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GEOS 101 Environmental Geology

Site Assessment Grading Worksheet Spring 2010

Group members:

__________________________ __________________________

__________________________ __________________________

Item Points available Points

Site Proposal/Abstract (10 pts total) 10
Introduction (24 pts total)
Description of project and reason for project in 12
proposed area.
Exact location of project 6
Description of current and future access to site. 6
Known and Potential Hazards (36 pts total)
Geologic Hazards…list 6 relative importance... 6
...and proposing potential solutions. 6
Pollution Hazards…list 6 relative importance... 6
...and proposing potential solutions. 6
Resources ( 30 pts total)
Discussion of water resources available at site. 10
Discussion of sewage waste disposal for site 10
Economic potential of other geologic resources on 10
Environmental Assessment (30 pts total)
Long and short term effects on air, water and soil 15
Long and short term effects on wildlife/ecology 15
Recommendations (25 pts total)
Choose and defend one of the following: 25
1. We recommend that this project be
built/completed at the proposed site
2. We recommend that, with modifications,
the project be built/completed at the
proposed site.
3. We do not recommend that the project be
built/completed at this site.
References Cited (20 pts total)
Bibliography/Reference page included and 10
In-text citations of references included 10
Group Evaluation (25 pts total) 25
Sub-total 200
Extra Credit for Writing Center Effort +Up to 15 points
Points DEDUCTED for grammar, punctuation, -Up to 10 pts
and spelling errors.
Total points earned

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