, db2fenc1 for the fenced
user and dasusr1 for the DB2 Administration server user. Click the Next button to
10. Configure the DB2 instance: A DB2 instance can be thought of as a container for
databases. An instance must exist before a database can be created inside it.
During a Windows installation, an instance called DB2 is automatically created. In a
Linux environment, the default instance name is db2inst1. We will cover
instances later in this book.
By default, the DB2 instance is configured to listen for TCP/IP connections on port
50000. Both the default protocol and the port can be changed by clicking the
Configure button. We recommend using the default settings in this example. Click
the Next button to continue.
11. Start the installation:. Review the installation summary options previously selected.
Click the Finish button to begin copying the files to the installation location. DB2
will also perform some initial configuration processes.
12. First Steps. After the installation is complete, another launch utility, called First
Steps, is displayed. First Steps can also be started later with the command db2fs.
13. The SAMPLE database is a database that you can use for test purposes. It can be
created from First Steps by clicking the Create SAMPLE database button. Click on
this button, and the window shown below appears. Choose the second option
(XML and SQL objects and data). The SAMPLE database can also be created
using the command db2sampl -xml -sql.
52 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

14. After a few minutes, you can verify the database was created. Open the DB2
Control Center tool choosing: Start -> Programs -> IBM DB2 -> DB2COPY1
(Default) -> General Administration Tools -> Control Center .You can also start the
Control Center with the command db2cc. The first time you start the Control
Center, a pop-up window will ask you to choose which Control Center view you
want to use. Leave the default (Advanced), and click OK. On the left panel, drill
down the All Databases folder. If you cannot see the SAMPLE database in that
folder, make sure you refresh your view by choosing View -> Refresh
15. Restart the computer. This is step is optional. Although this step is not mentioned
in the official DB2 installation documentation, we recommend rebooting the system
(if possible, at least on Windows) to ensure all processes start successfully and to
clean up any memory resources that might not have been cleaned up correctly.

16. Validate your DB2 installation by running the commands: db2level, db2licm,
and db2val. From the Windows Start Menu, open the DB2 Command Window as
follows: Start -> Programs -> IBM DB2 -> DB2COPY1 (Default) -> Command Line
Tools -> Command Window. From the Command Window (Or the shell in Linux)
Chapter 3 – DB2 Installation 53

type db2level and examine the output. Do the same for the command db2licm
-l. Next, issue the db2val command. If db2val finishes successfully, your
installation is in good shape!. If there are errors, review the log file specified in the
error message for more details. The output of the three commands should be
similar to the ones shown in Figure 3.8 earlier.
Chapter 4 – DB2 Environment
The DB2 environment includes different database objects and configuration files. Figure
4.1 provides an overview of the different commands and tools to work with DB2, and it also
highlights the DB2 environment on the right side. This is the area of focus for this chapter.
The left side of the figure shows the different DB2 commands, and SQL, SQL/XML, and
XQuery statements that can be issued to interact with a DB2 data server. The middle of
the figure shows the names of the different tools used to interact with a DB2 data server. .

Figure 4.1 – The DB2 big picture: DB2 environment

See video presentations about the DB2 Environment at these links:
56 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

To describe the DB2 environment, let’s describe each component element step by step.
Figure 4.2 shows a representation of a DB2 data server after installing DB2 Express-C 9.7.

Figure 4.2 – Representation of a DB2 Server after installing DB2 Express-C 9.7
As part of the installation in Windows, a default instance called DB2 (db2inst1 on Linux)
is created. This is represented by the green box on the left of Figure 4.3. An instance is
simply an independent environment where applications can run, and databases can be
created. You can create multiple instances on a data server, and use them for different
purposes. For example, one instance can be used to hold databases for production use,
another instance can be used for test environment databases, and another one for a
development environment. All of these instances are independent; that is, performing
operations on one instance will not affect the other instances.
Chapter 4 – DB2 Environment 57

Figure 4.3 – The default DB2 instance created

To create a new DB2 instance, use the command db2icrt <instance name>, where
<instance name> is replaced with any 8 character name. For example, to create the
instance myinst, we use this command: db2icrt myinst.
Figure 4.4 shows a new instance called myinst as a separate green box on the right side.

Figure 4.4 – A DB2 server with two instances

Note that each instance has a unique port number. This helps to distinguish between
instances when you want to connect to a database in a given instance from a remote client
using TCP/IP. If you use the DB2 Command Window, you can make any DB2 instance the
active one by using this operating system command on Windows:
58 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

set db2instance=myinst
Note that there should not be any blank spaces before or after the equal (=) sign. In this
example, if you now create a database from the Command Window, it would be created in
the instance myinst.
To list the instances in your system, run the command:
On Linux, an instance must match a Linux operating system user; therefore, to switch
between instances you can simply switch users. This user is known as the instance owner.
You can logoff and logon with the instance owner user of the other instance, or use the su
Table 4.1 shows some useful instance level commands.

Command Description

db2start Starts the current instance

db2stop Stops the current instance

db2icrt Creates a new instance

db2idrop Drops an instance

db2ilist Lists the instances you have on your system

db2 get instance Lists the current active instance

Table 4.1 – Useful DB2 commands at the instance level

Some of the above commands can instead be performed via the Control Center. For
example, in the Control Center, if you expand the Instances folder and right-click the
desired instance, you can choose Start, which is equivalent to issuing the db2start
command from the DB2 Command Window, or Stop, which is equivalent to issuing a
db2stop command as shown in Figure 4.5.
Chapter 4 – DB2 Environment 59

Figure 4.5 – Instance commands from the Control Center

To create a database in the active instance, issue this command from the DB2 Command
db2 create database mydb1
To list all the databases created, run the command:
db2 list db directory
Within any one instance, you can create many databases. A database is a collection of
objects such as tables, views, indexes, and so on. Databases are independent units, and
therefore, do not share objects with other databases. Figure 4.6 shows a representation of
a database MYDB1 created inside instance DB2.
60 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 4.6 – Database MYDB1 created in instance DB2

Table 4.2 shows some commands you can use at the database level.

Command/SQL statement Description

db2 create database Creates a new database

db2 drop database Drops a database

db2 connect to <database_name> Connects to a database

SQL statements to create table,

db2 create table/create view/create index views, and indexes respectively

Table 4.2 - Commands/SQL Statements at the database level

If we want to create another database with the same name (MYDB1) but in instance
myinst, the following commands from the DB2 Command Window would be issued:
db2 list db directory
set db2instance=myinst
db2 create database mydb1
set db2instance=db2

Figure 4.7 shows the new database MYDB1 created in instance myinst.
Chapter 4 – DB2 Environment 61

Figure 4.7 – Database MYDB1 created in instance myInst

When a database is created, there are several objects created by default: table spaces,
tables, a buffer pool and log files. Creating these objects takes a bit of time, that’s why the
create database command requires a few minutes for processing. Figure 4.8 shows
three table spaces created by default on the left side of the figure. Table spaces will be
discussed in more detail in Chapter 6, DB2 Architecture; but for now, think of table spaces
as a logical layer between logical tables and physical resources, such as disks and
62 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 4.8 –Table spaces created by default when a database is created

Table space SYSCATSPACE contains the System Catalog tables. The System Catalog is
called the data dictionary in other relational database management systems. It basically
contains system information that should not be modified or deleted; otherwise the database
will not work correctly. Table space TEMPSPACE1 is used by DB2 when it needs additional
space to perform some operations such as sorts. Table space USERSPACE1 is normally
used to store user database tables if there is no table space specified when creating a
You can also create your own table spaces using the CREATE TABLESPACE statement.
Figure 4.9 shows the table space MYTBLS1 created inside database MYDB1 on instance
DB2. When you create a table space, you specify the disks to use and the memory (buffer
pool) to use. Therefore, if you have a “hot” table, that is, a table that is used very often, you
can allocate the fastest disks and the most memory by assigning a table space with these
In Figure 4.9, we show two other objects created by default: A buffer pool called
IBMDEFAULTBP, and the log files.
A buffer pool is basically a memory cache used by the database. You can create one or
more buffer pools, but there should always be one buffer pool with a page size that
matches the page size of existing table spaces. Pages and page size will be discussed in
more detail in Chapter 6, DB2 Architecture.
The log files are used for recovery. When you work on a database, not only is information
stored in the disks for the database, but while you are working on the database, log files
store all the operations executed on the data. Think of logs as temporary files where an
Chapter 4 – DB2 Environment 63

“autosave” operation is performed. Logs are discussed in more detail in Chapter 11,
Backup and Recovery.

Figure 4.9 – Buffer pool and logs created by default

Earlier we discussed that instances are independent environments, and therefore, a
database with the same name could be created in several instances. Just like instances,
databases are also independent units; therefore, objects in one database have no
relationship to objects in another database. Figure 4.10 shows a table space mytbls1
inside both the MYDB1 database and the SAMPLE database, within instance DB2. This is
valid because the databases are independent units. Note that Figure 4.10 does not show
the other default objects of database SAMPLE due to space constraints in the figure.
64 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 4.10 – Table spaces with the same name in different databases.
Once you have created a table space, you can create objects inside the table space such
as tables, views and indexes. This is illustrated in Figure 4.11.

Figure 4.11 – Tables, views, indexes created inside the table space
Chapter 4 – DB2 Environment 65

4.1 DB2 configuration

DB2 parameters can be configured using the Configuration Advisor Tool. To access the
configuration advisor through the Control Center, right click on a database and choose
Configuration Advisor. Based on your answers to some questions about your system
resources and workload, the configuration advisor will provide a list of DB2 parameters that
should be changed with suggested values for each. If you would like more detail about DB2
configuration, keep reading; otherwise, use the Configuration Advisor and you are good to
work with DB2!
A DB2 server can be configured at four different levels:
ƒ Environment variables
ƒ Database manager configuration file (dbm cfg)
ƒ Database configuration file (db cfg)
ƒ DB2 profile registry
This is also shown in Figure 4.12. In the figure, note where each of the boxes reside. For
example, environment variables are set at the operating system level of the server, while
database manager configuration file parameters are set at the instance level. Database
configuration parameters are set at the database level, and the DB2 profile registry is set
either at the operating system or instance level.

Figure 4.12 – DB2 Configuration

66 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

4.1.1 Environment variables

Environment variables are variables set at the operating system level. One key
environment variable is DB2INSTANCE. This variable indicates the active instance you are
working on, and for which your DB2 commands would apply. For example, to set the
active instance to myinst in Windows, you can run this operating system command:
set db2instance=myinst

4.1.2 Database manager configuration file (dbm cfg)

The database manager configuration file (dbm cfg) includes parameters that affect the
instance and all the databases contained within. The database manager configuration file
can be viewed or modified using the command line, or through the DB2 Control Center.
To work with the dbm cfg from the Control Center, select the instance object from the
instance folder of the control center, right-click to reveal the popup menu and select
Configure Parameters. This is shown in Figure 4.13.

Figure 4.13 – Configuring the dbm cfg from the Control Center.
After choosing Configure Parameters, the screen shown in Figure 4.14 will be displayed
with the list of dbm cfg parameters.
Chapter 4 – DB2 Environment 67

Figure 4.14 –The dbm cfg dialog

Many parameters are dynamic meaning that changes take effect immediately; however,
changes to some parameters may require stopping and starting the instance. From the
Command Line, this can be done using the db2stop and db2start commands.
Before an instance can be stopped, all applications must disconnect. If you wish to
forcefully stop the instance, you can use the db2stop force command.
An instance can also be stopped through the Control Center by clicking on the instance
object and selecting either Stop or Start.
Table 4.3 shows some useful commands to manage the dbm cfg from the Command Line.

Command Description

db2 get dbm cfg Retrieves information about the dbm cfg

db2 update dbm cfg Updates the value of a dbm cfg parameter
using <parameter_name> <value>
Table 4.3 - Commands to manipulate the dbm cfg
68 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

4.1.3 Database configuration file (db cfg)

The database configuration file (db cfg) includes parameters that affect a particular
database. The database configuration file can be viewed or modified using the command
line, or through the DB2 Control Center.
To work with the db cfg from the Control Center, select the database object from the
database folder of the Control Center, right-click to reveal the popup menu and select
Configure Parameters. This is shown in Figure 4.15.

Figure 4.15 – Configuring the db cfg from the Control Center.

After choosing Configure Parameters, the screen shown in Figure 4.16 will be displayed
with the list of db cfg parameters.
Chapter 4 – DB2 Environment 69

Figure 4.16 –The db cfg

Table 4.4 shows some useful commands to manage the db cfg from the Command Line.

Command Description

Retrieves information about the db cfg

get db cfg for <database_name>
for a given database

update db cfg for <database_name> Updates the value of a db cfg

using <parameter_name> <value> parameter

Table 4.4 - Commands to manipulate the db cfg

4.1.4 DB2 profile registry

DB2 profile registry variables include parameters that may be platform specific and can be
set globally (affecting all instances), or at the instance level (affecting one particular
Table 4.5 shows some useful commands to manipulate the DB2 profile registry

Command Description

Lists all the DB2 profile registry variables that

db2set -all are currently set

db2set –lr Lists all the DB2 profile registry variables

70 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

db2set <parameter>=<value> Assigns a parameter with a given value

Table 4.5 - Commands to manipulate the DB2 profile registry

Table 4.6 shows some of the most commonly used DB2 registry variables

Registry Variable Description

Specifies the communication managers that are started when the

database manager is started.

On Windows, prevents unauthorized access to DB2 by locking DB2

system files

Stores the name of the DB2 copy currently in use.

DB2_COPY_NAME To switch to a different DB2 copy installed, run the

installpath\bin\db2envar.bat command. This variable
cannot be used for this purpose.

Table 4.6 – Commonly used DB2 profile registry variables

For example, to allow for communication using TCPIP, set the DB2COMM registry variable
to TCPIP as shown below:
db2set db2comm=tcpip

4.2 The DB2 Administration Server (deprecated)

The DB2 Administration Server (DAS) is a daemon process that runs at the DB2 server to
allow remote clients to graphically administer the DB2 server. The DAS is needed only
when using the DB2 graphical tools, either locally or remotely. There is only one DAS per
physical computer as shown in Figure 4.16.
Chapter 4 – DB2 Environment 71

Figure 4.16 –The DB2 Administration Server (DAS)

4.3 Summary

In this chapter, we explored the DB2 environment, covering the concept and creation of
instances and database, along with their common commands. From there, we looked at
the other key aspects of instances, including table spaces: the three types of table space
available, and the tables, views, and indexes that can be created within the table space;
bufferpools; and logs.

Finally, we discussed the DB2 configuration structure, and how it can be changed in four
different places, via: environment variables; the database manager configuration file; the
database configuration file; and the DB2 profile registry.

4.4 Exercises
The exercises in this section will allow you to explore the concepts discussed in this
chapter, and will introduce you to some of the DB2 tools.
Part 1: Create a new database using the Create Database wizard
In this part, you will create a database using the Create Database Wizard in the Control
1. From the Control Center Object View pane on the left side, right-click the All
Databases folder and choose Create Database -> With Automatic Maintenance.
This launches the Create Database Wizard.
72 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

2. Specify the database name and location in the Name page of the wizard. Use the
following values:
Database Name: EXPRESS
Default Drive (Windows): C:
Default Path: (Linux): /home/db2inst1
Alias: This will default to EXPRESS if left blank
Comment: This is optional and can be left blank

Click on the Next button to continue to the next page of the wizard.
Note: On Windows, by default you can only create a database on a drive, not on a
path. If you would like to create a database on a path, set the DB2 registry variable

3. In the Storage page, don’t make any changes, and click Next.
4. In the Maintenance page, leave the default choice (Yes, I can specify an offline …),
and click Next.
5. Specify the offline maintenance time window in the Timing page of the wizard.
Configure the window to start at 1AM every Monday through Thursday for a 6 hour
duration. Click the Next button.
6. Configure notification on the Mail Server page of the wizard. DB2 can automatically
page someone, or send an email if a problem or unhealthy condition is detected. If
you want to configure this, indicate an available SMTP server for DB2 to use for
sending email. For this exercise we don’t have an SMTP server, so leave this
blank and click Next.
Review the options selected on the Summary page of the wizard. Click the Finish button to
begin the database creation process. Database creation usually takes a few minutes,
during which time a progress indicator is displayed.

Part 2: Working with instances, databases, and configuration

In this part, you will create a new instance, database, and change configuration parameters
on a DB2 server on Windows. You can do it from either the Control Center or the DB2
Command Window. We provide the instructions using the DB2 Command Window.
1. Open the DB2 Command Window by choosing Start -> Programs -> IBM DB2 ->
DB2COPY1 (Default) -> Command Line Tools -> Command Window. Alternatively,
the short way to start it is to choose Start -> Run, and type db2cmd.
2. From the DB2 Command Window, create a new instance called newinst
Chapter 4 – DB2 Environment 73

db2icrt newinst

3. Switch to the newinst instance and verify it is indeed your current instance. Then
start it.

set db2instance=newinst (Tip: No spaces before or after "=" sign!)

db2 get instance (This verifies that newinst is the current instance)

4. Create a database newdb with default values in instance newinst. This takes a
few minutes as DB2 creates internal objects in the database and provides some
initial configuration.
db2 create database newdb

5. Connect and disconnect from the new database newdb. Then drop it.
db2 connect to newdb
db2 terminate
db2 drop db newdb

6. Stop the current instance newinst


7. List all the instances in your server


8. Switch to the DB2 instance and then verify you really switched
set db2instance=db2
db2 get instance

9. Drop the instance newinst

db2idrop newinst

10. Find out the current value of the dbm cfg parameter FEDERATED. It should have a
value of NO by default
db2 get dbm cfg

Tip: In Linux you could do: db2 get dbm cfg | grep FEDERATED

11. Change the value of the dbm cfg parameter FEDERATED to YES and verify the
change occurred.
74 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

db2 update dbm cfg using FEDERATED YES

Since FEDERATED is not a dynamic parameter, changes are not effective until you
stop and start the instance. However, to stop the instance, you have to be sure
there are no connections. One way to ensure this is to issue these commands:
db2 force applications all
db2 terminate

Restart the instance, and verify the new value for FEDERATED:
db2 get dbm cfg

12. Connect to the SAMPLE database with the userID and password you are using on
the operating system
db2 connect to sample user <userID> using <password>

13. Review how many applications are running in your current instance
db2 list applications

14. Open another DB2 Command Window and connect again to the SAMPLE
database without specifying a userID and password. Then review how many
connections you have now.
db2 connect to sample
db2 list applications

15. Force off the connection from one of the DB2 command windows. This provides an
example of how a DBA can forcefully terminate the work of a given user (who is
probably hogging the system resources)
db2 force application (<application handle for db2bp.exe>)

The application handle is a number or 'handle' of the application you want to force.
You obtain this number from the output of the db2 list applications
command. The application db2bp.exe represents the DB2 Command Window.
16. Verify the connection of one of the DB2 command windows has been forced off. If
you don't know which of the two DB2 Command Windows were forced off, issue
this statement on both of them.
db2 select * from staff
Chapter 4 – DB2 Environment 75

The DB2 Command Window that was forced off should return an error message
with code SQL1224N. The other DB2 Command Window should return you the
output for the query.

17. Drop and recreate the DAS,and start it.

db2admin stop
db2admin drop
db2admin create
db2admin start

18. Take a look at the current value for the registry value DB2COMM
db2set -all

19. Unset the DB2COMM registry variable and verify this has been done
db2set db2comm=
(Tip: You'll get an error on db2stop if you have connections. What should you do?
Refer to a previous step to resolve this)
db2set -all

20. Set the DB2 Registry variable DB2COMM to tcpip and npipe in your instance
and verify the new value
db2set db2comm=tcpip,npipe
db2set -all

21. Check the current value of the LOGSECOND db cfg parameter, and then change it
to a value of 5 and verify the new value
db2 connect to sample
db2 get db cfg
db2 update db cfg using LOGSECOND 5
db2 get db cfg
Chapter 5 – DB2 Tools
In this chapter, we describe some of the tools you can use with DB2. As of DB2 9.7, most
of the tools described in this chapter are now deprecated, so they are still supported but
will no longer be enhanced, and may not be included with the product in future releases.
IBM Data Studio is the replacement for these tools.
The red circle in Figure 5.1 shows the area of focus in this chapter.

Figure 5.1 – The DB2 big picture: DB2 tools

78 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

See video presentations about the DB2 Tools and scripting at these links:

Figure 5.2 lists all the DB2 Tools available from the IBM DB2 Start Menu shortcuts. Most
of these tools are the same on Linux and Windows.

Figure 5.2 – DB2 tools from the IBM DB2 Start menu
Table 5.1 provides a list of shortcut commands that can be used to start some of the most
popular tools in either Linux or Windows. It also lists which tools have been deprecated in
DB2 9.7.

Tool name Command Deprecated?

Command Editor db2ce Yes

Command Line processor db2 No

Command Window (Only on Windows db2cmd No


Control Center db2cc Yes

Task Center db2tc Yes

Health Center db2hc Yes

Chapter 5 – DB2 Tools 79

Configuration Assistant db2ca Yes

First Steps db2fs No

Table 5.1 – Shortcut commands to start some DB2 tools

5.1 IBM Data Studio

With DB2 9.7, IBM Data Studio is the primary tool to use for database administration, and
database development with DB2. Data Studio is free. It can run on Linux and Windows,
and is part of the IBM Integrated Data Management portfolio of products. The development
of Data Studio follows a schedule which is not tied to the releases of DB2; however the
products do coordinate their releases as often as possible. For example, DB2 9.7 and IBM
Data Studio 2.2 were released the same day in June of 2009.
Figure 5.3 shows what IBM Data Studio looks like.

Figure 5.3 - IBM Data Studio

If you are familiar with Eclipse, you will note that Data Studio is Eclipse based. With Data
Studio, typically you will work within the Data perspective window (highlighted in the figure
at the top right corner). You can also switch to the Java perspective, if you are developing
a Java program. There are two views highlighted in the figure:
80 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

ƒ Data Project Explorer (top left)

ƒ Data Source Explorer (bottom left)
The Data Project Explorer view is used by database developers to work with SQL scripts,
XQuery, stored procedures, UDFs, and Data Web services.
The Data Source Explorer view is used by database administrators to manage DB2
instances and databases. Using this view you can perform most of the functionality
previously available in the Control Center.
In the figure, the view with title PROCEDURE1 is an editor for the procedure being
highlighted in the Data Project Explorer. Depending on the task you are executing, editors
or other windows will appear, allowing you to either code or perform more configurations.
With IBM Data Studio, you can also work with other data servers, like Informix. Companies
that work with several data servers and have a small DBA or database developer team
now have the convenience of working and managing all of them from within one tool.


For more information about Data Studio, refer to the Getting Started with Data Studio free
online book which is part of this book series. It will be available in October of 2009

5.2 Control Center (deprecated)

Prior to DB2 9.7, the primary DB2 tool for database administration was the Control Center,
as illustrated in Figure 5.4.
Chapter 5 – DB2 Tools 81

Figure 5.4 - The DB2 Control Center

The Control Center is a centralized administration tool that allows you to:
ƒ View your systems, instances, databases and database objects;
ƒ Create, modify and manage databases and database objects;
ƒ Launch other DB2 graphical tools
The pane on the left side provides a visual hierarchy for the database objects on your
system(s), providing a “folder” for Tables, Views, etc. When you double-click a folder (for
example, the Tables folder, as shown in Figure 5.4), the pane on the top right will list all the
related objects, in this case, all the tables associated with the SAMPLE database. If you
select a given table in the top right pane, the bottom right pane provides more specific
information about that table.
Right clicking on the different folders or objects in the Object tree brings up menus
applicable to the given folder or object. For example, right-clicking on an instance and
choosing Configure parameters would allow you to view and update the database manager
configuration file. Similarly, if you right-click on a database and choose Configure
parameters, you would be able to view and update the database configuration file. The
DB2 environment and configuration parameters are discussed in more detail in Chapter 5,
The DB2 Environment.
82 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

The first time you launch the Control Center, you are asked to choose what view you would
like to use. The choice of view determines what types of options and database objects are
exposed. Figure 5.5 shows the Control Center View dialog box.

Figure 5.5 - The DB2 Control Center View Dialog Box

The basic view provides core DB2 functionality, The advanced view shows more options
and features. The custom view allows you to customize the specific features, options, and
objects you see.
To re-invoke the Control Center View dialog, select Tools -> Customize Control Center as
shown in Figure 5.6.
Chapter 5 – DB2 Tools 83

Figure 5.6 – Customizing the Control Center

5.2.1 Launching the Control Center

There are many ways to launch the Control Center:
ƒ Navigating through the Windows Start menu
ƒ By executing db2cc on a command prompt

ƒ By clicking the Control Center icon in the toolbar of any of the other DB2 GUI
ƒ From the DB2 icon in the Windows system tray as shown in Figure 5.7 (Right click
on the DB2 green icon and select the DB2 Control Center menu option)

Figure 5.7 – Launching the DB2 Control Center from the Windows system tray
84 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

5.3 Command Editor (deprecated)

Using the DB2 Command Editor, you can execute DB2 commands, SQL and XQuery
statements, analyze the execution plan of a statement, and view or update query result
sets. Figure 5.8 shows the Command Editor with a description of its elements.

Figure 5.8 – DB2 Command Editor

In the input area, you can input multiple statements, so long as each statement ends with a
termination character. If you press the execute button (first button on the left in Figure 5.9),
the statements will be executed one after another. If you explicitly highlight a particular
statement, only the highlighted statement will be executed. A database connection must
exist in order to carry out any SQL statements, however, one of the statements can be a
connect statement.

Figure 5.9 – The Command Editor – Commands tab

5.3.1 Launching the Command Editor

You can launch the Command Editor in several ways:
ƒ From the Windows Start Menu: Start -> Programs -> IBM DB2 -> DB2COPY1
(Default) -> Command Line Tools -> Command Editor
Chapter 5 – DB2 Tools 85

ƒ From a command prompt, type db2ce

ƒ From the Tools menu in the Control Center
ƒ Embedded within the Control Center
- Right click on the SAMPLE database icon in the Control Center’s Object Tree
pane and select the Query menu item
- Any time a queryable object is selected (database, table, etc.), you can launch
the Command Editor by clicking the Query link in the Control Center’s Object
Detail pane

ƒ From the Control Center, click the Command Editor icon on the Control Center
Toolbar as shown in Figure 5.10

Figure 5.10 – The Command Editor icon in Control Center

5.3.2 Adding a database connection

To add a connection to a database, click on the Add button (See Figure 5.8). A dialog as
shown in Figure 5.11 will appear.
86 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 5.11 – Add a database connection

5.4 SQL Assist Wizard (deprecated)

If you are not familiar with the SQL language and would like to use an assistant or wizard
to generate the SQL code, the SQL Assist Wizard is available from the Command Editor to
help you. As shown in Figure 5.12, you invoke it from the Command Editor by clicking on
the last icon with the SQL symbol. This icon will only appear after you connect to a
Chapter 5 – DB2 Tools 87

Figure 5.12 – Invoking the SQL Assist Wizard

Figure 5.13 shows the SQL Assist wizard. It is fairly straight forward to use. First indicate
the type of SQL statement you need assistance with (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE,
DELETE). Depending on which statement you choose, different options will appear. At the
bottom of the window you will see how the SQL statement is constructed as you select
different choices in the wizard.
88 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 5.13 – The SQL Assist wizard

5.5 Show SQL Button (deprecated)

Most GUI tools and wizards in DB2 allow you to review the actual command or SQL
statement that is created as a result of using the tool or wizard to perform an action. To
see this, click on the Show SQL button in the tool you are working on, as shown in Figure
5.14 and Figure 5.15

Figure 5.14 – The Show SQL button

Chapter 5 – DB2 Tools 89

Figure 5.15 – The output of a Show SQL button

The ability to review the SQL statements and commands is very handy for learning SQL
syntax, and for saving the commands or statements to a file for later use. You can also
build scripts by reusing these generated commands and statements.

5.6 Task Center (deprecated)

The Task Center GUI tool allows you to create tasks: a set of operations such as running
DB2 commands, operating system commands, or scripts. Subsequent actions can be
performed if the task fails or succeeds. For example, if a task which involves backing up an
important database at 3:00am in the morning is successful, an email can be sent to the
DBA to provide this information. On the other hand, if the backup task fails, the Task
Center can page the DBA. Figure 5.16 shows the Task Center.
90 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 5.16 – The Task Center

5.6.1 The Tools Catalog database (deprecated)

All the details about your tasks and task scheduling are stored in a separate DB2 database
called the Tools Catalog database. This database must exist ahead of time in order to
schedule tasks. To create a Tools Catalog database you can use this command:

In the above example, systools is the schema name of all tables in the database, and
the database name is toolsdb. We will talk more about schemas in Chapter 8, Working
with database objects. Launching the Task Center
You can launch the Task Center from the Control Center by clicking on Tools -> Task
Center, as shown in Figure 5.17. Alternatively, you can start this tool from the Windows
Start menu: Start -> Programs -> IBM DB2 -> DB2COPY1(Default) -> General
Administration Tools -> Task Center
Chapter 5 – DB2 Tools 91

Figure 5.17 – Launching the Task Center Scheduling with the Task Center
Any type of script, whether or not it was created through a DB2 GUI tool, can be scheduled
using the Task Center. Tasks are run at their scheduled time from the system where you
created the tools catalog database. We encourage you to explore the Task Center yourself.
Creating a task is straightforward.

5.7 Journal (deprecated)

The DB2 Journal GUI tool provides a DBA with a journal of activities in online form. Figure
5.18 shows the Journal and Table 5.2 shows the information you can obtain from the
92 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 5.18 –The Journal

Type of Information Description

Task History All attempted scheduled tasks and their success status

Database History A record of database activities performed (backup, restore,

REORGs, etc.)

Message History of messages returned by DB2 tools. This is useful if you

want to recall and compare old error messages, or if you close a
dialog box too quickly or by accident.
Chapter 5 – DB2 Tools 93

Notification Log Contains system-level message. Critical errors are recorded

Table 5.2 - Information provided in the Journal

5.7.1 Launching the Journal

You can launch the Journal from the Control Center by clicking on Tools -> Journal, as
shown in Figure 5.19. Alternatively, you can start this tool from the Windows Start menu:
Start -> Programs -> IBM DB2 -> DB2COPY1(Default) -> General Administration Tools ->

Figure 5.19 – Launching the Journal

5.8 Health Monitor (deprecated)

The Health Monitor is a default agent that runs within the DB2 Engine, monitoring all
aspects of database health (memory, space management, automated activities previously
defined, etc.). When some part of DB2 is operating outside of the set parameters, an
exception is raised and brought to the attention of the DBA. There are three types of alert
94 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

ƒ Attention: a non-normal state

ƒ Warning: a non-critical state that does not require immediate attention but may
indicate a non-optimal system
ƒ Alarm: a critical condition requiring immediate action
The Health Monitor can be turned on or off using the database manager configuration
parameter HEALTH_MON.

5.8.1 Health Center (deprecated)

The Health Center is a graphical tool for interacting with the Health Monitor. The Health
Center breaks down health alerts on a system by instance, database, and table space
levels. Figure 5.20 shows the Health Center.

Figure 5.20 – The Health Center Launching the Health Center
You can launch the Health Center from the Control Center by choosing Tools -> Health
Center. This is shown in Figure 5.21. You can also start this tool from Start -> Programs->
IBM DB2 -> DB2COPY1(Default) -> Monitoring Tools -> Health Center
Chapter 5 – DB2 Tools 95

Figure 5.21 – Launching the Health Center Configuring Health Alert Notification
Once your Health Center is started, you can configure the Alert notification by clicking on
the Health Center menu -> Configure -> Alert Notification as shown in Figure 5.22. Alert
notification allows you to input contact names with email addresses or pager numbers of
the people who will be contacted if an alert is raised.
96 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 5.22 – Alert Notification

5.9 Self-tuning memory manager

The self-tuning memory manager (STMM) introduced in DB2 9 is one of several autonomic
computing features that simplifies the task of memory configuration by automatically setting
values for several memory configuration parameters. When enabled, the automatic tuner
dynamically distributes available memory resources among several memory consumers for
the database. The memory tuner responds to changes in workload characteristics,
adjusting the values of memory configuration parameters and the sizes of buffer pools to
optimize performance. To turn on STMM update the db cfg parameter
Other autonomic computing features such as automatic maintenance and automatic
storage are discussed elsewhere in this book.

5.10 Scripting
It is always useful to be able to create script files that perform several DB2 commands or
SQL statements repeatedly. For example, a DBA may want to run a given script every day
to check the row count of important tables. There are two general forms of scripting:
ƒ SQL scripts
ƒ Operating system (shell) scripts.
Chapter 5 – DB2 Tools 97

5.10.1 SQL scripts

SQL scripts include query statements and database commands. These scripts are
relatively simple to understand and are platform independent. However, variables or
parameters are not supported. For example, the commands shown in Listing 5.1 below are
saved in a file called script1.db2.
CREATE TABLE user1.mytable
col2 VARCHAR(40),
col3 DECIMAL(9,2));
Listing 5.1 - A sample SQL Script stored in file script1.db2
In the above script, all the statements are SQL statements and each statement is
separated by a statement delimiter, in this case a semi-colon. The file name does not need
to use the extension “db2”. Any extension could be used. Executing SQL Scripts
An SQL script can be executed from either the Command Editor or the DB2 Command
Window on Windows, or through a Linux shell. To run the script in Listing 5.1 from the DB2
Command Window or Linux shell, you can use the following command:
db2 -t -v -f script1.db2 -z script1.log

or the equivalent one:

db2 –tvf script1.db2 –z script1.log

In this command:
-t indicates that statements use the default statement termination character (a semi-
-v indicates verbose mode; causing db2 to echo the command being executed
-f indicates that the filename specified after this flag is the script file.
-z indicates that the filename specified after this flag is used for appending screen
output for later analysis (this is optional, but recommended)
When the -t flag is used and no line delimiter is specified, the semi-colon is assumed to be
the delimiter of the statements. There may be situations where another delimiter is
required. For example, a script containing SQL PL code needs to use a different statement
termination character other than the default (semicolon), because semicolons are used
within SQL PL object definitions to terminate procedural statements.
98 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

For example, in the script file functions.db2 shown in Listing 5.2 below, you see it
contains the statement to create a function, and a semi-colon is needed at the end of the
SELECT statement because it is part of the syntax required within the function. For the
CREATE FUNCTION statement terminator we are using an exclamation mark (!). If we had
used a semi-colon for the statement terminator, there would have been a conflict in the
script with the one used for the SELECT statement, resulting in an error reported by DB2.

Listing 5.2 - Contents of the script file functions.db2
To inform DB2 that a different statement termination character is being used, use the -d
flag, followed by the terminator character desired as shown below:
db2 –td! –v –f functions.db2 –z functions.log

To find out more about the other flags that can be used from the Command Window or
Linux shell, use this command:
db2 list command options

5.10.2 Operating system (shell) scripts

Operating system scripts provide greater flexibility and power than SQL scripts, as they
give you the possibility to add additional programming logic. They are platform dependant,
but they support parameters and variables. Listing 5.3 shows an example of a simple
Windows operating system (shell) script.
set MEMORY=25
del schema.log triggers.log app_objects.log
db2 set schema user1
db2 –t –v –f schema.db2 –z schema.log
db2 –td@ -v –f triggers.db2 –z triggers.log
db2 –td@ -v –f functions.db2 –z functions.log
Listing 5.3 - Contents of the operating system script file create_database.bat
To execute this operating system script from the command line, you would issue the
following command on Windows:
create_database.bat db2admin ibmdb2
Chapter 5 – DB2 Tools 99

where db2admin is the userID and first parameter of the script, and ibmdb2 is the
password and second parameter of the script.
On Windows using the “bat” extension tells the operating system that this is a batch
executable file. On Linux, you need to change the mode on the file to indicate the file is
executable using a command like chmod +x. Afterwards, you can run it in the same
manner as listed above.

5.11 Windows Vista considerations

The User Access Control (UAC) feature in Windows Vista causes applications to start with
standard rights, even if your user ID is a local administrator. This means that any DB2 tool
or command you start in Vista will likely run, but will report problems related to access. To
avoid this problem, use the shortcut called "Command window - Administrator" specifically
created at installation time for Vista users. From this window, you can run other commands
and launch other tools (using the commands shown in Table 5.1 at the beginning of the
chapter). Alternatively, from the Windows Vista Start menu or any DB2 shortcut, find the
desired DB2 tool you want to launch, right-click on it, and choose the Run as administrator
If DB2 extended security is enabled, which is the default (see Chapter 10, Database
Security for details), you must also ensure that your userID is a member of the
DB2ADMNS group in order to launch graphical tools such as the Control Center.

5.12 Summary
In this chapter we looked at the wide array of tools available for administering, configuring,
and managing your DB2 data server.
The arrival in DB2 9.7 of the IBM Data Studio as the main administration tool provides a
new dimension to database administration and development work.
We also discussed a number of now deprecated GUI tools: the Control Center, the SQL
Assist wizard, the Task Center and Journal, and the Health Agent and Monitor. However,
the Command Line Processor and Command Window tools will continue to be a part of the
application in versions after DB2 9.7. Also, the Self Tuning Memory Management tool
remains a big part of the database optimization process.
A key component in the toolbox of any database administrator is the use of scripts to
execute DB2 commands and functions. In this chapter, we took an in-depth look at both
SQL and operating system (shell) scripts, in particular how they are composed, stored and
Finally, we concluded with a notice about how to ensure that DB2 tools run smoothly on
Windows Vista.
100 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

5.13 Exercises
The exercises in this section will let you practice working with scripts in DB2.
Part 1: Populating the EXPRESS database using scripts
In this part, you will populate the EXPRESS database (previously created) using the
Command Editor and two supplied scripts.
1. Populate the EXPRESS database with a few tables and some data. For your
convenience, two scripts, Lab_Chpt5.db2 and Lab_Chpt5.dat have been
created to do this for you. The Lab_Chpt5.db2 script contains the commands
used to create the tables, and therefore must be run first. The Lab_Chpt5.dat
script contains statements that insert data into the tables. Both scripts can be
found in the file accompanying this
book. To run these scripts, open Command Editor. Ensure that the new database
you created is selected in the drop-down list in the toolbar. If the new database
does not appear in the list, add a connection to it using the Add button.
2. Click the Selected Æ Open menu on the Command Editor and navigate to the
folder where the scripts are stored. Select the Lab_Chpt5.db2 file and click the
OK button. The contents of the file should now be displayed in the Command
Editor input area. Click the Run button to run the script. Verify that there were no
errors encountered when running the script.
3. Repeat Step (2) for the Lab_Chpt5.dat file.
The new database you created is for a very simple Internet bookstore. The BOOKS table
contains all the information about the books the store carries. The CUSTOMERS table
contains information about each of the store’s customers. Finally, the SALES table contains
sales data. Whenever a customer purchases a book, a record is made in the SALES table.
The diagram below shows the design and relationship between the tables.
Chapter 5 – DB2 Tools 101

BOOKS table

book_id title cost image



cust_id firstnme lastname address email


SALES table

sales_id prod_id cust_id qty price purch_date


Part 2: Create an installation script for the EXPRESS Database

Scripts are a powerful mechanism for performing repetitive tasks such as database statistic
collection, backups, and database deployment. Operating system scripts have the
advantage of supporting script parameters, making them more flexible. In this part, you will
create an operating system script to redeploy the EXPRESS database as the EXPRESS2
database. The script will call the previously generated SQL scripts for database objects. In
order to save space, this exercise shows the scripts and commands specific to the
Windows platform. If you prefer to work on Linux, ensure to make the appropriate changes
to the instructions below.
1. Open a text editor and input the information as shown below. Most people make
typos when typing the lines below. We purposely do not provide this as a separate
file so that you will make these errors and learn to fix them yourself!.
Note as well that you may have to specify the correct paths for the schema.ddl,
triggers.ddl and app_objects.ddl files which are also provided with the file accompanying this book.
102 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

2. Save the script file in a directory like C:\express and call it


Note: If you use Wordpad, then in the Save As dialog window, ensure you choose
the MS-DOS Format option. If you save the file with a different format, Wordpad
may introduce invisible characters which will cause problems in the execution of
the script. Also, put quotes around the file name, as shown in the figure below, to
ensure that Windows does not append a .TXT extension to it.
Chapter 5 – DB2 Tools 103

3. To run scripts that interact with DB2, you must have a DB2 command line
environment. To open a DB2 Command Window, go to Start -> Program Files ->
IBM DB2 -> DB2COPY1 (default) -> Command Line Tools -> Command Window.
Alternatively, you can use Start-> Run, type db2cmd, and press enter as shown

4. Then to run the script, enter these commands in the Command Window:
cd C:\express
create_database.bat db2admin ibmdb2
104 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

5. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the script you just created. Do you
understand what is happening on each line?
6. Try to answer the following questions:
A. Where is the database connection established?
B. What do the %1 and %2 mean?
C. What does the following line of code do? Where is it used? For what?
D. What does the following line of code do?
del schema.log, triggers.log, app_objects.log
E. What happens when the script is called without any parameters?
F. Why don’t the SQL scripts contain CONNECT TO statements? How do they
connect to the database?
Chapter 6 – DB2 Architecture
In this chapter we briefly discuss the DB2 architecture. You will learn about:
ƒ The DB2 process model
ƒ The DB2 memory model
ƒ The DB2 storage model
For more information about the DB2 architecture, watch this video:

6.1 DB2 process model

Figure 6.1 depicts the DB2 Process Model. In this figure, rectangles represent processes
while ellipses represent threads. The main DB2 process is called db2sysc. Under this
process there are several threads, the main one is also called the db2sysc. This is the
main thread that spawns other threads. When a remote application tries to connect to the
server using an SQL CONNECT statement, the remote listeners for the communication
protocol will receive this request and contact a DB2 coordinator agent (db2agent). A DB2
agent is like a little worker that performs operations on behalf of DB2. When the application
is local, that is, running on the same server as DB2, the steps are very similar, only that a
db2ipccm agent handles the request instead of the db2tcpcm thread. In some cases, such
as when parallelism is enabled, a db2agent may spawn other agents which appear as
db2agntp threads. Other agents shown in the figure such as db2pfchr, db2loggr, db2dlock
may also be used for different purposes. Most common processes are described in Table
6.1, and most common threads are described in Table 6.2.
108 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 6.1 – The DB2 Process Model

Process Name Description

The main DB2 system controller or engine. Starting in DB2 9.5, there is
db2sysc (Linux) only one multi-threaded main engine process for the entire partition. All
db2syscs (Win) Engine Dispatchable Units (EDUs) are threads inside this process.
Without this process, the database server cannot function.

The autonomic computing daemon. It is used to perform client side

automatic tasks, such as health monitor, automatic maintenance
utilities, and the admin scheduler. This process was formerly called

The DB2 watchdog. The watchdog is the parent of the main engine
db2wdog process, db2sysc. It cleans up resources if the db2sysc process
abnormally terminates.

The fenced vendor process introduced in DB2 9.5 All 3rd party vendor
code runs in this process outside of the engine. 3rd party vendor
db2vend applications are non-IBM programs that can interact with DB2; for
example, log archiving can be managed by a 3 party vendor code by
specifying a user exit routine parameter to point to this code.

db2fmp Fenced processes that run user code on the server outside the firewall
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 109

for both stored procedures and user defined functions. This process
replaces both the db2udf and db2dari processes that were used in
previous versions of DB2.

Table 6.1 – Common DB2 processes

Thread Name Description

The system controller thread. This thread is responsible for the start-up
and shut-down and the management of the running instance

db2tcpcm TCP/IP communication listener

Coordinator agent that performs database operations on behalf of

db2agent applications (at least 1 per connection, depending if Connection
Concentrator is enabled).

Active subagent spawned if INTRA_PARALLEL is set to YES. This

db2agntp thread performs database operations for the application. db2agent will
coordinate the work between the different db2agntp subagents.

db2pfchr DB2 asynchronous I/O data prefetcher (NUM_IOSERVERS)

db2pclnr DB2 asynchronous I/O data writer (NUM_IOCLEANERS)

Table 6.2 – Common DB2 threads

6.2 DB2 memory model

The DB2 memory model consists of different areas in memory at the instance level,
database level, and application and agent level as shown in Figure 6.2. We will not explain
in detail each of the different areas in memory in this book, but just provide a brief
110 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 6.2 – The DB2 memory model

When an instance is started, the database manager shared memory is allocated. This
normally does not take much space. When you first connect to a database, the Database
Global Memory is allocated. In this block, the buffer pool is one of the most important parts,
especially for improving query performance. The size of the buffer pools will determine the
size of the entire Database Global Memory.
Agent private memory is the memory used by each DB2 agent. Without using the
connection concentrator, each connection requires one agent. Typically an agent uses
approximately 3 to 5 MB. With the connection concentrator, several connections can use
one agent, therefore reducing the need for more physical memory.

6.3 DB2 storage model

In this section we will describe the following concepts:
ƒ Pages and Extents
ƒ Buffer pool
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 111

ƒ Table space

6.3.1 Pages and Extents

A page is the minimum unit of storage in DB2. Allowed page sizes are: 4K, 8K, 16K and
32K. An extent is a grouping of pages. Working with one page at a time in DB2 would be
costly in terms of performance; therefore, DB2 works with extents at a time instead. The
page size and extent size are defined when working with buffer pools and table spaces as
we will see in the next sections.

6.3.2 Buffer pools

A buffer pool is a real memory cache for table and index data. It improves performance by
reducing direct sequential I/O and it promotes asynchronous reading (pre-fetching) and
writing. That is to say, DB2 anticipates what pages will be needed and pre-fetches them
from the disk to the buffer pool so they are ready to use.
Buffer pools are allocated in memory units of 4K, 8K, 16K, and 32K pages. There should
be at least one buffer pool per database, and at least one matching buffer pool for a table
space of a given page size. Creating a Buffer Pool
To create a buffer pool you can use the CREATE BUFFERPOOL statement. Alternatively,
using the Control Center you can right click on the Buffer Pool folder within a given
database and choose Create, as shown in Figure 6.3

Figure 6.3 – Creating a buffer pool

112 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

After clicking on Create, the Create Buffer Pool Dialog will appear as shown in Figure 6.4

Figure 6.4 – Create a buffer pool dialog box

Most entries in Figure 6.4 are self explanatory. The fields Non-blocked and Blocked refer to
the number of pages that should exist as non-blocked and as blocked. Blocked-based
buffer pools ensure that contiguous pages on disk are moved to the buffer pool also
contiguously in a blocked area; this may improve performance. The number of pages must
not be greater than 98 percent of the number of pages for the buffer pool. Specifying the
value as 0 disables block I/O.
Once the buffer pool has been created, it is displayed in the Control Center, as shown in
Figure 6.5.
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 113

Figure 6.5 – The Control Center after the creation of buffer pool SAMP16K

6.3.3 Table spaces

Table spaces are a logical interface between logical tables and the system’s physical
memory (buffer pool) and containers (disks). Use the CREATE TABLESPACE statement to
create a table space where you can specify:
ƒ The page size for the table space (4KB, 8KB, 16KB, or 32KB). The page size must
correspond to a buffer pool with the same page size.
ƒ The buffer pool name associated to this table space.
ƒ An extent size
ƒ A pre-fetch size. Table space types
There are three types of table spaces:

ƒ Regular
114 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

These are for user tables. For example, the USERSPACE1 table space created by
default is a regular table space.
ƒ Large
These are used to optionally separate LOB data into its own table space. It is also
used for storing XML data for databases created with pureXML support using the
XML data type for columns. Large table spaces are the default.
ƒ Temporary
There are two types of temporary table spaces:
- System temporary
These are used by DB2 for internal operations, such as sorts. For example,
the TEMPSPACE1 table space, created by default when you create a
database, is a system temporary table space. There must always be at least
one system temporary table space.
- User temporary
These are used to create user-defined Declared Global Temporary Tables
(DGTTs) and Create Global Temporary Tables (CGTTs) which are temporary
in-memory tables. They are often confused with system temporary table
spaces. Users must create a user temporary table space before DGTTs or
CGTTs can be used. Table space management

Table spaces can be classified based on how they are managed. This can be specified in
the CREATE TABLESPACE statement:.
Managed by system
This type of table space is known as System Managed Storage (SMS). This means the
operating system manages the storage. They are easy to manage, and the containers are
file system directories. The space is not pre-allocated, but the files grow dynamically.
Once you specify the containers, these are fixed at creation time and other containers
cannot be added later, unless a redirected restore is used. When using SMS table spaces
the table data, index and LOB data cannot be spread across different table spaces.
Managed by database
This type of table space is known as Database Managed Storage (DMS). This means that
DB2 manages the storage. Management of the space requires more manual intervention
from a DBA. Containers can be pre-allocated files or raw devices. For raw devices, data is
written directly without O/S caching.
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 115

Containers can be added, dropped or resized using the ALTER TABLESPACE statement.
DMS table spaces are best for performance, and table data, index, and LOB data can be
split into separate table spaces, which improves performance.
Managed by automatic storage
This type of table space is managed by automatic storage, and can benefit from the ease
of use similar to SMS table spaces, but with the best performance and flexibility of DMS
table spaces. Therefore, starting with DB2 9, this is the default type of table space. For
these table spaces, a user first specifies a storage path and a logical group of storage
devices which DB2 will use to manage the space. No explicit container definitions are
provided. Containers are automatically created across the storage paths. Growth of
existing containers and addition of new ones is completely managed by DB2. When a
storage path is not specified in the CREATE DATABASE command, the database path is
used as the storage path. The database path is where the main database definition
resides. If the database path is not specified, it's obtained from the database manager
configuration parameter DFTDBPATH. On Windows, this can only be a drive, not a path.
To allow for automatic storage, you first need to create a database with automatic storage
enabled (this is the default behavior) and associate a set of storage paths with it. After
creation, if needed, you can redefine the storage paths using a database RESTORE
operation. Then, you can create table spaces to use automatic storage (again, this is the
default behavior).
Managed by automatic storage is very similar to DMS table spaces, but operations have
been automated so they are managed by DB2; this includes the assignment and allocation
of containers and auto resizing.
Let's take a look at an example of a Managed by automatic storage table space. First
create the database with automatic storage enabled, as in these examples:
Automatic storage is enabled by default:

Automatic storage is explicitly specified:


Automatic storage is enabled by default, but the storage paths are indicated. If the storage
path is a directory, it must be created ahead of time:

Example on Windows:
CREATE DATABASE DB1 ON C:/, C:/storagepath1, D:/storagepath2

Note that the first item in the list is a drive, because it is representing a database
path which can only be a drive, not a path on Windows. This item will also be used
as one of the storage paths. Thus, the database path is C:, and the storage paths
116 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

consist of C:, C:\storagepath1, and D:\storagepath2, where the last two directories
must be created ahead of time.

Example on Linux:
CREATE DATABASE DB1 ON /data/path1, /data/path2

Automatic storage is disabled explicitly:


Next, create the table space with automatic storage enabled as in these examples:

Automatic storage for table spaces is also enabled by default:


Automatic storage is explicitly specified for the table space:


Automatic storage is implicitly specified, the initial size is allocated, along with how much it
will increase, and the maximum size it can increase.
MAXSIZE 100 M How data is stored in table spaces

By default, DB2 will write to disk extents at a time striped across containers. For example, if
you have a 4K table space with an extent size of 8 using 3 raw containers on a DMS table
space, this means that 32K of data (4K x 8 pages per extent = 32K) will be written to one
disk before writing to the next. This is shown in Figure 6.6. Note that tables do not share
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 117

Figure 6.6 – Writing data in table spaces Creating a Table Space using the Control Center
To create a table space from the Control Center, right click on the Table Spaces folder
within a given database and choose Create as shown in Figure 6.7. The Create table
space wizard will appear, as shown in Figure 6.8.

Figure 6.7 – Creating a Table Space from the Control Center

118 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 6.8 – Create Table Space Wizard

The wizard shown in Figure 6.8 will guide you through the steps of creating a table space.

6.4 Summary
In this chapter we explored the three key aspects of DB2 architecture: the process model,
the memory model, and the storage model. For the process model, we looked at the
common processes and threads, including db2sysc, without which DB2 could not run.
The storage model was discussed in depth, covering the three most important aspects:
pages and extents, the bufferpool (including creation details) and table spaces. Finally, we
looked at the various types of table spaces, along with details on how they are managed
(SMS, DMS, Automatic) and how to create a new table space using the Control Center.

6.5 Exercises
This exercise will help you understand the DB2 process model, memory model and storage
model on Windows. You will review different processes and threads, monitor memory
usage, and practice creating a database that uses automatic storage and storage paths on
Windows. Ideally storage paths would be created across disks (drives), but since your
computer may not have been configured with multiple disks, this exercise only uses your
C:\ drive.
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 119

1. Let's take a look at some processes on Windows. First of all, open the DB2
Command Window (Start -> run -> db2cmd) and ensure your instance is stopped
by issuing this command: db2stop force
2. Open the Windows Task Manager, choose the Processes tab, click on the Image
Name column to sort by this column, and look for the db2sysc.exe process, as
shown in the figure below.

3. You should not find the process db2syscs.exe because we asked you in step one to
stop the DB2 instance.
4. Start the DB2 instance with this command: db2start, and repeat the previous step.
Now can you find the db2syscs.exe process?
5. Let's now look at CPU and memory consumption. Follow these steps:
G. Ensure nothing is running in your system by closing all other applications
H. Open a new DB2 Command Window and issue: db2stop force
I. From the Task Manager, switch to the Performance Tab
120 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

J. Keep the Task Manager and the DB2 Command Window open and side by
side as shown below. Write down the amount of Physical Memory available
and the CPU usage.

K. Issue db2start and at the same time monitor the CPU and memory usage
as soon as you execute this command. You should see a brief spike in CPU
usage, and that the memory available is reduced by about 50MB to 70MB. This
is the amount of memory that the DB2 instance is consuming. If you issue a
db2stop force again, the memory should return to its previous value.

6. Repeat the previous step, but this time, monitor what happens after connecting to
the SAMPLE database. Issue these commands from the DB2 Command Window:
db2 connect to sample
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 121

As soon as you connect to the SAMPLE database, you will see a reduction in the
amount of physical memory available. This is because as soon as you connect to a
database, the database global memory (bufferpool, catalog cache, etc) is allocated.
7. Repeat the previous step, but this time monitor what happens after creating a
bufferpool of any size. Make sure you don't exceed the physical memory in your
computer. If you do, DB2 will not allocate the bufferpool immediately, but will defer
the creation until the database is deactivated. In addition, a small system bufferpool
will be used instead, and DB2 will keep using it until there is enough memory. For
example, to create a bufferpool of about 160MB issue this command while
connected to the SAMPLE database:
db2 create bufferpool mybp immediate size 5000 pagesize 32k

8. Create a database mydb1 that uses automatic storage, and where the database
path is drive C:, and the storage paths are C:, C:\mystorage1, C:\mystorage2. Issue
the following from the DB2 Command Window:
db2 create database mydb1 on C:\, C:\mystorage1, C:\mystorage2

If you issued the above command, you probably received an error because you
must first create the directories C:\mystorage1, C:\mystorage2. Create
them and try again!
Chapter 7 – DB2 Client Connectivity
This chapter covers the setup required to connect from a DB2 client to a DB2 server using
TCP/IP. Note that a DB2 server comes with a client component, so a DB2 server can also
behave as a client to connect to another DB2 server. There are several ways to set up DB2
client connectivity; however, in this chapter we discuss only the easiest method which is
using the Configuration Assistant.
For more information about the DB2 Client Connectivity, watch this video:
Starting with DB2 9.7, the Configuration Assistant has been deprecated; however, it can
still be used and is included with the product.

7.1 DB2 Directories

DB2 directories are binary files that store information about which databases you can
connect to from your machine. There are four directories:
ƒ System database directory
ƒ Local database directory
ƒ Node directory
ƒ DCS directory
Reviewing and updating the contents of all of these directories can be performed through
the Configuration Assistant GUI tool.

7.1.1 System database directory

This directory is like a table of contents of a book. It shows all the databases, whether they
are local or remote, that you can connect to. For a local database, it will have a pointer to
the Local database directory. For a remote database, it will have a pointer to an entry in the
Node directory. To review the contents of this directory issue the command:
list db directory
124 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

7.1.2 Local database directory

This directory contains information about databases that you can connect to and that
reside on your machine. To review the contents of this directory, issue the command:
list db directory on <drive/path>

7.1.3 Node directory

This directory includes information about how to connect to a given remote database. For
example, if the TCP/IP protocol is used, a TCP/IP node entry would include the IP address
of the server where the DB2 database you are trying to connect resides, and the port of the
instance where this database resides. To review the contents of this directory, issue the
list node directory

7.1.4 DCS directory

This directory will only appear if you have installed the DB2 Connect software to connect to
DB2 for z/OS (mainframe), or DB2 for i5/OS. To review the contents of this directory, issue
the command:
list dcs directory

7.2 Configuration Assistant (deprecated)

Using the Configuration Assistant GUI tool, you can easily configure connectivity between
a DB2 client and a DB2 server. To launch the Configuration Assistant on Windows, you
can choose: Start -> Programs -> IBM DB2 -> DB2COPY1 -> Set-up Tools ->
Configuration Assistant.
From the Command line, you can start the tool using the command db2ca. Figure 7.1
shows the Configuration Assistant.
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 125

Figure 7.1 – The Configuration Assistant

7.2.1 Setup required at the server

There are two things that need to be set up at the server:
This DB2 registry variable determines which communication protocol listeners should be
monitoring requests from clients. Typically TCP/IP is the communication protocol most
often used. Changing this parameter requires an instance re-start. To review and change
the value of DB2COMM in the Configuration Assistant, choose Configure -> DB2 Registry
as shown in Figure 7.2 and Figure 7.3.
126 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 7.2 – Accessing the DB2 Registry

Figure 7.3 –Verifying the value of the DB2COMM DB2 Registry variable
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 127

This database manager configuration parameter should be set to the service name (as
defined in the TCP/IP services file) or to the port number to use when you want to access
databases of this instance. From the Configuration Assistant, choose Configure -> DBM
configuration as shown in Figure 7.4

Figure 7.4 –Reviewing the dbm cfg from the Configuration Assistant
Once you are in the DBM Configuration window, find the Communications section, and
look for SVCENAME. You can change the value to a string or even to a port number if
needed. This is shown in Figure 7.5.
128 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 7.5 –Reviewing the SVCENAME dbm cfg parameter

7.2.2 Setup required at the client

At the client, you need to know this information beforehand:
ƒ The name of the database you want to connect to
ƒ The port number of the DB2 instance at the server where the database resides.
You can also use a service name, as long as there is a matching entry in the
TCP/IP services file
ƒ The operating system user ID and password to connect to the database. This user
ID must have been previously defined at the server
The above information can be input from the DB2 client using the Configuration Assistant.
First, launch the Add Database Wizard by clicking on the Selected -> Add Database Using
Wizard choice, as shown in Figure 7.6
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 129

Figure 7.6 – Invoking the Add Database Wizard

You can also get to this wizard by right clicking on the white space in the Configuration
Assistant and choosing Add Database Using Wizard. Figure 7.7 shows the Add Database

Figure 7.7 –Add Database Wizard

130 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

In the Add Database Wizard, there are three options:

1. Use a Profile
There may be situations when you need to configure many clients to connect to the same
DB2 server. In these situations, it is convenient to perform all configurations from one
client, and store these configurations into a “profile” file. With this file, you can load all the
information directly to other clients. In Figure 7.7, if you choose Use a Profile you would be
loading the information from an existing “profile”. More details are provided later in this
chapter describing how to create client and server profiles.
2. Search the network
This method, also known as Discovery, tells DB2 to search the network for a given server,
instance, and database. For this method to work, the DAS must be running on each DB2
server where databases are to be discovered. With this method, there are two ways to
perform the search:
ƒ Search:
Search the entire network. This is not recommended if your network is large and
with many hubs, as it would take a long time to retrieve data from every system
ƒ Known:
Search the network for a known server at an address you provide.
The two methods are illustrated in Figure 7.8

Figure 7.8 –The Search and Known search (or Discovery) methods
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 131

There may be circumstances when an administrator would not like clients to search the
network for databases with confidential information. This can be prevented at the DAS, the
instance or the database level. Figure 7.9 provides details about this.

Figure 7.9 – Configuring parameters to allow for discovery

Figure 7.9 shows the different levels where you can enable or disable discovery. At the
DAS level, you can give the DISCOVER parameter a value of SEARCH or KNOWN. At the
instance level, the DISCOVER_INST database manager configuration parameter can be
set to DISABLE or ENABLE. Finally, at the database level, the DISCOVER_DB parameter
can also be set to ENABLE or DISABLE. Setting these parameters accordingly provides
you granularity for database discovery.
3. Manually configure a connection to a database
Using this method, you manually add host name, port numbers and database information
to the Configuration Assistant, which will then generate catalog commands to execute the
connectivity configuration. The Configuration Assistant will not check that the information is
correct. You will know it is incorrect if you cannot connect to a server. Also, ensure the user
ID and password you provide to connect to the remote database is correct. By default the
authentication takes place on the DB2 server you are trying to connect to, therefore, you
must provide a user ID and password defined on that server.
132 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

7.2.3 Creating Client and Server Profiles

If you are configuring a large number of servers or clients, rather than set up each one
individually, you can set up one, then export a profile from it, and then apply the profile to
the other clients/servers. This saves a lot of administration time when setting up the
To create a customized profile from the Configuration Assistant, click on the Configure
Menu, then select Export Profile -> Customize, as shown in Figure 7.10

Figure 7.10 – Exporting a Profile

Figure 7.11 shows the fields that need to be completed to export a profile
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 133

Figure 7.11 – Customize Export Profile dialog

Figure 7.12 show the results after clicking “Export” in the Customize Export Profile dialog.

Figure 7.12 – Export Profile results

To import a customized profile from the Configuration Assistant, click on the Configure
Menu, then select Import Profile -> Customize, as shown in Figure 7.13
134 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 7.13 – Importing a profile

Figure 7.14 shows the fields that need to be completed to import a profile

Figure 7.14 – Customize Import Profile

Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 135

7.3 Summary
Connecting from a data client to a server is a core aspect of relational database
management. In this chapter, we looked at client connectivity, starting with purpose and
contents of the database and node directories associated with DB2.
Next, we discussed using the Configuration Assistant GUI to set up the client server
connection, including what needs to be configured on both sides of the connection.
We also looked at how the Add Database Wizard can also be used to make a server
connection through one of three methods: using a stored profile, searching the network
(also known as Discovery), or manually by typing in the server information. Client and
server profile creation was then covered in more detail.

7.4 Exercises
The Configuration Assistant can be used to quickly and easily configure remote database
connections. In this exercise, you will catalog a database residing on a remote DB2 server
(represented by your neighbor’s workstation, using both Search and Discover modes.
Once the database is cataloged, you will be able to access it as if it were on your local
system. DB2 performs all the communication processes “under the covers”.
This exercise assumes you are working within a network. If this is not the case, you can
always use your own computer as both the client and server machines and follow the
instructions for configuration below to connect to your own system.
1. Ask your neighbor (or instructor) for the following information:
2. Remote Database Info:
(PR) Protocol __TCPIP____
(IP) IP Address or hostname ____________
(PN) Instance Port Number ____________
(DB) Database Name _ SAMPLE __
To obtain the hostname on Windows, type hostname from a command window
To obtain the IP address on Windows, type ipconfig from a command window
3. Open the Configuration Assistant. (Hint: it is accessible through the Start menu).
4. Open the Selected menu and select Add Database Using Wizard.
5. On the Source page of the wizard, select the Manually Configure a Connection to a
Database option. Click the Next button to move to the next page of the wizard.
136 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

6. On the Protocol page of the wizard, select the TCP/IP option. Click the Next
button to move to the next page of the wizard.
7. On the TCP/IP page of the wizard, enter the full hostname or IP address that you
wrote down in step (1). Enter the Port number you wrote down in step (1). Click
the Next button to move to the next page of the wizard.
8. Note: The option for Service Name can be used if you have an entry in the local
Services file with a port number defined corresponding to the port the remote
server instance is listening for. When you use this option, DB2 will look in the
services file on the local machine, not on the server. You must add an entry to this
file if you want to use this option.
9. On the Database page of the wizard, enter the name of the database defined on
the remote server that you wrote down in step (1) in the Database Name field.
Note how the Database Alias field is automatically filled out with the same value.
The database alias is a name that local applications will use to connect to this
database. Since you already have a local database called SAMPLE defined, DB2
will not let you catalog another database with the same name. You must therefore
use a different alias name. For this example, change the database alias to
SAMPLE1. You can enter an optional comment about this database if you want.
Click the Next button to move to the next page of the wizard.
10. On the Data Source page of the wizard, you can optionally register this new
database (data source) as an ODBC data source. This automatically registers it in
the Windows ODBC Manager for you. For this example, un-check the Register this
database for ODBC since you will not be using ODBC. Click the Next button to
move to the next page of the wizard.
11. On the Node Options page of the wizard, specify the operating system of the
server where the remote database is located. Since all workstations in this lab use
Microsoft Windows, ensure the Windows item in the drop-down list is selected. The
Instance name field should be set to DB2. If it is not, set its value to DB2. Click the
Next button to move to the next page of the wizard.
12. This System Options page of the wizard gives you the opportunity to ensure the
system and hostname are correct, and to verify the operating system setting. Click
the Next button to move to the next page of the wizard.
13. The Security Options page of the wizard allows you to specify where you want user
authentication to take place and what method you want to use. Select the option
Use authentication value in server’s DBM Configuration. This will use the method
specified by the AUTHENTICATION parameter in the remote Instance’s
configuration file. Click the Finish button to catalog the remote database and close
the wizard. A confirmation box should appear. Click the Test Connection button to
ensure you can connect successfully to the database. Also, ensure the username
and password you provide is a valid one defined on the remote server (since it is
likely that the Server’s AUTHENTICATION parameter is set to the value SERVER). If
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 137

the test connection succeeds, then you have successfully cataloged the remote
database. If it does not succeed, go back through the wizard and make sure all the
correct values are specified. (Click the Change button to go back through the
wizard settings).
14. Open Control Center and try viewing the different tables in the newly cataloged
remote database.
15. Go back to the Configuration Assistant and try to catalog a different database, this
time using Search the Network option. Step through the wizard the same way you
did for manually configuring the connection. Note that, on large networks, searched
discovery could take a long time to return results.
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects
This chapter discusses database objects such as schemas, tables, views, indexes,
sequences, and so on. Some advanced database application objects such as triggers, user
defined functions (UDFs) and stored procedures are discussed in Chapter 14, Introduction
to DB2 Application Development.
For more information about working with database objects, watch this video:

8.1 Schemas
Schemas are name spaces for a collection of database objects. They are primarily used to:
ƒ Provide an indication of object ownership or relationship to an application
ƒ Logically group related objects together
All DB2 database objects except public synonyms have a two-part fully qualified name; the
schema is the first half of that name as shown below:

A fully qualified object name must be unique. When you connect to a database and create
or reference an object without specifying the schema, DB2 uses the user ID you connected
to the database with for the schema name. For example, if you connect to the SAMPLE
database with user arfchong, and create the table artists using the following CREATE
TABLE statement:
CREATE TABLE artists …

the fully qualified name of the created table is arfchong.artists.

You can use the set schema statement to set the schema for a session. Listing 8.1
provides an example.
connect to sample user arfchong using mypsw
select * from staff ## This looks for arfchong.staff
set schema db2admin
140 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

select * from staff ## This looks for db2admin.staff

Listing 8.1 - An example of using the set schema statement
A "contest system" can be used to illustrate the use of schemas. Say a company is running
a contest where participants need to create their own tables and perform some SQL
operations. All participants are given the same user ID to connect to the database, and the
same script to create tables, where all objects are unqualified, that is, they do not have a
schema name. After the contestants log on to the contest system, the system generates
the schema name based on a timestamp after connection. This way, contestant A will work
on a table with the same name as contestant B, but with different schemas, and therefore
there would not be a conflict with their work.

8.2 Public synonyms (or aliases)

New with DB2 9.7 is the concept of public synonyms, also known as public aliases. Public
synonyms allow you to reference objects without the need to specify a schema. Listing 8.2
provides an example.
connect to sample user arfchong using mypsw
create public synonym raul for table arfchong.staff
select * from raul
select * from arfchong.raul ## Error
connect to sample user db2admin using psw
select * from raul
Listing 8.2 - An example of a public synonym
In Listing 8.2, you first connect with user arfchong and create the public synonym raul
which references the table arfchong.staff. The synonym itself doesn't use a schema.
If you try using one, you will receive an error. Other users like db2admin in the example of
Listing 8.2 can also use synonym raul which is public.
In the example, if the keyword public is not used, the synonym created would be a
private synonym. In Listing 8.3, let's examine the same example but using a private
connect to sample user arfchong using mypsw
create synonym raul for table arfchong.staff
select * from raul
select * from arfchong.raul ## OK, it also works
connect to sample user db2admin using psw
select * from raul ## Error, cannot find db2admin.raul
select * from arfchong.raul ## OK, this works
Listing 8.3 - An example of a private synonym
In Listing 8.3 you see that because the synonym is private, it cannot be referenced when
connected as another user without specifying the schema.
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 141

8.3 Tables
A table is a collection of related data logically arranged in columns and rows. Listing 8.4
below provides an example of how to create a table using the CREATE TABLE statement.


(artno SMALLINT not null,
name VARCHAR(50) with default 'abc',
classification CHAR(1) not null,
bio CLOB(100K) logged,
picture BLOB(2M) not logged compact
IN mytbls1
Listing 8.4 - An example of a CREATE TABLE statement
In the following sections, we describe the main parts of this CREATE TABLE statement

8.3.1 Data Types

Figure 8.1, obtained from the DB2 Information Center, lists the data types supported in
142 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 8.1 – DB2 built-in data types

The data types shown in Figure 8.1 are described in detail in the DB2 documentation; most
of them are common or very similar amongst relational database management systems so
we will not describe them here. On the other hand, some data types like large objects
(LOBs) may not be that intuitive for new users.
Large object data types are used to store large character strings, large binary strings or
files as shown in Figure 8.2
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 143

Figure 8.2 – LOBs data types

These large object binaries are usually abbreviated for clarity: a binary large object is a
BLOB, a character large object is a CLOB, and a double byte character large object is also
known as a DBCLOB.
Figure 8.1 also lists the new data types added with DB2 9.7:
These data types are part of the Oracle database server data types that are now supported
in DB2. Oracle database server data types are discussed in a bit more detail later in this
chapter. User-defined types
DB2 allows you to define your own data types using user-defined types (UDTs). UDTs can
be classified as:
ƒ Distinct type
ƒ Structured type
ƒ Reference type
144 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

ƒ Array type
ƒ Row type
ƒ Cursor type
Reference, array, row and cursor types are new with DB2 9.7 and are used with SQL PL
routines. User-defined distinct data types are based on the built-in data types. These UDTs
are useful when:
ƒ There is a need to establish context for values
ƒ There is a need to have DB2 enforce data typing using strong typing
The SQL statements in Listing 8.5 illustrate an example of how and when to use distinct
(f_name VARCHAR(30),
weight_p POUND NOT NULL,
Listing 8.5 - An example of distinct data types
In this example, two distinct UDTs are created: POUND and KILOGRAM. Both are built
based on the built-in data type INTEGER. The WITH COMPARISONS clauses defined as
part of the syntax indicate that casting functions with the same name as the data types will
also be created.
The table person uses the two new UDTs in columns weight_p and weight_k,
respectively. If we now issue the following statement:
WHERE weight_p > weight_k

You will receive an error message because two columns with different data types are being
compared. Even though weight_p and weight_k use the POUND and KILOGRAM data
types respectively, both of which were created based on the INTEGER data type, by
creating UDTs, you make this type of comparison impossible. This is exactly what you
want, because in real life, a comparison between pounds and kilograms would not make
In the next example, you would like to compare the column weight_p with an integer;
however, these two data types are different, and therefore you would receive an error
unless you use a casting function.
As you can see from the statement below, we use the casting function POUND() so that
this comparison is possible. As indicated earlier, the POUND() casting function was
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 145

created with the UDT when using the WITH COMPARISONS clause in the CREATE
DISTINCT TYPE statement.
WHERE weight_p > POUND(30) Oracle database server data types

The following data types used in Oracle database server are now supported with DB2 data
VARRAY, Row Type, Ref Cursor. For them to work you first need to enable the
DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR registry variable as follows:

Once this registry variable is enabled, new databases will be able to support these data
types. Some of these types can only be used in the context where SQL PL is used.
If you are using an edition of DB2 that supports the SQL Compatibility feature (described in
Chapter 2), you can also use these data types where PL/SQL is used. If that's the case, the
value to set for the registry variable DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR should be 'FFF'
instead of 'FF' as shown in the example above. Implicit casting or weak typing

Many dynamic languages like Ruby on Rails or PHP allow for implicit casting. This was a
problem in DB2 because of its strong typing requirements. With DB2 9.7, rules have been
relaxed so that implicit casting or weak typing is allowed. What this means is that, for
example, you can now assign or compare strings to numeric types as shown below:
create table t1 (col1 int)
select * from t1 where col1 = '42'

In the example, the string '42' can now be compared to the integer column col1.
In addition, with DB2 9.7 you are now allowed to specify untyped parameter markers and
untyped NULLs in more situations. Previously, you had to explicitly cast them to a given
data type. For example, the following statement now works:
select ?, NULL, myUDF(?, NULL) from t1 Null Values

146 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

A null value represents an unknown state. The CREATE TABLE statement can define a
column using the NOT NULL clause to ensure that the column contains a known data
value. You can also specify a default value for the column if NOT NULL is declared. The
next statement provides examples of this behaviour:
DEPT SMALLINT NOT NULL with default 10,
COMM DECIMAL(7,2) with default 15
In this example, the ID and DEPT columns are defined as NOT NULL. The DEPT column
also includes a default value of 10 in case no value is provided.

8.3.2 Identity Columns

An identity column is a numeric column which automatically generates a unique numeric
value for each inserted row. There can only be one identity column per table.
There are two ways to generate values for an identity column, depending on how it was
ƒ Generated always: values are always generated by DB2. Applications are not
allowed to provide an explicit value.
ƒ Generated by default: values can be explicitly provided by an application or, if no
value is given, then DB2 generates one. DB2 cannot guarantee uniqueness. This
option is intended for data propagation, and for the unloading and reloading of a
Let’s take a look at the following example:
CREATE TABLE subscriber(
firstname VARCHAR(50),
lastname VARCHAR(50) )

In the example, the column subscriberID is an INTEGER defined as an identity column

that is always generated. The value generated will start from 100, and it will be
incremented by 100.
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 147

8.3.3 Sequence objects

Though sequence objects are independent of tables, they are mentioned in this section
because they work in a similar way as identity columns. The difference is that sequence
objects generate unique numbers across the database, while identity columns generate
unique numbers within a table. The following statements provide an example:
CREATE TABLE t1 (salary int)



INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (nextval for myseq)

INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (nextval for myseq)

INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (nextval for myseq)


3 record(s) selected.

SELECT prevval for myseq FROM sysibm.sysdummy1

1 record(s) selected
Listing 8.6 - An example of sequences
PREVVAL provides the current value of the sequence, while NEXTVAL provides the next
value. The above example also uses SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1. This is a system catalog
table that contains one column and one row. It can be used in situations where the query
requires the output of a single value. System catalog tables are described in the next

8.3.4 System catalog tables

Each database has its own system catalog tables and views. These store metadata about
the database objects. If these system tables become corrupted, your database would be
148 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

rendered unusable. You can query these tables just like any normal database tables.
Three schemas are used to identify the system catalog tables:
ƒ SYSIBM: base tables, optimized for DB2 use
ƒ SYSCAT: views based on the SYSIBM tables, optimized for ease of use
ƒ SYSSTAT: database statistics
The following are some examples of catalog views:

8.3.5 Declared global temporary tables (DGTTs)

Declared temporary tables are tables created in memory and are used by an application
and then dropped automatically when the application terminates. These tables can only be
accessed by the application that created them, and they do not exist in any DB2 catalog
tables. Accessing these tables provides very efficient performance because there is no
catalog contention, no locking of rows, no default logging (logging is optional), and no
authority checking. There is also index support for these temporary tables, that is, any
standard index can be created on a temporary table. You can also run RUNSTATS against
these tables.
Declared temporary tables reside inside a user temporary table space, which must be
defined prior to creating any declared temporary tables. The statements in Listing 8.7
provide an example on how to create three declared temporary tables:




(deptid CHAR(6), deptname CHAR(20))


AS ( fullselect ) DEFINITION ONLY
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 149

Listing 8.7 - Working with DGTTs

When a declared temporary table is created, its schema is SESSION; this schema must be
specified when referencing the DGTT. The user ID used to create a temporary table will
have all privileges on the table. Each application that creates a temporary table will have
its own independent copy as shown in Figure 8.3.

Figure 8.3 – Scope of declared global temporary tables

Listing 8.8 illustrates the scope limitations of declared global temporary tables. It assumes
a user temporary table spaces has already been created.
From DB2 Command Window #1:

db2 connect to sample

db2 declare global temporary table mydgtt (col1 int, col2 varchar(10)) on
commit preserve rows
db2 insert into session.mydgtt values (1,'hello1'),(2,'hello2'),
db2 select * from session.mydgtt

----------- ----------
1 hello1
2 hello2
3 hello3
3 record(s) selected.

From DB2 Command Window #2:

db2 connect to sample
db2 select * from session.mydgtt
150 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

SQL0204N "SESSION.MYDGTT" is an undefined name. SQLSTATE=42704

Listing 8.8 - Working with DGTTs - scope

As you can see from Listing 8.8 when you try to use SESSION.MYDGTT in the second
session (DB2 Command Window #2), you receive an error because the DGTT was not
defined in that session. Note that the DGTT definition uses the ON COMMIT PRESERVE
ROWS clause because working in the DB2 Command Window will commit by default on
each statement entered.

8.3.6 Create Global Temporary Tables (CGTTs)

While DGTTs allow you to create a temporary table, the table definition cannot be shared
across different connections or sessions. Every time a session is established, the
DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement has to be executed. With Create
Global Temporary Tables (CGTTs) on the other hand, the temporary table definition only
needs to be created once as it is permanently stored in the DB2 catalog. This means that
other connections can simply use the table without having to create it again. Though the
table structure can be used immediately, the data for each connection is independent from
each other, and will disappear after the connection closes. For an example, let's take a look
at Listing 8.9. It assumes a user temporary table space has already been created.
From DB2 Command Window #1:
db2 connect to sample
db2 create global temporary table mycgtt (col1 int, col2 varchar(10)) on
commit preserve rows
db2 insert into mycgtt values (1,'hello1'),(2,'hello2'), (3,'hello3')
db2 select * from mycgtt

----------- ----------
1 hello1
2 hello2
3 hello3
3 record(s) selected.

From DB2 Command Window #2:

db2 connect to sample
db2 select * from mycgtt

----------- ----------
0 record(s) selected.

Listing 8.9 - Working with CGTTs - scope

Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 151

In Listing 8.9, we saw that within DB2 Command Window #2 (another session or
connection), there is no need to create the CGTT again, you can simply reference it;
however, no rows are returned because the data was particular to the first session.

A view is a representation of the data in tables. The data for the view is not stored
separately, but is obtained when the view is invoked. Nested views, that is, a view created
based on other views, are supported. All view information is kept in the following DB2
catalog views: SYSCAT.VIEWS, SYSCAT.VIEWDEP, and SYSCAT.TABLES. Listing 8.10
provides an example of how to create and use a view.






------ ------------- --------------
Listing 8.10 - Working with views

8.5 Indexes
An index is an ordered set of keys each of which points to a row in a table. An index allows
for uniqueness, and it also improves performance. Some of the characteristics that you can
define on indexes:
ƒ The index order can be ascending or descending
ƒ The index keys can be unique or non-unique
ƒ Several columns can be used for the index (this is called a compound index)
ƒ If the index and the physical data are clustered in similar index sequence, they are
a cluster index
For example:
152 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX artno_ix ON artists (artno)

8.5.1 Design Advisor

The Design Advisor is an excellent tool to advise you on the optimal design of your
database for a given SQL workload. The design advisor can help you with the design of
your indexes, Materialized Query Tables (MQTs), Multi-dimension clustering (MDC), and
the database partitioning feature. The Design Advisor is invoked from the Control Center;
right-click on a database and select Design Advisor as shown in Figure 8.4.

Figure 8.4 – Invoking the Design Advisor from the Control Center
Figure 8.5 shows the Design Advisor. Follow the steps in this wizard to obtain the design
recommendations from DB2.
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 153

Figure 8.5 –The Design Advisor

8.6 Referential integrity

Referential integrity allows your database to manage relationships between tables. You
can establish parent-child type of relationships between tables as shown in Figure 8.6. In
the figure, there are two tables, DEPARTMENT and EMPLOYEE, related by the
department number. The WORKDEPT column in the EMPLOYEE table can only contain
department numbers that already exist in the DEPARTMENT table. This is because in this
example, the DEPARTMENT table is the parent table, and the EMPLOYEE table is the
child, or dependent, table. The figure also shows the necessary CREATE TABLE
statement for the EMPLOYEE table needed to establish the relationship.
154 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 8.6 –An example of referential integrity between tables

In referential integrity, the following concepts listed in Table 8.1 are often used.

Concept Description

Parent table A controlling data table in which the parent key exists

Dependent table A table dependent on the data in the parent table. It also contains a
foreign key. For a row to exist in a dependent table, a matching row
must already exist within a parent table.

Primary Key Defines the parent key of the parent table. It cannot contain NULL
values and values must be unique. A primary key consists of one or
more columns within a table.

Foreign Key References the primary key of a parent table

Table 8.1 - Referential Integrity key concepts
Data in tables can be related to data in one or more tables with referential integrity.
Constraints can also be imposed on data values so that they conform to a certain property
or business rule. For example, if a table column stores the sex of a person, the constraint
can enforce that the only values allowed are “M” for male, and “F” for female.

8.7 Schema Evolution

When business needs change, the supporting information technology (IT) infrastructure
and systems must also change. What this means in the database world is that new tables
have to be created, existing tables have to be dropped or modified, trigger logic has to
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 155

change, and so on. Though these changes seem simple to make, in reality, they can be
difficult and complex. Long maintenance windows are required, and intricate, risky
procedures must be performed. One of the reasons these changes were difficult to make
previously was that DB2 required all objects to be consistent at all times, and therefore,
actions affecting objects which depend on the object being changed were either not
allowed, or would cause the dependent objects to be dropped. Figure 8.7 provides a
sample scenario.

Figure 8.7 –Schema evolution sample scenario

As an example, in Figure 8.7, the definition of View1 needs to change so that it's not just
based on TableQ1 with a company’s first quarter financial information, but on TableQ1
and TableQ2 with first and second quarter information, respectively. Normally you would
have to drop View1 and recreate it with the new definition; however, View2 is dependant
on View1. Prior to DB2 9.7, DB2 would not allow you to drop View1 because of the
dependant View2. You would have to drop View2 first, so that you could drop View1 and
then reconstruct both views. With DB2 9.7, rules have been relaxed. Now changes that
affect dependant objects are allowed. The dependant object (View2 in the example), must
be revalidated before it is used, but this is done automatically for you. This is known as
automatic revalidation. The db cfg parameter AUTO_REVAL is used to turn on or off
automatic revalidation and to determine when revalidation will occur. For example, if you
set this parameter to DEFERRED_FORCE, revalidation will be deferred until the invalid
object or dependant objects are accessed, but CREATE statements will be allowed (with a
warning) on dependant object that don't yet exist.
Other changes affecting the dependency model include the implementation of features like
CREATE OR REPLACE syntax for views, functions, procedures, triggers, aliases, and so
on. For example:
create or replace procedure p1 begin ... end

With this syntax, if an object (for example, procedure P1) didn't exist, it would be created. If
it existed before, it would be replaced. This second behavior is what is important for object
dependency. When P1 is replaced, objects dependant on P1 are automatically revalidated.
A similar situation happens for new features like RENAME COLUMN, and for data type
156 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

changes with ALTER COLUMN, which has also been enhanced to support more data type
A related concept known as soft invalidation allows users to drop an object even as other
running transactions are using it. Any new transactions will be denied access to the
dropped object.

8.8 Summary
In this chapter we took a look at the database objects in DB2: what they are, how they are
created and how to use them. We introduced database schemas and compared them with
the new public synonyms, as well as how public synonyms compare to private synonyms.
Next, we discussed tables and their elements in depth: data types (both built-in and user-
defined), identity columns, sequence objects, and global temporary tables. This was
followed by looking at views, indexes and using the Design Advisor GUI to improve the
accessibility and retrievabliity of the data inside a table.
Finally, we examined referential integrity to define relationships between tables, and the
new concept of schema evolution which allows for data objects to be changed without
unnecessary complication.

8.9 Exercises
So far, you have been using the existing tables in the SAMPLE database to illustrate
concepts. Eventually, you will need to create your own tables in a database. In this
exercise, you will use the Create Table Wizard to create two new tables in the SAMPLE
1. Launch the Create Table Wizard as previously shown in the chapter. (Control
Center -> All Databases -> SAMPLE -> (right-click) Tables object -> Create …)
2. Define the table name, column definitions, and any constraints. The table will be
used to store information about the office supplies used by a project in the SAMPLE
database. Each time supplies are purchased, a row will be added to this table. The
table will have six columns:
- product_id: unique identifier of the item being purchased
- description: description of the item
- quantity: the quantity purchased
- cost: the cost of the item
- image: a picture of the item (if available)
- project_num: the project this product has been purchased for
Chapter 8 – Working with Database Objects 157

3. In the first page of the wizard, for the schema name, enter the user ID you are
currently logged on as, and use the following table name: SUPPLIES. You can also
optionally enter a comment. Click the Next button to continue to the next page of
the wizard.
4. From this page, you can add columns to the table. Click the ADD button to add

5. Enter the column name product_id and select the data type: INTEGER. Uncheck
Nullable, and click the Apply button to define the column.
6. Repeat this step for the remaining columns of the table using the options shown in
the table below. Once all columns have been added (Applied), click the OK button
and the list of the columns you just created should be summarized. Click the Next
button to continue to the next page of the wizard.
Column Name Attributes
product_id (completed) INTEGER, NOT NULL
description VARCHAR, length 40, NOT NULL
cost DECIMAL, Precision 7, Scale 2, NOT NULL
project_num CHAR, length 6, NOT NULL
158 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Note: The NOT LOGGED option can be specified when declaring LOB columns. It
is mandatory for columns greater than 1GB in size. It is also generally
recommended for LOBs larger than 10MB, as changes to large columns can quickly
fill the log file. Even if NOT LOGGED is used, changes to LOB files during a
transaction can still be successfully rolled back. Also notice that the image column
is the only one defined as a NULLABLE column. Why do you think that the column
was defined like this?
7. At this point, all the mandatory information for creating a table has been provided.
By skipping the other panels in the wizard, you are choosing the default values for
those options. You can always add keys and constraints after a table has been
8. Add a constraint to the table to restrict values on the quantity column. On the
Constraint page of the wizard, click the ADD button. In the Check Name field,
enter: valid_quantities. In the Check Condition field, enter: quantity > 0
Click the OK button. You should see a summary of the constraint you just added in
the Constraint page of the wizard. Click the Next button to continue to the next
page of the wizard.
9. You can continue going through the wizard, changing the other parameters of the
table. Alternatively, you can skip to the Summary page, or simply click the Finish
button to create the table.
10. From Control Center, click on the Tables folder under the SAMPLE database in the
Object Tree pane. The table you just created should now appear in the list. It might
be necessary to refresh the Control Center view in order to see the changes.
11. Let's now test implicit casting using the table STAFF in the SAMPLE database. Try
the following:
C:\>db2 describe table staff
Note that the ID column is defined as a SMALLINT

C:\>db2 select * from staff where id = '350' --> Note '350' is a string
C:\>db2 select * from staff where id = 350 --> Note 350 is a number

In both cases, the output should be:

------ --------- ------ ----- ------ --------- ---------
350 Gafney 84 Clerk 5 43030.50 188.00

In the first SELECT statement using '350' as a string, DB2 is performing the
implicit casting to a number (SMALLINT).
Chapter 9 – Data Movement Utilities
The tools or commands described in this section are used to move data within the same
database or across databases in the same or different platforms. Figure 9.1 provides an
overview of the data movement utilities.

Figure 9.1 – Data movement utilities

In Figure 9.1 there are two databases, database A, and B. Using the EXPORT utility, one
can export the data from a table into a file. The file can have any of these formats:
ƒ DEL = Delimited ASCII
ƒ WSF = Worksheet format
ƒ IXF = Integrated Exchange Format
ASC and DEL files are text files that can be opened and reviewed in any text editor. WSF
is a format that can be used to move data to spreadsheets such as Excel or Lotus® 1-2-3.
IXF is a format that not only includes the data but also the Data Definition Language (DDL)
of the table in question. The IXF format is convenient because when the table needs to be
reconstructed, it can be done directly from a file with an IXF formatted export; this is not
possible if you use the other formats.
Once the data has been exported to a file, the IMPORT utility can be used to import the
data from the file into another table. The table must exist beforehand for the ASC, DEL and
WSF format, but it does not need to exist for the IXF format. Another method to load the
data into a table is to use the LOAD utility. The LOAD utility is faster as it goes directly to
the database pages without interacting with the DB2 engine; however, this method does
160 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

not make a check for constraints, and triggers are not fired. To guarantee consistency of
the data loaded using LOAD, the SET INTEGRITY command is often used afterwards.
The next sections describe the EXPORT, IMPORT, and LOAD utilities in more detail.
For more information about working with data movement utilities, watch this video:

9.1 EXPORT utility

The EXPORT utility is used to extract data from a table into a file as discussed earlier.
Behind the scenes, an SQL SELECT operation is what is really being performed. The
following example exports to the file employee.ixf of IXF format 10 rows from the table
EXPORT TO employee.ixf OF IXF
SELECT * FROM employee

We encourage you to try the above example. The employee table is part of the SAMPLE
database, so you first need to connect to this database created in a previous chapter.
If you prefer to work with GUI tools, the EXPORT utility can also be invoked from the
Control Center as shown in Figure 9.2.
Chapter 9 – Data Movement Utilities 161

Figure 9.2 – Launching the EXPORT table dialog

As shown in the figure, you first select the employee table by clicking it once, and then right
click on the table to obtain a pop-up menu from where you can choose the Export option.
After choosing this option, a wizard will come up. Simply follow the steps the wizard
provides to complete the operation.

9.2 IMPORT utility

The IMPORT utility is used to load data from a file into a table as discussed earlier. Behind
the scenes, an SQL INSERT operation is really being executed. As an INSERT operation
is being executed, any triggers are activated, all constraints are enforced immediately, and
the database bufferpool is used. The following example loads all the data from the IXF
formatted file employee.ixf into the table employee_copy. We encourage you to try
the example, but you need to have run the EXPORT utility in the previous section.
IMPORT FROM employee.ixf OF IXF
INTO employee_copy

The REPLACE_CREATE option is one of many options available with the IMPORT utility.
This option replaces the contents of the employee_copy table if it previously existed
162 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

before the IMPORT utility was executed, or it will create the table and load the data if the
table didn’t already exist.
If you prefer to work from the Control Center, you can launch the IMPORT utility by
selecting any table, right-clicking on it, and choosing the Import option as shown in Figure

Figure 9.3 – Launching the IMPORT dialog

9.3 LOAD utility

The LOAD utility is a faster way to load data from a file into a table. As discussed before,
the LOAD utility does not go through the DB2 engine, therefore triggers are not activated,
the bufferpool is not used, and constraints can be enforced but only as a separate step.
On the other hand, a LOAD operation is faster than IMPORT as it is a low level data loader
directly accessing the data pages on disk. It works in three phases: LOAD, BUILD, and
The following example loads all the data from the IXF formatted file employee.ixf into
the table employee_copy. The REPLACE option is one of the many options available with
LOAD. In this case it is used to REPLACE all of the contents of the employee_copy table.
LOAD FROM employee.ixf OF IXF
REPLACE INTO employee_copy
Chapter 9 – Data Movement Utilities 163

After executing the above command, the table space where your table resides may have
been placed in CHECK PENDING state. This means you need to run the SET INTEGRITY
command to check the consistency of your data. The following example shows you how:
SET INTEGRITY FOR employee_copy

If you prefer to work from the Control Center, you can launch the LOAD and the SET
INTEGRITY utilities as shown in Figure 9.4 and 9.5 respectively.

Figure 9.4 – Launching the LOAD utility

164 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 9.5 – Launching the SET INTEGRITY wizard

9.4 The db2move utility

The EXPORT, IMPORT, and LOAD utilities work on one table at a time. Though you could
write a script to generate the above commands for each table in a database, another utility
called db2move can do this for you. The db2move utility can only work with IXF files, and
the file names will automatically be generated by db2move. The examples below show
how to run db2move with the export, and import options respectively using the SAMPLE
db2move sample export
db2move sample import

The Control Center does not have an option for db2move.

9.5 The db2look utility

While EXPORT, IMPORT, LOAD and db2move utilities allow you to move data from one
table to another, either within one database or across several databases, the db2look
utility can be used to extract the DDL statements, database statistics and table space
characteristics for a database and store them in a script file that can later be run on another
system. For example, if you want to clone a database from a DB2 server running on Linux
Chapter 9 – Data Movement Utilities 165

to a DB2 server running on Windows; you would first run the db2look utility on the DB2
Linux server to obtain the structure of the database and store this structure on a script file.
You would then copy this script file to the DB2 Windows server, and execute the script to
start building the cloned database. At this point, the structure of the database has been
cloned. The next step would be to run the db2move utility with the export option in the DB2
Linux server, and then copy all the generated files to the DB2 Windows server, then
execute the db2move with either of the import or load options. Once this is done, your
database is fully cloned from one server to another on a different platform.
The above scenario may be needed when working with databases on different platforms
such as Linux and Windows. If both servers are running on the same platform, you would
likely use the backup and restore commands, which make this process easier and more
straight-forward. The backup and restore commands are discussed in more detail in a
later chapter of this book.
The following example extracts the table space and bufferpool layouts, along with the DDL
statements from the SAMPLE database, and stores them into the file sample.ddl. We
encourage you to run the command below and review the output text file sample.ddl.

The db2look command has too many options to describe in this book; however you can
use the –h flag to obtain a brief description of the available options:
db2look -h
The db2look utility can also be invoked from the Control Center as shown in Figure 9.6
166 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 9.6 - Extracting DDL from the Control Center

In Figure 9.6, select the database from which you want to obtain the DDL, right click on it,
and choose Generate DDL. The Generate DDL window appears, showing several
extraction options, as shown in Figure 9.7.

Figure 9.7 - Extracting DDL from the Control Center

Chapter 9 – Data Movement Utilities 167

9.6 Summary
In this chapter, we discussed the various export and import functions of DB2. Beginning
with a look at the various export formats (ASC, DEL, WSF, and IXF), we moved onto an in-
depth examination of the EXPORT utility. The import utilities IMPORT and LOAD were then
discussed, along with the need for the SET INTEGRITY statement when using LOAD.
The db2move command provides you with a means to simplify the exporting and importing
transfer process. A more complex command, db2look, allows you to extract and store all
the database elements needed to independently recreate the entire database if desired.

9.7 Exercises
When you clone a database, your goal should be to recreate the database in a manner that
is as straightforward and repeatable as possible. This is usually done using SQL scripts,
which can be immediately executed after DB2 has been installed. In this exercise, you will
extract the object definitions from the EXPRESS database (created in an earlier exercise)
using the Control Center.
12. Open the Control Center.
13. Right-click on the EXPRESS database in the object tree and select the Generate
DDL menu item. This launches the Generate DDL dialog window.
14. In the Generate DDL window, specify options for the generated DDL, as shown
below. If you created additional objects in your environment, such as table spaces,
buffer pools, etc., you would select them here. Since you have not created these
types of objects, uncheck the box. Database statistics have not been included
because the production environment will likely contain a different set of statistics
than the development environment. Similarly, configuration parameters will likely
be different as well. In your own environment, if everything is configured exactly
the way it will be deployed, you may choose to include those additional options.
168 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

15. Move to the Object tab. You are able to specifically choose which objects you want
to generate DDL. In this case, select the user and schema you have been using to
create all your objects in and generate the DDL for all objects in that schema. Click
the Generate button to start DDL generation.
Chapter 9 – Data Movement Utilities 169

16. Review the resulting DDL. The result of the previous step is a single script with all
the SQL statements for the chosen objects. You will now organize this script into
logical groupings.
17. Create a directory called C:\express in the file system and save the generated
DDL file in this new directory to a file called schema.ddl. (Click the Save button)

18. Open the newly saved file in Command Editor. (Hint: From Command Editor,
choose File -> Open)
19. Although we only really wanted the DDL for tables, you will notice that DDL for
other database objects is included as well. Move all the CREATE TRIGGER
statements into a separate new file called triggers.ddl. Even though we only
created one trigger, it is generally a best practice to separate objects by types.
20. For now, we also recommend removing all:
ƒ CONNECT TO database statements
ƒ DISCONNECT statements
You should have two scripts at this point:

C:\express\schema.ddl containing the DDL for tables, views, indexes, and

C:\express\triggers.ddl containing the DDL for triggers
21. Cleanse the script for deployment:
ƒ Remove unnecessary comments (e.g. -- CONNECT TO…)
ƒ Separate the functions and procedures into their own files (useful when there
are a lot of functions and procedures). You might also want to group them by
function or application (e.g. billing.ddl, math.ddl, stringfunc.ddl,
22. You may have noticed that a special character is being used to delimit the end of
the triggers, functions and procedures (@). This is necessary in order to delimit the
end of the CREATE <object> statement as opposed to the end of a procedural
statement within the object.
Chapter 10 – Database Security
This chapter discusses how security is handled in DB2. Figure 10.1 provides a basic

Figure 10.1 – DB2 security overview

As shown in Figure 10.1, DB2 security consists of two parts:
ƒ Authentication
It is the process by which the user identity is validated. Authentication is performed
by a security facility outside of DB2 through a security plug-in. The default security
plug-in relies on the operating system security, but you can also use plug-ins for
Kerberos, LDAP, or you can build your own custom-built authentication plug-in.
When using the default OS-based authentication plug-in, the userid and password
are sent to the database server (e.g. as part of a connect statement). The database
server then invokes the OS authentication to validate the userid and password.
ƒ Authorization
At this stage, DB2 checks if the authenticated user may perform the requested
operation. The authorization information is stored in a DB2 catalog and a DBM
configuration file.
For example, in Figure 10.1, user bob connects to the SAMPLE database with this
CONNECT TO sample USER bob USING pwd

Both bob and pwd are passed to the operating system or external authentication facility to
perform the authentication approval, verifying that a user named bob is already defined,
172 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

and that the password provided matches that user. If this part is successful, the operating
system will return security control to DB2. Next, when user bob executes a statement such
SELECT * FROM mytable

DB2 takes over security control to perform the authorization check and confirm that user
bob has SELECT privilege on table mytable. If the authorization check fails, DB2 will
return an error message, otherwise the statement will be executed against mytable.

For more information about working with DB2 security, watch this video:

10.1 Authentication
Although the actual authentication is performed by the operating system through the
default security plug-in (or another external security facility), DB2 does decide at which
level this authentication occurs.
The database configuration parameter AUTHENTICATION, set at the DB2 server, has a
range of possible values. For example, when the parameter is set to SERVER (the default),
the authentication is performed by the operating system or external security facility on the
server. However, if AUTHENTICATION is set to CLIENT, the authentication is performed
by the operating system or external security facility at the client. This is shown in Figure

Figure 10.2 – Where authentication takes place

The AUTHENTICATION parameter can be set to any of the values listed in Table 10.1
Chapter 10 – Database Security 173

Command Description

SERVER (default) Authentication takes place at the server

CLIENT Authentication takes place on the client

Like SERVER except user IDs and

passwords are encrypted

Authentication takes place using a Kerberos

security mechanism

Server authentication plus connections must

use data encryption

Like above, except data encryption only

used when available

Authentication uses an external GSS API-

based plug-in security mechanism

Table 10.1 – Valid AUTHENTICATION parameter values

10.2 Authorization
Authorization consists of the privileges, authorities, roles, and label-based access control
(LBAC) credentials that are stored in DB2 system tables and are managed by DB2.
A privilege allows a user to execute a single type of operation against the database, such
A role allows you to group together different privileges that you can grant to a user, group,
or other roles.
An authority is a predefined role consisting of several privileges.
Label-based Access Control (LBAC) credentials include policies and labels supporting
granular access to specific rows and columns by given users. LBAC is not included with
DB2 Express-C, but you can read more about it in Chapter 2.

10.2.1 Privileges
Figure 10.3 shows some of the different privileges in DB2.
174 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 10.3 – Listing of some DB2 privileges

A user or group receiving CONTROL privileges implies that they can also grant the
privilege to some other user or group. Refer to the DB2 Information Center for details about
the other different privileges.

10.2.2 Authorities
Authorities are classified in two groups:
ƒ Instance-level authorities: These authorities can operate at the instance level. For
example, SYSADM.
ƒ Database-level authorities: These authorities can only operate at the database
level. For example, DBADM. Instance-level authorities
Table 10.2 lists the instance-level authorities
Chapter 10 – Database Security 175

Authority Description

SYSADM Manages the instance as a whole

SYSCTRL Administers a database manager instance

SYSMAINT Maintains databases within an instance

SYSMON Monitors the instance and its databases

Table 10.2 - Instance-level authorities
To grant SYSADM, SYSCTRL, SYSMAINT, or SYSMON authority to a group, the DBM
SYSMON_GROUP, respectively, can be assigned to an operating system group.
For example, to give SYSADM authority to the operating system group myadmns, you can
issue this command:
update dbm cfg using SYSADM_GROUP myadmns

Each DB2 instance has its own authority group definitions. On Windows, these parameters
are empty by default, which means the Local Administrators group will have SYSADM
authority. In DB2 9.7, the DB2ADMNS group (if extended security is enabled) and the
LocalSystem Account will also have SYSADM authority. The authorization ID for the
LocalSystem account is SYSTEM. On Linux, the instance owner group is the default
SYSADM group.
Figure 10.4, extracted from the DB2 Information Center, shows the different instance-level
authorities and the different functions they can perform. As the figure illustrates, a
SYSADM authority includes all the SYSCTRL functions and more. A SYSCTRL authority
includes all the SYSMAINT functions and more, and so on.
176 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 10.4 - Instance-level authorities and their functions Database-level authorities

Table 10.3 lists the database-level authorities.
Chapter 10 – Database Security 177

Authority Description

SECADM Manages security within a database

DBADM Administers a database

Grants and revokes authorities and privileges (other than SECADM,

DBADM, ACCESSCTRL, and DATAACCESS authority. Note that
SECADM authority is required to grant and revoke these authorities)

Provides the ability to access data in a database.


SQLADM Monitors and tunes SQL queries

WLMADM Manages workloads

EXPLAIN Users who need to explain query plans (EXPLAIN authority does not give
access to the data itself)
Table 10.3 - Database-level authorities
In order to grant a database-level authority, use the GRANT statement. For example, to
grant DBADM on the SAMPLE database to user bob, use:
connect to sample
grant DBADM on database to user bob

In the above example, you first need to connect to the database, in this case the SAMPLE
database, and then you can grant DBADM to a user. To grant DBADM authority and any
other database-level authorities, you need to be SECADM.
Note that a DBADM cannot create table spaces, even though they are objects inside a
database, because a table space deals with containers (disks) and buffer pools (memory)
which are physical resources of the system. This can be done by a SYSADM.
Figure 10.5, taken from the DB2 Information Center, shows the different database-level
authorities and the functions they can perform.
178 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 10.5 - Database-level authorities and their functions

In DB2 9.7, to provide for better data privacy and governance compliance, the authorization
model has been updated to clearly separate the duties of the system administrator, the
database administrator, and the security administrator.
In general, the functional scope of several authorities has been reduced compared to
previous DB2 versions. For example, a SYSADM no longer has the rights to access data
from any database. A DBADM no longer has the rights to access data for the database he
administers. On the other hand, SECADM has gained more functionality such as the ability
to grant and revoke authorities and privileges to users, roles, and groups.
New authorities have also been created to allow for more granularity and control of your
system security. This also minimizes the risk of data exposure by not granting users more
than what they need to do their job. Enabling SYSADM and DBADM to work the same as versions of DB2 prior to
If you would like a SYSADM to behave the same as it did in versions of DB2 prior to DB2
9.7, there are two cases to consider:
Chapter 10 – Database Security 179

ƒ If the SYSADM is the creator of the database, then it automatically receives

DATAACCESS, ACCESSCTRL, SECADM and DBADM authority for that database.
This gives the SYSADM the same abilities as in versions of DB2 prior to 9.7.
ƒ If the SYSADM is not the creator of the database, then to obtain the same
capabilities as in previous versions of DB2 (except SECADM); a SECADM must
GRANT DBADM with DATAACCESS and ACCESSCTRL (which is the default) to
the SYSADM on the given database.
A few cases to consider for a SECADM:
ƒ The default SECADM is the creator of the database.
ƒ If a user with SECADM authority grants SECADM to a user with SYSADM authority,
then the SYSADM can grant SECADM to other users.
ƒ If a user with SECADM authority grants DBADM to a user, the DBADM also
receives DATAACCESS and ACCESSCTRL by default.
If you are migrating a DB2 9.5 database, the capabilities of SYSADM and DBADM will not
change because DB2 automatically grants DBADM, DATAACCESS and ACCESSCTRL to
the SYSADM group upon migration. DB2 also automatically grants DATAACCESS and
ACCESSCTRL to every authorization ID that holds DBADM upon migration. In addition,
DB2 automatically grants SECADM to the user ID doing the migration if there is no
authorization ID of type USER that holds SECADM in the database. SYSADM loses its
implicit ability to grant or revoke DBADM and SECADM which can now only be performed

10.2.3 Roles
Roles allow a security administrator to assign privileges or authorities to several users or
groups. Roles are very similar to groups, but they are defined within DB2, and therefore,
provide some advantages. For example, the privileges and authorities granted to roles are
always used when you create objects like views or triggers, which is not the case for
groups. On the other hand, you cannot assign instance-level authorities such as SYSADM
to a role, only privileges and database-level authorities; while for a group, all privileges and
authorities can be assigned.
Working with roles requires following several steps:
1. A security administrator (SECADM) must first create a role using a command like


2. Next, a DBADM must grant privileges or authorities to the role. For example, to
grant SELECT privilege on tables STAFF and DEPT in the SAMPLE database to role
TESTER, issue:
180 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C


3. Next, the security administrator grants the role TESTER to users RAUL and JIN:

4. Next, if JIN were to leave the TEST department, the security administrator revokes
the role TESTER from user JIN:

10.3 Group privilege considerations

If you decide to use groups instead of roles, take into consideration the following:
ƒ When a group is granted privileges, members of the group are granted implicit
privileges inherited through group memberships.
ƒ When a user is removed from a group, they lose the implicit group privileges, but
still retain any previous privileges that were explicitly granted. Privileges that were
explicitly given to a user must be explicitly revoked from the user.

10.4 The PUBLIC group

DB2 defines an internal group called PUBLIC. Any user identified by the operating system
or network authentication service is implicitly a member of the PUBLIC group. When a
database is created, certain privileges are granted to PUBLIC automatically:
For added security, we recommend revoking all privileges from the PUBLIC group as
shown below:

10.5 The GRANT and REVOKE statements

The GRANT and REVOKE statements are part of the SQL standard, and are used to give
or remove privileges to a user, group or role. The user issuing this command must have at
least ACCESSCTRL authority. Below are some examples of these statements:
To grant the SELECT privilege on table T1 to the user USER1:
Chapter 10 – Database Security 181


To grant all privileges on table T1 to the group GROUP1:


To revoke all privileges on table T1 from group GROUP1:


To grant EXECUTE privilege on procedure p1 to user USER1:


To revoke EXECUTE privilege on procedure p1 from user USER1:


10.6 Authorization and privilege checking

The easiest way to check for authorization and privileges is through the Control Center.
Figure 10.6 illustrates how to launch the Table Privileges dialog for the EMPLOYEE table
from the Control Center.

Figure 10.6 - Launching the Table Privileges dialog

182 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

As shown by Figure 10.6, you select the desired table, right-click on it, and choose
Privileges. Once selected, the Table Privileges dialog box appears as shown in Figure
10.7. This figure also explains the different fields and elements of the dialog box.

Figure 10.7 – The Table Privileges Dialog box

Alternatively, you can query the DB2 SYSCAT catalog views which contain the
authorization information. For example, if you would like to know if user DB2ADMIN has
SELECT privilege on table T2, and would like to know who granted this privilege, you could
run a query like this:
SELECT grantor, grantee, selectauth
FROM syscat.tabauth
WHERE tabname = 'T2'



In the above example, user ARFCHONG granted SELECT privilege to user DB2ADMIN.

10.7 Extended Security on Windows

To prevent access through the Windows operating system to DB2 files and directories
(such as the ones where DB2 stores instance information), DB2 enables by default
extended security at installation time. Extended security creates two groups:
Chapter 10 – Database Security 183

ƒ DB2ADMNS: This group and local administrators will have complete access to all
DB2 objects through the operating system.
ƒ DB2USERS: This group will have read and execute access to all DB2 objects
through the operating system.
With DB2 9.7 the members of the DB2ADMNS group will automatically have SYSADM
authority in DB2 if extended security is enabled and the database configuration parameter
SYSADM_GROUP is not set.

10.8 Summary
This chapter covered the security aspects of DB2, beginning with a comprehensive
discussion of the differences between and importance of authentication and authorization.
From there, we looked at the various authority levels that provide security for the instance
and the database.
Next, we covered the new concept of roles and how they can be used to your advantage
with regard to security and the limitations of setting security through groups. In particular,
the PUBLIC group was discussed, along with suggestions on how to secure it so that
general users are blocked from the data server.
In addition, the GRANT and REVOKE statements were examined, and finally, we looked at
how to use the Control Center and system catalog tables to check authorization and
privilege levels.

10.9 Exercises
So far, you have been using the instance administrator account (SYSADM) to issue all the
database commands. This account has wide access to all the utilities, data, and database
objects. Therefore, it is very important to safeguard this account in order to avoid
accidental or deliberate data loss. In most cases, you will want to create different user
accounts or groups with a limited set of permissions. In this exercise, you will create a new
user account, then assign it specific privileges.
Part 1 - Working with privileges
In this part of the exercise you will practice how to grant and revoke privileges to users
using the Control Center.
1. Open the Windows Computer Management console by right-clicking on the My
Computer icon on the desktop, and selecting the Manage menu item.
2. Expand the System Tools selection in the tree on the left pane of the window and
then expand the Local Users and Groups folder. Right-click on the User folder and
select the New User item.
184 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

3. In the New User dialog window, enter the following information: in the User name
field, enter customer and in the Full name field, enter Customer1. In the
Description field, enter A typical bookstore customer. In the Password and
Confirm password fields, enter ibmdb2ibm. Remove the checkmark from the User
must change password on next logon option, and click the Create button to create
the new user, and then the Close button to dismiss the dialog window.

4. Open the Control Center, and choose the advanced view. To switch to the
advanced view, select Tools ->Customize Control Center menu. Then select the
Advanced option and click the OK button.
5. Expand the Control Center object tree in the left object tree pane to All Databases -
> EXPRESS -> Tables.
6. Grant the required privileges to the newly created user. From the list of tables in
the EXPRESS database, right click the CUSTOMERS table, and select the Privileges
item to view the Table Privileges dialog window.
7. Click the Add User button and select the customer user just created. Click the OK
button to close the Add User dialog box.
8. You will notice that the customer user has been added to the user list, but has no
privileges assigned. To grant SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privileges
to the user, change each drop down box to Yes. An Internet customer should be
able to view/add/update/delete their account data. We do not give the user the
other permissions because they do not require them. Click the OK button to close
the Table Privileges dialog window and accept the changes you made.
Chapter 10 – Database Security 185

9. Repeat Steps 7-9 for the BOOKS and SALES tables. For the BOOKS table, only grant
the SELECT privilege because the customer should not be able to modify any of
the store’s inventory data. For the SALES table, only grant the SELECT and
INSERT privileges. The customer should NOT have the DELETE or UPDATE
privilege because only store employees should have access to modify sales
10. Connect to the database using the customer user ID created above using the
DB2 Command Window as follows:
db2 connect to express user customer using ibmdb2ibm

Try to SELECT data from the customers table. What happens? Try to DELETE
or UPDATE data in the SALES table. What happens?

Part 2 - Working with SYSADM, DBADM and SECADM authorities

In this part of the exercise, you will practice how to assign SYSADM and DBADM
authorities, and understand how these authorities work.
1. Follow the same steps as in part 1 to create one new user: mysysadm
186 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

2. Create the mysysadmgrp Windows group. Follow the same steps used to create a
user, but instead of right-clicking on the Users folder, right-click on the Groups
folder and choose New Group. For the Group name field, enter mysysadmgrp. In
the Members section, click on Add to add a new member, and enter mysysadm.
Click on the Check Names button to confirm you entered the member correctly. If
you did, click on Create, then on Close.
3. Thus far you have created one user mysysadm and one group mysysadmgrp to
which user mysysadm belongs. This has all been done on the Windows operating
system. We now need to inform to DB2 that we want the mysysadmgrp group to
be the SYSADM group using this command from the DB2 Command Window:
db2 update dbm cfg using SYSADM_GROUP mysysadmgrp

Since the SYSADM_GROUP parameter is not dynamic, you need to stop and start
the instance. The force option in db2stop will guarantee all connections are
removed prior to the db2stop.
db2stop force

4. Connect to the SAMPLE database using the mysysadm user from the DB2
Command Window, and issue a SELECT * statement on table STAFF. Note that
you need to use the correct schema that was used when you created this table. In
the example below we use arfchong as the schema.
db2 connect to sample user mysysadm using ibmdb2ibm
db2 select * from arfchong.staff

You should receive an error message like this. Why? Are you not SYSADM?
SQL0551N "MYSYSADM" does not have the required authorization or
privilege to perform operation "SELECT" on object "ARFCHONG.STAFF".

Starting with DB2 9.7, SYSADM does not get DBADM authority by default, that's
why you received the error.

5. Using the Windows user that was used to create the SAMPLE database, connect to
the database. In the example, ARFCHONG is the user. Next grant DBADM without
DATAACCESS to mysysadm user, and try the SELECT on STAFF again as
mysysadm. Did it work? Why?
db2 connect to sample user arfchong using ibmdb2ibm
db2 grant dbadm without dataaccess on database to user mysysadm
db2 connect to sample user mysysadm using ibmdb2ibm
db2 select * from arfchong.staff
Chapter 10 – Database Security 187

As you saw, you still get the same error message even after mysysadm was
granted DBADM. This behavior is expected because we included the clause
WITHOUT DATAACCESS which means that the DATAACCESS authority was not
included, therefore mysysadm still does not have the authority to access the data.
This shows you an example of how you can restrict access to data to the DBADM.
6. Let's now grant DATAACCESS to mysysadm and try again the SELECT.
db2 connect to sample user arfchong using ibmdb2ibm
db2 grant DATAACCESS on database to user mysysadm
db2 connect to sample user mysysadm using ibmdb2ibm
db2 select * from arfchong.staff

Now your SELECT should work!. This exercise shows you the new behavior for
SYSADM and DBADM starting with DB2 9.7. The main idea you should take from
this exercise is that now there is a separation between data access, and what a
SYSADM and DBADM can do.

7. Reset the value of SYSADM_GROUP to NULL so that the Local Administrator

group and LocalSystem account again become SYSADM:
db2 update dbm cfg using sysadm_group NULL
db2stop force
Chapter 11 – Backup and Recovery
In this chapter, we discuss DB2 database logging, how to make a full or partial copy of your
database using the BACKUP utility, and how to recover your data using the RESTORE
For more information about logging, backup, and recovery, watch this video:

11.1 Database Logging

If you were working with a text editor, every time you want to ensure your document is
saved, you click the save button. In the database world, a COMMIT statement does just
that. Every time a COMMIT statement is executed, you guarantee that whatever changes
were made to the data, they will be saved somewhere.
In a similar way, when you work with a text document, sometimes you will see at the
bottom right corner a brief message saying “auto-saving”. In the database world, this
happens as well, because any operation you perform against the data, such as an
UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE, will be saved somewhere as you perform it.
That “somewhere” in the preceding paragraphs refers to the database logs. The database
logs are stored on disk and are used to record actions of transactions. If there is a system
or database crash, logs are used to playback and redo committed transactions during a
Figure 11.1 provides a graphical overview of what happens when you are working with a
database in terms of logging.
190 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 11.1 – Database logging

In Figure 11.1, we see a table space and logs. Both of them reside on disks, although we
recommend that they are not kept on the same disk. When an UPDATE operation takes
place for example, the pages for the row(s) in question will be brought to the buffer pool
(memory). The update changes are performed in the buffer pool, and the old and new
values will be stored in the log files, sometimes immediately, and sometimes when a log
buffer is full. If a COMMIT is issued after the UPDATE, the old and new value will be stored
in the log files immediately. This process is repeated for many other SQL operations that
are performed on the database. Only when certain conditions are met, such as reaching
the change page threshold specified in the CHNGPGS_THRES parameter, are the pages
in the buffer pool “externalized” and written to the table space disk. The
CHNGPGS_THRES parameter indicates the percentage of the buffer pool with “dirty”
pages, that is, pages containing changes.
From a performance point of view, it does not make sense to perform two writes for each
COMMIT operation: One to write to the logs, and another one to write to the table space
disk; that’s why “externalization” of the data to the table space disk only occurs when
parameters such as the CHNGPGS_THRES threshold are reached.

11.2 Types of logs

There are two types of logs:
ƒ Primary logs
These are pre-allocated and the number of primary logs available is determined by
the LOGPRIMARY database configuration parameter.
ƒ Secondary logs
These are dynamically allocated as needed by DB2. The maximum number of
secondary logs is set by the database configuration parameter LOGSECOND.
Dynamically allocating a log is costly; therefore, for day to day operations, stay
within your primary log allocation. Secondary log files are deleted when all the
connections to a database are terminated.
Chapter 11 – Backup and Recovery 191

Infinite logging is possible if you set LOGSECOND to a value of -1; however, this is not
recommended as you may run out of file system space.

11.3 Types of logging

There are two types of logging: circular logging (default) and archive logging.

11.3.1 Circular logging

Circular logging is the default, and is enabled when both of the LOGARCHMETH1 and
LOGARCHMETH2 database configuration parameters are set to OFF. These parameters
indicate the method used to archive the logs, but if you turn them off, that means you do
not want to archive the logs, which is how circular logging works. Figure 11.2 outlines an
example illustrating circular logging.

Figure 11.2 – Working with primary and secondary logs

In Figure 11.2 there are 3 primary logs, therefore we can assume that the value of the
LOGPRIMARY parameter is 3. For simplicity, there is only one transaction being performed
in this example. As the transaction is performed, the log file P1 starts filling up, and then
P2. If a commit occurs and the information is later externalized to the table space disk, then
P1 and P2 can be overwritten, because the information is no longer needed for crash
recovery (which will be discussed in more detail later in this chapter). If, on the other hand,
the transaction is so long that it uses P1, P2, P3, and still needs more log space because
the transaction has not been committed nor externalized, then a secondary log (S1 in the
figure) is dynamically allocated. If the transaction continues, more secondary logs are
allocated until the maximum LOGSECOND logs are allocated. If still more logs are needed,
an error message indicating a log full condition is reached will be returned to the user, and
the transaction will be rolled back. Alternatively, you can configure DB2 using the
BLK_LOG_DSK_FUL configuration parameter to continue writing to the logs every 5
minutes while letting some transactions hang. This gives the DBA some time to find new
space, so that the transaction can continue.
Circular logging allows you to recover from crash recovery, but if you want to recover your
data to a given point in time, the closest available time would when you took your last
offline backup.
192 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

11.3.2 Archive logging

In archive logging, also known as log retain logging, the log files are not overwritten, but
are kept, either online or offline. Online archive logs remain with the active logs which are
still needed for crash recovery. Offline archive logs are moved to another media such as
tape, and this can be done with USEREXIT routines, Tivoli Storage Manager, or other third
party archival products.
To enable archive logging set the database configuration parameters LOGARCHMETH1 or
LOGARCHMETH2 (or both) to a value other than OFF. Another way to enable it is to set
the LOGRETAIN configuration parameter to RECOVERY. This will automatically cause
LOGARCHMETH1 to be set to LOGRETAIN. However, the LOGRETAIN parameter is
deprecated and has been left mainly for compatibility with older versions of DB2.
Archive logging is normally used in production systems; because the logs are kept, this
allows for database recovery back to point in time as early as the oldest log file. With
archive logging, a DBA can recover from errors caused by humans. For example, if a user
of a system inadvertently starts performing an incorrect transaction that lasts for days, then
when the problem is detected, the DBA can restore the system back to the time before the
problem was introduced. However, there may be some manual manipulation required for
the transaction to rerun correctly.
Archive logging is required for roll forward recovery and on-line backup. Figure 11.3 depicts
the archive logging process.

Figure 11.3 – Archive logging

Chapter 11 – Backup and Recovery 193

11.4 Database logging from the Control Center

You can configure database logging from the Control Center by right-clicking on the
database in question, and choosing Configure Database Logging. This is depicted in
Figure 11.4

Figure 11.4 – Configuring database logging from the Control Center.

Figure 11.5 shows the Database Logging Wizard, where you can choose circular logging or
Archive logging.
194 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 11.5 – Database Logging Wizard

11.5 Logging parameters

There is a number of DB CFG parameters related to logging. Table 11.1 lists the main

Parameter Description

logbufsz The amount of memory to use as a buffer for log records before
writing these records to disk

logfilsz The size of each configured log, in number of 4KB pages

logprimary The number of primary logs of size logfilsz that will be created

logsecond The number of secondary log files that are created and used for
recovery, if needed.

newlogpath The database active and online archive logs are initially created under
your database directory, in subdirectory SQLOGDIR. You can change
Chapter 11 – Backup and Recovery 195

this location by changing the value of this configuration parameter to

point to a different directory or to a device.

mirrorlogpath To protect the logs on the primary log path from disk failure or
accidental deletion, you can specify that an identical set of logs be
maintained on a secondary (mirror) log path

logarchmeth1 / Specifies a location other than the active log path to store archive log
logarchmeth2 files. If both of these parameters are specified, each log file is
archived twice. This means that you will have two copies of archived
log files in two different locations. Possible values are OFF (which
means circular logging is enabled), LOGRETAIN, USEREXIT, DISK,

loghead The name of the log file that is currently active

softmax Limits cost of crash recovery

overflowlogpath Specifies a location for DB2 to find log files that are needed for a
rollforward operation. Similar to the OVERFLOW LOG PATH option of
the ROLLFORWARD command.

blk_log_dsk_ful Set to prevent disk full errors from being generated when DB2 cannot
create a new log file in the active log path. Instead, DB2 will attempt to
create the log file every five minutes until it succeeds. Unblocked,
read-only SQL may continue.

max_log Percent of max active log space by one transaction

num_log_span Number. of active log files for 1 active UOW

mincommit Number of commits to group before writing to disk

Table 11.1 – Logging parameters

11.6 Database backup

The DB2 backup command allows you to take a snapshot copy of your database at the
time the command is executed. The simplest syntax that you can use to run this command
BACKUP DATABASE <dbname> [ TO <path> ]

Most commands and utilities can be performed online or offline. Online implies that other
users may be connected and performing operations on the database while you execute
196 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

your command. Offline means that no other users are connected to the database while you
perform your operation. To allow for an online operation, add the keyword ONLINE to the
command syntax, otherwise, by default the command will be assuming you are executing it
For example, if you want to back up the database SAMPLE to the path C:\BACKUPS you
can issue this command from the DB2 Command Window or Linux shell:

Note that the C:\BACKUPS directory must exist prior to executing the command. Also
ensure there are no connections to the database when you execute the above command,
otherwise you will receive an error message since an offline backup cannot be performed
when there are connections.
To find out if there are connections to databases in an instance, issue this command from
the DB2 command window or Linux shell:
db2 list applications

To force all the connections from all databases in an instance, issue this command from
the DB2 command window or Linux shell:
db2 force applications all

You may not want to run this last command in a production environment with many users;
otherwise you would receive many calls from angry co-workers! Note as well that the last
command runs asynchronously. This means than when you try to run the backup
command right after, it may still not work. Wait a few seconds, and repeat the backup
command if you received an error the first time.
After a successful execution of the backup command, a new file containing the backup
database image is created. The name of this file follows the convention shown in Figure

Figure 11.6 – Backup image naming convention

A type of “0” means that the backup is a full backup. A type of “3” means that it is a table
space backup. The node is fixed to NODE0000 for non-partitioned databases, which is the
Chapter 11 – Backup and Recovery 197

case for all DB2 editions except DB2 Enterprise Edition with the DPF feature. The catalog
node is also fixed to CATN0000. Refer to the DB2 manuals for more details.
When several backups are taken and stored in the same path, the timestamp at the end of
the file name is used to distinguish between the backup images. As we will see on the next
section, the RESTORE command can use this timestamp to restore from a specific

11.7 Database recovery

A database recovery implies restoring your database from a backup and/or logs. If you just
restore from a backup, you would be recreating the database as it existed at the time the
backup was taken.
If archive logging was enabled before the backup, you can not only restore using a backup
image, but also from the logs. As we will see in the next section, a roll-forward recovery
allows you to restore from a backup, and then apply (roll-forward) the logs to the end of the
logs, or to a specific point in time.
Note that the term “recovery” is used often in this section, but the command used for
recovery is called RESTORE.

11.7.1 Recovery types

There are three types of recovery:
ƒ Crash or restart recovery
Assume you are working on a desktop computer running important transactions to a
DB2 database. Suddenly there is a power outage, or someone accidentally unplugs the
power cord: what will happen to the database?
The next time you start your computer, and start DB2, crash recovery will automatically
be executed. In crash recovery, DB2 will automatically run the command RESTART
DATABASE and will read and redo/undo the transactions based on the active logs.
When this command completes, you are guaranteed that your database will be in a
consistent state, that is, whatever was committed will be saved, and whatever was not
committed will be rolled back.
ƒ Version or image recovery
This type of recovery implies that you are restoring only from a backup image;
therefore, your database would be put in the state it was at the time the backup was
taken. Any transactions performed on the database after the backup was taken would
be lost.
ƒ Roll-forward recovery
198 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

With this type of recovery, you not only RESTORE from a backup image, but you also
run the ROLLFORWARD command to apply the logs on top of the backup so that you
can recover to a specified point in time. This type of recovery minimizes data loss.

11.7.2 Database restore

Use the RESTORE command to recover a database from a backup image. The following
syntax is the simplest that can be used for this command:
RESTORE DATABASE <dbname> [from <path>] [taken at <timestamp>]

For example, if you had a backup image file of the sample database with this name:

You could perform the following:

RESTORE DB sample FROM <path> TAKEN AT 20060314131259

11.8 Other operations with BACKUP and RESTORE

The following lists some of the things that you can also do with the BACKUP and
RESTORE commands. We encourage you to review the DB2 manuals for additional
ƒ Backup a database in a 32-bit instance, and restore it on a 64-bit instance
ƒ Restore over an existing database
ƒ Use of a redirected restore when restoring into a system where there are a different
number of disks than what was specified in the backup image
ƒ Backup or restore just by table space, rather than the entire database
ƒ Perform delta and incremental backups; delta backups record only the changes
from one backup to the next, while incremental backups record all the changes and
accumulates them on each backup image
ƒ Backup from flash copy (correct hardware required)
ƒ Recover dropped tables (if the option was enabled for a given table)
ƒ Backup from one platform (for example, Windows) and restoring to another platform
(for example, Linux) is not possible. Use db2look and db2move for this scenario.
For DB2 editions that support UNIX operating systems, be aware that within the
Chapter 11 – Backup and Recovery 199

UNIX operating system, some platforms allow for backup and restore from one
UNIX platform to another.

11.9 Summary
In this chapter we examined the function of logging in DB2, including the two types of logs
(primary and secondary) and the two types of logging (circular and archive), and the
various database parameters related to logging. For each type of logging, we discussed
when and why it is used, and how to set it up from the Control Center.
We also looked at how to run backup and restore activities using the DB2 command line,
including an in-depth look at the three types of database restore: crash, version and roll-

11.10 Exercises
Although DB2 is able to automate several database maintenance activities, sometimes you
want to customize when certain activities occur. In this exercise, you will create a
customized nightly backup schedule for the EXPRESS database.
1. From the Control Center object tree, navigate to Control Center -> All Databases.
Right-click on the EXPRESS database and select the Backup item. This launches
the Backup Wizard.
2. The Introduction page of the wizard summarizes the current state of the database
including the time of the last backup and logging method. Click the Next button to
move to the next page of the wizard.
3. On the Image page of the wizard, select the destination of the backup image. You
will typically select a different physical drive than where the existing database is
stored. For now, create a new folder in the file system called C:\db2backup, and
specify that folder as the backup location. In the wizard, select the File System
item from the Media Type drop-down list. Click the Add button, select the folder
you just created, and then click the OK button. Click the Next button to move to the
next page of the wizard.
4. You can explore the Options and Performance pages, but the default options are
usually sufficient because DB2 automatically performs the database backup in the
most optimal way. Navigate to the Schedule page when you are finished exploring.
5. On Schedule page, if the scheduler has not yet been enabled, choose to enable it
now. Select the system to create the tools catalog on and create a new tools
catalog. Specify a schema for the tools catalog and choose to create it in the
existing EXPRESS database. The tools catalog holds metadata about all the
scheduled tasks. Click the OK button to continue. Click the Next button to move to
the next page of the wizard once the tools catalog has been created.
200 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

6. On the Schedule page, choose to create a schedule for task execution. Schedule
the backup to run each day, starting at 1AM. Click the Next button to move to the
next page.
Chapter 11 – Backup and Recovery 201

7. On the Summary page, you can review the scheduled tasks that will be created.
When you have reviewed the changes, click the Finish button to create the task.
8. Launch Task Center to view or modify the newly created backup task.
Chapter 12 – Maintenance Tasks
This chapter discusses some of the tasks required to keep your database well maintained.
The overall direction in DB2 is to automate most of these tasks. DB2 Express-C edition,
like all current DB2 editions, includes these automated capabilities. This self management
capability is a great benefit to small and medium size companies who cannot hire a full
time DBA to manage the data server. On the other hand, if a DBA is hired, he or she will
have more free time to perform advanced activities that will add value to a company’s
bottom line.
For more information about maintenance tasks, watch this video:


There are three main maintenance tasks in DB2, as depicted in Figure 12.1: REORG,

Figure 12.1 – Maintenance tasks: REORG, RUNSTATS, REBIND

204 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 12.1 shows that the maintenance tasks are performed in circular fashion. If a
REORG is performed, it is recommended to also run a RUNSTATS, followed by a
REBIND. After some time, the tables in a database will be modified due to UPDATE,
DELETE and INSERT operations. At that time the cycle will start again with a REORG.

12.1.1 The REORG command

Over time, as you perform INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations on your database,
your data starts getting more and more fragmented across the database pages. The
REORG command reclaims wasted space and re-organizes data to make retrieval more
efficient. Tables that are frequently modified will benefit the most from REORG. You can
REORG indexes as well as tables, and a REORG can be performed online or offline.
Offline REORG is faster and more efficient, but does not permit access to the table, while
an online REORG allows access to the table, but can consume a lot of system resources;
this works best for small tables.
REORG TABLE <tablename>

REORG TABLE employee

The REORGCHK command can be used before a REORG to determine whether a table or
index needs to be fixed.

12.1.2 The RUNSTATS command

The DB2 Optimizer is “the brain” of DB2. It finds the most efficient access paths to locate
and retrieve data. The optimizer is system cost-aware, and uses statistics of the database
objects that are stored in catalog tables to maximize the database performance. For
example, catalog tables have statistics about how many columns are present in a table,
how many rows there are, how many and what type of indexes are available for a table,
and so forth.
Statistics information is not updated dynamically. This is by design, as you would not want
DB2 to be updating the statistics constantly for every operation performed to the database;
this would negatively affect the entire database performance. Instead, DB2 provides the
RUNSTATS command to update these statistics. It is essential to keep database statistics
up to date. The DB2 optimizer can make radical changes in the access path if it thinks a
table has 1 row versus 1 million rows. When database statistics are up to date, DB2 can
choose a better access plan. The frequency of statistics gathering should be determined by
how often the data in the table changes.
Chapter 12 – Maintenance Tasks 205

RUNSTATS ON TABLE <schema.tablename>

RUNSTATS ON TABLE myschema.employee

12.1.3 BIND / REBIND

After successfully running a RUNSTATS command, not all queries will use the latest
statistics. Static SQL access plans are determined when you first issue a BIND command,
so the statistics used at that time may not be the same as the current ones. Figure 12.2
helps illustrate this idea.

Figure 12.2 – Static SQL bind process

In Figure 12.2 an embedded C program (stored as a file with a “sqc” extension) is
precompiled. After pre-compilation, two files are generated, a “.c” file containing the C code
with all the SQL commented out; and a “.bnd” file containing all the SQL statements. The C
file with the “.c” extension is compiled as usual with a C compiler, creating a “library” as
shown in the top right hand side of the figure. The “.bnd” file is similarly bound, generating
a package that is stored in the database. Binding is equivalent to compiling the SQL
statements where the best access plan is determined based on the statistics available at
the time, and then storing them in the package.
Now, what happens if 1 million rows are inserted into a table used in the SQL for this
embedded C program? After the insertion, if a RUNSTATS is performed, the statistics will
be updated; however the package will not be automatically updated to recalculate the
access path based on the latest statistics. The db2rbind command can be used to rebind
all the existing packages to take into account the latest stats.
db2rbind database_alias -l <logfile>
206 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

To rebind all the packages of the SAMPLE database and store the output log in the file
mylog.txt, issue this command:
db2rbind sample -l mylog.txt

12.1.4 Maintenance tasks from the Control Center

From the Control Center you can REORG and RUNSTATS. Figure 12.3 shows you how.

Figure 12.3 – REORG and RUNSTATS from the Control Center

You choose the table you would like to operate against, right-click on it and choose
Reorganize (for REORG) or Run Statistics (for RUNSTATS). The database operational view
When you select a database, the database operational view on the bottom right side of the
Control Center will provide information about the database, such as its size, when it was
backed up last, whether automatic maintenance is set, etc. This view allows you to quickly
identify maintenance needs for your database. Figure 12.4 shows this information.
Chapter 12 – Maintenance Tasks 207

Figure 12.4 – The database operational view from the Control Center

12.2 Maintenance Choices

There are three ways to perform maintenance tasks:
ƒ Manual maintenance
You perform maintenance activities manually when the need arises
ƒ Create scripts to perform maintenance
You can create scripts with the maintenance commands, and schedule them
regularly for execution.
ƒ Automated maintenance
Have DB2 automatically look after maintenance for you (REORG, RUNSTATS,
In this section we concentrate on automated maintenance.
Automatic maintenance consists of the following:
208 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

ƒ The user defines a maintenance window where tasks can be executed with minimal
disruption. For example, if the system has the least activity on Sundays from
2:00am to 4:00am, this time frame would work as a maintenance window.
ƒ There are two maintenance windows: one for online operations, and another one for
offline operations.
ƒ DB2 will perform maintenance operations automatically only when needed during
the maintenance windows
From the Control Center, you can launch the Configure Automated Maintenance Wizard as
shown in Figure 12.5.

Figure 12.5 – Launching the Configure Automated Maintenance Wizard

Figure 12.6 shows the Configure Automated Maintenance Wizard.
Chapter 12 – Maintenance Tasks 209

Figure 12.6 –The Configure Automated Maintenance Wizard

12.3 Summary
This chapter examined the importance of maintenance on your databases, including the
role of the REORG, RUNSTATS, and REBIND cycle. The REORG command, as its name
implies, reorganizes your data to eliminate fragmentation and speed data retrieval.
RUNSTATS updates the statistical information used by the DB2 optimization tool to
improve data performance. The BIND or REBIND process updates the database packages
with the latest access paths.
We also looked at the graphical tools provided in the DB2 Control Center to run
maintenance activities in manual, scripted and automatic modes.

12.4 Exercises
In this exercise, you will configure automatic maintenance on the DB2 SAMPLE database.
210 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

1. From the Control Center object tree, right-click on the SAMPLE database and select
the Configure Automatic Maintenance menu item. This launches the Configure
Automatic Maintenance wizard.
2. The Introduction page of the wizard displays the current automated maintenance
settings. If you created the database with the automated maintenance option, then
automated maintenance is already configured. You can use this wizard to re-
configure the automated maintenance options. Click the Next button to move to the
next page of the wizard.
3. The Type page of the wizard asks you to choose between disabling all automated
maintenance, and changing your automated maintenance settings. Select the
option to change the current automated maintenance settings. Click Next.
4. The Timing page of the wizard asks you to specify the maintenance windows.
Configure the database to be offline Saturday and Sunday night from midnight to
6AM, as shown below. Click the Change button beside the offline maintenance
window preview pane and choose the desired times. After specifying the required
information, click the OK button to return to the wizard. Leave the online window as
is (online maintenance can occur anytime). Click the Next button.
Chapter 12 – Maintenance Tasks 211

5. On the Notification page of the wizard, you can set up a contact in case an
automated maintenance activity fails. Skip this step for now. Click the Next button
6. On the Activities page of the wizard, you can choose to individually automate or
not to automate specific activities as well as choose to be notified of particular
activities. In this example, ensure that all the Automate checkboxes are checked
and the Notify checkboxes are unchecked. Click the Next button.
7. Before proceeding to the next page of the wizard, you should configure the backup
location of the database. Ideally, you want to store backups on a different physical
drive in case of disk failure. From the Activities page, select the Backup database
option, and then click the Configure Settings button.
8. On the Backup Criteria tab of the Configure Settings dialog window, choose the
Balance Database Recoverability with Performance option. On the Backup
Location tab, select the existing backup location and click the Change button.
Specify a different location to perform the backup (ensure that enough room exists
on the drive). On the Backup Mode tab, ensure that Offline Backup is selected.
Click the OK button to close the Backup Criteria tab. Click the Next button.
9. The Summary page of the Configure Automated Maintenance wizard contains a
summary of the choices you selected. Click the Finish button to accept and
implement the changes.
Chapter 13 – Concurrency and Locking
This chapter discusses how to allow multiple users to access the same database at the
same time without interfering with each other, and keeping their operations consistent. We
will discuss the concepts of transactions, concurrency and locking.
For more information about concurrency and locking, watch this video:

13.1 Transactions
A transaction or unit of work consists of one or more SQL statements which, when
executed, should be considered as a single unit; that is, if one of the statements in the
transaction fails, the entire transaction fails, and any statements executed up to the point of
failure are rolled back. A transaction ends with a COMMIT statement, which also signifies
the start of a new transaction. Figure 13.1 provides an example of a transaction.

Figure 13.1 –An example of a transaction

In Figure 13.1, for example, you want to transfer 100 dollars from your savings account to
your checking account. As shown in the figure, the following sequence of events may be
required to achieve this task:
214 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

- Debit $100 from the savings account

- Credit $100 to the checking account
If the above sequence of events is not treated as a single unit of work, a transaction,
imagine what would happen if a power failure occurred after the debit from the savings
account, but before the checking account is credited. You would lose $100!

13.2 Concurrency
Concurrency implies that several users can work at the same time on the same database
objects. DB2 was designed as a multi-user database. Access to data must be coordinated
properly and transparently using a mechanism to ensure data integrity and consistency.
Consider Figure 13.2 as an example.

Figure 13.2 –An example of concurrency, and the need for concurrency control
In Figure 13.2, there are four applications, App A, App B, App C, and App D that are trying
to access the same row (row 2) in a table. Without any concurrency control, all of the
applications could perform operations against the same row. Assuming all of the
applications are updating the Age column for row 2 with different values, the application
which performs the update the last will likely be the “winner” in this situation. It should be
obvious in this example that some sort of concurrency control is required to guarantee
consistent results. This concurrency control is based on using locks.
Locking and concurrency concepts go hand in hand. Locking temporarily stops other
applications from performing their operation until another operation finishes. The more
locking there is in a system, the less concurrency is possible. On the other hand, the less
locking there is in a system, the more concurrency is possible.
Locks are acquired automatically as needed to support a transaction and are released
when the transaction terminates (using either a COMMIT or ROLLBACK command). Locks
can be acquired on tables or rows. There are two basic types of locks:
ƒ Share locks (S locks) – acquired when an application wants to read and prevent
others from updating the same row
ƒ Exclusive locks (X locks) – acquired when an application updates, inserts, or
deletes a row
Chapter 13 – Concurrency and Locking 215

Now consider Figure 13.3, which is similar to Figure 13.2, but it now shows a lock.

Figure 13.3 –An example of concurrency, and the need for locks
For example, in Figure 13.2, if App B is the first one accessing row 2, and is performing an
UPDATE, App B holds an X lock on the row. When App A, App C and App D try to access
the same row, they won’t be able to UPDATE it because of the X lock. This control allows
for consistency and integrity of the data.

13.3 Problems without concurrency control

Without some form of concurrency control, the following problems may be encountered
ƒ Lost update
ƒ Uncommitted read
ƒ Non-repeatable read
ƒ Phantom read

13.3.1 Lost update

Lost update is a problem similar to the one explained earlier in this section where the
application performing the last update, will be the “winner”.

Figure 13.4 – Lost Update

216 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

In Figure 13.4 there are two applications attempting to update the same row. The one on
the left is application App1, and the one on the right is application App2. The sequence of
events is then:
1. App1 updates a row
2. App2 updates the same row
3. App1 commits
4. App2 commits
App1's update is lost when App2 make its update, hence the term “Lost Update”.

13.3.2 Uncommitted read

An uncommitted read, or “dirty read” allows for an application to read information that has
not been committed, and therefore is not necessarily accurate.

Figure 13.5 – Uncommitted Read

Figure 13.5 follows this sequence of events:
1. App1 updates a row
2. App2 reads the new value from that row
3. App1 rolls back its changes to that row
App2 is reading uncommitted data, and hence invalid data, which is why this problem is
called an “uncommitted read”
Chapter 13 – Concurrency and Locking 217

13.3.3 Non-repeatable read

A non-repeatable read implies that you cannot obtain the same result after performing the
same read in the same operation.

Figure 13.6 – Non-repeatable Read

In Figure 13.6, consider if you are trying to book a flight from Dallas to Honolulu. The
sequence of events is:
1. App1 opens a cursor (also known as a result set) obtaining what you see in Figure 13.6
2. App2 deletes a row that qualified for the cursor (for example, the row with destination
“San Jose”)
3. App2 commits changes
4. App1 closes and reopens the cursor
In this case, since App1 would not get the same data on a repeated read, it cannot
reproduce the data set; that’s why this problem is called “non-repeatable read”.

13.3.4 Phantom read

The phantom read problem is similar to the non-repeatable read problem, but the
difference is that on subsequent fetches, you may obtain additional rows rather than fewer
rows. Figure 13.7 provides an example of this problem.
218 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 13.7 – Phantom read

Figure 13.7 shows the following sequence of events:
1. App1 opens a cursor
2. App2 adds a row to the database that would qualify for the cursor
3. App2 commits changes
4. App1 closes and reopens cursor
In this case, App1 would not get the same data on a repeated read, it would get more rows,
that’s why this problem is called “phantom read”.

13.4 Isolation Levels

You can think of isolation levels as locking policies where, depending on the isolation level
chosen, you may get different behaviors for database locking with an application.
DB2 provides different levels of protection to isolate data:
ƒ Uncommitted Read (UR)
ƒ Cursor Stability (CS)
ƒ Read Stability (RS)
ƒ Repeatable Read (RR)

13.4.1 Uncommitted read

Uncommitted read is also known as dirty read. It is the lowest level of isolation, and
provides the highest degree of concurrency. No row locks are obtained on read operations,
Chapter 13 – Concurrency and Locking 219

unless another application attempts to drop or alter a table; and update operations act as if
using the cursor stability isolation level.
Problems still possible with this isolation level:
ƒ Uncommitted read
ƒ Non-repeatable read
ƒ Phantom read

Problems prevented with this isolation level:

ƒ Loss of update

13.4.2 Cursor stability

Cursor stability is the default isolation level. It provides a minimal degree of locking.
Basically, with this isolation level the "current" row of a cursor is locked. If the row is only
read, the lock is held until a new row is fetched or the unit of work is terminated. If the row
is updated, the lock is held until the unit of work is terminated.
Problems still possible with this isolation level:
ƒ Non-repeatable read
ƒ Phantom read

Problems prevented with this isolation level:

ƒ Loss of update
ƒ Uncommitted read Currently committed
Prior to DB2 9.7 when using cursor stability isolation level, a writer (UPDATE operation)
would prevent a reader (SELECT operation) from accessing the same row. The logic was
that since the writer is making changes to the row, the reader should wait until the update
is finished to see the final committed value. In DB2 9.7, there is a new default behavior for
the cursor stability isolation level for new databases. This new behavior is implemented
using currently committed (CC) semantics. With CC, a writer will not prevent a reader
from accessing the same row. This behaviour was possible in the past if you used an
isolation level of uncommitted read (UR); however, the difference now is that with UR the
reader retrieves the uncommitted value, while with CC, the reader retrieves the currently
committed value. The currently committed value is the committed value prior to the start of
the write operation.
For example, you have a table T1 with the following contents:
220 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Raul Chong
Jin Xie

Now your application AppA issues this statement, but does not commit:
update T1 set lastname = 'Smith' where firstname = 'Raul'

Next, application AppB issues this statement:

select lastname from T1 where firstname = 'Raul' with CS

Prior to DB2 9.7, this statement would hang because it is waiting for the exclusive lock held
by the update statement of AppA (the writer) to be released.
With DB2 9.7 and currently committed enabled (the default for new databases), the
statement would return the currently committed value which is Chong.
Note that even though CS is the default we are including 'with CS' in the statement for
clarity. We discuss this clause later on in the chapter.

If AppB tries this statement:

select lastname from T1 where firstname = 'Raul' with UR

Since UR isolation is used, the result would be Smith which is the uncommitted value.
This example shows that with CC, there is better concurrency for applications, allowing
readers to access the row a writer is updating.
Another scenario that would have caused contention prior to DB2 9.7 is a reader
preventing a writer to access a row. This scenario was one of the reasons why a COMMIT
was recommended even for read operations, as it would ensure the share (S) locks would
be released. With CC this is no longer an issue, as a reader will not block a writer.
With respect to INSERT operations that are not committed, the read operation will skip
them by default; that is, the result set will not display these rows. For DELETE commands,
the read operation should also skip (ignore) the affected rows, but the behavior depends on
the value of the DB2 registry variable DB2_SKIPDELETED. Other registry variables and
properties in the BIND and PREPARE commands can change the default behavior of CC.
Just remember: Currently committed means it will only show currently committed
information, therefore a non-committed INSERT or DELETE operations will be ignored.
As mentioned earlier, CC is enabled by default on new databases. If you would like to turn
it off, or enable it for a database created prior to DB2 9.7 and upgraded to DB2 9.7, you
Chapter 13 – Concurrency and Locking 221

can update the database configuration value to CUR_COMMIT. For example, to turn it off
for the SAMPLE database issue:
db2 update db cfg for sample using CUR_COMMIT off

13.4.3 Read stability

With read stability, all the rows an application retrieves within a unit of work are locked. For
a given cursor, it locks all rows that qualify for the result set. For example, if you have a
table containing 10,000 rows and the query returns 10 rows, then only those 10 rows are
locked. Read stability uses a moderate degree of locking.
Problems still possible with this isolation level:
ƒ Phantom read
Problems prevented with this isolation level:
ƒ Loss of update
ƒ Uncommitted read
ƒ Non-repeatable read

13.4.4 Repeatable read

Repeatable read is the highest isolation level. It provides the highest degree of locking, and
the least concurrency. Locks are held on all rows processed to build the result set; that is,
rows not necessarily in the final result set may be locked. No other application can update,
delete, or insert a row that would affect the result set until the unit of work completes.
Repeatable read guarantees that the same query issued by an application more than once
in a unit of work will give the same result each time.
Problems still possible with this isolation level:
ƒ none

Problems prevented with this isolation level:

ƒ Loss of update
ƒ Uncommitted read
ƒ Non-repeatable read
ƒ Phantom read
222 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

13.4.5 Comparing isolation levels

Figure 13.8 compares the different isolation levels for a fetch. In the figure, we see that
isolation level uncommitted read (UR) takes no locks. Isolation level cursor stability (CS)
takes a lock for row 1 when it is fetching it, but releases it as soon as it fetches row 2, and
so on. For isolation levels read stability (RS) or repeatable read (RR), any row that is
fetched will be locked, and the lock is not released until the end of the transaction (at a
commit point).

Figure 13.8 – Comparing isolation levels for a fetch

13.4.6 Setting the isolation level

Isolation levels can be specified at many levels:
ƒ Session (application)
ƒ Connection
ƒ Statement
The isolation level is normally defined at the session or Application Level. If no isolation
level is specified in your application, it defaults to cursor stability. For example, Table 13.1
shows the possible isolation levels for a .NET or JDBC program and how these properties,
when set, match a DB2 isolation level.
Chapter 13 – Concurrency and Locking 223


Uncommitted Read (UR) ReadUncommitted TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED

Cursor Stability (CS) ReadCommitted TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED

Read Stability (RS) RepeatableRead TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ

Repeatable Read (RR) Serializable TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE

Table 13.1 - Comparison of isolation level terminology
Statement isolation level can be set using the WITH {isolation level} clause. For example:

Example scenario:
An application needs to get a "rough" count of how many rows are in a table. Performance
is of utmost importance. Cursor stability isolation level is required with the exception of one
SQL statement:

For embedded SQL, the level is set at bind time, for dynamic SQL, the level is set at run
Choosing which isolation level to use depends on your application. If your application does
not need exact counts as in the above example, choose UR isolation. If your application
requires very tight control on the data it works with, choose RR isolation.
To use currently committed semantics at bind time or prepare time, use this syntax:
'--WAIT FOR OUTCOME---------'

|-+-USE CURRENTLY COMMITTED-+--------------------------|

On a JDBC application using the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ, you can use
the concurrentAccessResolution property to enable currently committed.
224 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

13.5 Lock escalation

Every lock made by DB2 consumes some memory. When the optimizer thinks it is better to
have one lock on the entire table, rather than multiple row locks, lock escalation occurs.
Figure 13.9 illustrates this.

Figure 13.9 – Lock escalation

There are two main database configuration parameters related to lock escalation:
ƒ LOCKLIST – The amount of memory (in 4k pages) reserved to manage locks for all
connected applications.
ƒ MAXLOCKS – Maximum percentage of the entire lock list that a single application
can use up. .
The default for both parameters is AUTOMATIC, meaning that the self-tuning memory
manager (STMM) will modify the size. If you don't enable STMM, and set the value your
self, these values will have an impact on when lock escalation occurs. For example, if you
set LOCKLIST to 200K and MAXLOCKS to 22%, then lock escalation occurs when a
single application requires more than 44K of lock memory (200 K * 22% = 44K). If lock
escalation occurs frequently with these settings, increase the value of LOCKLIST and
MAXLOCKS. Lock escalation is not good for performance as it reduces concurrency. The
DB2 diagnostic log file (db2diag.log) can be used to determine whether lock escalation
is occurring. See Appendix A to learn more about this file.
Chapter 13 – Concurrency and Locking 225

13.6 Lock monitoring

You can monitor the use of locks using DB2 application lock snapshots. To turn on the
snapshots for locks, issue this command:
After the switch is turned on, monitoring information will be collected. To obtain a report of
the locks at a given time, issue this command:
Figure 13.9 shows the output for a sample application lock snapshot.

Application Lock Snapshot

Snapshot timestamp = 11-05-2002


Application handle = 9
Application ID = *LOCAL.DB2.00B9C5050843
Sequence number = 0001
Application name = db2bp.exe
Authorization ID = ADMINISTRATOR
Application status = UOW Waiting
Status change time = Not Collected
Application code page = 1252
Locks held = 4
Total wait time (ms) = 0

List Of Locks
Lock Name = 0x05000700048001000000000052
Lock Attributes = 0x00000000
Release Flags = 0x40000000
Lock Count = 255
Hold Count = 0
Lock Object Name = 98308
Object Type = Row
Tablespace Name = TEST4K

Figure 13.9 – Application Lock Snapshot

In DB2 9.7, an effort is being made to move database monitoring away from the system
monitor and snapshot technology towards having SQL access to internal memory such as
226 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

workload management table functions and IBM Data Studio tools. See the official DB2
documentation for more information.

13.7 Lock wait

When two or more applications need to perform an operation on the same object, one of
them may have to wait to obtain the needed lock. By default, an application will wait
indefinitely. The time an application waits for a lock is controlled by the database
configuration parameter LOCKTIMEOUT. The default value of this parameter is -1 (infinite
The CURRENT LOCK TIMEOUT register can be used to set the lock wait for a given
connection. By default, this register is set to the value of LOCKTIMEOUT. Use the SET
LOCK TIMEOUT statement to change its value. Once the value of this register is set for a
connection, it will persist across transactions.

13.8 Deadlock causes and detection

A deadlock occurs when two or more applications connected to the same database wait
indefinitely for a resource. The waiting is never resolved because each application is
holding a resource that the other needs. Deadlocks are an application design issue most
of the time. Figure 13.10 illustrates a deadlock.

Figure 13.10 – Deadlock scenario

In Figure 13.10, user A is holding the cereal and will not let go until he gets the milk. On
the other hand, user B is holding the milk, and will not let go until he gets the cereal.
Therefore, we have a deadlock situation.
Chapter 13 – Concurrency and Locking 227

With DB2 9.7, the use of currently committed has considerably reduced the occurrence of
deadlocks, as one application does not need to wait for the other application to release its
lock, but instead accesses the currently committed value.
To simulate a deadlock situation in DB2, follow these steps:
1. Turn off currently committed:
db2 update db cfg for sample using cur_commit off
db2stop force

2. Open two DB2 Command Windows (which we will call “CLP1” and “CLP2”.
respectively) representing two different applications connecting to the database
3. From CLP1 issue the commands:
db2 connect to sample
db2 +c update employee set firstnme = 'Mary' where empno = '000050'

First we are connecting to the SAMPLE database, and then issuing an update
statement on the row with “empno = 50000” on the employee table. The “+c” option in
the statement indicates that we do not want the DB2 Command Window to
automatically commit the statement. We are doing this on purpose so we hold the
4. From CLP2 issue the commands:
db2 connect to sample
db2 +c update employee set firstnme = 'Tom' where empno = '000030'

In the CLP2 window, which represents the second application, we are also connecting
to the SAMPLE database, but are updating another row in the employee table.
5. From CLP1 issue:
db2 +c select firstnme from employee where empno = '000030'

After pressing Enter to execute the above SELECT statement, the SELECT may seem
to hang. It actually is not hanging, but waiting for the release of the exclusive lock that
was taken by CLP2 on this row in step 3. At this point, if LOCKTIMEOUT has been left
with its default value of -1, the CLP1 application would wait forever.
6. From CLP2 issue:
db2 +c select firstnme from employee where empno = '000050'
228 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

By issuing the above SELECT statement, we are now creating a deadlock. This
SELECT statement will also seem to hang, as it is waiting for the release of the
exclusive lock that was taken by CLP1 on this row in step 2.
In the above deadlock scenario, DB2 will check for the database configuration
parameter DLCHKTIME. This parameter sets the time interval for checking for
deadlocks. For example, if this parameter is set to 10 seconds, DB2 will check every
10 seconds if a deadlock has occurred. If indeed a deadlock happened, DB2 will use
an internal algorithm to determine which of the two transactions should be rolled back,
and which one should continue..
If you are experiencing numerous deadlocks, you should re-examine your existing
transactions and see if any re-structuring is possible.

13.9 Concurrency and locking best practices

The following are some tips to follow in order to allow for the best possible concurrency:
1. Ensure you enable currently committed (CC), if your application logic allows it
2. Keep transactions as short as possible. This can be achieved by issuing frequent
COMMIT statements (even for read-only transactions) when your application logic
allows it.
3. Log transaction information only when required.
4. Purge data quickly. You can execute this command

or now with DB2 9.7, use the TRUNCATE command:

TRUNCATE <table name>

5. Perform data modifications in batches/groups. For example:


6. Use concurrency features in DB2 data movement tools.

7. Set the database level LOCKTIMEOUT parameter (suggested times are between
30-120 seconds). Don’t leave it to the default of -1. You can also use session-
based lock timeout.
8. Do not retrieve more data than is required. For example, use the FETCH FIRST n
ROWS ONLY clause in SELECT statements.
Chapter 13 – Concurrency and Locking 229

For more information on concurrency and locking best practices, see the Best Practices
documents available at
13.10 Summary
In this chapter we looked at maintaining data integrity through transaction control,
concurrent user access and locking levels. The different concurrency levels all have issues
that can affect how you access and manage your data.
We also looked in detail at the role of setting the isolation levels to deal with these issues,
and how the isolation level can be manipulated to provide the maximum flexibility required
by your application and data needs.
We also looked at lock escalation, lock waits and lock monitoring, along with the causes,
detection and handling of database deadlocks.
Finally, we looked at some best practice ideas for getting the best possible results for your
concurrency needs.

13.11 Exercises
In this exercise you will practice with the concurrency and locking concepts discussed in
this chapter using the DB2 Command Window. This tool uses a lock level of isolation CS
by default. After executing an SQL statement, the Command Window will automatically
issue a commit (this is also known as autocommit). For illustration purposes in this
exercise, we will use the +c flag to turn off autocommit, and use the WITH <isolation
level> clause after some SQL statements to override the CS default isolation.

Part 1: Testing the Phantom Read problem and isolation RR

1. Open two DB2 Command Windows as shown in the figure below. We will call the
window at the top "DB2 Command Window #1", and the one at the bottom "DB2
Command Window #2"
232 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

2. From DB2 Command Window #1 issue:

db2 connect to sample
db2 +c select * from staff
This will return 35 records

3. From DB2 Command Window #2 issue:

db2 connect to sample
db2 +c insert into staff (id,name) values (400, 'test')

4. From DB2 Command Window #1 issue:

db2 +c select * from staff

This should still return 35 records

5. From DB2 Command Window #2 issue:

db2 commit

6. From DB2 Command Window #1 issue:

db2 +c select * from staff

This now returns 36 records!

DB2 Command Window #1 represents one application which opens a cursor or
result set (select * from staff) obtaining 35 records. Within the same
transaction (because in this window we are not issuing any commit statements),
the application opens the same cursor, and still sees 35 records, even after the
application in DB2 Command Window #2 inserts (but did not commit) a new record.
Next, the DB2 Command Window #2 application does commit the insert, and so the
third time DB2 Command Window #1 application opens the cursor, the result set
returns one more row (a phantom read) obtaining 36 records. This example
illustrates the phantom read problem: Within the same transaction, opening the
same cursor returns more rows. We are using a CS isolation level, and as
mentioned earlier in the chapter, CS does not prevent phantom reads.
7. Clean up the record that was inserted before we try the next steps:
From DB2 Command Window #1:
db2 rollback

From DB2 Command Window #2:

db2 delete from staff where id = 400

db2 select * from staff

Chapter 13 – Concurrency and Locking 233

This returns 35 records again.

8. Now let's see if an RR isolation level can prevent this phantom read problem.
From DB2 Command Window #1 issue:
db2 connect to sample

db2 +c select * from staff with RR

This returns 35 records

From DB2 Command Window #2:

db2 connect to sample
db2 +c insert into staff (id,name) values (400, 'test')

This statement will hang which is expected.

Since the clause WITH RR is added on the SELECT statement for DB2 Command
Window #1, this isolation level prevents an INSERT on a row that would alter the
result set. This example illustrates that the isolation level of RR does prevent
phantom read problems.

9. Clean up before proceeding to part 2 of this exercise:

From DB2 Command Window #2:
Ctrl-C (to interrupt)
Close the window

From DB2 Command Window #1:

db2 rollback
Close the window

Part 2: Testing currently committed (CC) and uncommitted read (UR) levels
Procedure 1: Analyze the behavior of isolation CS without currently committed
1. Open a DB2 Command Window and issue the following statements:
db2 connect to sample
db2 select * from staff

Inspect the contents of table STAFF, specifically look for ID value of '10'. The
corresponding NAME column has a value of Sanders. Close the window.
234 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

2. Currently committed is the default for new databases. Verify it is in fact turned on
for database sample:
db2 get db cfg for sample

Look for the line close to the end of the output that says:
Currently Committed (CUR_COMMIT) = ON

If the value is ON, turn it OFF first so we can analyze the behavior of isolation CS
as it would be prior to DB2 9.7:
db2 update db cfg for sample using CUR_COMMIT off
db2 force applications all
Adding the force option ensures that there are no connections so the update to
CUR_COMMIT will take effect on the next connection)

Confirm CUR_COMMIT is disabled. It should say:

Currently Committed (CUR_COMMIT) = DISABLED

3. Open two DB2 Command Windows as in part 1, so one is on top of the other. Let's
see how isolation CS works without currently committed, when an update (writer)
and a select (reader) have an interest on the same row. Note we don't need to put
"WITH CS" after the statements (as this is the default).
From DB2 Command window #1 (this is the writer):
db2 connect to sample
db2 +c update staff set name = 'Chong' where id = 10

From DB2 Command window #2 (this is the reader):

db2 connect to sample
db2 +c select * from staff
This SELECT hangs waiting for the exclusive (X) lock to be released by the DB2
Command Window #1 application. As you can see, the default behavior of CS
prior to DB2 9.7 allows for less concurrency

From DB2 Command window #2:

CTRL-C (press these keys to interrupt)
Close the window

From DB2 Command window #1:

db2 rollback
Close the window
Chapter 13 – Concurrency and Locking 235

Procedure 2: Analyze the behavior of isolation CS with currently committed

1. Turn currently committed to ON:

Open a DB2 Command Window and issue:

db2 update db cfg for sample using CUR_COMMIT on
db2 force applications all

Close the window.

2. Open two DB2 Command Windows as in part 1 so one is on top of the other. Then
issue the following:
From DB2 Command window #1:
db2 connect to sample
db2 +c update staff set name = 'Chong' where id = 10

From DB2 Command window #2:

db2 connect to sample
db2 +c select * from staff

Now this SELECT statement works! .It does not hang, and the value displayed is
Sanders, which is the currently committed value.

From DB2 Command window #1:

db2 rollback
Close the window.

From DB2 Command window #2:

db2 rollback
Close the window.

Procedure 3: Analyze the behavior of isolation UR

1. Open two DB2 Command Windows as in part 1 so one is on top of the other. Then
issue the following:
From DB2 Command window #1:
db2 connect to sample
db2 +c update staff set name = 'Chong' where id = 10
236 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

From DB2 Command window #2:

db2 connect to sample
db2 +c select * from staff with UR

This SELECT works, but note that the value displayed is Chong which is the
uncommitted value.
From DB2 Command window #1:
db2 rollback
Close the window.

From DB2 Command window #2:

db2 rollback
Close the window.
Chapter 14 – Introduction to DB2 Application
IBM DB2 is powerful data server software for managing both relational and XML data. It
offers flexibility not only to database administrators, but also to database developers. No
matter which language you use to develop your programs, DB2 provides the drivers,
adapters, and extensions you need to work with databases as part of your application.
Moreover with DB2 Express-C, you can develop your applications at no cost, with no
database size limits, and with the same level of programming language support as the
other versions of DB2. Develop once using DB2 Express-C, and you can run on any DB2
edition without any modification required to your application.
This section is only an introduction to DB2 application development. A series of more than
25 free online books is being developed as part of the Community Book Series including
a book specific to DB2 application development. Other books in the series include non-DB2
topics such as Java, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python, Perl, Web 2.0, SOA, Eclipse, Open
Source development, Cloud Computing and much more!. Other books cover IBM
technologies such as pureQuery, Data Studio, InfoSphere Data Architect in more detail.
These books will be introduced starting on October of 2009.

14.1 DB2 Application Development: The big picture

DB2 offers database developers the flexibility to take advantage of server-side
development features such as stored procedures and user-defined functions, while,
application developers can develop client applications using the programming language of
their choice. This flexibility is illustrated in Figure 14.1.
240 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 14.1 - DB2 is for everyone: Database and Application developers

In Figure 14.1 the left side represents a client machine where an application programmer
develops and runs his program. In this client machine, in addition to the operating system,
an IBM Data Server Client may be installed depending on the type of application being
developed. An IBM Data Server client includes the required connection drivers such as the
JDBC drivers and the ODBC/CLI drivers. These drivers can also be downloaded
independently by visiting the IBM DB2 Express-C Web site at
Using programming tools such as IBM Data Studio, InfoSphere Data Architect (IDA),
Rational Software Architect (RSA), Rational Application Developer (RAD), and so on, you
can develop your application in your desired programming language. The API libraries
supporting these languages are also included with the IBM Data Server Client, so that
when you connect to a DB2 Server, all the program instructions are translated
appropriately using these APIs into the SQL or XQuery statements understood by DB2.
Table 1.1 provides a short description of the tools mentioned earlier.

Tool name Description

IBM Data Studio IBM Data Studio is an Eclipse-based tool

that allows users to manage their data
servers and develop stored procedures,
functions and Data Web services. IBM Data
Studio was covered earlier in the book.

InfoSphere Data Architect (IDA) IDA is a modeling tool for your data. It helps
you build your database logical design and
physical design.
Chapter 14 - Introduction to DB2 Application Development 241

Rational Software Architect (RSA) RSA is an Eclipse-based tool for software

engineering to help you develop UML

Rational Application Developer (RAD) RAD is an Eclipse-based rapid application

development tool for software developers

Visual Studio Microsoft Visual Studio is an IDE that allows

you to develop applications in the Windows
platform using Microsoft's technology.

ZendCore Formerly called ZendCore for IBM, this is a

free IDE for developing PHP applications.
Table 14.1 - Tools that can help you develop applications with DB2
On the right side of Figure 14.1 a DB2 server is illustrated containing one database. Within
this database there are stored procedures, user-defined functions and triggers. We
describe all of these objects in more detail in the next sections.

14.2 Server-side development

Server-side development in DB2 implies that application objects are developed and stored
on the DB2 database. The following application objects will be discussed briefly in this
ƒ Stored Procedures
ƒ User-defined Functions (UDFs)
ƒ Triggers

14.2.1 Stored Procedures

A stored procedure is a database application object that can encapsulate SQL statements
and business logic. Keeping part of the application logic in the database provides
performance improvements as the amount of network traffic between the application and
the database is reduced. In addition, stored procedures provide a centralized location to
store your code, so other applications can reuse the same stored procedures. To call a
stored procedure, use the CALL statement. In DB2 you can develop stored procedures in
several languages including SQL PL, Java, C/C++, CLR, OLE, and COBOL. A simple
example of how to create and call a SQL PL stored procedure from the DB2 Command
Window or Linux shell is shown below:
db2 create procedure P1 begin end
db2 call P1
242 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

In the example, procedure P1 is an empty stored procedure which is not doing anything.
The example illustrates how easy you can create a stored procedure. To develop stored
procedures with more complex logic, we recommend you use IBM Data Studio which
includes a debugger.

14.2.2 User-defined functions

A user-defined function (UDF) is a database application object that allows users to
extend the SQL language with their own logic. A function always returns a value or values
normally as a result of the business logic included in the function. To invoke a function, use
it within a SQL statement, or with the values function. In DB2 you can develop UDFs in
several languages including SQL PL, Java, C/C++, OLE, CLR.
This simple example shows how to create and call a SQL PL UDF from the DB2 Command
Window or Linux shell:
db2 create function F1() returns integer begin return 1000; end
db2 values F1

In the example, function F1 is a function returning an integer value of 1000. The VALUES
statement can be used to invoke the function. Like in the case of stored procedures, we
recommend you create functions using IBM Data Studio.

14.2.3 Triggers
A trigger is an object that automatically performs an operation on a table or view. A
triggering action on the object where the trigger is defined causes the trigger to be fired. A
trigger is normally not considered an application object; therefore, database developers
normally don't code triggers, but database administrators do. Because some coding is
required, we have included triggers in this section. Below is an example of a trigger:
create trigger myvalidate no cascade before insert on T1
referencing NEW as N
for each row
begin atomic
set (N.myxmlcol) = XMLVALIDATE(N.myxmlcol
according to xmlschema id myxmlschema);

In this example, the trigger is fired before an INSERT operation on table T1. The trigger will
insert the value (which is an XML document), but will invoke the XMLVALIDATE function to
validate this XML document with a given schema. Chapter 15, DB2 pureXML talks more
about XML and XML schemas.
Chapter 14 - Introduction to DB2 Application Development 243
14.3 Client-side development
As the name suggests, in client-side development, the application developers code their
programs on a client and then connect and access the DB2 database using the application
program interfaces (APIs) that are provided with DB2. In this section we discuss:
ƒ Embedded SQL
ƒ Static SQL vs Dynamic SQL
ƒ CLI and ODBC
ƒ JDBC, SQLJ and pureQuery
ƒ Ruby on Rails
ƒ Perl
ƒ Python

14.3.1 Embedded SQL

Embedded SQL applications are applications where SQL is embedded into a host
language such as C, C++, or COBOL. The embedded SQL application can include static
or dynamic SQL as described in the next section. Figure 14.2 shows how an embedded
SQL application is built.

Figure 14.2 - Building embedded SQL applications

244 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

In the figure, the C program hello.sqc contains embedded SQL. The embedded SQL
API for the C language uses EXEC SQL (highlighted in Figure 14.2) to allow a
precompilation process to distinguish between the embedded SQL statements and the
actual C code. You may also note in the hello.sqc listing that some variables are
prefixed with a colon, as in :dbname, :userID, and :psw. These are called host
variables. Host variables are variables from the host language that are referenced in the
embedded SQL statements.
Issuing the precompile command (also known as the prep command) with the
bindfile option generates two files, the hello.bnd bind file containing only SQL
statements and the hello.c file containing only C code. The bind file will be compiled
using the bind command to obtain a package that is stored in the database. A package
includes the compiled/executable SQL and the access path DB2 will follow to retrieve the
data. To issue the bind command, a connection to the database must exist. At the bottom
of the figure, the hello.c file is compiled and linked like any regular C program. The
resulting executable file hello.exe has to match the package stored in the database to
successfully execute.

14.3.2 Static SQL vs. Dynamic SQL

Static SQL statements are the ones where the SQL structure is fully known at precompile
time. For example:
SELECT lastname, salary FROM employee

In this example, the names for the columns (lastname, salary) and table (employee)
referenced in a statement are fully known at precompile time. The following example is also
a static SQL statement:
SELECT lastname, salary FROM employee WHERE firstnme = :fname

In this second example, a host variable :fname is used as part of an embedded SQL
statement. Though the value of the host variable is unknown until runtime, its data type is
known from the program, and all the other objects (column names, table names) are fully
known ahead of time. DB2 uses estimates for these host variables to calculate the access
plan ahead of time; therefore, this case is still considered static SQL.
You precompile, bind, and compile statically executed SQL statements before you run your
application. Static SQL is best used on databases whose statistics do not change a great
deal. Now let's take a look at one more example:

In this example, the names for the columns and table referenced by the statement are not
known until runtime. Therefore the access plan is calculated only at runtime and using the
statistics available at the time. These types of statements are considered Dynamic SQL
Chapter 14 - Introduction to DB2 Application Development 245
Some programming APIs, like JDBC and ODBC, always use dynamic SQL regardless of
whether the SQL statement includes known objects or not. For example, the statement
SELECT lastname, salary FROM employee has all the columns and table names
known ahead of time, but through JDBC or ODBC, you do not precompile the statements.
All the access plans for the statements are calculated at runtime.
In general, two statements are used to treat a SQL statement as dynamic:
ƒ PREPARE: This statement prepares or compiles the SQL statement calculating the
access plan to use to retrieve the data
ƒ EXECUTE: This statement executes the SQL
Alternatively you can execute a PREPARE and EXECUTE in one single statement: EXECUTE
Listing 14.1 shows an example on an embedded C dynamic SQL statement that is
prepared and executed.
strcpy(hVStmtDyn, “SELECT name FROM emp WHERE dept = ?");
PREPARE StmtDyn FROM :hVStmtDyn;
Listing 14.1 - An embedded C dynamic SQL statement using PREPARE and
Listing 14.2 shows the same example as Listing 14.1, but using the EXECUTE
EXECUTE IMMEDIATELY SELECT name from EMP where dept = 1
EXECUTE IMMEDIATELY SELECT name from EMP where dept = 2
Listing 14.2 - An embedded C dynamic SQL statement using EXECUTE
In many dynamic programming languages such as PHP or Ruby on Rails, where SQL is
run dynamically, programmers tend to write the same SQL statements with different field
values as follows:
SELECT lastname, salary FROM employee where firstnme = 'Raul'
SELECT lastname, salary FROM employee where firstnme = 'Jin'
In this example, the statements are identical except for the value of the column
firstnme. DB2 considers these two dynamic SQL statements as different ones, and
therefore at runtime, it prepares and then executes each statement independently. The
overhead of preparing the same statement several times can cause performance
degradation, therefore prior to DB2 9.7, the recommendation was to code statements as
246 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

SELECT lastname, salary FROM employee where firstnme = ?

The question mark (?) in the statement is known as a parameter marker. Using parameter
markers, the program could prepare the statement only once, and then issue EXECUTE
statements providing the different values for the parameter marker.
In DB2 9.7, DB2 introduced a technology called statement concentrator where all the
statements that are the same except for the field values are automatically lumped together
into one single statement with parameter markers, and then EXECUTE statements are
performed with the different values. The statement concentrator does have the intelligence
to determine when not to lump some statements together; for example, when you
purposely add some clauses to influence the DB2 optimizer.
With respect to performance, Static SQL will normally perform better than dynamic SQL
since the access plan in static SQL is performed at precompile time and not at runtime.
However, for environments where there is a lot of activity such as INSERTs and DELETEs,
the statistics calculated at precompile time may not be up-to-date, and therefore, the
access plan of the static SQL may not be optimal. In this case, dynamic SQL may be a
better choice, assuming a RUNSTATS command is frequently executed to collect current
Many users think embedded SQL is only static. In reality, it can be both, static or dynamic.

14.3.3 CLI and ODBC

Call Level Interface (CLI) was originally developed by the X/Open Company and the SQL
Access Group. It was a specification for a callable SQL interface with the purpose of
developing portable C/C++ applications regardless of the RDBMS vendor. Based on a
preliminary draft of X/Open Call Level Interface, Microsoft developed Open Database
Connectivity (ODBC), and later on, the ISO CLI International Standard accepted most of
the X/Open Call Level Interface specification. DB2 CLI is based on both: ODBC and the
International Standard for SQL/CLI as shown in Figure 14.3.
Chapter 14 - Introduction to DB2 Application Development 247

Figure 14.3 - DB2 CLI is based on ODBC and ISO CLI International standard
DB2 CLI conforms to ODBC 3.51 and can be used as the ODBC Driver when loaded by an
ODBC Driver Manager. Figure 14.4 can help you picture DB2 CLI support for ODBC.

Figure 14.4 - DB2 CLI conforms to ODBC 3.51

CLI/ODBC has the following characteristics:
ƒ The code is easily portable between several RDBMS vendors
ƒ Unlike embedded SQL, there is no need for a precompiler or host variables
ƒ It runs dynamic SQL
ƒ It is very popular
To run a CLI/ODBC application all you need is the DB2 CLI driver. This driver is installed
from either of the following clients and drivers which can be downloaded and used for free
248 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

ƒ IBM Data Server Client

ƒ IBM Data Server Runtime Client
ƒ IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI
To develop a CLI/ODBC application you need the DB2 CLI driver and also the appropriate
libraries. These can be found only on the IBM Data Server Client.
Let's take a look at the following example so you understand better how you can set up the
DB2 CLI driver for your applications. Figure 14.5 depicts three different machines, one in
Indonesia, the other one in Brazil, and the other one in Canada.

Figure 14.5 - DB2 CLI/ODBC sample scenario

The figure shows two cases:
On the left let’s say the machine in Indonesia is running an ODBC application which could
work with any RDBMS such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server or DB2. An ODBC Driver
Manager will load the appropriate ODBC driver depending on the database that is being
accessed. In the case where the application accesses a DB2 database in Canada, the
connection needs to go through a DB2 Client which has the components to connect
On the right side, let’s say a CLI application is running in a machine in Brazil. It’s a CLI
application because it may be using some specific functions not available in ODBC, and
also because the application will only work for a DB2 database. The CLI application will go
through the DB2 CLI Driver. The application can connect to the local DB2 database in
Chapter 14 - Introduction to DB2 Application Development 249
Brazil. When it needs to connect to the remote database in Canada, it will go through a
DB2 client.
One last point to be made in this section is a comparison between a CLI/ODBC application
and an embedded SQL C dynamic application. Figure 14.6 illustrates this comparison.

Figure 14.6 - CLI/ODBC application versus Embedded SQL C dynamic application

As shown in Figure 14.6, the only difference between CLI/ODBC vs. Embedded SQL C
dynamic SQL is that for CLI/ODBC your code is portable and can access other RDBMS
simply by changing the connection string, while in the embedded SQL C dynamic version,
you may be coding specific elements for DB2. Of course the other difference is the way the
different functions for PREPARE, and EXECUTE are invoked.

14.3.4 JDBC, SQLJ and pureQuery

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is a Java programming API that standardizes the
means to work and access databases. In JDBC the code is easily portable between
several RDBMS vendors. The only changes required to the code are normally which JDBC
driver to load and the connection string. JDBC uses only dynamic SQL and it is very
SQLJ is the standard for embedding SQL in Java programs. It is mainly used with static
SQL, though it can inter-operate with JDBC as shown in Figure 14.7. Though it is normally
more compact than JDBC programs and provides better performance, it has not been
widely accepted. SQLJ programs must be run through a preprocessor (the SQLJ
translator) before they can be compiled.
250 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 14.7 - Relationship between SQLJ and JDBC applications

In Figure 14.7, a DB2 client may or may not be required depending on the type of JDBC
driver used as discussed later on this section.
pureQuery is an IBM Eclipse-based plug-in to manage relational data as objects.
Available since 2007, pureQuery can automatically generate the code to establish an
object-relational mapping (ORM) between your object oriented code and the relational
database objects. You start by creating a Java project with Optim Development Studio
(ODS), connect to a DB2 database, and then have ODS discover all the database objects.
Through the ODS GUI you can pick a table and then choose to generate the pureQuery
code which would transform any of the underlying relational table entities into a Java
object. Code is generated to create the relevant SQL statements and parent Java objects
that encapsulate those statements. The generated Java objects and the contained SQL
statements can be further customized. With pureQuery, you can decide at runtime whether
you want to run your SQL in static or dynamic mode. pureQuery supports both Java and
.NET. JDBC and SQLJ drivers
Though there are several types of JDBC drivers such as type 1, 2, 3 and 4; type 1 and 3
are not commonly used, and DB2's support of these types has been deprecated. For type
2, there are two drivers as we will describe shortly, but one of them is also deprecated.
Type 2 and type 4 are supported with DB2, as shown in Table 14.2. Type 2 drivers need to
have a DB2 client installed, as the driver uses it to establish communication to the
database. Type 4 is a pure Java client, so there is no need for a DB2 client, but the driver
must be installed on the machine where the JDBC application is running.
Chapter 14 - Introduction to DB2 Application Development 251

Driver Driver Name Packaged Supports Minimum level of SDK for

Type as Java required

Type 2 DB2 JDBC Type 2 Driver JDBC 1.2 1.4.2

for Linux, UNIX and and JDBC
Windows (Deprecated*) 2.0

Type 2 IBM Data Server Driver db2jcc.jar JDBC 3.0 1.4.2

and for JDBC and SQLJ and compliant
Type 4
db2jcc4.jar JDBC 4.0 6
and and earlier
Table 14.2 - DB2 JDBC and SQLJ drivers
* Deprecated means it is still supported, but no longer enhanced

As mentioned earlier and shown also in Table 14.2, Type 2 is provided with two different
drivers; however the DB2 JDBC Type 2 Driver for Linux, UNIX and Windows, with filename is deprecated.
When you install a DB2 server, a DB2 client or the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and
SQLJ, the db2jcc.jar and files compliant with JDBC 3.0 are automatically added to
your classpath.

14.3.5 OLE DB
Object Linking and Embedding, Database (OLE DB) is a set of interfaces that provides
access to data stored in diverse sources. It was designed as a replacement to ODBC, but
extended to support a wider variety of sources, including non-relational databases, such as
object oriented databases and spreadsheets. OLE DB is implemented using the
Component Object Model (COM) technology.
OLE DB consumers can access a DB2 database with the IBM OLE DB Provider for DB2.
This provider has the following characteristics:
ƒ Provider name: IBMDADB2
ƒ Supports level 0 of the OLE DB provider specification, including some additional
level 1 interfaces
ƒ Complies with Version 2.7 or later of the Microsoft OLE DB specification
ƒ An IBM Data Server Client with the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)
must be installed
ƒ If IBMDADB2 is not explicitly specified, Microsoft’s OLE DB driver (MSDASQL) will
be utilized by default. MSDASQL allows clients utilizing OLE DB to access non-
252 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Microsoft SQL server data sources using the ODBC driver but does not guarantee
full functionality of the OLE DB driver.

14.3.6 ADO.NET
The .NET Framework is the Microsoft replacement for Component Object Model (COM)
technology. Using the .NET Framework, you can code .NET applications in over forty
different programming languages; the most popular ones being C# and Visual Basic .NET.
The .NET Framework class library provides the building blocks with which you build .NET
applications. This class library is language agnostic and provides interfaces to operating
system and application services. Your .NET application (regardless of language) compiles
into Intermediate Language (IL), a type of bytecode.
The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is the heart of the .NET Framework, compiling the
IL code on the fly, and then running it. In running the compiled IL code, the CLR activates
objects, verifies their security clearance, allocates their memory, executes them, and
cleans up their memory once execution is finished.
As an analogy to how Java works, in Java, a program can run in multiple platforms with
minimal or no modification: one language, but multiple platforms. In .NET, a program
written in any of the forty supported languages can run in one platform, Windows, with
minimal or no modification: multiple languages, but one platform.
ADO.NET is how data access support is provided in the .NET Framework. ADO.NET
supports both connected and disconnected access. The key component of disconnected
data access in ADO.NET is the DataSet class, instances of which act as a database
cache that resides in your application's memory.
For both connected and disconnected access, your applications use databases through
what is known as a data provider. Various database products include their own .NET data
providers, including DB2 for Windows.
A .NET data provider features implementations of the following basic classes:
ƒ Connection: establishes and manages a database connection.
ƒ Command: executes an SQL statement against a database.
ƒ DataReader: reads and returns result set data from a database.
ƒ DataAdapter: links a DataSet instance to a database. Through a DataAdapter
instance, the DataSet can read and write database table data.
Three data providers that can work with DB2 are shown in Table 14.3

Data Provider Characteristics

ODBC .NET Data provider ƒ Makes ODBC calls to a DB2 data source using the
DB2 CLI driver.
Chapter 14 - Introduction to DB2 Application Development 253

(not recommended) ƒ It has same keyword support and restrictions as that

of DB2 CLI driver

ƒ Can be used with .NET Framework Version 1.1, 2.0,

or 3.0.

OLE DB .NET Data provider ƒ Uses IBM DB2 OLE DB Driver (IBMDADB2).

(not recommended) ƒ It has same keyword support and restrictions as that

of DB2 OLE DB driver

ƒ Can be used only with .NET Framework Version 1.1,

2.0, or 3.0.

DB2 .NET Data provider ƒ Extends DB2 support for the ADO.NET interface.

(recommended) ƒ The DB2 managed provider implements the same

set of standard ADO.NET classes and methods

ƒ It is defined under IBM.DATA.DB2 namespace.

ƒ Can be obtained by downloading any of:

- Data Server Driver for ODBC, CLI, and .NET

- IBM Data Server Runtime Client

- DB2 Data Server

Table 14.3 - ADO.NET data providers

14.3.7 PHP
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is an open source, platform independent scripting
language designed for Web application development. It can be embedded within HTML,
and generally runs on a Web server which takes the PHP code and creates Web pages as
PHP is a modular language. You can use extensions to customize the available
functionality. Some of the most popular PHP extensions are those used to access
databases. IBM supports access to DB2 databases through two extensions:
ƒ ibm_db2: The ibm_db2 extension offers a procedural application programming
interface to create, read, update and write database operations in addition to
extensive access to the database metadata. It can be compiled with either PHP 4 or
PHP 5.
254 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

ƒ pdo_ibm: The pdo_ibm is a driver for the PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension that
offers access to DB2 database through the standard object-oriented database
interface introduced in PHP 5.1. It can be compiled directly against DB2 libraries.
The PHP extensions and drivers are available for free from the PECL repository at, or with the IBM Data Server Client. Both, ibm_db2 and pdo_ibm are
based on the IBM DB2 CLI Layer
IBM has also partnered with Zend Technologies Inc. to support ZendCore, a free
environment ready toolkit for developing with PHP and DB2 Express-C. The ZendCore
bundle includes PHP libraries, the Apache Web server, and DB2 Express-C. To download
ZendCore, go to

14.3.8 Ruby on Rails

Ruby is an open source object oriented language. Rails is a Web framework created using
Ruby. Ruby on Rails (RoR) is an ideal means to develop database backed web-based
applications. This hot new technology is based on the Model, View, Controller (MVC)
architecture and follows the principles of agile software development.
Rails requires no special file formats or integrated development environments (IDEs); you
can get started with a text editor. However, various IDEs are available with Rails support,
such as RadRails, which is a Rails environment for Eclipse. For more information about
RadRails, visit
DB2 supports Ruby 1.8.5 and later and Ruby on Rails 1.2.1 and later. The IBM_DB gem
includes the IBM_DB Ruby driver and Rails adapter which allows you to work with DB2 and is
based on the CLI layer. This gem must be installed along with an IBM Data Server Client.
To install the IBM_DB driver and adapter you can use Ruby gem or as a Rails plug-in.

14.3.9 Perl
Perl is a popular interpreted programming language that is freely available for many
operating systems. It uses dynamic SQL, and it is ideal for prototyping applications.
Perl provides a standard module called the Database Interface (DBI) module for accessing
different databases. It is available from This module "talks" to drivers
from different database vendors. In the case of DB2, this is the DBD::DB2 driver which is
available from

14.3.10 Python
Python is a dynamic language often used for scripting. It emphasizes code readability and
supports a variety of programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented,
aspect-oriented, meta, and functional programming. Python is ideal for rapid application
Chapter 14 - Introduction to DB2 Application Development 255
Table 14.4 shows the extensions that are available for accessing DB2 databases from a
Python application.

Extension Description

ibm_db Defined by IBM

Provides the best support for advanced
Allows you to issue SQL queries, call stored
procedures, use pureXML, and access
metadata information.
ibm_db_dbi Implements the Python Database API
Specification v2.0.
It does not offer some of the advanced
features that the ibm_db API supports.
If you have an application with a driver that
supports Python Database API Specification
v2.0, you can easily switch to ibm_db. The
ibm_db and ibm_db_dbi APIs are packaged

ibm_db_sa Supports SQLAlchemy, a popular open

source Python SQL toolkit and object-to-
relational mapper (ORM).
Table 14.4 - IBM Data Server - Python extensions

14.4 XML and DB2 pureXML

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is the underlying technology for Web 2.0 tools and
techniques, as well as for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). IBM recognized early on
the importance of XML, and large investments were made to deliver pureXML technology --
a technology that provides for better storage support XML documents in DB2.
Introduced in 2006, DB2 9 is a hybrid data server: it allows native storage of relational data,
as well as hierarchical data. While previous versions of DB2 and other data servers in the
marketplace could store XML documents, the storage method used in DB2 9 has improved
performance and flexibility. With DB2 9's pureXML technology, XML documents are stored
internally in a parsed hierarchical manner, as a tree; therefore, working with XML
documents is greatly enhanced. Newer releases of DB2 such as DB2 9.5 and DB2 9.7
have further improved the support for pureXML. Chapter 15, DB2 pureXML is devoted to
this subject in detail.
256 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

14.5 Web Services

As a simple definition, think of a Web service as a function you can invoke through the
network, where you don't need to know the programming language used to develop it, you
don't need to know the operating system where the function will run, and you don't need to
know the location where it will run. Web services allow one application to exchange data
with another application using extensible industry standard protocols based on XML. This
is illustrated in Figure 14.8.

Figure 14.8 – How an example Web service works

In the figure, let's say the left side represents the system of a fictitious airline, Air Atlantis
which is using DB2 on Linux, and stores its flight information in XML format in the DB2
database. On the right side we have a system from another fictitious airline, Air Discovery
which is using SQL Server running on Windows. Now let's say that Air Atlantis and Air
Discovery sign a partnership agreement where the two companies want to share
scheduling and pricing information in order to coordinate their flights. Sharing information
between the two may be a challenge given that the two companies are using different
operating systems (Linux, Windows), and different data servers (DB2, SQL Server). When
Air Atlantis changes its flight schedule for a trip going from Toronto to Beijing, how can Air
Discovery automatically adjust its own flight schedule for a connecting flight from Beijing to
Shanghai? The answer lies on Web services. Air Atlantis can expose some of its flight
information by creating a Data Web service that returns the output of a stored procedure
Chapter 14 - Introduction to DB2 Application Development 257
(the getFlightInfo stored procedure) with flight information from the DB2 database. A
Data Web service is a Web service based on database information. When this Data Web
service is deployed to an application server such as WebSphere Application Server; then a
client or partner like Air Discovery can use a browser to access Air Atlantis' flight
information very easily. In this example, Air Atlantis behaves as the Web service provider
as it developed and made available the Web service, while Air Discovery behaves as the
Web service consumer since it consumes or uses the Web service.
Air Discovery can also invoke the Web service from its own JDBC application so that it can
perform calculations that use data from its SQL Server database. For example, if a flight
from Toronto to Beijing takes an average of 12 hours, Air Discovery can compute the
connecting flight from Beijing to Shanghai by adding the departure time the Air Atlantis
flight left Toronto, and adding the flight duration plus a few buffer hours. The amount of
hours to use as buffer may be stored in the SQL Server database at Air Discovery's
system, and the simple equation to use in the JDBC application would look like this:

If Air Atlantis changes its flight departure time, this information is automatically
communicated to the Air Discovery system when it invokes the Web service.

14.6 Administrative APIs

DB2 provides a large amount of administrative APIs that developers can use to build their
own utilities or tools. For example, to create a database you can invoke the sqlecrea
API; to start an instance, use the db2InstanceStart API; or to import data into a
table, use the db2Import API. The complete list is available from the DB2 Information
Center. See the Resources section for the DB2 Information Center URL.

14.7 Other development

Some users of DB2 Express-C also interact with third party products such as MS Excel and
MS Access to create simple forms that connect to DB2. In this section we describe how to
work with these products and DB2 Express-C.
DB2 Express-C is available also on Mac OS X, so you can use DB2 natively to develop
database applications on a Mac. This may be especially appealing to the RoR community
who has embraced the Mac platform.
258 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

14.7.1 Working with Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access are popular tools to generate reports, create forms,
and develop simple applications that provide some business intelligence to your data. DB2
interacts very easily with these tools. A DBA can store the company data in a secure DB2
server, and regular users with Access or Excel can access this data and generate reports.
This is illustrated in Figure 14.9

Figure 14.9 - Working with Excel, Access and DB2

In the figure, Excel and Access can be used to develop a front-end application, while DB2
takes care of data security, reliability and performance as the back-end of the application.
Having all the data centralized in DB2 creates a simplified data storage model.
In the case of Excel, the easiest way to get access to the DB2 data is to use an OLE DB
driver such as the IBM OLE DB Provider for DB2. This is included when you install the free
IBM Data Server Client which can be downloaded from the DB2 Express-C web site at Once installed, you need to select your data source with the
appropriate OLE DB provider to use from the MS Excel menu. Choose Data Import
External Data Import Data. The next steps are documented in the article IBM® DB2®
Universal Database™ and the Microsoft® Excel Application Developer… for Beginners [1].
See the References section for details.
In the case of Microsoft Access, you should also have either of the following installed:
ƒ IBM Data Server client, or
ƒ IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC, CLI and .Net, or
ƒ IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI
The IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC, CLI and .Net, and the IBM Data Server Driver for
ODBC and CLI is also known as the IBM DB2 ODBC Driver, which is the same as the DB2
CLI driver. This is the driver to use to connect from Access to DB2. After the driver is
installed, create an Access 2007 project, and choose the ODBC Database option available
Chapter 14 - Introduction to DB2 Application Development 259
within the External Data tab in the Table Tools ribbon. The next steps are documented in
the article DB2 9 and Microsoft Access 2007 Part 1: Getting the Data...[2]. When using
linked tables in Microsoft Access, the data is available to Access 2007 users, but the data
resides on the DB2 data server.
For versions of Access prior to 2007, the setup is a bit different, but you can review the
article Use Microsoft Access to interact with your DB2 data [3]. See the References section
for details.

14.8 Development Tools

Microsoft Visual Studio and Eclipse are two of the most popular Integrated Development
Environments (IDEs) used by developers today. Both IDEs work well with DB2.
For Microsoft Visual Studio, DB2 provides a Visual Studio Add-in so that after installed,
IBM tools are added to the Visual Studio menus. This way, a developer does not need to
switch to other tools to work with DB2 databases. You can download the Visual Studio
Add-in from the DB2 Express-C web site at
With respect to Eclipse, IBM has released IBM Data Studio, a free Eclipse-based tool that
allows you to develop SQL and XQuery scripts, stored procedures, UDFs, and Web
services. Because it is based on the Eclipse platform, many developers can leverage their
existing knowledge to work with this tool.

14.9 Sample programs

To help you learn how to program in different languages using DB2 as the data server, you
can review the sample applications that come with the DB2 server installation in the
SQLLIB\samples directory. Figure 14.10 below shows some sample programs provided
with DB2 on a Windows platform.
260 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 14.10 - Sample programs that come with DB2

14.10 Summary
In this chapter, we looked at how DB2 provides the flexibility to program database
applications either inside the database on the server, or via client side applications with
connections to the DB2 data server.
The server side application coverage included stored procedures, user-defined functions
and triggers.
On the client side, we discussed the myriad of programming interfaces and methods
permitted by DB2 application development, once again displaying the remarkable flexibility
and capacity of DB2 as a database server.
Chapter 15 – DB2 pureXML
In this chapter we discuss pureXML, the new technology introduced in DB2 9 to support
XML native storage. Many of the examples and concepts discussed in this chapter have
been taken from the IBM Redbook: DB2 9: pureXML overview and fast start. See the
Resources section for more information on this title. Figure 15.1 outlines which section of
the DB2 “Big Picture” we discuss in this chapter.

Figure 15.1 – The DB2 Big Picture: DB2 commands, SQL/XML and XQuery
262 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

For more information about pureXML, watch this video:

15.1 Using XML with databases

XML documents can be stored in text files, XML repositories, or databases. There are two
main reasons why many companies opt to store them in databases:
ƒ Managing large volumes of XML data is a database problem. XML is data like other
data, just in a different overall format. The same reasons to store relational data on
databases apply to XML data: Databases provide efficient search and retrieval,
robust support for persistence of data, backup and recovery, transaction support,
performance and scalability.
ƒ Integration: By storing relational and XML documents together, you can integrate
new XML data with existing relational data, and combine SQL with XPath or XQuery
in one query. Moreover, relational data can be published as XML, and vice versa.
Through integration, databases can better support Web applications, SOA, and
Web services.

15.2 XML databases

There are two types of databases for storing XML data:
ƒ XML-enabled databases
ƒ Native XML databases

15.2.1 XML-enabled databases

An XML-enabled database uses the relational model as its core data storage model to
store XML. This requires either a mapping between the XML (hierarchical) data model and
the relational data model, or else storing the XML data as a character large object. While
this can be considered as “old” technology, it is still being used by many database vendors.
Figure 15.2 explains in more detail the two options for XML-enabled databases.
Chapter 15 DB2 pureXML 263

Figure 15.2 – Two options to store XML in XML-enabled databases

The left side of Figure 15.2 shows the CLOB and varchar method of storing XML
documents in a database. Using this method, an XML document is stored as an unparsed
string in either a CLOB or a varchar column in the database. If the XML document is stored
as a string, when you want to retrieve part of the XML document, your program will have to
retrieve the entire string, and parse it to find what you want. Think of parsing as building the
XML document tree in memory so you can navigate through this tree. This method is
memory-intensive and not very flexible.
The other option for XML-enabled databases is called shredding or decomposition and
is illustrated on the right hand side of Figure 15.2. Using this method, an entire XML
document is shredded into smaller parts which are stored in tables. Using this method, you
are literally forcing an XML document, which is based on the hierarchical model, into the
relational model. This method is not flexible because if the XML document is changed, this
change is not easily propagated into the corresponding tables and many other tables may
need to be created. This method is also not good for performance: if you need to get the
original XML document back, you need to perform an expensive SQL join operation, which
can become even more expensive when more tables are involved.

15.2.2 Native XML databases

Native XML databases use the hierarchical XML data model to store and process XML
internally. The storage format is the same as the processing format: there is no mapping to
the relational model, and XML documents are not stored as unparsed strings (CLOBs or
varchars). When XPath or XQuery statements are used, they are processed natively by
the engine, and not converted to SQL. This is why these databases are known as “native”
XML databases. DB2 is currently the only commercial data server providing this support.
264 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

15.3 XML in DB2

Figure 15.3 below outlines how relational data and hierarchical data (XML documents) are
both stored in a DB2 hybrid database. The figure also shows the CREATE TABLE
statement that was used to create the table dept.

Figure 15.3 – XML in DB2

Note that the table definition uses a new data type, XML, for the deptdoc column. The
left arrow in the figure indicates the relational column deptID stored in relational format
(tables), while the XML column deptdoc is stored in parsed hierarchical format.
Figure 15.4 illustrates that in DB2 9, there are now four ways to access data:
ƒ Use SQL to access relational data
ƒ Use SQL with XML extensions (SQL/XML) to access XML data
ƒ Use XQuery to access XML data
ƒ Use XQuery to access relational data

Figure 15.4 – Four ways to access data in DB2

Chapter 15 DB2 pureXML 265
Thus, depending on your background, if you are an SQL person you may see DB2 as a
world class RDBMS that also supports XML. If you are an XML person, you would see DB2
as a world class XML repository that also supports SQL.
Note that IBM uses the term pureXML instead of native XML to describe this technology.
While other vendors still use the old technologies of CLOB/varchar or shredding to store
XML documents, they call those old technologies “native XML”. To avoid confusion, IBM
decided to use the new term pureXML, and to trademark this name so that no other
database or XML vendor could use this same term to denote some differing technology.
pureXML support is provided for databases created as Unicode or non-Unicode.

15.3.1 pureXML technology advantages

Many advantages are provided by pureXML technology.
1. You can seamlessly leverage your relational investment, given that XML
documents are stored in columns of tables using the new XML data type.
2. You can reduce code complexity. For example, Figure 15.5 illustrates a PHP script
written with and without using pureXML. Using pureXML (the smaller box on the
left side) the lines of code are reduced. This not only means that the code is less
complex, but the overall performance is improved as there are fewer lines to parse
and maintain in the code.

Figure 15.5 – Code complexity with and without pureXML

266 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

3. Changes to your schema are easier using XML and pureXML technology. Figure
15.6 illustrates an example of this increased flexibility. In the figure, assume that
you had a database consisting of the tables Employee and Department. Typically
with a non-XML database, if your manager asked you to store not only one phone
number per employee (the home phone number), but also a second phone number
(a cell phone number), then you could add an extra column to the Employee table
and store the cell phone number in that new column. However, this method would
be against the normalization rules of relational databases. If you want to preserve
these rules, you should instead create a new Phone side table, and move all phone
information to this table. You could then also add the cell phone numbers as well.
Creating a new Phone table is costly, not only because large amounts of pre-
existing data needs to be moved, but also because all the SQL in your applications
would have to change to point to the new table.
Instead, on the left side of the figure, we show how this could be done using XML.
If employee Christine also has a cell phone number, a new tag can be added to
put this information. If employee Michael does not have a cell phone number, we
just leave it as is.

Figure 15.6 – Increased data flexibility using XML

4. You can improve your XML application performance. Tests performed using
pureXML technology showed huge improvements in performance for XML
applications. Table 15.1 shows the test results for a company that switched to
pureXML from older technologies. The second column shows the results using the
old method of working with XML using another relational database, and the third
column shows the results using DB2 with pureXML.
Chapter 15 DB2 pureXML 267

Task Other relational DB DB2 with pureXML

Development of search and CLOB: 8 hrs 30 min.
retrieval business processes
Shred: 2 hrs
Relative lines of I/O code 100 35 (65% reduction)
Add field to schema 1 week 5 min.

Queries 24 - 36 hrs 20 sec - 10 min

Table 15.1 – Increased performance using pureXML technology

15.3.2 XPath basics

XPath is a language that can be used to query XML documents. Listing 15.1 shows an
XML document, and Figure 15.7 illustrates the same document represented in parsed-
hierarchical (also called “node” or “leaf”) format. We will use the parsed-hierarchical format
to explain how XPath works.
<dept bldg=“101”>
<employee id=“901”>
<name>John Doe</name>
<phone>408 555 1212</phone>
<employee id=“902”>
<name>Peter Pan</name>
<phone>408 555 9918</phone>
Listing 15.1 – An XML document
268 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C


employee employee

id=901 name phone office id=902 name phone office

John Doe 408-555-1212 344 Peter Pan 408-555-9918 216

Figure 15.7 – Parsed-hierarchical representation of the XML document in Listing 15.1

A quick way to learn XPath is to compare it to the change directory (cd) command
in MS-DOS or Linux/UNIX. Using the cd command, you traverse a directory tree as
cd /directory1/directory2/…

Similarly, in XPath you use slashes to go from one element to another within the XML
document. For example, using the document in Listing 15.1 in XPath you could retrieve
the names of all employees using this query:
/dept/employee/name XPath expressions

XPath expressions use fully qualified paths to specify elements and attributes. An “@” sign
is used to specify an attribute. To retrieve only the value (text node) of an element, use the
text() function. Table 15.2 shows XPath queries and the corresponding results using the
XML document from Listing 15.1.

XPath Result
/dept/@bldg 101

/dept/employee/@id 901

/dept/employee/name <name>Peter Pan</name>

<name>John Doe</name>
Chapter 15 DB2 pureXML 269
/dept/employee/name/text() Peter Pan
John Doe

Table 15.2 – XPath expression examples XPath wildcards

There are two main wildcards in XPath:
ƒ “*” matches any tag name
ƒ “//” is the “descendent-or-self” wildcard
Table 15.3 provides more examples using the XML document from Listing 15.1

XPath Result
/dept/employee/*/text() John Doe
408 555 1212
Peter Pan
408 555 9918
/dept/*/@id 901
//name/text() Peter Pan
John Doe
/dept//phone <phone>408 555 1212</phone>
<phone>408 555 9918</phone>
Table 15.3 – XPath wildcard examples XPath predicates

Predicates are enclosed in square brackets [ ]. As an analogy, you can think of them as
the equivalent to the WHERE clause in SQL. For example [@id=”902”] can be read as:
“WHERE attribute id is equal to 902”. There can be multiple predicates in one XPath
expression. To specify a positional predicate, use [n] which means the nth child would be
selected. For Example, employee[2] means that the second employee should be selected.
Table 15.4 provides more examples.

XPath Result
/dept/employee[@id=“902”]/name <name>Peter Pan</name>

/dept[@bldg=“101”]/employee[office <name>John Doe</name>

270 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

//employee[office=“344” OR 901
office=“216”]/@id 902
/dept/employee[2]/@id 902

Table 15.4 – XPath predicate examples The parent axis

Similar to MS-DOS or Linux/UNIX, you can use a “.” (dot) to indicate in the expression that
you are referring to the current context, and a “..” (dot dot) to refer to the parent context.
Table 15.5 provides more examples.

XPath Result
/dept/employee/name[../@id=“902”] <name>Peter Pan</name>

/dept/employee/office[.>“300”] <office>344</office>

/dept/employee[office > “300”]/office <office>344</office>

/dept/employee[name=“John Doe”]/../@bldg 101

/dept/employee/name[.=“John Doe”]/../../@bldg 101

Table 15.5 – XPath parent axis

15.3.3 XQuery basics

XQuery is a query language created for XML. XQuery supports path expressions to
navigate the XML hierarchical structure. In fact, XPath is a subset of XQuery; therefore,
everything we learned earlier about XPath applies to XQuery too. XQuery supports both
typed and untyped data. XQuery lacks null values because XML documents omit missing
or unknown data. XQuery and XPath expressions are case sensitive, and XQuery returns
sequences of XML data.
XQuery supports the FLWOR expression. If we use SQL for an analogy, it is equivalent to
a SELECT-FROM-WHERE expression. The next section describes FLWOR in more detail. XQuery: FLWOR expression

FLWOR stands for:
ƒ FOR: iterates through a sequence, binds a variable to items
ƒ LET: binds a variable to a sequence
ƒ WHERE: eliminates items of the iteration
ƒ ORDER: reorders items of the iteration
Chapter 15 DB2 pureXML 271
ƒ RETURN: constructs query results
It is an expression that allows manipulation of XML documents, enabling you to return
another expression. For example, assume you have a table with this definition:
CREATE TABLE dept(deptID CHAR(8),deptdoc XML);

And the XML document in Listing 15.2 is inserted in the deptdoc column
<dept bldg=”101”>
<employee id=”901”>
<name>John Doe</name>
<phone>408 555 1212</phone>
<employee id=”902”>
<name>Peter Pan</name>
<phone>408 555 9918</phone>
Listing 15.2 - A sample XML document
Then the XQuery statement in Listing 15.3 using the FLWOR expression could be run:
for $d in db2-fn:xmlcolumn('dept.deptdoc')/dept
let $emp := $d//employee/name
where $d/@bldg > 95
order by $d/@bldg
{$d/@bldg, $emp}
Listing 15.3 - A sample XQuery statement with the FLWOR expression
This would return the output shown in Listing 15.4
<EmpList bldg="101">
John Doe
Peter Pan
Listing 15.4 - Output after running the XQuery statement in Listing 15.3
272 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

15.3.4 Inserting XML documents

Inserting XML documents into a DB2 database can be performed using the SQL INSERT
statement, or the IMPORT utility. XQuery cannot be used for this purpose as this has not
yet been defined in the standard.
Let’s examine the script table_creation.txt shown in Listing 15.5 below, which can
be run from the DB2 Command Window or Linux shell using this statement:
db2 –tvf table_creation.txt

-- (1)
drop database mydb

-- (2)
create database mydb using codeset UTF-8 territory US

-- (3)
connect to mydb

-- (4)
create table items (
id int primary key not null,
brandname varchar(30),
itemname varchar(30),
sku int,
srp decimal(7,2),
comments xml

-- (5)
create table clients(
id int primary key not null,
name varchar(50),
status varchar(10),
contact xml

-- (6)
insert into clients values (77, 'John Smith', 'Gold',
'<addr>111 Main St., Dallas, TX, 00112</addr>')
Chapter 15 DB2 pureXML 273

-- (7)
IMPORT FROM "D:\Raul\clients.del" of del xml from "D:\Raul" INSERT INTO

-- (8)
IMPORT FROM "D:\Raul\items.del" of del xml from "D:\Raul" INSERT INTO
Listing 15.5 - Contents of the file table_creation.txt
Note that this script file and related files are provided in the compressed file that accompanies this book. Follow along as
we describe each line in the script of Listing 15.5.
1. Drop the database mydb. This is normally done in script files to perform cleanup.
If mydb didn’t exist before, you will receive an error message, but this is OK.
2. Create the database mydb using the codeset UTF-8. This creates a Unicode
database. pureXML is supported in both Unicode and non-Unicode databases.
3. Connect to the newly created database mydb. This is necessary to create objects
within the database.
4. Create the table items. Note that the last column in the table (column comments)
is defined as an XML column using the new XML data type.
5. We create the table clients. Note that the last column in the table (column
contact) is also defined with the new XML data type.
6. Using this SQL INSERT statement, you can insert an XML document into an XML
column. In the INSERT statement you pass the XML document as a string
enclosed in single quotes.
7. Using an IMPORT command, you can insert or import several XML documents
along relational data into the database. In (7) you are importing the data from the
clients.del file (a delimited ascii file), and you also indicate where the XML
data referenced by that clients.del file is located (for this example, in
We will take a more careful look at file clients.del, but first, let’s see the contents of
directory D:\Raul first. Figure 15.8 provides this information.
274 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 15.8 - Contents of D:\Raul directory with XML documents

Listing 15.6 shows the contents of the text file clients.del.
3227,Ella Kimpton,Gold,<XDS FIL='Client3227.xml' />,
8877,Chris Bontempo,Gold,<XDS FIL='Client8877.xml'/>,
9077,Lisa Hansen,Silver,<XDS FIL='Client9077.xml' />
9177,Rita Gomez,Standard,<XDS FIL='Client9177.xml'/>,
5681,Paula Lipenski,Standard,<XDS FIL='Client5681.xml' />,
4309,Tina Wang,Standard,<XDS FIL='Client4309.xml'/>
Listing 15.6 - Contents of the file clients.del
In the clients.del file, “XDS FIL=” is used to point to a specific XML document file.
Figure 15.9 shows the Control Center after running the above script.
Chapter 15 DB2 pureXML 275

Figure 15.9 – The Control Center after running the table_creation.txt script
Note that in the figure, we show the contents of the CLIENTS table. The last column
contact is an XML column. When you click on the button with three dots, another
window opens showing you the XML document contents. This is shown in the bottom right
corner of the Figure 15.9.

15.3.5 Querying XML data

There are two ways to query XML data in DB2:
ƒ Using SQL with XML extensions (SQL/XML)
ƒ Using XQuery
In both cases, DB2 follows international XML standards. Querying XML data with SQL/XML
Using regular SQL statements allows you to work with rows and columns. An SQL
statement can be used to work with full XML documents; however, it would not help when
attempting to retrieve only part of the document. In such cases, you need to use SQL with
XML extensions (SQL/XML).
276 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Table 15.6 describes some of the SQL/XML functions available with the SQL 2006

Function name Description

XMLPARSE Parses character or large object binary data, produces

XML value

XMLSERIALIZE Converts an XML value into character or large object

binary data

XMLVALIDATE Validates XML value against an XML schema and

type-annotates the XML value

XMLEXISTS Determines if an XQuery returns a results (i.e. a

sequence of one or more items)

XMLQUERY Executes an XQuery and returns the result sequence

XMLTABLE Executes an XQuery, returns the result sequence as a

relational table (if possible)

XMLCAST Cast to or from an XML type

Table 15.6 – SQL/XML Functions
The following examples can be tested using the mydb database created earlier.
Example 1
Imagine that you need to locate the names of all clients who live in a specific zip code. The
clients table stores customer addresses, including zip codes, in an XML column. Using
XMLEXISTS, you can search the XML column for the target zip code and then restrict the
return result set accordingly. Listing 15.7 below illustrates the query required.
SELECT name FROM clients
WHERE xmlexists(
passing as "c"
Listing 15.7 - An example using XMLEXISTS
In Listing 15.7, the first line is an SQL clause specifying that you want to retrieve
information in the name column of the clients table.
The WHERE clause invokes the XMLEXISTS function, specifying the XPath expression
that prompts DB2 to navigate to the zip element and check for a value of 95116
Chapter 15 DB2 pureXML 277
The $c/Client/Address clause indicates the path inside the XML document hierarchy
where DB2 can locate the zip element. A dollar sign ($) is used to specify a variable;
therefore “c” is a variable. This variable is then defined by this line: passing as "c". Here, clients is the name of the table and contact is the
name of the column with an XML data type. In other words, we are passing the XML
document to the variable “c”.
DB2 inspects the XML data contained in the contact column, navigates from the root
Client node down to the Address node, then to the zip node and finally determines if
the customer lives in the target zip code. The XMLEXISTS function evaluates to “true” and
DB2 returns the name of the client associated with that row.
Starting with DB2 9.5, the above query could be simplified as shown in Listing 15.8 below.
SELECT name FROM clients
WHERE xmlexists(
Listing 15.8 - Simplified version of the query shown in Listing 15.7
A variable with the same name as an XML column is created automatically by DB2. In the
above example, the variable CONTACT is created automatically by DB2. Its name matches
the name of the XML column CONTACT.

Example 2
Let’s consider how to solve the problem of how to create a report listing the e-mail
addresses of “Gold” status customers. The query in Listing 15.9 below could be run for this
SELECT xmlquery('$c/Client/email' passing contact as "c")
FROM clients
WHERE status = 'Gold'
Listing 15.9 - An example using XMLQUERY
The first line indicates we want to return the email address which is an element of the XML
document (not a relational column). As in the previous example, “$c” is a variable that
contains the XML document. In this example we use the XMLQUERY function which can
be used after a SELECT, while the XMLEXISTS function can be used after a WHERE

Example 3
There may be situations when you would like to present XML data as tables. This is
possible with the XMLTABLE function as shown in Listing 15.10 below.
SELECT t.comment#, i.itemname, t.customerID, Message
278 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

FROM items i,
xmltable('$c/Comments/Comment' passing i.comments as "c"
columns Comment# integer path 'CommentID',
CustomerID integer path 'CustomerID',
Message varchar(100) path 'Message') AS t
Listing 15.10 - An example using XMLTABLE
The first line specifies the columns to be included in your results set. Columns prefixed with
the “t” variable are based on XML element values.
The third line invokes the XMLTABLE function to specify the DB2 XML column containing
the target data (i.comments) and the path within the column's XML documents where the
elements of interest are located.
The columns clause, spanning lines 4 to 6, identifies the specific XML elements that will
be mapped to output columns in the SQL result set specified on line 1. Part of this mapping
involves specifying the data types to which the XML element values will be converted. In
this example all XML data is converted to traditional SQL data types.
Example 4
Now let’s explore a simple example in which you include an XQuery FLWOR expression
inside an XMLQUERY SQL/XML function. This is illustrated in Listing 15.11.
SELECT name, xmlquery(
‘for $e in $c/Client/email[1] return $e’
passing contact as “c”
FROM clients
WHERE status = ‘Gold’
Listing 15.11 - An example using XMLQUERY and FLWOR
The first line specifies that the customer names and the output from the XMLQUERY
function will be included in the result set. The second line indicates the first email sub-
element of the Client element is to be returned. The third line identifies the source of our
XML data (contact column). The fourth line tells us that this column is coming from the
clients table; and the fifth line indicates that only Gold customers are of interest.

Example 5
The example illustrated in Listing 15.12 demonstrates again the XMLQUERY function
which takes an XQuery FLWOR expression; however, note that this time we are returning
not only XML, but also HTML.
SELECT xmlquery('for $e in $c/Client/email[1]/text()
return <p>{$e}</p>'
passing contact as "c")
Chapter 15 DB2 pureXML 279
FROM clients
WHERE status = 'Gold'
Listing 15.12 - An example returning XML and HTML
The return clause of XQuery enables you to transform XML output as needed. Using the
text()function in the first line indicates that only the text representation of the first email
address of qualifying customers is of interest. The second line specifies that this
information is to be surrounded by HTML paragraph tags.

Example 6
The following example uses the XMLELEMENT function to create a series of item
elements, each of which contain sub-elements for the ID, brand name, and stock keeping
unit (SKU) values obtained from corresponding columns in the items table. Basically, you
can use the XMLELEMENT function when you want to convert relational data to XML data.
This is illustrated in Listing 15.13.
xmlelement (name "item", itemname),
xmlelement (name "id", id),
xmlelement (name "brand", brandname),
xmlelement (name "sku", sku)
FROM items
WHERE srp < 100
Listing 15.13 - An example using XMLELEMENT
The query in Listing 15.13 would return the output as shown in Listing 15.14

Listing 15.14 - Output of the query in Listing 15.13 Querying XML data with XQuery

In the previous section, we looked at how to query XML data using SQL with XML
extensions. SQL was always the primary query method, and XPath or XQuery was
280 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

embedded inside SQL. In this section, we discuss how to query XML data using XQuery.
This time, XQuery will be the primary query method, and in some cases, we will use SQL
embedded inside XQuery (using the db2-fn:sqlquery function). When using XQuery,
we will invoke a few functions, and will also use the FLWOR expression.

Example 1
This is a simple XQuery to return customer contact data. In the example, CONTACT is the
name of the XML column, and CLIENTS is the name of the table.
xquery db2-fn:xmlcolumn(‘CLIENTS.CONTACT’)

Always prefix any XQuery expression with the xquery command so that DB2 knows it has
to use the XQuery parser, otherwise DB2 will assume you are trying to run an SQL
expression. The db2-fn:xmlcolumn function is a function that retrieves the XML
documents from the column specified as the parameter. It is equivalent to the following
SQL statement, as it is retrieving the entire column contents:
SELECT contact FROM clients
Example 2
In this example shown in Listing 15.15, we use the FLWOR expression to retrieve client fax
for $y in db2-fn:xmlcolumn(‘CLIENTS.CONTACT’)/Client/fax
return $y
Listing 15.15 - XQuery and the FLWOR expression
The first line invokes the XQuery parser. The second line instructs DB2 to iterate through
the fax sub-elements contained in the CLIENTS.CONTACT column. Each fax element is
bound to the variable $y. The third line indicates that for each iteration, the value “$y” is
The output of this query is illustrated in Listing 15.16 (We omitted the namespace in the
output, otherwise it would be harder to read as it may span several lines):
Listing 15.16 - Output of the query show in Listing 15.15
Example 3
The example in Listing 15.17 queries XML data and returns the results as HTML.
<ul> {
Chapter 15 DB2 pureXML 281
for $y in db2-fn:xmlcolumn(‘CLIENTS.CONTACT’)/Client/Address
order by $y/zip
return <li>{$y}</li>
Listing 15.17 - XQuery statement with the FLWOR expression returning HTML

The sample HTML returned would look as shown in Listing 15.18.

<street>9407 Los Gatos Blvd.</street>
<city>Los Gatos</city>
<street>4209 El Camino Real</street>
<city>Mountain View</city>
Listing 15.18 - Output of the query ran in Listing 15.17

Example 4
The following example shows how to embed SQL within XQuery by using the db2-
fn:sqlquery function. The db2-fn:sqlquery function executes an SQL query and
returns only the selected XML data. The SQL query passed to db2-fn:sqlquery must
only return XML data. This XML data can then be further processed by XQuery. This is
illustrated in Listing 15.19.
for $y in
‘select comments from items where srp > 100’
where $y/ResponseRequested=‘Yes’
282 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

return (
Listing 15.19 - An example of the db2-fn:sqlquery function embedding SQL within
In the example, the SQL query filters rows based on the condition that the srp column has
a value greater than 100. From those rows filtered, it will pick the comments column,
which is the XML column. Next XQuery (or XPath) is applied to go to sub-elements.
SQL is case insensitive and DB2 stores all table and column names in uppercase by
default. XQuery on the other hand, is case sensitive. The above functions are XQuery
interface functions so all the table names and column names should be passed to these
functions in uppercase. Passing the object names in lowercase may result in an undefined
object name error.

15.3.6 Joins with SQL/XML

This section describes how to perform JOIN operations between two XML columns of
different tables, or between one XML column and one relational column. Assume you have
created two tables with the statements shown in Listing 15.20
CREATE TABLE dept (unitID CHAR(8), deptdoc XML)
CREATE TABLE unit (unitID CHAR(8) primary key not null,
name CHAR(20),
manager VARCHAR(20),
Listing 15.20 - DDL of tables to use in the JOIN examples
You can perform a JOIN operation in either of two ways. The first method is shown in
Listing 15.21.
FROM dept d, unit u
‘$e//employee[name = $m]’
passing d.deptdoc as “e”, u.manager as “m”)
Listing 15.21 - First method to perform a JOIN with SQL/XML
Chapter 15 DB2 pureXML 283
Line 4 of the statement in the above listing shows that the JOIN operation occurs between
the element name, which is a sub-element of the deptdoc XML column in table dept, and
the manager relational column in the table unit.
Listing 15.22 shows the second method to perform the JOIN.
FROM dept d, unit u
WHERE u.manager = XMLCAST(
XMLQUERY(‘$e//employee/name ‘
passing d.deptdoc as “e”)
AS char(20))
Listing 15.22 - Second method to perform a JOIN with SQL/XML
In this second method, the relational column is on the left side of the JOIN. If the relational
column is on the left side of the equation, a relational index may be used instead of an XML

15.3.7 Joins with XQuery

Assume the following tables have been created:
CREATE TABLE dept(unitID CHAR(8), deptdoc XML)
CREATE TABLE project(projectDoc XML)

If we use SQL/XML, a JOIN would look as shown in Listing 15.23.

‘$d/dept/employee’ passing d.deptdoc as “d”)
FROM dept d, project p
passing d.deptdoc as “e”, p.projectDoc as “p”)
Listing 15.23 - A JOIN with SQL/XML
The equivalent JOIN using XQuery is shown in Listing 15.24.
for $dept in db2-fn:xmlcolumn(“DEPT.DEPTDOC”)/dept
for $proj in db2-fn:xmlcolumn(“PROJECT.PROJECTDOC”)/project
where $dept/@deptID = $proj/deptID
return $dept/employee
Listing 15.24 - A JOIN with XQuery
This second method is easier to interpret -- variable $dept holds the XML document of the
XML column deptdoc in table dept. The variable $proj holds the XML document of the
XML column projectdoc in table project. Then line 4 performs the JOIN operation
284 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

between an attribute of the first XML document and an element of the second XML

15.3.8 Update and delete operations

Update and delete operations on XML data can be performed in one of two ways:
ƒ Using SQL UPDATE and DELETE statements
ƒ Using the TRANSFORM expression
For the first way using SQL UPDATE and DELETE statements, the update or delete occurs
at the document level; that is, the entire XML document is replaced with the updated one.
For example, in the UPDATE statement in Listing 15.25 below, if you’d only like to change
the <state> element, the entire XML document is actually replaced.
UPDATE clients SET contact=(
<street>5401 Julio ave.</street>
<city>San Jose</city>
WHERE id = 3227
Listing 15.25 - An example of an SQL UPDATE
For the second way, you can perform sub-document updates using the TRANSFORM
expression, which is a lot more efficient. This allows you to replace, insert, delete or
rename nodes in an XML document. You can also change the value of a node without
replacing the node itself, typically to change an element or attribute value–which is a very
common type of update. This support was added in DB2 9.5.
The TRANSFORM expression is part of the XQuery language, you can use it anywhere
you normally use XQuery, for example in a FLWOR expression or in the XMLQUERY
function in an SQL/XML statement. The most typical use is in an SQL UPDATE statement
to modify an XML document in an XML column.
Chapter 15 DB2 pureXML 285
Listing 15.26 shows the syntax of the TRANSFORM expression.
>>-transform--| copy clause |--| modify clause |--| return clause |-><

copy clause

V |

modify clause


return clause


Listing 15.26 - The syntax of the TRANSFORM expression

The copy clause is used to assign to a variable the XML documents you want to process.
In the modify clause, you can invoke an insert, delete, rename, or replace
expression. These expressions allow you to perform updates to your XML document.
For example:
• If you want to add new nodes to the document, you would use the insert
• To delete nodes from an XML document, use the delete expression
• To rename an element or attribute in the XML document, use the rename
• To replace an existing node with a new node or sequence of nodes, use the
replace expression. The replace value of the expression can only be used to
change the value of an element or attribute.
The return clause returns the result of the transform expression.
Listing 15.27 shows an example of an UPDATE statement using the TRANSFORM
(1)-- UPDATE customers
(2)-- SET contactinfo = xmlquery( 'declare default element namespace
(3)-- "";
(4)-- transform
(5)-- copy $newinfo := $c
(6)-- modify do insert <email2></email2>
286 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

(7)-- as last into $newinfo/customerinfo

(8)-- return $newinfo' passing contactinfo as "c")
(9)-- WHERE id = 100
Listing 15.27 - An UPDATE using the TRANSFORM expression
In the above example, lines (1), (2), and (9) are part of the SQL UPDATE syntax. In Line
(2) the XMLQUERY function is invoked, which calls the transform expression in line (4).
The transform expression block goes from line (4) to line (8), and it is used to insert a new
node into the XML document containing the email2 element. Note that updating the
elements in an XML document through a view is not supported.
Deleting entire XML documents from tables is as straightforward as when using the
SELECT statement in SQL/XML. Use the SQL DELETE statement and specify any
necessary WHERE predicates.

15.3.9 XML indexing

In an XML document, indexes can be created for elements, attributes, or for values (text
nodes). Below are some examples. Assume the table below was created:
CREATE TABLE customer(info XML)
And assume the XML document in Listing 15.28 is one of the documents stored in the
<customerinfo Cid="1004">
<name>Matt Foreman</name>
<addr country="Canada">
<street>1596 Baseline</street>
<phone type="work">905-555-4789</phone>
<phone type="home">416-555-3376</phone>
<name>Peter Smith</name>
<phone type="home">416-555-3426</phone>
Listing 15.28 - The XML document to use in the examples related to XML indexes
The statement shown in Listing 15.29 creates an index on the attribute Cid
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx1 ON customer(info)
xmlpattern '/customerinfo/@Cid'
Chapter 15 DB2 pureXML 287
Listing 15.29 - An index on attribute Cid
The statement shown in Listing 15.30 creates an index on the element name
CREATE INDEX idx2 ON customer(info)
xmlpattern '/customerinfo/name'
AS sql VARCHAR(40)
Listing 15.30 - An index on element name
The statement in Listing 15.31 creates an index on all elements name
CREATE INDEX idx3 ON customer(info)
xmlpattern '//name'
AS sql VARCHAR(40);
Listing 15.31 - An index on all elements name
The statement in Listing 15.32 creates an index on all text nodes (all values). This is not
recommended, as it would be too expensive to maintain the index for update, delete and
insert operations, and the index would be too large.
CREATE INDEX idx4 ON customer(info)
xmlpattern '//text()'
AS sql VARCHAR(40);
Listing 15.32 - An index on all text nodes (Not recommended)

15.4 Working with XML Schemas

DB2 allows you to insert an XML document into the database if it is well-formed. If it's not,
you will receive an error at insertion time. On the other hand, DB2 does not force you to
validate a XML document. If you wish to have an XML document validated, you have
several alternatives as we will discuss in this section.

15.4.1 Registering your XML Schemas

XML Schemas are stored in the DB2 databases in what is called an XML Schema
repository. To add an XML Schema to a repository, you use the REGISTER XMLSCHEMA
For example, let's say you have an XML document stored in file order.xml as shown in
Figure 15.10
288 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Figure 15.10 - The order.xml file containing an XML document

Now, let's say you have an XML Schema document stored in file order.xsd as shown in
Figure 15.11
Chapter 15 DB2 pureXML 289

Figure 15.11 - The order.xsd file containing an XML schema

In this XML Schema document we highlight with an ellipse the following:
ƒ <xsd:schema ….>: Indicates it’s a XML Schema document
ƒ <xsd:import …>: We import other xsd files (other XML Schemas) that would be part
of this bigger XML Schema.
ƒ minOccurs=“1”: An example of an XML Schema “rule”, where for element Item we
say that it should occur at least one time, or in other words, there should be at least
one Item element.
Next, in order to register the XML Schema to the database, a script similar to the one
shown in Listing 15.33 below could be used. The script includes comments that make it


REGISTER XMLSCHEMA FROM D:\example3\order.xsd AS
290 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C









Listing 15.33 - A sample script showing the steps to register an XML schema
To review this information later you can SELECT the information from the Catalog tables
as shown in Listing 15.34 below.
FROM syscat.xsrobjects
Listing 15.34 - Retrieving XML schema information from the DB2 Catalog tables

15.4.2 XML Schema validation

Once your XML Schemas have been registered in DB2, you can validate your XML
documents in two ways:
ƒ Use the XMLVALIDATE function during an INSERT
ƒ Use a BEFORE Trigger
Figure 15.12 shows an example where the XML document shown in Figure 15.10 is
validated according to the XML Schema shown in Figure 15.11.
Chapter 15 DB2 pureXML 291

Figure 15.12 - XML Schema validation using XMLVALIDATE

To test if an XML document has been validated, you can use the “IS VALIDATED”
predicate on a CHECK constraint.
You can validate XML documents in a column using different XML schemas. This is
important for easy migration from version 1 to version 2 of an XML schema. In the same
XML column, you may also find XML documents with no validation at all. This is useful if
documents are received from trusted and non-trusted sources where only the later require
schema validation.

15.4.3 Other XML support

Small XML documents can now be in-lined with the base table. This means that the XML
data is stored in the same place as the relational data, and can take advantage of the
same compression mechanisms as regular relational data. Larger XML documents are
stored in a separate internal object, which can also be compressed.
292 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

DB2 also supports XML Schema evolution. This means that if your XML Schema changes,
you can update the XML Schema easily with the UPDATE XMLSCHEMA command. If the
changes to the XML Schema are too drastic, you are likely to get some errors.
In DB2 XML decomposition or “shredding” is also supported. This is the “old” method to
store XML in databases, and is what other vendors use to store XML. DB2 still supports
this method if you wish to use it; but we recommend pureXML. DB2 also supports the XML
Extender, also using the old method to store XML, but this extender will no longer be
With DB2 9.7 all the benefits of pureXML has been extended to database partitions
commonly used for data warehouses. Database Partitioning Feature (DPF) is offered with
DB2 Enterprise Edition.

15.6 Summary
This chapter introduced you to XML and pureXML technology. XML document usage is
growing exponentially due to Web 2.0 tools and techniques as well as SOA. By storing
XML documents in a DB2 database you can take advantage of security, performance, and
coding flexibility using pureXML. pureXML is a technology that allows you to store the XML
documents in parsed-hierarchical format, as a tree, and this is done at database insertion
time. At query time, there is no need to parse the XML document in order to build a tree
before processing. The tree for the XML document was already built and stored in the
database. In addition, pureXML technology uses a native XML engine that understands
XQuery; therefore, there is no need to map XQuery to SQL which is what is done in other
RDBMS products.
The chapter also talked about how to insert, delete, update and query XML documents
using SQL/XML and XQuery. It also discussed XML indexes, XML Schema, and other
features such as compression and XML Schema evolution.

15.7 Exercises
Throughout this chapter, you have seen several examples of SQL/XML and XQuery syntax
and have been introduced to the DB2 Command Editor and IBM Data Studio. In this
exercise, you will test your SQL/XML and XQuery knowledge while gaining experience with
these tools. We will use the mydb database created using the table_creation.txt script file
which was explained earlier in this chapter (Listing 15.5).
1. Create the mydb database and load the XML data, as discussed earlier in the
chapter. The file table_creation.txt is included in the accompanying file under the Chapter 2 folder. Run the
table_creation.txt script file from a DB2 Command Window or Linux shell as
Chapter 15 DB2 pureXML 293
db2 –tvf table_creation.txt

2. If the script fails in any of the steps, try to figure out the problem by reviewing the
error messages. A typical problem when running the script is that you may need to
change the paths of the files as they may be located in different directories. You
can always drop the database and start again issuing this command from the DB2
Command Window or Linux shell:
db2 drop database mydb

3. If you receive an error while trying to drop the database because of active
connections, issue this command first:
db2 force applications all

4. After successfully running the script, use the DB2 Control Center, or IBM Data
Studio to verify that the items and clients tables are created and that they contain
4 and 7 rows respectively.
5. With the mydb database created and with the two tables loaded, you can now
connect to it, and perform the queries shown in Listings 15.7 through 15.19
Appendix A – Troubleshooting
This appendix discusses how to troubleshoot problems that may be encountered when
working with DB2. Figure A.1 provides a brief overview of the actions to take should a
problem arise.

db2 ? <code>

Review Administration
Notification Log

Review db2diag.log


Review system with

Operating System

Search for APARs, or

known problems

Collect Traces, dumps,

trap files, core files and
contact IBM DB2 Tech

Figure A.1 – Troubleshooting overview

296 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

For more information about troubleshooting, watch this video:

A.1 Finding more information about error codes

To obtain more information about an error code received, enter the code prefixed by a
question mark in the Command Editor input area and click the Execute button. This is
shown in Figure A.2.

Figure A.2 – Finding more information about DB2 error codes

The question mark (?) invokes the DB2 help command. Below are several examples of
how to invoke it for help if you receive, for example, the SQL error code “-104”. All of the
examples below are equivalent.
db2 ? SQL0104N
db2 ? SQL104N
db2 ? SQL-0104
db2 ? SQL-104
db2 ? SQL-104N


An SQLCODE is a code received after every SQL statement is executed. The meanings of
the values are summarized below:
ƒ SQLCODE = 0; the command was successful
Appendix A - Troubleshooting 297
ƒ SQLCODE > 0; the command was successful, but returned a warning
ƒ SQLCODE < 0; the command was unsuccessful and returned an error
The SQLSTATE is a five-character string that conforms to the ISO/ANSI SQL92 standard.
The first two characters are known as the SQLSTATE class code:
ƒ A class code of 00 means the command was successful.
ƒ A class code of 01 implies a warning.
ƒ A class code of 02 implies a not found condition.
ƒ All other class codes are considered errors.

A.3 DB2 Administration Notification Log

The DB2 administration notification log provides diagnostic information about errors at the
point of failure. On Linux and UNIX platforms, the administration notification log is a text file
called <instance name>.nfy (e.g. “db2inst.nfy”). On Windows, all administration notification
messages are written to the Windows Event Log.
The DBM configuration parameter notifylevel allows administrators to specify the level
of information to be recorded:
ƒ 0 -- No administration notification messages captured (not recommended)
ƒ 1 -- Fatal or unrecoverable errors
ƒ 2 -- Immediate action required
ƒ 3 -- Important information, no immediate action required (the default)
ƒ 4 -- Informational messages

A.4 db2diag.log
The db2diag.log provides more detailed information than the DB2 Administration
notification log. It is normally used only by IBM DB2 technical support or experienced
DBAs. Information in the db2diag.log includes:
ƒ The DB2 code location reporting an error.
ƒ Application identifiers that allow you to match up entries pertaining to an application
on the db2diag.logs of servers and clients.
ƒ A diagnostic message (beginning with "DIA") explaining the reason for the error.
ƒ Any available supporting data, such as SQLCA data structures and pointers to the
location of any extra dump or trap files.
On Windows (other than Vista), the db2diag.log is located by default under the directory:
298 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application

Data\IBM\DB2\DB2COPY1\<instance name>
On Windows Vista, the db2diag.log is located by default under the directory:
C:\ProgramData\IBM\DB2\DB2COPY1\<instance name>
On Linux/UNIX, the db2diag.log is located by default under the directory:
The verbosity of diagnostic text is determined by the dbm cfg configuration parameter
DIAGLEVEL. The range is 0 to 4, where 0 is the least verbose, and 4 is the most. The
default level is 3.

A.5 CLI traces

For CLI, Java, PHP, and Ruby on Rails applications, you may turn on the CLI trace facility
to troubleshoot your application. This can be done by making changes to the db2cli.ini file
at the server where your application is running. Typical entries in the db2cli.ini file are
shown below in Listing A.1.
Listing A.1 - db2cli.ini file entries to turn on CLI Tracing
Low level tracing (db2trc) is also available, but this is typically only useful for DB2 technical

A.6 DB2 Defects and Fixes

Sometimes a problem you encounter may be caused by a defect in DB2. IBM regularly
releases fix packs which contain code fixes for defects (APARs). The fix pack
documentation contains a list of the fixes contained in the fix pack. When developing new
applications, we always recommend using the latest fix pack to benefit from the latest fixes.
To view your current version and fix pack level: from the Control Center, select the About
option from the Help menu; or from the Command Window, type db2level. Note that fix
packs and official IBM DB2 technical support are not offered with DB2 Express-C, With
DB2 Express-C, fixes are incorporated into the image itself rather than applied as fix packs.
Appendix B – References and Resources
B.1 References
[1] ZIKOPOULOS, P. IBM® DB2® Universal Database™ and the Microsoft® Excel Application
Developer… for Beginners, article, April 2005
[2] ZIKOPOULOS, P. DB2 9 and Microsoft Access 2007 Part 1: Getting the Data..., Database Journal
article, May 2008
[3] BHOGAL, K. Use Microsoft Access to interact with your DB2 data, developerWorks article, May 2006.
[4] SARACCO, C. et all. IBM Redbook DB2 9: pureXML overview and fast start
July 2006.

B.2 Web sites:

1. DB2 Express-C web site:

Use this web site to download the image for DB2 Express-C servers, DB2 clients, DB2 drivers,
manuals, access to the team blog, mailing list sign up, etc.

2. DB2 Express forum:

Use the forum to post technical questions when you cannot find the answers in the manuals

3. DB2 Information Center

The information center provides access to the online manuals. It is the most up to date source of
information. For each version of DB2 there is a corresponding DB2 Information Center:
300 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

ƒ DB2 9.1:

ƒ DB2 9.5:
ƒ DB2 9.7:

4. developerWorks:
This Web site is an excellent resource for developers and DBAs providing access to current
articles, tutorials, etc. for free.

5. alphaWorks:
This Web site provides direct access to IBM's emerging technology. It is a place where one can find
the latest technologies from IBM Research.

6. planetDB2:
This is a blog aggregator from many contributors who blog about DB2.

7. DB2 Technical Support:

You can look her for defects and problem reports (APARs) and other technical information..

8. ChannelDB2:
ChannelDB2 is a social network for the DB2 community. It features content such as DB2 related
videos, demos, podcasts, blogs, discussions, resources, etc. for Linux, UNIX, Windows, z/OS, and

B.3 Books
1. Free Redbook: DB2 Express-C: The Developer Handbook for XML, PHP, C/C++, Java, and .NET
Whei-Jen Chen, John Chun, Naomi Ngan, Rakesh Ranjan, Manoj K. Sardana,
August 2006 - SG24-7301-00

2. Free Redbook: DB2 pureXML Guide

Whei-Jen Chen, Art Sammartino, Dobromir Goutev, Felicity Hendricks, Ippei Komi, Ming-Pang
Wei, Rav Ahuja, Matthias Nicola. August 2007
Appendix B - References and Resources 301
3. Free Redbook: Developing PHP Applications for IBM Data Servers.
Whei-Jen Chen, Holger Kirstein, Daniel Krook, Kiran H Nair, Piotr Pietrzak
May 2006 - SG24-7218-00

4. Understanding DB2 – Learning Visually with Examples V9.5

Raul F. Chong, et all. January 2008
ISBN-10: 0131580183

5. DB2® SQL PL: Essential Guide for DB2® UDB on Linux™, UNIX®, Windows™, i5/OS™, and
z/OS®, 2nd Edition
Zamil Janmohamed, Clara Liu, Drew Bradstock, Raul Chong, Michael Gao, Fraser McArthur,
Paul Yip
ISBN: 0-13-100772-6

6. DB2 9: pureXML overview and fast start

Cynthia M. Saracco, Don Chamberlin, Rav Ahuja June 2006 SG24-7298

7. Information on Demand - Introduction to DB2 9 New Features

Paul Zikopoulos, George Baklarz, Chris Eaton, Leon Katsnelson
ISBN-10: 0071487832
ISBN-13: 978-0071487832

B.4 Contact emails

General DB2 Express-C mailbox (For administrative type of questions):
General DB2 on Campus program mailbox:
302 Getting Started with DB2 Express-C

Getting started with DB2 couldn't be easier. Read this book to:

ƒ Find out what DB2 Express-C is all about

ƒ Understand DB2 architecture, tools, security
ƒ Learn how to administer DB2 databases
ƒ Write SQL, XQuery, stored procedures
ƒ Develop database applications for DB2
ƒ Practice using hands-on exercises

The rapid adoption of XML for application integration, Web 2.0, and SOA is driving
the need for innovative hybrid data servers. DB2 Express-C from IBM is a no-charge,
no-limits, hybrid data server capable of managing both XML and traditional relational
data with ease. No-charge means DB2 Express-C is free to download, free to build
your applications, free to deploy into production, and free to redistribute with your
solution. And, DB2 does not place any artificial limits on the size of database,
number of databases, or number of users.

DB2 Express-C runs on Windows and Linux systems and provides application drivers
for a variety of programming languages including C/C++, Java, .NET, PHP, Perl, and
Ruby. Optional low-cost subscription and support with additional capabilities is
available. If you require even greater scalability or more advanced functionality, you
can seamlessly deploy applications built using DB2 Express-C to other DB2 editions
such as DB2 Enterprise.

This free edition of DB2 is ideal for developers, consultants, ISVs, DBAs, students, or
anyone who intends to develop, test, deploy, or distribute database applications.
Join the growing DB2 Express-C user community today and take DB2 Express-C for
a test drive. Start discovering how you can create next generation applications and
deliver innovative solutions.

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