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--BBC - Aboi~t the BBC - Breach of programme guidelines PaLe 1 of 2

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About the BBC

Purpose & values
How the BBC
is run
Plans, policies &
Breaches of editorial
Annual report standards
Licence 'ee
The Programme Complaints Unit (PCU", deals
BE31' charneis with serious editorial cornolamts about all
Business services publiciy funded BBC services
Site index
If you -are in the UK your complaint must oe
about a specific breach of BBC Producers'
Guidelines If vou are outsice the UK the PCU
can only investigate if you believe you have beer,
unfa,rly treated or your privacy infringed

If you have a ccmp~amt about a commercial BBC

serv~ce please write to
, -1 1

The Chief Executive

BBC Worldwide
LIKe ',his page-,
I '- - ,, ,~q~ , 8C Wood Lane
Loncor 'All 2 OTT

How to contact the Programme Complaints

Please see iproouce's' Guidelines to cneck if
there is reason to believe BBC editorial
ou~oehnes have been broken If so and it
involves 2 Djbfic)v funded BBC service, piease
write to

Head of Programme Complaints

BBC Broadcasting House
London W1 A I AA

or use our

miolaints Unit ~orrri

If you disagree wit,!n the PCU's findings you may

appeal to the BBC Governors You can read
more about the handling of complaints, quarterly
findings and appeals to BBC Governors, in
Plans, policies & reports

Broadcasting Standards Commission ~_l


http 8w,,N-w bbc co.ul~/'lnfo/~~contactusi'Serious.s4tn-iI

BBC - About the BBC - Breach of proararritne guidelines Paae 2 of 2

You may also wisn to contact the Broadcasting

Standards Commission It is an independent
statutory body which considers and adjudicates
Complaints 21)OUt al~ broadcasting in the UK The
BSC considers complaints about unfair
t,eatment, infringement of privacy, the portrayal
o" violence, sex and matters of taste anc

To complain to the BSC write to:

The Sanctuary
Lonoon SWI P 3JS

Telephone 020-7233-05/4

NE; The 313C i~ not resDorsibie for '~e ~onten* oT ror-EB~ is,te-

BBCi links
I ~~' W-'7c 3
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httP//W",w bbc co-ul-Anfo/contactus"setious shtmi 2 1 1/0 S/2003

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