Honors Algebra Schedule and Assignments

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Honors Algebra

Schedule and Assignments

08.11 Overview of class.
3 x 5 card:
2 words that describe yourself
What do you see yourself doing when you are 25.
2 truths and 1 lie.

08.12 Pre-Algebra review.

Song to sing when you are late to class.
Go to page 28 in Pre-Algebra workbook for anything you do not understand.

08.13 Pre-Algebra review.

Go to page 53 in Pre-Algebra workbook for anything you do not understand.


08.16 Pre-Algebra review.

- none -

08.17 Pre-Algebra review.

Go to page 63 in Pre-Algebra workbook for anything you do not understand.

08.18 Pre-Algebra review.

- none -

08.19 Pre-Algebra review.

6x – 2(4x – 7) = 10 + 6(3x – 7) x = 23/10
0.003x – 0.7 = 0.2(4x + 5) x = 1700/797
4x – 5(2x + 7) + 10 = 3 – 6(3x – 4) + 10x – 1 x = 51/2

08.20 Test – Pre-Algebra, On pages 1 – 48.

Honors Algebra
Schedule and Assignments
08.23 Speaker.
What is the right thing to do in this class?

08.24 Correct Test 0

08.25 Pre-Algebra review.

0-2 worksheet

08.26 Go over Test 0, Pre-Algebra review.

0-3 worksheet

08.27 Pre-Algebra review.

Solve last problem on 0-3 worksheet two different ways.


08.30 Linear Equations

- none -

08.31 1-6, Translation

p24 1-17, 4th
2/3 – 4(5x – 1) = 1/2(2x + 2) +1/3x

09.01 1-7, Comparisons and Equations

p28 1-17, 4th

09.02 1-7, Comparisons and Equations

p28 3-17, 4th
p41 odd

09.03 Test 1 – Pre-Algebra, Linear Equation, Comparisons and Equations

Honors Algebra
Schedule and Assignments
09.07 Chapter 2: Properties, Word Problems
List all the properties in Ch. 2

09.08 Chapter 2: Correct Test 1

- none -

09.09 Chapter 2: Word Problems

2-3 p57 odd

09.10 Go over Test 1, 2-4/5

2-4 p62 odd
2-5 p68, 41-65 4th


09.13 2-5/6/8/9 Any Questions?

Look over p. 68, 72, 81, 85, write down any question to go over in class.
p 89 odd

09.14 2-r Any Questions?

p91 odd
p92 odd

09.15 2-7 Consecutive numbers

p 77 odd

09.16 3-

09.17 Test

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