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Events 2.

Leveraging Social Media
and Events

February 19, 2009



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If use technology to create
and share


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10 M
By 2010, 70% of the content of the web will be user generated

IDC/EMC Survey March 2007

Paul fabretti,
FY’07 Interactive
Campaign Plan Marketing & Technology
blogging as
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Agenda for Discussion

 Walk Aways
 Why Should We Care About
Web 2.0 and Social Media?
 What is Web 2.0? What is Social Media?
 Building Relationships in the Digital World
 Social Media Best Practices
 Measurement for Social Media
 Social Media for Events
 Event: Best Practices
 Event 2.0: Technologies

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Walk Aways

Walk Aways

1. A clear understanding of the difference between Web

2.0 and Social Media
2. A foundational understanding of how the social web
plays a now critical role in events throughout both the
lifecycle of a customer as well as the lifecycle of an
3. An understanding of Web 2.0 enabled technologies and
strategies and how these can be applied in the staging
of an event experience.
4. Some best practices for implementing social media
strategies into events

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Why Should We Care About
Web 2.0 and Social Media?

“If you have a brand, you’re under threat. Your customers
have always had an idea about what your brand signifies, an
idea that may vary from the image you are projecting. Now
they’re talking to each other about that idea.

They are redefining for themselves that brand you spent

millions of dollars, or hundreds of millions of dollars,
-- Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies,
J. Bernoff and C. Li

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Your customers determine your brand

Your customers determine your revenue

Your customers determine your future

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Customers are your MOST
valuable asset

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What is Web 2.0?
What is Social Media?

Web 2.0: Tag Cloud

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Think of it as an evolution..

Overview-Connecting The Dots

g y


ti on


Derivative of:
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Next Phase: Web 2.0
An Enabler….

 Next “release” as result of multiple forces

 Enables large numbers of people to come together to
work, share, and build
 Enables the socializing of information
 Enables the tools to facilitate conversation

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Our World

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Our World




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Our World




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Our World

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Our World

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Need to be social
Social Needs Enabled
Our World

Need to be Social

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Social Needs Enabled Our World



Widgets, Content Syndication, Aggregation

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Social Needs Enabled Our World



Widgets, Content Syndication, Aggregation

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Social Needs Enabled Our World

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Need to be social
Social Needs Enabled
Need to be Social
Our World:

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Need to be social
Social Needs Enabled
Need to be Social
Our World:

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Need to be social
Social Needs Enabled
Need to be Social

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Social Media
Need to be social
Social Needs Enabled
Need to be Social

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Marta Z. Kagan􀀁
FY’07 Campaign Plan
Social Media
Format_0106 v1.2 Evangelist
© 2008 Cisco+Systems,
Online Marketing
Inc. All rights reserved.Pro􀀁
Cisco Confidential 33
Touchpoint = Every point in time a customer ‘touches’ or connects with
your company throughout the entire event; pre-, during and
post. Seen or Unseen

Pre Digital Age: Digital Age + 2.0:

Finite Touch Points Multiple, Connected
Touch Points

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Consumer Touch Points

Social Sites
Connect with

Source: Darwin Day Conference, Google

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The Times
They are A-Changin
-Bob Dylan

Our Customers are:

• Everywhere
• Connectors
• Creators
• Influencers

For Events it:

• Changes how we function.
• Changes how we plan
• Changes how we execute

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Building Relationships in the
Digital World.

“ I do firmly believe that the most powerful and
exciting change to digital is the way that it’s
transforming our relationships with our customers,
and it’s enabling them to participate in our brands

in entirely new ways
-Mich Matthews
Senior Vice President, Central Marketing Group
Microsoft , March 2007
Microsoft Strategic Account Summit 2007


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“ The era of
telling and selling “
is dead.
- Jim Stengle
Global Chief Marketing Officer, P&G
-2007 AAAA Media Conference & Tradeshow

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“ The world is in the middle of
an ongoing conversation.
A marketer’s challenge and
job is to enter that
conversation and when you “
do join in, you had better be
prepared to add value.
-John D Hayes
CMO, American Express

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“Consumers are no longer passive
recipients, targets, empty vessels
waiting to be filled with marketing
messages, products and

They are connectors-nodes that

connect the dots and enhance the
Joe Jaffe, “Join the Conversation”

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Relationships Redefined



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Influence Ripples + Social Media Fragmentation

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Jeff Jarvis

One individual creates a blog posting called “Dell Hell”

that forces a major corporation to change the way they
relate to customers
 How?
–Many-to-Many communication model
–Technology enables social media applications
–Applications provide a voice, audience, and a community

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Dell Hell-First Post: abysmal customer service


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Dell Hell-New machine doesn’t work



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Dell Hell-The World Searches

2.4 Million hits for Dell Hell

Is this Dell’s new Home page?

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The receiver becomes the sender
• 12 links to other sources,
mostly blogs
• HP and Microsoft are positively

List of Sites Linked


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Cisco Confidential 49
Dell Hell-Set up
 Finally Jeff got someone to resolve issue (emailing the
 BUT damage was already done….

Dell Stock Price

On June 21st

Dell Hell

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Dell Learns

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Dell Learns


to promote


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Comcast sleeper

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Comcast sleeper

Posted to Youtube
• 58 second video
• First 3 days, viewed 214,000 times
• Over 2 years, viewed over 1.3 million times

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The <old> Funnel

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The New Funnel
The New Funnel

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The New Funnel
The New Funnel Virtual Event

Micro- site SMS Forums

Iphone App

Viral Mkt
Competitor Site
Virtual Event Blog
Widget Video

You Tube Google

Flickr Picts

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2009 Edelman Trust Barometer
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Who Do You Trust?

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Universal McCann Wave 3, Mar 08
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“Recommendation of someone else remains the most
trusted source of information when consumers decide
which products and services to buy”

– 78% trust recommendations from other consumers.

– 61% trust Online opinions
– American’s trusted blogs more than any other country,
with 66% of us trusting blogs for product and service
– The countries most likely to trust advertising? The
Philippines (67%), Brazil (67%) and Mexico (66%).
– Lowest trust of advertising, Danes (28%), Italians (32%),
Lithuanians (34%), and Germans (35%)

Nielsen “trust in advertising” report, October 2007

47 markets:Eu 26,486 web users 63
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ng (brand
of A dvertisi

Universal McCann Wave 3, Mar 08

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Social Media Best
Practices For Events

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• Orkut leads in the Indian subcontinent, as well as Brazil;
• Facebook is stronger, internationally, than Myspace, with surprising strongholds in the
Middle East;
• is the most international of all the social networks, leading in Peru, Colombia,
Central America, and other, scattered countries such as Mongolia, Romania, and Tunisia;
• both Bebo and Skyblog follow colonial patterns, the first strong in smaller English-speaking
countries such as Ireland and New Zealand, and the latter in Francophone countries;
• and Friendster, the original social network, leads all across Southeast Asia.
• Fotolog, a photo service defeated in the US by Friendster, has re-emerged as the dominant social
network in Argentina and Chile.

World Map of Social Networks

Oct 2008
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Best Practice: Tagging

• Ability to collectively classify and find content by the application of terms assigned to
the content [tags]Tags can be created by the author of the content or by users of the
contentResult is a controlled vocabulary

Benefit Event Application Possible Uses Hashtags

Provides a way to • Creation of an official • Create one place The term “hashtags”
retrieve and organize event tag or multiple where all content means to add tags inline
content tags for people to use can be aggregated to posts or tweets
throughout their regardless of asset prefixing a word with a
interaction with the type hash symbol:
event #ciscolive2008
• Ability for attendees
• Tag needs to be to monitor and
communicated to all participate in
attendees so it can be conversations about
added to all content the event
generated (i.e. blog
posts, tweets, • Ability for event
picture/video uploads, producers to monitor
bookmarking, forum conversations real
posts) time are reshape or
react as needed

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Best Practice: Tagging

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Best Practice: Tagging

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Best Practice: Crowdsourcing
 Description:
– Process of outsourcing a task traditionally performed by certain roles, and outsourcing
this task to a large group of people
– Crowdsourcing has become more accessible by leveraging the mass collaboration
enabled by Web 2.0 technologies
 Benefit:
– Turning attendees into engaged participants to achieve certain functions
– Provides a way to gain information and create a sense of ownership and investment for
the event.
 Event Applications:
– Open call to attendees and prospects creates unique opportunities
– Tap into influencers to create ownership, knowledge, and viral buzz
 Possible uses
– Call on potential attendees and attendees to decide on certain
seminars or speakers to present at the conference
– Ask potential attendees to design certain parts of a tradeshow booth
or logo design
– Call on potential attendees to suggest different ways of executing the
– Encourage users to create new content by organizing existing content (Digg, Reddit)
– Uploading of Videos/pictures to be used for community site for event
 Providing an incentive helps to encourage crowdsourcing
 Knowing your technographics of your audience will assist in defining crowdsourcing

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Starbucks asks customers

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And then closes the loop

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British Airways

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Nike ID
• Viewers text in their own custom
design and receive a free pair of
Nike IDs.

• Individuals saw their own shoes

posted live on the jumbotron

• Nike gave away 3000 pairs

of shoes in this promotion

• Users were just as excited by their

design on the billboard as they
were by the free footwear

FY’07 Campaign Plan Mobile Monday,

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Best Practice: Social Media Monitoring

Description:Ability to listen to conversations happening about a Brand, an event, or a

Strategy that uncovers hidden issues, trends, and real time information. Listening facilitates

Event Applications Possible Uses

A monitoring event put in place around an Track comments, viewership, and user
event to not only protect the Brand’s engagement 24/7 from most social media
investment in the event but also to applications Identify the major online
proactively reshape the event real time. influencers of your event and build
Monitors all forms of social media engagement strategies.Monitor twitter
including blogs, top video sharing and feeds to respond immediately to
social networking sites, forums, opinion challenging situations or be able to take
and review sites, image sharing sites, proactive steps toward resolving gaps in
microblogging sites, online mainstream need fulfillment.Capture and analyze data
media and other sites as they become coming from the different input points.
available Use to adjust campaigns and next year’s
event.Providing an incentive helps to
encourage crowdsourcing

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Best Practice: Social Media Monitoring
Free Tools
Paid Tools
• Custom RSS feeds based on Keywords
• • Radian6
• • Trackur
• • Copernic
• • Cymfony
• Monitor This (single keyword across 22 SE feeds) • BuzzMetrics
• Blog • BuzzLogics
• Blogpulse (conversations) • JD/ Umbria
• (Comments) • Visible Technologies
• Email Alerts
• Yahoo:
• Google:
• Message Boards/Forum Tracking

Changes to Web Page
“ Brands forget that what happens offline

• Trends (keyword) echoes online
• Trendrr
• Personal Search Engine
Jeremiah Owyang
• Forrester Research

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 Description: Container used to present data to a user. It is a form of content
 Benefit: Delivery of dynamic updated content across website and web without
writing any code
 Viral nature of successful widgets to carry marketing, brand, and advertising
messages into social networks and other destinations
 Event Applications:
–Widgets placed on key external websites (i.e. MySpace, Facebook, WordPress,iGoogle)
as well as event branded sites to deliver key data relevant to the appropriate lifecycle of
the event
 Possible uses
• Enroll key influencers and key Watering Holes to install pre-event widgets to help with
audience activation and acquisition
• Deliver various feeds to help push prospects to registration
• Display feed of updated pre-event video interviews next to some editorial content
–During event:
• Notify and alert of changes to an event or new opportunities
• Display the most popular user-generated video uploaded to the event site or Youtube
–Post event:
• Provide post-event photos and updates on how to access event content
• Re-direct interested visitors to community elements
–Deliver full webcast or specific seminars through installed widgets
–Promotion through a banner ad that is interactive, engaging and shareable
–Effective way of driving traffic back to the event website which can also be extended to
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Best Practice: Widgets

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Best Practice: Widgets

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Measurement for
Social Media


“ Given the rapid change of pace on the

Internet and the rapid increase in deployment
of technologies that break the Web 1.0
measurement paradigm, now more than ever
marketers, advertisers, and business owners
need to explore more robust measures
of success that can be applied to their online
investments. As the use of novel technology
continues and the level of sophistication
increases, the simple measures that “
have served well for so long begin to
increasingly fail, leaving companies
making decisions in a data vacuum.
-Eric T. Peterson
Web Analytics Demystified

Visitor Engagement calculation

Web Analytics Dymstified and
Mr, Carrabis, Nextstage Global
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It’s all about

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Cisco Confidential 87
Examples of Engagement
• I was visiting the site three to five times a week, sometimes more
• My average visit to Event main page was roughly 15 to 20 clicks deep
• My average visit duration to the event site was roughly 15 minutes long
• I played with the asynchronous game 15 times a week
• I subscribed to the Twitter channel and tweet often
• I received the RSS feed from the event blog
• I wrote a blog post about the upcoming event
• I voted on the look and feel of the tradshow booth
• I asked questions to others during the event
• I used the event tag on my pictures and videos
• I embedded the event widget on my Facebook page
• I filled out the online survey

Derivative of WebAnalysticsDemystified
Meaning of Engagment online
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Maturity of Web Metrics
Evolution of Web Technology / Measure of Effectiveness of web efforts
On page On page On page Off page

HITS Page View Visitor Engagement


In the early stages stage of Currently the industry standard Elements possible included into Visitor Engagement:
Web Analytics, Hits used to metric that dictates how • Depth of visit
be the key metric tracked properties are valued and how • Recency of Visits
online media is bought or sold. • Brand Awareness
• Hits will count all the • Social Media Engagement
individual requests (from • Not capable of measuring the • Subscriptions (RSS)
loading of images, CSS to overall user experience • Responses (comments, tweets)
JavaScript) and report them
separately • Ajax, flash, RSS,widgets, videos
render it impossible to measure
• Inaccurate as a with Page Views Possible Visitor Possible Visitor
representation of visitors Engagement On page Engagement off page
interaction with the page. • Nielsen/NetRatings has dropped it could be measured via: could be measure via:
from their primary metric view.
• Clicks on a link • Measure the impact of a
• interaction with widget feed delivered
embedded applications elsewhere
• Time spent on site • Measure the reach of
"Ajax shatters the metaphor of a web 'page' upon which much of
• Frequency of visit videos being
web publishing and advertising is based."
• Invested UGC embedded/played
--Fredric Paul via paidcontent, TechWeb
• Subscription to Blog or elsewhere
"It's a little surprising, but our position was, we didn't quite know
where page views and all these technologies were going to go,"
-Scott Ross, Nielsen NetView Internet audience measurement tool

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Visitor Engagement Formula

Visitor Engagement calculation

Web Analytics Dymstified and
Mr, Carrabis, Nextstage Global
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Social Media For Events

“I” Inauguration
 Use the hashtag #inaug09 on all of your tweets.
 Jump in with CNN via their Facebook partnership.
 Contribute to NPR's coverage of the event at their"Inauguration Hub". (
– Download the iPhone app (or Google Phone)
– Send a text message to 66937. Begin the message with the phrase #inaug09 or #dctrip09.
You can include a ZIP code or one of the location tags in the sidebar.
 Follow along on NPRs Widget
 Follow PBS's NewsHour Twitter updates here.
 While not strickly social, they also have a handy inauguration map here. (
 Upload your photos and Microsoft will combine them them into a 3D panoramic
CNN/Microsoft 3D Photosynth :
 Enter a video contest sponsored by Memelabs that will let people share where they were on
this historic day. —Where Were You? :
 Twitter while watching at CurrentTV

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“I” Inauguration
Where To Watch “live stream”
 —Hulu : Will be streaming live, will also be using Hulu’s stream.
—C-Span : Washington D.C.’s video standby will have four live feeds to choose from.
— : Partnering with Facebook so you can see your friends’ status updates while
—Current TV : Will add a Twitterstream to its coverage.
— : This stream will also be available on your iPhone, great for those along the
parade route too far away to see the main stage.
— Joost is also broadcasting the inauguration live.
—Obama Girl is streaming her coverage on Stickam.

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How is Social Media Changing Events?

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The Journey

Event website Event website Event website

Audience Recruitment/Buzz E-mail/MobileCommunication Post-Event
Registration/Housing Onsite Registration/Housing
On-demand Content
Content Development/Selection Content Access
Networking Networking
Blogs Blogs
Sponsor & Partner Marketing
Sponsor & Partner Marketing Sponsor & Partner Marketing
Community Community
Monitoring Surveys
Mobile Marketing
Lead Management
Mobile Marketing Mashup


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1. Sent out Social Media 1. Conversations 1. Share everything

Press release 1. Twitter 2. Post video of what
2. Create or leverage a 2. TXT messaging was missed
social network 3. Social Networking 3. Continue to social
3. Setup mobile alerts & 2. Event Capture network
reminders 1. Blogs 4. Follow the
4. Define social media tags 2. Live Streaming conversation and take
for flickr, twitter etc.. 3. Post-seminar note
(#Cisco08) speaker interviews 5. Add crowdsourcing to
5. Make Event widget 4. Online add or replace post-
available to all Communities event surveys
6. Make available pre-event 5. Text to screen 6. Aggregate and
videos/podcasts/pictures vote/survey promote content
to enroll and engage. 3. Event Mgmt 7. Extend to communities
7. Promote through RSS, 1. SMS alerts / and social networks
Blogs, social bookmarking reminders 8. Use content to
and other social media 2. Mobile WAP promote next event
8. Encourage Pre-event
posting and sharing of

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Nokia Open Lab

WIKI Facebook

FLICKr Second Life

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UK Government

Apply same format

for Cisco execs to

reply to audience

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Events 2.0:

The “Must Know” Social Media Apps

 Blogs
 Flickr
 YouTube
 Facebook
 Twitter

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Tweet / following / followers / update
 Social Networking / microblogging service
 For staying in touch and keeping up with friends, colleagues, and
 Users send and reader other’s updates (tweets)
 “Following” those that you want to hear from
 Send tweets to your network or to one individual
 As of October 2008, Twitter claimes to have over 3.2m accounts
 Access it on phone, blackberry, browser, or web application

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Bob and Betty both Follow each other

Network of Followers

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Bob and Betty both Follow each other

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Power is in the network of followers

Their Followers

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Power is in the network of followers

Their Followers

Break Outside of the “4 walls”

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My Twitter Home Page

Enter tweet


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My Twitter Home Page


Other Data
• # replies
• Direct messages
• Pictures

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Dell on Twitter

• Dell Offers on Twitter

• Dell Community Sites on Twitter

• Dell Asia Pacific Promotions on

• Dell News on Twitter

• Dell English Blogs on Twitter

• Dell International Blogs on Twitter

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Tweet / following / followers / update
 Social Networking / microblogging service
 For staying in touch and keeping up with friends, colleagues, and
 Users send and reader other’s updates (tweets)
 “Following” those that you want to hear from
 Send tweets to your network or to one individual
 As of October 2008, Twitter claims to have over 3.2m accounts
 Access it on phone, blackberry, browser, or web application

Pre During Post

Create a micro blogging community to get Check the site consistently to find out in Aggregate all comments posted and
the audience excited and prepared to post real time what the users are saying about further analyze to better understand
comments throughout the event the event the overall audience view of the event
Also look at other micro-blogging sites
around the event to understand what is top
of mind for this audience

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Cisco ASR Launch: Up to the Launch Event
Uber User Microsite
• Collect registrations to launch
• Link to videos on YouTube
• Encourage sharing 7,000/128
• Build Community
• Community message of FUN
• Drive audience to register for

Second Life
• Extend visibility
• Appeal to technical Audience
• Drive audience to register for

You Tube Channel

• Build Awareness
• Drive sharing and community
• Drive audience to register for
Cisco Blog
• Intrigue bloggers & customers
• Encourage Viral Pick-up
• Drive audience to register for
Technical Community
• Seed Forum with topics
• Encourage Communication
FY’07 Campaign Plan
• Interact with Customers
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Recommended Readings


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Walk Aways

1. a clear understanding of the difference between Web

2.0 and Social Media
2. a foundational understanding of how the social web
plays a now critical role in events throughout both the
lifecycle of a customer as well as the lifecycle of an
3. an understanding of Web 2.0 enabled technologies and
strategies and how these can be applied in the staging
of an event experience.
4. Some best practices for implementing social media
strategies into events

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Photo Credits

Original pic by


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BLOGS / Blogger / Blogging / Post / Comment
 Short for Web Log, coined in 1999
 Been around since the beginning of the internet
 Type of website journal
 Entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse
chronological order.
 Typically conversational style and authentic
 Fake blogs are called Flogs

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FY’07 Campaign Plan

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BLOGS / Blogger / Blogging / Posts
 Short for Web Log, coined in 1999
 Been around since the beginning of the internet
 Type of website journal
 Entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse
chronological order.
 Typically conversational style and authentic
 Fake blogs are called Flogs

Pre During Post

Create an event specific blog to provide Continue to update blog during Update blog with post-event
content valuable to event attendees. the event to keep the audience thoughts and think about how to
Leverage an existing blog current. create new conversations with
Link and point to other event the audience from comments
Enroll influential bloggers to support the posted
awareness effort related materials and “places”
Use to bridge between events
or related interest

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Photostream / Tags
 Online photo management and sharing
 Your “box of photos” online
 Upload, View, Share, Organize photos
 Label or “tag” your photos for easy access

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FY’07 Campaign Plan
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FY’07 Campaign Plan

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Photostream / Tags
 Online photo management and sharing
 Your “box of photos” online
 Upload, View, Share, Organize photos
 Label or “tag” your photos for easy access

Pre During Post

Check to see if there are existing Cisco Create Event tags so that all event related Post after event pictures and allow
created groups around the event to join or photos are tagged users to leave comments
create a area to share pictures Provide a links back to the blog, website, Comment on photos and participate
Promote Photstream from Blog videos, etc. in the group discussions
Encourage attendees to upload their own
Post event pictures in this area

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 Video Sharing website
 Upload, view, and share video clips.
 Label or “tag” your videos for easy access

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 Video Sharing website
 Upload, view, and share video clips.
 Label or “tag” your videos for easy access

Pre During Post

Generate excitement by posting a video Create videos during the event Provide easy access to download
relevant to the event whether creating buzz (interviews, behind the scenes) and share all videos posted from the
around a demo, launch, or speaking session Encourage attendees to upload their own event.
at the event photos with event tags Do Post-event interviews
Include the video link on other event
marketing communications (direct mail, email,

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Walls / Poke / Stats /applications
 Social Networking site
 Harvard / Ivy League / any school / Anyone 13>
 Connect with friends, co-workers, and others with similar interests
 Lot of privacy controls
 Germany=StudiVZalso, euopean: skyrock network, Japan=Mixi.
Russia = Badoo

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• Orkut leads in the Indian subcontinent, as well as Brazil;
• Facebook is stronger, internationally, than Myspace, with surprising strongholds in the
Middle East;
• is the most international of all the social networks, leading in Peru, Colombia,
Central America, and other, scattered countries such as Mongolia, Romania, and Tunisia;
• both Bebo and Skyblog follow colonial patterns, the first strong in smaller English-speaking
countries such as Ireland and New Zealand, and the latter in Francophone countries;
• and Friendster, the original social network, leads all across Southeast Asia.
• Fotolog, a photo service defeated in the US by Friendster, has re-emerged as the dominant social
network in Argentina and Chile.

World Map of Social Networks

Oct 2008
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FY’07 Campaign Plan
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FY’07 Campaign Plan
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FY’07 Campaign Plan
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Walls / Poke / Stats /applications
 Social Networking site
 Harvard / Ivy League / any School / Anyone 13>
 Connect with friends, co-workers, and others with similar interests
 Lot of privacy controls
 Germany=StudiVZalso, euopean: skyrock network, Japan=Mixi.
Russia = Badoo,

Pre During Post

Consider participating in an existing social Leverage social network to share Before removing the social network
network or creating one to allow networking information during the event provided it was created specifically for
opportunities for the audience this event, make sure to include links
–Note that if a social network is within to direct users to other Cisco
created specifically for this event, it areas to continue the conversation
may need to be removed after the and find out more information
event is completed

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Corporate Control is a Myth
“You can’t take something off of the Internet. That’s like
trying to take pee out of a swimming pool.”
Joe Ragan, Newsradio
As quoted in “Groundswell” by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff

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Top markets relying on “recommendations from consumers”

Nielsen “trust in advertising” report, October 2007

47 markets:Eu 26,486 web users 145
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