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Andrew Gilligan's pieces on the WMD Dossier story between 29 May 2003 and 5 June


Thursday 29 May

Radio 4 Today Programme

1 . 6 .07am: Two way interview with John Humphrys

2. 7.OOam: News Bulletin

3 7 .32am Two way interview with John Humphrys

Radio 5 Live

4. 5 .OOam : News Bulletin

5. 7.OOam: News Bulletin

6. 7.50am: Two way interview

Radio 2

7. 5 .OOam. News Bulletin

- 8 . 9 .OOam: News Bulletin

9 . 12-2pm Jeremy Vine interview

Good Morning Scotland

10. News Bulletin

Saturday 31 May

Today Programme

11 . 7 33am: Andrew Gilligan Essay

Wednesday 4 June

Today Programme

12. 6.32am~ Interview between Andrew Gilligan and John Humphrys (and Norman

13 . 8 .10am~ Brief interview between Andrew Gilligan and John Humphrys

BBC/ (06 /0001

Radio 5 Live

14. 7.07am: Interview with Andrew Gilligan

15. 8 .05am: Extract from Interview with Andrew Gilligan

16. 5 .35pm . Interview with Andrew Gilligan

17. 6.05pm : Extract from Andrew Gilligan's interview

News 24

18. 9 .22am: Telephone interview with Andrew Gilligan

World at One

19. 1 05pm : Brief interview with Andrew Gilligan

Thursday 5 June


20 . 7 09am : 2 way interview with Andrew Gilligan

Andrew Gilligan's reports on the mobile trailers story on the Today programme on 2

21 . Two interviews with Andrew Glligan plus Andrew Gilligan news report .

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