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QUEEN ANNE'S CI-IAMBERs, SWITOMoARD 020 7210 3000 (GrN 210)

28, BROADWAY, DIREcT LINE 020 7210 3103
LONDON SW1H 9JS DIREcT FAx: 020 7210 2996
DX 123242 STJAI~S'S PARK E-MAIL. nnaynardQtreasurysolicitor .gsigov,uk

Martin Smith, Please quote: LT3/2452H/RTM/JEL-

Solicitor to the Hutton Inquiry, A6
2°d Floor, Your ref:
81, Chancery Lane,
London WCA 1DD Date: 22 August 2003

B~Y-FhX:0-20=7855 5297

Dear Mr Smith,

The Hutton Inquiry

MrJames Harrison

I am writing on behalf of Rhys Maynard, who is currently on leave .

Mr Harrison has read through his witness statement with his diary and has found a minor
discrepancy in the statement. At paragraph 16, he notes from his diary that he left the office at
9.40am and was not back in the office until 2.00pm He now thinks that it is possible that he
may not have seen Dr Kelly before the hearing on 16 July 2003 or at all that day.

I hope that this is helpful.

Yours sincerely,

Ja ~ La.:re.^..,.,
for the Treasury Solicitor.

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Cs\LIT\LITC\LITCI\JLawence\HVrTON\Inq letter Hamsomdoc JE ADO,

Borne McKay - Head of Company & Commercial Litigation Group

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